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If two microbial populations compete for a single resource in a homogeneous environment with time invariant inputs they cannot coexist indefinitely if the resource competed for is not renewed by biological activity within the system. Mathematical studies have shown that in a predator-prey system, where the resource (prey) is self-renewing, the two competitors (predators) can coexist in a limit cycle. This suggests that if the resource competed for is renewed by biological activity within the system coexistence can occur in any microbial system provided that it exhibits the same features as, but without being, a predator-prey one. A food chain involving commensalism, competition and amensalism is presented here. Two subcases are considered. It is only when maintenance effects are taken into account that coexistence, in limit cycles, can occur for this system. Limit cycle solutions for the system are demonstrated with the help of computer simulations. Some necessary conditions for coexistence are presented, as are some speculations regarding the possible physical explanations of the results.  相似文献   

It is well established that pure and simple microbial competitors cannot coexist at a steady state if their environment is homogeneous. For the case of two microbial populations competing purely and simply in two interconnected chemostats having time-invariant input(s), it is known from the literature that a stable steady state of coexistence arises in domains of the operating parameters space and is attributed to the spatial heterogeneities of the system, which allow a different species to have the competitive advantage in each one of the two sub-environments. This article investigates whether the aforementioned result can be extended to the case of three species competing in three interconnected vessels. By studying all possible alternate configurations of the three-chemostat system, it is shown that coexistence of the three species is impossible, except possibly for some discrete values of the operating parameters. Some potential explanations for the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of pure and simple competition between two microbial species are examined for the case of interaction arising in a distributed and nonstagnant environment. The environment is modeled as a tubular reactor. It is shown that for relatively small values of the dispersion coefficient (i.e., for small, but nonzero, backmixing of the medium), the two competing populations can coexist in a stable steady state. It has been assumed that the species grow uninhibited and that if there are maintenance requirements they are satisfied from endogenous sources. From numerical studies it has been found that a necessary condition for coexistence is that the net specific growth rate curves of the two competitors cross each other at a positive value of the concentration of the rate-limiting substrate. The model equations have been numerically solved by using the methods of orthogonal and spline collocation.  相似文献   

The principle of competitive exclusion is a fundamental tenet of ecology. Commonly used competition models predict that at most only one species per limiting resource can coexist in the same environment at steady state; hence, the upper limit to species diversity depends only on the number of limiting resources and not on the rates of resource supply. We demonstrate that such model behavior is the result of both the growth and biomass turnover functions being proportional to the population biomass. We argue that at least the growth function should be a nonlinear, concave downward function of biomass. This form for the growth function should arise simply because of changes in the allometry of individuals in the population. With this change in model structure, we show that any number of species can coexist at an asymptotically stable steady state, even where there is only one limiting resource. Furthermore, if growth increases nonlinearly with biomass, the steady-state resource concentration and hence the potential for biodiversity increases as the resource supply rate increases. Received 31 August 2001; accepted 10 April 2002.  相似文献   

We analyse, from a mathematical point of view, the global stability of equilibria for models describing the interaction between infectious agents and humoral immunity. We consider the models that contain the variables of pathogens explicitly. The first model considers the situation where only a single strain exists. For the single strain model, the disease steady state is globally asymptotically stable if the basic reproductive ratio is greater than one. The other models consider the situations where multiple strains exist. For the multi-strain models, the disease steady state is globally asymptotically stable. In the model that does not explicitly contain an immune variable, only one strain with the maximum basic reproductive ratio can survive at the steady state. However, in our models explicitly involving the immune system, multiple strains coexist at the steady state.  相似文献   

Although limited by a single resource, microbial populations that grow for long periods in continuous culture (chemostat) frequently evolve stable polymorphisms. These polymorphisms may be maintained by cross-feeding, where one strain partially degrades the primary energy resource and excretes an intermediate that is used as an energy resource by a second strain. It is unclear what selective advantage cross-feeding strains have over a single competitor that completely degrades the primary resource. Here we show that cross-feeding may evolve in microbial populations as a consequence of the following optimization principles: the rate of ATP production is maximized, the concentration of enzymes of the pathway is minimized, and the concentration of intermediates of the pathway is minimized.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for an ideal chemostat in which one microbial population feeds on another and where Monod's model is used for the specific growth rates of both populations predicts a less stable behavior for the system than the one observed experimentally. Various factors have been proposed as being the reason for the increased stability of such systems. In this work, the effect of spatial heterogeneity on the dynamics of the microbial feeding interaction is studied. It is concluded that spatial heterogeneity has a stabilizing effect on the system. This effect combined with other factors could be the reason for the increased stability observed in systems where a microbial feeding interaction occurs.  相似文献   

It is known from the literature that two microbial populations competing purely and simply for a common substrate in a spatially inhomogeneous environment may under certain conditions coexist in a steady state. This paper studies pure and simple competition between two microbial species in three alternate configurations of two interconnected ideal chemostats and focuses on the effects of the operating parameters-dilution rate, substrate concentration in the feed to the vessels, recycle ratio, and volume ratio of the two vessels, splitting ratio of the external feed to the chemostats-on the coexistence of the two competitors. It is shown that the coexistence steady state is practically feasible in the sense that it occurs in a finite domain of the operating parameters space. Theoretical and numerical results are presented, some of them in the form of operating diagrams projected on the two-dimensional subspace. A comparison of the three possible configurations is offered.  相似文献   

