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The colon cancer cell line, HT29, produces a soluble substance (HT29 factor) that blocks mitogen-induced T cell proliferation and the production of interleukin 2 (IL 2). Inhibition of T cell proliferation by the HT29 factor is reversible and is not due to a decline in cell viability or an alteration in the kinetics of T cell proliferation. It occurs even when the HT29 factor is added only 24 hr before terminating the T cell cultures, indicating that the factor affects cell division after activation of T cells has already occurred. No inhibitory activity was found in medium conditioned by human colonic epithelial cells or fibroblasts. The factor has an apparent m.w. of 56,000 and an isoelectric point of 7.9. It is sensitive to endopeptidases, heating to 56 degrees C, and extremes of pH. The HT29 factor also suppresses IL 2 production by T cells. However, low IL 2 availability alone cannot account for the suppressive effect of the factor on T cell proliferation, because the addition of exogenous IL 2 does not reverse the inhibition. This block in IL 2 responsiveness is not primarily due to a decrease in IL 2 receptors because Tac expression on activated T cells is minimally decreased during a 24-hr exposure to the HT29 factor. In addition, IL 2-induced proliferation of mitogen-activated T cells is inhibited only slightly by the HT29 factor, indicating that a block in the interaction of IL 2 with its receptor is not its main mechanism of action. Thus the inhibition of T cell proliferation is likely to be due primarily to a mechanism independent of IL 2.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to determine if the oocytes of pregnant cattle are capable for undergoing embryonic growth following in vitro fertilization. The ovaries of nine heifers at 4 to 7 months of pregnancy were collected at an abattoir and transferred to the laboratory. A total 191 oocytes (10.6 per ovary) collected by aspiration were matured and fertilized by frozen-thawed semen. Embryos were co-cultured with granulosa cells in modified TCM 199 medium and 20% estrous cow serum. The cleavage rate of embryos was 48%, and 41% of of the cleaved embryos developed to the morula/blastocyst stage 7 days after insemination. Additionally, the ovaries of 10 nonpregnant heifers were also collected, yielding 213 oocytes (10.7 per ovary). The cleavage rate was 51%, and 35% of those which cleaved reached the morula/blastocyst stage. No significant differences were found between the two groups. The average number of transferable-stage embryos obtained from pregnant and nonpregnant animals was 4.1 and 3.7, respectively. Our results indicate that preganancy does not influence the meiotic competence of bovine oocytes, and transferable stage embryos can be obtained by the fertilization of oocytes derived from pregnant animals.  相似文献   

A cloned effector-type suppressor T cell line, 3D10, which is known to suppress the antibody response against dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), produced a soluble KLH-specific factor (TsF) that can replace the function of parental T cell clones. High activity of TsF was released spontaneously into the culture supernatant when cultured in interleukin 2 (IL 2)-containing medium, requiring no antigenic stimulation. The culture supernatant of 3D10 was also capable of inhibiting the KLH-induced proliferative response of primed T cells in an antigen-specific manner. The direct target of TsF was found to be Lyt-1+2- T cells undergoing an early stage of antigen-specific proliferation. TsF was antigen binding but lacked any other serologic markers such as I-J and immunoglobulin heavy chain-linked allotypic determinants on T cells. No genetic restriction was found in its action on allogeneic T cells. The production of IL 2 in proliferative T cells by antigenic stimulation was not inhibited by TsF. These results indicate that the TsF described here is the legitimate mediator produced by the effector-type suppressor T cell that suppresses the antigen-specific responses of Lyt-1+2- T cells. The m.w. of TsF was approximately 75,000.  相似文献   

A method for the synthesis of chiral cyclic analogues of platelet-activating factor (PAF) is reported. Treatment of suitably substituted derivatives of 2-deoxy-D-erythro-pentose with phosphorus oxychloride, followed by choline p-toluenesulfonate generates cyclic phospholipids in good yield. Further chemical modification produces other compounds including optically active gamma-butyrolactones such as 2-deoxy-5-O-hexadecyl-3-O-phosphocholyl-D-erythro-pentono-1, 4-lactone and 2-deoxy-3-O-hexadecyl-5-O-phosphocholyl-D-erythro-pentono-1, 4-lactone. All phospholipids were poor antagonists of PAF-induced aggregation of human platelets, and two analogs were poor agonists. The chemistry presented should be useful for the syntheses of other conformationally restricted analogues of PAF.  相似文献   

