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Summary Keratinophilic fungi have been isolated from 178 (71.3 %) out of 250 soil samples taken from different sites in the surroundings of Berlin. The pH-values of the soils recorded vary within a range from 3.0 to 8.0. Most of the soils with the lowest pH (3.0–4.5) do not yield keratinophilic fungi while almost all of them with a pH higher than 5 do contain 1 to 6 kerationphilic species. The average pH of soils negative for these fungi is pH 4.1, the average pH of positive samples is 5.8. The distribution of individual species is also influenced by the pH of the soil. OnlyKerationmyces ajelloi is recovered in the same rate from soils with pH lower and higher than 6, the other species more frequently occur in weakly acid to weakly alkaline reacting soils. The development of keratinophilic and keratinolytic fungi generally seems to be favoured under nearly neutral to weakly alkaline conditions. A similar range of pH has proved to be the most favourable to several metabolic activities of these fungi. The pH-optima of enzymes excreted by dermatophytes have been found to be within this range. Enzyme activity is inhibited if the pH of the substrate decreases below 4.0. The absence of keratinophilic fungi in strongly acid soils may therefore be due to the inhibition of enzyme activities under these conditions.
Zusammenfassung Aus 178 von 250 in der Umgebung von Berlin gesammelten Bodenproben wurden keratinophile Pilze isoliert (71,3%). Die untersuchten Böden wiesen pH-Werte zwischen 3,0 und 8,0 auf. Es bestanden enge Beziehungen zwischen dem pH-Wert des Bodens und dem Vorkommen keratinophiler Pilze. In den meisten Proben mit pH-Werten unter 4,5 fehlten diese Pilze, während in fast allen Proben mit pH-Werten über 5,0 mindestens eine, oft mehrere keratinophile Arten nebeneinander vorkamen. Der Durchschnitts-pH-Wert aller Proben, die keine keratinophilen Pilze aufwiesen, betrug 4,1, der entsprechende Wert für solche Pilze enthaltende Proben 5,8. Die einzelnen Arten zeigten eine unterschiedlich starke Bevorzugung der schwach sauer bis schwach alkalisch reagierenden Böden. NurKeratinomyces ajelloi war in Böden mit pH-Werten unter und über 6,0 gleichmäßig verteilt, während alle anderen Arten in fast neutralen Böden gehäuft auftraten. Wachstum und Stoffwechsel keratinophiler und keratinolytischer Pilze werden anscheinend grundsätzlich unter neutralen bis schwach alkalischen Bedingungen gefördert. Die pH-Optima von Dermatophyten ins Nährmedium ausgeschiedener Enzyme liegen auch in diesem Bereich. Sinkt der pH-Wert des Substrates unter pH 4,0, wird die Aktivität dieser Enzyme fast völlig unterbunden. Das Fehlen keratinophiler Pilze in stark sauren Böden läßt sich daher wahrscheinlich auf eine Hemmung iher für den Aufschluß des Keratins notwendigen Ektoenzyme zurückführen.

Germination of spores of Chrysosporium crassitunicatum, Nannizzia fulva (+), Nannizzia fulva (–) and Trichophyton equinum was studied in the presence of various carbon and nitrogen sources. Effect of different temperatures on spore germination was also determined. Maximum spore germination within 24 hours was recorded when glucose was used as a carbon source for all the test fungi. Except sodium nitrate all the inorganic nitrogen sources enhanced the spore germination at 0.05% concentration. Most of the organic nitrogen sources used were found to be stimulatory for the spore germination of test fungi. Optimum temperature i.e. 28 °C supported maximum spore germination of all the test fungi within 24 hours. C. Crassitunicatum, N. fulva(+), N. fulva(–) could germinate upto 35 °C but beyond that no spore germination was noticed in these fungi. T. equinum could germinate at a higher temperature of 40 °C but the percentage of germination was very low.  相似文献   

10 species each ofK. ajelloi, M. gypseum, M. cookei andT. terrestre were tested for hemolytic activity on media contamining horse, calf or sheep blood. Hemolysis was regularly produced by all species except those ofM. cookei.The test for hemolysis may thus be a complimentary physiological test for the differentiation of the related speciesK. ajelloi andM. cookei.
Zusammenfassung Zehn Arten vonK. ajelloi, M. gypseum, M. cookei undT. terrestre sind für hämolytische Aktivität an Kulturmedia mit Pferd-, Kalb-, und Schaafblut untersucht worden. Hämolyse war regelmäßig durch alle Arten mit der Ausnahme vonM. cookei hervorgerufen. Der Hämolyse-test mag so als ein ergänzender, physiologischer Test für die Unterscheidung der verwandten Arten vonK. ajelloi undM. cookei verwendet werden.

