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The aim of this study was to investigate if a low concentration of endothelin-1 (ET-1; 8 x 10(-10) M) may amplify the skin vasoconstrictor effect of other vasoactive substances in the pathogenesis of skin vasospasm. Pig skin flaps (6 x 16 cm) were perfused with Krebs buffer equilibrated with 95% O(2) and 5% CO(2) at 37 degrees C and pH 7.4. Skin perfusion pressure measured by a pressure transducer and skin perfusion assessed by the dermofluorometry technique were used for assessment of skin vasoconstriction. We observed that ET-1 (8 x 10(-10) M) significantly amplified the concentration-dependent (10(-7)-10(-5) M) skin vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine. More importantly, we observed for the first time that this low concentration of ET-1 also amplified the concentration-dependent (10(-8)-10(-6) M) skin vasoconstrictor effect of the thromboxane A(2) mimetic U-46619, and this amplification effect of ET-1 was completely blocked by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine (5 x 10(-6) M). Conversely, the PKC activator phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (10(-7) M) amplified the vasoconstrictor effect of U-46619. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the skin vasculature to the vasoconstrictor effect of extracellular Ca(2+) in U-46619-induced skin vasoconstriction was significantly enhanced in the presence of 8 x 10(-10) M ET-1. Finally, the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (5 x 10(-6) M) did not affect the amplification effect of ET-1 on U-46619-induced skin vasoconstriction. We conclude that a low concentration of ET-1 can amplify the skin vasoconstrictor effect of U-46619 independent of endogenous cyclooxygenase products, and the mechanism may involve activation of PKC and increase in sensitivity of the contractile apparatus to Ca(2+) in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,52(12):PL97-PL102
The effect of a peptide leukotriene receptor antagonist ONO-1078 on the production of thromboxane (Tx) B2 induced by leukotriene (LT) D4 and antigen challenge was examined in guinea pig lungs. LTD4 (1–1,000 nM) induced a concentration-dependent production of TxB2 in nonsensitized guinea pig lungs and ovalbumin challenge (0.01–100 μg/ml) produced TxB2 and peptide leukotrienes in a concentration-dependent manner in ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pig lungs. ONO-1078 inhibited LTD4 (100 nM)-induced TxB2 production with the IC50 value of 0.24 μM. Furthermore, ONO-1078 inhibited antigen (10 μg/ml)-induced TxB2 production with the IC50 value of 0.14 μM without effect on the production of peptide leukotrienes. These results suggest that ONO-1078 may prevent the antigen-induced production of TxB2 through the blockade of the activation of receptors by endogenously generated peptide leukotrienes.  相似文献   

Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) causes bronchoconstriction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Two types of TXA2 modifiers, one synthase inhibitor and one receptor antagonist, are widely used for the treatment of asthma in Japan. Although the target of TXA2 modifiers is to inhibit bioactivity of TXA2, the pharmacological properties are somewhat different between these drugs. We studied the inhibitory effects of the TXA2 synthase inhibitor CS-518 and the TXA2 receptor antagonist S-1452 alone and in combination on antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in passively sensitized guinea pigs treated with diphenhydramine. Both CS-518 and S-1452 inhibited the antigen-induced bronchoconstriction dose-dependently with the plateau. The combination of these drugs at the maximal inhibitory doses did not have any more effect compared with each single dosing. The combination at the submaximal doses tended to show an additive effect, but the effect was not significant. These findings suggest that other prostanoids such as PGE2, PGI2, PGD2 and PGF2alpha may not take an important role in the antiasthmatic effects of TXA2 modifiers.  相似文献   

