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Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO, EC is a non-heme mononuclear iron enzyme that oxidizes cysteine to cysteinesulfinate. CDO catalyzes the first step in the pathway of taurine synthesis from cysteine as well as the first step in the catabolism of cysteine to pyruvate and sulfate. Previous attempts to purify CDO have been associated with partial or total inactivation of CDO. In an effort to obtain highly purified and active CDO, recombinant rat CDO was heterologously expressed and purified, and its activity profile was characterized. The protein was expressed as a fusion protein bearing a polyhistidine tag to facilitate purification, a thioredoxin tag to improve solubility, and a factor Xa cleavage site to permit removal of the entire N-terminus, leaving only the 200 amino acids inherent to the native protein. A multi-step purification scheme was used to achieve >95% purity of CDO. The approximately 40.3 kDa full-length fusion protein was purified to homogeneity using a three-column scheme, the fusion tag was then removed by digestion with factor Xa, and a final column step was used to purify homogeneous approximately 23 kDa CDO. The purified CDO had high specific activity and kinetic parameters that were similar to those for non-purified rat liver homogenate, including a Vmax of approximately 1880 nmol min-1 mg-1 CDO (kcat=43 min-1) and a Km of 0.45 mM for L-cysteine. The expression and purification of CDO in a stable, highly active form has yielded significant insight into the kinetic properties of this unique thiol dioxygenase.  相似文献   

Hepatic cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) activity is a critical regulator of cellular cysteine concentration and availability of cysteine for anabolic processes and is markedly higher in animals fed diets containing excess sulfur amino acids compared with those fed levels at or below the requirement. Rat hepatocytes responded to a deficiency or excess of cysteine in the culture medium with a decrease or increase in CDO level but no change in CDO mRNA level. The cysteine analog, cysteamine, but not cysteine metabolites or thiol reagents, was also effective in increasing CDO. Inhibitors of the 26S proteasome blocked CDO degradation in cysteine-deficient cells but had little or no effect on CDO concentration in hepatocytes cultured with excess cysteine. High-molecular-mass CDO-ubiquitin conjugates were observed in cells cultured in cysteine-deficient medium, whether or not proteasome inhibitor was present, but these CDO-ubiquitin conjugates were not observed in cells cultured in cysteine-supplemented medium with or without proteasome inhibitor. Similar results were observed for degradation of recombinant CDO expressed in human heptocarcinoma cells cultured in cysteine-deficient or cysteine-supplemented medium. CDO is an example of a mammalian enzyme that is robustly regulated via its substrate, with the presence of substrate blocking the ubiquitination of CDO and, hence, the targeting of CDO for proteasomal degradation. This regulation occurs in primary hepatocytes in a manner that corresponds with changes observed in intact animals.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocytes cultured for 3 days in basal medium expressed low levels of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) and high levels of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS). When the medium was supplemented with 2 mmol/l methionine or cysteine, CDO activity and CDO protein increased by >10-fold and CDO mRNA increased by 1.5- or 3.2-fold. In contrast, GCS activity decreased to 51 or 29% of basal, GCS heavy subunit (GCS-HS) protein decreased to 89 or 58% of basal, and GCS mRNA decreased to 79 or 37% of basal for methionine or cysteine supplementation, respectively. Supplementation with cysteine consistently yielded responses of greater magnitude than did supplementation with an equimolar amount of methionine. Addition of propargylglycine to inhibit cystathionine gamma-lyase activity and, hence, cysteine formation from methionine prevented the effects of methionine, but not those of cysteine, on CDO and GCS expression. Addition of buthionine sulfoximine to inhibit GCS, and thus block glutathione synthesis from cysteine, did not alter the ability of methionine or cysteine to increase CDO. GSH concentration was not correlated with changes in either CDO or GCS-HS expression. The effectiveness of cysteine was equivalent to or greater than that of its precursors (S-adenosylmethionine, cystathionine, homocysteine) or metabolites (taurine, sulfate). Taken together, these results suggest that cysteine itself is an important cellular signal for upregulation of CDO and downregulation of GCS.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA for rat liver cysteine dioxygenase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cysteine dioxygenase is a key enzyme of cysteine metabolism in mammals. The cDNA clones for rat liver cysteine dioxygenase were isolated by immunological screening and plaque hybridization from a rat liver cDNA library. The longest clone contained an insert of 1458 bp and encoded a polypeptide of 200 amino acids. The clone included the corresponding nucleotide sequence to amino acid sequences obtained from four lysyl endopeptidase-digested fragments of purified rat liver cysteine dioxygenase. The calculated molecular weight of rat liver cysteine dioxygenase was 23,025. Northern blot analysis revealed a single cysteine dioxygenase mRNA species of about 1.7 kb. A computer homology search indicated that this protein showed no homology with any known protein.  相似文献   

