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(1) Using isolated bovine chromaffin granules, we demonstrate that osmotic lysis is not a random process and establish the osmotic pressure dependence of osmotic lysis in chromaffin granules, the so-called osmotic fragility curve. (2) We show by measuring the release of constituents of the granule core and correlating these with changes in spectroscopic parameters (turbidity and endogenous catecholamine fluorescence), that the latter can be safely used to measure lysis. (3) Within a particular granule population, noradrenaline granules lyse at higher osmolarities than adrenaline granules, suggesting a higher core osmolarity of the noradrenaline granules. (4) The size distribution of chromaffin granules as a function of lysis was determined by the use of whole mount electron microscopy. It is shown that the mean size of chromaffin granules decreases as a function of lysis. (5) On the basis of theoretical considerations three alternative models of the sequence of osmotic lysis in chromaffin granules are proposed. The experimental results best support a model which postulates that during partial osmotic lysis, granule membranes reseal into smaller vesicles after graded release of contents. The osmotic fragility would represent several cycles of lysis and resealing and would not be a reflection of the distribution of osmotic pressures in the granule population.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles obtained by density gradient centrifugation of bovine adrenal medullary homogenates were analyzed by electron microscopic methods, including negative staining, ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. Rapid freezing showed the intramembrane structure of plasma membrane vesicles to be distinct from that of other organelle membranes, such as chromaffin granules. Cytochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase (EC activity on most membrane profiles confirmed that plasma membrane vesicles are derived predominantly from plasma membranes. About half of the plasma membrane vesicles were smaller than 0.15 micron and almost none larger than 0.55 micron. Practically all were composed of single shells. Most vesicles were impermeable to cytochemical markers of the size of Ruthenium red (Mr 800) and none were permeable to markers larger than 40 kDa. Surface charge probes, concanavalin A binding and endogenous actin decoration with heavy meromyosin indicated that the major fraction of plasma membrane vesicles is oriented right-side-out. A minor population with opposite orientation could also be detected. Isotonic ionic media caused vesicle aggregation in suspensions of plasma membrane vesicles and chromaffin granules. Freeze-fracturing always revealed clusters of membrane-intercalated particles at the sites of contact between aggregated membranes.  相似文献   

Docking and fusion of vesicles to the plasma membrane is a fundamental process in living cells. An established model for the trafficking of vesicles is based on primary epithelial cells from the collecting duct of the nephron. Upon stimulation with the signaling peptide arginine-vasopressin (AVP), aquaporin-containing vesicles are directed to the plasma membrane. Since aquaporin selectively enhances the water permeability of plasma membranes, this process helps to balance the water content of the organism. A mechanism has been suggested involving local depolymerization of F-actin to facilitate the movement of vesicles to the membrane. Since F-actin is the major component of cytoskeletal restoring forces, AVP-stimulated cells can be expected to lose rigidity. Here, we used atomic force microscopy force mapping to test whether AVP alters cell stiffness. The Young's modulus of living epithelial cells at 37°C was continuously monitored, yielding a 51% decrease of Young's modulus after the addition of AVP. The data demonstrate that not the depolymerization of actin but a relaxation of actomyosin interaction facilitates vesicle translocation.  相似文献   

Incubation at 37 degrees C or treatment of granule membranes of chromaffin cells with Staphylococcus aureus phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C converted from an amphiphilic to a hydrophilic form two proteins with molecular masses of 82 and 68 kDa respectively. Their release is time- and enzyme-concentration-dependent. We showed that they were immunoreactive with an anti-(cross-reacting determinant) antibody known to be revealed only after removal of a diacylglycerol anchor. Furthermore, the action of HNO2 suggests the presence of a non-acetylated glucosamine residue in the determinant. This is one of the first reports suggesting that a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor might exist in membranes other than the plasma membrane. We showed that the 68 kDa protein is probably not the subunit of dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) beta-hydroxylase, an enzyme present in granules in both soluble and membrane-associated forms.  相似文献   

