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We used a long‐term population band‐resight survey database, a parallel reproduction database, and multistate mark–recapture analysis to assess the costs of reproduction, a keystone concept of life‐history evolution, in Nazca boobies (Sula granti) from Punta Cevallos, Isla Española, Galápagos, Ecuador. We used eight years of resight and breeding data to compare models that included sex‐ and state‐specific survival probabilities and probabilities of transition between reproductive states using multistate mark–recapture models. Models that included state‐specific effects were compared with models lacking such effects to evaluate costs of reproduction. The top model, optimizing the trade‐off of model simplicity and fit to the data using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), showed evidence of a temporally varying survival cost of reproduction: nonbreeders showed higher annual survival than breeders did in some years. Because increasing investment among breeders showed no negative association with survival and subsequent breeding success, this evidence indicates a cost to both males and females of initiating, but not of continuing, a reproductive attempt. In some cases, breeders reaching the highest reproductive state (fledging an offspring) showed higher survival or subsequent breeding success than did failed breeders, consistent with differences in overall quality that promote both survival and reproduction. Although a male‐biased adult sex ratio was observed in this population of Nazca boobies, models of state‐ and sex‐specific survival and transition probabilities were not supported, indicating that males and females do not incur different costs of reproduction, and that the observed sex ratio bias is not due to sex‐specific adult mortality.  相似文献   

Naked mole-rat colonies are societies with a high reproductive skew, breeding being restricted to one dominant female (the ''queen'') and 1-3 males. Other colony members of both sexes are reproductively suppressed. Experimental removal of breeding males allowed us to investigate the relationship between urinary testosterone and cortisol, dominance rank, and male reproductive status. Dominance rank was strongly correlated with body weight, age, and urinary testosterone titres in males. No relationship between urinary cortisol levels and male reproductive status or dominance was found. Breeding males were among the highest-ranking, heaviest and oldest males in their respective colonies, and were succeeded by other high-ranking, large, old colony males. In contrast to females, no evidence of competition over breeding status was observed among males. Male-male agonism was low both before and after removal of breeders and mate guarding was not observed. The lower reproductive skew for males compared with female skew or queen control over male reproduction may explain why males compete less strongly than females over breeding status after removal of same-sexed breeders.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice occurs when members of each sex will reject some potential mates in efforts to encounter better prospects later. The decision to reject may represent the interaction between mate preferences, mate availability, and temporal constraints. Theory predicts that mutual mate choice will favor relaxed choosiness as mate availability and time for courtship decline. We explored mutual mate choice in the soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Cantharidae), where courtship consisted of males attempting to secure evasive females. We employed field observations, laboratory experiments, and stochastic simulations to investigate the decline in choosiness over the daily courtship period, during which individuals can mate at most once. We found that reproductive success of males and females increases with mate size and mating frequency. Females biased copulations toward larger mates by attempting to evade suitors, while males biased copulations by releasing the smaller females they capture. However, late in the day males and females may increase reproductive success by accepting rather than rejecting lower quality mates to maintain high mating rates. Stochastic simulations indicated that reproductive success, the product of mating frequency and mean mate size, was maximized in males and females by incrementally reducing mate standards across daily courtship periods. In the field, large males who rejected small females early in the daily courtship period rarely did so later. Large females used less effective evasive maneuvers later in the courtship period, resulting in copulations with progressively smaller males. These results support models of mutual mate choice that predict that individuals of high quality will maximize reproductive success by relaxing choosiness as the courtship period wanes.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance and reproductive skew in a cooperative mammal   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In animal social groups, socially subordinate individuals frequently show low reproductive success or completely fail to breed. This suppression of subordinate reproduction is currently typically attributed to control by dominant individuals. However, subordinates in cooperative groups often lack access to unrelated mates, and an alternative possibility is that their reproduction is limited by inbreeding avoidance. Using the eusocial Damaraland mole-rat Cryptomys damarensis, this paper provides the first experimental evidence, to our knowledge, for this explanation. Subordinate, non-breeding female mole-rats were given access to unrelated mates while remaining in the presence of dominant females, and many became reproductively active soon after unrelated males were introduced. Inbreeding avoidance and the availability of unrelated mates provides a plausible and untested explanation for variation in reproductive skew across animal societies.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, the value of present reproduction is affected by the current condition of the mate, and females may use male ornaments to evaluate his condition and adjust their level of investment according. Many animals display colour in fleshy structures which may be accurate indicators of quality due to their potentially rapid response to changes in condition. Here we show that in the blue-footed booby, Sula nebouxii, male foot colour is structurally (collagen arrays) and pigment based. In 48 h foot colour became duller when males were food deprived and brighter when they were re-fed with fresh fish. Variation of dietary carotenoids induced comparable changes in cell-mediated immune function and foot colour, suggesting that carotenoid-pigmentation reveals the immunological state of individuals. These results suggest that pigment-based foot colour is a rapid honest signal of current condition. In a second experiment, we found that rapid variation in male foot colour caused parallel variation in female reproductive investment. One day after the first egg was laid we captured the males and modified the foot colour of experimental males with a non-toxic and water resistant duller blue intensive make-up, mimicking males in low condition. Females decreased the size of their second eggs, relative to the second egg of control females, when the feet of their mates were experimentally duller. Since brood reduction in this species is related to size differences between brood mates at hatching, by laying lighter second eggs females are facilitating brood reduction. Our data indicate that blue-footed booby females are continuously evaluating their mates and can perform rapid adjustments of reproductive investment by using dynamic sexual traits. We suggest that this fine-tuned adjustment may be widespread in socially monogamous animals.  相似文献   

