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An ingestional behaviour was shown to be constructed by a domineering motivation in the systemic organisation of behavioural acts. The paper uncovers the mechanisms determining the energy of biological motivations as well as their controlling component: the of action acceptor. The role of reinforcement is shown in the mechanisms of forming the behaviour molecular engrams on the action of result acceptor.  相似文献   

Behaviorists assume that living things memorize random atoms of information (engrams), "reinforced" by success, just as in the neo-Darwinian mutation-selection process. On the contrary we have to recognize the existence of organized and systematic responses in the learning process (Krechevsky). The animals seek desperately to "understand the meaning" of the world around them, by widening its context. Intelligence is not an exclusive prerogative of human mind. The minds of insects operate in the same way as that of man. Even a cell has a sort of intelligence (Cuenot). Consciousness is a state of awareness associated with enhanced mental activity. It occurs also in other "higher" animals (Thorpe). However human themselves are non conscious of their basic underlying motivations. Unconscious or ineffable knowledge plays a great role in shaping our world-view and in determining our influence on the Gaian hierarchy.  相似文献   

The materials provided in the article support the key role of dominating motivation in the systemic processes of fixation and opening of memory mechanisms. The activating mechanisms of dominating motivations in the systemic architectonics of behavioural acts provide the basis for development of a multicomponent acceptor apparatus of an action outcomes broadly represented in various analysing brain sections. As result of enhancement of action outcomes on acceptors structures, molecular behaviour engrammes form within the functional systems. It is these molecular engrammes that are opened by dominating motivations in the same spatial-temporal sequence in which training takes place, and determine deliberate actions of animals. It was demonstrated that dominating motivation opens genetic information with an approximating-exploratory reaction under strong activation of early genes expression, in particular, of c-fos gene protein. Inherent motivation reactions are not blocked by inhibitors of proteins synthesis, by cycloheximide, in particular. In the process of training animals, i.e., satisfaction of the demands which are the basis of dominating motivations, expression of early genes in reduced, while expression of late genes is initiated. In this case, blockators of protein synthesis begin to produce strong inhibiting impact on behaviour of animals.  相似文献   

The system mechanisms of brain dynamic stereotypes formation are considered. The brain dynamic stereotypes are shown to be formed on the structures of acceptor of action results by dominating motivations and reinforcements. Acceptors of action results are widely spread in brain structures. They are presented in functional systems which form behavioral acts of animals with spreading neural excitations in collaterals of axons of pyramidal tract. Reinforcing excitations form specific architectonic of acceptors of action results, which include brain structures corresponding to modalities of parameters of reinforcements. Dominating motivations, which predict future events, excite molecular engrams of action results which were formed by previous reinforcements.  相似文献   

The data on anatomical connections, injury consequences, summate and unit activity records may be represented as a chain of events running in sequence and in parallel in the brain of higher mammals. Internal (metabolism) and external (odour, pain, etc.) incentive unconditioned stimuli activate motivational structures of the hypothalamus, which in turn activates the frontal areas of the neocortex and the hippocampus. In case of coincidence of earlier neutral external stimuli with the action of reinforcing unconditioned ones, the hippocampus becomes the first place of convergence of combined afferentiations. After formation of the act, those external stimuli or their engrams which have been accompanied earlier by satisfaction of a certain need, are selected as a result of joint action of the hippocampus and the frontal cortex. By comparison of motivational excitation with available stimuli or their engrams retrieved from memory with the participation of the temporal cortex, an emotional colouring of the stimuli and engrams is formed in the amygdala leading to isolation of a dominant motivation, destined to be satisfied in the first instance. The program formed in the frontal cortex, comes to the basal ganglia where, by means of interaction with the parietal cortex, it confirms to the spatial coordinates of the forthcoming action. From the fronto-striate system, the excitation comes through the motor cortex to the effector organs accomplishing the behavioural act.  相似文献   

