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The comparison of certain proportions of lumbar vertebral bodies and of the lumbar column as a whole between a range of primate and non-primate mammals suggests that the relatively high robusticity of the lumbar column in primates may be related to habitual trunkal erectness. A decrease in the total number of lumbar vertebrae and high robusticity of individual vertebrae may be associated with large body size and positional habits in which trunkal erectness is particularly important. In some groups of primates proportions may relate to particular back movements occurring during quadrupedal progression or to positional suspension. Allometric regressions suggest that resistance to bending may be as important a function of lumbar vertebral bodies as resistance to compression. The proportions of the immediately pre-sacral lumbar vertebral bodies help to produce the normal human lumbar lordosis, but other factors must also be involved in the formation of the lordosis.  相似文献   

The relationship between form and function in the lumbar vertebral column has been well documented among platyrrhines and especially catarrhines, while functional studies of postcranial morphology among strepsirrhines have concentrated predominantly on the limbs. This morphometric study investigates biomechanically relevant attributes of the lumbar vertebral morphology of 20 species of extant strepsirrhines. With this extensive sample, our goal is to address the influence of positional behavior on lumbar vertebral form while also assessing the effects of body size and phylogenetic history. The results reveal distinctions in lumbar vertebral morphology among strepsirrhines in functional association with their habitual postures and primary locomotor behaviors. In general, strepsirrhines that emphasize pronograde posture and quadrupedal locomotion combined with leaping (from a pronograde position) have the relatively longest lumbar regions and lumbar vertebral bodies, features promoting sagittal spinal flexibility. Indrids and galagonids that rely primarily on vertical clinging and leaping with orthograde posture share a relatively short (i.e., stable and resistant to bending) lumbar region, although the length of individual lumbar vertebral bodies varies phylogenetically and possibly allometrically. The other two vertical clingers and leapers, Hapalemur and Lepilemur, more closely resemble the pronograde, quadrupedal taxa. The specialized, suspensory lorids have relatively short lumbar regions as well, but the lengths of their lumbar regions are influenced by body size, and Arctocebus has dramatically longer vertebral bodies than do the other lorids. Lumbar morphology among galagonids appears to reflect a strong phylogenetic signal superimposed on a functional one. In general, relative length of the spinous processes follows a positively allometric trend, although lorids (especially the larger-bodied forms) have relatively short spinous processes for their body size, in accordance with their positional repertoire. The results of the study broaden our understanding of postcranial adaptation in primates, while providing an extensive comparative database for interpreting vertebral morphology in fossil primates.  相似文献   

The insertion of the annulus fibrosus and of the perivertebral ligaments into the lumbar vertebral body is studied by histology and microradiography, in post-mortem human material from 0 to 34 years of age. The annulus lamellosus is attached to the edge ring, whose origin is endochondral, and ends in a calcified cartilage. The perivertebral ligaments are fixed to the cortex, that derives from those ligaments; they join the vertebral body via bundle bone.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(4):575-581
The synovium is a multilayer connective tissue separating the intra-articular spaces of the diarthrodial joint from the extra-synovial vascular and lymphatic supply. Synovium regulates drug transport into and out of the joint, yet its material properties remain poorly characterized. Here, we measured the compressive properties (aggregate modulus, Young's modulus, and Poisson's ratio) and hydraulic permeability of synovium with a combined experimental-computational approach. A compressive aggregate modulus and Young's modulus for the solid phase of synovium were quantified from linear regression of the equilibrium confined and unconfined compressive stress upon strain, respectively (HA = 4.3 ± 2.0 kPa, Es = 2.1 ± 0.75, porcine; HA = 3.1 ± 2.0 kPa, Es = 2.8 ± 1.7, human). Poisson's ratio was estimated to be 0.39 and 0.40 for porcine and human tissue, respectively, from moduli values in a Monte Carlo simulation. To calculate hydraulic permeability, a biphasic finite element model's predictions were numerically matched to experimental data for the time-varying ramp and hold phase of a single increment of applied strain (k = 7.4 ± 4.1 × 10?15 m4/N.s, porcine; k = 7.4 ± 4.3 × 10?15 m4/N.s, human). We can use these newly measured properties to predict fluid flow gradients across the tissue in response to previously reported intra-articular pressures. These values for material constants are to our knowledge the first available measurements in synovium that are necessary to better understand drug transport in both healthy and pathological joints.  相似文献   

Studies on isolated human keratinocytes provide a model for design of optimal freeze-thaw protocols for skin cryopreservation and banking. Nucleated keratinocytes from the basal layer of split thickness human cadaveric skin were separated by a combined trypsin and DNAse digestion and suspended in Dulbecco's minimal essential medium with fetal calf serum. A small volume of suspension was frozen on a microprocessor controlled cryostage. Extracellular ice was nucleated at predetermined subzero temperatures, and the temperature was held constant for the duration of the experiment. The osmotic response of the cells to the formation of extracellular ice was recorded on 35-mm photographic film. Selected serial frames were digitized for automated computer evaluation of metric parameters of specific cells. Changes in the apparent cell volume were quantified over a period of several minutes to obtain dehydration curves associated with exposure to concentrated extracellular electrolytes. The Kedem-Katchalsky coupled flow transport model was statistically fit to the data using a personal computer. Values for the permeability coefficients were adjusted to optimize the correlation between the theory and the data. An activation energy of 44.8 kJ/mol and a water permeability of 0.035 micron (atm.min) at 0 degrees C were derived from the data measured over a temperature range from -2 to -9 degrees C.  相似文献   

