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高星 《人类学学报》2004,23(4):343-344
张森水先生是著名考古学家,我国旧石器时代考古学领域第2代的杰出代表。他从1956年开始从事旧石器考古研究,近半个世纪来脚步未停,笔耕不辍;主持过一系列重大考古项目,在野外考察和材料发现方面成就斐然;发文著书成果丰硕,提出中国北方旧石器时代文化“区域渐进说”和中国旧石器时代存在“南北主工业二元结构,区域内若干文化变体”等理论,在阐释中国旧石器文化传统和人类技术与行为方面建立了自己的理论体系;在研究方法方面他最早将“区系类型”等概念引入我国旧石器考古学,倡导并力行实验考古学,推动石器使用痕迹分析,将统计分析方法较系统地应用到旧石器考古研究,促进了我国旧石器考古从定性到定量的转变和方法的成熟。  相似文献   

辽宁营口金牛山旧石器文化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金牛山旧石器时代文化遗址的地理位置、地层及古生物已有报导,不再赘述。本文主要是研究该地点下部地层出土的旧石器材料,并兼述上部地层出土的两件磨制的骨器。解放前,辽宁几无可靠的旧石器材料的发现。建国以来,在党的领导下,辽宁考古事业得到较快的发展,古人类和旧石器文化的研究也得到相应的发展。1957年夏,辽宁省博物馆在文物普查过程中,在建平县南地乡找到过一件在形态上与河套人、山顶洞人较近似的人上臂骨化石,1972年发现了凌源八间房旧石器时代晚期的文化地点;1973和1975年两次发掘喀左县鸽子洞旧石器时代中期的文化遗址;1974和1975年对金牛山洞穴遗址进行了发掘,使我们在辽宁首次获得了旧石器时代早期的材料。目前,在辽宁省境内已有了旧石器时代早、中、晚期的代表地点。  相似文献   

黑龙江昂昂溪的旧石器   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
昂昂溪旧石器地点是一处旧石器时代末期生活遗址,距今约11,800年。文化遗物有灰烬、烧骨和类型丰富的石制品。共生的动物化石有普氏野马、东北野牛和达乌尔鼠兔等九种。昂昂溪旧石器在文化传统上与华北旧石器关系密切。这一发现为研究亚洲东北部早期人类活动提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

在青磁窑旧石器遗址中发现了石制品近1000件,哺乳动物化石8种。遗址的地质时代为中更新世晚期,文化上属旧石器时代早期的后一阶段。这是大同市首次发现的旧石器时代早期文化遗址。  相似文献   

北京地区旧石器考古新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
北京地区旧石器文化遗物丰富,自1990年开始在北京城区和郊区县开展旧石器调查和试掘以来,发现旧石器时代文化遗址或地点38处。这些新的为研究北京地区的旧石器文化提供了有的考古资料。  相似文献   

关于中西方旧石器文化中的软锤技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关于中西方旧石器文化中的软锤技术林圣龙(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所.北京100044)软锤技术是旧石器时代早期石器打制技术进步的主要标志之一.在西方,从阿舍利文化开始,软锤技术即已逐渐得到较普遍的使用,而在中国旧石器文化中,是否广泛使用过软锤...  相似文献   

惊人的发现山西省襄汾县丁村是中外闻名的旧石器时代中期遗址。1954年发现的丁村人和丁村文化,成为我国古人类演化和古文化发展史上的重要环节。最近,在丁村以东七公里的群山中,我们新发现了一处巨大的旧石器时代晚期的石器制造场,其规模之大,石器之丰富,远远超过了山西怀仁鹅毛口和太原古交的两处石器制造场。过去十年中,考古工作者在丁村附近发现了早于和晚于丁村文化的一系列旧石器地点,表明丁村遗址包含了从旧石器时代早期至晚期的文化遗存。从石器出土的丰富程度来看,我们一直推测丁村附近可能有  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地旧石器文化研究新进展   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
谢飞 《人类学学报》1991,10(4):324-332
泥河湾盆地旧石器文化异常丰富,在约1800平方公里范围内新发现各时期的旧石器文化遗址或地点三十余处,这些发现为该盆地旧石器文化研究提供了大批的科学资料。盆地内小石器文化传统贯穿始终,从早到晚旧石器有明显的继承性和发展性。到旧石器时代晚期,同时存在细石器技术传统的产品。  相似文献   

猫猫洞的骨器和角器研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文所记述的、磨制的骨器和角器是本省兴义县猫猫洞旧石器文化遗址首次发掘的重要成果。由于这里发现的骨器和角器在数量上超过以前全国发现的、旧石器时代晚期同类工具的总和,从而为我国旧石器时代骨器和角器的研究提供了较丰富的新资料。新的骨器和角器的发现和研究,增加了对当时人制造这类工具工艺的了解和丰富了我国旧石器文化的内涵。  相似文献   