New trends in the development of the theory of functional systems proposed by P.K. Anokhin in the scientific complex P.K. Anokhin Institute--Department of Normal Physiology during the last twenty five years are regarded. It has been shown that the functional systems represent an objective reality. Holographic and informational properties of the functional systems and general principles of their interrelations in the whole organism i.e. hierarchic domination, multiparametric and successive interaction have been disclosed. Some notions about "systemo-quanta" of vital activity as discrete units of dynamic activity of functional systems have been formulated. Further developments in the systemogenesis of behavioral acts also are presented. New ideas about pacemaker mechanism of dominant biological motivations, the role of oligopeptides in the system organization of behavioral acts have been formulated. The role of early genes in formation of behavioral reactions of animals and in the mechanisms of emotional stress is shown. The role of some oligopeptides in the mechanisms of resistance to emotional stress is stated. Some devices modeling the properties of functional systems and able to assess different organism's functional systems have been developed. Practical application of the theory of functional systems is also shown in the paper.  相似文献   

In experiments on rabbits, instrumental and complex conditioned alimentary behaviour was studied at various ways of raising alimentary motivation to extreme levels. Animals behaviour in these conditions could acquire an outwardly non-motivated (in relation to alimentary need) character. It is suggested that these phenomena are based on the transformation of the dominant motivation and not on the mechanism of "shifted" activity. In experiments on rats, a long "pseudoreinforcement" of extremely enhanced motivation of thirst by ethanol led to profound changes of physiological and neurochemical properties of the primary drinking motivation centres of the hypothalamus. It is suggested that such changes underlie the realization of plasticity properties of the dominant motivation.  相似文献   

Activity of 144 neurones of the dorsal part of the rabbits hippocamp was recorded during elaboration of motor conditioned reflex to time. Chronic amphetamine intoxication lowered the ability of hippocampal neurones to form conditioned reactions in response to pairings of sound stimuli with electrocutaneous reinforcement and fully suppressed mechanisms of reproduction by cells of engrams of previous pairings in series of their omissions Single administration of haloperidol to intact animals somewhat increased the number of neurones reacting to the pairing and their omissions in conditioned reflex to time without significantly influencing the intensity and dynamics of reproduction of endogenous cellular reactions in the series of consecutive omissions of pairing. Haloperidol administration during amphetamine intoxication elicited shifts towards normalization of conditioned activity of neurones, eliminating the suppressing action of amphetamine on mechanisms of reproduction of engrams of combined stimuli. Such "therapeutic" effect of haloperidol in many cases did not depend on the character of its psychotropic action. The properties of amphetamine and haloperidol action on the cells of the hippocamp are discussed as compared to their action on the neurones of other brain structures, previously studied in an analogous experimental situation.  相似文献   

Active foragers Myrmica rubra were trained in a maze under conditions of different levels of colony need in food with carbohydrate (sugar syrup) or protein (ants Lasius niger pupae) reinforcement. Acquisition of the maze habit was better under conditions of reinforcement with pupae, especially by its time indices. Ants were able to modify the acquired habit when the reinforcement quality was changed. It was shown that learning was possible only when the colony and after a change pupae for the syrup was "hungry". Under these conditions, after a change of the syrup for pupae or visa versa the previously acquired optimum habit was transferred. Several hours later, with satiation of the colony, food reactions learned with protein reinforcement switched-over to "stochastic" non-optimized behavior with the dominance of exploratory reactions. Thus, it was shown that higher social insects ants were capable for conditioned switching-over. Different forms of this phenomenon depended on the level of the colony need in food and, consequently, on the level of the social food motivation of foragers ants.  相似文献   

In experiments on seven cats instrumental delayed reflexes with different quality reinforcement were elaborated by method of "active choice", where the time of delay of the motor reaction served as a signal of quality of the reinforcement. Five cats used a strategy with long delay high-quality reinforcement (meat), and two cats preferred short delay and low-quality reinforcement (bread-meat mixture). In special experiments with the change of alimentary motivation (24-hour alimentary deprivation and saturation of animals) it was established that the level of alimentary motivation within the studied limits did not change the strategy of behaviour preferred by the given animal. Individually varying ability to choice of reaction determining more valuable reinforcement it is possible to consider as an experimental analogue of the mechanisms of will. The question is discussed about the role of typological properties of cats in choice of behaviour strategy.  相似文献   

