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The variation of the exon 2 of the major histo-compatibility complex (MHC) class Ⅱ gene DRB locus in three feline species were examined on clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), leopard (Panthera pardus) and Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). A pair of degenerated primers was used to amplify DRB locus covering almost the whole exon 2. Exon 2 encodes the β1 domain which is the most vari-able fragments of the MHC class Ⅱ molecule. Single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis was applied to detect different MHC class Ⅱ DRB haplotypes. Fifteen recombinant plasmids for each individual were screened out, isolated, purified and sequenced finally. Totally eight distinct haplotypes of exon 2 were obtained in four individuals. With-in 237 bp nucleotide sequences from four samples, 30 vari-able positions were found, and 21 putative peptide-binding positions were disclosed in 79 amino acid residues. The ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) was much higher than that of synonymous substitutions (dS), which indicated that balancing selection probably maintain the variation ofexon 2. MEGA neighbor joining (N J) and PAUP maximum parsimo-ny (MP) methods were used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees among species, respectively. Results displayed a more close relationship between leopard and tiger; however, clouded leopard has a comparatively distant relationship form the other two.  相似文献   

The first domain exon of a porcine DRB gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the nucleotide sequence was determined. In a material consisting of 10 unrelated animals, five different alleles were identified, all probably belonging to a single locus designated DRB1. In addition, a non-expressed locus, designated DRBP, was coamplified with DRB1. This pseudogene, containing a single base deletion, also exhibited some variation, but at a very restricted level compared with DRB1. In pairwise comparisons of DRB1 alleles, the number of amino acid substitutions ranged between 6 and 21 out of 83 positions compared.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) beta genes were isolated from 12 species of rockfish (genus Sebastes ). Multiple sequences were found in each of the species. The majority of sequences displayed the characteristics of functional MHC genes, with a small group of sequences that were possibly pseudogenes.  相似文献   

More than two nucleotide sequences of the second exon of the ELA-DQB region retrieved from a single animal and two different sequences isolated from horses homozygous in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region by descent indicated the existence of at least two ELA-DQB loci at the genomic level. New alleles detected by polymerase chain reaction single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and defined by nucleotide sequencing of the second exon of the DQB gene(s) were described. Based on the level of nucleotide sharing, at least two groups of alleles were shown to exist. The newly defined alleles belonged preferentially to one of the groups. However, their specific locus assignment was not possible from the data collected. At least one of these alleles was shown to be transcribed. No frame-shift mutations were identified among the new alleles, although one pseudoallele containing a stop codon was identified at the genomic DNA level.  相似文献   

Summary. Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from a genomic library. The library was constructed in the bacteriophage Λ vector EMBL3 and comprises approximately 10 times the equivalent of the haploid genome. Half the library was screened with the human DQA, DQB, DRA and DRB cDNA probes. Of the 100 positively hybridizing phage clones, 37 were eventually fully characterized and mapped by means of Southern blot analysis. The exons encoding the first, second and transmembrane domain of all different A and B genes were subcloned and mapped in more detail. These analyses showed that these 37 clones were derived from five different A and 10 different B genes. The hybridization studies indicate that we have cloned and mapped two DQA genes, one DRA gene, two other A genes, four DQB genes, three DRB genes and three other B genes. Since the library was made from a heterozygous animal, this would suggest that there are at least one DQA, one DRA one other undefined A, two DQB, two DRB and one or two other undefined B genes in the haploid genome of Holstein Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

The ovine major histocompatibility complex (MhcOvar) class II region was investigated by Southern blot hybridizations using ovine probes specific for the second exons of Ovar-DRB and Ovar-DQB genes. Multiple bands were revealed when genomic DNA was digested with each of five restriction enzymes (Bam HI, Eco RI, Hin dIII, PvuII and TaqI), and successively hybridized with the two radiolabeled ovine probes. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were analysed in 89 sheep originating from six inbred families and the inheritance of the fragment patterns was determined. Forty-one fragments were recorded with the DQB probe; 32 were detected with the DRB probe. They constituted 9 DQB and 10 DRB allelic patterns. Twelve DQB-DRB haplotypes were resolved in this study.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of the MHC-constitution (major histocompatibility complex-constitution) on the endoparasite load in free-range hairy-footed gerbils (Gerbillurus paeba) in the southern Kalahari Desert. While the number of alleles of the duplicated DRB exon 2 gene had no significant effects on the individual status of being 'not infected' or 'infected' and on the number of helminth morphotype infections per individual, it significantly affected the faecal egg count values. One allele (Gepa-DRB*15) was only found in uninfected mice. Our results support the hypotheses that MHC polymorphism in G. paeba is maintained by pathogen-driven selection. The present study is the first investigation on associations between duplicated DRB gene loci and the parasite load in mammals.  相似文献   

