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Increases in solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B; 280–320 nm) reaching the earth have been estimated to continue until 2050s in the boreal and subarctic regions with an abundant peatland cover. Peatlands are significant sinks for carbon dioxide (CO2) and sources for methane (CH4). To assess whether the future increases in UV‐B could affect the fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in peatlands via an impact on vegetation, we exposed peatland microcosms to modulated 30% supplementation of erythemally weighted UV‐B at an outdoor facility for one growing season. The experimental design included appropriate controls for UV‐A and ambient radiation. The UV‐B caused a significant reduction in gross photosynthesis, net ecosystem CO2 exchange, and CH4 emission of the peatland microcosms. These changes in the carbon gas cycling can be partly explained by UV‐B‐induced morphological changes in Eriophorum vaginatum which acts as a conduit for CH4. Leaf cross section and the percentage of CH4‐conducting aerenchymatous tissue in E. vaginatum were significantly reduced by UV‐B. Methanol‐extractable UV‐B absorbing compounds decreased under both UV‐B and UV‐A in Sphagnum angustifolium, and tended to accumulate under UV‐B in S. papillosum. Membrane permeability to magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) ions was higher in UV‐B exposed S. angustifolium. Amount of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments was increased by UV‐A in S. magellanicum. The observed changes in Sphagnum mosses did not coincide with those in carbon gas fluxes but occurred at the time of the highest UV intensity in the mid summer. Our findings indicate that increasing UV‐B may have more substantial effects on gas exchange in peatlands than previously thought.  相似文献   

Spectral balance and UV-B sensitivity of soybean: a field experiment   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivar Essex was grown and tested for sensitivity to UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) under different combinations of UV-A (320–400 nm) and PFD (400–700 nm) radiation in four simultaneous field experiments. The radiation conditions were effected with combinations of filtered solar radiation and UV-B and UV-A lamps electronically modulated to track ambient radiation. Significant UV-B-caused decreases in total aboveground production and growth were seen only when PFD and UV-A were reduced to less than half their flux in sunlight. When PFD was low, UV-A appeared to be particularly effective in mitigating UV-B damage. However, when PFD was high, substantial UV-A did not appear to be required for UV-B damage mitigation. Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence did not indicate photosynthetic damage under any radiation combination. With UV-B, leaves in all experiments exhibited increased UV-absorbing pigments and decreased whole-leaf UV transmittance. Results of these field experiments indicate difficulties in extrapolating from UV-B experiments conducted in glasshouse or growth cabinet conditions to plant UV-B sensitivity in the field. Implications for UV radiation weighting functions in evaluating atmospheric ozone reduction are also raised.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands contain up to 25% of the world's soil carbon (C) and have an estimated annual exchange of CO2‐C with the atmosphere of 0.1–0.5 Pg yr−1 and of CH4‐C of 10–25 Tg yr−1. Despite this overall importance to the global C cycle, there have been few, if any, complete multiyear annual C balances for these ecosystems. We report a 6‐year balance computed from continuous net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), regular instantaneous measurements of methane (CH4) emissions, and export of dissolved organic C (DOC) from a northern ombrotrophic bog. From these observations, we have constructed complete seasonal and annual C balances, examined their seasonal and interannual variability, and compared the mean 6‐year contemporary C exchange with the apparent C accumulation for the last 3000 years obtained from C density and age‐depth profiles from two peat cores. The 6‐year mean NEE‐C and CH4‐C exchange, and net DOC loss are −40.2±40.5 (±1 SD), 3.7±0.5, and 14.9±3.1 g m−2 yr−1, giving a 6‐year mean balance of −21.5±39.0 g m−2 yr−1 (where positive exchange is a loss of C from the ecosystem). NEE had the largest magnitude and variability of the components of the C balance, but DOC and CH4 had similar proportional variabilities and their inclusion is essential to resolve the C balance. There are large interseasonal and interannual ranges to the exchanges due to variations in climatic conditions. We estimate from the largest and smallest seasonal exchanges, quasi‐maximum limits of the annual C balance between 50 and −105 g m−2 yr−1. The net C accumulation rate obtained from the two peatland cores for the interval 400–3000 bp (samples from the anoxic layer only) were 21.9±2.8 and 14.0±37.6 g m−2 yr−1, which are not significantly different from the 6‐year mean contemporary exchange.  相似文献   

