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The purpose of this study was to compare the rates of muscle deoxygenation in the exercising muscles during incremental arm cranking and leg cycling exercise in healthy men and women. Fifteen men and 10 women completed arm cranking and leg cycling tests to exhaustion in separate sessions in a counterbalanced order. Cardiorespiratory measurements were monitored using an automated metabolic cart interfaced with an electrocardiogram. Tissue absorbency was recorded continuously at 760 nm and 850 nm during incremental exercise and 6 min of recovery, with a near infrared spectrometer interfaced with a computer. Muscle oxygenation was calculated from the tissue absorbency measurements at 30%, 45%, 60%, 75% and 90% of peak oxygen uptake (V˙O2) during each exercise mode and is expressed as a percentage of the maximal range observed during exercise and recovery (%Mox). Exponential regression analysis indicated significant inverse relationships (P < 0.01) between %Mox and absolute V˙O2 during arm cranking and leg cycling in men (multiple R = −0.96 and −0.99, respectively) and women (R =−0.94 and −0.99, respectively). No significant interaction was observed for the %Mox between the two exercise modes and between the two genders. The rate of muscle deoxygenation per litre of V˙O2 was 31.1% and 26.4% during arm cranking and leg cycling, respectively, in men, and 26.3% and 37.4% respectively, in women. It was concluded that the rate of decline in %Mox for a given increase in V˙O2 between 30% and 90% of the peak V˙O2 was independent of exercise mode and gender. Accepted: 31 March 1998  相似文献   

Thermal and metabolic responses were examined during exposures in stirred water at approximately 20, 26, and 33 degrees C while subjects were performing 45 min of either arm (A), leg (L), or combined arm-leg (AL) exercise. Eight males immersed to the neck completed a low exercise intensity for A exercise and both a low and high exercise intensity for L and AL exercise. During low-intensity exercise, final metabolic rate (M) for A, L, and AL exercise was not different (P greater than 0.05) between exercise type for each water temperature (Tw). In contrast final rectal temperatures (Tre) for A and AL exercise were significantly lower than L values for each Tw during low-intensity exercise. These findings were supported by both mean weighted skin temperature (Tsk) and mean weighted heat flow (Hc) values, which were greater during A than L for each Tw. During high-intensity exercise, final Tre values were lower (P less than 0.05) during AL compared with L exercise across all Tw. Final Tsk and Hc values were not different between each type of exercise, although M was significantly lower during L exercise in 20 degrees C water. These data suggest a greater conductive and convective heat loss during exercise utilizing the arms when compared with leg-only exercise.  相似文献   

Five women were studied during exercise and passive heating to determine whether PV dynamics were affected by the menstrual cycle. The exercise bout (80% VO2 peak) on a modified cycle ergometer and the passive heat stress were done in a hot environment (Ta = 50 degrees C, Pw = 1.61 kPa) during the follicular and luteal phase. Esophageal temperature (Tes) was measured continuously. Blood samples were drawn after each 0.2 degree C increase in Tes and VO2 was measured at that time. Initial PV was estimated at rest during the follicular phase. PV changes from rest were calculated at each Tes from Hb and Hct. During passive heating, PV decreased by a mean volume of 156 (+/- 80) ml to 2.83 (+/- 0.09) l in the follicular phase. During the luteal phase, there was a larger volume reduction (300 +/- 100 ml) during passive heating, and the final PV was lower than in the follicular phase and averaged 2.47 +/- 0.18 l. During exercise, PV decreased 463 (+/- 90) ml to 2.50 (+/- 0.11) l in the follicular and 381 (+/- 70) ml to 2.50 (+/- 0.23) l in the luteal phase. These data indicate that there is a menstrual cycle effect on PV dynamics during passive heating such that more fluid is shifted out of the vasculature during the luteal phase. During severe exercise there is a greater fluid loss during the follicular phase, yet the final PV is not different between phases.  相似文献   

Substrate utilization by the nonexercising leg was studied in healthy subjects during one-leg exercise at an average work load of 105 W for 40 min (n equals 8) or during arm exercise at 65 W for 20 min (n equals 5). During one-leg exercise both the blood flow and the A-FV difference of oxygen for the non exercising leg rose, resulting in an approximately five fold increment in oxygen uptake. EMG activity of the leg was increased above basal. Despite unchanged or falling arterial levels of insulin, the A-FV difference for glucose across the nonexercising leg rose during exercise and the estimated glucose uptake increased approximately fourfold. Release of lactate in the basal state reverted to a significant net uptake of lactate by the nonexercising leg. During arm exercise there was a 20-70% rise in leg blood flow and the leg oxygen uptake rose 25-45% in spite of minimal EMG activity from the thigh muscles. There was a large uptake of lactate by the legs during arm exercise. We conclude that several important metabolic alterations take place in the nonexercising leg tissues during physical exertion: 1) blood flow and oxygen uptake rise, partly as a consequence of motor activation; 2) substrate utilization shifts from a predominant FFA uptake in the basal state to a greater utilization of carbohydrate; 3) nonexercising muscle, and possibly adipose tissue, play an important role in the removal of lactate during exercise.  相似文献   

