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The leakage of various inorganic carbon species from air-grown cells of Synechococcus UTEX 625 was investigated after a light to dark transition or during a light period using a mass spectrometer under a wide variety of experimental conditions. Total inorganic carbon efflux and CO2 efflux during the initial period of darkness were measured with or without carbonic anhydrase in the reaction medium respectively. The HCO3? efflux after a light to dark transition was estimated by difference. Carbon dioxide efflux in the light was measured by inhibiting CO2 transport with either Na2S or COS3 or quenching the 13C inorganic carbon transport by the addition of 12C inorganic carbon in excess. In cells in which CO2 fixation was inhibited, when only the HCO3? transport system was fully operative, CO2 effluxed continuously during the light period at a rate equal to about 25% of that in darkness. When only the CO2 transport system was operative, HCO3? effluxed during the light period. The difference between the light and dark efflux rates was consistent with a 0.6 unit decrease in the intracellular pH upon darkening the cells. The permeabilities of the cell for CO2 (2.94 ± 0.14 ± 10?8ms?1; mean ± SE, n=137) and HCO3? (1.4–1.7 ± 10?9 ms?1) were calculated.  相似文献   

—A rapid accumulation of [3H]GABA occurs in slices of rat cerebral cortex incubated at 25° or 37° in a medium containing [3H]GABA. Tissue medium ratios of almost 100:1 are attained after a 60 min incubation at 25°. At the same temperature no labelled metabolites of GABA were found in the tissue or the medium. The process responsible for [3H]GABA uptake has many of the properties of an active transport mechanism: it is temperature sensitive, requires the presence of sodium ions in the external medium, is inhibited by dinitrophenol and ouabain, and shows saturation kinetics. The estimated Km value for GABA is 2·2 × 10?5m , and Vmax is 0·115 μmoles/min/g cortex. There is only negligible efflux of the accumulated [3H]GABA when cortical slices are exposed to a GABA-free medium. [3H]GABA uptake was not affected by the presence of large molar excesses of glycine, l -glutamic acid, l -aspartic acid, or β-aminobutyrate, but was inhibited in the presence of l -alanine, l -histidine, β-hydroxy-GABA and β-guanidinopropionate. It is suggested that the GABA uptake system may represent a possible mechanism for the inactivation of GABA or some related substance at inhibitory synapses in the cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract— The swelling of intact, exposed primate cerebral cortex perfused in vioo under, isosmotic conditions was a linear function of the concentration of K+ in perfusate over the range 25–117 mM. The K+-dependent swelling was manifested throughout the depth of the cerebral cortex studied and was associated with an increased content of chloride in the swollen tissue, despite the constancy of the concentration of external chloride. The swelling of the cerebral cortex was a linear function of the temperature of the perfusate over the range 15–38°C, despite the constancy of the concentration of external K+. Moreover, the content of chloride in the swollen cerebral cortex was a linear function of the temperature of the overlying perfusate, despite the constancy of the external concentration of chloride. The changes in the contents of Na+ and K+ in the swollen cerebral cortex perfused with solutions containing constant concentrations of external Na+ and K+ but differing in temperature suggested that the fluid of swelling in the tissue was rich in both K+ and CI-, as had been shown previously in vitro. Perfusion of the exposed, intact cerebral cortex in uiuo with K+-rich fluids usually involved the reciprocal reduction of the concentrations of Na+ in the perfusate to maintain isotonicity. When comparable reductions in the concentration of external Na+ were achieved by replacement with choline (instead of K+), swelling of the perfused, exposed cortex was significantly less than that attributed to isotonic, K+-rich but Na+-poor fluids. These observations suggested that it was the elevated levels of K+ rather than lowered concentrations of Na+ that promoted the swelling of the perfused cerebral cortex. The apparent rate of influx of 36Cl from the perfusate into the underlying exposed and intact monkey cerebral cortex in vivo was a linear function of the concentration of K+ in perfusate over the range 25–117 mM and conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics when plotted according to Lineweaver and Burk. Moreover, the apparent influx of chloride from perfusate into swollen cerebral cortex was a linear function of the percentage swelling of cerebral cortex over the range 6–30 per cent. However, the apparent rate of influx of chloride from perfusate into unswollen cortex was not consistent with the linear correlation already described for swollen cerebral cortex. One reason for this discrepancy was the reduction in the size of the true (inulin) extracellular space associated with the K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex in vivo. The anatomical locus for this K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex was an expanded glial compartment, as demonstrated by electron-microscopy. The parenteral administration (50 mg/kg) or local perfusion (5 mM) of acetazolamide inhibited the K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex in vivo. Moreover, administration of acetazolamide inhibited the K+-dependent increase in content of C1- and the K+-dependent rate of influx of 36Cl into swollen cerebral cortex. We have discussed the possible enzymatic basis of these K+-dependent alterations in content of fluid and chloride and transport of chloride in mammalian cerebral cortex in viuo.  相似文献   

