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Perfusion culture with microcarriers was conducted to produce cell-associated and cell-free Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) with human embryonic lung cells. After the cells were infected with VZV infected cells, glucose in the medium decreased rapidly, suggesting that VZV propagation was related closely to the use of glucose. While the yield of cell-associated VZV in microcarriers was 9,350 PFU/cm2, almost two-thirds of that in T-80 flask and cell factory, the yield of cell-free VZV in microcarriers was only about 10% of that in T-80 flask and cell factory.  相似文献   

T Ogino  T Otsuka    M Takahashi 《Journal of virology》1977,21(3):1232-1235
Deoxypyrimidine kinase (deoxythymidine [TdR] kinase and deoxycytidine kinase) activity was induced in human embryonic lung cells after infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZ virus). Increased enzyme activity was also produced by using cell-associated virus as inoculum instead of cell-free virus. Anti-VZ virus serum inhibited both the appearance of cytopathic effect and the induction of enzyme activity. The induced TdR kinase activity was more thermostable than that induced by herpes simplex virus type 1. Also, the TdR kinase activity of VZ virus-infected cells was inhibited by dTTP less than in mock-infected cells and more than in herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells.  相似文献   

In studies designed to determine the factors responsible for control of herpesvirus replicaton in an infected cell, we examined the interaction of varicella-zoster (VZ) virus-infected human embryonic lung cells with the pesticide carbaryl. The replication of the cell-associated VZ virus was enhanced 2- to 13-fold as compared to control cultures in Sevin 4 Oil-treated cultures and in cultures treated with the pesticide's active ingredient, carbaryl. The replication of VZ virus in cultures teated with the base oil plus inert ingredients found in the pesticide formulation was not enhanced. Possible differences in cytotoxicity induced by Seven 4 Oil, pure carbaryl, or the base oil preparation were ruled out since treated and control cultures were shown to have similar numbers of viable cells when measured by trypan blue exclusion tests or by the ability of treated cells to form foci. A dose response study showed a decrease in viral enhancement in cells treated with decreasing carbaryl concentrations.  相似文献   

In studies designed to determine the factors responsible for control of herpesvirus replicaton in an infected cell, we examined the interaction of varicella-zoster (VZ) virus-infected human embryonic lung cells with the pesticide carbaryl. The replication of the cell-associated VZ virus was enhanced 2- to 13-fold as compared to control cultures in Sevin 4 Oil-treated cultures and in cultures treated with the pesticide's active ingredient, carbaryl. The replication of VZ virus in cultures teated with the base oil plus inert ingredients found in the pesticide formulation was not enhanced. Possible differences in cytotoxicity induced by Seven 4 Oil, pure carbaryl, or the base oil preparation were ruled out since treated and control cultures were shown to have similar numbers of viable cells when measured by trypan blue exclusion tests or by the ability of treated cells to form foci. A dose response study showed a decrease in viral enhancement in cells treated with decreasing carbaryl concentrations.  相似文献   

The conventional method of culturing human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is on two-dimensional (2D) surfaces, which is not amenable for scale up to therapeutic quantities in bioreactors. We have developed a facile and robust method for maintaining undifferentiated hESC in three-dimensional (3D) suspension cultures on matrigel-coated microcarriers achieving 2- to 4-fold higher cell densities than those in 2D colony cultures. Stable, continuous propagation of two hESC lines on microcarriers has been demonstrated in conditioned media for 6 months. Microcarrier cultures (MC) were also demonstrated in two serum-free defined media (StemPro and mTeSR1). MC achieved even higher cell concentrations in suspension spinner flasks, thus opening the prospect of propagation in controlled bioreactors.  相似文献   

A new live attenuated mumps vaccine was developed in human diploid cells. The S-12 virus was isolated from a 10-year-old girl showing typical symptoms of mumps infection, the diagnosis was confirmed by a pediatrician. The virus was isolated in green monkey kidney cells, without passage in chick embryo cavity or chick embryo fibroblasts. Attenuation of the wild virus was performed by serial passages in human diploid cells (MRC-5). The attenuated virus was characterized by identity tests, as well as by a reduction in plaque size, as marker tests. The virus was free from adventitious agents and safe for laboratory animals as well as for monkeys. The reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the S-12 virus for man was investigated by administration of a monovalent vaccine to 20 seronegative adult male volunteers and 30 children aged 1 to 5 years without history of mumps infection or vaccination. Seroconversion was obtained in 95% of the vaccinees. The new vaccine has the advantage of not requiring specific pathogen-free eggs, and being free from avian proteins and therefore can be used in sensitized patients.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) specific cytotoxicity was investigated during acute primary VZV infection, in naturally immune subjects and after vaccination with the live attenuated varicella vaccine by using T cell cultures (TCC) generated by stimulating PBMC with VZV Ag and autologous VZV-superinfected lymphoblastoid cell lines as targets. Lysis of VZV-infected lymphoblastoid cell lines was observed by TCC from acutely infected subjects, naturally immune subjects, and recipients of the varicella vaccine. VZV glycoprotein I induced cytotoxic T cells but killing was less efficient than killing by TCC stimulated with VZV Ag. The TCC were primarily CD4+ (mean 86.6%) T lymphocytes with 15.2% of the cells coexpressing Leu-19. TCC were predominantly restricted by HLA class II as demonstrated by lack of any blocking using class I mAb and blocking of 15 to 71% by L243, a mAb to class II. Unrestricted killing as measured by killing of K562 cells occurred in all TCC but was minimally greater than that observed against uninfected autologous targets. Phenotypes of PBMC during acute infection had an initial increase in CD4+ cells and an overall decrease in the percentage of circulating Leu-11+ (CD16). No enhanced K562 killing was demonstrated in PBMC from subjects with acute infection compared to subjects without infection. CD4+ CTL may function as an important primary host response in acute varicella. Immunization with live attenuated varicella vaccine induced VZV-specific, memory CTL responses comparable to those of naturally immune subjects. The demonstration of their persistence long after primary VZV infection may indicate a role for CTL in restriction of viral replication during episodes of VZV reactivation from latency.  相似文献   

