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Metabolism of Radioactive Sugars by Tobacco leaf Disks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Destarched tobacco-leaf disks were floated on per cent. (w/v)solutions of sucrose uniformly labelled with 14C in either theglucose or fructose moiety, and on invert sugar in which onehexose only was so labelled. The experiments were carried outin an atmosphere of oxygen at 25° C. Seventy-five per cent,of the sugar lost from the external solutions was recoveredas starch, sucrose, fructose, glucose, and CO2. With sucroseas the substrate, 30 per cent, of the material was recoveredas CO2 and 17 per cent. each as starch, sucrose, fructose, andglucose. With invert sugar as the substrate, 30 per cent, wasagain recovered as CO2 only 20 per cent. as the three sugarstogether, and 50 per cent. as starch. Whichever hexose was initiallylabelled and whether the sugar was supplied as sucrose or hexose,the relative specific activities of starch and sucrose in theleaf disks and of the CO2 evolved were equal or nearly equalto that of the sugar supplied. With sucrose as the substratethe sucrose in the disks retained its asymmetry of label, andfree hexoses produced were similarly asymmetrically labelled.When invert sugar was the substrate the sucrose synthesizedwas strongly labelled in both moieties, as also were the freehexosea. It is concluded that fructose and glucose free or combinedin sucrose were equally available for starch synthesis and CO2,formation, and that there can be no question of preferentialutilization of one or other hexose. Starch and CO2 must arisefrom a common source in which readily formed derivatives ofthe hexoses are rapidly equilibrated. Free hexose cannot participatedirectly in either sucrose or starch synthesis. Accumulationof sugar not immediately metabolized and inversion of sucrosetake place at a site remote from the common pool. A scheme toaccommodate the results is discussed.  相似文献   

A well-developed infection of Yellow Rust on a leaf of springwheat (Jufy I) caused the assimilation of 14CO2 by that leafto decrease to 43.5 per cent of that of an uninfected leaf.Over a period of three hours translocation of 14C from an infectedleaf was only 0.87 per cent of that from a control leaf. Whencontrol plants were kept in the light for periods up to 16 hoursafter assimilating 14CO2 translocation continued at a steadyrate, whereas there was only negligible translocation from infectedleaves after the first few hours. The retention of labelledassimilates in the infected leaf could be partly, but not completely,accounted for by a conversion of assimilates to an alcohol-insolubleform. Rust infection had no effect on the distribution patternof 14C to other leaves from one which had assimilated 14CO2.In contrast to the marked retention of assimilate by an infectedleaf, such a leaf was unable to distort the normal distributionby attracting assimilates from the other leaves.  相似文献   

14CO2 was assimilated by single leaves (presentation leaves)of tobacco plants for periods of 2–3 hours. The plantswere then kept in air in continuous light and the redistributionof radioactivity determined at various times up to 96 hours.There was a complete turnover of sucrose in the presentationleaf in about 24 hours without change in amount. Starch turnedover more slowly and simultaneously increased in amount. 20–30per cent. of the radioactivity appeared to be irreversibly incorporatedinto the presentation leaf. Of the material exported from thepresentation leaf some 3 per cent. reached the upper leavesand stem apex. Import into leaves above the presentation leafwas completed in about 6 hours. No activity appeared in leavesbelow the presentation leaf, therefore the balance of the exportedactivity was retained in the stem and roots. The distribution of radioactivity in the leaves followed a well-definedpattern determined by the vascular interconnexions. Radioautographs of stem sections provided some information concerningdistribution of radioactivity in the stem.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant water status and distributionof 14C-labelled assimilates in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) wasevaluated after 14CO2 pulse labelling leaves of seedlings subjectedto varying levels of water deficiency. The proportion of 14Cexported by source leaves was strongly affected by seedlingwater status. An increasing proportion of labelled assimilatesremained in source leaves at both 24-h and 72-h harvests aswater stress intensity increased. Water stress reduced the distributionof exported label to leaves and to the expanding flush in particularbut increased the proportion of label in stems and roots. Theresults suggest that current photoassimilates may be temporarilystored in source leaves and stems of cacao seedlings duringperiods of plant water deficit. The stress-induced changes inpartitioning of labelled carbon were in concordance with changesin shoot to root biomass ratios, which was likely due to greaterreduction in growth of above-ground organs to that of roots. Theobroma cacao L, assimilate partitioning, cacao, 14C-photoassimilate, water stress, water potential  相似文献   