We assessed whether growth of garden pea (Pisum sativum mutant Argenteum) was reduced under ecologically relevant enhancements of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) by employing modulated field lampbanks which simulated 0, 16 or 24% ozone depiction. In addition, we determined whether enhanced UV-B altered the concentration and distribution of chlorophyll and UV-B-absorbing compounds in leaves, and whether this was dependent on leaf age. There were no significant UV-B effects on the four whole-plant parameters we examined (height, above-ground biomass, total leaflet area or average leaflet area). Of the 12 leaf-level parameters we examined, UV-B had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on only one parameter: the ratio of UV-B-absorbing compounds to chlorophyll, which was greatest at the highest UV-B level. Total chlorophyll concentrations tended to be lower under enhanced UV-B (P= 0.11), while the proportion of UV-B-absorbing compounds in the adaxial epidermis tended to be higher (P= 0.11). Total leaf concentrations of UV-B-absorbing compounds were unaffected by UV-B level. Cooler, suboptimal growing conditions during this late summer/early autumn experiment may have masked some potential UV-B effects. In contrast to the UV-B effects, we found strong leaf-age effects on nearly all parameters that we assessed. On an area basis, concentrations of total chlorophyll and UV-B-absorbing compounds increased with leaf age, while Chlorophyll a/b) ratios decreased. One of the few parameters unaffected by leaf age was the ratio of UV-B-absorbing compounds to total chlorophyll, which remained constant within a given UV-B treatment. Pea was much less sensitive to enhanced UV-B than in previous growth-chamber and greenhouse studies, and in nearly all cases UV-B treatment effects were overshadowed by leaf-age effects. In view of the large effect leaf age had on concentrations of UV-B-absorbing compounds, as well as their distribution within leaves, researchers may need to consider leaf age in UV-B experimental designs.  相似文献   

We studied the factors causing spatial and temporal patterning of interstitial water chemistry in Crystal Bog, a 7 ha northern Wisconsin kettle-hole peatland. Over the course of the snow-free season Crystal Bog exhibited spatial and temporal patterns in chemistry, especially hydrogen-ion, dissolved organic carbon, and specific conductance. The peatland contains a 0.5 ha pond that has water more dilute than the interstitial water of the surrounding peatland. The direction of groundwater flow between the lake and the peatland was seasonally dependent. In the spring and early summer, flow was from the lake into the peatland, especially on the eastern side of the lake. This flow resulted in a plume of relatively dilute surface interstitial water in the peatland. In mid and late summer direction of groundwater flow was from the peatland into the lake and the dilute plume was reduced in areal extent. By fall the direction of water flow was again from the lake to the peatland.The spatial and temporal heterogeneity in water chemistry produced by the seasonal variation in the direction of horizontal water flow was substantial. Minimum and maximum observed concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the interstitial water of the peatland, for example, differed by more than a factor of three, and pH ranged between 3.8 and 5.0. Correlations of DOC with anion deficit and hydrogen ion concentration and experiments of photo-oxidation of water samples showed that organic acids were the primary cause of acidity in the peatland. Specific conductance was highly correlated with DOC, probably because of DOC's correlation with the very conductive hydrogen ion. In Crystal Bog it was possible to use the relatively simple measure of specific conductance to estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of the more difficult to determine DOC.  相似文献   

Stratospheric ozone depletion caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons is most pronounced at high latitudes, especially in the Southern Hemisphere (including the so‐called ‘ozone hole’). The consequent increase in solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B, 280–315 nm) reaching the earth's surface may cause a variety of alterations in terrestrial ecosystems. Most effects might be expected to occur above‐ground since sunlight does not penetrate effectively below‐ground. Here, we demonstrate that solar UV‐B radiation in a fen in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), where the ozone hole passes overhead several times during the Austral spring, is causing large changes of below‐ground processes of this ecosystem. During the third and fourth year of a manipulative field experiment, we investigated root systems in these plots and found that when the ambient solar UV‐B radiation was