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洪咏怡  卢训令  赵海鹏 《生态学报》2021,41(5):2045-2055
鸟类是地球生物多样性中的重要组成部分,在生态系统功能和服务中发挥着重要作用,是生态环境变化的重要指示物种。农业景观中的食虫鸟类提供了重要的虫害控制服务。当前,农业景观中鸟类多样性丧失加剧,为探讨鸟类多样性在各生境以及年际间的变化,以黄淮平原为研究区,在河流、湖泊、农田、村庄等生境中共设置20个样点。于2016-2019年连续4年在繁殖期采用样线法对鸟类进行多样性调查。调查结果显示:(1)共发现22922只个体,分属14目,38科,53属。从区系分布来看,各生境各年间均以广布种为主;从生态类群来看,鸣禽占绝对优势;从居留型来看,留鸟所占比例最高。(2)在食性组成上,从物种丰富度看,食虫鸟类有57种,约占总物种数的77%;从个体数来看,杂食性鸟类占比超52%。(3)物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数最高值均出现在湖泊或河流生境中。(4)鸟类群落相似性分析显示,各生境间鸟类群落均为中等相似程度;鸟类物种丰富度波动幅度在农田和村庄中呈逐年上升趋势。(5)物种多样性加性拆分分析显示,在生境尺度上,局地的α多样性是生物多样性的最重要组成,而从整个研究区来看,生境间的差异则更为重要。造成鸟类多样性时空差异的原因复杂多样,而生境异质性的增加和水域的存在对提高鸟类多样性是具有积极作用的。调查中超过77%的物种和40%的个体均为食虫鸟类,应当充分重视鸟类为区域农业景观提供的虫害控制服务。本研究可为区域鸟类多样性保护及鸟类提供的生态系统服务的提升管理提供理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

The distribution of carabid and cicindelid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) beetles in five distinct habitats (riparian, mature orchard, pine windbreak, young orchard, natural veld), within Tambuti Citrus Estate (Swaziland) was examined by pitfall trapping over 18 months. Habitats with high vegetation and litter cover had the highest species diversity and larger specimens, e.g. riparian border and pine windbreak, while the lowest diversity was observed in intensively managed mature citrus orchards. While species such as Tefflus delagorguei Guérin occurred in all the habitats sampled, certain species illustrated habitat specificity; e.g. Dromica ambitiosa Péringuey was observed only in the pine windbreaks while Haplotrachelus sp. Chaudoir occurred mainly in the vegetated riparian and natural veld habitats. Four unidentified carabid beetles were exclusive to the riparian border habitat. This habitat was the only one with a distinct assemblage of species in the agricultural mosaic studied. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the role of soil and environmental variables in relation to the ground beetle diversity within the agricultural mosaic studied.  相似文献   

卢训令  赵海鹏  孙金标  杨光 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3133-3143
农业景观中的鸟类多样性对生态系统功能和服务的形成与维持具有重要作用。黄淮平原区是我国最重要的农业景观区之一,为探讨区域内农业景观中鸟类多样性特征和不同生境间的差异,在研究区农业景观不同生境中布设样点,调查繁殖期鸟类多样性特征。结果显示:(1)共记录到32科、49属、66种的10044只个体,但优势科属明显;(2)物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度均表现出在沟渠、湖泊生境中较高,农田和村庄生境中相对较低,但物种多度呈现出村庄生境中最高,其次是沟渠和农田生境,湖泊生境中最低;(3)在区系分布上,各生境中均以广布种为主,生态类群上,鸣禽在各生境中均占绝对优势,涉禽和游禽主要分布在沟渠和湖泊生境中,从居留型来看,留鸟是各生境中的主导类群,候鸟、旅鸟和迷鸟比例很低;(4)鸟类群落异质性分析显示,各生境间的相似性总体上较高,表明区域内农业景观中鸟类组成具有较高的重叠性。研究显示农业景观中湖泊和沟渠的存在能有效的提高区域鸟类的丰富度和多样性,而沟渠的存在能有效的提高鸟类个体多度,农田和村庄有助于特定类群多度的增加,因此在未来的区域持续农业景观的构建中一方面要重视自然、半自然非农生境的作用,另一方面也不能忽视不同生物类群对景观异质性响应和对生境特征需求的差异。  相似文献   