The distribution of photosynthate labelled with 14C was studiedin spring wheat grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizerin the three years 1972–4, after exposing the flag leafor the leaf below the flag leaf to 14CO2 at 6–10 or 19–26days after anthesis. The movement of 14C to ears was unaffectedby nitrogen fertilizer except after early exposure in 1973,when nitrogen increased the retention of 14C in stems at maturity The concentration of sugar in the top part of the shoot at theend of the day was unaffected by nitrogen in 1973, but at 22days after anthesis in 1974 the concentration of sucrose inthe glumes and rachis, and in the flag leaf lamina was increasedby nitrogen. Loss of sugar by translocation and respirationduring the night may explain why this increase in concentrationwas not reflected in the 14C distribution 24 h after supplying14C. The proportion of the total 14C content of the shoot that wasin the ear at maturity ranged from 68 to 95 per cent dependingon when and to which leaf the 14CO2 was supplied. Less than5 per cent remained in the leaf exposed to 14CO2. The proportionof the final ear weight contributed by the leaf below the flagleaf was about half that contributed by the flag leaf. In 1974 about 24 per cent of the 14C absorbed by the flag leaf,and 56 per cent of that absorbed by the second leaf, was lostby maturity, presumably by respiration. Most loss occurred inthe first 24 h.  相似文献   

Radioactive starch, glucose and fructose have been preparedfrom tobacco leaves after assimilation of C14O2. The apparatusused for photosynthesis consisted of a shallow Perspex leafchamber connected to a closed gas system, in which C14O2 wasgenerated from BaC14O2. Six leaves, area 14 to 18 sq. dm. whenexposed to bright sunlight with an initial CO2 concentrationof 8 to 10 per cent., assimilated 3.35 g. of C14O2 in 8 to 10hours. At least 80 per cent. of the C14O2 supplied appearedin the leaves as starch and sugar and over 80 per cent. of theradioactivity was accounted for in these carbohydrates. Thespecific activity per m. atom of carbon of the isolated productswas 85 to 90 per cent. of that of the C14O2. Small amounts ofradioactive carbon were also incorporated in the leaf proteinand in the celluose, hemicellulose and polyuronides.  相似文献   

Plants were allowed to assimilate 14CO2 for 30 min at 5, 15,25, and 35 °C. The changes in 14C content of a mature expandedleaf (Leaf 4), young apical leaves, and storage root, were sequentiallyfollowed over a subsequent period of 24 h in continuous light.In a second experiment plants were transferred after 14CO2 assimilationto temperatures of 10, 18, 26, and 34 °C, and the partitionof 14C between the ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble fractionsof the roots and leaves was followed over a period of 72 h. The specific activities of the apical leaves and of the storageroot increased to a maximum 2 h after labelling at 25 °C,4 h at 15 and 35 °C, and 6 h at 5 °C suggesting thatthe optimum temperature for translocation of photosynthate wasabout 25 °C. The 14C partition to ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble fractionsof the roots and leaves was largely attained in. 9 h. Littlerepartition of 14C assimilate fractions occurred as a resultof temperature change or growth. Root ethanol-insoluble activity,however, did increase significantly over the 72-h period : possiblecauses of this slow incorporation and their relevance to themechanism of sugar storage are discussed.  相似文献   