Abstract— At 25°C the accumulation of [3H] dl -2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) into small rat cortical slices was linear with time and a tissue: medium ratio of 35:1 was attained after 60 min. At 37°C the uptake was no longer linear and the tissue: medium ratio at 60 min was 66:1. Uptake was unaffected by the addition of 10 μ m -AOAA and dependent on the presence of Na+ in the incubation media. The uptake was shown to have a high affinity component with a K m of 20.7 μ m and a V max of 28.6 nmol/g/min. IC50's for the inhibition of [3H]DABA uptake by dl -DABA, l -DABA and GABA were 80, 40 and 17 μ m respectively. Two m m β -alanine, however, caused less than 13% inhibition of [3H]DABA uptake. Electron microscopic autoradiographs showed the [3H]DABA to be accumulated by 22% of the identifiable nerve terminals and, after 14 days exposure, the density of silver grains over nerve terminals was 36–38 times higher than that over the rest of the electron micrograph. On the other hand, [3H]DABA was not taken up into rat sensory ganglia and light level autoradiography showed the small amount of [3H]DABA accumulated by the ganglia to be evenly distributed throughout the tissue. Both electrical stimulation for 30 s and exposure of the tissue to a medium containing 47 m m -K+ for 2 min caused a marked increase in the efflux of [3H]DABA from the tissue. Both these effects were abolished by a reduction in Ca2+ concentration and an increase in the Mg2+ concentration of the superfusing medium. These results suggest that l -DABA acts as a 'false transmitter' for the neuronal uptake, storage and release of GABA.  相似文献   

Abstract— Preparations of phospholipase Az have been obtained from human cerebral cortex. The enzyme was extracted from acetone-dried tissue and purified by heat-treatment and gel filtration on Sephadex.
Although heating at 65°C or 70°C destroys most of the phospholipase A1 activity that is present in crude extracts, a small proportion remains associated with the A2 activity during these procedures. The heat-treated extracts hydrolyse lecithin in preference to phosphatidyl-ethanolamine but have no action on lysolecithin or neutral lipids. The results suggest that A2 activity and the heat-stable component of A1 may both be due to a single phospholipase A that can hydrolyse diacylglycerophosphatides at either the 2-or the 1-position, to form a mixture of isomeric lysoderivatives.
A molecular weight of 55,000 was calculated for the enzyme.  相似文献   

The distribution of NO3? reduction between roots and shoots was studied in hydro-ponically-grown peach-tree seedlings (Prunus persica L.) during recovery from N starvation. Uptake, translocation and reduction of NO3?, together with transport through xylem and phloem of the newly reduced N were estimated, using 15N labellings, in intact plants supplied for 90 h with 0.5 mM NH4+ and 0.5, 1.5 or 10 mM NO3?. Xylem transport of NO3? was further investigated by xylem sap analysis in a similar experiment. The roots were the main site of NO3? reduction at all 3 levels of NO3? nutrition. However, the contribution of the shoots to the whole plant NO3? reduction increased with increasing external NO3? availability. This contribution was estimated to be 20, 23 and 42% of the total assimilation at 0.5, 1.5 and 10 mM NO3?, respectively. Both 15N results and xylem sap analysis confirmed that this trend was due to an enhancement of NO3? translocation from roots to shoots. It is proposed that the lack of NO3? export to the shoots at low NO3? uptake rate resulted from a competition between NO3? reduction in the root epidermis/cortex and NO3? diffusion to the stele. On the other hand, net xylem transport of newly reduced N was very efficient since ca 70% of the amino acids synthesized in the roots were translocated to the shoots, regardless of the level of NO3? nutrition. This net xylem transport by far exceeded the net downward phloem transport of the reduced N assimilated in shoots. As a consequence, the reduced N resulting from NO3? assimilation, principally occurring in the roots, was mainly incorporated in the shoots.  相似文献   