Evidence for the importance of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype in immunological fitness of chickens continues to accumulate. The MHC B haplotypes contribute resistance to Marek's and other diseases of economic importance. The Rfp-Y, a second cluster of MHC genes in the chicken, may also contribute to disease resistance. Nevertheless, the MHC B and Rfp-Y haplotypes segregating in broiler chickens are poorly documented. The Camperos, free-range broiler chickens developed in Argentina, provide an opportunity to evaluate MHC diversity in a genetically diverse broiler stock. Camperos are derived by cross-breeding parental stocks maintained essentially without selection since their founding. We analysed 51 DNA samples from the Camperos and their parental lines for MHC B and Rfp-Y variability by restriction fragment pattern (rfp) and SSCP typing methods for B-G, B-F (class Ia), B-Lbeta (class II) and Y-F (class Ib) diversity. We found evidence for 38 B-G genotypes. The Camperos B-G patterns were not shared with White Leghorn controls, nor were any of a limited number of Camperos B-G gene sequences identical to published B-G sequences. The SSCP assays provided evidence for the presence of at least 28 B-F and 29 B-Lbeta genotypes. When considered together B-F, B-L, and B-G patterns provide evidence for 40 Camperos B genotypes. We found even greater Rfp-Y diversity. The Rfp-Y class I-specific probe, 163/164f, revealed 44 different rfps among the 51 samples. We conclude that substantial MHC B and Rfp-Y diversity exists within broiler chickens that might be drawn upon in selecting for desirable immunological traits.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity in the first domain exon of a bovine class II DRB gene was investigated by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Genomic DNA samples representing 14 different class II haplotypes, defined by RFLP analysis, were used. The analysis revealed an extensive polymorphism and 14 alleles at a single locus, designated DRB3, were identified. Multiple amino acid substitutions were found in all pairwise comparisons of alleles; 5 to 21 substitutions in the 83 positions compared. The genetic diversity at the amino acid level found in cattle matches the one previously found in the DRB1 locus in man. The significantly higher frequency of replacement substitutions compared with the frequency of silent substitutions provides strong evidence that there is selection for genetic diversity in the bovine DRB3 first domain exon. A comparison of the DRB polymorphism in man and cattle reveals a striking similarity as regards the location of polymorphic positions in the DRB molecule and the degree of polymorphism at polymorphic positions. The majority of polymorphic positions in both species are found in the proposed antigen recognition site of the class II molecule. In addition, there are eight positions which are polymorphic in both species but have not been assigned to the antigen recognition site. The possible functional significance of the polymorphism of these latter positions is discussed.  相似文献   

The chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC), the B complex, is being intensively analysed at the DNA level. To further probe the molecular structure of chicken MHC class II genes, cDNA clones coding for chicken MHC class II (B-L) p chain molecules were isolated from an inbred G-B2 Leghorn chicken spleen and liver. Twenty-nine cDNA clones were isolated from the spleen and eight cDNA clones were isolated from the liver. Based on restriction maps, most clones could be clustered into one family of genes. Four cDNA clones were sequenced (S7, S10 and S19 from the spleen and L1, which was identical to S19, from the liver). Complete amino acid sequences of B-Lβ chain molecules were predicted from the nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones. Although both the nature and the location of the conserved residues were similar in chicken and mammalian sequences, some species-specific differences were found, suggesting that the structures of the B-L molecules of this haplotype are similar, but not identical, to their mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

Northern elephant seals were hunted to near extinction in the 19th century, yet have recovered remarkably and now number around 175,000. We surveyed 110 seals for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence variation at three major histocompatibility (MHC) class II loci (DQA, DQB and DRB) to evaluate the genetic consequences of the population bottleneck at these loci vs. other well-studied genes. We found very few alleles at each MHC locus, significant variation among breeding sites for the DQA locus, and linkage disequilibrium between the DQB and DRB loci. Northern elephant seals are evidently inbred, although there is as yet no evidence of correlative reductions in fitness.  相似文献   