Respiratory Loss of Recently Assimilated Carbon in Wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of experiments was undertaken to assess the amountof respiration associated with the growth of wheat at differentstages. Plants (or in some cases just the flag leaf) were labelledwith 14CO2 and the amount of 14CO2 respired during the subsequent48 or 72 h was measured. The evolution of 14C, expressed asa percentage of the amount initially assimilated (referred toas the R/A value) was used as a measure of the overall efficiencyof dry matter production. Respiratory 14CO2 evolution from labelledplants was most rapid in the first 12 h after labelling, thereafterdeclining rapidly. Evolution was also more rapid following labellingsat the end of the light period (dusk) than at the beginningof it (dawn). The R/A values were greatest (42 and 50 per centrespectively for dawn- and dusk-labelled plants) for young plantsand least (13 and 28 per cent respectively) for plants duringmid grain filling. When flag leaves, as distinct from wholeplants, were labelled, R/A values were lower still (9 and 21per cent respectively), indicating that flag leaf assimilatewas used efficiently in grain production. The calculated minimum R/A for the formation of grain material(10 per cent protein, 90 per cent starch) was 6.2 per cent.That the experimentally determined values were greater thanthis is attributed to the turnover of carbon in enzymes, toother maintenance processes, and possibly to the operation ofthe pentose phosphate pathway of glucose oxidation. R/A valueswere lower in those plants labelled at the beginning than thoseat the end of the photoperiod. This was considered to be a consequenceof refixation of respiratory 14CO2 during the light. The higherR/A values found for young plants were considered to be a consequenceof the greater percentage of 14C translocated to the roots (rootsbeing unable to refix respired CO2) and of greater turnoverof enzymes associated with more active metabolism. Triticum, wheat, respiration, carbon assimilation, carbon loss, grain-filling  相似文献   

The respiratory losses of 14CO2 from whole plants of uniculmbarley and maize were measured following exposure of the wholeplant or a single leaf to air containing a uniform specificactivity of 14CO2 for 30–60 min during normal photosynthesis.The total respiratory efflux of 14CO2 could be described interms of two main components: an intense efflux characterizedby a half-life of 4–8 h, which was identified with thebiosynthesis of new tissue in meristems; and a much less intenseefflux characterized by a half-life of 26–120 h, whichwas primarily identified with the maintenance of metabolic activity.The (bio)synthetic efflux of 14CO2 totalled between 25 and 35per cent of the labelled assimilate (14C: 14C), and was generallyinsensitive to temperature and light intensity. The maintenanceefflux totalled between 12 and 27 per cent of the labelled assimilateor its derivatives: the total generally increased with hightemperature and low light intensity. The rate of the maintenanceefflux showed a normal temperature response (Q102). It is concludedthat the efficiency of conversion of assimilate into new growthis unlikely to exceed 65 per cent in the long term, and willgenerally be less.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown in a controlled environment with daytemperatures of 18 ?C and with 500 µ Einsteins m–28–1 of photosynthetically active radiation for 16 h. Beforeanthesis and 2 to 3 weeks after, rates of net photosynthesiswere measured for leaves in 2 or 21% O2 containing 350 vpm CO2at 13, 18, 23, and 28 ?C and with 500 µEinsteins m–2s–1 of photosynthetically active radiation. Also, underthe same conditions of light intensity and temperature, therates of efflux of CO2 into CO2-free air were measured and,for mature flag leaves 3 to 4 weeks after anthesis, gross andnet photosynthesis from air containing 320 vpm 14CO2 of specificactivity 39?7 nCi µmol–1. When the O2 concentration was decreased from 21 to 2% (v/v)the rate of net photosynthesis increased by 32 per cent at thelowest temperature and 54 per cent at the highest temperature.Efflux of CO2 into CO2-free air ranged from 38 per cent of netphotosynthesis at 13 ?C to 86 per cent at 28 ?C. Gross photosynthesis,measured by the 14C assimilated during 40 s, was greater thannet photosynthesis by some 10 per cent at 13 ?C and 17 per centat 28 ?C. These data indicate that photorespiration was relativelygreater at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

SIVAPALAN  K. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):137-140
The fixation of 14CO2 by mature brown stems of the tea plantwas studied by supplying 14CO2 to selected stems of pruned andintact plants for 24 h under field conditions. Utilization of14C assimilates for the production of new shoots was also examined.The photosynthetic nature of the fixation of 14CO2 is demonstrated.The efficiency of this fixation was very low compared with thattaking place in leaves. The movement of labelled assimilatesfrom stem bark to the roots was inappreciable, whereas newlyemerged shoots on the pruned frame drew labelled assimilatesfrom stem bark.  相似文献   

