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Over several years, genetic studies in the model system, Drosophila melanogastor, have uncovered genes that when mutated, lead to a block in myoblast fusion. Analyses of these gene products have suggested that Arp2/3-mediated regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial to myoblast fusion in the fly. Recent advances in imaging in Drosophila embryos, both in fixed and live preparations, have led to a new appreciation of both the three-dimensional organization of the somatic mesoderm and the cell biology underlying myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Intercellular fusion among myoblasts is required for the generation of multinucleated muscle fibers during skeletal muscle development. Recent studies in Drosophila have shed light on the molecular mechanisms that underlie this process, and a signaling pathway that relays fusion signals from the cell membrane to the cytoskeleton has emerged. In this article, we review these recent advances and discuss how Drosophila offers a powerful model system to study myoblast fusion in vivo.  相似文献   

Ruiz-Gómez M  Coutts N  Price A  Taylor MV  Bate M 《Cell》2000,102(2):189-198
Aggregation and fusion of myoblasts to form myotubes is essential for myogenesis in many organisms. In Drosophila the formation of syncytial myotubes is seeded by founder myoblasts. Founders fuse with clusters of fusion-competent myoblasts. Here we identify the gene dumbfounded (duf) and show that it is required for myoblast aggregation and fusion. duf encodes a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins that is an attractant for fusion-competent myoblasts. It is expressed by founder cells and serves to attract clusters of myoblasts from which myotubes form by fusion.  相似文献   

Myoblast fusion in the Drosophila embryos is a complex process that includes changes in cell movement, morphology and behavior over time. The advent of fluorescent proteins (FPs) has made it possible to track and image live cells, to capture the process of myoblast fusion, and to carry out quantitative analysis of myoblasts in real time. By tagging proteins with FPs, it is also possible to monitor the subcellular events that accompany the fusion process. Herein, we discuss the recent progress that has been made in imaging myoblast fusion in Drosophila, reagents that are now available, and microscopy conditions to consider. Using an Actin-FP fusion protein along with a membrane marker to outline the cells, we show the dynamic formation and breakdown of F-actin foci at sites of fusion. We also describe the methods used successfully to show that these foci are primarily if not wholly present in the fusion-competent myoblasts.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle formation, growth and repair depend on myoblast fusion events. Therefore, in-depth understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling these events that ultimately lead to skeletal muscle formation may be fundamental for developing new therapies for tissue repair. To this end, the greatest advances in furthering understanding myoblast fusion has been made in Drosophila. Recent studies have shown that transient F-actin structures, so-called actin plugs or foci, are known to form at the site of contacting myoblasts. Indeed, actin regulators of the WASP family that control the activation of the Arp2/3 complex and thereby branched F-actin formation have been demonstrated to be crucial for myoblast fusion. Myoblast-specific cell adhesion molecules seem to be involved in the recruitment of WASP family members to the site of myoblast fusion and form a Fusion-Restricted Myogenic-Adhesive Structure (FuRMAS). Currently, the exact role of the FuRMAS is not completely understood. However, recent studies indicate that WASP-dependent F-actin regulation is required for fusion pore formation as well as for the correct integration of fusing myoblasts into the growing muscle. In this review, I discuss latest cellular studies, and recent genetic and biochemical analyses on actin regulation during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Formation of syncytial muscle fibers involves repeated rounds of cell fusion between growing myotubes and neighboring myoblasts. We have established that Wsp, the Drosophila homolog of the WASp family of microfilament nucleation-promoting factors, is an essential facilitator of myoblast fusion in Drosophila embryos. D-WIP, a homolog of the conserved Verprolin/WASp Interacting Protein family of WASp-binding proteins, performs a key mediating role in this context. D-WIP, which is expressed specifically in myoblasts, associates with both the WASp-Arp2/3 system and with the myoblast adhesion molecules Dumbfounded and Sticks and Stones, thereby recruiting the actin-polymerization machinery to sites of myoblast attachment and fusion. Our analysis demonstrates that this recruitment is normally required late in the fusion process, for enlargement of nascent fusion pores and breakdown of the apposed cell membranes. These observations identify cellular and developmental roles for the WASp-Arp2/3 pathway, and provide a link between force-generating actin polymerization and cell fusion.  相似文献   

