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S. M. HAQ 《Journal of Zoology》1965,144(2):175-201
The development of Euterpina acutifrons is described from observations of individuals reared in the laboratory. The characteristics which enable the various stages to be identified have been listed and the feeding mechanism of the larvae described. Differences from the usual developmental pattern of the Harpacticoida are noted and it is suggested that these are related to the pelagic habit of Euterpina . Dimorphism in the male is described and the course of development of the dimorphs is shown to differ from schemes previously suggested for other copepods. Dimorphism, which is manifested at the moult of the third copepodid, is shown to be independent of temperature.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes during spermiogenesis in the barnacles, Balanus amphitrite albicostatus, Balanus tintinnabulum rosa, Balanus trigonus and Tetraclita squamosa japonica, and organization of the sperm with special reference to the accessory body were studied. The Golgi complex organizes both the acrosome and the accessory body at different stages during spermiogenesis; the former is formed at the mid-spermatid stage and the latter is formed at the late spermatid stage. The arrangement of the components in the mature filiform sperm is quite unique, with the acrosome, the basal body just behind the acrosome, the axial filament parallel to a long nucleus, and a slender long mitochondrion behind the nucleus. The sperm in the anterior and posterior half of the ejaculatory duct differ from each other in form in that the sperm in the anterior duct are not equipped with the accessory body and the sperm in the posterior duct are. The accessory body can be artificially broken down by some treatments (1 M urea, alkaline sea water: pH 9.0-9.7, low ionic concentration of sea water). The loss of the accessory body from the sperm is assumed to be related to the ferti-lizability of the sperm.  相似文献   

昆虫细胞分类学的基本问题及染色体系统发育的重建方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文非昆虫细胞遗传学及细胞分类学原理与技术的全面评述;而是从细胞遗传学特征(或称染色体特征)在混虫分类学中的应用入手,重点提出与分析了昆虫细胞分类学中的种类鉴定,研究取材,染色体多态现象,多倍体及核型进化方向等基本问题,并着重总结了目前国际上细胞水平染色体数据的处理方法,即传统法,倒位法,数值法与支序法;最后,作者指出了正确看待细胞分类学重要性的态度。  相似文献   

The stealthy locomotion of the lorises is seen to be directly related to catching prey such as insects and roosting birds. The method of stalking prey contrasts strongly with the quick leaping method of food-catching presented by the galagos. The lorises, by virtue of their food-catching habits, are restricted to true forest, whereas some of the galagos, by the same token, have colonized more open country. This throws some light on the nature of the post-Miocene link between Africa and Asia and is suggested as a reason why the galagos are restricted to Africa whereas the lorises are found in both Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

An investigation is made of the homology of the nasal apparatus of the Dipnoi, in order to determine whether the posterior naris is homologous with the choana of tetrapods or with the posterior external naris of fishes. The ontogeny of the nasal capsule of Protopterus is described in detail. The nervous and venous systems of tho snout region of Protopterus are also duscrbed. It is found that whereas the pattern of the nervous and vascular systems is very similar in all Dipnoi, the structuro of the nasal capsule in the Lepidosiren-Protopterus stock differs greatly from that of the Neoceratodus stock. the homology of the various components of the depnoan nasal coasule is revised and it is shown that there are no evidences of a direct relationship of the Dipnoi with the tetrapods. It is further concluded that the posterior naris of Dipnoi is homologous with the posterior external naris of fishes.  相似文献   

Six varieties of Leishmaniasis are briefly described, namely,visceral leishmaniasis, oriental sore, Chiclero's ulcer, Panamaniancutaneous leishmaniasis, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, and Uta.The natural foci of these diseases are described, and the evolutionof each infection from its original location in the animal reservoirto total humanisation is followed. In the main, the wild canidaeform the reservoir of the visceral diseases, and rodents ofthe cutaneous form. Many fallacies exist in the interpretation of what constitutesa zoonosis in leishmaniasis, and each situation must be lookedat very carefully to ascertain the precise epidemiology. Thecontrol measures depend entirely upon a correct assessment ofthe position.  相似文献   

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