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DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) functions in error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and in vitro it efficiently bypasses a cis-syn T-T dimer by incorporating two adenines opposite the lesion. Steady state kinetic studies have shown that both yeast and human Poleta are low-fidelity enzymes, and they misincorporate nucleotides with a frequency of 10(-2)-10(-3) on both undamaged and T-T dimer-containing DNA templates. To better understand the role of Poleta in error-free translesion DNA synthesis, here we examine the ability of Poleta to extend from base mismatches. We find that both yeast and human Poleta extend from mismatched base pairs with a frequency of approximately 10(-3) relative to matched base pairs. In the absence of efficient extension of mismatched primer termini, the ensuing dissociation of Poleta from DNA may favor the excision of mismatched nucleotides by a proofreading exonuclease. Thus, we expect DNA synthesis by Poleta to be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.  相似文献   

gamma-Hydroxy-1,N(2)-propano-2'deoxyguanosine (gamma-HOPdG) is a major deoxyguanosine adduct derived from acrolein, a known mutagen. In vitro, this adduct has previously been shown to pose a severe block to translesion synthesis by a number of polymerases (pol). Here we show that both yeast and human pol eta can incorporate a C opposite gamma-HOPdG at approximately 190- and approximately 100-fold lower efficiency relative to the control deoxyguanosine and extend from a C paired with the adduct at approximately 8- and approximately 19-fold lower efficiency. Although DNA synthesis past gamma-HOPdG by yeast pol eta was relatively accurate, the human enzyme misincorporated nucleotides opposite the lesion with frequencies of approximately 10(-1) to 10(-2). Because gamma-HOPdG can adopt both ring closed and ring opened conformations, comparative replicative bypass studies were also performed with two model adducts, propanodeoxyguanosine and reduced gamma-HOPdG. For both yeast and human pol eta, the ring open reduced gamma-HOPdG adduct was less blocking than gamma-HOPdG, whereas the ring closed propanodeoxyguanosine adduct was a very strong block. Replication of DNAs containing gamma-HOPdG in wild type and xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells revealed a somewhat decreased mutation frequency in xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells. Collectively, the data suggest that pol eta might potentially contribute to both error-free and mutagenic bypass of gamma-HOPdG.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients are highly sensitive to sunlight, and they suffer from a high incidence of skin cancers. The variant form of XP results from mutations in the hRAD30A gene, which encodes the DNA polymerase in humans, hPol(eta). Of the eukaryotic DNA polymerases, only human Pol(eta) and its yeast counterpart have the ability to replicate DNA containing a cis-syn thymine-thymine (T-T) dimer. Here we measure the fidelity of hPol(eta) on all four nondamaged template bases and at each thymine residue of a cis-syn T-T dimer. Opposite all four nondamaged template bases, hPol(eta) misincorporates nucleotides with a frequency of approximately 10(-2)-10(-3), and importantly, hPol(eta) synthesizes DNA opposite the T-T dimer with the same accuracy and efficiency as opposite the nondamaged DNA. The low fidelity of hPol(eta) may derive from a flexible active site that renders the enzyme more tolerant of geometric distortions in DNA and enables it to synthesize DNA past a T-T dimer.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Pol(eta), xeroderma pigmentosum variant, or Rad30) plays an important role in an error-free response to unrepaired UV damage during replication. It faithfully synthesizes DNA opposite a thymine-thymine cis-syn-cyclobutane dimer. We have purified the yeast Pol(eta) and studied its lesion bypass activity in vitro with various types of DNA damage. The yeast Pol(eta) lacked a nuclease or a proofreading activity. It efficiently bypassed 8-oxoguanine, incorporating C, A, and G opposite the lesion with a relative efficiency of approximately 100:56:14, respectively. The yeast Pol(eta) efficiently incorporated a C opposite an acetylaminofluorene-modified G, and efficiently inserted a G or less frequently an A opposite an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site but was unable to extend the DNA synthesis further in both cases. However, some continued DNA synthesis was observed in the presence of the yeast Pol(zeta) following the Pol(eta) action opposite an AP site, achieving true lesion bypass. In contrast, the yeast Pol(alpha) was able to bypass efficiently a template AP site, predominantly incorporating an A residue opposite the lesion. These results suggest that other than UV damage, Pol(eta) may also play a role in bypassing additional DNA lesions, some of which can be error-prone.  相似文献   