The effect of a novel CCK-antagonist (lorglumide, CR 1409) was evaluated by "in vitro" tensiometric studies on 16 human (gallstone patients) and 12 guinea pig gallbladder smooth muscle strips. In the animal experiments, increasing doses of lorglumide (0.2-6.5 uM) caused a rightward shift of the dose-response curves of CCK-OP, with an increase of the ED50 from 8.2 nM +/- 1.62 SEM, n = 12; to 100 nM +/- 12, n = 4) without affecting the maximal effect (Emax). Schild plot gave an affinity constant of 7.19. In human gallbladders, the effect of lorglumide was also present (ED50 increased from 47 nM +/- 8 SEM, n = 16; to 300 nM +/- 10 SEM, n = 4) coexisting with a large inter-sample variation for CCK-OP ED50s and maximal contractions, most likely due to the histological changes of the wall in chronic cholecystitis. The affinity constant was similar to that found in animal experiments. We confirm the studies previously reported in animals on the existence of a competitive antagonism of lorglumide on CCK gallbladder receptors. Moreover, our results on gallbladders from gallstone patients show that lorglumide is a highly effective antagonist of CCK-induced contractions despite the presence of chronic cholecystitis. Our study might help for a better comprehension of the role of these new anti-CCK drugs in the treatment of biliary pain.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of ONO-1078, a peptide leukotriene antagonist, on antigen-induced airway microvascular leakage in ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pigs. When guinea pigs were pretreated with mepyramine, ovalbumin challenge increased vascular permeability to Evans blue dye in trachea, main bronchi and intrapulmonary airways. Oral administration of ONO-1078 significantly reduced microvascular leakage in intrapulmonary airways at doses more than 3 mg/kg, but not in trachea. Moreover, oral administration of ONO-1078 significantly reduced SRS-A mediated microvascular leakage into all airway tissues and was more effective in intrapulmonary airways at 3 mg/kg. Simultaneously, ONO-1078 also inhibited SRS-A mediated bronchoconstriction. On the other hand, azelastine (10 mg/kg, p.o.), an anti-asthma agent, failed to inhibit microvascular leakage into the airways. These results suggest that peptide leukotrienes may be important mediators of airway microvascular leakage, and that the inhibitory effect of ONO-1078 on antigen-induced airway microvascular leakage in addition to the blockade of bronchoconstriction may have therapeutic implications for bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察肾上腺髓质素(ADM)mRNA在豚鼠哮喘模型肺内的表达及对哮喘豚鼠离体气管条张力的影响,研究ADM在支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)发病机制中的作用。方法:用原位杂交方法检测ADM mRNA在豚鼠哮喘模型肺内的表达,用组胺诱导豚鼠离体气管条收缩后,观察不同浓度的ADM对其收缩作用影响。结果:原位杂交结果显示正常及哮喘豚鼠肺内均有ADM mRNA的表达,但哮喘组较正常组明显增多(P<0.05),ADM可抑制组胺诱导的哮喘豚鼠离体气管条的收缩,并呈量效关系,当浓度达10^-8mol/L时抑经达到最大,而且即使加大ADM的浓度,抑制率未继续明显增加,并对致敏气管螺旋条的舒张作用明显大于正常气管螺旋条。结论:哮喘时,肺内ADM mRNA的表达明显增多,ADM可抑制组胺诱导的豚鼠离体气管条的收缩,浓度为10^-8mol/L时抑制率达到最大。提示ADM在哮喘发病过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

The effects were studied of three novel thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonists (S-1452, AA-2414 and ONO-3708) on the increase in pulmonary pressure caused by Forssman anaphylaxis in guinea-pigs. Three TXA2 antagonists at doses of between 1 and 10 mg/kg administered orally 1 h before the challenge clearly inhibited the pulmonary pressure increase. At a dose of 10 mg/kg, all three antagonists inhibited the pulmonary pressure increase caused by leukotriene D4 (LTD4) and U-46619, but not that caused by histamine. The decrease in peripheral platelet counts caused by Forssman anaphylaxis was also clearly inhibited by the three TXA2 antagonists. However, the decreased peripheral leukocyte counts were unaffected by the three agents. The decrease in serum complement activity (CH50) was inhibited by S-1452 and AA-2414 at a dose of 10 mg/kg. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), significant increases in eosinophils and neutrophils were observed after Forssman anaphylaxis. Three TXA2 antagonists at a dose of 10 mg/kg (except for AA-2414 on eosinophils) did not affect the changes of leukocyte counts in BALF. Moreover, increases in the TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha levels of the BALF brought about by Forssman anaphylaxis were unaffected by the three TXA2 receptor antagonists. Histamine and LTD4 were not changed in the BALF after Forssman anaphylaxis. These results indicate the efficacy of TXA2 receptor antagonists on the increase in pulmonary pressure caused by Forssman anaphylaxis in guinea-pigs by direct antagonism to released TXA2.  相似文献   