As a group amphibians are the vertebrates most affected by anthropic activity, particularly by agriculture. The rapid advance of the agricultural frontier makes it important to identify the role of agroecosystems as habitat supply for amphibians. We analyzed the differences in amphibian assemblages and populations between habitats with different plant covers and different degrees of human intervention in northwestern Argentina. For three years we conducted 114 high frequency trap samplings to quantify abundance, specific composition and species richness of amphibian assemblages in three habitat types (lemon and sugarcane crops and secondary forest) of a piedmont agroecosystem of Tucumán province. Crops hosted more species and individuals than secondary forests, but the specific composition of forest was different from that of crops suggesting that they could be complementary. Although the assemblage abundance of every observation responded to climate, the strong effect of sampling year was not related to climatic factors suggesting that there might be long term fluctuations that were not analyzed. We also found that responses to agricultural practices were species specific, so no generalizations about these practices should be done. Our study shows that cultivated areas are not hostile environments for amphibians since they can lodge huge amphibian populations and that the occurrence of disturbances associated to agricultural practices is not necessarily reflected in a decrease in the abundance and richness of amphibians in the short term. However, our results also show that forested lands are necessary to lodge some specialist species which are very rare in the croplands. This suggests that environmental heterogeneity generated by the combination of natural and cultivated patches can increase biodiversity at landscape scale because this allows the coexistence of species related to either kind of environment.  相似文献   

Assessment of chitin decomposer diversity within an upland grassland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The breakdown of chitin within an acidic upland grassland was studied. The aim was to provide a molecular characterisation of microorganisms involved in chitin degradation in the soil using soil microcosms and buried litter bags containing chitin. The investigation involved an examination of the effects of liming on the microbial communities within the soil and their chitinolytic activity. Microcosm experiments were designed to study the influence of lime and chitin enrichment on the grassland soil bacterial community ex situ under controlled environmental conditions. Bacterial and actinomycete counts were determined and total community DNA was extracted from the microcosms and from chitin bags buried at the experimental site. PCR based on specific 16S rRNA target sequences provided products for DGGE analysis to determine the structure of bacterial and actinomycete communities. Chitinase activity was assessed spectrophotometrically using chitin labelled with remazol brilliant violet. Both liming and chitin amendment increased bacterial and actinomycete viable counts and the chitinase activity. DGGE band patterns confirmed changes in bacterial populations under the influence of both treatments. PCR products amplified from DNA isolated from chitin bags were cloned and sequenced. Only a few matched known species but a prominent coloniser of chitin proved to be Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.  相似文献   

Questions: Which factors influence the persistence of vascular grassland plants in long‐abandoned (at least 50 yr) arable fields and meadows? What might be the implications of current levels of species richness on abandoned arable fields and meadows for future restoration? Location: Forested highlands of Kilsbergen, south central Sweden. Methods: The abundance of all vascular plant species was investigated in three habitat types: former arable fields, hay meadows and outlands (pastures) at 27 farms, abandoned for either approximately 50 yr or 90 yr. Time since abandonment, tree cover, soil depth, degree of soil podsol development, size of the infield area and two measures of connectivity were used as predictors for species richness and species composition. Results: Former outland had denser tree cover, fewer species and fewer grassland species than former arable fields and hay meadows, irrespective of time since abandonment. Former hay meadows and arable fields with a longer time since abandonment were less rich in species, more wooded and had greater podsolization than meadows and fields abandoned at a later stage. Species richness was higher in hay meadows and arable fields at farms with larger infield area and deeper soils compared with farms with smaller infield area and shallower soils. The greatest richness of species and most open habitat were former arable fields at larger farms abandoned 50 yr before the study. Former arable fields had the highest number of grassland species. Conclusion: After 50 yr of abandonment, former arable fields were the most important remnant habitats for grassland species and may be a more promising target for restoration than formerly managed grasslands.  相似文献   

