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The biology and ecology of lotic nematodes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 Morphological structures for identifying freshwater nematodes, e.g. buccal cavity, sensory receptors, oesophagus, reproductive organs and tail are described.
  • 2 Most freshwater nematodes belong to the Adenophorea and are characterised by the presence of setae, adhesive glands and conspicuous amphids.
  • 3 Methods for collecting nematodes from the sediments of running water (e.g. corer, pumps), within plants and aufwuchs are listed. Methods for fixation, extracting and preparing nematodes for identification are described.
  • 4 Life history parameters (e.g. generation time, eggs per female) are not available for lotic nematodes but are summarised for free‐living nematodes in soil, lakes and seas. Field studies indicate that, in contrast to laboratory experiments with nematode cultures, many species will have a generation time of several months.
  • 5 Abundance and species diversity of nematodes of lotic habitats are provided; more than 100 nematode species inhabit lotic habitats and densities can reach 230 individuals per ml.
  • 6 Links between meiobenthic nematodes and the micro‐ and macrobenthos are unclear at present. Evidence such as the increased bacterial activity due to nematode grazing suggests that such interactions may be significant.

The biology and ecology of lotic Tardigrada   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 Tardigrades comprise a micrometazoan phylum that is a sister group of the arthropods.
  • 2 They are components of the meiobenthos in lotic habitats, and ≈ 50–70 species have been reported in such habitats world‐wide. Approximately 800 species have been identified from all marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.
  • 3 Taxonomy is based primarily on the morphology of the claws, buccal‐pharyngeal apparatus, cuticle and eggs.
  • 4 Reproductive modes include sexual reproduction (amphimixis) and parthenogenesis. The sexual condition of individuals may be either gonochorism, unisexuality, or hermaphroditism. Moulting occurs throughout the life of the tardigrade.
  • 5 Latent states (cryptobiosis, including encystment, anoxybiosis, cryobiosis, osmobiosis and anhydrobiosis) enable tardigrades to withstand unfavourable environmental conditions.
  • 6 Population densities, life histories, dissemination and biogeography of freshwater species are poorly known.

The biology and ecology of lotic microturbellarians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 More than 200 known species of Microturbellaria occur in running waters world‐wide but discovery of many more is likely. Their population density varies greatly as a function of substratum, productivity, phenology and hydrology. The density may exceed 7 000 individuals m‐2. The number of species in a single small sample may reach 20.
  • 2 Many species appear to have microhabitat or stream section specialisation but community patterns are obscured to a certain extent by common and eurytopic species. The specialisation is particularly evident in the smaller, lower‐order streams.
  • 3 Some of this habitat specialisation is attributable to the ecological origin of species that may include terrestrial, underground, marine and lentic species pools.
  • 4 Feeding habits of Microturbellaria range from omnivory to specialised predation.
  • 5 Quantitative field studies require extraction and examination of live specimens from samples. Such samples pose transportation and storage problems and must be processed within hours of collection.
  • 6 Taxonomy is well resolved for the Northern Hemisphere but is likely to be a major challenge in other parts of the world. In any region, however, new species may demand caution while using current keys to their identification.