To compare some psychophysiological responses to arm exercise with those to leg exercise, an experiment was carried out on electronically braked bicycle ergometers, one being adapted for arm exercise. Eight healthy males took part in the experiment with stepwise increases in exercise intensity every 4 min: 40-70-100-150-200 W in cycling and 20-35-50-70-100 W in arm cranking. Towards the end of each 4 min period, ratings of perceived exertion were obtained on the RPE scale and on a new category ratio (CR) scale:heart rate (HR) and blood lactate accumulation (BL) were also measured. The responses obtained were about twice as high or more for arm cranking than for cycling. The biggest difference was found for BL and the smallest for HR and RPE. The incremental functions were similar in both activities, with approximately linear increases in HR and RPE and positively accelerating functions for CR (exponents about 1.9) and BL (exponents 2.5 and 3.3 respectively). When perceived exertion (according to the CR scale) was set as the dependent variable and a simple combination of HR and BL was used as the independent variable, a linear relationship was obtained for both kinds of exercise, as has previously been found in cycling, running, and walking. The results thus give support for the following generalization: For exercise of a steady state type with increasing loads the incremental curve for perceived exertion can be predicted from a simple combination of HR and BL.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is differentially regulated in specific human muscles, regulation of PDH was examined in triceps, deltoid, and vastus lateralis at rest and during intense exercise. To elicit considerable glycogen use, subjects performed 30 min of exhaustive arm cycling on two occasions and leg cycling exercise on a third day. Muscle biopsies were obtained from deltoid or triceps on the arm exercise days and from vastus lateralis on the leg cycling day. Resting PDH protein content and phosphorylation on PDH-E1 alpha sites 1 and 2 were higher (P < or = 0.05) in vastus lateralis than in triceps and deltoid as was the activity of oxidative enzymes. Net muscle glycogen utilization was similar in vastus lateralis and triceps ( approximately 50%) but less in deltoid (likely reflecting less recruitment of deltoid), while muscle lactate accumulation was approximately 55% higher (P < or = 0.05) in triceps than vastus lateralis. Exercise induced (P < or = 0.05) dephosphorylation of both PDH-E1 alpha site 1 and site 2 in all three muscles, but it was more pronounced at PDH-E1 alpha site 1 in triceps than in vastus lateralis (P < or = 0.05). The increase in activity of the active form of PDH (PDHa) after 10 min of exercise was more marked in vastus lateralis ( approximately 246%) than in triceps ( approximately 160%), but when it was related to total PDH-E1 alpha protein content, no difference was evident. In conclusion, PDH protein content seems to be related to metabolic enzyme profile, rather than myosin heavy chain composition, and less PDH capacity in triceps is a likely contributing factor to higher lactate accumulation in triceps than in vastus lateralis.  相似文献   

Seven male subjects performed progressive exercises with a light work load on an upper limb or bicycle ergometer in the sitting position. At any comparable work load above zero, arm exercise induced higher oxygen uptake, ventilation, heart rate, oxygen pulse, respiratory rate and tidal volume than leg exercise. At similar levels of VO2 above 0.45 1 X min-1, heart rate and ventilation were higher during arm exercise. A close linear relationship between carbon dioxide output and oxygen uptake was observed during both arm and leg exercises, the slope for arm work being steeper. The ventilatory equivalent for VCO2 (VE/VCO2) gradually decreased during both types of exercise. The ventilatory equivalent for VO2(VE/VO2) remained constant (arm) while it rose (leg) to a peak at 9.8 W and then gradually decreased. Ventilation in relation to tidal volume had a linear relationship with leg exercise, but became curvilinear with arm exercise after tidal volume exceeded 1100 ml. The observed differences in response between arm and leg exercises at a given work load appear to be influenced by differences in sympathetic outflow due to the greater level of static contraction of the relatively small muscle groups required by arm exercise.  相似文献   

Twelve spinal cord-injured males performed arm-crank exercise (ACE) with and without concurrent functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) of paralyzed leg muscles to investigate the hypothesis that FNS would augment cardiovascular performance during submaximal ACE. Six men who exhibited vigorous isometric contractions of thigh and calf muscles were classed as "responders" to FNS (R), and the remaining subjects with poor or nonexistent contractions served as "nonresponder controls" (C). Steady-state heart rate and oxygen uptake during ACE at 30, 60, and 90 W were not appreciably different from the ACE + FNS condition. However, cardiac outputs in R were augmented by 30% during FNS at rest (from 4.9 to 6.4 l/min), by 18% during 30-W ACE + FNS (from 8.6 to 10.1 l/min), and by 28% during 90-W ACE + FNS (from 12.1 to 15.6 l/min). Similarly, resting stroke volumes were increased by 18% (9 ml) and by 23% (19 ml) at 60 W during FNS in the R group. Calculated total peripheral resistance was reduced at rest and during 90-W ACE + FNS by approximately 24%. In contrast, no alterations of circulatory hemodynamics were observed for C subjects. These data indicate that FNS-induced contractions of paralyzed leg muscles augment venous return to aid central cardiovascular control during upper-body submaximal exercise in paraplegics.  相似文献   

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