O(6)-Methylguanine (m6G) is formed by the action of alkylating agents such as N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) on DNA. m6G is a highly mutagenic and carcinogenic lesion, and it presents a block to synthesis by DNA polymerases. Here, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence for the involvement of yeast and human DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) in the replicative bypass of m6G lesions in DNA. The formation of MNNG-induced mutations is almost abolished in the rad30Delta pol32Delta double mutant of yeast, which lacks the RAD30 gene that encodes Poleta and the Pol32 subunit of DNA polymerase delta (Poldelta). Although Poldelta can function in the mutagenic bypass of m6G lesions, our biochemical studies indicate that Poleta is much more efficient in replicating through m6G than Poldelta. Both Poleta and Poldelta insert a C or a T residue opposite from m6G; Poleta, however, is more accurate, as it inserts a C about twice as frequently as Poldelta. Alkylating agents are used in the treatment of malignant tumors, including lymphomas, brain tumors, melanomas, and gastrointestinal carcinomas, and the clinical effectiveness of these agents derives at least in part from their ability to form m6G in DNA. Inactivation of Poleta could afford a useful strategy for enhancing the effectiveness of these agents in cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rev1 functions in translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) together with polymerase ζ (Polζ), comprised of the Rev3 catalytic and Rev7 accessory subunits. Rev1 plays an indispensable structural role in promoting Polζ function, and deletion of the Rev1-C terminal region that is involved in physical interactions with Rev3 inactivates Polζ function in TLS. In humans, however, Rev1 has been shown to physically interact with the Y-family polymerases Polη, Polι, and Polκ, and the Rev1 C terminus mediates these interactions. Since all the available genetic and biochemical evidence in yeast support the requirement of Rev1 as a structural element for Polζ and not for Polη, these observations have raised the possibility that in its structural role, Rev1 has diverged between yeast and humans. Here we show that although in yeast a stable Rev1-Polη complex can be formed, this complex formation involves the polymerase-associated domain of Rev1 and not the Rev1 C terminus as in humans. We also found that the DNA synthesis activity of Rev1 is enhanced in this complex. We discuss the implications of these and other observations for the possible divergence of Rev1's structural role between yeast and humans.  相似文献   

DNA lesion bypass is an important cellular response to genomic damage during replication. Human DNA polymerase η (Polη), encoded by the Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) gene, is known for its activity of error-free translesion synthesis opposite a TT cis-syn cyclobutane dimer. Using purified human Polη, we have examined bypass activities of this polymerase opposite several other DNA lesions. Human Polη efficiently bypassed a template 8-oxoguanine, incorporating an A or a C opposite the lesion with similar efficiencies. Human Polη effectively bypassed a template abasic site, incorporating an A and less frequently a G opposite the lesion. Significant –1 deletion was also observed when the template base 5′ to the abasic site is a T. Human Polη partially bypassed a template (+)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N2-dG and predominantly incorporated an A, less frequently a T, and least frequently a G or a C opposite the lesion. This specificity of nucleotide incorporation correlates well with the known mutation spectrum of (+)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N2-dG lesion in mammalian cells. These results show that human Polη is capable of error-prone translesion DNA syntheses in vitro and suggest that Polη may bypass certain lesions with a mutagenic consequence in humans.  相似文献   