Regulation by Ca2+ of membrane elasticity of bovine chromaffin granules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S Miyamoto  S Fujime 《FEBS letters》1988,238(1):67-70
In a range of [Ca2+] similar to cytosolic transient, a drastic reduction from about 20 dyn/cm to almost zero was observed in the membrane elastic modulus of bovine chromaffin granules, isolated in a solution containing 0.3 M sucrose and 5 mM Hepes at pH 7.0, and measured by combination of osmotic swelling and dynamic light-scattering (DLS) methods. This result suggests that the granule membrane becomes extremely flexible as a prelude to exocytosis.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent release of core constituents from isolated chromaffin granules in isotonic sucrose has been a controversial and puzzling phenomenon that has been interpreted either as selective catecholamine efflux from different catecholamine pools or as temperature-dependent lysis. We have analysed the kinetics, temperature dependence and physical basis of this process. Our results demonstrate that, upon increasing the ambient temperature, chromaffin granules show a shift in their osmotic fragility to higher osmolarities, which is linearly dependent on temperature and leads to measurable lysis in 0.26 M buffered sucrose at temperatures above 12 degrees C. It is possible to demonstrate both protein and dopamine beta-hydroxylase release when lysis as a function of temperature is measured in 0.26 M buffered sucrose. Real time measurements of the lysis kinetics were recorded on cassettes and analysed by a computer program for exponential decay kinetics. It is shown that the temperature-dependent lysis proceeds in two separate phases, the fast one of which is associated with temperature-dependent shift in the osmotic fragility curve. It has no characteristics of any exponential decay kinetics. The slow phase, when followed over several hours, leads to complete lysis of the granules in a sigmoidal time course at 30 degrees C. We conclude from the absence of exponentiality that there is no basis on which to assume the existence of different catecholamine pools. The fast phase of temperature-dependent lysis can be best explained as a simple temperature-dependent increase of the granule core solution's osmotic pressure, while the slow phase is probably caused by sucrose permeation into the granules. On the basis of these results, we warn against any efflux experiments measuring the temperature-dependent transmitter release from secretory vesicles with highly concentrated core solutions.  相似文献   

Summary Chromaffin granules from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells have been found to contain small vesicular structures bounded by unit membranes. Detection of these intragranular vesicles within intact cells requires the use of quick-freezing methods. The intragranular vesicles are labile to fixation by aldehydes which explains why they have not been described in intact cells until now. They are found in approximately 60% of the dense-core chromaffin granules in cells and 85% of isolated granules. They are usually clustered in groups of one to as many as five between the core and the inner surface of the granule membrane. The intragranular vesicles are independent vesicles in that they do not appear as simple invaginations of the granule membrane in either serial thin-section or freeze-etch views. Furthermore, they are released from the cell along with granule contents during nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines. The structural heterogeneity provided by the intragranular vesicles may be related to the functional heterogeneity of granule contents observed in many recent biochemical studies.  相似文献   

We present a model for the calculation of intragranular vesicle adhesion energy in a two-vesicle system consisting of an external secretory vesicle (chromaffin granule) and an intragranular vesicle (IGV) that adheres from the inside to the granule membrane. The geometrical parameters characterizing the granule-IGV systems were derived from freeze-fracture electron micrographs. Adhesion is brought about by incubation of the granules in hyperosmolar sucrose solutions. It is accompanied by a deformation of the granule because the intragranular vesicle bulges it outwards, and by segregation of intramembraneous particles from the adherent part of the granule membrane. Adhesion prevents the deformed granules from osmotic reexpansion and, therefore, causes hyperosmotic relaxation lysis. We estimated specific adhesion energy at -3 erg/cm2, a value which is 10 - 1000 times larger than the energy of van der Waals interaction between membranes. This large interaction energy probably results from changes of the granule core induced by dehydration. A minimization of the interface between the granule core and adjacent membranes could exclude intragranular vesicles from the core and squeeze them towards the granule membrane. This might induce a new kind of interaction between both membranes, which is irreversible and causes lysis upon osmotic relaxation.  相似文献   

The interaction of contractile agonists on the relaxation elicited with isoproterenol (ISO) was studied in 112 tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) strips from 20 dogs in vitro. Strips were contracted to the same active target tension (TT) with acetylcholine (ACh), histamine (HIS), serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), potassium chloride (KCl), or the combinations of ACh + HIS, ACh + 5-HT, HIS + KCl, HIS + 5-HT (50% TT from each agonist). Although a less potent agonist, adding HIS to cause 50% of the TT reduced the concentration of ACh to elicit the remaining 50% TT and substantially altered relaxation by ISO compared with HIS alone [concentration required to achieve 50% relaxation (RC50) = 9.2 +/- 2.4 X 10(-8) vs. 9.0 +/- 4.4 X 10(-9) M to HIS alone; P less than 0.003]. Relaxation for TSM strips contracted with ACh + HIS was comparable to that elicited from the same TT with ACh alone, although concentrations required in combination were lower than for either agonist alone. Trachealis strips contracted equivalently with KCl + HIS also had augmented contraction and attenuated relaxation (RC50 = 3.7 +/- 0.8 X 10(-8) M; P less than 0.015 vs. HIS alone). However, combinations of 5-HT + ACh and 5-HT + HIS did not alter relaxation to ISO from that elicited by the weaker agonist alone. We demonstrate that TSM relaxation depends on the combination of agonists eliciting contraction and may be inhibited substantially by interactions among contractile agonists.  相似文献   

