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Phototrophic consortia represent valuable model systems for the study of signal transduction and coevolution between different bacteria. The phototrophic consortium “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” consists of a colorless central rod-shaped bacterium surrounded by about 20 green-pigmented epibionts. Although the epibiont was identified as a member of the green sulfur bacteria, and recently isolated and characterized in pure culture, the central colorless bacterium has been identified as a member of the β-Proteobacteria but so far could not be characterized further. In the present study, “C. aggregatum” was enriched chemotactically, and the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the central bacterium was elucidated. Based on the sequence information, fluorescence in situ hybridization probes targeting four different regions of the 16S rRNA were designed and shown to hybridize exclusively to cells of the central bacterium. Phylogenetic analyses of the 1,437-bp-long sequence revealed that the central bacterium of “C. aggregatum” represents a so far isolated phylogenetic lineage related to Rhodoferax spp., Polaromonas vacuolata, and Variovorax paradoxus within the family Comamonadaceae. The majority of relatives of this lineage are not yet cultured and were found in low-temperature aquatic environments or aquatic environments containing xenobiotica or hydrocarbons. In CsCl-bisbenzimidazole equilibrium density gradients, genomic DNA of the central bacterium of “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” formed a distinct band which could be detected by quantitative PCR using specific primers. Using this method, the G+C content of the central bacterium was determined to be 55.6 mol%.  相似文献   

Psychromonas ingrahamii, named for John L. Ingraham, was isolated from sea ice from off Point Barrow, Alaska. This large rod-shaped bacterium belongs to the gamma-Proteobacteria. P. ingrahamii is a psychrophilic, heterotrophic bacterium that is gas vacuolate and nonmotile. P. ingrahamii is notable in that it grows at a temperature of –12°C with a generation time of 240 h. This is the lowest growth temperatures of any organism authenticated by a growth curve. Jim Staley has enjoyed exploring the diversity of the microbial world, especially that of the budding and prosthecate bacteria as well as polar microorganisms, alongside Peter Hirsch during many years of friendship and collaboration. Happy 75th, Peter!  相似文献   

In this work a mechanistic explanation of the classical algae growth model built by M. R. Droop in the late sixties is proposed. We first recall the history of the construction of the "predictive" variable yield Droop model as well as the meaning of the introduced cell quota. We then introduce some theoretical hypotheses on the biological phenomena involved in nutrient storage by the algae that lead us to a "conceptual" model. Though more complex than Droop's one, our model remains accessible to a complete mathematical study: its confrontation to the Droop model shows both have the same asymptotic behavior. However, while Droop's cell quota comes from experimental bio-chemical measurements not related to intra-cellular biological phenomena, its analogous in our model directly follows our theoretical hypotheses. This new model should then be looked at as a re-interpretation of Droop's work from a theoretical biologist's point of view.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic affiliation and physiological characteristics (e.g., Ks and maximum specific growth rate [μmax]) of an anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacterium, “Candidatus Scalindua sp.,” enriched from the marine sediment of Hiroshima Bay, Japan, were investigated. “Candidatus Scalindua sp.” exhibits higher affinity for nitrite and a lower growth rate and yield than the known anammox species.  相似文献   