The biology and ecology of lotic microcrustaceans   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
  • 1 Copepoda, Ostracoda and ‘Cladocera’ are important meiobenthic Crustacea which can be both numerically abundant and species rich in running waters. Harpacticoids and ostracods are well adapted to benthic life because they are typical crawlers, walkers, and burrowers. Many cladocerans are substratum dwellers, but most benthic species among these can also swim. Cyclopoids which are generally good swimmers are nevertheless often bottom frequenters and actively colonise sediment interstices (the hyporheic zone).
    • 2 The subclass Copepoda includes 10 orders. With 53 families, the order Harpacticoida dominates the benthos. Only five of these families are represented in fresh waters (ca. 1 000 species and subspecies). The order Cyclopoida includes 12 families of which the Cyclopidae is well represented in freshwater habitats with 900 species and subspecies. Freshwater Ostracods belong to the order Podocopida (5 000 species) with three superfamilies occurring in running fresh waters. The group ‘Cladocera’ contains four orders, 12 families, more than 80 genera, and 450–600 freshwater species. Most of the benthic species are found in the families Chydoridae (39 genera), Macrothricidae, Ilyocryptidae and Sididae.
  • 3 For each of the three major taxa, morphological characteristics are presented, specimen collection and preparation are described and references to available taxonomical keys are provided.
  • 4 Biological characteristics are extremely diverse among and within the three taxa, resulting in a great variety of strategies in meiobenthic crustaceans. Characteristics of reproduction, sexual dimorphism, cyclomorphosis and population parameters (i.e. clutch size, lifespan, growth, moulting) are provided for some of the most common species.
  • 5 Important differences between the three main taxa were found at the species level. Ecological requirements such as hydraulic microhabitats and geomorphologic features of the streambed are the major determinants of species diversity and abundance for benthic microcrustacea of lotic habitats. Many studies on the ecology of these communities are limited by a lack of knowledge of the life history characterisitics of lotic (especially interstitial) crustacean populations.

The Hydrachnidia (water mites) represent the most important group of the Arachnida in fresh water. Over 6,000 species have been described worldwide, representing 57 families, 81 subfamilies and more than 400 genera. The article analyzes extant water mite diversity and biogeography. Data on distribution and species richness of water mites are substantial but still far from complete. Many parts of the world are poorly investigated, Oriental and Afrotropical regions in particular. Moreover, information among different freshwater habitats is unbalanced with springs and interstitial waters disproportionately unrepresented. Therefore, more than 10,000 species could be reasonably expected to occur in inland waters worldwide. Based on available information, the Palaearctic region represents one of the better investigated areas with the highest number of species recorded (1,642 species). More than 1,000 species have been recorded in each of the Neotropical (1,305 species) and Nearctic regions (1,025 species). Known species richness is lower in Afrotropical (787 species) and Australasian (694 species) regions, and lowest in the Oriental region (554 species). The total number of genera is not correlated with species richness and is distinctly higher in the Neotropical (164 genera); genus richness is similar in the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Australasian regions (128–131 genera) and is lower in the Afrotropical and Oriental regions with 110 and 94 genera, respectively. A mean number of about three genera per family occur in the Palaeartic, Nearctic and Oriental while an average of more than four genera characterizes the families of Australasian and Afrotropical regions and more than five genera those of the Neotropical. Australasian fauna is also characterized by the highest percentage of endemic genera (62%), followed by Neotropical (50.6%) and Afrotropical (47.2%) regions. Lower values are recorded for the Palaearctic (26.9%), Oriental (24.4%) and Nearctic (21.4%). The Palaearctic and Nearctic have the highest faunistic similarity, some minor affinities are also evident for the generic diversification of Holarctic and Oriental families. The faunas of Southern Hemisphere bioregions are more distinct and characterized by the presence of ancient Gondwanan clades with a regional diversification particularly evident in the Neotropics and Australasia. This scenario of water mite diversity and distribution reflect the basic vicariance pattern, isolation, phylogenetic diversification, recent climatic vicissitudes and episodes of dispersal between adjacent land masses together with extant ecological factors can be evoked to explain distribution patterns at a global scale. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The water mites of running waters in The Netherlands have been surveyed for the period 1987–1992. The aims were to investigate their present distribution, to make a comparison with historical data and to identify differences in water mite assemblages on a regional scale. The investigation covered 821 sites in eight different drainage areas. In spite of the scarcity of historical data, it may be concluded that in the course of this century about 40% of rheophilic water mites have become extinct. In canalized streams lentic species are dominant. In springs and spring streams, lotic species can survive, but the assemblages consist mainly of euryoecious water mite species.Multivariate techniques were used to show regional differences. These differences are mainly determined by stream hydraulics. The area of Zuid-Limburg can easily be demarcated by its relatively high number of rheophilic species. The man-made streams (sprengen) at the east side of the Veluwe area are characterized by a number of species which indicate undisturbed circumstances. The response of water mites to pollution of running waters is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The distribution, species richness and ecology of spring‐dwelling water mites in Italy were investigated with the aim to better elucidate the role of spring habitats to sustain high levels of biodiversity and their contribution to freshwater biodiversity at a local and regional scale. 2. More than 300 springs in different geographic areas (Alps, Central and Southern Apennines, Sicily and Sardinia), were examined with a total of 163 water mite species recorded. 3. Species richness in each area ranged from 33 species on Sardinia to 77 on Sicily. The highest diversity was found in the Gran Sasso (Central Apennines). The proportion of crenobionts (species strictly bound to this type of habitat) exceeded 50% in almost all the areas investigated. 4. A diverse (up to 20 species per spring) and highly specialised mite fauna was observed in undisturbed rheocrenes and in natural springs of intermediate typology (rheohelocrenes and rheopsammocrenes). In springs subjected to human impacts (pasture, deforestation, alteration and transformation of spring sources) species richness declined and crenobionts were replaced by unspecialised crenoxenes. 5. The zoogeographic importance of spring habitats is confirmed by the presence of 18 endemic species and by members of genera with an interesting disjunct and relict distribution. 6. A comparison with other geographic areas suggests that springs contain a significant fraction of the total number of species found in freshwater habitats and may contribute almost one third of regional freshwater biodiversity. The presence of endemic crenobionts and rare taxa highlights the importance of these habitats in maintaining high levels of biodiversity as well as their contribution to a better understanding of biodiversity patterns in freshwaters.  相似文献   