U-46619, a stable epoxymethano analog of thromboxane A2 elicited a direct positive inotropic effect on guinea pig left atrium paced at a constant rate (EC50 = 2.5 nM). This novel observation contrasts with previous reports of a decrease in myocardial contractility by thromboxane mimetic compounds in coronary-perfused preparations, an action recognized as secondary to vasoconstriction. The positive inotropic effect of U-46619 was competitively antagonized by the specific thromboxane receptor blocker L-655,240 (pA2 = 8.02; identical to that reported in smooth muscle), but was unaffected by blockers of alpha 1-, beta 1-, and H1-receptors and by cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase inhibitors. Increased tissue levels of inositol phosphates, but not cAMP, were associated with the positive inotropic action of U-46619, in analogy to the actions of alpha 1- and H1-receptor agonists. However, the inotropic effect of U-46619 and the concomitant increase in phosphoinositide breakdown were both selectively antagonized by L-655,240. Thus, U-46619 acts on specific thromboxane receptors in guinea pig left atrium and elicits a positive inotropic effect that probably results from an increase in phosphoinositide metabolism.  相似文献   

Thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)) causes bronchoconstriction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Two types of TXA(2) modifiers, one synthase inhibitor and one receptor antagonist, are widely used for the treatment of asthma in Japan. Although the target of TXA(2) modifiers is to inhibit bioactivity of TXA(2), the pharmacological properties are somewhat different between these drugs. We studied the inhibitory effects of the TXA(2) synthase inhibitor CS-518 and the TXA(2) receptor antagonist S-1452 alone and in combination on antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in passively sensitized guinea pigs treated with diphenhydramine.Both CS-518 and S-1452 inhibited the antigen-induced bronchoconstriction dose-dependently with the plateau. The combination of these drugs at the maximal inhibitory doses did not have any more effect compared with each single dosing. The combination at the submaximal doses tended to show an additive effect, but the effect was not significant.These findings suggest that other prostanoids such as PGE(2), PGI(2), PGD(2) and PGF(2alpha) may not take an important role in the antiasthmatic effects of TXA(2) modifiers.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to synthesize a macromolecular probe of the TXA2 receptor antagonist BM13.505 which is unable to penetrate the platelet membrane for localization and characterization of the TXA2 receptor. The active NHS-ester of BM13.505 was synthesized and purified. It was used for covalent coupling of BM13.505 to bovine serum albumin, a macromolecular carrier. Inhibitory effects of free and macromolecular bound BM13.505 on aggregatory properties of U46619-stimulated platelets were measured and compared to TXA2 generation in platelets, as determined by TXB2 radioimmuno assay. No inhibitory effects of free and macromolecular-bound BM13.505 on ADP- or thrombin-induced platelet aggregation were observed. Equimolar concentrations of free or macromolecular bound BM13.505 inhibited U46619-induced platelet aggregation and TXA2 generation with equal potency. IC50-values for platelet aggregation inhibition by free and macromolecular bound BM13.505 were 64 nM and 96 nM respectively. It appears that the TXA2 receptor ligand binding site is located close to the outer membrane surface of platelets. Interaction of macromolecular bound BM13.505 with the platelet thromboxane receptor does not depend on the availability of the free carboxyl residue in BM13.505. The method for coupling a TXA2 receptor antagonist to a macromolecule will aid in constructing probes for the localization and characterization of the TXA2 receptor.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) agonist, U-46619, on systemic circulatory parameters in the pigs before and after administration of a novel TXA2 receptor antagonist and synthase inhibitor (BM-573). Twelve anesthetized pigs were randomly assigned in two groups: in Ago group (n=6), the animals received six consecutive injections of U-46619 at 30 min interval, while in Anta group (n=6) they received an increasing dosage regimen of BM-573 10 min before each U-46619 injection. The effects of each dose of BM-573 on ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, collagen or ADP were also evaluated. Vascular properties such as characteristic impedance, peripheral resistance, compliance, arterial elastance were estimated using a windkessel model. Intravenous injections of 0.500 mg/ml of BM-573 and higher doses resulted in a complete inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid. In the same conditions, BM-573 completely blocked the increase of arterial elastance, and stabilized both mean aortic blood pressure and mean systemic blood flow. In conclusion, BM-573 could therefore be a promising therapeutic approach in pathophysiological states where TXA2 plays a main role in the increase of vascular resistance like in pathologies such as systemic hypertension.  相似文献   