In M. braunii, the uptake of NO3 and NO2 is blue-light-dependent and is associated with alkalinization of the medium. In unbuffered cell suspensions irradiated with red light under a CO2-free atmosphere, the pH started to rise 10s after the exposure to blue light. When the cellular NO3 and NO2 reductases were active, the pH increased to values of around 10, since the NH4+ generated was released to the medium. When the blue light was switched off, the pH stopped increasing within 60 to 90s and remained unchanged under background red illumination. Titration with H2SO4 of NO3 or NO2 uptake and reduction showed that two protons were consumed for every one NH4+ released. The uptake of Cl was also triggered by blue light with a similar 10 s time response. However, the Cl -dependent alkalinization ceased after about 3 min of blue light irradiation. When the blue light was turned off, the pH immediately (15 to 30 s) started to decline to the pre-adjusted value, indicating that the protons (and presumably the Cl) taken up by the cells were released to the medium. When the cells lacked NO3 and NO2 reductases, the shape of the alkalinization traces in the presence of NO3 and NO2 was similar to that in the presence of Cl, suggesting that NO3 or NO2 was also released to the medium. Both the NO3 and Cl-dependent rates of alkalinization were independent of mono- and divalent cations.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity of porcine cerebral cortical extracts was measured with 0.1–100 μM-cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP and found to be dependent on both Ca2+ and added cyclic nucleotides. With decreasing substrate concentration activity with cyclic GMP became more dependent on Ca2+ whereas hydrolysis of cyclic AMP became less dependent. Cyclic GMP at 3 μM stimulated the hydrolysis of 0.1–10μM-cyclic AMP in the absence of Ca2+ (< 10-10M) but inhibited activity with 200 μM-Ca2+ present. This differential, substrate- and Ca2+-dependent regulation was attributed to the presence of at least two types of phosphodiesterase distinguishable by DEAE-column chromatography. In the absence of Ca2+, activity with 1 μM-cyclic GMP eluted in one minor peak followed by two major peaks, D-I and D-II. Activity with 1 μM-cyclic AMP eluted almost entirely in D-II. Hydrolysis of cyclic AMP in D-II was activated by cyclic GMP. With added Ca2+ plus a Ca2+-dependent regulator (CDR), activity with 1 μM-cyclic GMP was markedly increased and eluted entirely at D-I. Total activity with 1 μM-cyclic AMP was only moderately increased and eluted as D-I with a shoulder at D-II. Elution profiles with 100 μM-substrate were relatively independent of substrate, with D-I predominant with Ca2+·CDR present and D-II predominant in its absence. Kinetic analysis of rechromatographed D-I showed a 20- to 40-fold activation by Ca2+·CDR that was largely due to an increase in Vmax, with only 50% decreases in Km Both substrates competitively inhibited hydrolysis of the other with Ki values equal to their respective Km values (1.7 μM for cyclic GMP and 48 μM for cyclic AMP with Ca2+-CDR present). Studies with theophylline and trifluoperazine indicate differential, substrate-dependent inhibitions of both enzymes. These findings demonstrate that phosphodiesterase activity in neural tissue is subject to regulation by Ca2+, cyclic GMP, and inhibitors in a complex, substrate-specific and concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Abstract— 45Ca2+ uptake by cerebral cortex synaptosomes was determined by gel filtration, glass fibre disc filtration under suction and by centrifugation with EGTA present. The filtration methods gave comparable results which were higher than values obtained by the centrifugation method. Uptake was increased by 25mM-K+ at all times investigated. The accumulated 45Ca2+ was bound within the synaptosome. 45Ca2+-ionophore A23187 stimulated uptake only during the first min; levels of intra-synaptosomal 45Ca2+ then returned to control values. A23187 also increased intra-synaptosomal Na+ and Cl contents. Botulinum toxin inhibits the K.+-stimulated release of [14C]ACh from synaptosomes but the ionophore released [14C]ACh from both normal and botulinum-treated preparations in a Ca2+-dependent manner. However, it also elicited Ca2+-dependent release of [choline. Increased extracellular Ca2+ (10 mM and 20 mM) released [14C]ACh (but not [14C]choline) from both normal and botulinum-treated synaptosomes. It is concluded that botulinum toxin interferes with the provision of Ca2+ essential for the mechanism of ACh release.  相似文献   