Changes in growth and yield parameters, and 14CO2 and (U-14C)sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pool, and essentialoil have been investigated under Mn-deficiency and subsequentrecovery in Mentha piperita, grown in solution culture. UnderMn-deficiency, CO2 exchange rate, total chlorophyll, total assimilatoryarea, plant dry weight, and essential oil yield were significantlyreduced, whereas chlorophyll a/b ratio, leaf area ratio andleaf stem ratio significantly increased. In leaves of Mn-deficientplants, 14CO2 incorporation into the primary metabolic pool(ethanol-soluble and -insoluble) and essential oil were significantlylower, whereas (U-14C) sucrose incorporation into these componentswas significantly higher as compared to the control. Among theprimary metabolites, the label was maximum in sugars, followedby organic acids and amino acids. A higher label in these metaboliteswas, in general, observed in stems of Mn-deficient plants ascompared to the control. Mn-deficient plants supplied with completenutrient medium for 3 weeks exhibited partial recovery in growthand yield parameters, and essential oil biogenesis. Thus, underMn-deficiency and subsequent recovery, the levels of primaryphotosynthetic metabolites and their partitioning between leafand stem significantly influence essential oil biogenesis. Key words: Mentha piperita, Mn-stress, 14CO2 and [U-14C] sucrose incorporation, oil accumulation, primary photosynthetic metabolites  相似文献   

Plants of the biennial Arctium tomentosum were grown from seedto seed-set in an open field under three different treatments:control plants receiving full light intensity, plants with aleaf area reduced by 45 per cent, and shaded plants receivingonly 20 per cent of natural illumination. At various stagesof development the youngest fully expanded leaf of one plantin each treatment was exposed to 14CO2 for half an hour. Subsequentdistribution of labelled assimilates in various plant partswas determined after eight hours. In the first year, the mostdominant sink was the tap root irrespective of variation inassimilate supply. During the production of new vegetative growthin the second season, a larger amount of radioactive photosynthatewas recovered from above ground parts, especially during formationof lateral branches. Seed filling consumed 80–90 per centof labelled carbon exported from the exposed leaf. In the secondyear, the most pronounced difference between treatments wasin the degree of apical dominance, being highest in shaded plantsand lowest in the plants with cut leaves. Results from 14C experimentsagreed fairly well with a ‘partitioning coefficient’derived from a growth analysis of plants grown independentlyunder the same experimental conditions. Reasons for discrepanciesbetween the 14C results and the partitioning coefficient arediscussed. Arctium tomentosum, burdock, variation in assimilate supply, assimilate distribution, 14CO2, labelling, growth analysis  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):883-896
Nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants at the early floweringstage were allowed to assimilate 13CO2 under steady-state conditions,with a constant 13C abundance, for 8 h in the light. The plantswere either harvested immediately or 2 d after the end of the13CO2 feeding, divided into young leaves (including flower buds),mature leaves, stems+petioles, roots and nodules; the 13C abundancein soluble carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, starchand poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid was determined witha gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The rapid turnover of 13C in the sucrose pools observed in allorgans of the plants showed that sucrose was the principal materialin the translocation stream of primary products of photosynthesis.At the end of the 13CO2 exposure, sucrose in the mature leavesas the major source organs and in the stems+petioles was labelledwith currently assimilated carbon to about 75 per cent, whereasa much higher labelling of sucrose was found in the roots andin the nodules. This suggests the existence of two or more compartmentedpools of sucrose in mature leaves and also in stems+petioles. The relative labelling patterns of individual organic acidsand amino acids were similar in various plant organs. However,the rapid turnover of succinate and glycine was characteristicof nodules. Treatment with a high concentration of nitrate inthe nutrient media increased the turnover rate of amino acidcarbon in shoot organs and roots, while it markedly decreasedthe labelling of amino acids in nodules. The cyclitols, exceptfor D-pinitol, were significantly labelled with assimilated13C in mature leaves, but in nodules, the labelling was verymuch less. In the nodules, which were actively fixing atmospheric nitrogen,a large proportion (80–90 per cent) of currently assimilatedcarbon was found as sucrose and starch at the end of the 13CO2feeding. This was also true of the roots. On the other hand,in young growing leaves, the distribution of currently assimilatedcarbon into sucrose, starch and other soluble compounds wasmuch less. This suggests that a large amount of carbon assimilatedby and translocated to young leaves was used to make up structuralmaterials, mainly protein and cell wall polymers synthesis,during the light period. Glycine max L., soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon metabolism in nodules  相似文献   