Previous studies have implied that increases in loading rate resulted in changes in vertebral mechanical properties and these changes were causative factors in the different fracture types seen with high-speed events. Thus many researchers have explored the vertebral body response under various loading rate conditions. No other study has investigated the role of the endplate in high-speed vertebral injuries. The current study determined changes in the endplate and vertebral body strength with increases in displacement rate. The endplate and vertebral body failure loads in individual lumbar vertebrae were documented for two displacement rates: 10 and 2500 mm/s. Using cross-sectional areas from the endplate and vertebral body, failure stresses for both components were calculated and compared. Both the endplate and vertebral body failure loads increased significantly with increased loading rate (p<0.005). Although the vertebral body failure stress increased significantly with loading rate as well (p<0.01), the endplate stresses did not (p>0.35). In addition, the endplate and vertebral strengths were not significantly different under high-speed loading (p>0.60), which inhibits possible predictions as to which bony component would fail initially during a high-speed injury event. It is possible that load distribution may contribute more to the fracture patterns seen at high speeds over vertebral component strength.  相似文献   

The use of acrylic polymers in infiltrating the porous bone structure is an emerging procedure for the augmentation of osteoporotic vertebrae. Although this procedure is employed frequently, it is performed based on empirical knowledge, and therefore, does not take into consideration the porosity-dependent permeability of human vertebral cancellous bone. The purpose of this study was to: (a). experimentally and theoretically investigate interdependence of the vertebral cancellous bone permeability and porosity, and (b). examine if the bone permeability of spinal cancellous bone can be predicted using bone mineral density measurements. If these relations can be established, they can be useful in optimizing the injection conditions for predicable cement infiltration. To determine the porosity-dependent and directional permeability, 34 bone cores-20 samples in the superior-inferior (SI) direction and 14 in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction-were cut from 20 lumbar vertebrae and infiltrated with silicone oil with a viscosity matching that of PMMA. The permeability of the cores was determined based on Darcy's law. The mean permeability of SI and AP cores was 4.45+/-1.72 x 10(-8) and 3.44+/-1.26 x 10(-8)m(2), respectively. An interesting finding of this study was that the permeability of the AP cores was approximately 78% of that of SI cores, though the porosity of the SI and AP cores taken from the same vertebra was approximately equal. In addition, we provided a theoretical model for the porosity-dependent permeability that accurately described non-linear dependency of the bone permeability and porosity in both directions. Although the relation of the bone permeability and porosity was established, bone mineral density was a weak predictor of the bone permeability. The experimental and theoretical results of this study can be used to understand polymer flow in cement infiltration procedures.  相似文献   

Summary Colchicine-resistant human cells were initially observed in patients exhibiting C-anaphases or tetraploidy in lymphocyte cultures. Cell lines established from these patients displayed cross-resistances to daunomycin, emetine, vinblastine, and vincristine and collateral sensitivity to Xylocaine, showing a pleiotropic phenotype similar to that described in permeability mutants in CHO cells. 3H colchicine uptake and binding assays confirmed a decreased permeability to the drug.  相似文献   

A series of lateral radiographs of the cervical spinal column was evaluated in order to determine vertebral body dimensions. The sample included males (N=30) and females (N=31) 18 to 24 years old, comprising three stature percentile ranges (1-20; 40-60; 80-99) of the U.S. adult population. A two-dimensional analysis of vertebral body height (average distance between superior-inferior surgaces), depth (average distance between anteriorposterior surfaces), and area (average height X average depth) revealed minimal effects due to stature. In all subjects, average depth exceeded average height for vertebral bodies C3 through C7. Upon combining stature groups, both sexes revealed maximum average values for these dimensions at the seventh cervical vertebral body. Minimum average height occurred at C5 whereas minimum average depth was found at C3. Significant correlation (alpha greater than 0.05) was found for males between ponderal index and height and depth of the C7 vertebra. Male head weight correlated significantly with C3, C4, C5 and C6 vertebral body height and with C3, C5 and C6 vertebral body depth. For females, C7 height and C6 depth correlated significantly with ponderal index and head weight respectively. Probable biomechanical relationships of specific cervical vertebral bodies are noted  相似文献   

Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral bodies assess fracture load in vitro better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but boundary conditions affect stress distribution under the endplates that may influence ultimate load and damage localisation under post-yield strains. Therefore, HRpQCT-based homogenised FE models of 12 vertebral bodies were subjected to axial compression with two distinct boundary conditions: embedding in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA) and bonding to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD) with distinct hyperelastic properties for nucleus and annulus. Bone volume fraction and fabric assessed from HRpQCT data were used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behaviour of bone. Ultimate forces obtained with PMMA were 22% higher than with IVD but correlated highly (R2 = 0.99). At ultimate force, distinct fractions of damage were computed in the endplates (PMMA: 6%, IVD: 70%), cortex and trabecular sub-regions, which confirms previous observations that in contrast to PMMA embedding, failure initiated underneath the nuclei in healthy IVDs. In conclusion, axial loading of vertebral bodies via PMMA embedding versus healthy IVD overestimates ultimate load and leads to distinct damage localisation and failure pattern.  相似文献   

As early as the 1970s, Robinson defined lumbar vertebrae according to their zygapophyseal orientation. He identified six lumbar elements in fossil Sts 14 Australopithecus africanus, one more than is commonly present in modern humans. It is now generally inferred that the modal number of lumbar vertebrae for australopiths and early Homo was six, from which the mode of five in later Homo is derived. The two central questions this study investigates are (1) to what extent do differences in human lumbar vertebral count affect lordotic shape and lumbar function, and (2) what does lumbar number variation imply about lumbar spine function in early hominins? To address these questions, I first outline a biomechanical model of lumbar number effect on lordotic function. I then identify relevant morphological differences in the human modal and extra-modal variants, which I use to test the model. These tests permit evaluation of the human L6 variant as a model for reconstructing early hominin modal number and spine function. Application of the biomechanical model in reconstructing australopith/early Homo lumbar spines highlights shared principles of Euler column strength and sagittal spine flexibility among early and modern hominins. Within modern humans, the extra-modal L6 variant has an extended series of three cranially positioned kyphotic vertebrae and strongly oblique zygapophyseal facets at the last lumbar level. Although they share the same radius and length of lumbar curvature, the L6 variant differs functionally from the L5 mode in its expanded range of sagittal flexion/extension and enhanced resistance to shear. Given the modal number of six lumbar vertebrae in australopiths and early Homo, lumbar spine mobility and strength would have been key properties of vertebral function in early bipeds whose upper and lower body segments were coupled by close approximation of the thorax and iliac crests.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a critical problem in the chemotherapy of cancers. Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) responds poorly to chemotherapy owing to its potent MDR. Chemotherapeutic drugs primarily act by inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, and defects in apoptosis may result in MDR. Mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) is implicated as an important event in the control of cell death or survival and mPT represents a target for the development of cytotoxic drugs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of selective opener (Atractyloside glycoside, ATR) and inhibitor (Cyclosporine A, CsA) of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) on a CDDP-resistant HCC cell line (SK-Hep1 cells). In this study, a stable MDR phenotype characterization of SK-Hep1 cell line (SK-Hep1/CDDP cells) was established and used to investigate the role of mPTP in MDR. Results suggested that ATR accelerated the decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), reduced the Bax activity, and increased the apoptosis of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells; while CsA inhibited mPTP opening, reduced and delayed the decline of mitochondrial membrane potential, and increased the Bax activity, leading to increased tolerance of SK-Hep1/CDDP cells to apoptosis induction. However, mPTP activity had no effect on the expression of MDR1 in cells,meanwhile the P-gp translocation to mitochondria was increased, and functionally activated. In conclusion, selective modulation of mPTP can affect MDR in human HCC cells. Therefore, activation of mPTP may provide a new strategy to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and to reverse the MDR in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Genotypes of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] vary in drought resistance. Yet it is not known if their hydraulic resistances vary. The objective of this study was to determine if the hydraulic resistance of a drought-resistant sorghum was the same as that of a drought-sensitive sorghum. Leaf water and osmotic potentials were measured daily, during a 14-d period, in leaves of a drought-resistant (‘KS9’) and a drought-sensitive (‘IA25’) sorghum, which had the roots in pots with a commercial potting soil that was either well watered or allowed to dry. Soil water potential, adaxial stomatal resistance, and transpiration rate were determined daily. Hydraulic resistance of the plants was calculated from the slope of the line relating soil water potential minus leaf water potential versus transpiration rate. When the soil was not watered, the drought-sensitive sorghum had a water potential that averaged −0.50 MPa lower and an osmotic potential that averaged −0.57 MPa lower, but a similar adaxial stomatal resistance (1.19 s mm−1), compared with the drought-resistant sorghum. Seven days after the beginning of the experiment, the water potential of the soil with the drought-sensitive sorghum was −0.25 MPa lower than that of the soil with the drought-resistant sorghum. With the water-limited conditions, the drought-sensitive sorghum depleted the soil-water reserve more quickly and died 2 d before the drought-resistant sorghum. Under well watered conditions, the two sorghums had similar water potentials (−1.64 MPa), osmotic potentials (−2.83 MPa), and adaxial stomatal resistances (0.78 s mm−1). The calculated hydraulic resistance of the two sorghums did not differ and averaged 3.4 × 107 MPa s m−1. The results suggested that the variation in susceptibility to drought between the two genotypes was due to differences in rate of soil-water extraction. Contribution No. 86-249-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr Dan M Rodgers.  相似文献   

Nuclear bodies in human thymus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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