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The culture medium of Pseudomonas BAL 31 contains endonuclease activities which are highly specific for single-stranged DNA and for the single-stranded or weakly hydrogen-bonded regions in supercoiled closed circular DNA. Exposure of nicked DNA to the culture medium results in cleavage of the strang opposite the sites of preexisting single-strand scissions. At least some of the linear duplex molecules derived by cleavage of supercoiled closed circular molecules contain short single-stranded ends. Single-strand scissions are not introduced into intact, linear duplex DNA or unsupercoiled covalently closed circular DNA. Under these same reaction conditions, 0X174 phage DNA is extensively degraded and PM2 form I DNA is quantitatively converted to PM2 form III linear duplexes. Prolonged exposure of this linear duplex DNA to the concentrated culture medium reveals the presence of a double-strand exonuclease activity that progressively reduces the average length of the linear duplex. These nuclease activities persist at ionic strengths up to 4 M and are not eliminated in the presence of 5% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Calcium and magnesium ion are both required for optimal activity. Although the absence of magnesium ion reduces the activities, the absence of calcium ion irreversibly eliminates all the activities.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the DNA in chromatin to single strand-specific nucleases was examined using nuclease P1, mung bean nuclease, and venom phosphodiesterase. A stage in the reaction exists where the size range of the solubilized products is similar for each of the three nucleases and is nearly independent of incubation time. During this stage, the chromatin fragments sediment in the range of 30 to 100 S and contain duplex DNA ranging from 1 to 10 million daltons. Starting with chromatin depleted of histones H1 and H5 similar fragments are generated. In both cases these nucleoprotein fragments are reduced to nucleosomes and their multimers by micrococcal nuclease. Thus, chromatin contains a limited number of DNA sites which are susceptible to single strand-specific nucleases. These sites occur at intervals of 8 to 80 nucleosomes and are distributed throughout the chromatin. Nucleosome monomers, dimers, or trimers were not observed at any stage of single strand-specific nuclease digestion of nuclei, H1- and H5-depleted chromatin, or micrococcal nuclease-generated oligonucleosomes. Each of the three nucleases converted mononucleosomes (approximately 160 base pairs) to nucleosome cores (approximately 140 base pairs) probably by exonucleolytic action that was facilitated by the prior removal of H1 and H5. The minichromosome of SV40 is highly resistant to digestion by nuclease P1.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized an extracellular nuclease from Pseudomonas BAL 31 which, in addition to other activities, displays a double-strand exonuclease activity which progressively shortens both strands of linear duplex DNA molecules from both termini. This degradation is accomplished without the introduction of detectable scissions away from the ends of the duplexes. When this nuclease is used to produce a series of progressively shortened samples from a linear duplex DNA, subsequent digestion of these samples with a site-specific restriction endonuclease and analysis of the resulting fragments by gel electrophoresis permits the rapid establishment of the order of the restriction enzyme fragments through the entire genome. This is accomplished by noting from the electropherograms the order in which the various restriction enzyme fragments become noticeably shortened or disappear. Using this method, the five cleavage sites for the endonuclease Hpa I and the single cleavage sites for the nucleases Hpa II and Pst I have been mapped in PM2 bacteriophage DNA. In a more stringent test of the method, 18 of the 24 fragments produced by cleavage of coliphage lambdab2b5c DNA with the Pst I nuclease have been mapped, and five of the six remaining fragments have been assigned to small regions of the genome.  相似文献   

Conditions were established where the thallium-catalyzed iodination of random coil DNA proceeded 100-200 times faster than for native DNA. This reaction was explored as a probe for localized regions of disrupted base pairs in duplex DNA. A heteroduplex was constructed between DNA fragments produced by Hind II + III cleavage of phi80 plac DNA and phi80 plac DNA containing the Ll deletion (73 nucleotides in length). This heteroduplex incorporated twelve times as much iodine as the parent homoduplex fragments. Hence the technique could reveal the presence of a few (two or more) nonpaired cytosines, if they existed within an otherwise helical DNA fragment 789 base pairs long. Iodination studies were performed on superhelical SV40 DNA and on linear lambdaplac DNA. Analysis of the relative amount of iodine in restriction endonuclease fragments of these DNA's revealed the absence of localized single-stranded regions.  相似文献   

PM2 DNA was prepared with different superhelical densities (sigma) in order to examine the relationship betweenn supercoiling and the occurrence of a region(s) of unpaired bases in this DNA. A previous study showed that CH3HgOH reacts with native superhelical PM2 DNA more rapidly than the nicked form II. This evaluation of binding, monitored through the change of sedimentation velocity, was repeated on PM2 DNA I with different superhelical densities. Early binding is detected by an increase in sedimentation velocity and occurs with molecules with sigma' values betwee -0.025 and -0.037. The conversion of form I to form II with the single-strand-specific endonuclease from Neurospora crassa also occurs above a sigma value of -0.025. This data strongly supports the view that supercoiling produces interrupted secondary structure. The question whether the interrupted regions remain single stranded in character or form small intrastrand hairpin regions is considered by examining which model best fits the CH3HgOH- induced sedimentation velocity changes and the standard sedimentation velocity versus the superhelical density curve for the in vitro made DNAs. The hairpin model offers the most satisfactory explanations for all the results of this and previous studies.  相似文献   

