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Adventitious shoot regeneration from immature embryos of sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eleven genotypes of sorghum were examined for their response in tissue culture, and the tissue culture system was optimized. The cultures were initiated from immature embryos taken approximately two weeks after flowering. The response of immature embryos varied with the genotype. `C. Kafir' and `PE932 025' showed the highest frequency of callus induction and regenerable callus formation under appropriate culture conditions. Regeneration occurred at high frequencies when cytokinins (kinetin or 6-benzyladenine) had been added in the callus induction medium, followed by regeneration medium devoid of growth regulators. The addition of proline and polyvinylpyrrolidone also enhanced shoot formation, but the addition of cytokinins to regeneration media did not improve shoot formation. On the revised culture medium, plants were regenerated from up to 100% of sorghum immature embryos.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation of Acacia catechu Willd. by shoot tip culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for in vitromicropropagation through shoot apices of Acaciacatechu Willd., a semi-arid tree valued for Katha (atanin-like substance obtained from red heart wood of10–20 year old trees) and timber. Explants wereexcised from 15-days-old in vitro grownseedlings raised from superior seed stocks. Shoot budinduction from shoot apex explants was observed onMurashige and Skoog's (MS) [12] medium containingvarious growth regulators. A maximum of 12 shoots wasobtained on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.5 mg/l kinetin.Well-developed shoots (3–4 cm long) were rooted on strength MS medium with 3.0 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and sucrose 1.5%. In vitro regenerated plantlets of A. catechu were transferred to field conditions.  相似文献   

Callus and plant regenertion were induced from shoot portions of mature embryos (dry seeds) of five high tannin Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cultivars. The explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium with altered concentrations of 5 salts, supplemented with 150 mg/L L-asparagine, 5mg/L 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.05mg/L kinetin. Calli which were yellow and globular were formed with 70–90% frequencies. The subculture medium which gave best results was MS with 2mg/L 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5mg/L kinetin. Plants were regenerated on MS medium supplemented with 150mg/L L-asparagine and 0.2mg/L kinetin with regeneration frequencies of 11–48%.Abbreviations 2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

以马兜铃科植物杜衡为研究材料,试图通过茎尖培养来获得愈伤组织,继而诱导愈伤组织分化形成杜衡小植株。试验证明:杜衡茎尖在MS基本培养基附加6-BA 0.6mg/l和NAA0.1mg/;这一激素组合上可诱导茎尖基部形成愈伤组织;将愈伤组织分割转接到附加6-BA0.2mg/l和NAA0.01mg/l 的MS基本幅度基上可使愈伤组织分化形成小芽;分化形成的芽置于1/8-1/4MS(大量元素减少,其余成分不变)附加6-BA0.1mg/l和GA1mg/l的培养基上,可促使芽的正常生长;新生芽转接在1/4MS附加IBA0.5mg/l培养基上促使其生根。  相似文献   

Several hundred somaclones established from plants regenerated from embryogenic callus cultures of six high tannin sorghum lines were screened for variants with altered levels of polyphenols in the grain. Grain from over 6000 plants including the R 1 (primary), R2, and R3 generations were analyzed for total phenols, flavan-4-ols, and proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins). Although many variants which had lost the ability to synthesize chlorophyll were found, none of the somaclones tested had lost or greatly reduced the ability to synthesize any of the polyphenols assayed. However, we did observe statistically significant differences in polyphenol concentration between tissue culture-derived R1 plants and the parental controls. In the R2 generation the proportion of somaclones which differed significantly from the parents varied from 47% to 68% depending upon genotype. The average somaclonal variation rate and somaclonal variant frequency estimated in the tested population for the three polyphenol characteristics ranged from 37.3% to 40.7% and 5.3% to 7.8%, respectively. Variants with decreased levels of polyphenols were usually epigenetic and reverted back to normal levels in subsequent generations, but those with increased levels usually persisted after two meiotic cycles, indicating they are heritable. Variants with polyphenol levels increased up to 80% or decreased by 30% were selected for in the R3 generation.  相似文献   

Shoot cultures of Alyssum markgrafii O.E. Shulz, endemic nickel hyperaccumulating species of central Balkan, were established and maintained on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.2 mg dm–3 benzyladenine (BA). Nickel in form of NiCl2 . 6 H2O was supplemented at 22 different concentrations ranging from 0.0001 to 15 mM but none of them was lethal to cultures. High Ni2+ concentrations (10 mM or more) arrested shoot growth which, upon transfer to Ni-free medium, commenced via axillary bud proliferation. Shoots that developed from axillary buds through the subculture manifested increased tolerance to Ni2+ expressed as shoot elongation. Shoot multiplication and dry biomass production decreased with increase of Ni2+ in medium. Only the accumulation of Ni2+ in tissues increased with Ni2+ content of the medium. Apart from shoot cultures, high Ni2+ accumulation was registered in undifferentiated callus cultured on medium with 0.5 mg dm–3 BA and 0.5 mg dm–3 naphthylacetic acid. Highest content of accumulated Ni was 2.37 g g–1 (d.m.) in shoots and 2.65 g g–1 (d.m.) in callus, both measured on medium with 15 mM Ni2+.  相似文献   