substantially reduced, there was a 30% increase in summer root length production and as much as a threefold decrease in already low symbiotic mycorrhizal colonization frequency of the roots compared with plots receiving near‐ambient solar UV‐B. There was also an apparent shift toward older age classes of roots under reduced solar UV‐B. Such large changes in root system behaviour may have decided effects on competition and other ecological interactions in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) has gained importance as feedstock for bioenergy over the last decades due to its high productivity for up to 20 years, low input requirements, and potential for carbon sequestration. However, data on the dynamics of CO2 exchange of mature switchgrass stands (>5 years) are limited. The objective of this study was to determine net ecosystem exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (Re), and gross primary production (GPP) for a commercially managed switchgrass field in its sixth (2012) and seventh (2013) year in southern Ontario, Canada, using the eddy covariance method. Average NEE flux over two growing seasons (emergence to harvest) was ?10.4 μmol m?2 s?1 and reached a maximum uptake of ?42.4 μmol m?2 s?1. Total annual NEE was ?380 ± 25 and ?430 ± 30 g C m?2 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. GPP reached ?1354 ± 23 g C m?2 in 2012 and ?1430 ± 50g C m?2 in 2013. Annual Re in 2012 was 974 ± 20 g C m?2 and 1000 ± 35 g C m?2 in 2013. GPP during the dry year of 2012 was significantly lower than that during the normal year of 2013, but yield was significantly higher in 2012 with 1090 g  m?2, compared to 790 g m?2 in 2013. If considering the carbon removed at harvest, the net ecosystem carbon balance came to 106 ± 45 g C  m?2 in 2012, indicating a source of carbon, and to ?59 ± 45 g C m?2 in 2013, indicating a sink of carbon. Our results confirm that switchgrass can switch between being a sink and a source of carbon on an annual basis. More studies are needed which investigate this interannual variability of the carbon budget of mature switchgrass stands.  相似文献   

Carbon balance of different aged Scots pine forests in Southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We estimated annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of a chronosequence of four Scots pine stands in southern Finland during years 2000–2002 using eddy covariance (EC). Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was estimated using growth measurements and modelled mass losses of woody debris. The stands were 4, 12, 40 and 75 years old. The 4‐year‐old clearcut was a source of carbon throughout the year combining a low gross primary productivity (GPP) with a total ecosystem respiration (TER) similar to the forest stands. The annual NEE of the clearcut, measured by EC, was 386 g C m?2. Tree growth was negligible and the estimated NEP was ?262 g C m?2 a?1. The annual GPPs at the other sites were close to each other (928?1072 g C m?2 a?1), but TER differed markedly, being greatest at the 12‐year‐old site (905 g C m?2 a?1) and smallest in the 75‐year‐old stand (616 g C m?2 a?1). Measurements of soil CO2 efflux showed that different rates of soil respiration largely explained the differences in TER. The NEE and NEP of the 12‐year‐old stand were close to zero. The forested stands were sinks of carbon. They had similar annual patterns of carbon exchange and half‐hourly eddy fluxes were highly correlated, indicating similar responses to the environment. The NEE in the 40‐year‐old stand varied between ?179 and –192 g C m?2 a?1, while NEP was between 214 and 242 g C m?2 a?1. The annual NEE of the 75‐year‐old stand was 323 g C m?2 and NEP was 252 g C m?2. This indicates that there was no reduction in carbon sink strength with stand age.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) was measured in a northern temperate grassland near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for three growing seasons using the eddy covariance technique. The study objectives were to document how NEE and its major component processes—gross photosynthesis (GPP) and total ecosystem respiration (TER)—vary seasonally and interannually, and to examine how environmental and physiological factors influence the annual C budget. The greatest difference among the three study years was the amount of precipitation received. The annual precipitation for 1998 (481.7 mm) was significantly above the 1971–2000 mean (± SD, 377.9 ± 97.0 mm) for Lethbridge, whereas 1999 (341.3 mm) was close to average, and 2000 (275.5 mm) was significantly below average. The high precipitation and soil moisture in 1998 allowed a much higher GPP and an extended period of net carbon gain relative to 1999 and 2000. In 1998, the peak NEE was a gain of 5 g C m?2 d?1 (day 173). Peak NEE was lower and also occurred earlier in the year on days 161 (3.2 g C m?2 d?1) and 141 (2.4 g C m?2 d?1) in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Change in soil moisture was the most