In many cooperatively breeding societies, only a few socially dominant individuals in a group breed, reproductive skew is high, and reproductive conflict is common. Surprisingly, the effects of this conflict on dominant reproductive success in vertebrate societies have rarely been investigated, especially in high-skew societies. We examine how subordinate female competition for breeding opportunities affects the reproductive success of dominant females in a monogamous cooperatively breeding bird, the Southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). In this species, successful subordinate reproduction is very rare, despite the fact that groups commonly contain sexually mature female subordinates that could mate with unrelated group males. However, we show that subordinate females compete with dominant females to breed, and do so far more often than expected, based on the infrequency of their success. Attempts by subordinates to obtain a share of breeding impose significant costs on dominant females: chicks fledge from fewer nests, more nests are abandoned before incubation begins, and more eggs are lost. Dominant females appear to attempt to reduce these costs by aggressively suppressing potentially competitive subordinate females. This empirical evidence provides rare insight into the nature of the conflicts between females and the resultant costs to reproductive success in cooperatively breeding societies.  相似文献   

In a promiscuous species like the domestic goat (Capra hircus), in which maternal investment is greater than paternal investment, a female may mate selectively with a more-fit male to improve her reproductive fitness. Testosterone (T) controls a large suite of male-typical behaviors and morphological characteristics. High T concentrations may be energetically costly or even detrimental to survival; thus, preventing lower quality males from falsely advertising their fitness. Three preference studies were conducted to examine if females use T-dependent cues to assess potential mates. For Experiment 1, females were given a choice between a pair of morphologically similar males, bucks (intact males) and stags (post-pubertally castrated males), during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. In both seasons, females preferred the bucks compared to stags. In Experiment 2, females were given a choice between bucks, stags and wethers (pre-pubertally castrated males) during the non-breeding season. For some comparisons, castrated males received 25 mg testosterone propionate (TP) or were untreated. Females preferred TP-treated males compared to untreated males and showed no preference when given a choice between either two TP-treated or two untreated males. In Experiment 3, females were given a choice between a pair of bucks and a pair of stags treated with 25 mg TP during monthly tests in the breeding season. At each monthly test, females preferred the males with higher T concentrations near the time of the behavior test. These studies suggest that females use T-dependent cues to assess potential mates, and T concentrations may indicate a male's overall fitness.  相似文献   