Somatic muscle formation in Drosophila requires fusion of muscle founder cells with fusion-competent myoblasts. In a genetic screen for genes that control muscle development, we identified antisocial (ants), a gene that encodes an ankyrin repeat-, TPR repeat-, and RING finger-containing protein, required for myoblast fusion. In ants mutant embryos, founder cells and fusion-competent myoblasts are properly specified and patterned, but they are unable to form myotubes. ANTS, which is expressed specifically in founder cells, interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of Dumbfounded, a founder cell transmembrane receptor, and with Myoblast city, a cytoskeletal protein, both of which are also required for myoblast fusion. These findings suggest that ANTS functions as an intracellular adaptor protein that relays signals from Dumbfounded to the cytoskeleton during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Paramyosin is a major structural protein of thick filaments in invertebrate muscles. Coiled-coil dimers of paramyosin form a paracrystalline core of these filaments, and the motor protein myosin is arranged on the core surface. To investigate the function of paramyosin in myofibril assembly and muscle contraction, we functionally disrupted the Drosophila melanogaster paramyosin gene by mobilizing a P element located in its promoter region. Homozygous paramyosin mutants die at the late embryo stage. Mutants display defects in both myoblast fusion and in myofibril assembly in embryonic body wall muscles. Mutant embryos have an abnormal body wall muscle fiber pattern arising from defects in myoblast fusion. In addition, sarcomeric units do not assemble properly and muscle contractility is impaired. We confirmed that these defects are paramyosin-specific by rescuing the homozygous paramyosin mutant to adulthood with a paramyosin transgene. Antibody analysis of normal embryos demonstrated that paramyosin accumulates as a cytoplasmic protein in early embryo development before assembling into thick filaments. We conclude that paramyosin plays an unexpected role in myoblast fusion and is important for myofibril assembly and muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Su Deng  Ingo Bothe 《Fly》2016,10(4):178-186
From Drosophila to man, multinucleated muscle cells form through cell-cell fusion. Using Drosophila as a model system, researchers first identified, and then demonstrated, the importance of actin cytoskeletal rearrangements at the site of fusion. These actin rearrangements at the fusion site are regulated by SCAR and WASp mediated Arp2/3 activation, which nucleates branched actin networks. Loss of SCAR, WASp or both leads to defects in myoblast fusion. Recently, we have found that the actin regulator Diaphanous (Dia) also plays a role both in organizing actin and in regulating Arp2/3 activity at the fusion site. In this Extra View article, we provide additional data showing that the Abi-SCAR complex accumulates at the fusion site and that excessive SCAR activity impairs myoblast fusion. Using constitutively active Dia constructs, we provide additional evidence that Dia functions upstream of SCAR activity to regulate actin dynamics at the fusion site and to localize the Abi-SCAR complex.  相似文献   

The fusion of myoblasts leading to the formation of myotubes is an integral part of skeletal myogenesis in many organisms. In Drosophila, specialized founder myoblasts initiate fusion through expression of the receptor-like attractant Dumbfounded (Duf), which brings them into close contact with other myoblasts. Here, we identify Rols7, a gene expressed in founders, as an essential component for fusion during myotube formation. During fusion, Rols7 localizes in a Duf-dependent manner at membrane sites that contact other myoblasts. These sites are also enriched with D-Titin, which functions to maintain myotube structure and morphology. When Rols7 is absent or its localization is perturbed, the enrichment of D-Titin fails to occur. Rols7 integrates the initial event of myoblast attraction with the downstream event of myotube structural organization by linking Duf to D-Titin.  相似文献   