important ecological factor controlling C gain in this grassland ecosystem. Soil moisture content was positively correlated with leaf area index (LAI). Gross photosynthesis was strongly correlated with changes in both LAI and canopy nitrogen (N) content. Maximum GPP (Amax: value calculated from a rectangular hyperbola fitted to the relationship between GPP and incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)) was 27.5, 12.9 and 8.6 µmol m?2 s?1 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The apparent quantum yield also differed among years at the time of peak photosynthetic activity, with calculated values of 0.0254, 0.018 and 0.018 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 111.9 g C m?2 from the time the eddy covariance measurements were initiated in June 1998 until the end of December 2000, with most of that C gained during 1998. There was a net uptake of almost 21 g C m?2 in 1999, whereas a net loss of 18 g C m?2 was observed in 2000. The net uptake of C during 1999 was the combined result of slightly higher GPP (287.2 vs. 272.3 g C m?2 year?1) and lower TER (266.6 vs. 290.4 g C m?2 year?1) than occurred in 2000.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the fate of carbon in boreal peatland soils in response to climate change because a substantial change in release of this carbon as CO2 and CH4 could influence the climate system. The goal of this research was to synthesize the results of a field water table manipulation experiment conducted in a boreal rich fen into a process‐based model to understand how soil organic carbon (SOC) of the rich fen might respond to projected climate change. This model, the peatland version of the dynamic organic soil Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (peatland DOS‐TEM), was calibrated with data collected during 2005–2011 from the control treatment of a boreal rich fen in the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX). The performance of the model was validated with the experimental data measured from the raised and lowered water‐table treatments of APEX during the same period. The model was then applied to simulate future SOC dynamics of the rich fen control site under various CO2 emission scenarios. The results across these emissions scenarios suggest that the rate of SOC sequestration in the rich fen will increase between year 2012 and 2061 because the effects of warming increase heterotrophic respiration less than they increase carbon inputs via production. However, after 2061, the rate of SOC sequestration will be weakened and, as a result, the rich fen will likely become a carbon source to the atmosphere between 2062 and 2099. During this period, the effects of projected warming increase respiration so that it is greater than carbon inputs via production. Although changes in precipitation alone had relatively little effect on the dynamics of SOC, changes in precipitation did interact with warming to influence SOC dynamics for some climate scenarios.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has resulted in extensive research efforts to understand its impact on terrestrial ecosystems, especially carbon balance. Despite these efforts, there are relatively few data comparing net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the biosphere (NEE), under both ambient and elevated Ca. Here we report data on annual sums of CO2 (NEEnet) for 19 years on a Chesapeake Bay tidal wetland for Scirpus olneyi (C3 photosynthetic pathway)‐ and Spartina patens (C4 photosynthetic pathway)‐dominated high marsh communities exposed to ambient and elevated Ca (ambient + 340 ppm). Our objectives were to (i) quantify effects of elevated Ca on seasonally integrated CO2 assimilation (NEEnet = NEEday + NEEnight, kg C m?2 y?1) for the two communities; and (ii) quantify effects of altered canopy N content on ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration. Across all years, NEEnet averaged 1.9 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 2.5 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca, for the C3‐dominated community. Similarly, elevated Ca significantly (P < 0.01) increased carbon uptake in the C4‐dominated community, as NEEnet averaged 1.5 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 1.7 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca. This resulted in an average CO2 stimulation of 32% and 13% of seasonally integrated NEEnet for the C3‐ and C4‐dominated communities, respectively. Increased NEEday was correlated with increased efficiencies of light and nitrogen use for net carbon assimilation under elevated Ca, while decreased NEEnight was associated with lower canopy nitrogen content. These results suggest that rising Ca may increase carbon assimilation in both C3‐ and C4‐dominated wetland communities. The challenge remains to identify the fate of the assimilated carbon.  相似文献   