Cant MA 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(1):147-158
Recent theoretical work suggests that the distribution of reproduction, or degree of reproductive skew, in animal societies depends crucially on (1) whether dominant individuals can fully control subordinate reproduction, and (2) how subordinate reproduction affects the fitness of dominants. I investigated these two factors in cooperatively breeding banded mongooses, Mungos mungo. Female packmates entered oestrus together and were closely guarded by dominant males. These males were aggressive to subordinate males who attempted to mate, but females still managed to mate with males other than their mate guard. Older females were guarded and mated a few days before their younger packmates, yet all females usually gave birth on the same day, suggesting that older females may have a longer gestation period. Moreover, older females carried more fetuses. Overall, ca. 83% of adult females conceived in each breeding attempt and 71% carried to term. These results indicate that, among males, dominant individuals did not have full control over the mating attempts of subordinates (since they could not fully control the mating behaviour of the females they guarded), while among females there was little or no attempt to prevent subordinates from breeding (at least, prior to parturition). Two within-group infanticides by males suggested that some control over reproduction may be exercised postpartum. Per capita survivorship of young in the den increased with the number of females who gave birth. Thus, dominant females may benefit from subordinate reproduction, providing a possible explanation for the lack of reproductive suppression among females in this species. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Understanding the trade-off between current reproductive effort, future survival and future breeding attempts is crucial for demographic analyses and life history studies. We investigated this trade-off in a population of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) marked individually with transponders using multistate capture-recapture models. This colonial seabird species has a low annual proportion of non-breeders (13%), despite a breeding cycle which lasts over 1 year. To draw inferences about the consequences of non-breeding, we tested for an effect of reproductive activity on survival and on the probability of subsequent breeding. We found that birds non-breeding in year t show the same survival rate as breeders (two-states analysis: breeding and non-breeding). However, breeders had a lower probability of breeding again the following year. This negative phenotypic correlation suggests the existence of reproductive costs affecting future breeding probability, but it might also be strengthened by late arrival for courtship in year t. A three-state analysis including breeding success revealed that failed breeders in year t have a lower probability to reproduce successfully in year t + 1 than non-breeders in year t, providing some evidence for the existence of reproductive costs. Moreover, successful breeders showed higher survival probability. This positive phenotypic correlation between current reproduction and subsequent survival supports the hypothesis of an heterogeneity in individual quality. Males breeding in year t had a lower probability to breed again in year t + 1 than females, suggesting higher reproductive costs for this sex. Such additional costs might be due to higher male parental investment in the final phase of chick-rearing, which also delays the arrival of males in year t + 1, and decreases their breeding probability. Our study is the first to explore the breeding biology and the demography of penguins without the disturbance of flipper-bands.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Mate Choice of Photinus ignitus Fireflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Mate choice by either sex may vary with changes in the associated costs and benefits, determined by factors such as the availability of potential mates and variation in mate quality. We examined seasonal variation in operational sex ratio, courtship behavior, spermatophore mass, egg count, and the relationship between morphological traits and mating success in Photinus ignitus fireflies to determine if mate choice in either sex varied with the availability and relative reproductive investment of fertilizable females and sexually active males. Successfully mating males had larger lanterns than unsuccessful males when the operational sex ratio was male‐biased. In addition, female responsiveness to male signals increased as the number of courting males decreased, and male spermatophore mass decreased with body size across the mating season. Successfully mating females had larger body mass than unsuccessful females. Female body mass predicted egg count and female rejection by males increased as the season progressed and female size decreased. These results suggest that both male and female P. ignitus exhibit mate choice, and that such choice is influenced by seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of potential mates.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction on survival have captured the attention of researchers since life history theory was formulated. Adults of long-lived species may increase survival by reducing their breeding effort or even skipping reproduction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the costs of current reproduction on survival and whether skipping reproduction increases adult survival in a long-lived seabird. We used capture–mark–recapture data (1450 encounters) from two populations of Bulwer''s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii), breeding in the Azores and Canary Islands, North Atlantic Ocean. Using a multi-event model with two different breeding statuses (breeders versus non-breeders), we calculated probabilities of survival and of transitions between breeding statuses, evaluating potential differences between sexes. Females had lower survival probabilities than males, independent of their breeding status. When considering breeding status, breeding females had lower survival probabilities than non-breeding females, suggesting costs of reproduction on survival. Breeding males had higher survival probabilities than non-breeding males, suggesting that males do not incur costs of reproduction on survival and that only the highest quality males have access to breeding. The highest and the lowest probabilities of skipping reproduction were found in breeding males from the Azores and in breeding males from the Canary Islands, respectively. Intermediate values were observed in the females from both populations. This result is probably due to differences in the external factors affecting both populations, essentially predation pressure and competition. The existence of sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in several populations of this long-lived species may have important implications for species population dynamics.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of non-breeding in willow tits were studied in northern Finland during 1986–1992. The breeding status was sex and age biased; males and yearling birds were in excess among the non-reproducers. Due to sex bias in the population it appeared detrimental for males to lose a mate, especially shortly before breeding. Lack of a mate was a important factor for males not reproducing (37% of non-breeding males) than for females (14%). Most of the non-breeding birds maintained a pair bond which only rarely broke up for the next breeding season (divorce rate 5.5%). This implies that parental incompatibility is not a possible explanation for pairs not reproducing. Males that did not breed tended to survive better than reproducing ones, whereas such a relationship was not found for females. It is possible that this sex-related difference in survival cost is attributable to quality differences among non-breeding individuals. It was especially low-quality yearling females, with low survival prospects, that were responsible for the discrepancy. The proportion of non-breeding females in the population correlated highly with clutch size and subsequent juvenile survival. It is therefore suggested that for most of these females non-breeding is a phenotypic response to low offspring value in the prevailing circumstances (inter-generational tradeoff). However, it is uncertain whether willow tits in a northern population can use breeding density as an indicator of changing survival prospects of their descendants, as suggested by Ekman and Askenmo (1986) for southern Sweden.  相似文献   