We examined cooxidation of three different dichloroethenes (1,1-DCE, 1,2-trans DCE, and 1,2-cis DCE) by butane monooxygenase (BMO) in the butane-utilizing bacterium “Pseudomonas butanovora.” Different organic acids were tested as exogenous reductant sources for this process. In addition, we determined if DCEs could serve as surrogate inducers of BMO gene expression. Lactic acid supported greater rates of oxidation of the three DCEs than the other organic acids tested. The impacts of lactic acid-supported DCE oxidation on BMO activity differed among the isomers. In intact cells, 50% of BMO activity was irreversibly lost after consumption of ~20 nmol mg protein−1 of 1,1-DCE and 1,2-trans DCE in 0.5 and 5 min, respectively. In contrast, a comparable loss of activity required the oxidation of 120 nmol 1,2-cis DCE mg protein−1. Oxidation of similar amounts of each DCE isomer (~20 nmol mg protein−1) produced different negative effects on lactic acid-dependent respiration. Despite 1,1-DCE being consumed 10 times faster than 1,2,-trans DCE, respiration declined at similar rates, suggesting that the product(s) of oxidation of 1,2-trans DCE was more toxic to respiration than 1,1-DCE. Lactate-grown “P. butanovora” did not express BMO activity but gained activity after exposure to butane, ethene, 1,2-cis DCE, or 1,2-trans DCE. The products of BMO activity, ethene oxide and 1-butanol, induced lacZ in a reporter strain containing lacZ fused to the BMO promoter, whereas butane, ethene, and 1,2-cis DCE did not. 1,2-trans DCE was unique among the BMO substrates tested in its ability to induce lacZ expression.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the impact of surface-to-volume ratio on final bacterial concentrations after batch growth. We examined six bottle sizes (20 to 1,000 ml) using three independent enumeration methods to quantify growth. We found no evidence of a so-called volumetric bottle effect, thus contradicting numerous previous reports.Microbial batch growth during confined incubation in bottles of various sizes is used daily in a broad variety of microbiological studies and methods, including bioassays such as the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) assay (6, 10, 18) and the analysis of pure culture or microbial community growth in freshwater (3, 11, 19, 20). In this context, “bottle effect” or “volume effect” is a term that has cropped up frequently in aquatic microbiology papers (e.g., references 12, 13, and 21) during the last 100 years to explain inexplicable phenomena and variations in results obtained from such batch growth studies. The uncertainty surrounding this apparent effect was clearly summarized in a recent paper by Pernthaler and Amann (16): “Such investigations are often plagued by the mysterious ‘bottle effect’, a hard-to-define concept that reflects the worry of whether phenomena observed in confined assemblages are nonspecific consequences of the confinement rather than a result of the planned manipulation.” The “bottle effect” alludes to an apparent reaction of bacteria to batchwise incubation in a confined environment, and this concept has intermittently been linked to influences on final cell concentrations (3) and grazing/bacterivory (13), a change in viability/activity parameters (9), a change in cultivability (5), and a change in population composition (1).The fact that microbiological processes during confined incubation differ from those in the environment is indisputable. However, a particular section of “bottle effect” literature focuses specifically on a volumetric “bottle effect”, where the above-mentioned effects are linked specifically to the size (or surface-to-volume ratio) of the incubation vessel (3, 8, 11-13, 15, 21). One of the oldest and best-known studies summarized clearly: “It will be observed that the densest bacterial populations appear in the bottles of water which offer the largest area of glass surface per unit volume of water” (21). This idea has established itself as dogma during the last century, with only a few differing opinions (4). However, precious little empirical data that actually quantify and explain the volumetric “bottle effect” are ever presented. In one example, Bischofberger et al. (3) observed that incubation of groundwater led to significantly more growth (about 2 log units) in small bottles (100 ml) than in big ones (10 liters). More often, however, the “bottle effect” is merely mentioned, as if it is self-explanatory and indisputable (2, 11, 12). In the present study, we took a simple but detailed look at the effect of bottle size on the outcome of short-term (<5-day) batch growth assays and compared the data critically to information in the literature and current opinion on this topic.Three batch growth experiments were conducted to assess the volumetric bottle effect on final cell concentrations after growth into stationary phase. Six different bottle sizes were used, covering the ranges most often reported in “bottle effect” literature. All glassware and Teflon-coated caps were cleaned comprehensively as described elsewhere (6) to remove any traces of organic carbon that might have been present on surfaces. The bottle sizes were as follows (water volumes and surface area-to-volume ratios [square centimeters to milliliters] are respectively included in parentheses): 1,000 ml (900 ml, 0.3:1), 500 ml (400 ml, 0.4:1), 250 ml (200 ml, 0.6:1), 100 ml (90 ml, 0.8:1), 40 ml (35 ml, 1.5:1), and 20 ml (15 ml, 2.4:1). In the first experiment, a sample of natural river water (dissolved organic carbon [DOC], 3.8 mg/liter; AOC, 0.3 mg/liter) from a small oligotrophic stream was obtained, filter sterilized with a 50-kDa dialysis filter (Fresenius Medical Care), and inoculated (at 103 cells/ml) with a microbial community used for AOC assays (19). In the second experiment, a sample of the effluent (DOC, 1.2 mg/liter; AOC, 0.03 mg/liter; total cell concentration [TCC], 3 × 105 cells/ml) from a granulated active carbon filter situated in a drinking water pilot plant (7) was collected and used directly for the experiment without additional treatment or inoculation. For the third experiment, sterile Luria-Bertani (LB) medium (diluted 1:10,000; DOC, 0.7 mg/liter; AOC, 0.46 mg/liter) was inoculated with Vibrio cholerae O1 (103 cells/ml) as described previously (19). The water from each experiment was distributed into triplicate flasks of each size and incubated (at 30°C) until stationary