On seven occasions measured amounts of 14CO2 were supplied toindividual leaves on tomato plants grown as a crop under commercialconditions. Twenty-four hours later the distribution of radiocarbonproducts was determined using counting procedures. In the vegetativephase lower leaves exported more carbon up than down, and upperleaves a larger proportion downwards. During the developmentof the crop upper leaves continued to export more carbon downthan up, and lower leaves developed a similar tendency. In theyoung fruiting crop all leaves supplied all the trusses, butas the number of trusses increased groups of leaves came tohave primary (but not absolute) responsibility for supplyingsingle trusses. At the time of fruit development the leavesretained for 20–24 hours more than 80 per cent of thecarbon they fixed. Mature leaves and stems both above and belowthe test leaves were significant sinks for 14C products.  相似文献   

M.7 apple rootstocks were used during the peak period of shootextension for comparisons of dry-matter production per unitleaf area between intact plants and others which had been partiallydefoliated. Dry-matter increment per unit leaf area over a 16-dayinterval was some 70 per cent higher in partially defoliatedplants than in controls. 14CO2 was supplied to designated leaves of comparable age andposition. Sample discs were taken from the ‘fed’leaves at intervals up to 9 days from supplying 14CO2. Translocationrates were estimated by comparison with leaves on a third setof plants whose petioles were steamed to prevent translocationimmediately on removal of the 14CO2 feeding chambers. Translocationrates in partially defoliated plants were enhanced some 30 percent compared with controls. It is suggested that features of the plant outside the studiedleaves may have contributed to the overall efficiency of assimilateproduction and utilization. Malus sylvestris L., apple, dry matter production, leaf efficiency, defoliation, translocation, assimilate distribution, sorbitol, sucrose  相似文献   

Leaflets of green pea plants and cotyledons of germinating peaswere kept in the dark in air containing 14CO2. The malate extractedwas labelled to 35–40 per cent in the C-1 position andthe citric acid was labelled to 70–75 per cent in theC-6 position. This showed that two carboxylations, at least,were involved in both tissues, i.e. probably of a three-carbonacid to form malate, and of -oxoglutarate to form isocitrate.  相似文献   

[2-14C]-uridine is rapidly taken up by sycamore cells in suspensionculture. A proportion of the radioactivity enters RNA withoutmeasurable delay, whilst the remainder equilibrates with a largepool of phosphorylated compounds, the major radioactive componentof which is 5'-UMP. Both the uracil and cytosine residues ofRNA receive label from [14C]-uridine and, when the cells aresupplied with high concentrations of uridine, these bases arederived almost exclusively from the nucleoside. [14C]-uridine is incorporated into RNA at all stages of thegrowth cycle of batch cultures; its continuing incorporation,when the total RNA content of the cells is rapidly decreasing,indicates a high rate of turnover of the total RNA. Long-termlabelling experiments also indicate turnover of RNA during thephase of active cell division and suggest that a large proportionof the degradation products are not re-utilized for RNA synthesis. Sycamore cells degrade [2-14C]-uridine with release of 14CO2.The proportion degraded increases from 25 per cent at an externaluridine concentration of 10–6M to 75 per cent at 10–3M. Despite this, nucleic acids are the only macromolecules thatreceive a significant amount of radioactivity from [2-14]C-uridine.  相似文献   

Tobacco leaves were fractionated by the non-aqueous method afterphotesynthesis for short periods in 14CO2 and with or withoutsubsequent photosynthesis in 12CO2 or respiration in the dark.Phosphate esters became labelled only slowly in the non-chloroplastparts of the leaf; glycine and serine which became rapidly labelledin the non-chloroplast leaf fraction appear to be concernedin the transport of newly assimilated carbon from the chloroplast.  相似文献   

In Daucus carota cells cultivated in vitro, the ammonium ionstimulates the incorporation of radioactivity from labelledglucose and labelled pyruvate into CO2 and into the residueinsoluble in 60 per cent (v/v) ethanol. There is a higher 14CO2production from [6-14C2] glucose than from [6-14C] glucose.These results suggest a possible stimulation of glycolysis bythe ammonium ion.  相似文献   

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