Mate choice by males has been recognized at least since Darwin's time, but its phylogenetic distribution and effect on the evolution of female phenotypes remain poorly known. Moreover, the relative importance of factors thought to underlie the evolution of male mate choice (especially parental investment and mate quality variance) is still unresolved. Here I synthesize the empirical evidence and theory pertaining to the evolution of male mate choice and sex role reversal in insects, and examine the potential for male mating preferences to generate sexual selection on female phenotypes. Although male mate choice has received relatively little empirical study, the available evidence suggests that it is widespread among insects (and other animals). In addition to 'precopulatory' male mate choice, some insects exhibit 'cryptic' male mate choice, varying the amount of resources allocated to mating on the basis of female mate quality. As predicted by theory, the most commonly observed male mating preferences are those that tend to maximize a male's expected fertilization success from each mating. Such preferences tend to favour female phenotypes associated with high fecundity or reduced sperm competition intensity. Among insect species there is wide variation in mechanisms used by males to assess female mate quality, some of which (e.g. probing, antennating or repeatedly mounting the female) may be difficult to distinguish from copulatory courtship. According to theory, selection for male choosiness is an increasing function of mate quality variance and those reproductive costs that reduce, with each mating, the number of subsequent matings that a male can perform ('mating investment') Conversely, choosiness is constrained by the costs of mate search and assessment, in combination with the accuracy of assessment of potential mates and of the distribution of mate qualities. Stronger selection for male choosiness may also be expected in systems where female fitness increases with each copulation than in systems where female fitness peaks at a small number of matings. This theoretical framework is consistent with most of the empirical evidence. Furthermore, a variety of observed male mating preferences have the potential to exert sexual selection on female phenotypes. However, because male insects typically choose females based on phenotypic indicators of fecundity such as body size, and these are usually amenable to direct visual or tactile assessment, male mate choice often tends to reinforce stronger vectors of fecundity or viability selection, and seldom results in the evolution of female display traits. Research on orthopterans has shown that complete sex role reversal (i.e. males choosy, females competitive) can occur when male parental investment limits female fecundity and reduces the potential rate of reproduction of males sufficiently to produce a female-biased operational sex ratio. By contrast, many systems exhibiting partial sex role reversal (i.e. males choosy and competitive) are not associated with elevated levels of male parental investment, reduced male reproductive rates, or reduced male bias in the operational sex ratio. Instead, large female mate quality variance resulting from factors such as strong last-male sperm precedence or large variance in female fecundity may select for both male choosiness and competitiveness in such systems. Thus, partial and complete sex role reversal do not merely represent different points along a continuum of increasing male parental investment, but may evolve via different evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