phase was reached. Stationary phase was indicated by no significant increase in the TCC (measured after 3, 4, and 5 days) on consecutive days. Samples from all experiments were analyzed (i) for TCCs after being stained with SYBR green I and subjected to flow cytometry (7, 19), (ii) for ATP by using a commercial luciferin-luciferase assay (Promega Corporation) (7), and (iii) for heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) on R2A agar by a pour plate method with incubation at 30°C for 10 days. Possible biofilm growth was checked by applying sonication to selected samples. However, no wall growth in bottles of any size was observed.Growth was observed in all three experiments. The results show the net growth after subtraction of the initial cell/ATP/HPC concentrations from the final concentrations (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The proposed concept of the volumetric bottle effect implies that more growth should occur in smaller bottles. All data sets were subjected to regression analysis, and we observed no significant correlation (P < 0.01) between bottle size and final growth in any of the experiments by any of the three independent methods used for quantification. Figure Figure1A1A shows the batch growth results for a natural microbial community in prefiltered river water. This experimental setup is reflective of a typical AOC assay (6) or batch cultivation of natural microbial communities (20). Figure Figure1B1B shows the results for direct incubation of a treated drinking water sample. This sample and experimental setup were chosen specifically to assess any potential volumetric “bottle effect” on an indigenous microbial community in a biologically stable water sample, where only limited growth is expected. Indeed, the final cell concentration in the sample was only about 25% higher than the original cell concentration. The cultivability (HPC/TCC × 100) at day 0 was 0.4%, and at the end of the experimental period it had increased to 2.5%. This points to increased cultivability as a result of growth during confinement (5), yet it does not relate at all to the size of the incubation vessel. Figure Figure1C1C shows the data for V. cholerae grown in sterile LB medium (diluted 1:10,000) to stationary phase. Again, this particular setup is of specific relevance since a recently published paper on the growth of V. cholerae referred directly to the volumetric “bottle effect” to explain rather large differences between growth results from two separate studies (11, 19). The data from Fig. Fig.1C1C suggest at least that a “bottle effect” should be ruled out as an interfering factor in this case.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Effects of bottle size on bacterial batch growth of a natural microbial community in filter-sterilized surface water (A), growth of bacteria during direct incubation of water from a drinking water treatment plant (B), and batch growth of a V. cholerae pure culture in diluted LB medium (C). Growth (expressed as the net growth) was quantified by flow cytometric total cell counting (circles), total ATP analysis (diamonds), and conventional plating (squares). All data points represent averages of triplicate measurements.The results presented in this study clearly dispute the concept of a volumetric “bottle effect” on the outcome of short-term batch growth assays, be it for pure cultures or natural microbial communities. These findings contradict evidence reported by many other researchers (3, 8, 11-13, 15, 21). Although the volumetric “bottle effect” is often cited as a somewhat mysterious occurrence, it is imperative that clear experimental data are required for the critical appraisal thereof. The main experimental theory behind the phenomenon is that organic carbon adsorbs to clean glass surfaces, thus locally concentrating the carbon and creating more favorable growth conditions (2, 14). This adsorption and the fact that bacteria can utilize such adsorbed carbon have been demonstrated experimentally (14). What has, in our opinion, not been shown conclusively is that these effects can be so dramatic that they would alter the growth of samples to the extent that different sizes of bottles would render different final cell numbers after growth. Since we have not observed any volumetric “bottle effect” in our work, we can only speculate on the possible reasons why this has been observed previously. One explanation may be that glassware contaminated with organic carbon can contribute to the perception of a volumetric “bottle effect,” as large surface-to-volume ratios (found in small bottles) would account for increased contamination compared to that in bottles with smaller ratios. Hence, more additional available carbon would be introduced into smaller bottles, giving rise to higher final cell numbers after growth. In this context, it is essential that a comprehensive glassware-cleaning protocol be followed, including heating to a high temperature (>500°C) and storage away from volatile organics (6). In addition, it is important that such experiments at low carbon concentrations are complemented with the inclusion of correct and sensitive controls to assess potential organic carbon contamination. For example, the use of deionized water as a negative control should be avoided, since the absence of inorganic nutrients is bound to lead to no growth and thus false-negative results (10). A good negative control would be water that is only carbon limited, e.g., bottled drinking water (17). Moreover, the use of multiple tools for analyzing growth, including cultivation-independent methods, is encouraged.In conclusion, we did not observe evidence of a volumetric bottle effect on short-term (<5-day) batch incubations. The findings of this study suggest that reference to the so-called volumetric bottle effect should be considered carefully unless supported by clear experimental data. This study does not dispute the fact that many authors have observed results implying apparent bottle effects during growth studies, but it questions the interpretation and understanding of this concept and the random use of the term “bottle effect” to explain uncertainty in results, specifically in relation to bottle size. Hopefully, these data will assist with experimental setups and comparison of data among different groups and stimulate discussion of and future research on this interesting, but slightly controversial, topic.  相似文献   