The biodiversity and richness of keratinophilic fungal communities including dermatophytes were assessed in three stream sites and three swimming pools in the Nablus district in Palestine, using hair baiting (HBT) and surface dilution plate (SDP) techniques, over 8- and 6-month periods, respectively. The effect of wastewater effluent and selected ecological factors on these fungi in relation to species diversity and population densities were also considered. Fifty keratinophilic fungal species were recovered from the aquatic habitats studied, of which 42 were recovered from stream sites and 22 from swimming pools. Of these fungi 6 were either dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) or dermatophyte related species (Chrysosporium merdarium, Ch. tropicum, Ch. keratinophilum and T. terrestre). The most frequently isolated species in the three pools were Acremonium strictum and Cladosporium cladosporioides, using Sabouraud dextrose agar medium (SDA). The most abundant species were Acr. strictum, and Aspergillus flavus. However, only 4 species were isolated using the SDA medium amended with 5-flurocytosine (5-FC). The most frequent and abundant species in the three stream sites using SDA medium were Geotricum candidum, and Penicillium chrysogenum. The most frequent species in the three sites using the 5-FC medium, was Paecilomyces lilacinus. Using HBT, the most abundant and frequent species in the three stream sites were G. candidum, and Pa. lilacinus, on SDA medium, and Pa. lilacinus, and Gliocladium nigrovirens on the 5-FC medium. The 5-FC medium was more suitable for the isolation of dermatophytes and closely related species than the SDA medium; 6 were recovered on 5-FC, whereas only one on the SDA medium. Variation in the levels of keratinophilic fungal populations from the three stream sites sampled 5 times over an 8-month period, followed comparable fluctuation patterns. Wastewater affected fungal population densities with the highest levels in the un-polluted stream sites, and lowest in the heavily polluted sites. Swimming pools, polluted and un-polluted stream sites were found to be rich in pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

The biodiversity and richness of keratinophilic fungal communities including dermatophytes were assessed in three stream sites and three swimming pools in the Nablus district in Palestine, using hair baiting (HBT) and surface dilution plate (SDP) techniques, over 8- and 6-month periods, respectively. The effect of waste water effluent and selected ecological factors on these fungi in relation to species diversity and population densities were also considered. Fifty keratinophilic fungal species were recovered from the aquatic habitats studied, of which 42 were recovered from stream sites and 22 from swimming pools. Of these fungi 6 were either dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) or dermatophyte related species (Chrysosporium merdarium, Ch. tropicum, Ch. keratinophilum and T. terrestre). The most frequently isolated species in the three pools were Acremonium strictum and Cladosporium cladosporioides, using Sabouraud dextrose agar medium (SDA). The most abundant species were Acr. strictum, and Aspergillus flavus. However, only 4 species were isolated using the SDA medium amended with 5-flurocytosine (5-FC). The most frequent and abundant species in the three stream sites using SDA medium were Geotricum candidum, and Penicillium chrysogenum. The most frequent species in the three sites using the 5-FC medium, was Paecilomyces lilacinus. Using HBT, the most abundant and frequent species in the three stream sites were G. candidum, and Pa. lilacinus, on SDA medium, and Pa. lilacinus, and Gliocladium nigrovirens on the 5-FC medium. The 5-FC medium was more suitable for the isolation of dermatophytes and closely related species than the SDA medium; 6 were recovered on 5-FC, whereas only one on the SDA medium. Variation in the levels of keratinophilic fungal populations from the three stream sites sampled 5 times over an 8-month period, followed comparable fluctuation patterns. Waste water affected fungal population densities with the highest levels in the un-polluted stream sites, and lowest in the heavily polluted sites. Swimming pools, polluted and un-polluted stream sites were found to be rich in pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty one soil samples from different provinces of Kenya were examined for dermatophytes by the hair baiting technique. Dermatophytes were recovered from 84 samples. Microsporum gypseum constituted 75.8% of the total isolates while Keratinomyces ajelloi and M. cookei formed 21% and 3.2%, respectively. The distribution of the dermatophytes was influenced by soil pH, being more prevalent in acidic than in alkaline soils.  相似文献   

