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Lycopersicon esculentum seeds germinate after rehydration in complete darkness. This response was inhibited by a far-red light (FR) pulse, and the inhibition was reversed by a red light (R) pulse. Comparison of germination in phytochrome-deficient mutants (phyA, phyB1, phyB2, phyAB1, phyB1B2 and phyAB1B2) showed that phytochrome B2 (PhyB2) mediates both responses. The germination was inhibited by strong continuous R (38 micromol m(-2) s(-1)), whereas weak R (28 nmol m(-2) s(-1)) stimulated seed germination. Hourly applied R pulses of the same photon fluence partially replaced the effect of strong continuous R. This response was called 'antagonistic' because it counteracts the low fluence response (LFR) induced by a single R pulse. This antagonistic response might be an adaptation to a situation where the seeds sit on the soil surface in full sunlight (adverse for germination), while weak R might reflect that situation under a layer of soil. Unexpectedly, the effects of continuous R or repeated R pulses were mediated by phytochrome A (PhyA). We therefore suggest that low levels of PhyA in its FR-absorbing form (Pfr) cause inhibition of seed germination produced either by extended R irradiation (by degradation of PhyA-Pfr) or by extended FR irradiation [keeping a low Pfr/R-absorbing form (Pr) ratio].  相似文献   

Xie Q  Luo J  Zhu Z  Wang G  Wang J  Niu B 《Cellular immunology》2012,276(1-2):135-143
An efficient method for delivering DNA vaccines into dendritic cells is considered to be of paramount importance. Electroporation-based technology (nucleofection) has gained increasingly popularity, but few reports focused on the possible functional consequences related to this method. In this study, the nucleofection technique was used to transfer the recombinant plasmid into hMoDCs for phenotype expression analysis and immunopotency detection. The results showed that the nucleofection of increasing concentrations of plasmid DNA decreased the viability of the hMoDCs. The welfare of nucleofected hMoDCs depended on the dosage of the plasmid and the plasmid's retention time within the cells. Accompanied by the process of nucleofection, it would bring some non-specific changes. The methodology reported here is suggestive of a feasible system for DNA vaccine transfer into hMoDCs with the caution of certain undesired effect.  相似文献   

Functional characterization of human genes is one of the most challenging tasks in current genomics. Owing to a large number of newly discovered genes, high-throughput methodologies are greatly needed to express in parallel each gene in living cells. To develop a method that allows efficient transfection of plasmids into adherent cells in spatial- and temporal-specific manners, we studied electric pulse-triggered gene transfer using a plasmid-loaded electrode. A plasmid was loaded on a gold electrode surface having an adsorbed layer of poly(ethyleneimine), and cells were then plated directly onto this modified surface. The plasmid was detached from the electrode by applying a short electric pulse and introduced into the cells cultured on the electrode, resulting in efficient gene expression, even in primary cultured cells. The location of transfected cells could be restricted within a small area on a micropatterned electrode, showing the versatility of the method for spatially controlled transfection. Plasmid transfection could also be performed in a temporally controlled manner without a marked loss of the efficiency when an electric pulse was applied within 3 days after cell plating. The method described here will provide an efficient means to transfer multiple genes, in parallel, into cultured mammalian cells for high-throughput reverse genetics research.  相似文献   

The fragments of genomics DNA of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) containing genes of late viral proteins p10, p35, p39, were cloned, the promoter regions of this genes were used to design baculovirus transfer vectors. A double-promoter and triple-promoter baculovirus transfer vectors were obtained. Recombinant baculovirus vectors containing mammalian expression cassette with cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter, the gene for green or red fluorescent protein, SV40pA and polylinker MCS were constructed for the delivery of foreign genes into mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Summary Gene transfer into intact cells was achieved by electroporating zygotic wheat embryos without any special pretreatment. Electroporation was tissue specific in so far as scutellum cells were found to be much more susceptible to gene transfer than other cell types of the embryo. The orientation of the embryos in the electroporation chamber also influenced the number of transformed scutellum cells; during electroporation, as in electrophoresis, the negatively charged plasmid DNA molecules seemed to move towards the positive electrode. Therefore, the embryos were arranged so that the scutella faced the negative electrode. The use of plasmids carrying either two chimeric anthocyanin regulatory genes or a chimeric gusA gene allowed clear identification of transformed cells in the scutellum. On some of the embryos, more than 100 transformed scutellum cells were found after electroporation with single electric pulses of 275 V/cm discharged from a 960-F capacitor and with 100 g DNA/ml electroporation buffer. Using the anthocyanin marker system, visibly transformed cells grew to produce red sectors.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GUS -glucuronidase - MES 2-N-morpholinoethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