The importance of meiofauna to lotic ecosystem functioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Although meiofauna occur in large numbers in many streams, almost nothing is known about their functional role.
  • 2 In other systems, meiofauna influence microbial and organic matter dynamics through consumption and bioturbation. Given that these are important processes in streams, meiofauna have the potential to influence lotic function by changing the quality and availability of organic matter as well as the number and biotic activity of benthic microbes. Selective feeding by meiofauna has the potential to alter the availability of nutrients and organic carbon.
  • 3 Meiofauna generally contribute only a small amount to metazoan production and biomass in streams, although exceptions occur. Within a stream, the relative importance of meiofauna may reflect whether the temporary or permanent meiofauna dominate the meiobenthos as well as the season when samples are collected.
  • 4 We suggest stream conditions (small sediment grain size, restricted interstitial flow) under which meiofauna have the greatest likelihood of influencing stream ecosystem function.
  • 5 Important areas for future research include addressing whether meiofauna feed selectively, whether meiofauna are links or sinks for carbon in streams, and whether bioturbation by meiofauna influences stream ecosystem processes in a predictable manner.

Summary Twenty-seven species of water mites of the genus Arrenurus were compared with respect to allocation of reproductive effort. Clutch volume was positively correlated to female volume, female volume was positively correlated with clutch size and with larval volume, while clutch size and larval volume were negatively correlated. In threespace, corresponding to female volume, clutch size and larval volume, species were arranged along two trajectories representing separate reproductive strategies. The strategy characterized by small larvae, large clutches and large females corresponded to species of the subgenus Arrenurus, known to be larval parasites of adult Odonata. Members of three subgenera, known to be larval parasites of adult Diptera, followed the second strategy of small clutch size and alrge larvae. Of nine species of mites tested for intraspecific relationships, only one significant relationship was found, between female volume and clutch size for A. (Megaluracarus) bartonensis.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether a thermocline may constitute a barrier discouraging vertical migration of water mites. The research was carried out in May, June, July, and August 1999 in Lake Lubie, and a total of 3252 water mites (1880 females and 1178 males) belonging to 29 species were collected. A strong negative correlation was observed between the drop in temperature in the thermocline and the abundance and number of water mite species living beneath the thermocline. The negative correlation resulted from a considerable limitation of vertical migration of water mites by factors such as: low temperature below the thermocline, large difference between temperatures above and below the thermocline, and considerable thickness of the thermocline. During summer season, lower layers of the lake were increasingly penetrated by water mites as the temperatures above and below the thermocline were becoming more uniform. Lake species displayed the greatest ability to penetrate lower water layers and were present below the thermocline during the whole study period; moreover, their numbers were quite steady. On the contrary, the species, which are characteristic for small water bodies, crossed the thermocline in comparatively large numbers in June when the thermocline was of the lowest thickness.  相似文献   