We investigated the bat (Microchiroptera) diversity of four major habitat types within a large Australian subtropical city (Brisbane, Australia) to determine whether species richness was affected by habitat changes associated with urbanization, as suggested from studies elsewhere. Forty sites, ten in each habitat type (remnant bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential) were surveyed using acoustic bat detectors on six non‐consecutive occasions. Fourteen bat species were recorded. The species accumulation curve of the entire Brisbane bat assemblage reached a plateau at 14 species. The total numbers of species in bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential habitats were 14, 13, 14 and 11 species, respectively. Asymptotic estimates of species richness for each habitat were close or equal to these totals. Mean asymptotic estimated species richness differed significantly among habitats, being lowest in high‐density residential sites and highest in low‐density residential sites. Evenness profiles were similar across habitats, and were not strongly dominated by a few species. Partitioning of diversity components showed that landscape (γ) diversity was mainly determined by the high species richness of low‐density residential and bushland habitats (α diversity), rather than high beta (β) diversity among habitats. These findings contradict those of other studies on bat diversity in which species richness was highest within ‘natural’ areas of the urban landscape and assemblages were dominated by one or two species. This highlights the need for caution in making generalizations based on existing information, which is dominated by studies in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Though often overlooked, small wetlands in an upland matrix can support diverse plant communities that increase both local and regional species richness. Here we characterize the full range of wetland vegetation within an upland forest landscape and compare the diversity and composition of different wetland plant communities. In an old-growth forest reserve in southern Quebec, Canada, we sampled wet habitats including lakeshores, permanent and seasonal ponds, swamps, glades, and streamsides. We used clustering, indicator species analysis, and nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination to identify and compare vegetation types. The wetlands contained 280 species of vascular plants, 45% of the reserve's flora, in only 1.1% of its area. Local diversity averaged 24 ± 0.7 species per 7 m(2), much higher than in the surrounding upland forests. Plant communities sorted into five types, whose strongest indicator species were Osmunda regalis, Glyceria striata, O. cinnamomea, Deparia acrostichoides, and Matteuccia struthiopteris, respectively. Both local species richness and compositional variation among sites differed among the vegetation types. By combining species representative of the region's major wetlands with species from the upland forest matrix, the plant assemblages of these wetlands make disproportionately important contributions to landscape-level diversity.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effects of tropical forest fragmentation indicate that fragmented landscapes are complex and heterogeneous systems influenced by factors other than the size or degree of isolation of forest remnants: of particular importance are the quality of the matrix and the edge-induced habitat changes. In order to investigate the influence of these factors, small mammals were surveyed in 36 sites in the landscape of Una, a region that encompasses some of the last and largest Atlantic Forest remnants in northeastern Brazil. Six sites were distributed on each of six landscape components – the interiors and edges of small remnants, the interiors and edges of large remnants, and the most common forested habitats found in the matrix. The survey comprised 46,656 trap-nights and yielded 1725 individuals of 20 species of rodents and marsupials. Results revealed: an increase in beta-diversity caused by fragmentation; the contrasting effects of the altered forested habitats of the matrix, which harbor both forest and disturbance-adapted species; a greater importance of edge effect than of patch size to the observed changes in small mammal community in remnants; an association among terrestrial forest species and among arboreal forest species in terms of the distribution and abundance in the Una mosaic; and a distinctive vulnerability of these two groups of species to fragmentation. Results emphasize the biological importance and conservation value of both fragmented landscapes and small remnants in the Atlantic Forest, as well as the importance of management techniques to control and attenuate edge effects.  相似文献   

侯笑云  宋博  赵爽  丁圣彦  梁国付  董翠芳 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7659-7668
以黄河下游典型农区封丘县为研究区,在林地景观中进行地表节肢动物的观测。用物种丰富度和香农多样性指数代表物种多样性,选择代表景观背景的5个竞争模型:生境特性(H1,2012)、基质特性(H2,2012)、生境变化(H3,1984—2012)、基质变化(H4,1984—2012)和土壤-环境条件(H5,2012)从4个空间尺度上(100,250,350和500 m)进行分析,通过运用基于赤池信息量准则(Akaike information criterion,AIC)的多模型推理(Multi-model Inference,MMI)方法,在R软件里用广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models,GLM)探究了研究区近30年(1984—2012年)景观背景变化对林地地表节肢动物多样性的影响。研究表明,不同景观背景模型对地表节肢动物多样性的影响具有尺度依赖性。在100 m的尺度下,生境特性(H1)最能够解释香农多样性和物种丰富度,但是随着尺度的增加,生境特性变化(H3)在较大(250、350 m和500 m)的尺度对物种丰富度和香农多样性影响最大,而基质特性和土壤-环境条件(H2和H5)的作用不显著。景观背景对地表节肢动物多样性的解释量达到40%。在研究区域,生境特性是表征香农多样性指数和物种丰富度的指标。  相似文献   

Productive tundra plant communities composed of a variety of fast growing herbaceous and woody plants are likely to attract mammalian herbivores. Such vegetation is likely to respond to different-sized herbivores more rapidly than currently acknowledged from the tundra. Accentuated by currently changing populations of arctic mammals there is a need to understand impacts of different-sized herbivores on the dynamics of productive tundra plant communities. Here we assess the differential effects of ungulate (reindeer) and small rodent herbivores (voles and lemmings) on high productive tundra vegetation. A spatially extensive exclosure experiment was run for three years on river sediment plains along two river catchments in low-arctic Norway. The river catchments were similar in species pools but differed in species abundance composition of both plants and vertebrate herbivores. Biomass of forbs, deciduous shrubs and silica-poor grasses increased by 40–50% in response to release from herbivory, whereas biomass of silica-rich grasses decreased by 50–75%. Hence both additive and compensatory effects of small rodents and reindeer exclusion caused these significant changes in abundance composition of the plant communities. Changes were also rapid, evident after only one growing season, and are among the fastest and strongest ever documented in Arctic vegetation. The rate of changes indicates a tight link between the dynamics of productive tundra vegetation and both small and large herbivores. Responses were however not spatially consistent, being highly different between the catchments. We conclude that despite similar species pools, variation in plant species abundance and herbivore species dynamics give different prerequisites for change.  相似文献   