Different theories have been proposed to understand the growing problem of antibiotic resistance of microbial populations. Here we investigate a model that is based on the hypothesis that senescence is a possible explanation for the existence of so-called persister cells which are resistant to antibiotic treatment. We study a chemostat model with a microbial population which is age-structured and show that if the growth rates of cells in different age classes are sufficiently close to a scalar multiple of a common growth rate, then the population will globally stabilize at a coexistence steady state. This steady state persists under an antibiotic treatment if the level of antibiotics is below a certain threshold; if the level exceeds this threshold, the washout state becomes a globally attracting equilibrium.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the simple view of resource limitation by a single resource has been changed due to the realization that co-limitation by multiple resources is often an important determinant of species growth. Hence, the multiple resource limitation hypothesis needs to be taken into account, when communities of species competing for resources are considered. We present a multiple species–multiple resource competition model which is based on the concept of synthesizing unit to formulate the growth rates of species competing for interactive essential resources. Using this model, we demonstrate that a more mechanistic explanation of interactive effects of co-limitation may lead to the known complex dynamics including nonequilibrium states as oscillations and chaos. We compare our findings with earlier investigations on biological mechanisms that can predict the outcome of multispecies competition. Moreover, we show that this model yields a periodic state where more species than limiting complementary resources can coexist (supersaturation) in a homogeneous environment. We identify two novel mechanisms, how such a state can emerge: a transcritical bifurcation of a limit cycle and a transition from a heteroclinic cycle. Furthermore, we demonstrate the robustness of the phenomenon of supersaturation when the environmental conditions are varied.  相似文献   

We will elaborate the evolutionary course of an ecosystem consisting of a population in a chemostat environment with periodically fluctuating nutrient supply. The organisms that make up the population consist of structural biomass and energy storage compartments. In a constant chemostat environment a species without energy storage always out-competes a species with energy reserves. This hinders evolution of species with storage from those without storage. Using the adaptive dynamics approach for non-equilibrium ecological systems we will show that in a fluctuating environment there are multiple stable evolutionary singular strategies (ss's): one for a species without, and one for a species with energy storage. The evolutionary end-point depends on the initial evolutionary state. We will formulate the invasion fitness in terms of Floquet multipliers for the oscillating non-autonomous system. Bifurcation theory is used to study points where due to evolutionary development by mutational steps, the long-term dynamics of the ecological system changes qualitatively. To that end, at the ecological time scale, the trait value at which invasion of a mutant into a resident population becomes possible can be calculated using numerical bifurcation analysis where the trait is used as the free parameter, because it is just a bifurcation point. In a constant environment there is a unique stable equilibrium for one species following the "competitive exclusion" principle. In contrast, due to the oscillatory dynamics on the ecological time scale two species may coexist. That is, non-equilibrium dynamics enhances biodiversity. However, we will show that this coexistence is not stable on the evolutionary time scale and always one single species survives.  相似文献   

We will elaborate the evolutionary course of an ecosystem consisting of a population in a chemostat environment with periodically fluctuating nutrient supply. The organisms that make up the population consist of structural biomass and energy storage compartments. In a constant chemostat environment a species without energy storage always out-competes a species with energy reserves. This hinders evolution of species with storage from those without storage. Using the adaptive dynamics approach for non-equilibrium ecological systems we will show that in a fluctuating environment there are multiple stable evolutionary singular strategies (ss's): one for a species without, and one for a species with energy storage. The evolutionary end-point depends on the initial evolutionary state. We will formulate the invasion fitness in terms of Floquet multipliers for the oscillating non-autonomous system. Bifurcation theory is used to study points where due to evolutionary development by mutational steps, the long-term dynamics of the ecological system changes qualitatively. To that end, at the ecological time scale, the trait value at which invasion of a mutant into a resident population becomes possible can be calculated using numerical bifurcation analysis where the trait is used as the free parameter, because it is just a bifurcation point. In a constant environment there is a unique stable equilibrium for one species following the “competitive exclusion” principle. In contrast, due to the oscillatory dynamics on the ecological time scale two species may coexist. That is, non-equilibrium dynamics enhances biodiversity. However, we will show that this coexistence is not stable on the evolutionary time scale and always one single species survives.  相似文献   

We investigate the standard chemostat model when lateral gene transfer is taken into account. We will show that when the different genotypes have growth rate functions that are sufficiently close to a common growth rate function, and when the yields of the genotypes are sufficiently close to a common value, then the population evolves to a globally stable steady state, at which all genotypes coexist. These results can explain why the antibiotic-resistant strains persist in the pathogen population.  相似文献   

