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We hypothesized that urocortin might be produced in the pituitary of the late-gestation ovine fetus in a manner that could contribute to the regulation of ACTH output. We used in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to identify urocortin mRNA and protein in late-gestation fetal pituitary tissue. Levels of urocortin mRNA rose during late gestation and were associated temporally with rising concentrations of pituitary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA. Urocortin was localized both to cells expressing ACTH and to non-ACTH cells by use of dual immunofluorescence histochemistry. Transfection of pituitary cultures with urocortin antisense probe reduced ACTH output, whereas added urocortin stimulated ACTH output from cultured pituitary cells. Cortisol infusion for 96 h in chronically catheterized late-gestation fetal sheep significantly stimulated levels of pituitary urocortin mRNA. We conclude that urocortin is expressed in the ovine fetal pituitary and localizes with, and can stimulate output of, ACTH. Regulation of urocortin by cortisol suggests a mechanism to override negative feedback and sustain feedforward of fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function, leading to birth.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasites Leishmania, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei show multiple features consistent with a form of programmed cell death (PCD). Despite some similarities with apoptosis of mammalian cells, PCD in trypanosomatid protozoans appears to be significantly different. In these unicellular organisms, PCD could represent an altruistic mechanism for the selection of cells, from the parasite population, that are fit to be transmitted to the next host. Alternatively, PCD could help in controlling the population of parasites in the host, thereby increasing host survival and favoring parasite transmission, as proposed by Seed and Wenk. Therefore, PCD in trypanosomatid parasites may represent a pathway involved both in survival and propagation of the species.  相似文献   

The folding of protein, an important process for protein to fulfill normal functions, takes place in crowded physiological environments. α-Lactalbumin, as a model system for protein-folding studies, has been used extensively because it can form stable molten globule states under a range of conditions. Here we report that the crowding agents Ficoll 70, dextran 70, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 have different effects on the structural stability of human α-lactalbumin (HLA) represented by the transition to a molten globule state: dextran 70 dramatically enhances the thermal stability of Ca(2+)-depleted HLA (apo-HLA) and Ficoll 70 enhances the thermal stability of apo-HLA to some extent, while PEG 2000 significantly decreases the thermal stability of apo-HLA. Ficoll 70 and dextran 70 have no obvious effects on trypsin degradation of apo-HLA but PEG 2000 accelerates apo-HLA degradation by trypsin and destabilizes the native conformation of apo-HLA. Furthermore, no interaction is observed between apo-HLA and Ficoll 70 or dextran 70, but a weak, non-specific interaction between the apo form of the protein and PEG 2000 is detected, and such a weak, non-specific interaction could overcome the excluded-volume effect of PEG 2000. Our data are consistent with the results of protein stability studies in cells and suggest that stabilizing excluded-volume effects of crowding agents can be ameliorated by non-specific interactions between proteins and crowders.  相似文献   

Although ketamine is widely used as an analgesic agent and has an anti-allodynic effect on neuropathic pain, the underlying analgesic mechanisms are not fully explained by the modern 'neuronal-based' theories. As emerging studies have focused on the critical role of spinal astrocytes in the pathological pain states, we have hypothesized that there exist some 'astrocytes-related' mechanisms in the analgesic function of ketamine. In the present study, using the spinal nerve ligation (SNL) pain model, we investigated the anti-nociceptive effects of intraperitoneal or intrathecal ketamine on SNL-induced neuropathic pain response, meanwhile, we investigated the astrocytic activation after ketamine administration on SNL rats. Behavioral data showed that either intraperitoneal or intrathecal ketamine inhibited SNL-induced allodynia, however, immunohistochemistry showed that SNL induced astrocytic activation was suppressed by intrathecal but not intraperitoneal ketamine. Using quantitative Western blot analysis, our report showed that intrathecal ketamine down-regulated glial fibrillary acidic protein expression, suggesting inhibition of SNL-induced astrocytic activation, which wasn't influenced by intraperitoneal administration. We conclude that intraperitoneal ketamine could alleviate SNL-induced neuropathic pain via the classical 'neuronal-based' mechanisms, but in addition, 'astrocytes-related' mechanisms were also important underlying the anti-allodynic effect of intrathecal ketamine.  相似文献   

The natural environment of a protein inside a cell is characterized by the almost complete lack of unoccupied space, limited amount of free water, and the tightly packed crowd of various biological macromolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and complexes thereof. This extremely crowded natural milieu is poorly mimicked by slightly salted aqueous solutions containing low concentrations of a protein of interest. The accepted practice is to model crowded environments by adding high concentrations of various polymers that serve as model “crowding agents” to the solution of a protein of interest. Although studies performed under these model conditions revealed that macromolecular crowding might have noticeable influence on various aspects related to the protein structure, function, folding, conformational stability, and aggregation propensity, the complete picture describing conformational behavior of a protein under these conditions is missing as of yet. Furthermore, there is an accepted belief that the conformational stability of globular proteins increases in the presence crowding agents due to the excluded volume effects. The goal of this study was to conduct a systematic analysis of the effect of high concentrations of PEG-8000 and Dextran-70 on the unfolding behavior of eleven globular proteins belonging to different structural classes.  相似文献   

