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孙家洞遗址初步测年为40万年左右,出土了少量石制品、古人类牙齿以及大量动物化石,其中一件骨骼标本存在非常规整的穿孔,其整体形态和大小与人工穿孔比较相似。通过系统的宏观观测与显微镜下分析,并与已明确性质的考古标本(自然穿孔和人工穿孔标本)和实证材料(现代鬣狗洞发掘出土材料)进行对比后发现,孙家洞遗址出土的穿孔标本与食肉类啃咬、甲虫类啮食以及人工造成的穿孔标本存在明显差异,而具备了被鬣狗胃酸腐蚀标本的所有典型特征。  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址是我国近年来发掘的最为重要的古人类遗址之一。该遗址中出土了大量的石器、骨器、动物化石、粪便化石等遗存以及人类头盖骨化石等。我们对该遗址出土的鬣狗粪化石进行了类型学及其包含的微体化石等方面研究,从分析统计结果来看,鬣狗粪化石中包含了丰富的古信息,如古寄生虫卵、动物毛发、孢粉、植硅体、真菌等。本文主要针对鬣狗粪化石中古寄生虫卵及动物毛发进行分析,探讨了作为寄主鬣狗罹患的寄生虫病,以及鬣狗的食物来源等情况,为深入理解更新世晚期人类适应环境与气候提供新的证据。  相似文献   

海城仙人洞遗址装饰品的穿孔技术及有关问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顾玉才 《人类学学报》1996,15(4):294-301
本文在模拟制作穿孔装饰品的基础上,记述了不同方法穿孔在显微镜下观察到的特点,据此重新研究了海城仙人洞遗址出土装饰品的穿孔技术,修正了原研究者的一些看法。同时对装饰品穿孔方法的鉴定标准、穿孔效率、打磨齿根的目的等相关问题也作了讨论。  相似文献   

福建三明船帆洞旧石器遗址   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
船帆洞旧石器遗址可分为上、下两个文化层。在下文化层发现一处人工石铺地面遗存。出土石制品 30 0余件 ,同层出土的哺乳动物化石包括巨貘、中国犀和鬣狗 3个绝灭种 ,其年代应属旧石器时代晚期。上文化层出土物以打制石器与磨制骨、角器共存为主要文化特征 ,其时代应晚于下文化层 ,可能仍属旧石器时代。  相似文献   

埋藏实验是伴随曙石器之争而形成的一种辨别石制品真伪的重要途径。玉米洞遗址是重庆巫山县近年来新发现的以石灰岩石器著称的旧石器时代洞穴遗址,该遗址出土的石灰岩石器因其原料劣质、埋藏环境复杂、加工程度浅而在人工性质的认定上存在一些争议。本文根据玉米洞遗址的地层堆积成因而设计了踩踏实验和滚动实验两种形式,对石灰岩石器进行模拟实验,观察实验标本在人与动物踩踏和滚动作用下发生改变的情况和规律,进而对比出土石制品面貌,为石制品人工属性的认定提供依据和参考,重新审视石灰岩石器。  相似文献   

贺存定 《人类学学报》2017,36(4):499-511
埋藏实验是伴随曙石器之争而形成的一种辨别石制品真伪的重要途径。玉米洞遗址是重庆巫山县近年来新发现的以石灰岩石器著称的旧石器时代洞穴遗址,该遗址出土的石灰岩石器因其原料劣质、埋藏环境复杂、加工程度浅而在人工性质的认定上存在一些争议。本文根据玉米洞遗址的地层堆积成因而设计了踩踏实验和滚动实验两种形式,对石灰岩石器进行模拟实验,观察实验标本在人与动物踩踏和滚动作用下发生改变的情况和规律,进而对比出土石制品面貌,为石制品人工属性的认定提供依据和参考,重新审视石灰岩石器。  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址动物骨骼表面人工改造痕迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南灵井许昌人遗址发掘出土了距今约10—8万年前的古人类头骨化石, 与头骨化石同层发现的还有大量哺乳动物化石及石制品等文化遗物。本文是对该遗址2005—2006年出土动物化石骨骼表面人工改造痕迹的观察分析结果。灵井遗址中13%的动物骨骼表面有人工切割痕的产生, 其中切割痕位于长骨骨干部位的约占此类标本总数的98.45%; 同时,在具切割痕的长骨类化石材料中,属于食草动物上部和中部肢骨的分别为34%和41%, 属于下部肢骨的则仅为25%。此外, 灵井动物群中具敲击痕、火烧痕迹、人工使用痕迹的骨骼标本分别占全部观察例数的4.2%、1%、1.32%。总之, 通过对动物骨骼表面保留的上述人工改造痕迹的观察与统计分析, 并与埋藏学实验及其他考古遗址相关属性的对比, 表明古人类是这一遗址中大量脊椎动物肉食资源的初级获取者和利用者, 他们是导致这一动物群聚集形成的主要埋藏学因素。同时, 许昌人遗址中大量破碎动物骨骼的出现可能也与古人类敲骨取髓的取食行为有着非常紧密的联系。  相似文献   