We investigate the standard chemostat model when lateral gene transfer is taken into account. We will show that when the different genotypes have growth rate functions that are sufficiently close to a common growth rate function, and when the yields of the genotypes are sufficiently close to a common value, then the population evolves to a globally stable steady state, at which all genotypes coexist. These results can explain why the antibiotic-resistant strains persist in the pathogen population.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that viruses are much more prevalent in aquatic environments than previously imagined. We derive a model of competition between two populations of bacteria for a single limiting nutrient in a chemostat where a virus is present. It is assumed that the virus can only infect one of the populations, the population that would be a more efficient consumer of the resource in a virus free environment, in order to determine whether introduction of a virus can result in coexistence of the competing populations. We also analyze the subsystem that results when the resistant competitor is absent. The model takes the form of an SIS epidemic model. Criteria for the global stability of the disease free and endemic steady states are obtained for both the subsystem as well as for the full competition model. However, for certain parameter ranges, bi-stability, and/or multiple periodic orbits is possible and both disease induced oscillations and competition induced oscillations are possible. It is proved that persistence of the vulnerable and resistant populations can occur, but only when the disease is endemic in the population. It is also shown that it is possible to have multiple attracting endemic steady states, oscillatory behavior involving Hopf, saddle-node, and homoclinic bifurcations, and a hysteresis effect. An explicit expression for the basic reproduction number for the epidemic is given in terms of biologically meaningful parameters. Mathematical tools that are used include Lyapunov functions, persistence theory, and bifurcation analysis.  相似文献   

Mathematical studies for ecosystems involving 2 predators competing for a growing prey population have shown that the 2 competitors can coexist in a state of sustained oscillations for a range of values of the system parameters. For the case of 1 suspension-feeding protozoan population, recent experimental observations suggest that the predator-prey interaction is complicated by the ability of the bacteria to grow on products produced by the lysis of protozoan cells. This situation is studied here for the case where 2 suspension-feeding protozoan populations compete for a growing bacterial population in a chemostat. Computer simulations show that the 2 protozoan populations can coexist over a range of the operating parameters. Some necessary conditions for coexistence are presented as are some speculations regarding the possible physical explanations of results.  相似文献   

The method based on characterization of microbial populations in terms of their growth rate in agar plates has been used for testing the prediction of the theory of r- and K-selection in a microbial community from a tropical soil. Conditions which could lead bacterial populations to grow exponentially or to enter into a stationary phase were obtained by growing soil microbial populations in a chemostat and in a chemostat with recycle, respectively. Significant differences in population distribution patterns were observed by comparing results from the two growth systems. When soil community was grown in a chemostat and subjected specifically to well-defined r- and K-conditions, stable associations of organisms with r- and K-type characteristics developed as a consequence of environmental pressure. In contrast, when cultivated in chemostat with recycle under the same r- and K-conditions imposed on chemostat cultures, distribution patterns of r- and K-selected populations appeared very little affected by changes in substrate availability.  相似文献   

 The standard Monod model for microbial population dynamics in the chemostat is modified to take into consideration that cells can adapt to the change of nutrient concentration in the chemostat by switching between fast and slow nutrient uptake and growing modes with asymmetric thresholds for transition from one mode to another. This is a generalization of a modified Monod model which considers adaptation by transition between active growing and quiescent cells. Global analysis of the model equations is obtained using the theory of asymptotically autonomous systems. Transient oscillatory population density and hysteresis growth pattern observed experimentally, which do not occur for the standard Monod model, can be explained by such adaptive mechanism of the cells. Competition between two species that can switch between fast and slow nutrient uptake and growing modes is also considered. It is shown that generically there is no coexistence steady state, and only one steady state, corresponding to the survival of at most one species in the chemostat, is a local attractor. Numerical simulations reproduce the qualitative feature of some experimental data which show that the population density of the winning species approaches a positive steady state via transient oscillations while that of the losing species approaches the zero steady state monotonically. Received 4 August 1995; received in revised form 15 December 1995  相似文献   

This paper examines a model of a flowing water habitat with a hydraulic storage zone in which no flow occurs. In this habitat, one or two microbial populations grow while consuming a single nutrient resource. Conditions for persistence of one population and coexistence of two competing populations are derived from eigenvalue problems, the theory of bifurcation and the theory of monotone dynamical systems. A single population persists if it can invade the trivial steady state of an empty habitat. Under some conditions, persistence occurs in the presence of a hydraulic storage zone when it would not in an otherwise equivalent flowing habitat without such a zone. Coexistence of two competing species occurs if each can invade the semi-trivial steady state established by the other species. Numerical work shows that both coexistence and enhanced persistence due to a storage zone occur for biologically reasonable parameters.  相似文献   

We analyze a mathematical model of a simple food web consisting of one predator and two prey populations in a chemostat. Monod's model is employed for the dependence of the specific growth rates of the two prey populations on the concentration of the rate-limiting substrate and a generalization of Monod's model for the dependence of the specific growth rate of the predator on the concentrations of the prey populations. We use numerical bifurcation techniques to determine the effect of the operating conditions of the chemostat on the dynamics of the system and construct its operating diagram. Chaotic behavior resulting from successive period doublings is observed. Multistability phenomena of coexistence of steady and periodic states at the same operating conditions are also found.  相似文献   

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