Abstract— The concentration dependence of the modifications by potassium of the respiratory intermediates in incubated slices of rat cerebral cortex has been examined in the presence and absence of calcium. In addition to the immediate increase in respiration and the concomitant oxidation of the respiratory intermediates, longer term increases in the steady-state redox potential were observed at higher potassium concentrations. Addition of calcium to the system did not appreciably alter the immediate effects of potassium, but shifted the redox state of the respiratory intermediates; these changes involved a decrease in reduced intermediate at low concentrations of potassium and a relatively higher level of reduced carriers at high concentrations of potassium. Ouabain (50 μ m ) inhibited both the initial responses to added potassium and modified the changes in steady-state levels of reduced intermediate in the absence of calcium. In the presence of calcium, ouabain (50 μ m ) inhibited the initial oxidation of NAD(P)H observed upon addition of potassium but had no effect on the respiratory response to the addition of low concentrations of potassium. The disassociation of these responses resulted in a large decrease in the steady-state levels of reduced cytochrome. At 30 m m potassium an oxidation of NAD(P)H was observed which accompanied by an increase in levels of reduced cytochromes. These changes in redox state of the respiratory carriers have been discussed in relation to previous reports dealing with the effects of potassium on aerobic glycolysis and oxygen consumption by brain slices.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) and [3H]serotonin ([3H]5-HT) by rat brain synaptosomes is reduced as a result of pretreatment of the synaptosomes with phospholipase C (EC or phospholipase A2 (EC This effect is not due to inhibition of the Na+-K+-ATPase but rather is caused by hydrolysis of neuronal membrane phospholipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine, which seem to be important to the uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crude or purified rat brain choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) is activated by anions. Among anions, Cl is the most effective and may promote an up to 60 fold increase in V max. In the absence of Cl, at low ionic strength, acetylcholine (ACh) is a good ChAc inhibitor ( K i= 0.310 m m ). The ACh inhibition becomes negligible when Cl is increased to 145 m m (ACh K i= 45 m m ). These results are discussed in terms of regulation of ACh synthesis by nerve terminals. It is proposed that ChAc is part of a presynaptic membrane bound multienzymatic complex under direct control of the ion fluxes promoted by nerve impulses.  相似文献   

NO3?-dependent O2 in synchronous Scenedesmus obtusiusculus Chod. in the absence of CO2 is stoichiometric with NH4+ excretion, indicating a close coupling of NO3? reduction to non-cyclic electron flow. Also in the presence of CO2, NO3? stimulates O2 evolution as manifested by an increase in the O2/CO2 ratio from 0.96 to 1.11. This quotient was increased to 1.36 by addition of NO2?, without competitive interaction with CO2 fixation, indicating that the capacity for non-cyclic electron transport at saturating light is non-limiting for simultaneous reduction of NO3? and CO2 at high rates. During incubation with NO3?+ CO2, no NH4+ is released to the outer medium, whereas during incubation with NO2?+ CO2, excess NH4+ is formed and excreted. NO3? uptake is stimulated by CO2, and this stimulation is also significant when the cellular energy metabolism is restricted by moderate concentrations of carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, whereas NO3? uptake in the absence of CO2 is severely inhibited by the uncoupler. Also under energy-restricted conditions NO3? uptake is not competitive with CO2 fixation. Antimycin A is inhibitory for NO3? uptake in the absence of CO2, and there is no enhancement of NO3? uptake by CO2 in the presence of antimycin A. It is assumed that the energy demand for NO3? uptake is met by energy fixed as triosephosphates in the Calvin cycle. Antimycin A possibly affects the transfer of reduced triose phosphates from the chloroplast to the cytoplasm. Active carbon metabolism also seems to exert a control effect on NO3? assimilation, inducing complete incorporation of all NO3? taken up into amino acids. This control effect is not functional when NO2? is the nitrogen source. Active carbon metabolism thus seems to be essential both for provision of energy for NO3? uptake and for regulation of the process.  相似文献   