A thymocyte-activating factor derived from glomerular mesangial cells   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The glomerular mesangium is centrally involved in immune-mediated glomerulonephritis. The mesangial cell is a mesenchyme-derived multipotential vascular pericyte, which shares several properties with macrophages. Cultured, proliferating rat mesangial cells produce a factor, mesangial cell-derived thymocyte-activating factor (MC-TAF), which physicochemically and biologically closely resembles macrophage interleukin 1. MC-TAF is heat labile, of low m.w. (approximately 15,000), and adheres to anion exchangers. MC-TAF acts to augment lectin-induced thymocyte proliferation and enhances peripheral lymphocyte production of interleukin 2. These findings suggest that a mesangial cell cytokine may interact with the cellular immune system in an antigenically nonspecific fashion to modulate immune responses in glomerular disease.  相似文献   

We have elaborated three systems of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of chicken IgG antibodies specific for hexon antigens of three immunologically distinct adenovirus groups: those of mammalian adenoviruses (Mastadenovira), typical avian adenoviruses (Aviadenovira) and of egg-drop syndrome-76 (EDS-76) virus. In each system the antibodies against respective hexons were specifically detected. In mammalian adenovirus hexons the ELISA detects primarily the type-specific (epsilon) and genus-specific (alpha) antigenic determinants. The time course of anti-hexon antibodies content was followed during immunization. The level of anti-hexon antibodies in egg yolk reflects adequately their content in blood serum. The technique is suitable for serological diagnosis of chicken adenoviral infections as well as for characterization of egg-yolk antibodies obtained by preparative hyperimmunization of hens.  相似文献   

Platelet derived growth factor was purified from an industrially processed fraction of human placenta (EAP) donated by the Institut Merieux. We first demonstrated that EAP contains PDGF and the quantity of this growth factor was estimated by inhibition of its biological activity using antibodies against PDGF. According to this first estimation, 1 l of EAP (obtained from 125 kg of placenta) contains 10-1000 micrograms of PDGF. A purification procedure including fast flow chromatography (cationic S), heparin Sepharose affinity, chromatography on Cibacron Blue followed by a reverse phase on a C8 column gave a 6000-fold enrichment with a yield of 14%. This result suggests that the PDGF content in 1 l of EAP is between 10 and 30 micrograms. Mitogenic activity was measured on human fibroblast AG1523, Chinese hamster fibroblasts CCL39 and bovine epithelial cells BEC. Dose-response curves indicate that our preparation of purified PDGF from human placenta induces 50% of the maximal tritiated thymidine incorporation in CCL39 at a dose of 5 ng of PDGF/ml of culture medium.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) enhances the growth of human monocytic leukemia cell line JOSK-I cells, which were recently established in our laboratory and which were demonstrated to produce a high level of IL-1 constitutively, in liquid as well as semisolid culture systems. Concomitantly, IL-1 stimulated the prostaglandin E2 synthesis and nitroblue tetrazolium dye-reducing capacity of JOSK-I cells. This indicates that IL-1 may act as autocrine growth factor for monocytes, and also suggests the possibility that this autocrine stimulation may play an important role in the pathophysiology of monocytic leukemia in vivo.  相似文献   

Platelet activating factor (PAF) synthesized by human neutrophils challenged by opsonized zymosan or calcium ionophore was isolated from cells and buffer using Bligh and Dyer extraction following the addition of tracer amounts of tritiated-PAF. The extract was subjected to TLC separation of phospholipid classes, followed by reverse phase HPLC for molecular species separation. All fractions were measured for radioactivity, biological activity and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. While the radioactive tracer PAF could be separated into three molecular species, PAF biological activity eluted as a single component which was characterized as 1-O-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine. The lack of molecular species heterogeneity of PAF produced in response to stimuli implies a higher degree of control of biosynthesis than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin, a virulence factor produced by the organismBordetella pertussis, has been shown to have functional similaritieswith selectins and to bind to similar sialic acid-containingoligosaccharides structures. Previously, we demonstrated thatthe amino-terminal region of the S2 subunit of pertussis toxincontained a short six amino acid sequence (SPYGRC) which displayedreasonable homology to a sequence that constitutes a portionof the sialic acid binding site in wheat germ agglutinin. Syntheticpeptides containing this hexapeptide motif had the ability tobind to sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates including theputative oligosaccharide receptors (sialyl Lewis X and sialylLewis A) for selectins. Control peptides containing randomizedsequences were inactive at inhibiting binding, indicating thatthe hexapeptide motif is important for interacting with sialicacid. Since pertussis toxin-derived peptides demonstrated theability to interact with selectin receptors, we speculated thatthey should antagonize selectin-mediated inflammatory activity.To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the peptides for the abilityto reduce neutrophil binding to activated endothelial cellsas well as the anti-inflammatory activity in the mouse footpadswelling assay. Both S2 peptides were active at reducing neutrophilbinding and footpad swelling, while the randomized control peptideswere inactive. anti-inflammatory agents peptides pertussis toxin  相似文献   