The replicative polymerase of bacteriophage T7 is structurally and mechanistically well characterized. The crystal structure of T7 DNA polymerase or gene 5 protein complexed to its processivity factor, Escherichia coli thioredoxin, a primer-template, and a dideoxynucleotide reveals how this enzyme interacts with the 3'-end of the primer-template, but does not show how thioredoxin confers processivity to the polymerase. In the crystal structure highly conserved amino acids Asn(335) and Ser(338) of the thumb subdomain of T7 DNA polymerase are seen to interact with phosphates 7 and 8 of the DNA template strand. Results with a mutant T7 DNA polymerase in which aliphatic residues are substituted for these amino acids and experiments with different length and methylphosphonate-modified primer-templates demonstrate that these interactions are essential for processive synthesis and d(A.T)(n) tract bypass. Our data with methylphosphonate-modified DNA suggests that thioredoxin confers processivity to T7 DNA polymerase in part by causing an interaction with the phosphate backbone or minor groove of DNA. Residues Asn(335) and Ser(338) may also function with a nearby helix-loop-helix motif located at residues 339-372 to enclose the DNA during processive synthesis. Our results suggest that this structure must be held close to the DNA by ionic interactions to function. These interactions also allow for DNA sliding but physically block the passage of a 3T bulge in the template. In contrast, yeast polymerase eta, a polymerase that non-mutagenically repairs cis-syn thymidine dimers, allows the same bulge to slide past its thumb subdomain during synthesis. A relaxed thumb interaction with the DNA could account for the notably low processivity of polymerase eta.  相似文献   

Classical high-fidelity DNA polymerases discriminate between the correct and incorrect nucleotides by using geometric constraints imposed by the tight fit of the active site with the incipient base pair. Consequently, Watson-Crick (W-C) hydrogen bonding between the bases is not required for the efficiency and accuracy of DNA synthesis by these polymerases. DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) is a low-fidelity enzyme able to replicate through DNA lesions. Using difluorotoluene, a nonpolar isosteric analog of thymine unable to form W-C hydrogen bonds with adenine, we found that the efficiency and accuracy of nucleotide incorporation by Poleta are severely impaired. From these observations, we suggest that W-C hydrogen bonding is required for DNA synthesis by Poleta; in this regard, Poleta differs strikingly from classical high-fidelity DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

We describe here the error specificity of mammalian DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), an enzyme that performs translesion DNA synthesis and may participate in somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Both mouse and human pol eta lack intrinsic proofreading exonuclease activity and both copy undamaged DNA inaccurately. Analysis of more than 1500 single-base substitutions by human pol eta indicates that error rates for all 12 mismatches are high and variable depending on the composition and symmetry of the mismatch and its location. pol eta also generates tandem base substitutions at an unprecedented rate, and kinetic analysis indicates that it extends a tandem double mismatch about as efficiently as other replicative enzymes extend single-base mismatches. This ability to use an aberrant primer terminus and the high rate of single and double-base substitutions support the idea that pol eta may forego strict shape complementarity in order to facilitate highly efficient lesion bypass. Relaxed discrimination is further indicated by pol eta infidelity for a wide variety of nucleotide deletion and addition errors. The nature and location of these errors suggest that some may be initiated by strand slippage, while others result from additional mechanisms.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) catalyzes the efficient and accurate synthesis of DNA opposite cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, and inactivation of Poleta in humans causes the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Pre-steady-state kinetic studies of yeast Poleta have indicated that the low level of fidelity of this enzyme results from a poorly discriminating induced-fit mechanism. Here we examine the mechanistic basis of the low level of fidelity of human Poleta. Because the human and yeast enzymes behave similarly under steady-state conditions, we expected these enzymes to utilize similar mechanisms of nucleotide incorporation. Surprisingly, however, we find that human Poleta differs from the yeast enzyme in several important respects. The human enzyme has a 50-fold-faster rate of nucleotide incorporation than the yeast enzyme but binds the nucleotide with an approximately 50-fold-lower level of affinity. This lower level of binding affinity might provide a means of regulation whereby the human enzyme remains relatively inactive except when the cellular deoxynucleoside triphosphate concentrations are high, as may occur during DNA damage, thereby avoiding the mutagenic consequences arising from the inadvertent action of this enzyme during normal DNA replication.  相似文献   