It has now become recognized that one of the key events in the induction of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in both plants and animals is the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. It is also known that oxidative stress imposed on cells can have a profound effect on the onset or progression of apoptosis. Here, we discuss how the redox status of cytochrome c, and thus its structure, can be altered by the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced glutathione (GSH). We suggest that cytochrome c will only induce programmed cell death if present in the cytoplasm in the oxidized state, and that the presence of high levels of cytoplasmic GSH maintain cytochrome c in an inactive (reduced) state, thus behaving as a fail-safe mechanism if cytochrome c is released by mitochondria when programmed cell death is not the required outcome. If the redox status of the cell is disturbed however, perhaps in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, GSH concentrations will drop, the cellular E(h) will rise, and cytochrome c will tend towards the oxidized state, allowing programmed cell death to proceed. Therefore, we propose that the redox state of cytoplasmic cytochrome c may be a key regulator of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Mast cells are classically considered innate immune cells that act as first responders in many microbial infections and have long been appreciated as potent contributors to allergic reactions. However, recent advances in the realm of autoimmunity have made it clear that these cells are also involved in the pathogenic responses that exacerbate disease. In the murine models of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and bullous pemphigoid, both the pathogenic role of mast cells and some of their mechanisms of action are shared. Similar to their role in infection and a subset of allergic responses, mast cells are required for the efficient recruitment of neutrophils to sites of inflammation. Although this mast cell-dependent neutrophil response is protective in infection settings, it is postulated that neutrophils promote local vascular permeability and facilitate the entry of inflammatory cells that enhance tissue destruction at target sites. However, there is still much to learn. There is little information regarding mechanisms of mast cell activation in disease. Nor is it known how many mast cell-derived mediators are relevant and whether interactions with other cells are implicated in these diseases including T cells, B cells and astrocytes. Here we review the current state of knowledge about mast cells in autoimmune disease. We also discuss findings regarding newly discovered mast cell actions and factors that modulate mast cell function. We speculate that much of this new information will ultimately contribute to a greater understanding of the full range of mast cell actions in autoimmunity. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mast cells in inflammation.  相似文献   

Sprouting angiogenesis, crucial for the development of new blood vessels, is a prime example of collective migration in which endothelial cells migrate as a group joined via cadherin-containing adherens junctions (AJ). The actomyosin apparatus is connected to AJ and generates contractile forces, which, depending on their strength and duration, increase or decrease cell cohesion. Thus, appropriate spatiotemporal control of junctional myosin is critical, but the mechanisms underlying it are incompletely understood. We show that Raf-1 is an essential component of this regulatory network and that its ablation impairs endothelial cell cohesion, sprouting, and tumor-induced angiogenesis. Mechanistically, Raf-1 is recruited to VE-cadherin complexes by a mechanism involving the small G protein Rap1 and is required to bring the Rho effector Rok-α to nascent AJs. This Raf-1-mediated fine tuning of Rok-α signaling allows the activation of junctional myosin and the timely maturation of AJ essential for maintaining cell cohesion during sprouting angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Getti GT  Cheke RA  Humber DP 《Parasitology》2008,135(12):1391-1399
Leishmania parasites invade host macrophages, causing infections that are either limited to skin or spread to internal organs. In this study, 3 species causing cutaneous leishmaniasis, L. major, L. aethiopica and L. tropica, were tested for their ability to interfere with apoptosis in host macrophages in 2 different lines of human monocyte-derived macrophages (cell lines THP-1 and U937) and the results confirmed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). All 3 species induced early apoptosis 48 h after infection (expression of phosphatidyl serine on the outer membrane). There were significant increases in the percentage of apoptotic cells both for U937 and PBMC following infection with each of the 3 species. Early apoptotic events were confirmed by mitochondrial membrane permeabilization detection and caspase activation 48 and 72 h after infection. Moreover, the percentage of infected THP-1 and U937 macrophages increased significantly (up to 100%) following treatment with an apoptosis inducer. Since phosphatidyl serine externalization on apoptosing cells acts as a signal for engulfment by macrophages, induction of apoptosis in the parasitized cells could actively participate in spreading the infection. In summary, parasite-containing apoptotic bodies with intact membranes could be released and phagocytosed by uninfected macrophages.  相似文献   

