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Summary Two reciprocal balanced translocations 46,XY,t(9;13)(p23;q21) and 46,XX,t(13;21)(q21;q21), identified by RFA- and GTG-banding, are presented along with a complete study of both families.In the second case a 3:1 segregation is associated with an unbalanced 2:2 segregation, as demonstrated in the two surviving sons: one with interchange trisomy 21 and the other with partial trisomy 13 and partial monosomy 21. This suggests that the presence of this translocation, and possibly of other translocations involving morphologically similar chromosomes, could signify a high risk of having chromosomal disorders in offspring.  相似文献   

Summary Two families with reciprocal translocations (t(14q+;10q–) and t(13q–;21q+)) are described. In both families the proband had multiple congenital anomalies and an unbalanced karyotype, 46,XY,14q+ and 46,XX,21q+ respectively. Routine, autoradiographic and fluorescence techniques were used for analysis of karyotype of probands and their relatives. The probands' phenotypes and the results of their family members' dermatoglyphic analysis are presented in detail.
Zusammenfassung Zwei Familien mit reziproker Translokation (t(14q+;10q–) und t(13q–;21q+)) werden beschrieben. In beiden Familien weist der Proband multiple angeborene Mißbildungen und einen unbalancierten Karyotyp (46,XY,14q+ bzw. 46,XX,21q+) auf. Für die Analyse aller untersuchten Personen wurden neben der Routine-Methode autoradiographische und Fluorescenz-Methoden verwendet. Die Phänotypen der Probanden sowie die Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Dermatoglyphen bei ihren Familienangehörigen werden genau beschrieben.

Summary A case of Meckel or Gruber syndrome is reported, together with a survey of the relevant literature of recent years (1971–1977), in reference to a probably autosomal recessive inheritance of this malformation.  相似文献   

Summary A mentally retarded boy with trisomy 9p is described. This trisomy arose through aberrant segregation of translocation chromosome during meiosis in his mother, who has a complex translocation involving chromosomes 9, 13, and 14. Based on both G-, Q-banding, and DNA replication patterns, the patient's karyotype was identified as 47,XY,-13, +(9;13) (9pter9q12::13q3113qter), +t(13;14) (13pter13q31::14pl?14pter). We suppose his mother's karyotype to be 46,XX,-9,-13,-14,+t(9;13) (9pterq12::13q3113qter), +t(13;14) (13pter13q31::14pl?14pter), +t(9;14) (9qter9q12::14pl?14qter). His phenotypically normal brother and sister are also carriers, having the same translocation chromosome as their mother. Clinical findings of the patient included peculiar face with hypertelorism, prominent nasal bridge and deformed helix, marked delay of osseous development, hypoplastic phalangia in fingers and toes, dysplastic nails and absence of digital triradii.  相似文献   

Summary The von Willebrand factor pseudogene, previously mapped to chromosome 22, was sublocalized by in situ hybridization using as probe a von Willebrand factor cDNA fragment completely contained in the pseudogenic region. Chromosome spreads were from a patient carrying a unique balanced de novo translocation 46,X,t(X;22)(pter;q11.21). Silver grain analysis indicated that the human von Willebrand factor pseudogene is located on 22q11.22–q11.23, a region relevant for several somatic and constitutional chromosomal alterations.  相似文献   

Summary A case of complete trisomy 5p due to a de novo translocation t(2;5)(q36;p11) with an isochromosome 5p is described. Complete trisomy 5p has been reported only once (Brimblecombe et al., 1977). The confusing literature relating to partial trisomy 5p is reviewed. Comparison of our case with the patients reported by Brimblecombe et al. (1977) and by Opitz and Patau (1975) is suggestive for a distinct clinical syndrome if (almost) the complete short arm of chromosome 5 is present in a trisomic state. Unfortunately the clinical findings in the case of Brimblecombe (1966, 1977) are poorly documented. The main features of this syndrome are: macrocephaly, psychomotor retardation, hypotonia, postnatal growth failure, tracheobronchial involvement, mongoloid slant of the eyes, epicanthus, low-set ears, depressed nasal bridge, short first toe, and seizures.  相似文献   