Summary. Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) plays a critical role in the regulation of cellular cysteine concentration. Because multiple forms of CDO (23kDa, 25kDa, and 68kDa) have been claimed based upon separation and detection using SDS-PAGE/western blotting (with antibodies demonstrated to immunoprecipitate CDO), we further investigated the possibility of more than one CDO isoform. Using either rabbit antibody raised against purified rat liver CDO or against purified recombinant his6-tagged CDO (r-his6-CDO) and using 15% (wt/vol) polyacrylamide for the SDS-PAGE, we consistently detected the 25kDa band, but never detected a 68kDa band, in rat liver, kidney, lung and brain. Nondenatured gel electrophoresis of r-his6-CDO yielded a molecular mass estimate of 25.7kDa and no evidence of dimerization. Mass spectrometry of r-his6-CDO yielded two peaks with molecular masses of 24.1kDa and 24.3kDa. Anion-exchange FPLC of r-his6-CDO also gave two peaks, with the first containing CDO that was 7.5-times as active as the more anionic form that eluted second. When the two peaks recovered from FPLC were run on SDS/PAGE, the first (more active) CDO fraction yielded two bands (perhaps as an artifact of SDS/PAGE), whereas the second (less active) CDO fraction yielded only the 23kDa band. We conclude that the physiologically active form of CDO is the 25kDa (i.e., 23.5kDa based on mass spectrometry) monomer and that this active form is probably derived by post-translational modification of the 23kDa gene product.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a non-heme mononuclear iron enzyme with unique structural features, namely an intramolecular thioether cross-link between cysteine 93 and tyrosine 157, and a disulfide bond between substrate l-cysteine and cysteine 164 in the entrance channel to the active site. We investigated how these posttranslational modifications affect catalysis through a kinetic, crystallographic and computational study. The enzyme kinetics of a C164S variant are identical to WT, indicating that disulfide formation at C164 does not significantly impair access to the active site at physiological pH. However, at high pH, the cysteine–tyrosine cross-link formation is enhanced in C164S. This supports the view that disulfide formation at position 164 can limit access to the active site. The C164S variant yielded crystal structures of unusual clarity in both resting state and with cysteine bound. Both show that the iron in the cysteine-bound complex is a mixture of penta- and hexa-coordinate with a water molecule taking up the final site (60 % occupancy), which is where dioxygen is believed to coordinate during turnover. The serine also displays stronger hydrogen bond interactions to a water bound to the amine of the substrate cysteine. However, the interactions between cysteine and iron appear unchanged. DFT calculations support this and show that WT and C164S have similar binding energies for the water molecule in the final site. This variant therefore provides evidence that WT also exists in an equilibrium between penta- and hexa-coordinate forms and the presence of the sixth ligand does not strongly affect dioxygen binding.  相似文献   