Why do territorial male Tengmalm's owls fail to obtain a mate?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-breeding may occur because non-breeders are immature or somehow physiologically incapable of breeding, or because of a lack of resources (e.g. food resources, mating partners) needed to breed. There is, however, a lack of experimental evidence on whether bachelor males possessing territories and nest-sites are able to breed when supplemented with extra food or provided with mating partners. In vole-eating Tengmalm's owl, Aegolius funereus, we provided supplementary food and transferred females in nest-boxes of non-breeding males. Bachelor males that we supplemented with food did not attract mates at a higher frequency than unfed control males, which suggests that a lack of food did not influence the ability to attract a mating partner. In contrast, bachelor males presented with a female seemed to breed more frequently than bachelor males in the control group without mate addition. This suggests that scarcity of females may be an important reason for the high proportion of non-breeding males in the population (c. 25%) and excludes the possibility that non-breeding males are physiologically unable to breed. The operational sex ratio of the owl population at the time of mating may be male-biased, and some males may thus remain unpaired. Habitat and nest-box quality also seemed to be lower among bachelors than among breeding males. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

The breeding system of an animal population is thought to depend on the ability of one sex (usually the male) to acquire mates, either directly through association with females or indirectly through defense of the resources desired by females. The sex that contributes most to infant care (usually the female) is constrained by parental involvement and thereby limits reproduction of the opposite sex. Accordingly, males, but not females, enhance their reproductive success by acquiring additional mates. This classical view has emphasized the role of male-male competition in sexual selection, at the expense of fully exploring the potential for female choice. A more recent shift in focus has revealed substantial variation in female reproductive success and increasingly accentuates the importance of female intrasexual competition and male mate choice. A comparative review of primate reproduction, therefore, challenges expectations of male control and female compliance, and calls for a comprehensive treatment of costs and benefits that extends beyond conventional mention of heavy female investment versus male negligence or absenteeism. For individuals that manipulate their social environment or reproductive output, consideration of more subtle, even cryptic, aspects of female behavior and physiology (e.g., social strategizing, sexual solicitation or rejection, sexual advertisement or concealed ovulation, multiple mating, and reproductive failure) raises the question of whether females can be effectively 'monopolized.' Widespread patterns that counter Bateman's paradigm call for a reexamination of the predictions generated by dichotomizing gametes into 'expensive eggs' and 'cheap sperm,' and encourage continued mechanistic research focused on conception quality rather than quantity.  相似文献   

Sexual competition is associated closely with parental care because the sex providing less care has a higher potential rate of reproduction, and hence more to gain from competing for multiple mates. Sex differences in choosiness are not easily explained, however. The lower-caring sex (often males) has both higher costs of choice, because it is more difficult to find replacement mates, and higher direct benefits, because the sex providing more care (usually females) is likely to exhibit more variation in the quality of contributions to the young. Because both the costs and direct benefits of mate choice increase with increasing parental care by the opposite sex, general predictions about sex difference in choosiness are difficult. Furthermore, the level of choosiness of one sex will be influenced by the choosiness of the other. Here, we present an ESS model of mutual mate choice, which explicitly incorporates differences between males and females in life history traits that determine the costs and benefits of choice, and we illustrate our results with data from species with contrasting forms of parental care. The model demonstrates that sex differences in costs of choice are likely to have a much stronger effect on choosiness than are differences in quality variation, so that the less competitive sex will commonly be more choosy. However, when levels of male and female care are similar, differences in quality variation may lead to higher levels of both choice and competition in the same sex.  相似文献   

The red-backed fairy-wren is a socially monogamous passerine bird which exhibits two distinct types of breeding male, bright males that breed in bright red and black plumage and dull males that breed in dull brown plumage. Most males spend their first potential breeding season in dull plumage and subsequent breeding seasons in bright plumage, but a relatively small proportion of males develop bright plumage in their first breeding season. This study quantifies morphology, behavior, and reproductive success of dull and bright males to assess the adaptive costs and benefits of bright plumage while controlling for age. Older bright males (two years of age or older) attempted to increase their reproductive success via copulations with extrapair females, whereas younger (one-year old) bright males and dull males did not. Thus, older bright males spent less time on their own territories, intruded on neighboring groups with fertile females more frequently, gave more courtship displays, and had larger sperm storage organs than did younger bright males and dull males. Microsatellite analyses of paternity indicate that the red-backed fairy-wren has extremely high levels of sexual promiscuity, and that older bright males had higher within-brood paternity than dull males or younger bright males. Regardless of age, bright males were more attractive to females in controlled mate choice trials than were dull males, and both age classes of bright males obtained higher quality mates earlier in the breeding season than did dull males, when nesting success was higher. In conclusion, although it appears that bright plumage increases access to higher quality mates, age also plays a central role in determining a male's overall reproductive success because of the high levels of sexual promiscuity exhibited by the red-backed fairy-wren.  相似文献   