The 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) inhibitors BI-L-239 and A-64077 were compared with the 5-LO translocation inhibitor MK-886 for the ability to inhibit leukotriene B4 (LTB4) biosynthesis by chopped (1 mm3) guinea pig lung. LTB4 synthesis by ovalbumin-sensitized chopped lung tissue was determined after stimulation with either calcium ionophore (A23187) or antigen. With A23187 stimulation, MK-886 was more potent (IC50 = 0.39 +/- 0.23 microM, mean +/- SEM, p < 0.01) than BI-L-239 (IC50 = 2.48 +/- 0.46 microM) or A-64077 (IC50 = 4.68 +/- 0.70 microM) and BI-L-239 was more potent than A64077 (p < 0.02). Thus, the order of potency was MK-886 > BI-L-239 > A-64077 for inhibition of calcium ionophore-induced LTB4 generation. There was no significant differences in potency of the compounds in chopped lung stimulated with antigen: IC50 for LTB4 synthesis by A-64077 = 3.31 +/- 1.70 microM, for BI-L-239 = 9.06 +/- 4.94 microM, and for MK-886 = 13.33 +/- 7.91 microM. The ability of these compounds to inhibit contraction of tracheal tissue from actively sensitized guinea pigs in response to antigen was also determined in the presence of indomethacin (15 micrograms/ml), mepyramine, and atropine (5 micrograms each/ml). Both 5-LO inhibitors inhibited antigen-induced contraction, with IC50 values for BI-L-239 and A-64077 of 1.58 and 4.35 microM respectively. MK-886 was ineffective at inhibiting antigen-induced tracheal contraction in vitro at concentrations up to 30 microM. In summary, these compounds inhibit antigen-induced and A23187-induced leukotriene biosynthesis in guinea pig tissue. These 5-LO inhibitors were similarly effective at inhibiting antigen-induced tracheal contraction where MK-886 was ineffective.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) exerts diverse biological effects through four G-protein-coupled cell surface receptor subtypes, EP1-4. This study's objective was to characterize EP1-4 receptor mRNA expression within pregnant guinea pig myometrium during early implantation stage (gestation day [GD] 6) and late stage gestation (GD 50) and evaluate in vitro contractile activity of receptor subtype selective agonists. Using RT-PCR, qualitative gene expression patterns of EP2, EP3, and EP4 mRNA were detected in the myometrium and remained unchanged between the gestational ages. EP1 mRNA remained undetected in pregnant tissue. In vitro contractile activity was evaluated in GD 6 and GD 50 myometrium using vehicle and EP agonists PGE(2), 17-phenyl trinor PGE(2), sulprostone, misoprostol, and CP-533,536. All spasmogens in pregnant myometrium were EP1/EP3 selective agonists, though likely acting via EP3 receptors in this test model. CP-533,536--a highly selective EP2 receptor agonist--and the vehicle failed to induce myometrial contraction at both gestational ages.  相似文献   

We studied the effects on pulmonary hemodynamics of U-46619, a thromboxane A2 (TXA2) agonist, before and after administration of a novel TXA2 receptor antagonist and synthase inhibitor (BM-573). Six anesthetized pigs (Ago group) received 6 consecutive injections of U-46619 at 30-min interval and were compared with six anesthetized pigs (Anta group) which received an increasing dosage regimen of BM-573 10 min before each U-46619 injection. Consecutive changes in pulmonary hemodynamics, including characteristic resistance, vascular compliance, and peripheral vascular resistance, were continuously assessed during the experimental protocol using a four-element Windkessel model. At 2 mg/kg, BM-573 completely blocked pulmonary hypertensive effects of U-46619 but pulmonary vascular compliance still decreased. This residual effect can probably be explained by a persistent increase in the tonus of the pulmonary vascular wall smooth muscles sufficient to decrease vascular compliance but not vessel lumen diameter. Such molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach in TXA2 mediated pulmonary hypertension as it is the case in pulmonary embolism, hyperacute lung rejection and endotoxinic shock.  相似文献   