Activation of the TRPM8 ion channel in sensory nerve endings produces a sensation of pleasant coolness. Here we show that inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin and histamine inhibit TRPM8 in intact sensory nerves, but do not do so through conventional signalling pathways. The G-protein subunit Gα(q) instead binds to TRPM8 and when activated by a Gq-coupled receptor directly inhibits ion channel activity. Deletion of Gα(q) largely abolished inhibition of TRPM8, and inhibition was rescued by a Gα(q) chimaera whose ability to activate downstream signalling pathways was completely ablated. Activated Gα(q) protein, but not Gβγ, potently inhibits TRPM8 in excised patches. We conclude that Gα(q) pre-forms a complex with TRPM8 and inhibits activation of TRPM8, following activation of G-protein-coupled receptors, by a direct action. This signalling mechanism may underlie the abnormal cold sensation caused by inflammation.  相似文献   

本文报道一例t(3; 22) (p21; q13)平衡 相互易位的家系。先证者,男性,一岁半,淋巴 细胞及皮肤成纤维细胞G带分析结果:核型均 为46, XY, t(3; 22)(p21;q13)或46, XY,t(3; 22)(3gter” 3p21::22813” 22gter;2 2 pter” 22gl3::3p21” 3 pter );先证者母亲(图1)与 外祖母核型均为46, XX, t(3; 22)(p21; q13) 或46, XX, t(3; 22)(3gter、3p21::22813一 22gter; 22pter~ 22813::3p21一3pter)。经银 染与G带复合显示技术,先证者及母亲的22der 可见清晰的AgNOR区。先证者的父亲与舅父 G带分析核型正常。在此情况下,有生育正常 婴儿的可能,但必须作产前诊断。  相似文献   

Summary The sulfite radical anion (SO 3 ) was found to react rapidly with the flavonoid quercetin (k = 2.5 × 108 dm3mol–1 s–1) and the carotenoids crocin (k = 1.0 × 109 dm3mol–1 s1–) and crocetin (k = 1.5 × 109 dm3mol1– s1–). The reactions can easily be monitored due to the strong absorptions of the substrates and, in the case of quercetin, the formation of a strongly absorbing transient species. Using these substances, we determined by means of competition kinetics rate constants of SO 3 reactions with nucleic acid components, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and glutathione.Abbreviations ABTS 2,2-azinobis(3-ethyl-6-benzothiazolinesulfonate) - cmc critical micellization concentration - GSH Glutathione - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids Preliminary results were presented at the Third Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research in Düsseldorf in July, 1986  相似文献   

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an essential mechanism in females that compensates for the genome imbalance between females and males. It is known that XCI can spread into an autosome of patients with X;autosome translocations. The subject was a 5-year-old boy with Prader?CWilli syndrome (PWS)-like features including hypotonia, hypo-genitalism, hypo-pigmentation, and developmental delay. G-banding, fluorescent in situ hybridization, BrdU-incorporated replication, human androgen receptor gene locus assay, SNP microarrays, ChIP-on-chip assay, bisulfite sequencing, and real-time RT-PCR were performed. Cytogenetic analyses revealed that the karyotype was 46,XY,der(X)t(X;15)(p21.1;q11.2),?15. In the derivative chromosome, the X and half of the chromosome 15 segments showed late replication. The X segment was maternal, and the chromosome 15 region was paternal, indicating its post-zygotic origin. The two chromosome 15s had a biparental origin. The DNA methylation level was relatively high in the region proximal from the breakpoint, and the level decreased toward the middle of the chromosome 15 region; however, scattered areas of hypermethylation were found in the distal region. The promoter regions of the imprinted SNRPN and the non-imprinted OCA2 genes were completely and half methylated, respectively. However, no methylation was found in the adjacent imprinted gene UBE3A, which contained a lower density of LINE1 repeats. Our findings suggest that XCI spread into the paternal chromosome 15 led to the aberrant hypermethylation of SNRPN and OCA2 and their decreased expression, which contributes to the PWS-like features and hypo-pigmentation of the patient. To our knowledge, this is the first chromosome-wide methylation study in which the DNA methylation level is demonstrated in an autosome subject to XCI.  相似文献   

罕见的45, XY,t (14gl4q), 45,XX,t (13gl3q)致习惯性流产两例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
任国庆  王素桂  宋黎丽 《遗传》1990,12(3):41-41
本实验室发现两例十分罕见的同源染色体之间的罗式易位病例,核型分别为45,XY,t(14gq14q), 45,XX, t(13q13q)现报告如下。  相似文献   

Summary 235 cases of Down's syndrome were ascertained in a 10-year study of Down's syndrome in Western Australia. Although cytogenetic studies performed on 222 subjects confirmed that 95% of cases were trisomic due to nondisjunction, 4% were trisomic due to translocation, and 1% were mosaic, the ratio of inherited/sporadic translocations differed from that usually reported. Comparison of the results with those of an earlier Australian survey of Down's syndrome demonstrated a real fall in the incidence of Down's syndrome in Australia but no significant change in maternal age-specific incidences.  相似文献   

Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) is a major component of plaques in Alzheimer's disease, and formation of senile plaques has been suggested to originate from regions of neuronal membrane rich in gangliosides. We analyzed the mode of interaction of Aβ with lipid bilayers by multinuclear NMR using 31P nuclei. We found that Aβ (1-40) strongly perturbed the bilayer structure of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), to form a non-lamellar phase (most likely micellar). The ganglioside GM1 potentiated the effect of Aβ (1-40), as viewed from 31P NMR. The difference of the isotropic peak intensity between DMPC/Aβ and DMPC/GM1/Aβ suggests a specific interaction between Aβ and GM1. We show that in the DMPC/GM1/Aβ system there are three lipid phases, namely a lamellar phase, a hexagonal phase and non-oriented lipids. The latter two phases are induced by the presence of the Aβ peptide, and facilitated by GM1.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence has shown the critical role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) during cancer progression. However, the involvement of ELF3-AS1 in bladder cancer (BC) remains largely unclear. By lncRNA profiling, we identified ELF3-AS1 as a novel oncogenic lncRNA during bladder cancer development. ELF3-AS1 was highly expressed in bladder cancer and correlated with poor prognosis. ELF3-AS1 could increase viability and migration of bladder cancer cells in vitro and promoted xenograft tumor growth in vivo. Furthermore, ELF3-AS1 could interact with KLF8 to stabilize KLF8 by protecting it from proteasome-mediated degradation. KLF8 in turn could bind ELF3-AS1 promoter and transactivate ELF3-AS1 expression. The positive feedback loop between ELF3-AS1 and KLF8 enhanced KLF8 signaling by increasing MMP9 expression. Collectively, our study has unraveled a novel mechanism of ELF3-AS1-mediated oncogenesis in bladder cancer by reinforcement of ELF3-AS1/KLF8 signaling with potential implications for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The family of 14-3-3 proteins has emerged as critical regulators of diverse cellular responses under both physiological and pathological conditions. To gain insight into the molecular action of 14-3-3ζ in multiple myeloma (MM), we performed a systematic proteomic analysis of 14-3-3ζ-associated proteins. This analysis, recently developed by Matthias Mann, termed quantitative immunoprecipitation combined with knockdown (QUICK), integrates RNAi, SILAC, immunoprecipitation, and quantitative MS technologies. Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis allowed us to distinguish 14-3-3ζ-interacting proteins from background proteins, resulting in the identification of 292 proteins in total with 95 novel interactions. Three 14-3-3ζ-interacting proteins-BAX, HSP70, and BAG3-were further confirmed by reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and colocalization analysis. Our results therefore not only uncover a large number of novel 14-3-3ζ-associated proteins that possess a variety of cellular functions, but also provide new research directions for the study of the functions of 14-3-3ζ. This study also demonstrated that QUICK is a useful approach to detect specific protein-protein interactions with very high confidence and may have a wide range of applications in the investigation of protein complex interaction networks.  相似文献   

The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is one of the two known mammalian species that live in a eusocial population structure. Here we investigate the exceptionally long gestation period of 70 days observed in the mole-rat queen. The course of seven successful pregnancies in two individuals was recorded in a colony of captive naked mole-rats using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and 3D-ultrasonography. We establish a catalogue of basic reference ultrasound data for this species by describing the ultrasonographic appearance of reproductive organs, calculating growth curves to predict gestational age and defining ultrasonographic milestones to characterize pregnancy stages. Mean litter size was 10.9±2.7, of which 7.2±1.5 survived the weaning period. Mean interbirth interval was 128.8±63.0 days. The reproductive success in our colony did not differ from previously published data. In the queen the active corpora lutea had an anechoic, fluid filled centre. Using UBM, pregnancy could be detected 53 days before parturition. The period of embryonic development is assumed to last until 30 days before parturition. Embryonic resorptions were detected frequently in the queen, indicating that this might be an ordinary event in this species. We discuss the extraordinary long gestation period of this small rodent and postulate that the long gestation is beneficial to both the eusocial structure and longevity. An increased litter size, twice as large as for other rodents of similar size, seemingly compensates for the doubling of pregnancy length. We demonstrate that the lifetime reproductive effort of a naked mole-rat queen is equivalent to the mass of offspring that would be produced if all of the females of a colony would be reproducing.  相似文献   

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