An efficient and rapid regeneration protocol was developed using shoot apices from germinating seedlings of two cultivars of sorghum, SPV-462 and M35-1, as explants. A vertical slit given from the base of each dissected apex enhanced the efficiency of callusing response by two fold. MS medium containing 0.5 mg dm−3 each of 2,4-D and kinetin was most effective in producing friable and embryogenic calli. Scanning electron microscopy of these calli detected somatic embryogenesis. Calli thus induced gave rise to approximately 42 green shoots per callus in both the genotypes when transferred to regeneration medium containing 1.5 mg dm−3 kinetin.  相似文献   

Summary The use of plant genetic engineering to augment plant breeding programs is significantly strengthened if novel trait(s) can be introduced directly into elite germplasm. Implementing this technology to sorghum breeding programs has been hampered by the lack of an efficient and transferable protocol that is suitable with elite genotypes. This study was conducted to identify parameters that maximize in vitro culture performance in sorghum targeting a specific elite genotype, C2-97, which possesses enhanced agronomic characteristics. Three different tissue culture media formulations, MS, N6, and M11 were evaluated. M11 medium contains approximately 16% and 85% more total nitrogen and sevenfold and threefold higher levels of potassium phosphate than MS and N6 formulations, respectively. Culture performance of C2-97 across the three media formulations was compared to sorghum genotypes that were previously reported to be amenable to genetic engineering, namely Tx430, P898012. Bwheatland, and C401. Maximum embryogenesis induction was observed on M11 medium for all genotypes tested, with greater than 70% embryogenic calluses occurring on immature embryos derived from the C2-97 genotype cultured on M11 medium.  相似文献   

Random-amplified-polymorphic DNA markers in sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conditions have been identified that allow reproducible amplification of RAPD markers in sorghum. High resolution of RAPD markers was accomplished by radiolabeling PCR-amplified DNAs followed by separation on denaturing 5% polyacrylamide gels. Reaction parameters including MgCl2 concentration and temperature significantly influenced yield and the type of amplification products synthesized. Unexplained amplified DNAs increased when more than 35 cycles of PCR amplification were used. Under standard conditions, approximately 80% of the primers tested amplified DNA, and most revealed 1–5 polymorphisms between BTx 623 and IS 3620C. Primers were used to amplify RAPDs in 32 genotypes of sorghum. In addition, 8 primers detected RAPDs in a population previously used to create an RFLP map for sorghum. These RAPDs were mapped successfully using a population of 50 F2 plants.  相似文献   

杭白菊茎尖组织培养及试管苗繁殖技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用茎尖组织培养技术,建立了杭白菊中大洋菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)的无菌试管苗体系.通过基本培养基和激素配比实验,筛选出杭白菊试管苗快速繁殖的最佳培养基组成.结果表明:最适宜的外植体为直径0.3 mm的茎尖;诱导丛生芽的最适培养基为:MS 6-BA 0.1 mg*L-1 IAA 0.02 mg*L-1;诱导试管苗生根的最适培养基为:1/2MS IAA 0.7 mg*L-1.用电子显微镜进行病毒检测后,筛选出2个脱病毒株系,脱病毒试管苗可作为今后提供优质种苗的种源.  相似文献   

Explants from 10 to 40-year-old Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) were cultured in vitro. Material was collected from Northern Finland once or twice a week during 1984–1987. excised shoot meristems and lower parts of the buds formed soft callus on modified MS medium. A seasonal effect was observed in the explant viability and degree of contamination. Callus proliferation was highest from explants collected in December and January and during the growing season from April to July, and lowest in February and during the autumn from September to November. It seemed that the bud metabolism at each particular time was rather persistent and affected the outcome of the experiments. Contamination was significantly higher from December to April. Organogenesis occurred only rarely.  相似文献   

Summary The morphogenetic potential of shoot tip explants of black pepper (Piper nigrum) was investigated and an effective multiple-shoot propagation method is described. Various combinations of media, growth regulators and sterilization treatments were compared. Problems with establishment in tissue culture sometimes occurred, probably caused by endogenous pathogens associated with tissue exudates. The best establishment and proliferation of shoot tip explants was obtained on MS medium containing 1.5 mg l–1 BAP alone; subsequent growth and development of lateral branches was best on media containing 1.5 mg l–1 BAP plus 3.0 mg l–1 IBA. Adenine sulphate inhibited the number of explants showing regeneration but increased the number of shoot buds per regenerating explant. Shoots were rooted on a 50% strength medium containing 1mg l–1 NAA.Abbreviations AdSO4 adenine hemisulphate - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA napthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Amphotericin B, benomyl, gentamycin, nystatin, quintozene penicillin G, sodium omadine, and vancomycin singly and in several combinations have no deleterious effects on the germination of orchid seeds, but inhibit the growth in vitro of shoot tip explants.  相似文献   