The first major step of cysteine catabolism, the oxidation of cysteine to cysteine sulfinic acid, is catalyzed by cysteine dioxygenase (CDO). In the present work, we utilize recombinant rat liver CDO and cysteine derivatives to elucidate structural parameters involved in substrate recognition and x-ray absorption spectroscopy to probe the interaction of the active site iron center with cysteine. Kinetic studies using cysteine structural analogs show that most are inhibitors and that a terminal functional group bearing a negative charge (e.g. a carboxylate) is required for binding. The substrate-binding site has no stringent restrictions with respect to the size of the amino acid. Lack of the amino or carboxyl groups at the alpha-carbon does not prevent the molecules from interacting with the active site. In fact, cysteamine is shown to be a potent activator of the enzyme without being a substrate. CDO was also rendered inactive upon complexation with the metal-binding inhibitors azide and cyanide. Unlike many non-heme iron dioxygenases that employ alpha-keto acids as cofactors, CDO was shown to be the only dioxygenase known to be inhibited by alpha-ketoglutarate.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a mononuclear iron-dependent enzyme responsible for the oxidation of cysteine with molecular oxygen to form cysteine sulfinate. This reaction commits cysteine to either catabolism to sulfate and pyruvate or the taurine biosynthetic pathway. Cysteine dioxygenase is a member of the cupin superfamily of proteins. The crystal structure of recombinant rat cysteine dioxygenase has been determined to 1.5-A resolution, and these results confirm the canonical cupin beta-sandwich fold and the rare cysteinyltyrosine intramolecular cross-link (between Cys(93) and Tyr(157)) seen in the recently reported murine cysteine dioxygenase structure. In contrast to the catalytically inactive mononuclear Ni(II) metallocenter present in the murine structure, crystallization of a catalytically competent preparation of rat cysteine dioxygenase revealed a novel tetrahedrally coordinated mononuclear iron center involving three histidines (His(86), His(88), and His(140)) and a water molecule. Attempts to acquire a structure with bound ligand using either cocrystallization or soaking crystals with cysteine revealed the formation of a mixed disulfide involving Cys(164) near the active site, which may explain previously observed substrate inhibition. This work provides a framework for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in thiol dioxygenation and sets the stage for exploration of the chemistry of both the novel mononuclear iron center and the catalytic role of the cysteinyl-tyrosine linkage.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) catalyzes the conversion of cysteine to cysteinesulfinic acid and is important in the regulation of intracellular cysteine levels in mammals and in the provision of oxidized cysteine metabolites such as sulfate and taurine. Several crystal structure studies of mammalian CDO have shown that there is a cross-linked cofactor present in the active site of the enzyme. The cofactor consists of a thioether bond between the gamma-sulfur of residue cysteine 93 and the aromatic side chain of residue tyrosine 157. The exact requirements for cofactor synthesis and the contribution of the cofactor to the catalytic activity of the enzyme have yet to be fully described. In this study, therefore, we explored the factors necessary for cofactor biogenesis in vitro and in vivo and examined what effect cofactor formation had on activity in vitro. Like other cross-linked cofactor-containing enzymes, formation of the Cys-Tyr cofactor in CDO required a transition metal cofactor (Fe(2+)) and O(2). Unlike other enzymes, however, biogenesis was also strictly dependent upon the presence of substrate. Cofactor formation was also appreciably slower than the rates reported for other enzymes and, indeed, took hundreds of catalytic turnover cycles to occur. In the absence of the Cys-Tyr cofactor, CDO possessed appreciable catalytic activity, suggesting that the cofactor was not essential for catalysis. Nevertheless, at physiologically relevant cysteine concentrations, cofactor formation increased CDO catalytic efficiency by approximately 10-fold. Overall, the regulation of Cys-Tyr cofactor formation in CDO by ambient cysteine levels represents an unusual form of substrate-mediated feed-forward activation of enzyme activity with important physiological consequences.  相似文献   

Cysteine oxidase (cysteine dioxygenase, EC was purified approximately 1000-fold from rat liver. The purified enzyme (protein-B) was obtained as an inactive form, which was activated by anaerobic preincubation with L-cysteine. The active form of protein-B was inactivated during aerobic incubation to produce cysteine sulfinate. This inactivation of protein-B was protected by a distinct protein in rat liver cytoplasm, namely stabilizing protein (protein-A). The Ka and Km values for L-cysteine were 0.8-10(-3) M and 1.3-10(-3) M respectively. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by Cu+ and/or Fe2+ chelating agents but not by Cu2+ chelating agent. The optimum pH of enzyme reaction was 8.5-9.5 while that of enzyme activation was 6.8-9.5, with a broad peak.  相似文献   