湖北秭归孙家洞旧石器文化遗址调查简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董明星 《人类学学报》1999,18(2):144-146
1994年6月,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所考察队获悉秭归县两河口镇二甲村一带出土“龙骨”。6月2日,袁振新、董明星和秭归县委统战部张新民、屈原纪念馆的周昊前往观察。6月3日、二甲村3组村民张财带我们到孙家洞。经查,发现孙家洞是一处图1孙家洞(...  相似文献   

白龙洞是位于鄂西北部郧西县的一处出土物丰富的古人类洞穴遗址,先后在此出土了8枚古人类牙齿化石、若干石制品和骨制品及大量哺乳动物化石。但有关白龙洞遗址的形成时间却一直存在争议,主要原因之一是动物群没有得到充分研究。基于郧西县文管所和中科院古脊椎所收藏标本,本文首次对白龙洞历年出土的哺乳动物化石进行了综合研究;研究结果表明,白龙洞动物群由32种(含未定种)哺乳动物组成,优势属种是谷氏大额牛、岩羊、野猪及各种鹿类(水鹿、斑鹿、麂、毛冠鹿);此外,还有豪猪、竹鼠、变异狼、貉、豺、猪獾、黑熊、大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、锯齿剑齿虎、虎、豹、金猫、云豹、剑齿象、苏门犀、梅氏犀、巨貘、鬣羚及水牛等;该动物群缺乏猴类动物,并且豪猪化石也很少,这与其所处的时空位置很不相符;但总体面貌属于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群。白龙洞的大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、猪獾、虎及巨貘的牙齿测量数值均达到或接近我国各自记录的最大值。白龙洞动物群组成与盐井沟动物群及南京猿人动物群最为接近;从动物群组合及有关属种的演化阶段来综合判断,白龙洞动物群的地质时代应当是中更新世中期。  相似文献   

水洞沟遗址第7地点2003~2005年发掘出土动物化石2000余件。初步鉴定包括蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus)、披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)、普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)、水牛(Bubalus sp.)等十多个动物属种。该遗址出土的动物骨骼标本表面少见食肉类啃咬痕迹且未有啮齿类啃咬痕迹及水流磨蚀等现象,表明这一动物骨骼组合应当不是食肉类、啮齿类与水流等自然性营力带入遗址的。遗址动物群中一定比例的具切割痕骨骼标本的出现表明了古人类在动物群富集过程中的主导地位。动物考古学观察表明,处于旧石器时代晚期的该地点古人类主要对遗址附近的大中型食草类动物进行了猎捕与肢解、利用,这与相对更晚阶段的第12地点古人类以小型哺乳动物为主要猎食对象的生存策略形成了较为明显的对比。  相似文献   