Three components involved in catabolite repression (CR) of gene expression in Bacillus have been identified. The cis-acting catabolite responsive element (CRE), which is present in many genes encoding carbon catabolic enzymes in various species of the Gram-positive bacteria, mediates CR of several genes in Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, and Staphylococcus xylosus. CR of most genes regulated via CRE is also affected by the trans-acting factors CcpA and HPr. Similarities between CcpA and Lac and Gal repressors suggest binding of CcpA to CRE. HPr, a component of the phosphoenol pyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system, undergoes regulatory phosphorylation at a serine residue by a fcuctose-1,6-diphosphate-activated kinase. A mutant of HPr, which is not phosphorylatable at this position because of an exchange of serine to alanine, lacks CR of several catabolic activities. This mutant phenotype is similar to the one exhibited by a ccpA mutant. Direct protein-protein interaction between CcpA and HPr(Ser-P) was recently demonstrated and constitutes a link between metabolic activity and CR.  相似文献   

There has been a recent revival of interest in one of the most abundant Escherichia coli proteins, H1 (also called H-NS). This protein was first identified many years ago as a major component of the bacterial nucleoid, and has been characterized biochemically by several groups. However, no clear function for the protein emerged from these studies. Our thinking has been transformed by recent findings which complement the biochemistry with genetic data. Several mutations, selected over many years by virtue of their diverse effects on gene expression, have turned out to be allelic and to fall within the structural gene for H1. Bringing together the genetics and the biochemistry has demonstrated that the whole is worth more than the sum of the parts! These findings have far-reaching implications for the mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated and also, perhaps, for the control of bacterial virulence.  相似文献   

To test the reliability of the radiocarbon method for determining root age, we analyzed fine roots (originating from the years 1985?C1993) from ingrowth cores with known maximum root age (1?C6?years old). For this purpose, three Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands were selected from boreal forests in Finland. We analyzed root 14C age by the radiocarbon method and compared it with the above-mentioned known maximum fine root age. In general, ages determined by the two methods (root 14C age and ingrowth core root maximum age) were in agreement with each other for roots of small diameter (<0.5?mm). By contrast, in most of the samples of fine roots of larger diameter (1.5?C2?mm), the 14C age of root samples of 1987?C1989 exceeded the ingrowth core root maximum age by 1?C10?years. This shows that these roots had received a large amount of older stored carbon from unknown sources in addition to atmospheric CO2 directly from photosynthesis. We conclude that the 14C signature of fine roots, especially those of larger diameter, may not always be indicative of root age, and that further studies are needed concerning the extent of possible root uptake of older carbon and its residence time in roots.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of D-glucaric acid in mammals: a free-radical mechanism?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the presence of iron salts and hydrogen peroxide, D-glucuronic acid was converted into D-glucaric acid. The reaction was strongly inhibited by free-radical scavengers and is ascribed to the action of the hydroxyl radical. The formation of D-glucarate was dependent upon pH and occurred in the presence of some iron-complexing agents. The first product of oxidation was a lactone that was a strong inhibitor of beta-D-glucuronidase and assumed to be D-glucaro-1,5-lactone. Microsomal preparations in the presence of NADPH also produced D-glucarate from D-glucuronic acid, presumably due to formation of hydrogen peroxide, and the product was an inhibitor of beta-D-glucuronidase. Superoxide did not produce D-glucarate from D-glucuronate. The cytochrome P450 system is more likely than "glucuronolactone dehydrogenase" to be responsible for the production of D-glucaric acid in vivo.  相似文献   

Enzyme kinetic parameters for rate equations are vital in metabolic network simulation, a major part of systems biology research efforts. Measurements of Michaelis–Menten kinetic parameters Km and Kcat have been performed for enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P DH) under crowded conditions using molecular crowding agents bovine serum albumin (BSA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) of 8000 Da molecular weight. An increase in Kcat was observed at very low concentrations of crowding agent, and also at high crowder concentrations when the experiment was performed at 45 °C with PEG. The observed pattern in Kcat for G6P DH at high crowder concentrations has been explained via modelling using excluded volume theory. An increase in rate was observed at 45 °C for G6P DH versus 30 °C; this has been modelled via the Arrhenius equation.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily encodes secreted factors that are important in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostatis in adults. Myostatin (MSTN, encoded by MSTN) or 'growth and differentiation factor 8', a member of this superfamily, is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth and is highly conserved among animal species. In 1997, a mutation associated with the so-called double-muscling phenotype in cattle was found in the MSTN gene. During the years following the discovery of the first MSTN mutation, other mutations were found in cattle and other mammalian species, and MSTN became one of the most thoroughly studied genes in animals. The aim of this review is mainly to describe the functional mutations located in the MSTN genes of several mammalian species, leading to double muscling in these animals. Furthermore, in light of the increasing importance of fish genetics, the possibility of functional mutations in piscine MSTN with a similar effect as in mammals, and a genetic model for MSTN research in fish, will also be discussed.  相似文献   

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