In this paper I synthesize original and published studies of sperm transfer behaviour of 23 genera of water mites from 15 families. The morphology of spermatophores from 16 genera (12 families) is described. Behaviour and/or spermatophores are described for the first time for the following species: Hydrachna magniscutata Marshall, Hydrachna hesperia Lundblad, Hydrachna sp. nr. leegei Koenike, Limnochares americana Lundblad, Limnesia undulata (Müller), Neumania distincta Marshall, Unionicola (three species in the U. crassipes-complex), Thyas slolli Koenike, Lebertia annae Habeeb, Lebertia sp., Piona sp. nr. debilis (Wolcott), Tiphys vernalis (Habeeb), Arrenurus dentipetiolatus Marshall, Arrenurus marshalli Piersig and Arrenurus birgei Marshall. On the basis of proximity of male and female during sperm transfer, I divide water mites into four groups: complete dissociation, involving no physical or chemical contact between the sexes (nine genera); incomplete dissociation, requiring distance-or contact-chemoreception but not involving pairing behaviour (five genera); pairing with indirect transfer, involving pairing behaviour with females controlling sperm uptake (three genera); pairing with direct transfer (=copulation), involving pairing behaviour and male placement of sperm in the receiving structure of the female (12 genera). Four genera have representative species in more than one category of sperm transfer. Factors possibly leading to the diversity of water mite mating behaviour include an evolutionarily flexible mode of sperm transfer in the ancestral water mite, and the development of planktonic and endoparasitic habits in many mites. Morphological features of spermatophores that improve physical stability, probability of females taking up sperm and resistance against osmotic stress are discussed. Finally, I present implications of mating behaviour and spermatophore morphology for phylogenetic relationships within water mites and between this group and terrestrial Acari.  相似文献   

NEW RECORDS OF WATER MITES (ACARI: Hydrachnidia) from Baishih River drainage of north Taiwan, are presented. Twelve species are recorded, of which ten are new for Taiwan; two of them, Torrenticola projectura and Hygrobates taiwanicus are described as new for science.  相似文献   

Silver nitrate staining of the solenidial and eupathidial sensilla on the palpi, tarsi and tibiae of legs I and II of Arrenurus acutus, Geayia ovata, Mideopsis reelfootensis and Albia caerulea, along with ultrastructural studies, showed that these setae have a porous shaft cuticle. These setae are hollow and contain dendrites in their lumens and more than one neuron is associated with each setae. Behavioural experiments supported the involvement of these sensilla in the perception of chemical cues from prey and sexual partners.  相似文献   

Silver nitrate staining of the solenidial and eupathidial sensilla on the palpi, tarsi and tibiae of legs I and II of Arrenurus acutus, Geayia ovata, Mideopsis reelfootensis and Albia caerulea, along with ultrastructural studies, showed that these setae have a porous shaft cuticle. These setae are hollow and contain dendrites in their lumens and more than one neuron is associated with each setae. Behavioural experiments supported the involvement of these sensilla in the perception of chemical cues from prey and sexual partners.  相似文献   

The biology and ecology of lotic rotifers and gastrotrichs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
  • 1 The occurrence of Rotifera and Gastrotricha in the meiobenthos of lotic habitats is reviewed. About 150 rotifer and 30 gastrotrich species are reported in such habitats worldwide.
  • 2 The two phyla share some morphological and biological features that might account for their presence in the meiofauna. Small‐size, a soft and elongate body, adhesive glands on the posterior body end, movement through cilia, relatively short life cycles, parthenogenesis and dormant stages are common characteristics.
  • 3 Most species of both taxa inhabiting the superficial sediments in streams and rivers may move downward into the hyporheos in response to both biotic (predation) and abiotic (spates, erosion, desiccation) disturbances.