The main polysaccharide fractions from cell wall material of several geophilic dermatophyte species were characterized as a glucomannan (F1S) which amounted to 4.0–6.5% and a glucan-chitin complex representing 44.2–71.0%. The neutral sugar content of fraction F1S in these species was mannose (38.7–78.2%), galactose (0.3–7.3%) and glucose (3.2–8.2%) except inM. fulvum (21.9%) andE. stockdaleae (12.5%). Small proportions of xylose, about 1%, were found in this fraction except inM. fulvum which reached 7.8% and inM. nanum which lacked xylose. The main products detected after Smith degradation were glycerol and glucose. From fraction F1S ofM. fulvum a glucan (18.3%) and a mannan (41.5%) were obtained. These two polysaccharides could be used as chemotaxonomic characters for the definition of this group of fungi.  相似文献   

Agrawal  Shivankar  Nandeibam  Jusna  Devi  Indira 《Aerobiologia》2021,37(4):755-766
Aerobiologia - Keratinophilic fungi are a group of environmentally and epidemiologically important fungi that cycle a recalcitrant animal protein know as keratin. A large group of keratinophilic...  相似文献   

Keratinophilic fungi were isolated from feathers of most common Indian birds,viz. domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus), domestic pigeon (Columba livia), house sparrow (Passer domesticus), house crow (Corvus splendens), duck (Anas sp.), rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Out of 87 birds, 58 yielded 4 keratinophilic fungal genera representing 13 fungal species and one sterile mycelium. The isolated fungi were cultured on Sabouraud's dextrose agar at 28±2°C.Chrysosporium species were isolated on most of the birds.Chrysosporium lucknowense andChrysosporium tropicum were the most common fungal species associated with these Indian birds. Maximum occurrence of fungi (47%) was recorded on domestic chickens and the least number of keratinophilic fungi was isolated from the domestic pigeon and duck. The average number of fungi per bird was found to be the 0.44.  相似文献   

Summary Keratinophilic fungi have been isolated and identified in soil samples from 233 sites in Queensland and 12 from the Northern Territory. Total numbers of the fungi isolated are given, together with their occurrence in various broad types of locality.It is noted that populated localities produced a higher incidence of keratinophilic fungi than remote areas. Exceptions to this were found in beach sand, 17 samples of which produced only two growths ofChrysosporium species and no potentially pathogenic fungi.Culture technique, and the method of examination of colonies are discussed, and the morphological features of several of the more commonly occurring species are described.Isolates ofChrysosporium tropicum were made from two samples, one from Alice Springs and one from Brisbane. This is the first time this fungus has been reported in Australia.  相似文献   

A series of hydrolysable tannins and related compounds was evaluated for antifungal activities against filamentous fungi (Epidermophyton floccosum; Microsporum canis; Microsporum gypseum; Trichophyton mentagrophytes; Trichophyton rubrum; Trichophyton tonsurans; Trichophyton terrestre; Penicillium italicum; Aspergillus fumigatus; Mucor racemosus; Rhizopus nigricans) and opportunistic yeasts (Candida albicans; Candida glabrata; Candidata krusei; Cryptococcus neoformans), using the agar dilution method. While all samples had no activity against the filamentous fungi in concentrations of 1.1-5.9 microM (1000 microg/ml), the phenolic compounds displayed significant potencies against all the opportunistic yeasts tested but C. albicans, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 microM (16-125 microg/ml). Although the presence of galloyl groups in flavonoids did not necessarily produce activity, this structural element, an HHDP moiety or its oxidatively modified entity proved to be an important structural feature of hydrolysable tannins. Comparison of dilution methods provided strong evidence of dependence of MIC values on the test method. Employing the microdilution broth method, the ellagitannin corilagin (MIC 0.8 nM) was found to be similarly potentially active as amphotericin B (MIC 0.5 nM) and sertaconazole (MIC 0.9 nM) against Candida glabrata strains. The order of effectiveness observed being 64- and 4-8-fold increased for corilagin and the reference compounds respectively, when compared with that of the agar dilution test.  相似文献   

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