The ability to retrieve DNA from ancient specimens has been one of the greatest achievements of the past decade, and has opened a totally new field of research with applications in seemingly distant domains such as archeobotany, the molecular phylogeny of extinct genomes, human paleopathology and the genetic of ancient human populations. However, extraction of ancient DNA has often a very low rate of success, prompting researchers to develop screening methods for the selection of promising specimens. With this goal in mind, we studied the amino acid content of nine human bones of ancient origin. We demonstrate that a single HPLC chromatogram is indicative of the integrity of ancient bone proteins. Among five specimens containing amplifiable DNA, four exhibited a protein content similar to that of contemporary bone protein content. Three of the four specimens, from which we were unable to extract any amplifiable DNA, had an amino acid content strikingly different from that of contem-porary bone. A non-parametric statistical test, Kendall's tau, was used to show that protein content and PCR products, are probably correlated (at a 95% confidence level). In addition, the D/L Asp and D/L Glu racemization ratios obtained are indicative of the presence of ancient organic compounds. We propose that protein analysis should be systematically performed in studies where there are many samples in order to select the specimens that are most likely to contain retrievable ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Ethological studies have shown that besides human groups, large-medium carnivores have bone-collecting habits. The research developed since the last half of the twentieth century has attempted to characterise the carnivore’s accumulations and to identify them in the archaeo-paleontological record. At present, we have diagnostic criteria that define the accumulations produced by hyenids (mainly, Crocuta crocuta), thereby allowing us to differentiate them from the other accumulating agents. The faunal assemblage recovered at the Early Pleistocene TD6.3 layer of the Gran Dolina site is characterised by the presence of typical elements described in hyena dens: presence of small carnivores remains, high bone breakage, low epiphysis survival and a high frequency (>30%) of specimens with carnivore induced modifications, including large amounts of digested bones. However, attritional mortality profiles, hyena’s cubs remains, mid-shaft bone cylinders or differential anatomical composition among different weight-sizes, have not been observed or are ambiguous. In addition, anthropic evidences are scarce and concentrated in the uppermost section of the layer. TD6.3 is the result of an accumulation produced by hyenas using the cave as a den, in alternation with sporadic occupations by hominin groups. TD6.3 shows that hyena fossil accumulations may present great anatomical and taxonomic variability.  相似文献   

Ancient molecular typing depends on DNA survival in archaeological bones. Finding valuable tools to predict DNA presence in ancient samples, which can be measured prior to undertaking a genetic study, has become an important issue as a consequence of the peculiarities of archaeological samples. Since the survival of DNA is explained by complex interrelations of multiple variables, the aim of the present study was to analyze morphological, structural, chemical, and biological aspects of a set of medieval human bones, to provide an accurate reflection of the state of preservation of the bony components and to relate it with DNA presence. Archaeological bones that yielded amplifiable DNA presented high collagen content (generally more than 12%), low racemization values of aspartic acid (lesser than 0.08), leucine and glutamic acid, low infrared splitting factor, small size of crystallite, and more compact appearance of bone in the scanning electron micrographs. Whether these patterns are characteristic of ancient bones or specific of each burial site or specimen requires further investigation. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:102–109, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Determination of element levels in bones and teeth can complement knowledge of the diagnostics and etiology of various diseases in prehistoric populations. Calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and lead (Pb) content were analyzed in teeth from human skeletons dated to 3,000–1,400 BC from Malopolska Upland loess. Levels of iron and calcium were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and lead, cadmium, and copper levels were measured using anodic stripping voltametry (ASV). Molar teeth from specimens with cribra orbitalia were selected for analyses, and teeth from specimens with no pathological changes were used as a control. No significant correlations between the content of particular elements and the tooth class, specimen age, or depth of burial pit were observed. The Fe content in specimens with cribra orbitalia is not the best measure for this disease's etiology. Thus, interelement correlations and proportions might give a better picture of the biological condition of the specimen and of the investigated groups. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:201–207, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Palaeodemographical studies are founded on the assumption that the sex and age distribution of the skeletal sample reflects the constitution of the original population. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that the type and amount of information that may be derived from osteoarchaeological collections are related to the state of preservation of remains. This work proposes a new method to evaluate bone preservation, to identify age and sex biases in the preservation of human skeletal remains, and to assess whether differences in preservation patterns are more dependent on factors intrinsic or extrinsic to anatomical features of human bones. Three osteological collections and over 600 skeletons were observed. The state of preservation of human bones was assessed using three preservation indexes: the anatomical preservation index (API), the bone representation index (BRI), and the qualitative bone index (QBI). The results suggest that subadult skeletons are generally more poorly preserved and with bones less well-represented than adult skeletons. Among subadults, female and male skeletons have different patterns of preservation according to their age. This pattern of preservation depends on intrinsic anatomical properties of bones themselves, while external factors can only increase these differences in the state of preservation and representation of osseous remains. It is concluded from this that failure to recognize these differences may lead to misleading interpretations of paleodemography of past human populations.  相似文献   