The uptake of 3H-leucine by leaf fragments of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers and L. hirsutum Humb. & Bonpl., a wild tomato, was studied. Two altitudinal races of L. hirsutum were used which differed in chilling tolerance. The temperature dependence of uptake was initially similar for all plant varieties. However, at temperatures below about 11°C, uptake progressively decreased in the more chilling-sensitive varieties ( L. esculentum , Low-altitude L. hirsutum ), but not in the more chilling-tolerant (high-altitude L. hirsutum ) with increasing preincubation time. More than 60 min preincubation was required for this effect, and it was greatest at the lower temperatures. When leaf fragments, chilled for short periods of time (>22 h), were returned to 22°C, initial rates of uptake were recovered within 2 h. The relationship between membrane lipid changes and membrane protein activity under chill stress is discussed.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) as a rare type of leukocytes play an important role in bridging the innate and adaptive immune system. A subset of DCs, monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs), exists in very low numbers at steady state but become abundant in inflammatory states. These inflammation-associated DCs are potent producers of pro-inflammatory cytokines and potent inducers of T helper differentiation. They behave as a “double-edge” sword so that they not only mediate protective immunity but also immuno-pathology. It is still incompletely understood how their function is regulated. Emerging evidence indicates that microRNAs (miRNAs), as a new class of gene regulators, potently regulate the function of moDCs. Here we summarize recent progress in this area.  相似文献   

The limited efficacy of monocyte-derived dendritic cell (mo-DC)-based vaccines is primarily attributed to the reduced mo-DC migratory capacity. One undefined aspect is the initial binding of mo-DCs to endothelial cells and vascular selectins. In this study, we investigated the role and modulation of the selectin binding determinant sialyl Lewisx (sLex) in selectin-dependent mo-DC binding. Our data reveal that sLex is required for maximal binding of mo-DCs to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α-activated endothelial cells under static conditions, as evidenced by the use of sialidase. Sialidase treatment also abrogated mo-DC cell tethering to immobilized, purified P-, L-, or E-selectin under flow. The requirement of sLex-dependent binding of mo-DC to selectins was further substantiated by using sLex free sugar and anti-sLex antibody, which significantly suppressed mo-DC-selectin binding. P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 is required for mo-DC binding to both P- and L-selectin, but it is dispensable for E-selectin recognition. Interestingly, the extent of mo-DC tethering was maximal on P-selectin, followed by E- and L- selectin. Accordingly, L-selectin mediated faster mo-DC rolling than E- or P-selectin. Interferon (IFN)-γ induces a significant increase in mo-DC surface sLex expression, which is probably due to the enhanced synthesis of C2GnT-I. These findings may contribute to improving mo-DC-based vaccination protocols.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diabetic neuropathy is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy and a serious complication of diabetes. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulates angiogenesis and has neurotrophic and neuroprotective activities. To examine the efficiency of VEGF 164 electro-gene therapy for neuropathy, intramuscular VEGF 164 gene transfer by electroporation was performed to treat sensory neuropathy in diabetic mice. METHODS: VEGF 164 was overexpressed in the tibial anterior (TA) muscles of streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice with hypoalgesia, using a VEGF 164 plasmid injection with electroporation. From 2 weeks after electro-gene transfer, the nociceptive threshold was measured weekly using the paw-pressure test. The TA muscles, sciatic nerve, liver and spleen were histochemically examined at 4 weeks after electro-gene transfer. RESULTS: Two weeks after electro-gene transfer into the bilateral TA muscles, the elevated nociceptive threshold was decreased to a normal level in all treated mice. Improvement of the hypoalgesia continued for 14 weeks. When the VEGF 164 plasmid was injected with electroporation into a unilateral TA muscle, recovery from hypoalgesia was observed in not only the ipsilateral hindpaw, but also the contralateral one, suggesting that VEGF circulates in the blood. No increase in the number of endoneurial vessels in the sciatic nerve was found in the VEGF 164 plasmid-electroporated mice. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that VEGF 164 electro-gene therapy completely recovered the sensory deficits, i.e. hypoalgesia, in the diabetic mice through mechanisms other than angiogenesis in the endoneurium of the peripheral nerve, and may be useful for treatment for diabetic sensory neuropathy in human subjects.  相似文献   