Summary Preparations of biomembranes, consisting of membrane vesicles, were analyzed with the analytical ultracentrifuge. Under certain conditions depending on the speed of rotation and the temperature, a sedimentation profile was observed that was highly characteristic for membranous material. From the sedimentation coefficients obtained, we calculated particle weights for the various well-defined membrane components. In certain types of preparations the particle weights of two adjacent components differed on average by a factor of 2. When vesicles obtained by fragmentation of biomembranes were compared with the granular vesicles present in intact cells, the accordance in diameters was striking. This may indicate that the size of vesicles is determined by purely physical factors.  相似文献   

The matrix of the chromaffin granule contains a family of acidic proteins, collectively known as the chromogranins. It has been suggested that this family results from protease action on the major component, chromogranin A. Evidence for this has now been obtained from in vitro translation of adrenal medullary messenger RNA and immunoprecipitation of translation products using an antiserum directed against chromogranin A, but which also recognises other chromogranins.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were prepared from Azotobacter vinelandii spheroplasts by lysis in either potassium phosphate (pH 7.0) or Tris1-acetate (pH 7.8) buffers. These 2 types of preparations differ considerably in their properties: (1) Examination by scanning electron microscopy reveals that the Pi vesicles consist primarily of closed structures 0.6–0.8 μm in diameter with a rough or particulate surface similar to that of spheroplasts. The Tris vesicles are significantly smaller, 0.1–0.3 μm in diameter, and have a much smoother surface structure. (2) Antisera from rabbits immunized with A. vinelandii lipopolysaccharide antigen will agglutinate Pi vesicles but not Tris vesicles. (3) Tris vesicles have a fourfold higher specific activity of latent H+-ATPase than Pi vesicles. After exposure to Triton X-100 similar ATPase activities are observed for both types of vesicles. (4) Pi vesicles transport calcium in the presence of ATP or lactate at less than 30% of the rates observed for Tris vesicles. (5) Tris vesicles have less than 22% of the transport capacity of Pi vesicles for accumulation of labeled sucrose and less than 3% of the capacity for valinomycin-induced uptake of rubidium observed during respiration. (6) Quinacrine fluorescence intensity is reduced by 30% during lactate oxidation and 20% during ATP hydrolysis by Tris vesicles. Under similar conditions, fluorescence in Pi vesicles is quenched by only 7% and less than 2%, respectively. These findings suggest that Pi vesicles have the normal orientation of the intact cell whereas Tris vesicles have an inverted topology.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,98(5):1817-1824
The exocytotic exposure of antigens of chromaffin granule membranes was studied with chromaffin cells isolated from bovine adrenal medulla. Antigens on the cell surface were visualized by indirect membrane immunofluorescence employing antisera against glycoprotein III and dopamine beta-hydroxylase. With unstimulated cells, only weak immunofluorescence on the cell surface was observed, whereas stimulated cells (with carbachol or Ba2+) exhibited much stronger reactions. In all cases the staining appeared as dots and patches. To quantitatively prove these observations, we analyzed the immunostained cells using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. After stimulation, the average fluorescence intensity of the cell population was enhanced. This increase correlated with the degree of catecholamine secretion. The fluorescence intensity of stimulated cells varied over a broad range indicating that individual cells reacted variably to the secretagogues. When stimulated cells were incubated at 37 degrees C for up to 45 min after stimulation, a decrease of membrane immunofluorescence approaching that of unstimulated control cells was observed. Apparently, the membranes of chromaffin granules, which had been incorporated into the plasma membrane, were retrieved by a specific and relatively fast process. This retrieval of the antigen from the cell surface was blocked by sodium azide, but not influenced by colchicine, cytochalasin B, and trifluoperazine. The quantitative methods established in this paper should prove useful for further study of the kinetics of the exo-endocytotic cycle in secretory tissues.  相似文献   