南亚次大陆位于欧亚大陆南部,历来与东南亚和东亚关系密切,是东西方旧石器文化交流的枢纽之一。自旧石器时代早期开始,南亚次大陆就有古人类活动的踪迹,这一地区发现的打制石器遗存数量丰富、面貌多样;石核-石片技术具有本土特征,阿舍利技术、莫斯特技术、石叶技术和几何形细石器技术与欧亚大陆西侧十分相似;细石叶技术可能受到东亚的影响。本文回顾了南亚次大陆打制石器的发现与研究简史,梳理其文化分期和石器工业技术面貌特点,希望能对东西方旧石器文化起源、交流与扩散课题的深入研究有所启发,并为中国以后的旧石器考古研究工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The emergence of the Acheulian Techno-Complex in Asia appears to have occurred quasi-concurrently in the Levant, South Asia, East and South Africa. Throughout many parts of the huge geographical expanse of Asia, as elsewhere, this genesis was followed by the rapid diffusion of Acheulian techno-behaviors. This phenomenon of cultural radiation is attested in the archeological record throughout the Old World by an increased number of occurrences documenting growing demographic trends of Acheulian peoples, into the latter phases of the Middle Pleistocene. The “Homogeneity to Multiplicity Model” (HMM) is used here to provide a window for understanding the mechanisms behind the evolutionary changes observed throughout the very long duration and extensive geographical context of the Asian Acheulian. Since the beginning of the 19th century, Asia has continuously provided archeological evidence that is vital to our understanding of the “Acheulian revolution” and the plausible links it may have had with the appearance and evolution of Homo erectus s. l. The emphasis traditionally put on handaxes as hallmarks of Acheulian culture has falsely led many archeologists to propose models of cultural diffusion that have masked the true nature of the Acheulian as a worldwide phenomenon in which Asia has always played a key role.  相似文献   

高星 《人类学学报》2022,41(4):618-629
对石制品等文化遗存的分类与类型学分析是旧石器时代考古的基础工作之一。旧石器考古类型学发端于法国,由博尔德奠定基础框架,其后多位学者针对不同地区和时段的材料提出有所区别的类型学方案。该体系在发展过程中其主观性和标准不统一等问题一直被质疑,一直在补充和完善,目前已在很大程度上转化为对遗址和材料做整理、分析和描述的工具。类型学对于遗址出土材料的整理、表述和信息简化、分析不可或缺,但相对于与人类生存和认知更近的石器技术、功能、原料利用等方面的研究,其重要性和受重视程度已大大降低。中国旧石器考古类型学融合了西方学术体系的一些元素并进行了本土化实践,发展出一定的区域特色。在操作链理念的指导和数字技术的支撑下,以技术解读、特征分析为目标与导向的技术类型学研究,应是解决旧石器时代考古中分类与类型学研究所遭遇的困难与问题的思路和方向。  相似文献   

中国旧石器时代手斧的特点与意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高星 《人类学学报》2012,31(2):97-112
手斧的存在与否及其意义是我国史前考古学界长期争论的问题。中国旧石器时代遗存中存在着手斧这一类器物,但它们在形态、技术、组合关系、丰度上与旧大陆西侧有很大区别; 大多数手斧与手镐应属同质异型, 是中国乃至东南亚砾石石器文化中居于从属地位的特定成员, 是更新世生活在热带-亚热带的先民开发利用植物根茎食材的大型挖掘工具。他们在渊源上有本土砾石文化的根基, 可能受到小规模人群迁徙和文化交流的影响, 体现着"本土起源+外来影响"的融合发展过程。中国的手斧存在着材料的不完备性和研究的肤浅性, 体现在绝大多数标本的地层和时代归属不明, 研究多停留在对少数"典型标本"主观定性的层面, 缺乏全面客观的材料分析和详实的观测、统计数据, 很多争论缘于缺乏共同遵循的类型学标准, 陷入表层的术语纷争。未来的研究必须加强地层、年代和形态、技术分析的基础性工作, 充分运用现代科技手段提取信息和数据, 并从理论层面深入揭示手斧这类遗存所蕴含的先民生存与演化的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines shape and size variability in Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA) handaxes and compares the observed patterns to those in the Lower Paleolithic Acheulian, both to better understand variability in MTA handaxes and to test whether or not this variability, particularly as it relates to resharpening and reduction, is structured similarly to that in the Acheulian. The Acheulian data set is based on previously published data with the addition here of a study of the handaxes from the site of Boxgrove, England. The MTA data set is based on four classic sites from southwest France with large handaxe collections. Both standard caliper-based morphometrics and Elliptical Fourier Analysis applied to coordinate data taken from digitized images of handaxes are used to assess shape. The result is that, contrary to expectations based on assumptions of evolving technological skill, handaxes in the MTA are as or more variable in shape than Acheulian ones. This variation is allometric in Acheulian handaxes, and is linked to resharpening from the tip down to the base, but is not related to size in the MTA samples. These results suggest that the goals and constraints of handaxe manufacture, but particularly handaxe reduction as a result of reworking during use, were quite different in the MTA and Acheulian, implying that conclusions about hominin cognition drawn from patterns in shape variability in handaxes must be understood in the context of artifact life histories.  相似文献   