Owing to its external position in the embryo, the chick eye has been used as a readily accessible model for studying the molecular mechanisms behind the patterning of the central nervous system. Although methods of genetic analysis have not been established as in the mouse, the chick is convenient for analyzing the functions of genes by in ov o electroporation of retroviral vectors. In this review, we describe the retroviral vector-mediated transfer of genes into the chick optic vesicle by in ovo electroporation. A rapid, efficient, and sustained expression of transgenes is achieved by this approach.  相似文献   

We show here that, within 1–2 min of application, systemin triggers a transient increase of cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) in cells from Lycopersicon esculentum mesophyll. The systemin-induced Ca2+ increase was slightly but not significantly reduced by L-type Ca2+ channel blockers (nifedipine, verapamil and diltiazem) and the Ca2+ chelator [ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA)], whereas inorganic Ca2+ channel blockers (LaCl3, CdCl2 and GdCl3) and compounds affecting the release of intracellular Ca2+ from the vacuole (ruthenium red, LiCl, neomycin) strongly reduced the systemin-induced [Ca2+]c increase. By contrast, no inhibitory effect was seen with the potassium and chloride channel blockers tested. Unlike systemin, other inducers of proteinase inhibitor (PI) and of wound-induced protein synthesis, such as jasmonic acid (JA) and bestatin, did not trigger an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+. The systemin-induced elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ which might be an early step in the systemin signalling pathway, appears to involve an influx of extracellular Ca2+ simultaneously through several types of Ca2+ permeable channels, and a release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores sensitive to blockers of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)- and cyclic adenasine 5'-diphosphoribose (cADPR)-mediated Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) show great promise for ex vivo gene and cell-mediated therapies. The immunophenotype and in vitro differentiation capacity of primary baboon MSCs was demonstrated to be near-identical to that observed in human MSCs. To optimize gene transfer efficiency, we compared the efficiency of serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors for their ability to mediate transduction of human and baboon MSCs. AAV serotype 2 vectors were the most efficient in transducing MSCs from humans and baboons. As a reference, human Ad293 cells were transduced with these seven AAV serotypes, and were found to have the highest transduction levels followed by baboon MSCs, and then human MSCs. The order of increasing transduction efficiency for the serotypes tested was similar for human and baboon MSCs, but was different for human Ad293 cells. The transduction efficiency of MSCs isolated from different individuals was comparable within the same species. We also demonstrated that baboon MSCs transduced with AAV serotype 2 vectors retain their potential to differentiate into adipocytes in vitro, and can incorporate into injured muscle tissue of NODSCID mice in vivo. We detected beta-galactosidase reporter gene expression in host muscle tissue for up to 9 weeks in this study, indicating engraftment of transduced baboon MSCs and sustained transgene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

Several systems have been tested for introduction of Ags into human dendritic cells (DC). Most of them to date, however, are complex and possess limited efficiency. Recent advances in HIV trans-activating (TAT) fusion protein technology permit extremely high transduction efficiencies for a majority of mammalian cell types. Here we report our attempts to develop a simple, but highly efficient, protocol for loading of antigenic protein into DC using TAT fusion technology. A TAT-minigene fusion protein was generated, encoding both the HLA-A2-restricted influenza matrix protein-derived epitope (GILVFTFTL, Flu-M1) and a melanoma Ag gp100-derived modified epitope (YLEPGPVTV, G9(280)-9V). In addition, both a TAT-Her2/neu extracellular domain (ECD) fusion protein and a TAT-green fluorescence protein fusion protein were generated. Over 95% of DC stained positively for TAT-green fluorescence protein within 20 min of coculture. DC treated with TAT-minigene were efficiently recognized by both Flu-M1 and G9(280)-9V-specific T cells in cytotoxicity assays and IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays. In contrast, DC pulsed with minigene fusion protein lacking TAT were either poorly recognized or not recognized by the T cells. DC pulsed with TAT-minigene also efficiently induced Flu-M1-specific T cells from naive lymphocytes. Similarly, DC treated with TAT-Her2/neu ECD stimulated patient-derived lymphocytes that specifically recognized Her2/neu(+) ovarian and breast cancer cell lines. The CTL induced by TAT-Her2/neu ECD-pulsed DC specifically recognized the Her2/neu ECD-derived immunogenic peptide E75 (KIFGSLAFL). Our data suggest that TAT fusion proteins efficiently transduce DC and induce Ag-specific T cells. This could prove to be a useful method for treatment of infectious diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

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