Two hepatic enzymes, cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), play important regulatory roles in the response of cysteine metabolism to changes in dietary sulfur amino acid or protein levels. To examine the time-course of changes in CDO and GCS activities, CDO and GCS-catalytic or heavy subunit protein and mRNA levels, and cysteine and glutathione levels, we adapted rats to either a low protein (LP) or high protein (HP) diet, switched them to the opposite diet, and followed these parameters over 6 days. Hepatic CDO activity and amount, but not mRNA level, increased in response to higher protein intake; the t(1/2) of change for CDO activity or protein level was 22 h for rats switched from a LP to a HP diet and 8 h for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet, suggesting that the HP diet decreased turnover of CDO. Hepatic GCS activity, catalytic subunit amount and mRNA level decreased in response to a higher protein intake. GCS catalytic subunit level changed with a similar t(1/2) for both groups, but the change in GCS activity in rats switched from a LP diet to a HP diet was faster (approximately 16h) than for rats switched from a HP to a LP diet (approximately 74h). Hepatic cysteine and glutathione levels reached new steady states within 12 h (LP to HP) or 24 h (HP to LP). CDO activity appeared to be regulated at the level of protein, probably by diminished turnover of CDO in response to higher protein intake or cysteine level, whereas GCS activity appeared to be regulated both at the level of mRNA and activity state in response to the change in cysteine or protein availability. These findings support a role of cysteine concentration as a mediator of its own metabolism, favoring catabolism when cysteine is high and glutathione synthesis when cysteine is low.  相似文献   

Recent crystal structures of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) suggest the presence of two posttranslational modifications adjacent to the catalytic iron center: a thioether cross-link between Cys93 and Tyr157 and extra electron density at Cys164 which was variously explained as cystine or cysteine sulfinic acid. Purification of recombinant rat CDO yields “mature” and “immature” forms with distinct electrophoretic mobilities. We have positively identified and characterized the two modifications in the products of three sequential proteolytic digestions using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The cross-link is unique to the mature form and was identified in an ion of m/z 3,225.403, consistent with a Tyr-Cys cross-link of peptides Gly80-Phe94 with His155-Phe167. The cross-link is liable to cleavage by in-source decay and the resulting separate peptides were sequenced by collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry. Mass-spectrometric analysis of these same and overlapping peptides in the presence or absence of reductants and alkylating agents identified the second modification to be a cystine formed between Cys164 and exogenous cysteine as proposed earlier. Both modifications have been shown to form in the presence of high levels of cysteine and iron. This and the presence of small amounts of an apparently off-pathway cystine at position Cys93 suggest that although these conditions promote CDO maturation, they may actually arise via nonenzymatic, nonphysiological processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinase (CP) activity and CP5 mRNA levels were analyzed in eleven samples of Entamoeba histolytica isolated from patients presenting different clinical profiles. The virulence degree of the isolates, determined in hamster liver, correlated well with the clinical form of the patient and culture conditions. CP5 mRNA levels were also determined in sample freshly picked up directly from liver amoebic abscess. Differences were not observed in the levels of CP5 mRNA and CP specific activity among the cultured samples. However, different levels of CP5 mRNA were observed in trophozoite freshly isolated from hepatic amoebic lesions. These results reinforce the importance of CP5 for the virulence of amoebae and the need for studies with the parasite present in lesions to validate mechanisms involved in pathogenesis of amoebiasis.  相似文献   