The ORF49 gene product (ORF49p) of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is likely a myristylated tegument protein, and its homologs are conserved across the herpesvirus subfamilies. The UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 and of pseudorabies virus and the UL99 gene of human cytomegalovirus are the homologs of ORF49 and have been well characterized by using mutant viruses; however, little research on the VZV ORF49 gene has been reported. Here we report on VZV ORF49p expression, subcellular localization, and effect on viral spread in vitro. ORF49p was expressed during the late phase of infection and located in the juxtanuclear region of the cytoplasm, where it colocalized mainly with the trans-Golgi network-associated protein. ORF49p was incorporated into virions and showed a molecular mass of 13 kDa in VZV-infected cells and virions. To elucidate the role of the ORF49 gene, we constructed a mutant virus that lacked a functional ORF49. No differences in plaque size or cell-cell spread were observed in human embryonic fibroblast cells, MRC-5 cells, infected with the wild-type or the mutant virus. However, the mutant virus showed diminished cell-cell infection in a human malignant melanoma cell line, MeWo cells. Therefore, VZV ORF49p is important for virus growth in MeWo cells, but not in MRC-5 cells. VZV may use different mechanisms for virus growth in MeWo and MRC-5 cells. If so, understanding the role of ORF49p should help elucidate how VZV accomplishes cell-cell infections in different cell types.  相似文献   

Pygmy marmosets were inoculated with the low-passage parental strain or with the attenuated variant of OKA strain of varicella-zoster virus. No clinical signs were observed following inoculation and virus could not be isolated from tissues taken at several times after inoculation. A low-level antibody response developed in all animals. Three months after the first inoculation, all animals were challenged with the low-passage parental strain of virus. Animals primed originally with the parental strain developed higher booster responses than animals primed with the attenuated strain of virus. The results suggest that the parental and attenuated strains of varicella-zoster virus differ in their immunogenicity in pygmy marmosets.  相似文献   

Marburg virus (MARV) has been associated with sporadic episodes of hemorrhagic fever, including a recent highly publicized outbreak in Angola that produced severe disease and significant mortality in infected patients. MARV is also considered to have potential as a biological weapon. Recently, we reported the development of a promising attenuated, replication-competent vaccine against MARV based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the glycoprotein of the Musoke strain of MARV (VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke). We used this vaccine to demonstrate complete protection of cynomolgus monkeys against a homologous MARV challenge. While these results are highly encouraging, an effective vaccine would need to confer protection against all relevant strains of MARV. Here, we evaluated the protective efficacy of the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vaccine against two heterologous MARV strains, the seemingly more pathogenic Angola strain and the more distantly related Ravn strain. In this study, seven cynomolgus monkeys were vaccinated with the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vector. Three of these animals were challenged with the Angola strain, three with the Ravn strain, and a single animal with the Musoke strain of MARV. Two animals served as controls and were each injected with a nonspecific VSV vector; these controls were challenged with the Angola and Ravn strains, respectively. Both controls succumbed to challenge by day 8. However, none of the specifically vaccinated animals showed any evidence of illness either from the vaccination or from the MARV challenges and all of these animals survived. These data suggest that the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vaccine should be sufficient to protect against all known MARV strains.  相似文献   

To date, cloned farm animals have been produced by nuclear transfer from embryonic, fetal, and adult cell types. However, mice completely derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells have been produced by aggregation with tetraploid embryos. The objective of the present study was to generate offspring completely derived from bovine ES-like cells. ES-like cells isolated from the inner cell mass of in vitro-produced embryos were aggregated with tetraploid bovine embryos generated by electrofusion at the 2-cell stage. A total of 77 embryo aggregates produced by coculture of two 8-cell-stage tetraploid embryos and a clump of ES-like cells were cultured in vitro. Twenty-eight of the aggregates developed to the blastocyst stage, and 12 of these were transferred to recipient cows. Six calves representing 2 singletons and 2 sets of twins were produced from the transfer of the chimeric embryos. Microsatellite analysis for the 6 calves demonstrated that one calf was chimeric in the hair roots and the another was chimeric in the liver. However, unfortunately, both of these calves died shortly after birth. Two of the placentae from the remaining pregnancies were also chimeric. These results indicate that the bovine ES-like cells used in these studies were able to contribute to development.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free medium was constructed for the suspension culture of mammalian cells. Effects of the serum-free medium on the cultivation of T-lymphoblastoid cells secreting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were observed. The cell growth and HIV production in the serum-free medium were comparable to those in the medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), which showed a possibility of economical industrial application.  相似文献   