In both yeast and humans, DNA polymerase (Pol) eta functions in error-free replication of ultraviolet-damaged DNA, and Poleta promotes replication through many other DNA lesions as well. Here, we present evidence for the physical and functional interaction of yeast Poleta with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and show that the interaction with PCNA is essential for the in vivo function of Poleta. Poleta is highly inefficient at inserting a nucleotide opposite an abasic site, but interaction with PCNA greatly stimulates its ability for nucleotide incorporation opposite this lesion. Thus, in addition to having a pivotal role in the targeting of Poleta to the replication machinery stalled at DNA lesions, interaction with PCNA would promote the bypass of certain DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is an autosomal recessive photosensitive disorder with an extremely high incidence of skin cancers. Seven complementation groups, corresponding to seven proteins involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER), are associated with this syndrome. However, in XP variant patients, the disorder is caused by defects in DNA polymerase eta; this error prone polymerase, encoded by POLH, is involved in translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) on DNA templates damaged by ultraviolet light (UV). We constructed a recombinant adenovirus carrying the human POLH cDNA linked to the EGFP reporter gene (AdXPV-EGFP) and infected skin fibroblasts from both XPV and XPA patients. Twenty-four hours after infection, the DNA polymerase eta-EGFP fusion protein was detected by Western blot analysis, demonstrating successful transduction by the adenoviral vector. Protein expression was accompanied by reduction in the high sensitivity of XPV cells to UV, as determined by cell survival and apoptosis-induction assays. Moreover, the pronounced UV-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis in XPV cells and their arrest in S phase were attenuated in AdXPV-EGFP infected cells, confirming that the transduced polymerase was functional. However, over-expression of polymerase eta mediated by AdXPV-EGFP infection did not result in enhancement of cell survival, prevention of apoptosis, or higher rate of nascent DNA strand growth in irradiated XPA cells. These results suggest that TLS by DNA polymerase eta is not a limiting factor for recovery from cellular responses induced by UV in excision-repair deficient fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Altered oxidative metabolism is a property of many tumor cells. Oxidation of DNA precursors, i.e., dNTP pool, as well as DNA is a major source of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Here, we report the remarkable nature of human DNA polymerase eta that incorporates oxidized dNTPs into a nascent DNA strand in an efficient and erroneous manner. The polymerase almost exclusively incorporated 8-hydroxy-dGTP (8-OH-dGTP) opposite template adenine (A) at 60% efficiency of normal dTTP incorporation, and incorporated 2-hydroxy-dATP (2-OH-dATP) opposite template thymine (T), guanine (G), or cytosine (C) at substantial rates. The synthetic primers having 8-hydroxy-G paired with template A or 2-hydroxy-A paired with template T, G, or C at the termini were efficiently extended. In contrast, human DNA polymerase iota incorporated 8-OH-dGTP opposite template A with much lower efficiency and did not incorporate 2-OH-dATP opposite any of the template bases. It did not extend the primers having the oxidized bases at the termini either. We propose that human DNA polymerase eta may participate in oxidative mutagenesis through the efficient and erroneous incorporation of oxidized dNTPs during DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase eta (hPoleta) functions in the error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and mutations in hPoleta cause cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. However, in spite of its key role in promoting replication through a variety of distorting DNA lesions, the manner by which hPoleta is targeted to the replication machinery stalled at a lesion site remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence for the physical interaction of hPoleta with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and show that mutations in the PCNA binding motif of hPoleta inactivate this interaction. PCNA, together with replication factor C and replication protein A, stimulates the DNA synthetic activity of hPoleta, and steady-state kinetic studies indicate that this stimulation accrues from an increase in the efficiency of nucleotide insertion resulting from a reduction in the apparent K(m) for the incoming nucleotide.  相似文献   

The XPV (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene encodes human DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), which is involved in the replication of damaged DNA. Pol eta catalyzes efficient and accurate translesion synthesis past cis-syn cyclobutane di-thymine lesions. Here we show that human pol eta can catalyze translesion synthesis past an abasic (AP) site analog, N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF)-modified guanine, and a cisplatin-induced intrastrand cross-link between two guanines. Pol eta preferentially incorporated dAMP and dGMP opposite AP, and dCMP opposite AAF-G and cisplatin-GG, but other nucleotides were also incorporated opposite these lesions. However, after incorporating an incorrect nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could not continue chain elongation. In contrast, after incorporating the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could continue chain elongation, whereas pol alpha could not. Thus, the fidelity of translesion synthesis by human pol eta relies not only on the ability of this enzyme to incorporate the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, but also on its ability to elongate only DNA chains that have a correctly incorporated nucleotide opposite a lesion.  相似文献   