Explanations by social scientists of the Indian person have emphasized the subordination of the individual to caste and family and the compelling influence of hierarchy for explaining motivations for behavior. They have asserted there is no room for individuation and personal autonomy in Indian society. If correct, personal goals should be rare among Indians, rebellion against family and caste should be unusual, and deviation from the etiquette of hierarchy should be infrequent. Based on 23 life histories, the findings of this article contradict this view. As Indians age, achieving a degree of autonomy is an increasingly important theme in adult life and is closely associated with rebellions against hierarchy and with these Indians' perception of responsibility for how their lives turn out. The article concludes that hierarchy has been given such a dominant role in describing Indian society that the significance of personal explanations of autonomy and motivation has been discounted.  相似文献   

Data are presented, demonstrating the action of a number of oligopeptides on biological motivations of hunger, fear, self-stimulation and on alcohol addiction. In the structure of animals feeding motivation, such oligopeptides take part as beta-lipotropin and its fragments, ACTH, pentagastrin, delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP), substance P; in organization of defensive motivation--angiotensin II (AII), DSIP, substance P, bradykinin, beta-endorphin etc.; in organization of self-stimulation--AII, DSIP, bradykinin, ACTH, beta-endorphin etc. It is established that most of the above oligopeptides, injected to the brain lateral ventriculi, inhibit biological motivations, and only some of them have an activating action. On the basis of experiments, a hypothesis is formulated that oligopeptides act as a feedback between the genome of brain neurones and pacemaker cells of motivation centres of the hypothalamus area. Some oligopeptides elaborated by neuronal genomes under the action of dominating motivation, activate--and the other--suppress the activity of motivation hypothalamus centres.  相似文献   

Experimental study is dedicated to mechanisms of interaction of pentagastrin and monoamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) at the level of single neurones of the rabbits lateral hypothalamus under alimentary motivation and under saturation. It is shown that pentagastrin can modulate the effects of noradrenaline and dopamine on neuronal impulse activity in hungry and fed up animals, and the character of its action depends on the rabbits initial state. It is suggested that pentagastrin is a factor initiating alimentary motivational excitation, while noradrenaline maintains the latter at the definite level up to obtaining useful result by the animal, when dopaminergic mechanisms participating in the process of reinforcement join the noradrenergic ones.  相似文献   

The adequacy of a modified variant of alimentary Y-maze method used by the authors was tested by studying the role of visual stage stimuli in reaction of free choice in rats. It is shown that the role of visual information is insignificant for acquiring the motor habit--finding of the shortest way to food. The dominant factors are: location of the shortest way, changing of which leads to a search behaviour by the method of "trials and errors", as well as ecologically adequate preference of edges to the center of the "distributor" and motor pretuning of the animal. Observed fixation of the choice of longer ways in comparison with the shortest one, and its stability may be explained by insufficient difference in the ways length before the reinforcement for the transformation of the habit of spatial-motor orientation into a visual one.  相似文献   

Asymmetry in direction of motion was found in Myrmica rubra ants at their learning in a symmetrical multi-alternative maze in conditions of "social" alimentary motivation. It was manifested in the form of preferable stay in the right half of the maze and was significant by several parameters: total number of motions, approaches to "false" spots and right turns. Unequal degrees of spatial-motor asymmetry (individual and for the whole sample) was revealed by various parameters. Most clearly the right-sided spatial preference was seen in the insects which had more approaches to goal with reinforcement taking than "exploratory" approaches. It is suggested that the parameters of motion direction asymmetry in ants learning in the maze depend on the level of alimentary "social" motivation.  相似文献   

At studying the use by the rats of previous experience in conditions of change of the dominant need and change of learning situation, data were obtained that allowed to evaluate differently the significance of drinking and defensive motivations as a factor providing for dissociated learning of animals. Significance is discussed of motivation factor during the use by the rats of one or other behavioural strategies in the process of learning.  相似文献   