The introduction of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) into the cytoplasm of mammalian cells usually leads to a potent antiviral response resulting in the rapid induction of interferon beta (IFNβ). This response can be mediated by a number of dsRNA sensors, including TLR3, MDA5, RIG-I and PKR. We show here that pluripotent human cells (human embryonic stem (hES) cells and induced pluripotent (iPS) cells) do not induce interferon in response to cytoplasmic dsRNA, and we have used a variety of approaches to learn the underlying basis for this phenomenon. Two major cytoplasmic dsRNA sensors, TLR3 and MDA5, are not expressed in hES cells and iPS cells. PKR is expressed in hES cells, but is not activated by transfected dsRNA. In addition, RIG-I is expressed, but fails to respond to dsRNA because its signaling adapter, MITA/STING, is not expressed. Finally, the interferon-inducible RNAse L and oligoadenylate synthetase enzymes are also expressed at very low levels. Upon differentiation of hES cells into trophoblasts, cells acquire the ability to respond to dsRNA and this correlates with a significant induction of expression of TLR3 and its adaptor protein TICAM-1/TRIF. Taken together, our results reveal that the lack of an interferon response may be a general characteristic of pluripotency and that this results from the systematic downregulation of a number of genes involved in cytoplasmic dsRNA signaling.Key words: dsRNA, interferon, innate immunity, pluripotency, stem cells  相似文献   

Infection of human peripheral blood monocytes by varicella-zoster virus (VZV) was investigated. When freshly isolated monocytes of young adult volunteers were infected with cell-free VZV and examined by indirect immunofluorescence, specific antigens appeared at 8 hr and the number of antigen-positive cells reached the maximum between 24 and 48 hr postinfection. The proportion of antigen-positive cells to total cells was similar to that of the permissive control (HeLa cells), while very few infectious centers (IC) of monocytes were formed in comparison with the infected control cells. Monocytes isolated from infants and old persons formed a larger number of IC than those of young adults. Electron microscopic study of VZV-infected monocytes from three young adult volunteers demonstrated that the proportion of VZV particle-positive cells to total cells was similar to that of antigen-positive cells, and most of the particles seen in the nuclei were low in density and lacked a central core. These results suggest that the growth of VZV in human adult monocytes is incomplete. This restriction of VZV growth by monocytes may play an important role in defense against VZV infection.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent and proliferation-associated expression of the enzyme DNA methyltransferase has been evaluated immunocytochemically in synchronized L-132 human embryonic lung cells, using the anti-DNA methyltransferase monoclonal antibody M1F6D7/5C10. DNA methyltransferase-reactivity was firstly seen in mid-G1 cells. An intense and granular reaction in the cell nuclei with a sparing of the nucleoli was observed in addition to a homogenous and faint cytoplasmic staining. The staining intensity in the cell nuclei increased progressively up to mitosis. In early mitotic cells an intense perichromosomal staining was observed in addition to a homogenous staining of cyto- and karyoplasm after the resolving of the core membrane. In late mitosis the staining intensity decreased rapidly. Early G1 cells and density inhibited, resting G0 cells showed no DNA methyltransferase reactivity at all. Our results indicate that anti-DNA methyltransferase monoclonal antibodies could become valuable tools to detect proliferating cells in cell cultures and tissues.  相似文献   

The development of efficient and reproducible culture systems for embryonic stem (ES) cells is an essential pre‐requisite for regenerative medicine. Culture scale‐up ensuring maintenance of cell pluripotency is a central issue, because large amounts of pluripotent cells must be generated to warrant that differentiated cells deriving thereof are transplanted in great amounts and survive the procedure. This study aimed to develop a robust scalable cell expansion system, using a murine embryonic stem cell line that is feeder‐dependent and adapted to serum‐free medium, thus representing a more realistic model for human ES cells. We showed that high concentrations of murine ES cells can be obtained in stirred microcarrier‐based spinner cultures, with a 10‐fold concentration of cells per volume of medium and a 5‐fold greater cell concentration per surface area, as compared to static cultures. No differences in terms of pluripotency and differentiation capability were observed between cells grown in traditional static systems and cells that were replated onto the traditional system after being expanded on microcarriers in the stirred system. This was verified by morphological analyses, quantification of cells expressing important pluripotency markers (Oct‐4, SSEA‐1, and SOX2), karyotype profile, and the ability to form embryoid bodies with similar sizes, and maintaining their intrinsic ability to differentiate into all three germ layers. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

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