Manometric measurements were made of oxygen uptake (Q OO2) and aerobic lactic acid output (QG) by slices of cerebral cortex and medulla oblongata of the cat in the presence of mixtures of 1, 5, and 20 volumes per cent of carbon dioxide in oxygen. The concentrations of NaHCO3 and NaCl in the medium were varied to maintain constant pH and sodium ion concentrations. The calcium ion concentration was 0.0002 M. At pH 7.5 under these conditions, an increase in carbon dioxide from 1 per cent to 5 per cent doubled the QG of both tissues but did not alter Q OO2; an increase from 5 per cent to 20 per cent carbon dioxide had no further effect on QG in either tissue or Q OO2 of cortex, but did depress the Q OO2 of medulla. At pH 8.1, an increase in carbon dioxide from 1 per cent to 5 per cent raised the Q OO2 and QG of cortex by about 60 per cent. Measurements at low oxygen tension carried out previously in phosphate medium were repeated in bicarbonate medium to obtain data for the combined output of lactic acid and carbon dioxide (QA). When the oxygen in the gas phase was decreased from 95 to 3 volumes per cent, the lactic acid output as measured colorimetrically increased by 114 mg./gm. in cortex and by 8 mg./gm. in medulla; QA increased from 12.3 to 13.5 in cortex and decreased from 5.1 to 3.8 in medulla.  相似文献   

—A study was made of the effects of unilateral visual deprivation and stimulation upon the activities of alkaline phosphatase (EC, acid phosphatase (EC, Na+-K+ activated Mg2+ catalysed ATPase (EC and upon the Na+ and K+ contents of the optic lobe of adult pigeon (Columba livia). Visual deprivation was achieved by eyelid suturing or by enucleation and maintained for 1–9 weeks. Unilateral visual stimulation was maintained for 75 min following 72 h of darkness. A statistically significant increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in the optic lobe after unilateral visual deprivation whereas unilateral visual stimulation resulted in the opposite effect. Acid phosphatase activity was found to be unchanged under all experimental conditions. Na+-K+ ATPase activity was found to increase significantly following unilateral visual stimulation and following eyelid suturing in the corresponding optic lobes; unilateral enucleation resulted in a decrease in the Na+-K+ ATPase activity. An increase in the enzyme activity was found to be associated with an increase in the level of Na+-ion and a decrease in the level of K+-ion, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Two species of blue-green algae Anabaena flosaquae and Oscillatoria sp. were shown to assimilate glycolic acid. In the presence of DCMU in light, approximately 50% of it wax oxidized to carbon dioxide; 90% was oxidized in the dark. Glycolate assimilation was increased fivefold by lowering the pH of the medium from 9.0 to 5.0, and the rate of uptake increased with increasing concentration of exogenous glycolate up to a saturation concentration of 12–14 mM. α-Hydroxysulfonates markedly inhibited glycolate uptake and oxidation but iso-nicotinyl hydrazide had little effect. These results indicate that glycolate oxidation occurs in vivo, but that the glycolate pathway in these algae differs some-what from that of higher plants.  相似文献   

The uptake of [3H]atropine, [3H]acetylcholine and [14C]inulin in mouse brain cortex slices was studied in slices treated with phospholipases A or C. In control experiments the slices took up atropine and acetylcholine against a concentration gradient, indicating active uptake. This uptake was decreased by ouabain, by anaerobic conditions and by an increase in the potassium ion concentration. The phospholipases were found to decrease the uptake of atropine and particularly that of acetylcholine in the slices. The uptake of labelled inulin in enzyme-treated slices, as compared to untreated slices, was not decreased, indicating no change in the inulin space. The effect of the phospholipases was time dependent and, up to a certainlimit, concentration dependent. The effect of ouabain in decreasing the uptake of atropine was not eliminated by the enzyme treatment. The effect of anaerobic conditions in decreasing the uptake was weak after treatment with phospholipases. The effect of higher concentrations of potassium ions was abolished by treatment with phospholipase A. The results emphasize the importance of phospholipids as substances controlling structural order in membranes and suggest their participation in active transport.  相似文献   

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