Death associated protein kinase (DAPK) is a large, multi-domain ser/thr kinase whose activities converge upon multiple signaling pathways that regulate autophagy, caspase-dependent cell death, cell adhesion and migration. The cellular levels of DAPK are post-translationally regulated by the combined activities of two degradation systems, including the ubiquitin proteasome and an extra-lysosomal proteolysis pathway. At least three distinct E3 ubiquitin ligases target DAPK, including mindbomb1, the chaperone dependent ligase, CHIP (carboxy terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein) and a cullin RING ligase complex, KLHL20-Cul3-RBX1. In addition, it appears that the cellular levels of DAPK are also regulated by an extra-lysosomal protease, cathepsin B. While protein quality control and recycling clearly benefit cells by removal of misfolded or toxic proteins and recycling of their components, the finding that multiple surveillance systems target DAPK suggests that these protein degradation systems also act to fine tune DAPK expression levels in response to specific signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Cysteine cathepsins: cellular roadmap to different functions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Brix K  Dunkhorst A  Mayer K  Jordans S 《Biochimie》2008,90(2):194-207
Cysteine cathepsins belong to the papain-like family C1 of clan CA cysteine peptidases. These enzymes are ubiquitously expressed and exert their proteolytic activity mainly, but not exclusively within the compartments along the endocytic pathway. Moreover, cysteine cathepsins are active in pericellular environments as soluble enzymes or bound to cell surface receptors at the plasma membrane, and possibly even within secretory vesicles, the cytosol, mitochondria, and within the nuclei of eukaryotic cells. Proteolytic actions performed by cysteine cathepsins are essential in the maintenance of homeostasis and depend heavily upon their correct sorting and trafficking within cells. As a consequence, the numerous and diverse approaches to identification, qualitative and quantitative determination, and visualization of cysteine cathepsin functions in vitro, in situ, and in vivo cover the entire spectrum of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology. This review focuses upon the transport pathways directing cysteine cathepsins to their points of action and thus emphasizes the broader role and functionality of cysteine cathepsins in a number of specific cellular locales. Such understanding will provide a foundation for future research investigating the involvement of these peptidases with their substrates, inhibitors, and the intertwined proteolytic networks at the hubs of complex biological systems.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinases of cellular slime moulds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), which synthesizes gamma-glutamyl-cysteine (gamma-GC), is the rate-limiting enzyme in GSH biosynthesis. gamma-GC may be produced by the catalytic subunit GCLC or by the holoenzyme (GCLholo), which comprises GCLC and the modifier subunit GCLM. The Gclm(-/-) knock-out mouse shows tissue levels of GSH that are between 9 and 40% of the Gclm(+/+) wild-type mouse. In the present study, we used recombinant GCLC and GCLM and Gclm(-/-) mice to examine the role of GCLM on gamma-GC synthesis by GCLholo. GCLM decreased the Km for ATP by approximately 6-fold and, similar to other species, decreased the Km for glutamate and increased the Ki for feedback inhibition by GSH. Furthermore, GCLM increased by 4.4-fold the Kcat for gamma-GC synthesis; this difference in catalytic efficiency of GCLholo versus GCLC allowed us to derive a mathematical relationship for gamma-GC production and to determine the relative levels of GCLholo and GCLC; in homogenates of brain, liver, and lung, the ratio of GCLC to GCLholo was 7.0, 2.0, and 3.5, respectively. In kidney, however, the relationship between GCLC and GCLholo was complicated. Kidney contains GCLholo, free GCLC, and free GCLM, and free GCLC in kidney cannot interact with GCLM. Taken together, we conclude that, in most tissues, GCLM is limiting, suggesting that an increase in GCLM alone would increase gamma-GC synthesis. On the other hand, our results from kidney suggest that gamma-GC synthesis may be controlled post-translationally.  相似文献   

The hepatic cysteine dioxygenase activity of rats was markedly decreased by the intraperitoneal administration of glucagon. The enzyme activity was also decreased by either dibutyryl cyclic AMP or theophylline. The prior administration of actinomycin D completely blocked the glucagon-mediated decrease of enzyme activity, while administrations of this inhibitor of protein synthesis after glucagon injection did not block the decrease of enzyme activity. A single administration of actinomycin D resulted in a slight increase of cysteine dioxygenase activity in the rat liver. On the other hand, the injection of cycloheximide resulted in a rapid decrease of the hepatic cysteine dioxygenase with a half-life of 2.5 h. The half-life of the enzyme in rat liver after glucagon administration was one hour. The administration of hydrocortisone or insulin had no effect on the glucagon-mediated decrease of cysteine dioxygenase of rat liver. The enzyme activity of alloxan diabetic rat liver was almost the same as that of the intact rat liver. The evidence obtained here suggests that enhancement of degradation or inactivation of cysteine dioxygenase is responsible for the glucagon-mediated decrease of the enzyme activity in rat liver.  相似文献   

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