Exposure of sensitized guinea pig tracheal rings or human bronchial strips to specific antigen in vitro resulted in a rapidly developing, prolonged contraction that was resistant to washing. Treatment of the tissue with diphenhydramine, a histamine H1 antagonist, before antigen delayed the onset and decreased the amplitude of the initial phase of the contraction but did not reduce the duration. Diphenhydramine treatment after development of the contraction did not relax the airway tissue. Antigen-induced histamine release from guinea pig trachea and from human bronchus was complete within the initial 15% of the duration of the contraction. Treatment of sensitized airway tissue with FPL 55712, a SRS-A antagonist, before antigen selectively inhibited the prolonged phase of the response. FPL 55712 administration after the development of antigen-induced contraction resulted in relaxation. These data suggest that both histamine and SRS-A are involved in the response of sensitized guinea pig and human airway tissue to antigen, with histamine mediating the early phase of the contraction and SRS-A primarily mediating the protracted phase.  相似文献   

The effects of several calcium antagonists, i.e., nifedipine, verapamil and 8-[N,N-diethylamino]-octyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride (TMB-8), were evaluated in situ on agonist-induced increases in permeability of the airway microvasculature in anesthetized guinea pigs. Vascular permeability was measured as tracheal extravascular albumin content by using 125I-bovine serum albumin and the utilization of 51Cr labelled-erythrocytes to correct for blood volume. Intratracheal injections of histamine (1, 10 and 100 micrograms) or leukotriene (LT) D4 (1, 10 and 100 ng) produced dose-dependent increases in extravasated radiolabelled albumin in the trachea. Although histamine produced a greater maximal response than LTD4, the latter provocation was ten times more potent than the former. Nifedipine, a dihydropyridine calcium slow channel blocker, exhibited dose-dependent (30, 100 and 300 micrograms/kg) inhibitory activity against histamine-induced increases in extravascular albumin, while another calcium slow channel blocker, verapamil (100, 300 and 1000 micrograms/kg), exhibited much less activity. TMB-8, a purported intracellular calcium antagonist (1 and 10 mg/kg), was observed to have some inhibitory activity versus histamine. Similar doses of all three calcium antagonists failed to significantly inhibit increases in tracheal microvascular permeability evoked by LTD4. These results suggest that differences in mediator-induced microvascular permeability in the guinea pig trachea are evident depending upon the agonist selected and the pool of calcium utilized.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the chemical synthesis and in vitro characterization of a novel, high-affinity, fluorescent progesterone receptor (PR) antagonist. The three-step synthesis was carried out starting from mifepristone. After demethylation with calcium oxide, the methylamino group was alkylated with 6-bromohexanol, and the resulting compound was reacted with fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate, yielding the fluorescein-mifepristone conjugate. Interaction of the conjugate as well as of its precursors with PR was determined in cell culture (alkaline phosphatase assay and transactivation assay). Antiprogestagenic activity of the intermediates were comparable to that of the parent compound. Even after attachment of the bulky fluorescein moiety, considerable antiprogestagenic activity was maintained. Microscopic studies revealed that fluorescence of the conjugate was almost confined to the nuclei of steroid hormone receptor-positive cells, whereas the nuclei of steroid hormone receptor-negative cells remained unstained. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a fluorescent ligand for PR suitable for studies in living cells. It is proposed that the present fluorescent PR antagonist might serve as a lead compound for the development of contrast agents for PR imaging, e.g., by near-infrared optical imaging.  相似文献   

Thyroid explants of inbred strain 13 guinea pigs were grown in a semisynthetic medium containing 0.3 IU of thyroid-stimulating hormone. The monolayer retained the capacity in vitro to form thyroglobulin. Sensitized lymphocytes from animals with autoimmune thyroiditis could specifically lyse these thyroid target cells in vitro in the presence of an appropriate amount of specific antigen. This cytotoxicity was not observed in thyroid epithelial cells which had been incubated (a) with normal lymphocytes or (b) with purified macrophages either from normal animals or from animals with autoimmune thyroiditis. When thyroid cells were incubated with hyperimmune antithyroglobulin serum, cytolysis did not occur, whether or not complement was added. The cytopathic effect of sensitized lymphocytes was further demonstrated to be caused by a soluble cellular product, termed thyroid cytotoxic factor, or TCF, which was released from sensitized lymphocytes under the stimulation of specific antigen, thyroglobulin, and could exert a cytotoxic effect directly on the target cells. Direct cell-to-cell contact was not required in this type of cell-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

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