In this work we investigated the antibacterial properties of differently shaped silver nanoparticles against the gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli, both in liquid systems and on agar plates. Energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy images revealed considerable changes in the cell membranes upon treatment, resulting in cell death. Truncated triangular silver nanoplates with a {111} lattice plane as the basal plane displayed the strongest biocidal action, compared with spherical and rod-shaped nanoparticles and with Ag+ (in the form of AgNO3). It is proposed that nanoscale size and the presence of a {111} plane combine to promote this biocidal property. To our knowledge, this is the first comparative study on the bactericidal properties of silver nanoparticles of different shapes, and our results demonstrate that silver nanoparticles undergo a shape-dependent interaction with the gram-negative organism E. coli.  相似文献   

To test whether plant growth–promoting bacteria might be useful in facilitating the growth of Phragmites australis, the common reed, in the presence of metals and organic compounds, P. australis seeds were treated with plant growth–promoting bacteria. The bacterium Pseudomonas asplenii AC was genetically transformed to express a bacterial gene encoding the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase, and both the native and transformed bacteria were tested in conjunction with P. australis. Inoculation of seeds, which were subsequently grown in the presence of copper or creosote, with transformed P. asplenii AC significantly increased seed germination. Moreover, the addition of either native or transformed P. asplenii AC to P. australis seeds enabled the plants (shoots and roots) to attain a greater size than noninoculated plants after growth in soil in the presence of either copper or creosote.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The work continues the series of long-term studies of the microbial diversity of soda lakes and concerns the problem of anaerobic decomposition of proteins. The physiology...  相似文献   

Cells of Rhv. sulfidophilum were grown under different conditions in the presence of 32P-phosphate and the corresponding H and L membrane fractions obtained and fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Both membranes showed almost identical polypeptide composition. The bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) specific content in H was always lower that in L. As described before, oxygen did not regulate gene expression. Under high light, an almost two- to threefold decrease of the cellular specific Bchl content was observed. Pulse and chase experiments showed that transitions from aerobiosis to light-anaerobiosis did not quantitatively affect the Bchl content of the membranes, although a turnover of the 32P-phosphate and 35S-methionine was observed. LHI β was the only polypeptidic subunit of the Bchl-binding polypeptides that was phosphorylated in vivo, and phosphotyrosine was the only phosphorylated amino acid detectable. The phosphorylated LHI β was determined to be insoluble in the organic solvent mixture of (vol/vol) 1:1 chloroform-methanol containing ammonium acetate (0.1 m final concentration). Treatment with a chaotropic agent such as Na2CO3 solubilized the phosphorylated LHI β, indicating that part of this posttranslationally modified polypeptide was not inserted in a transmembrane position. These results were used to speculate about the regulatory properties of this posttranslational modification of LHI β on membrane differentiation. Received: 30 August 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