中国北方旧石器工业的区域渐进与文化交流   总被引:28,自引:12,他引:16  
张森水 《人类学学报》1990,9(4):322-333
中国北方旧石器时代存在多种工业或组合,其中小石器工业具区域特点,发展滞缓,起主导作用;与邻近地区的文化交流明显地发生在距今三万年左右,改变了该地区工业格局,影响其后地区工业的发展,并使中国南北方旧石器时代工业更具多样性。  相似文献   

The largest collection of Acheulian artefacts in the Siwalik region is from the site of Atbarapur in north-western India. The artefacts occur in reworked sediments of the Pinjore Formation, starting with the onset of the Pleistocene and continuing at places in this region till 0.6 Ma. The technical study shows two similar “chaînes opératoires”: one based on cobbles for making small flakes and the second based on boulders for large flakes. Both are short and simple: cores are not prepared and each of them produced about seven flakes. Handaxes and cleavers, typical Acheulian tools, are made on the large flakes, often struck from the ventral face of larger flakes (Kombewa method) or from split boulders. The technology compares well with the Lower Pleistocene Acheulian of peninsular India, but with slightly more refined bifaces. It also compares with assemblages from Africa and East Asia: Atbarapur stands as a milestone on the diffusion route(s) of the Acheulian.  相似文献   

The Goitered Gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa, is the most widespread gazelle species in the Middle East and central Asia inhabiting desert and semi-desert habitats. Today it is threatened and its geographic range and population size have experienced significant decline in the last decades. In Iran, the remnant populations are confined to fragmented habitats. We aimed to characterise genetic diversity and phylogenetic status of the populations of Goitered Gazelle in Central Iran and to evaluate the potential effect of a historic population bottleneck on the genetic variation of today’s population. We used noninvasive sampling to uncover structure and level of genetic variation in a fragment of the cytochrome-b gene from 170 samples. Genealogical analyses were performed using HKY+I model and phylogenetic trees reconstructed using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood. We found extremely low levels of genetic variation, with altogether only five haplotypes in samples from different populations. Overall haplotype diversity was 0.081 and nucleotide diversity 0.0003. The mean observed mismatch between any two sequences was 0.093 with the largest peak for small numbers. The mismatch distribution fit the model of population expansion and suggested that gazelles had experienced a sudden expansion. An unrooted median-joining network analysis of mtDNA haplotypes showed a star-like structure which few mutations steps separating the haplotypes from other regions. Our findings strengthen the urgency of preserving the species’ genetic diversity to prevent local extinction.  相似文献   

类型学是考古材料描述与分析的基础。近年来,学者们对类型学尤其是旧石器时代石器类型学的反思较多,涉及类型学的理论基础、分类原则、类型学的考古解释能力等各个方面,然而少有中国学者系统介绍西方常用的旧石器考古类型学体系。鉴于此,本文主要介绍D. de Sonneville-Bordes与J. Perrot建立且在欧洲、西亚及北非应用较为普遍的旧石器时代晚期石器类型学,并思考旧石器考古学中类型学应用的相关问题。由于文化的区域多样性,描述中国的旧石器考古学材料时显然不能照搬欧洲的类型学体系,但可参考它并建立适宜于中国旧石器时代考古材料描述的体系。若此,一方面,我们可以更好地将中国的旧石器晚期考古材料与其他地区的相关材料进行对比;另一方面,可以揭示中国旧石器时代晚期石器类型的区域多样化。  相似文献   

Goitered gazelles, Gazella subgutturosa, exist in arid and semiarid regions of Asia from the Middle to the Far East. Although large populations were present over a vast area until recently, a decline of the population as a result of hunting, poaching, and habitat loss led to the IUCN classification of G. subgutturosa as “vulnerable." We examined genetic diversity, structure, and phylogeny of G. subgutturosa using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences from 18 geographically distant populations in Iran. The median‐joining network of cyt b haplotypes indicated that three clades of goitered gazelles can be distinguished: a Middle Eastern clade west of the Zagros Mountains (and connected to populations in Turkey and Iraq), a Central Iranian clade (with connection to Azerbaijan), and an Asiatic clade in northeastern Iran (with connection to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and other Asian countries as far as northeastern China and Mongolia). Based on our results, we argue that Iran is the center of diversification of goitered gazelles, due to the presence of large mountain ranges and deserts that lead to the separation of populations. In accordance with previous morphological studies, we identified the Asiatic clade as the subspecies G. s. yarkandensis, and the other two clades as the nominate form G. s. subgutturosa. The new genetic information for goitered gazelles in Iran provides the basis for future national conservation programs of this species.  相似文献   

广东封开县罗沙岩洞穴遗址第一期发掘简报   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
封开罗沙岩第一期发掘,出土了一些打制石器,它们有明确的地层,并有绝对年代测定数据,有助于解决广东是否有旧石器文化的争论。  相似文献   

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