A new water mite species Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) serapae n. sp. is described. The material was collected from a slow-flowing stream during field study on the water mite fauna of the Lakes region in southwestern Turkey. An updated list of hitherto known species of Sperchon Kramer from Turkey, including nomenclatural changes and numerous new locality records to the species, is also given.  相似文献   

The morphology of the larval stages of Arrenurus nobilis and A. robustus is described. Particular attention is given to characters that help to distinguish the two species, and to characters defining the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. The larva of A. robustus resembles the larvae of A. papillator and A. pustulator regarding the shape of dorsal plate, excretory pore plate, coxal plate median margins ratios, and the presence of the IIITa8 seta. The shape of the excretory pore plate in A. nobilis resembles the one in Arrenurus (Megaluracarus) mediorotundatus. The shape of dorsal plate and chelicerae is similar to the ones in the Megaluracarus-species A. globator and A. tubulator. The lack of the IIITa8 seta differs from other species of the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. In the pectinate Lp2 and Mh1 setae A. nobilis resembles representatives of the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. This demonstrates the necessity of verifying the taxonomic status of A. nobilis.  相似文献   

中国植绥螨资源及其生物学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐斌  张帆  陶淑霞  熊继文 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):527-531
植绥螨是许多害螨和小型有害昆虫的重要捕食性天敌 ,在农业生产中极具利用价值。我国植绥螨资源相当丰富 ,大量的资源调查工作是在 2 0世纪 70年代末开始的。到目前为止 ,我国已经从不同地区作物上鉴定出植绥螨 2 60余种 ,其中有利用价值的约 2 0种左右。在 2 5~ 3 0℃的适宜温度下 ,植绥螨从卵到羽化为成螨约需 6~ 7d ,而寿命能长达 3 0~ 5 0d。它们对大多数的害螨的功能反应基本成HollingⅡ型。多数成螨为喜湿类型 ,较高的湿度对于孵化和存活尤为重要。在夏季高温和冬季低温来临时进行越夏和越冬 ,以度过不良的环境。植绥螨行两性生殖 ,不交配或交配时间不够 ,不产卵或少产 ,有些种类需要多次交配才能完全产卵。  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial patterns of water mites in Lake Maarsseveen I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses the distribution and seasonal changes in numbers of the water mite fauna of Lake Maarsseveen I. Water mites were collected from 1977 until 1986 by dipnet, underwater light trap, hydraulic lift sampler and by frame net. Fifty-two species belonging to the Hydrachnellae and one to the Halacaridae were sampled. The faunal picture obtained is characteristic of mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes.Arrenurus nobilis. Piona paucipora andP. imminuta can be characterised as lake species. The dominant species in the littoral sand flat areHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus, at a depth of 0.5–1 m, andMideopsis orbicularis at depths of 2–7 m.Limnesia maculata is also very common on depths between 2 and 7 m. In early summer, however, they prefer shallow water up to 1 m depth. Some species likeHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus were not captured by the underwater light trap. The hydraulic lift sampler gave underestimations of the densisty of certain speciese.g. Hygrobates spp. andLimnesia maculata. Unionicola spp. even can avoid this sampler. Sampling by frame net gave the most realistic data. The highest number of water mites was observed in the littoral sand flat, generally up to 1000 ind. m−2. The genusHygrobates was represented with an average of 800 adult ind. m−2 throughout the year, and appeared to be the main invertebrate predator in this habitat.  相似文献   

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