Summary The morphogenetic potential of the shoot tip explants ofEnsete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman, a wild relative of the cultivated bananas, was investigated and an effective clonal propagation method devised. Shoot tip explants grown in modified MS medium containing 1.5 mg l–1 BAP and 1 mg l–1 KIN developed corms which on transfer to medium containing 3 mg l–1 IBA and 1.5 mg l–1 BAP, regenerated a large number of shoots from the surface of the corm, the origin of which was traced to single hypodermal cells. Shoots were rooted on a half-strength MS medium salts containing 3 mg l–1 IBA and 0.1 mg l–1 BAP. The rooted plantlets were hardened and planted in the field where the plants looked normal.  相似文献   

Summary A protocol for micropropagation of Virginia-type peanut plants, an ancient crop of the New World, is reported. This study was conducted to explore the effect of silver nitrate (AgNO3), alone or in combination with growth regulators, on multiple shoot formation from shoot tip culture. Incorporation of AgNO3 into the medium, without growth regulators, induced regeneration of the explants (which did not develop at all in the AgNO3-free medium), and stimulated the emergence of axillary shoots. When AgNO3 was added in combination with cytokinins and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), maximum average shoot number per regenerating explant was recorded (6.3) in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 33 μM 6-benzyladenine, 5.3 μM NAA, and 23.54 μM AgNO3. Moreover, AgNO3 showed a positive and marked effect on both shoot elongation and the reduction of callus proliferation from the basal ends of shoot tips. Following a period of elongation, the shoots were rooted in hormone-free Ms medium, showing no residual effects due to the long-term culture in AgNO3-containing media. Acclimatization was easily obtained after plantlets were transferred to pots under greenhouse conditions, with 90% survival.  相似文献   

An efficient and novel method of direct shoot regeneration from root tips in garlic was developed. The influence of growth regulators, basal media and age of root explant on shoot initiation and proliferation was examined. The best growth regulator combination was 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzyladenine at 1 and 10 μM, respectively, inducing shoot initiation from 75% of the explants. The frequency of shoot initiation on different basal media was similar. Explant root tips from plantlets taken 15 to 18 days after sprouting showed the highest shoot initiation (95%). In contrast to Murashige and Skoog medium, which produced more than 10 shoots per explant, B5 medium produced smaller shoots, although the number was higher. Rooting of individual shoots was induced after transfer to medium without growth regulators. Plantlets, after acclimatization in a growth cabinet, were successfully transplanted to the field, and no phenotypic variation was observed among them. The technique has potential applicability for rapid propagation of garlic. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The authors collected Sahelian sorghum landraces of Burkina Faso in 1984 and 74 of these accessions were characterized in 1985–1986 at Gampela in Burkina Faso (West Africa). The five races of cultivated sorghum were represented in this zone but 63.5% of the accessions were Guinea type. Great intra-and inter-accession variability was found. Plants were tall and had long panicles and small to intermediate seeds. There was a strong association between days-to-flowering, number of internodes, panicle length and height. The 100-kernel weight showed an antagonism with days to flowering and tillering. Multivariate analyses were made which enabled the accessions to be classified into four groups. The group most adapted to the sahelian zone, sahelian group, was semi-late, developed intermediate size of vegetative organs, had moderate tillering and had the best yield per plant.  相似文献   

Summary Artemisia annua L. is the source of a potent antimalarial, artemisinin. As part of a program to produce artemisinin through tissue culture, a series of 14 multifactorial experiments were conducted to determine suitable conditions for initiating and maintaining friable callus fromA. annua. In the first six experiments, three different nutrient formulations [Gamborg B5 (B5), Murashige and Skoog (MS), and Whetmore and Rier (WR)], each with 32 combinations of auxins and cytokinins [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) with benzyladenine (BA), or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) with 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin)], were tested. Both B5 and WR nutrients supported friable callus formation from leaf explants with some combinations of auxin and cytokinin. Inasmuch as friable callus seemed to be produced over a wider range of auxin and cytokinin concentrations in combination with B5, the remaining experiments were conducted solely with this nutrient formulation. In the remaining eight experiments, it was determined that friable callus formed when combinations of NAA with kinetin or 2,4-D and BA were used with B5 medium. Lighter colored, more friable callus formed in response to 2,4-D and BA than with NAA and kinetin. No single combination of concentrations of auxin and cytokinin seemed to be “ideal” for producing friable callus. Ranges of 2,4-D from 0.5 to 2.0 with BA between 0.025 and 0.1, or NAA between 0.5 and 2.0 with kinetin between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/liter, produced acceptable results.  相似文献   

Short term waterlogging affected the growth of sorghum seedlings as indicated by a high mortality rate of the seedlings and a decrease in the shoot and root biomass, net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR), relative growth rate (RGR), total photosynthetic area and rate of photosynthesis. Plant resistance to the stress was exhibited by decreased stomatal index (SI), rate of transpiration and rate of respiration. When the stressed plants were exposed to normal conditions, the recovery of the seedlings was rapid and was enhanced by foliar application of kinetin at 5 mgl-1.  相似文献   

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