Incubation of bovine blood lymphocytes in the medium without serum at 37 degrees C caused the spontaneous release of immunoglobulin G-binding factor (IBF-IgG), which was isolated from the medium by the affinity chromatography on IgG, immobilized on sepharose 4B. The electrophoretic analysis showed one polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 72000 Dalton. The biological activity of IBF-IgG was tested using the EA-rosette inhibition technique. The antibodies, obtained against IBF-IgG, inhibited both the binding of fluoresceinizotiocianate-labeled IgG to lymphocytes and the EA-rosette formation.  相似文献   

Brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, is a neurotrophin best characterized for its survival and differentiative effects on neurons expressing the trk B receptor tyrosine kinase. Although many of these neurons are lost in the BDNF(-)(/)(- )mouse, the early postnatal lethality of these animals suggests a wider function for this growth factor. Here, we demonstrate that deficient expression of BDNF impairs the survival of endothelial cells in intramyocardial arteries and capillaries in the early postnatal period, although the embryonic vasculature can remodel into arteries, capillaries and veins. BDNF deficiency results in a reduction in endothelial cell-cell contacts and in endothelial cell apoptosis, leading to intraventricular wall hemorrhage, depressed cardiac contractility and early postnatal death. Vascular hemorrhage is restricted to cardiac vessels, reflecting the localized expression of BDNF and trk B by capillaries and arterioles in this vascular bed. Conversely, ectopic BDNF overexpression in midgestational mouse hearts results in an increase in capillary density. Moreover, BDNF activation of endogenous trk B receptors supports the survival of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells cultured from neonatal mice. These results establish an essential role for BDNF in maintaining vessel stability in the heart through direct angiogenic actions on endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The activity of fibroblast-derived thymocyte activating factor (FTAF) of the guinea pig was measured, and the factor was partially characterized. The FTAF activity was heat labile, and destroyed by treatment with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and Streptomyces griseus protease, suggesting the protein nature of FTAF. FTAF bound to DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B in Tris-HCl buffer at pH 8.0, and was eluted with 0.1-0.2 M NaCl. FTAF was absorbed with Blue Sepharose CL-6B. The factor bound to a hydroxylapatite column in 10 mM phosphate buffer and was eluted in two major fractions, one fraction with 40 mM phosphate buffer, the other with 70-110 mM phosphate buffer. Finally, FTAF did not have as much effect on the proliferation of lymph node T cells as T-cell-activating monokines which exhibited marked stimulating effects on both T lymphocytes and thymocytes.  相似文献   

The development of autoantibodies against factor VIII represents one of the major complications in the treatment of hemophilia A patients. We have employed a novel library system to obtain peptides that specifically neutralize the interaction between factor VIII and these inhibitors. The random peptides are presented as carboxy-terminal extensions of the eukaryotic initiation factor 5a, an intracellular protein with a molecular mass of 18 kDa. These random peptides formed an unique binding site, as demonstrated by molecular simulations using the computer programs InsightII and GROMACS. The library was screened to identify peptides binding to the murine monoclonal anti-factor VIII antibody ESH8 and to inhibitors derived from patients with factor VIII antibodies. Ten peptides binding to ESH8 were identified. Their specificity was confirmed by displacement assays. Two peptides with the sequences STKTLGRPLHGPAGPVEGGALAGVAEDADLVTAVSGR and YHCKREDLTDRDATCALRQPPQAVRGLGPRVTAVSGR showed the ability to restore the factor VIII activity from 33% up to approximately 90% in functional tests performed in vitro. Three candidates for binding to factor VIII antibodies derived from four different patient's sera were achieved. Three fusion proteins with the peptide sequences PQLGSRRSTTPSLTFQNASWFPAGGPCARSNRG, SGSRQVCKLARSLQPF and WERGRRVGAQVRHARHLVARVLDGAGHQARLTAVNGP bound to inhibitors derived from different patients. Furthermore, two of the obtained fusion proteins with the peptide sequences RHWTALGPAPTHTCADLNYPLLS and WERGRRVGAQVRHARHLVARVLDGAGHQARLTAVNGP did also bind to the monoclonal antibody ESH8. This study demonstrates the potential of this system to identify peptides that inhibit the activity of potent inhibitory antibodies and also shows potential as a method for screening of bioactive peptides.  相似文献   

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