In higher organisms, mononucleated myoblasts fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. During this process, myoblasts undergo specific changes in cell morphology and cytoarchitecture. Previously, we have shown that the actin regulator Kette (Hem-2/Nap-1) is essential for myoblast fusion. In this study, we describe the role of the evolutionary conserved Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein that serves as a regulator for the Arp2/3 complex for myoblast fusion. By screening an EMS mutagenesis collection, we discovered a new wasp allele that does not complete fusion during myogenesis. Interestingly, this new wasp3D3-035 allele is characterized by a disruption of fusion after precursor formation. The molecular lesion in this wasp allele leads to a stop codon preventing translation of the CA domain. Usually, the WASP protein exerts its function through the Arp2/3-interacting CA domain. Accordingly, a waspDeltaCA that is expressed in a wild-type background acts as dominant-negative during the fusion process. Furthermore, we show that the myoblast fusion phenotype of kette mutant embryos can be suppressed by reducing the gene dose of wasp3D3-035. Thus, Kette antagonizes WASP function during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Myoblast fusion provides a fundamental, conserved mechanism for muscle fiber growth. We demonstrate here that the functional contribution of Wsp, the Drosophila homolog of the conserved actin nucleation-promoting factor (NPF) WASp, is essential for myoblast fusion during the formation of muscles of the adult fly. Disruption of Wsp function results in complete arrest of myoblast fusion in all muscles examined. Wsp activity during adult Drosophila myogenesis is specifically required for muscle cell fusion and is crucial both for the formation of new muscle fibers and for the growth of muscles derived from persistent larval templates. Although Wsp is expressed both in fibers and individual myoblasts, its activity in either one of these cell types is sufficient. SCAR, a second major Arp2/3 NPF, is also required during adult myoblast fusion. Formation of fusion-associated actin 'foci' is dependent on Arp2/3 complex function, but appears to rely on a distinct, unknown nucleator. The comprehensive nature of these requirements identifies Arp2/3-based branched actin polymerization as a universal mechanism underlying myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Myoblasts cultivated in suspension in serum-free medium were used to examine whether fibronectin influences myoblast fusion. No effect on cell fusion was observed when the medium was supplemented with antibodies against fibronectin (at a concentration effective in inhibiting the myoblast attachment to gelatinized dishes mediated by 1 % horse serum). Purified horse serum fibronectin (70 μg/ml) also had no effect. The assay did, however, detect both inhibition of fusion in low-calcium medium and stimulation of fusion with added embryo extract, horse serum, and fibronectin-depleted horse serum. Thus, although fibronectin may influence cell motility or other processes necessary for fusion in monolayer cultures, it does not affect the fusion process itself.  相似文献   

The aggregation and fusion of myoblasts in the presence of either metabolic inhibitors or alterations in the incubation medium or under conditions which result in structural changes in the cells was studied using previously described assays for the intercellular interactions of myoblasts in suspension [Knudsen, K. A., and Horwitz, A. F. (1977). Develop. Biol.58, 328]. These perturbations inhibit myoblast fusion differently. For example, energy poisons, prior trypsin or glutaraldehyde treatment, and inhibitors of protein or cholesterol synthesis all inhibit the Ca2+-mediated myoblast aggregation. In contrast, whereas myoblasts aggregate in the presence of 20 mM Mg2+, these aggregates are dispersed, even after 1–2 hr, with EDTA or trypsin. Furthermore, enriching the fatty acyl chains in elaidate or prior incubation of the myoblasts in the presence of cytochalasin B or colchicine results in aggregates which, after 1–2 hr, are dispersed by trypsin but not by EDTA. Aggregates of unaltered, control myoblasts, on the other hand, begin to show resistance to dispersion by trypsin after these times. These observations support the suggestion that multinucleate cell formation results from a sequence of events. The influence of these perturbations on cellular aggregation also provides some initial, tentative insight into the molecular mechanism of myoblast fusion. Recognition (calcium-mediated aggregate formation) appears to be mediated by a protein(s) that is turning over during the period of fusion competence, while membrane union (formation of aggregates resistant to dispersion by trypsin) most likely involves the direct participation of membrane lipid.  相似文献   

Fusion of individual myoblasts to form multinucleated myofibers constitutes a widely conserved program for growth of the somatic musculature. We have used electron microscopy methods to study this key form of cell–cell fusion during development of the indirect flight muscles (IFMs) of Drosophila melanogaster. We find that IFM myoblast–myotube fusion proceeds in a stepwise fashion and is governed by apparent cross talk between transmembrane and cytoskeletal elements. Our analysis suggests that cell adhesion is necessary for bringing myoblasts to within a minimal distance from the myotubes. The branched actin polymerization machinery acts subsequently to promote tight apposition between the surfaces of the two cell types and formation of multiple sites of cell–cell contact, giving rise to nascent fusion pores whose expansion establishes full cytoplasmic continuity. Given the conserved features of IFM myogenesis, this sequence of cell interactions and membrane events and the mechanistic significance of cell adhesion elements and the actin-based cytoskeleton are likely to represent general principles of the myoblast fusion process.  相似文献   

Alteration of the membrane fatty acyl composition modulates the fusion of myoblasts into multinucleate myotubes. The rate of fusion after addition of calcium to 50–52 hour cultures of chick pectoral myoblasts is markedly inhibited in cells possessing acyl chains enriched in elaidate and is enhanced in those enriched in oleate. The modulations appear to occur after the cells have recognized one another and adhered strongly but before the membranes have united. These observations lead to a hypothesis for membrane union (fusion) in which the lipids participate directly perhaps by a mechanism analogous to that proposed for the fusion of lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

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