A previous study in our laboratory of the reaction of formaldehyde with super-helical DNAs (φX replicative form and PM2) has led to a model for superhelical DNA in which there is a region or regions of altered secondary structure containing unpaired bases. Similar experiments using the nicked circular DNA gave no evidence of interruptions of base pairing. In this study we present additional data, which support the above model as well as extending our analysis of the secondary structure of superhelical DNA and the dynamics of the early denaturation process. In a series of experiments involving the binding of methyl-mercury as a chemical probe of unpaired bases, we obtained the following results. (1) Initially, both s020w and the buoyant density of the superhelical form of phage PM2 DNA increased as a function of methylmercuric hydroxide concentration, whereas the nicked form did not. (2) This initial binding is accompanied by an increase in superhelical content τ from ?41 to ?46 turns. (3) The binding analysis allows us to estimate that 3.7% of the bases contain methylmercury in this phase of the transition. This is in excellent agreement with the extent of formylation. (4) Such a preformylated molecule shows a shift in the transition to lower mercurial concentrations. These results are interpreted as follows. The initial increase in ?τ excludes the possibility that binding occurs to normal base-paired structures, since this would produce a coupled unwinding of duplex and superhelical turns. The additive effects of formylation and methylmercury binding support the concept that both chemical probes attack the same sites and induce similar structural changes. Thus the evidence clearly supports the view that superhelical DNA contains localized region(s) of interrupted base pairing. Recent studies from other laboratories using single strand-specific endonucleases are in complete agreement with this model.  相似文献   

The interaction of the oligopeptide antibiotic netropsin (Nt) with (A . T) regions of DNA is characterized by a spectrum of discrete modes. This has been revealed by viscometric analysis, at 20 degrees C and 0.2 M "counterions", for NaDNA in a preceding and for NH4DNA in this paper. The increase of DNA contour length as induced by one Nt molecule was found to depend on the special mode only, while the respective stiffening is generally higher for NH4DNA. The latter property is interpreted in terms of an enhanced flexibility, relative to that of NaDNA, of the (A . T) cluster segments before complex formation. For some of the interaction modes of the DNA-Nt systems a difference in the number of corresponding binding sites has been observed. This phenomenon is understood by assuming an influence of the counterion species upon existing equilibria between different forms of the (A . T) cluster secondary structure. Not less than 5 to 10% of the total DNA are effected in this manner. Upper limits for the local differences in the axial rise per base pair are 0.04 nm and 0.02 nm.  相似文献   

The titration viscometric investigation of the multi-mode interaction of netropsin (Nt) with (A.T) clusters of NaDNA12 and NH4DNA10 has been extended to different temperatures. The position of two boundaries on the r-scale (r= [Nt]bound/[DNA-P]) with increasing temperature steadily (rI/II) or more abruptly (rO/I) shifts to lower values. For the most (A.T) rich Nt-binding sites of modes (O), (I) and (II) this observation suggests the existence of an equilibrium between different DNA secondary structures with a different translation per base pair. The mode specific changes delta L1Nt of DNA contour length as induced by one Nt molecule proved to be almost independent of temperature. Concomitant stiffening effects increase with decreasing temperature, contrary to initial expectation. Conformational variability of (A.T) clusters may represent an essential feature in specific or selective DNA-protein interaction.  相似文献   

To obtain data on the viral nucleoprotein a study has been made of the reaction of sodium bisulphite with cytosine in the intraphage DNA of the phage Sd. The CHlO4 hydrolysates of the bisulphite-modified phage Sd have demonstrated a decrease of 18% in the cytosine content and the presence of the products with the properties of cytosyl-amino acids (the main amino acid responsible for the DNA-protein interaction involving cytosine is lysine). But when prior to hydrolysis the modified phage was disintegrated under mild conditions in 0.1--1 M NaCl solution or Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7), neither the decrease in the cytosine content nor cytosyl-amino acids have been found. An exception is the heating of the phage at 70 degrees C in a medium containing 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.9--8.5), when an 18% decrease in the cytosine content and subsequent appearance of cytosyl-amino acids have also been observed. The presence of cytosyl-amino acids which are the nucleotide-protein cross-links is confirmed by the results of viscometry, equilibrium centrifugation in cesium sulphate gradient and determinations of the survival percentage. It is suggested that the reaction between bisulphite and cytosine in the phage Sd stops at the stage of the intermediate product C5-C6-dihydro-C6-sulphopyrimidine whose amino group is shielded by interaction with protein (product VII). This product can exist only under in situ conditions: with disintegration of nucleoprotein (destruction of phage particles or ejection of the DNA) in phosphate-free media the product VII reverts into the initial cytosine. Under the conditions of acid hydrolysis or destruction of phage in the presence of phosphate ions product VII undergoes transamination with cleavage of SO3 and restoration of the C5-C6 double bond producing cytosyl-amino acids. The factors determining the stability of the product VII are discussed.  相似文献   

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