Operant methods are powerful behavioral tools for the study of motivated behavior. These ''self-administration'' methods have been used extensively in drug addiction research due to their high construct validity. Operant studies provide researchers a tool for preclinical investigation of several aspects of the addiction process. For example, mechanisms of acute reinforcement (both drug and non-drug) can be tested using pharmacological or genetic tools to determine the ability of a molecular target to influence self-administration behavior1-6. Additionally, drug or food seeking behaviors can be studied in the absence of the primary reinforcer, and the ability of pharmacological compounds to disrupt this process is a preclinical model for discovery of molecular targets and compounds that may be useful for the treatment of addiction3,7-9. One problem with performing intravenous drug self-administration studies in the mouse is the technical difficulty of maintaining catheter patency. Attrition rates in these experiments are high and can reach 40% or higher10-15. Another general problem with drug self-administration is discerning which pharmacologically-induced effects of the reinforcer produce specific behaviors. For example, measurement of the reinforcing and neurological effects of psychostimulants can be confounded by their psychomotor effects. Operant methods using food reinforcement can avoid these pitfalls, although their utility in studying drug addiction is limited by the fact that some manipulations that alter drug self-administration have a minimal impact on food self-administration. For example, mesolimbic dopamine lesion or knockout of the D1 dopamine receptor reduce cocaine self-administration without having a significant impact on food self-administration 12,16.Sensory stimuli have been described for their ability to support operant responding as primary reinforcers (i.e. not conditioned reinforcers)17-22. Auditory and visual stimuli are self-administered by several species18,21,23, although surprisingly little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying this reinforcement. The operant sensation seeking (OSS) model is a robust model for obtaining sensory self-administration in the mouse, allowing the study of neural mechanisms important in sensory reinforcement24. An additional advantage of OSS is the ability to screen mutant mice for differences in operant behavior that may be relevant to addiction. We have reported that dopamine D1 receptor knockout mice, previously shown to be deficient in psychostimulant self-administration, also fail to acquire OSS24. This is a unique finding in that these mice are capable of learning an operant task when food is used as a reinforcer. While operant studies using food reinforcement can be useful in the study of general motivated behavior and the mechanisms underlying food reinforcement, as mentioned above, these studies are limited in their application to studying molecular mechanisms of drug addiction. Thus, there may be similar neural substrates mediating sensory and psychostimulant reinforcement that are distinct from food reinforcement, which would make OSS a particularly attractive model for the study of drug addiction processes. The degree of overlap between other molecular targets of OSS and drug reinforcers is unclear, but is a topic that we are currently pursuing. While some aspects of addiction such as resistance to extinction may be observed with OSS, we have found that escalation 25 is not observed in this model24. Interestingly, escalation of intake and some other aspects of addiction are observed with self-administration of sucrose26. Thus, when non-drug operant procedures are desired to study addiction-related processes, food or sensory reinforcers can be chosen to best fit the particular question being asked.In conclusion, both food self-administration and OSS in the mouse have the advantage of not requiring an intravenous catheter, which allows a higher throughput means to study the effects of pharmacological or genetic manipulation of neural targets involved in motivation. While operant testing using food as a reinforcer is particularly useful in the study of the regulation of food intake, OSS is particularly apt for studying reinforcement mechanisms of sensory stimuli and may have broad applicability to novelty seeking and addiction.Download video file.(54M, mov)  相似文献   

郭庭鸿  舒波  董靓  陈阳 《生物信息学》2018,25(12):87-92
城市公园绿地是一种重要的健康资源,其健康促进作用的发挥与使用行为密切相关。以成都市中心区小游园为案例,定量分析了高密度城市背景下小游园的使用行为及其影响因素和影响机制。描述性分析结果显示,小游园相对于大型综合公园更易被人们在日常生活中就近使用。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、教育水平、收入水平、是否有孩(家中是否有学龄前儿童,简称是否有孩)和使用距离与使用频率之间具有显著联系;年龄、性别或收入水平对使用动机的影响具有较大差异。进一步讨论表明,较之于使用距离,社会人口因素塑造下的使用动机对使用频率的影响更为显著。最后尝试提出了若干旨在响应使用动机的规划设计建议。  相似文献   

Behaviour is usually assumed to depend on the reach of a critical intensity--termed reactivity threshold--by its motivation. This view represents a simple, predictive theoretical framework in ethology and animal psychology. However, it is here argued that only the influence of an isolated motivation on behaviour can be explained that way; that such a view fails to account for behaviour when several motivations are jointly activated. Upon analysis, the classical theory of behaviour (CTB) proves to be under-specified and thus leads to three conceptual problems that make it logically inconsistent for the study of multiple motivations. A revision of the CTB, called anticipatory dynamics model (ADM), is then developed in order to bring a theoretical solution to these conceptual problems. The ADM hypothesizes that an organism's motivational interactions are due to the limitation of the organism's attentional resources.  相似文献   

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