The annual carbon (C) budget of grasslands is highly dynamic, dependent on grazing history and on effects of interannual variability (IAV) in climate on carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes. Variability in climatic drivers may directly affect fluxes, but also may indirectly affect fluxes by altering the response of the biota to the environment, an effect termed ‘functional change’. We measured net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) and its diurnal components, daytime ecosystem CO2 exchange (PD) and night‐time respiration (RE), on grazed and ungrazed mixed‐grass prairie in North Dakota, USA, for five growing seasons. Our primary objective was to determine how climatic anomalies influence variability in CO2 exchange. We used regression analysis to distinguish direct effects of IAV in climate on fluxes from functional change. Functional change was quantified as the improvement in regression on fitting a model in which slopes of flux–climate relationships vary among years rather than remain invariant. Functional change and direct effects of climatic variation together explained about 20% of variance in weekly means of NEE, PD, and RE. Functional change accounted for more than twice the variance in fluxes of direct effects of climatic variability. Grazing did not consistently influence the contribution of functional change to flux variability, but altered which environmental variable best explained year‐to‐year differences in flux–climate slopes, reduced IAV in seasonal means of fluxes, lessened the strength of flux–climate correlations, and increased NEE by reducing RE relatively more than PD. Most of these trends are consistent with the interpretation that grazing reduced the influence of plants on ecosystem fluxes. Because relationships between weekly values of fluxes and climatic regulators changed annually, year‐to‐year differences in the C balance of these ecosystems cannot be predicted from knowledge of IAV in climate alone.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical model of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) developed for a subarctic fen near Churchill, Manitoba. The model with observed data helps explain the interannual variability in growing season NEE. Five years of tower‐flux data are used to test and examine the seasonal behaviour of the model simulations. Processes controlling the observed interannual variability of CO2 exchange at the fen are examined by exploring the sensitivity of the model to changes in air temperature, precipitation and leaf area index. Results indicate that the sensitivity of NEE to changing environmental controls is complex and varies interannually depending on the initial conditions of the wetland. Changes in air temperature and the timing of precipitation events have a strong influence on NEE, which is largely manifest in gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP). Climate change scenarios indicate that warmer air temperatures will increase carbon acquisition during wet years but may act to reduce wetland carbon storage in years that experience a large water deficit early in the growing season. Model simulations for this subarctic sedge fen indicate that carbon acquisition is greatest during wet and warm conditions. This suggests therefore that carbon accumulation was greatest at this subarctic fen during its early developmental stages when hydroclimatic conditions were relatively wet and warm at approximately 2500 years before present.  相似文献   

Gwynn-Jones  D.  Lee  J. A.  Callaghan  T. V. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):243-249
An experiment is described which studies the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation (simulating a 15% reduction in the Ozone layer) and elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (600 ppm) on the dwarf shrub layer of a sub-arctic forest heath ecosystem at Abisko, North Sweden. The experimental treatments were first applied in 1993, and have covered most of the snow-free season (late May to early September) 1993–1995. Effects of the treatments on the four dwarf shrub species have been recorded largely using non-destructive measures (Vaccinium uliginosum, Vaccinium myrtillus – deciduous species and Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Empetrum hermaphroditum – evergreen species). Effects of the treatments on stem growth and leaf thickness have so far been small, although CO2 treatments initially stimulated stem extension in Vaccinium myrtillus 1993 and depressed growth in V. vitis idaea in 1994 and E. hermaphroditum during 1995. UV-B treatments stimulated fruit production in V. myrtillus in both 1994 and 1995, but there was no effect on reproductive phenology. There were also marked effects of UV-B treatments on insect herbivory in the deciduous dwarf shrubs; with leaf area loss being greater than the control in the UV-B treatment in V. myrtillus and less in V. uliginosum. The results point to the possibility of important effects of the treatments on physiological and chemical processes within the plants. The ecological results of such effects may not be immediately apparent, but may be far reaching, pointing to the need for long-term in situ experimentation in predicting the effects of these global change variables.  相似文献   

