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The metabolism of l-serylglycine O[35S]-sulphate in the rat   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. The preparation of potassium l-serylglycine O-sulphate and the corresponding 35S-labelled ester is described. 2. Intraperitoneal injection of potassium l-serylglycine O[35S]-sulphate to rats results in about 75% of the radioactivity of the dose appearing in the urine within 48hr. Almost 72% of the radioactivity recovered in the urine was in the form of inorganic [35S]sulphate. 3. Analysis of urines by paper chromatography showed the presence of unchanged l-serylglycine O[35S]-sulphate and several other unidentified 35S-labelled materials. 4. It has been established that micro-organisms of the gastrointestinal tract do not play any significant role in the production of inorganic [35S]sulphate from the injected ester. 5. l-Serylglycine O-sulphate was hydrolysed by crude dipeptidase preparations from rat kidney and intestine to yield l-serine O-sulphate and glycine as the sole products.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of sodium cortisone 21-[(35)S]sulphate was investigated in rats. 2. Quantitative and qualitative experiments showed that substantial amounts of (35)SO(4) (2-) appeared in the urine of free-ranging rats receiving the ester. 3. Whole-body radioautograms indicated considerable biliary elimination of (35)S and also pointed to the liver as the site of metabolism. 4. When female rats with bile-duct cannulae received sodium cortisone 21-[(35)S]sulphate approx. 70% of the dose appeared in the bile as a doubly conjugated steroid (metabolite I). This metabolite was identified as 3alpha-(beta-d-glucopyranuronosido)- 17alpha-hydroxy-21-[(35)S]sulpho-oxy-5alpha-pregnane-11,20-dione. 5. When metabolite I was administered to a rat with a bile-duct cannula 90% of the dose appeared in the bile unchanged. After the administration (intraperitoneally or orally) of metabolite I to free-ranging rats considerable amounts of (35)SO(4) (2-) appeared in the urine. 6. The route by which (35)SO(4) (2-) might be produced from cortisone [(35)S]sulphate in free-ranging animals is discussed.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sodium oestrone [35S]sulphate in the rat   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Intraperitoneal, intravenous or oral administration of sodium oestrone [(35)S]-sulphate to male and female Medical Research Council hooded rats is followed by the rapid excretion of the bulk of the radioactivity in urine in the form of inorganic [(35)S]sulphate. Pre-treatment of rats with an antibiotic regimen does not affect the results except in the case of oral administration, when relatively large amounts of the dose are recovered as ester [(35)S]sulphate in faeces. Intravenous administration of the labelled ester to male and female rats with cannulae in bile duct and ureter gave results similar to those obtained with free-range animals. Only small amounts of radioactivity appeared in bile and this was mainly in the form of ester sulphate, including both oestrone [(35)S]sulphate and oestradiol-17beta 3[(35)S]-sulphate. Whole-body radioautography pinpointed the liver as the probable site of the desulphation of the sulphate ester and this was confirmed by liver and kidney perfusion experiments and by studies with rats in which kidney function had been eliminated by ligation of the renal pedicles.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of heparan N-[(35)S]sulphate was studied in rats. Heparan sulphate was obtained from either bovine aorta or lung and labelled with (35)S by desulphation and subsequent resulphation in vitro. Experiments in which heparan N-[(35)S]sulphate was administered intravenously to either free-range or wholly anaesthetized rats with ureter cannulae established that substantial desulphation occurs in vivo, with elimination of inorganic [(35)S]sulphate in urine. Oligosaccharides labelled with (35)S, possible intermediates in heparan sulphate degradation, could not be detected in urine or blood. The general distribution of radioactivity after administration of heparan N-[(35)S]sulphate, as demonstrated by whole-body radioautography, suggested that desulphation was not restricted to one organ in particular. Support for this view was obtained in experiments in which heparan N-[(35)S]sulphate was administered to animals after the removal of kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract. In all cases inorganic [(35)S]sulphate was still produced. The ability of rats of desulphate heparan N-[(35)S]sulphate was progressively impaired by increasing concentrations of heparin administered simultaneously. It was concluded that heparan sulphate is metabolized at a number of sites in the body by a sequence of degradative events leading to the formation of inorganic sulphate. It is also concluded that at least some of these events are common to heparan sulphate and heparin.  相似文献   

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