Between days 36-38 of pregnancy equine trophoblastic cells of the chorionic girdle migrate and form endometrial cups. Just prior to invasion, the chorionic girdle cells express high levels of polymorphic, paternally inherited, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigens. Their descendents, the mature, invasive trophoblast cells of the endometrial cups, however, express low or undetectable levels of MHC class I antigens by day 44 of pregnancy. Experiments with MHC compatible pregnancies, the study of residual chorionic girdle cells that had failed to invade the endometrium and remained on the surface of a conceptus, and the study of chorionic girdle cells recovered on days 34-36 of pregnancy and then maintained in vitro for up to 24 days strongly suggest that the reduction of MHC class I antigen expression by mature invasive trophoblast cells of the endometrial cups is developmentally regulated. This phenomenon does not appear to be induced by a maternal antibody response or by other uterine factors acting after the chorionic girdle trophoblast cells invade the endometrium.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of SLA class I genes were performed on 55 Duroc and 24 Hampshire boars from the 1986–87 national performance tests of each breed. Few boars were inbred. Southern blotting and hybridization procedures were performed on genomic DNA isolated from white blood cells by using Pvu II, Bam HI, and Eco RI endonucleases and a swine MHC class I probe. Genetic variability within and between the two breeds was estimated in terms of nucleotide diversity, by using a mathematical analysis based on the different RFLP patterns. The nucleotide diversity calculated within each breed was less than that between the two breeds. The results from the nucleotide diversity analysis suggested that genetic variability was greater in the Duroc breed than in the Hampshire breed. A relatively high level of genetic variability was shown in the class I major histocompatibility complex genes in the pig.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in DQB sequences of the bovine major histocompatibility complex was investigated in 22 British Friesian cattle. The first domain exon was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Eight different sequences were identified, six of which had not been identified previously. The high proportion of novel sequences suggests that additional polymorphisms within the DQB loci remain to be discovered in this breed. One sequence was present in at least 21 of the 22 cattle. This sequence, or a closely related sequence, has also been found in American Holstein Friesian, Swedish Red and White and Japanese Black cattle. The remarkably high sequence conservation suggests that the bovine DQB region may contain a locus with a low level of polymorphism and be more similar to the human DQB region than previously supposed. One sequence with three widely spaced frameshift insertions appeared to be a pseudogene.  相似文献   

The polymorphic exon 2-exon 3 region of bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from genomic DNA samples with characterized class I polymorphism. The primers for amplification were designed in conserved regions at the borders of exons 2 and 3, based on all available cDNA sequences. The primers should, therefore, amplify most expressed class I genes, but may also amplify non-expressed class I genes. The PCR amplified class I gene fragments of 700 bp were characterized on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The PCR-RFLP analysis of class I genes showed that the bands in each digestion could be classified as non-polymorphic, as shared between several bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA)-A types, or as specific to a single BoLA-A type. The same primers were then used for amplification of class I gene fragments from eight Sahiwal animals, a breed which originated in the Indian subcontinent. These studies showed that BoLA class I PCR-RFLP could be used to study class I polymorphism in family groups.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) and class II (MHCII) molecules display peptides on antigen-presenting cell surfaces for subsequent T-cell recognition. Within the human population, allelic variation among the classical MHCI and II gene products is the basis for differential peptide binding, thymic repertoire bias and allograft rejection. While available 3D structural analysis suggests that polymorphisms are found primarily within the peptide-binding site, a broader informatic approach pinpointing functional polymorphisms relevant for immune recognition is currently lacking. To this end, we have now analyzed known human class I (774) and class II (485) alleles at each amino acid position using a variability metric (V). Polymorphisms (V>1) have been identified in residues that contact the peptide and/or T-cell receptor (TCR). Using sequence logos to investigate TCR contact sites on HLA molecules, we have identified conserved MHCI residues distinct from those of conserved MHCII residues. In addition, specific class II (HLA-DP, -DQ, -DR) and class I (HLA-A, -B, -C) contacts for TCR binding are revealed. We discuss these findings in the context of TCR restriction and alloreactivity.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contains genes integral to immune response in vertebrates. MHC genes have been shown to be under selection in a number of vertebrate taxa, making them intriguing for population genetic studies. We have conducted a survey of genetic variation in an MHC class II gene for steelhead trout from 24 sites in coastal California and compared this variation to that observed at 16 presumably neutral microsatellite loci. A high amount of allelic variation was observed at the MHC when compared to previously published studies on other Pacific salmonids. Elevated nonsynonymous substitutions, relative to synonymous substitutions, were detected at the MHC gene, indicating the signature of historical balancing selection. The MHC data were tested for correlations to and deviations from the patterns found with the microsatellite data. Estimates of allelic richness for the MHC gene and for the microsatellites were positively correlated, as were estimates of population differentiation (F(ST)). An analysis for F(ST) outliers indicates that the MHC locus has an elevated F(ST) relative to the neutral expectation, although a significant result was found for only one particular geographical subgroup. Relatively uniform allele frequency distributions were detected in four populations, although this finding may be partially due to recent population bottlenecks. These results indicate that, at the scale studied here, drift and migration play a major role in the observed geographical variability of MHC genes in steelhead, and that contemporary selection is relatively weak and difficult to detect.  相似文献   

