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Peculiarities of the dynamics of charged particles interacting with electromagnetic radiation under nearly autoresonance conditions are analyzed. In particular, analysis of nonlinear cyclotron resonances shows that their widths increase when the autoresonance conditions are approached. In this case, however, the distance between nonlinear resonances increases even faster, due to which nonlinear resonances do not overlap and, accordingly, regimes with dynamic chaos do not occur. According to calculations, the dynamics of charged particles under the autoresonance conditions is very sensitive to fluctuations, the effect of which can be anomalously large and lead to superdiffusion. It is shown that, under the autoresonance conditions, particle dynamics on small time intervals can differ significantly from that on large time intervals. This effect is most pronounced in the presence of fluctuations in the system.  相似文献   

It is shown that a “point” target in a conventional evacuated waveguide in the magnetic field of a mirror trap formed by two disk magnets axially magnetized in the direction perpendicular to the electric field vector represents a source of X-ray bremsstrahlung of electrons accelerated in an ECR discharge with a broad range of photon energies up to 0.8 MeV. The dosage rate of the source is ~1 R/h. The source fed from a conventional microwave oven has small dimensions and a low weight. It is easy-to-use and is suitable as a laboratory tool, in particular, in radiobiology and introscopy. After passing through the object, X-ray emission is recorded by a digital camera with the help of a highly sensitive X-ray fluorescent screen, which converts it into an optical image.  相似文献   

Characteristic features of the propagation of electromagnetic electron cyclotron waves in the vicinity of the electron cyclotron resonance surface are investigated both analytically and numerically with allowance for variation in the magnetic field strength and a corresponding variation in the magnetic field direction. It is demonstrated that variation in the magnetic field direction can qualitatively change the wave propagation pattern and can markedly affect the efficiency of electron cyclotron resonance plasma heating in an axisymmetric magnetic trap.  相似文献   

Calcium cyclotron resonance and diatom mobility   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The hypothesis that movement of biological ions may be predicted by cyclotron resonance theory applied to cell membranes is tested in these experiments. Diatoms (Amphora coffeaeformis) were chosen as the biosystem since they move or don't move, depending on how much calcium is transported across the membrane. The experiments demonstrate that a particular ion (calcium) is apparently moved across the cell membrane in response to the DC and AC values of magnetic flux densities (B) and the frequency derived from the cyclotron resonance theory. A clear resonance is shown and a rather sharp frequency response curve is demonstrated. The experiments also show a dose response as the AC value of the flux density is varied, and that odd harmonics of the basic cyclotron frequency are also effective.  相似文献   

The electron distribution function is modeled numerically with allowance for Coulomb collisions and quasilinear effects under cyclotron resonance conditions by solving a two-dimensional kinetic equation containing the quasilinear diffusion operator and the Coulomb collision operator in the Landau form. Two simplified model collision integrals that make it possible to describe electron heating by microwave radiation are considered. The first model collision operator is obtained by introducing the parametric time dependence of the temperature of the background Maxwellian electrons into the linear collision integral. It is shown that the heating of the bulk electrons can be described in a noncontradictory way if the temperature dynamics of the background electrons is calculated from the equation of energy balance, which is governed by the amount of the microwave power absorbed by the resonant electrons with the distribution function modified due to quasilinear effects. This conclusion is confirmed in a more rigorous fashion by comparing the solutions obtained using the first model Coulomb collision integral with those obtained using the second model integral, namely, the nonlinear operator derived by averaging the distribution function of the scattering electrons over pitch angles. The time-dependent linear collision integral is used to obtain analytic solutions describing quasi-steady electron heating with allowance for the quasilinear degradation of microwave power absorption.  相似文献   

The parameters of a calcium plasma source based on an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) discharge were calculated. The analysis was performed as applied to an ion cyclotron resonance system designed for separation of calcium isotopes. The plasma electrons in the source were heated by gyrotron microwave radiation in the zone of the inhomogeneous magnetic field. It was assumed that, in such a combined trap, the energy of the extraordinary microwave propagating from the high-field side was initially transferred to a small group of resonance electrons. As a result, two electron components with different transverse temperatures—the hot resonance component and the cold nonresonance component—were created in the plasma. The longitudinal temperatures of both components were assumed to be equal. The entire discharge space was divided into a narrow ECR zone, where resonance electrons acquired transverse energy, and the region of the discharge itself, where the gas was ionized. The transverse energy of resonance electrons was calculated by solving the equations for electron motion in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Using the law of energy conservation and the balance condition for the number of hot electrons entering the discharge zone and cooled due to ionization and elastic collisions, the density of hot electrons was estimated and the dependence of the longitudinal temperature T e of the main (cold) electron component on the energy fraction β lost for radiation was obtained.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt was made to verify a report (Liboff et al. 1987) that a unique combination of DC and AC magnetic field exposures at room temperature results in a 3-fold increase in45Ca2+ uptake by human lymphocytes in vitro. Exposures at resonance condition, as well as at frequencies and amplitudes above and below the reported effective exposure conditions, were without effect, as were exposures at 37° C. Treatment with ionomycin (0.25 µM), a positive control, resulted in a highly significant increase45Ca2+ uptake. Some experiments were performed simultaneously by different investigators. Their results did not differ significantly. All experiments were conducted double blindly.  相似文献   