This study examined the behavior and reproduction of a monogamous coral-reef fish, Valenciennea strigata, to determine mate fidelity and the proximate causes of monogamy. Most fish were found in monogamous pairs that remained together over several rounds of reproduction. Pairs stayed within close proximity to each other and their burrows. Females fed at a higher rate than their mates, while males spent more time maintaining burrows. Females spawned every 13 days; males guarded eggs in the burrow for 2–3 days. Although females limited the RS of males, males did not mate polygynously under natural conditions. Reproductive success (RS) was affected primarily by survival, and secondarily by size. Both sexes enforced monogamy by guarding their mates. Three factors facilitated mate guarding: (1) all males were able to hold a nest site, (2) both sexes showed strong site fidelity, and (3) residents had an advantage in contests over mates. Thus, mates were economically defensible. Additionally, females formed a crescent of dark pigments on their abdomen that resembled a gravid condition; these marks may enhance continuation of the pair bond. Both sexes preferred large mates, and pairs were positively assorted by size. Males benefited from guarding large females because fecundity increased with size. Females may benefit from the burrowing of males, and larger males should be better burrowers.  相似文献   

Where both sexes invest substantially in offspring, both females and males should discriminate between potential partners when choosing mates. The degree of choosiness should relate to the costs of choice and to the potential benefits to be gained. We measured offspring quality from experimentally staged matings with preferred and non-preferred partners in a sex-role-reversed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle L. Here, a substantial male investment in offspring results in a lower potential reproductive rate in males than in females, and access to males limits female reproductive success rather than vice versa. Thus, males are choosier than females and females compete more intensely over mates than do males. Broods from preferred matings were superior at escaping predation, when either males or females were allowed to choose a partner. However, only 'choosing' females benefited in terms of faster-growing offspring. Our results have important implications for mate-choice research: here we show that even the more competitive and less choosy sex may contribute significantly to sexual selection through mate choice.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is thought to be responsible for the evolution of many extravagant male ornaments and displays, but the costs of being too selective may hinder the evolution of choosiness. Selection against choosiness may be particularly strong in socially monogamous mating systems, because females may end up without a partner and forego reproduction, especially when many females prefer the same few partners (frequency-dependent selection). Here, we quantify the fitness costs of having mating preferences that are difficult to satisfy, by manipulating the availability of preferred males. We capitalize on the recent discovery that female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) prefer males of familiar song dialect. We measured female fitness in captive breeding colonies in which one-third of females were given ample opportunity to choose a mate of their preferred dialect (two-thirds of all males; “relaxed competition”), while two-thirds of the females had to compete over a limited pool of mates they preferred (one-third of all males; “high competition”). As expected, social pairings were strongly assortative with regard to song dialect. In the high-competition group, 26% of the females remained unpaired, yet they still obtained relatively high fitness by using brood parasitism as an alternative reproductive tactic. Another 31% of high-competition females paired disassortatively for song dialect. These females showed increased levels of extra-pair paternity, mostly with same-dialect males as sires, suggesting that preferences were not abolished after social pairing. However, females that paired disassortatively for song dialect did not have lower reproductive success. Overall, females in the high-competition group reached equal fitness to those that experienced relaxed competition. Our study suggests that alternative reproductive tactics such as egg dumping can help overcome the frequency-dependent costs of being selective in a monogamous mating system, thereby facilitating the evolution of female choosiness.

Being highly selective in partner choice may be problematic, because widely preferred mates are rapidly claimed. However, this study of the socially monogamous zebra finch reveals that females have evolved effective ways of coping with this situation.  相似文献   

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