Krynak  Edward M.  Lindo  Zoë  Yates  Adam G. 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):61-76
Hydrobiologia - Laguna del Sauce, one of the main drinking water sources in Uruguay, is an eutrophic shallow lake with high temporal variation of inorganic turbidity caused by extreme wind events....  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域景观多样性动态分析   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
以纸坊沟为例,在地理信息系统支持下获得计算景观多样性的有关参数,运用斑块大小及数量、平均分维数、多样性指数、优势度、均匀度、破碎度和聚集度等指标,对黄土高原小流域40年来景观多样性动态变化进行了分析.结果表明,40年来,在以人类活动干预和植被内源演替为主要驱动力的共同作用下,该流域斑块总数增加,旱地基质逐渐被林地、草地等其它景观基质所取代,景观格局趋于破碎,景观类型多样性和均匀度增加,且后20年景观多样性的变化幅度远远大于前20年的变化幅度.目前流域已经由1958年以旱地为基质的高度均质化的景观生态系统转化为与当地地带性景观相适应的以草地和林地为基质的高度异质化的景观生态系统,生态系统结构、功能已具有较强的稳定性.  相似文献   

Small mammals were found on set-aside and surrounding farmland. Wood mice showed a different pattern of demography at two sites, with higher densities, greater survival, heavier weights and longer breeding seasons at Aldroughty than at Newburgh. These differences were thought to be due to a difference in habitat productivity at the two sites. Field voles showed less of a difference in population dynamics between the two sites, and both species of vole maintained populations at low densities.  相似文献   

This study examined the changes in distribution patterns of 13 herbaceous plant species from 1998 to 2000 in ditch banks along the edges of arable fields in the Netherlands. The objective was to test if spatial dynamics could be related to spatial isolation and disturbance of habitat and to the dispersal and seed bank characteristics of the species. Knowledge of these relations should be used to increase the effectivity of agri-environmental schemes aiming at an increase of botanical diversity. All species frequently colonized empty patches and populations in occupied patches frequently went extinct. Most colonization events occurred within 50 m of conspecific source patches in the preceding year, but colonization events in patches at distances more than 200 m from conspecific source patches were also observed. The colonization probabilities decreased with isolation distance. For nine species this relation was statistically significant, after correction for year and habitat. The extinction probabilities increased with isolation. For only four species this relation was statistically significant. Both colonization and extinction probabilities were more often statistically significant related to isolation for species with transient seed banks than species with persistent seed banks. Implications for management options aiming at survival of plant species in fragmented landscapes are discussed.  相似文献   

We offer an evaluation of the Caughley and Krebs hypothesis that small mammals are more likely than large mammals to possess intrinsic population regulating mechanisms. Based on the assumption that intrinsic regulation will be manifest via direct density-dependent feedbacks, and extrinsic regulation via delayed density-dependent feedbacks, we fit autoregressive models to 30 time series of abundance for large and small mammals to characterize their dynamics. Delayed feedbacks characterizing extrinsic mechanisms, such as trophic-level interactions, were detected in most time series, including both small and large mammals. Spectral analyses indicated that the effect of such delayed feedbacks on the variability in population growth rates differed with body size, with large mammals exhibiting predominantly reddened and whitened spectra in contrast with predominantly blue spectra for small mammals. Large mammals showed less variance and more stable dynamics than small mammals, consistent with, among other factors, differences in their potential population growth rates. Patterns of population dynamics in small versus large mammals contradicted those predicted by the Caughley and Krebs hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of mixed orchard and riparian vegetation patches to local and regional diversity of Mediterranean landscapes dominated by cork-oak woodlands was tested in 2006–2007 using ground, rove and darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Tenebrionidae). Mixed orchard and riparian gallery habitats recorded higher values of abundance and species richness for overall beetle species, although most darkling beetle species were associated with the sclerophyllous cork-oak woodlands. Ground and rove beetle community structure changed from the orchard and riparian habitats to samples placed 100 m away into the surrounding cork-oak woodland, i.e., non-cork-oak patches enhanced beta diversity within the landscape mosaic. Analysis of ground beetle traits concerning moisture preferences revealed a higher proportion of hygrophilous species in mixed orchard and riparian gallery habitats while xerophilous species were dominant within the cork-oak woodlands. The results of this study suggested that land-use management promoting the maintenance of habitat heterogeneity enhances biodiversity conservation of important hygrophilous and xerophilous species, and subsequently the sustainable use of Mediterranean agro-forest mosaics.  相似文献   

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