The distribution of concanavalin A (con A) receptor sites on the membranes of chromaffin granules has been investigated by binding studies using 125I-labelled con A and by electron-microscope studies using ferritin-labelled con A. In both experiments con A was observed to bind to chromaffin granule membranes but not to intact granules. The ferritin-con A particles bind to only one of the two possible surfaces of the chromaffin granule membranes. These results are in agreement with previous observations concerning the asymmetric distribution of saccharide residues on the surfaces of a number of different plasma membranes. They suggest that for the intracellular membrane of the chromaffin granule the saccharide sites, like those in plasma membranes, are not exposed to the cell cytoplasm. Further work is necessary to establish whether these sites are on the inner surface of the membrane or whether they are unmasked during the conversion of granules to membrane ghosts.  相似文献   

1. Chromaffin granules isolated from the bovine adrenal medulla possess an electrophoretic mobility of -1.12mum.s(-1).cm.V(-1), corresponding to a surface zeta potential of -14.4mV and surface charge density of 1.38x10(-6)C.cm(-2). 2. The mobility of chromaffin granules is pH-dependent, indicating an amphoteric surface with an isoelectric point at pH3.0 and acidic groups with a pK(a) of 3.11. 3. Addition of bi- and ter-valent cations decreased the mobility of chromaffin granules in a dose-dependent fashion with a relative potency of La(3+)>Mn(2+)>Ca(2+) >Sr(2+)>Mg(2+)>Ba(2+). 4. Treatment with neuraminidase decreased the mobility of erythrocytes by 84%, whereas chromaffin-granule mobility was decreased by only 14%. This correlates well with the small complement of neuraminic acid present in the granule membrane. 5. The nature, origin and significance of the anionic surface charge of the chromaffin granule is discussed. It is concluded that the net negative charge at the surface of shear derives chiefly from a single type of chemical group, namely -CO(2) (-), contributed by the alpha-carboxyl group of constituent proteins, the phospholipid phosphatidylserine and, to a lesser extent, the sialic acid component of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Functional coupling between enzymes of the chromaffin granule membrane   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The reactions of cytochrome b561 with other redox-active components of the adrenal chromaffin granule were examined using optical difference spectroscopy. It was shown that there is no direct electron transfer between the cytochrome and dopamine beta-hydroxylase, but that in the presence of ascorbate, turnover of dopamine beta-hydroxylase causes an oxidation of the cytochrome, which is partially reversed by the action of the mitochondrial NADH:A-. oxidoreductase. Thus, these three proteins may be functionally coupled via ascorbate. A quantitative study of the relationship between the redox state of the cytochrome and the ascorbate radical concentration measured by EPR showed that ascorbate reduces the cytochrome in a one-electron transfer reaction. Generation of a proton electrochemical gradient across the granule membrane causes only a small (20 mV) increase in the cytochrome midpoint potential suggesting the cytochrome is not a proton pump. The data are consistent with a model in which cytochrome b561, by reacting with ascorbate or ascorbate free radical on either side of the granule membrane, could couple the ascorbate-consuming reaction of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase inside the chromaffin granule to the ascorbate-regenerating reaction of the NADH:A-. oxidoreductase on the outer mitochondrial membrane. The H+-ATPase of the granule membrane could both drive the flow of electrons in the direction from cytosol to granule and replenish protons consumed by the turnover of dopamine beta-hydroxylase inside the granule.  相似文献   

The exocytotic exposure and retrieval of an antigen of chromaffin granule membranes were studied with chromaffin cells isolated from bovine adrenal medulla. Cells were incubated with an antiserum against glycoprotein III followed by fluorescein- or gold-labeled anti-IgG. Immunofluorescence on the cell surface was present in a patchy distribution irrespective of whether bivalent antibodies or Fab fragments were used. During subsequent incubation these fluorescent membrane patches were internalized within 45 min. At the ultrastructural level immunogold-labeled patches were present on the surface of stimulated cells. During incubation (5 min to 6 h) these immunolabeled membrane patches became coated, giving rise to coated vesicles and finally to smooth vesicles. These latter vesicles were found spread throughout the cytoplasm including the Golgi region, but Golgi stacks did not become labeled. Part of the immunolabel was transferred to multivesicular bodies, which probably represent a lysosomal pathway. 30 min after incubation immunolabel was also found in electron-dense vesicles apparently representing newly formed chromaffin granules. After 6 h of incubation immunolabel was found in vesicles indistinguishable from mature chromaffin granules. These results provide direct evidence that after exocytosis membranes of chromaffin granules are selectively retrieved from the plasma membrane and are partly recycled to newly formed chromaffin granules, providing a shuttle service from the Golgi region to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Histology - Endocrine secretory granules (ESGs) are morphological characteristics of endocrine/neuroendocrine cells and store peptide hormones/neurotransmitters. ESGs contain...  相似文献   

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