A betaproteobacterium, shown by molecular techniques to have widespread global distribution in extremely acidic (pH 2 to 4) ferruginous mine waters and also to be a major component of “acid streamer” growths in mine-impacted water bodies, has proven to be recalcitrant to enrichment and isolation. A modified “overlay” solid medium was devised and used to isolate this bacterium from a number of mine water samples. The physiological and phylogenetic characteristics of a pure culture of an isolate from an abandoned copper mine (“Ferrovum myxofaciens” strain P3G) have been elucidated. “F. myxofaciens” is an extremely acidophilic, psychrotolerant obligate autotroph that appears to use only ferrous iron as an electron donor and oxygen as an electron acceptor. It appears to use the Calvin-Benson-Bassham pathway to fix CO2 and is diazotrophic. It also produces copious amounts of extracellular polymeric materials that cause cells to attach to each other (and to form small streamer-like growth in vitro) and to different solid surfaces. “F. myxofaciens” can catalyze the oxidative dissolution of pyrite and, like many other acidophiles, is tolerant of many (cationic) transition metals. “F. myxofaciens” and related clone sequences form a monophyletic group within the Betaproteobacteria distantly related to classified orders, with genera of the family Nitrosomonadaceae (lithoautotrophic, ammonium-oxidizing neutrophiles) as the closest relatives. On the basis of the phylogenetic and phenotypic differences of “F. myxofaciens” and other Betaproteobacteria, a new family, “Ferrovaceae,” and order, “Ferrovales,” within the class Betaproteobacteria are proposed. “F. myxofaciens” is the first extreme acidophile to be described in the class Betaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing, or citrus greening, is a devastating disease of citrus plants recently spreading worldwide, which is caused by an uncultivable bacterial pathogen, “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,” and vectored by a phloem-sucking insect, Diaphorina citri. We investigated the infection density dynamics of “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” in field populations of D. citri with experiments using field-collected insects to address how “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” infection density in the vector insect is relevant to pathogen transmission to citrus plants. Of 500 insects continuously collected from “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus”-infected citrus trees with pathological symptoms in the spring and autumn of 2009, 497 (99.4%) were “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” positive. The infections were systemic across head-thorax and abdomen, ranging from 103 to 107 bacteria per insect. In spring, the infection densities were low in March, at ∼103 bacteria per insect, increasing up to 106 to 107 bacteria per insect in April and May, and decreasing to 105 to 106 bacteria per insect in late May, whereas the infection densities were constantly ∼106 to 107 bacteria per insect in autumn. Statistical analysis suggested that several factors, such as insect sex, host trees, and collection dates, may be correlated with “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” infection densities in field D. citri populations. Inoculation experiments with citrus seedlings using field-collected “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus”-infected insects suggested that (i) “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus”-transmitting insects tend to exhibit higher infection densities than do nontransmitting insects, (ii) a threshold level (∼106 bacteria per insect) of “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” density in D. citri is required for successful transmission to citrus plants, and (iii) D. citri attaining the threshold infection level transmits “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” to citrus plants in a stochastic manner. These findings provide valuable insights into understanding, predicting, and controlling this notorious citrus pathogen.  相似文献   

The assembly of two deletion mutants of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein into the cytochrome bc 1 complex was investigated after import in vitro into mitochondria isolated from a strain of yeast, JPJ1, from which the iron-sulfur protein gene (RIP) had been deleted. The assembly process was investigated by immunoprecipitation of the labeled iron-sulfur protein or the two deletion mutants from detergent-solubilized mitochondria with specific antisera against either the iron-sulfur protein or the bc 1 complex (complex III) [Fu and Beattie (1991). J. Biol. Chem. 266, 16212–16218]. The deletion mutants lacking amino acid residues 55–66 or residues 161–180 were imported into mitochondria in vitro and processed to the mature form via an intermediate form. After import in vitro, the protein lacking residues 161–180 was not assembled into the complex, suggesting that the region of the iron-sulfur protein containing these residues may be involved in the assembly of the protein into the bc 1 complex; however, the protein lacking residues 55–66 was assembled in vitro into the bc 1 complex as effectively as the wild type iron-sulfur protein. Moreover, this mutant protein was present in the mitochondrial membrane fraction obtained from JPJ1 cells transformed with a single-copy plasmid containing the gene for this protein lacking residues 55–66. This deletion mutant protein was also assembled into the bc 1 complex in vivo, suggesting that the hydrophobic stretch of amino acids, residues 55–66, is not required for assembly of the iron-sulfur protein into the bc 1 complex; however, this association did not lead to enzymatic activity of the bc 1 complex, as the Rieske FeS cluster was not epr detectable in these mitochondria.  相似文献   

H. Y. Fan  H. L. Klein 《Genetics》1994,137(4):945-956
The hpr1Δ3 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is temperature-sensitive for growth at 37° and has a 1000-fold increase in deletion of tandem direct repeats. The hyperrecombination phenotype, measured by deletion of a leu2 direct repeat, is partially dependent on the RAD1 and RAD52 gene products, but mutations in these RAD genes do not suppress the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype. Extragenic suppressors of the temperature-sensitive growth have been isolated and characterized. The 14 soh (suppressor of hpr1) mutants recovered represent eight complementation groups, with both dominant and recessive soh alleles. Some of the soh mutants suppress hpr1 hyperrecombination and are distinct from the rad mutants that suppress hpr1 hyperrecombination. Comparisons between the SOH genes and the RAD genes are presented as well as the requirement of RAD genes for the Soh phenotypes. Double soh mutants have been analyzed and reveal three classes of interactions: epistatic suppression of hpr1 hyperrecombination, synergistic suppression of hpr1 hyperrecombination and synthetic lethality. The SOH1 gene has been cloned and sequenced. The null allele is 10-fold increased for recombination as measured by deletion of a leu2 direct repeat.  相似文献   

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