Thirty-five new fossil hominid specimens are described. They were recovered from the Plio-Pleistocene sediments to the east of Lake Turkana (formerly Lake Rudolf). They include cranial and mandibular parts, teeth, and postcranial bones of upper and lower limbs. Parts of a single skeleton are also described. All of the specimens are described in anatomical detail and selected measurements are given. Some of the specimens are illustrated. It is proposed that they should be attributed to the family Hominidae, with genus and species undetermined until detailed comparative studies have been undertaken.  相似文献   

Modifications on the cheek teeth and dentary bone (loss of dental tissues on the extra‐alveolar portion of the cheek teeth, and corrosion on the surface of the dentary bone) of fossil specimens of medium to giant South American rodents (mainly neoepiblemids) from the Neogene (Brazil and Argentina) are documented here. These features are similar to those observed in teeth and bones of small hypsodont rodents (recent and Quaternary fossils) that were subjected to digestive process by predators/scavengers. Based on comparisons, we tentatively hypothesize that acid‐etching resulting from digestive processes could have caused the modifications in the specimens, providing evidence of a palaeoecological interaction between neoepiblemids (and other rodents), and predators or scavengers.  相似文献   

A sample of 84 dried skulls of Amia calva has been examined for variations in dermal bones and other parameters. One specimen was found with a single parietal and another with incomplete division of the parietals. Observations on parietal asymmetry, disposition of sutures, number and disposition of postorbitals, infraorbitals, number of dentary and premaxillary teeth, and tooth row/jaw length relations are quantified. Statistical analysis of five paired characters and dispersion analysis of 12 characters shows that the skull growth is isometric. Given a few measurements on a skull it is possible to predict several others.  相似文献   

The oxygen present in a human organism comes from numerous sources, but the major factor that causes variation in the isotopic composition of this element in a tissue is available drinking water. The isotopic ratio of oxygen in an organism's tissue, including that found in bones and teeth, reflects the isotopic oxygen composition typical for the area where a given individual developed and lived.Of particular interest with regard to this issue were a series of skeletons from the multiple grave discovered at the Funnel Beaker-Baden settlement at Bronocice (southern Poland). The question therefore arose whether the specimens buried in this grave were part of the local community.The oxygen isotope level was established using apatite isolated from bones or teeth. A femur and root dentine samples taken from permanent teeth were subjected to oxygen isotope analysis. The oxygen isotope level of the site was established on the basis of local water precipitation and measurements taken from the oxygen isotope concentration in apatite samples isolated from the bones of animals co-occurring with the studied human group.It has been found that the oxygen isotope levels in the bones and dentine of almost all the analysed specimens from the excavated site at Bronocice were within the established range for the area's environment, providing evidence for their local origin. Thus, it can be assumed that the analysed group inhabiting the macrosettlement at Bronocice during the Funnel Beaker phase of the Baden culture was most probably of local origin.  相似文献   

The study determines the concentration of Ba in mineralized tissues of deciduous teeth, permanent impacted teeth, and facial bones. The study covers the population of children and adults (aged 6–78) living in an industrial area of Poland. Teeth were analyzed in whole, with no division into dentine and enamel. Facial bones and teeth were subjected to the following preparation: washing, drying, grinding in a porcelain mortar, sample weighing (about 0.2 g), and microwave mineralization with spectrally pure nitric acid. The aim of the study was to determinate the concentration of Ba in deciduous teeth, impacted permanent teeth, and facial bones. The concentration of barium in samples was determined over the ICP OES method. The Ba concentration in the tested bone tissues amounted to 2.2-15.5 μg/g (6.6 μg/g?±?3.9). The highest concentration of Ba was present in deciduous teeth (10.5 μg/g), followed by facial bones (5.2 μg/g), and impacted teeth (4.3 μg/g) (ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis rank test, p?=?0.0002). In bone tissue and impacted teeth, Ba concentration increased with age. In deciduous teeth, the level of Ba decreased with children’s age.  相似文献   

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