We examined whether the exposure of Quercus robur L. to elevated UV-B radiation (280–315 nm) during growth would influence leaf decomposition rate through effects on litter quality. Saplings were exposed for eight months at an outdoor facility in the UK to a 30% elevation above the ambient level of erythemally weighted UV-B radiation under UV-B treatment arrays of fluorescent lamps filtered with cellulose diacetate, which transmitted both UV-B and UV-A (315–400 nm) radiation. Saplings were exposed to elevated UV-A alone under control arrays of lamps filtered with polyester and to ambient radiation under unenergised arrays of lamps. Abscised leaves from saplings were enclosed in 1 mm2 mesh nylon bags, placed in a Quercus–Fraxinus woodland and were sampled at 0.11, 0.53, 1.10 and 1.33 years for dry weight loss, chemical composition and saprotrophic fungal colonization. At abscission, litters from UV-A control arrays had ≈ 7.5% higher lignin/nitrogen ratios than those from UV-B treatment and ambient arrays (P < 0.06). Dry weight loss of leaves treated with elevated UV-B radiation during growth was 2.5% and 5% greater than that of leaves from UV-A control arrays at 0.53 and 1.33 years, respectively. Litter samples from UV-B treatment arrays lost more nitrogen and phosphorus than samples from ambient arrays and more carbon than samples from UV-A control arrays. The annual fractional weight loss of litter from UV-B treatment arrays was 8% and 6% greater than that of litter from UV-A control and ambient arrays, respectively. Regression analyses indicated that the increased decomposition rate of UV-B treated litters was associated with enhanced colonization of leaves by basidiomycete fungi, the most active members of the soil fungal community, and that the frequency of these fungi was negatively associated with the initial lignin/nitrogen ratio of leaves.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and methane (CH4) fluxes were measured in a cutover bog of the Jura Mountains (France) together with biotic and abiotic variables for two entire vegetation periods in order to compare the carbon balance of the bog at three stages of regeneration. Among all factors, air temperature and vegetation index (including leaf area of vascular plants, bryophyte density and bryophyte desiccation) were the two main determinants of ecosystem respiration and gross photosynthesis at light saturation. During 2004 and 2005, the vegetated plots acted as carbon sinks. Net carbon exchange ranged between 67 and 166 g C m(-2) yr(-1) for the Eriophorum-dominated plots and between 93 and 183 g C m(-2) yr(-1) for the Sphagnum-dominated plots. The bare peat plots represented a net carbon source (between -19 and -32 g C m(-2) yr(-1)). Methane fluxes accounted for a very small part of the total carbon efflux (< 2%). The recovery of vegetation in our naturally regenerating bog was beneficial for the carbon sequestration after the relatively short period of 20 yr.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is the relationship between water table depth (WTD) and water vapor [evapotranspiration (ET)] and carbon dioxide [CO2; net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] fluxes in a fen in western Canada. We analyzed hydrological and eddy covariance measurements from four snow‐free periods (2003–2006) with contrasting meteorological conditions to establish the link between daily WTD and ET and gross ecosystem CO2 exchange (GEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco; NEE=Reco?GEE), respectively: 2003 was warm and dry, 2004 was cool and wet, and 2005 and 2006 were both wet. In 2003, the water table (WT) was below the ground surface. In 2004, the WT rose above the ground surface, and in 2005 and 2006, the WT stayed well above the ground surface. There were no significant differences in total ET (~316 mm period?1), but total NEE was significantly different (2003: 8 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: ?139 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: ?163 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: ?195 g C m?2 period?1), mostly due to differences in total GEE (2003: 327 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: 513 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: 411 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: 556 g C m?2 period?1). Variation in ET is mostly explained by radiation (67%), and the contribution of WTD is only minor (33%). WTD controls the compensating contributions of different land surface components, resulting in similar total ET regardless of the hydrological conditions. WTD and temperature each contribute about half to the explained variation in GEE up to a threshold ponding depth, below which temperature alone is the key explanatory variable. WTD is only of minor importance for the variation in Reco, which is mainly controlled by temperature. Our study implies that future peatland modeling efforts explicitly consider topographic and hydrogeological influences on WTD.  相似文献   