Mate choice for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) compatibility has been found in several taxa, although rarely in birds. MHC is a crucial component in adaptive immunity and by choosing an MHC-dissimilar partner, heterozygosity and potentially broad pathogen resistance is maximized in the offspring. The MHC genotype influences odour cues and preferences in mammals and fish and hence olfactory-based mate choice can occur. We tested whether blue petrels, Halobaena caerulea, choose partners based on MHC compatibility. This bird is long-lived, monogamous and can discriminate between individual odours using olfaction, which makes it exceptionally well suited for this analysis. We screened MHC class I and II B alleles in blue petrels using 454-pyrosequencing and quantified the phylogenetic, functional and allele-sharing similarity between individuals. Partners were functionally more dissimilar at the MHC class II B loci than expected from random mating (p = 0.033), whereas there was no such difference at the MHC class I loci. Phylogenetic and non-sequence-based MHC allele-sharing measures detected no MHC dissimilarity between partners for either MHC class I or II B. Our study provides evidence of mate choice for MHC compatibility in a bird with a high dependency on odour cues, suggesting that MHC odour-mediated mate choice occurs in birds.  相似文献   

The molecular analysis of crossing-over within the mouse major histocompatibility complex provides a useful approach for the study of the structural characteristics of meiotic recombination. In this study five intra-I-region recombinants, each derived fromI k/I b heterozygotes, were characterized for restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) characteristic of theI region of the two parental strains. Southern blot analysis of intra-I recombinant strains A.TBR2, A.TBR3, A.TBR5, A.TBR13, and A.TBR17 using sixI-region DNA probes revealed that the point of crossing-over in all five recombinants occurred within a 6.2-kbKpnI-EcoRI segment located within theE gene. The segments of DNA containing the crossover point from each of the recombinant chromosomes were cloned by screening partial genomic libraries constructed in gt7 bacteriophage. Construction of partial restriction maps of the cloned segments from the parental and recombinant chromosomes permitted the boundaries of the area containing the crossover site to be narrowed to a 4.0-kb segment located almost entirely within an intron of theE gene. The recognition that the points of crossing-over in all five recombinants studied are clustered in a relatively small area of theI region provides further evidence for a hot spot of recombination associated with theE ß gene.This work was supported by Grants AI14424 and AI20317 from the National Institutes of Health. J. Kobori was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Arthritis Foundation. E. Zimmerer was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund of the Bureau of Biological Research. D. Spinella was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are essential in vertebrate adaptive immunity, and they are highly diverse and duplicated in many lineages. While it is widely established that pathogen‐mediated selection maintains MHC diversity through balancing selection, the role of mate choice in shaping MHC diversity is debated. Here, we investigate female mating preferences for MHC class II (MHCII) in the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), a passerine bird with high levels of extra‐pair paternity and extremely duplicated MHCII. We genotyped family samples with mixed brood paternity and categorized their MHCII alleles according to their functional properties in peptide binding. Our results strongly indicate that females select extra‐pair males in a nonrandom, self‐matching manner that provides offspring with an allelic repertoire size closer to the population mean, as compared to offspring sired by the social male. This is consistent with a compatible genes model for extra‐pair mate choice where the optimal allelic diversity is intermediate, not maximal. This golden mean presumably reflects a trade‐off between maximizing pathogen recognition benefits and minimizing autoimmunity costs. Our study exemplifies how mate choice can reduce the population variance in individual MHC diversity and exert strong stabilizing selection on the trait. It also supports the hypothesis that extra‐pair mating is adaptive through altered genetic constitution in offspring.  相似文献   

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