Little is known about Mg induced Ca deficiency in alkaline conditions, and the relationship between Mg induced Ca deficiency and Na induced Ca deficiency. Dilute nutrient solutions (dominated by Mg) were used to investigate the effect of Ca activity ratio (CAR) on the growth of mungbeans (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cv. Emerald). At pH 9.0, root growth was reduced below a critical CAR of 0.050 (corresponding to 90% relative root length). Root growth was found to be limited more in Mg solutions than had been previously observed for Na solutions. Using a CAR equation modified with plasma membrane binding constants (to incorporate the differing antagonistic effects of Mg and Na), new critical CAR values were calculated for both Na (0.56) and Mg (0.44) dominated solutions. This modified CAR equation permits the calculation of CAR irrespective of the dominant salt present.  相似文献   

Backscattering of gyrotron radiation (θ = π) by short-wavelength density fluctuations (k = 30 cm?1) in the plasma of the L-2M stellarator was studied under conditions of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma heating at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency (75 GHz). The scattering of the O-wave emerging due to the splitting of the linearly polarized gyrotron radiation into the X- and O-waves was analyzed. The signal obtained after homodyne detection of scattered radiation is a result of interference of the reference signal, the quasi-steady component, and the fast oscillating component. The coefficients of reflection of the quasi-steady component, R = 2 (Y), and fast oscillating component, R 2 (Y), of scattered radiation are estimated. The growth of the R 2 (Y) coefficient from 3.7 × 10?4 to 5.2 × 10?4 with increasing ECR heating power from 190 to 430 kW is found to correlate with the decrease in the energy lifetime from 1.9 to 1.46 ms. The relative density of short-wavelength fluctuations is estimated to be 〈n 2 〉/〈n e 2 〉 = 3 × 10?7. It is shown that the frequencies of short-wavelength fluctuations are in the range 10–150 kHz. The recorded short-wavelength fluctuations can be interpreted as structural turbulence, the energy of which comprises ~10% of the total fluctuations energy. Simulations of transport processes show that neoclassical heat fluxes are much smaller than anomalous ones. It is suggested that short-wavelength turbulence plays a decisive role in the anomalous heat transport.  相似文献   

The results of the numerical simulation of the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating of plasma particles in the CERA-RX facility under a randomly pulsating electric field (the collective effects taken into account) are presented. Under these conditions, the electron energy spectrum was found to be depleted to the low energy region due to an increase in the number of particles in the high energy region. The obtained effect depends on the polarity of the pulsating electric field.  相似文献   

Summary Erythrocytes from myotonic goats, an animal model of heritable myotonia, and normal goats were studied using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance (ST-EPR) spin labeling techniques. Three fatty acid spin labels with the nitroxide moiety at progressively greater distances from the carboxyl group were used to monitor different regions within the erythrocyte membrane. Since spin labels have been shown to induce hemolytic and morphologic alterations in erythrocytes, conditions for minimizing these alterations were first defined by hemolysis studies and scanning electron microscopy. Using these defined conditions for our studies we observed no significant differences in any of the EPR or ST-EPR parameters for normal and myotomic goat erythrocytes with any of the fatty acid spin labels used. Our results do not support the theory that myotonia is the result of a generalized membrane defect characterized by increased membrane fluidity as determined by fatty acid spin labels.  相似文献   

In experiments on electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating of plasma at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency in the L-2M stellarator, the effect of partial reflection of high-power gyrotron radiation from the ECR heating region located in the center of the plasma column was revealed. The reflection coefficient is found to be on the order of 10?3. The coefficient of reflection of an extraordinary wave from the second-harmonic ECR region is calculated in the one-dimensional full-wave model. The calculated and measured values of the reflection coefficient are found to coincide in order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The rotational motion of rigidly spin-labeled myosin heads of glycerinated myofibrils as reflected in saturation-transfer EPR spectra behaves to a first approximation as though the heads consist of two populations with different rotational motions. An immobilized fraction has a correlation time (tau 2) of approximately 0.5 ms, comparable to that of spin-labeled subfragment-1 (S1) bound to thin filaments, while a mobile fraction has a tau 2 of 10 microseconds, comparable to that of the heads of purified myosin filaments. The effects of nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues, potassium pyrophosphate (PPi), or adenylyl imidodiphosphate, Ca2+, temperature, or ionic strength on the spectra can be analyzed in terms of the fraction of myosin heads immobilized by attachment to thin filaments, without requiring changes in the motion of either attached or detached heads.  相似文献   