Rad30 is a member of the newly discovered UmuC/DinB/Rad30 family of DNA polymerases. The N-terminal regions of these proteins are highly homologous, and they contain five conserved motifs, I to V, while their C-terminal regions are quite divergent. We examined the contributions of the C-terminal and N-terminal regions of Rad30 to its activity and biological function. Although deletion of the last 54 amino acids has no effect on DNA polymerase or thymine-thymine (T-T) dimer bypass activity, this C-terminal deletion-containing protein is unable to perform its biological function in vivo. The presence of a bipartite nuclear targeting sequence within this region suggests that at least one function of this portion of Rad30 is nuclear targeting. To identify the active-site residues of Rad30 important for catalysis, we generated mutations of nine acidic residues that are invariant or highly conserved among Rad30 proteins from different eukaryotic species. Mutations of the Asp30 and Glu39 residues present in motif I and of the Asp155 residue present in motif III to alanine completely inactivated the DNA polymerase and T-T dimer bypass activities, and these mutations did not complement the UV sensitivity of the rad30Delta mutation. Mutation of Glu156 in motif III to alanine confers a large reduction in the efficiency of nucleotide incorporation, whereas the remaining five Rad30 mutant proteins retain wild-type levels of DNA polymerase and T-T dimer bypass activities. From these observations, we suggest a role for the Asp30, Glu39, and Asp155 residues in the binding of two metal ions required for the reaction of the incoming deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphate with the 3'-hydroxyl in the primer terminus, while Glu156 may participate in nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

Xie Z  Braithwaite E  Guo D  Zhao B  Geacintov NE  Wang Z 《Biochemistry》2003,42(38):11253-11262
Benzo[a]pyrene is a potent environmental carcinogen, which can be metabolized in cells to the DNA damaging agent anti-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (anti-BPDE). We hypothesize that mutations induced by BPDE DNA adducts are mainly generated through an error-prone translesion synthesis that requires a specialized DNA polymerase (Pol). Using an in vivo mutagenesis assay in the yeast model system, we have examined the potential roles of Pol(zeta) and Pol(eta) in (+/-)-anti-BPDE-induced mutagenesis. In cells proficient in mutagenesis, (+/-)-anti-BPDE induced 85% base substitutions with predominant G --> C followed by G --> T transversions, 9% deletions of 1-3 nucleotides, and 6% insertions of 1-3 nucleotides. In rad30 mutant cells lacking Pol(eta), (+/-)-anti-BPDE-induced mutagenesis was reduced and accompanied by a moderate decrease in base substitutions and more significant decrease in deletions and insertions of 1-3 nucleotides. In rev3 mutant cells lacking Pol(zeta), (+/-)-anti-BPDE-induced mutagenesis was mostly abolished, leading to a great decrease in both base substitutions and deletions/insertions of 1-3 nucleotides. In contrast, large deletions/insertions were significantly increased in cells lacking Pol(zeta). Consistent with the in vivo results, purified yeast Pol(zeta) performed limited translesion synthesis opposite (+)- and (-)-trans-anti-BPDE-N(2)-dG DNA adducts with predominant G incorporation opposite the lesion. These results show that (+/-)-anti-BPDE-induced mutagenesis in yeast requires Pol(zeta) and partially involves Pol(eta) and suggest that Pol(zeta) directly participates in nucleotide insertions opposite the lesion, while Pol(eta) significantly contributes to deletions and insertions of 1-3 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Although mammals encode multiple family X DNA polymerases implicated in DNA repair, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has only one, DNA polymerase IV (pol IV). To better understand the repair functions of pol IV, here we characterize its biochemical properties. Like mammalian pol beta and pol lambda, but not pol mu, pol IV has intrinsic 5'-2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase activity. Pol IV has low processivity and can fill short gaps in DNA. Unlike the case with pol beta and pol lambda, the gap-filling activity of pol IV is not enhanced by a 5'-phosphate on the downstream primer but is stimulated by a 5'-terminal synthetic abasic site. Pol IV incorporates rNTPs into DNA with an unusually high efficiency relative to dNTPs, a property in common with pol mu but not pol beta or pol lambda. Finally, pol IV is highly inaccurate, with an unusual error specificity indicating the ability to extend primer termini with limited homology. These properties are consistent with a possible role for pol IV in base excision repair and with its known role in non-homologous end joining of double strand breaks, perhaps including those with damaged ends.  相似文献   

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