北方稻田生态系统养分平衡研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
1994~1996年研究了5种不同模式水稻田生态系统养分平衡及养分效率.结果表明,不同模式的水稻田生态系统中,N输入输出基本相抵,处于平衡状态;K输入输出稍有盈余,唯P施用量较输出高1倍,使土壤中P有所积累.通过合理水肥调控措施,使水稻单产有所提高,肥料和养分利用率也得到不同程度的提高  相似文献   

This paper presents results of 1 year (from March 25, 2003 to March 24, 2004, 366 days) of continuous measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) above a steppe in Mongolia using the eddy covariance technique. The steppe, typical of central Mongolia, is dominated by C3 plants adapted to the continental climate. The following two questions are addressed: (1) how do NEE and its components: gross ecosystem production (GEP) and total ecosystem respiration (Reco) vary seasonally? (2) how do NEE, GEP, and Reco respond to biotic and abiotic factors? The hourly minimal NEE and the hourly maximal Reco were −3.6 and 1.2 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively (negative values denoting net carbon uptake by the canopy from the atmosphere). Peak daily sums of NEE, GEP, and Reco were −2.3, 3.5, and 1.5 g C m−2 day−1, respectively. The annual sums of GEP, Reco, and NEE were 179, 138, and −41 g C m−2, respectively. The carbon removal by sheep was estimated to range between 10 and 82 g C m−2 yr−1 using four different approaches. Including these estimates in the overall carbon budget yielded net ecosystem productivity of −23 to +20 g C m−2 yr−1. Thus, within the remaining experimental uncertainty the carbon budget at this steppe site can be considered to be balanced. For the growing period (from April 23 to October 21, 2003), 26% and 53% of the variation in daily NEE and GEP, respectively, could be explained by the changes in leaf area index. Seasonality of GEP, Reco, and NEE was closely associated with precipitation, especially in the peak growing season when GEP and Reco were largest. Water stress was observed in late July to early August, which switched the steppe from a carbon sink to a carbon source. For the entire growing period, the light response curves of daytime NEE showed a rather low apparent quantum yield (α=−0.0047 μmol CO2 μmol−1 photons of photosynthetically active radiation). However, the α values varied with air temperature (Ta), vapor pressure deficit, and soil water content.  相似文献   

Aims Humid savannas, as a result of high precipitation amounts, are highly productive. They are also hotspots for land use change and potential sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the large soil carbon (C) stocks. Understanding how ecosystem CO2 exchange is influenced by changes arising from agricultural land use is vital in future management of these ecosystems and in responding to the ongoing shifts in management and climate. The aim of this study was to identify how ecosystem CO2 exchange and biomass productivity of the herbaceous layer of a humid savanna in Kenya respond to current management practices.Methods We used flux chambers to quantify CO2 fluxes, while monthly harvests were undertaken to determine biomass development of the herbaceous layer of three sites that were (i) fenced to exclude livestock grazing, (ii) subjected to grazing by livestock and (iii) abandoned after being cultivated for maize production and also open to grazing by livestock.Important findings The peak aboveground biomass ranged between 380 and 1449g m ?2 and biomass production was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the grazed and abandoned plots. The maximum gross primary production (GPP) and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) ranged between 21.8±1.3 to 32.5±2.7 and ?9.6±0.7 to-17.9±4.8 μmol m ?2 s-1, respectively. Seasonal NEE fluctuations ranged between 10 and 21 μmol m ?2 s-1, while spatial (among sites) differences ranged between 2 and 10 μmol m ?2 s-1. Ecosystem respiration (R eco) fluctuated between 5 and 10 μmol m ?2 s-1 during the growing season. R eco was, however, not significantly different among the sites. Unlike in other similar ecosystems where ecosystem respiration is determined by the ambient temperature, we did not find any relationship between R eco and temperature in this savanna. Instead, soil moisture accounted for 38–88% of the spatial and seasonal fluctuations in ecosystem CO2 fluxes and aboveground biomass production. Management influenced the maximum GPP and NEE rates through modification of soil moisture, plant species composition and aboveground biomass. We concluded that soil moisture is the key determinant of ecosystem CO2 exchange and productivity in this tropical savanna. Management, however, significantly modifies C fluxes and productivity through its influence on soil moisture, plant species composition and aboveground green biomass and should be taken into consideration in future similar studies.  相似文献   

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