In experiments on the generation and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) of plasma in the L-2M stellarator, non-Maxwellian two-slope soft X-ray (SXR) spectra were observed. The temperatures of the thermal and epithermal components of the spectra were measured as functions of the heating power and plasma density. A hypothesis based on the experimental results is suggested to explain the formation mechanism of two-slope SXR spectra in the ECRH experiments at the L-2M stellarator. The measured SXR spectra are compared with the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of carbon tetrachloride (CT) under various electron acceptor conditions was investigated using enrichment cultures developed from the anaerobic digester sludge of Thibodaux sewage treatment plant. The results indicated that CT was biotransformed under sulfate-reducing, methanogenic, nitrate-reducing, iron-reducing, fermenting, and mixed electron acceptor conditions. However, the rates of CT removal varied among the conditions studied. The fastest removal of CT (100% removal in 12 days) was observed under mixed electron acceptor conditions followed in order by sulfate-reducing, methanogenic, fermenting, iron-reducing, and nitrate-reducing conditions. Under mixed electron acceptor conditions, the CT was converted to methyl chlorides, which was further metabolized. Under sulfate, iron, nitrate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions, the major metabolite produced from CT metabolism was chloroform (CF). Under fermenting conditions, methylene chloride was produced from CT metabolism. This study showed evidence for CT metabolism in a mixed microbial population system similar to many contaminated field sites where a heterogeneous microbial population exists.  相似文献   

In the course of work on the interactions of electric and magnetic fields with both living and dead biological materials, it was noticed that certain published dielectrophoretic yield curves for biological cells showed unexplained deviations in the region of 2 kHz. Dielectrophoretic measurements made at frequencies and magnetic fields which satisfied the nuclear magnetic resonance conditions showed sharply resonant features. Dielectric measurements showed small, but sharp, resonances most easily seen in the dielectric loss curves which had a bandwidth of the order of one Hertz and presented at the frequencies which satisfied the magnetic resonance conditions for the ambient magnetic field. Resonances were found corresponding to the frequencies for electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance for1H,31P,23Na,37Cl and39K. The onset of these resonances occurs at the value of the steady magnetic field strength so that one quantum of magnetic flux (2.07×10?15wb) would link a single biological cell or pair of cells, approximately 1 G (100μT) in the case of a 5-μm yeast cell. The effects of these magnetic resonance conditions on the mean generation time ofE. coli and on the reaction of the enzyme lysozyme with the substrateM. lysodeikticus cells are also shown.  相似文献   

Reflection and backscattering of high-power (400 kW) gyrotron radiation creating and heating plasma at the second harmonic of the electronic cyclotron frequency in the L-2M stellarator have been investigated experimentally. The effect of the displacement of the gyroresonance region from the axis of the plasma column under doubling of the plasma density on the processes of reflection and backscattering of microwave radiation has been examined. A near doubling of short-wavelength (k ≈ 30 cm–1) turbulent density fluctuations squared is observed. The change in the energy confinement time under variations of plasma parameters and characteristics of short-wavelength turbulence is discussed. A discrepancy between the measured values of the reflection coefficient from the electron cyclotron resonance heating region and predictions of the one-dimensional model is revealed.  相似文献   

Production of 14CO2 from [1,2-14C] dichloroethene (DCE) or [1,2-14C] vinyl chloride (VC) was quantified in aquifer and stream-bed sediment microcosms to evaluate the potential for microbial mineralization as a pathway for DCE and VC biodegradation under aerobic, Fe(III)-reducing, SO4-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. Mineralization of [1,2-14C] DCE and [1,2-14C] VC to 14CO2 decreased under increasingly reducing conditions, but significant mineralization was observed for both sediments even under anaerobic conditions. VC mineralization decreased in the order of aerobic > Fe(III)-reducing > SO4-reducing > methanogenic conditions. For both sediments, VC mineralization was greater than DCE mineralization under all electron-accepting conditions examined. For both sediments, DCE mineralization was at least two times greater under aerobic conditions than under anaerobic conditions. Although significant microbial mineralization of DCE was observed under anaerobic conditions, recovery of 14CO2 did not differ substantially between anaerobic treatments.  相似文献   

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