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Nocturnal drift of mayfly nymphs as a post-contact antipredator mechanism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The predominantly nocturnal constrained drift of stream invertebrates is commonly regarded as a behaviour that avoids encounters with visually foraging fish in the water column. The alternative explanation, that drift peaks are caused by bottom-feeding, nocturnal predators, has rarely been tested.
2. We examined these hypotheses by collecting invertebrate drift in five streams in northern Finland: one with brown trout ( Salmo trutta , a drift-feeding fish), one with alpine bullhead ( Cottus poecilopus , a benthic fish), one with both species, and two fishless streams.
3. Drift by Baetis mayflies was aperiodic or slightly diurnal in both fishless streams on all sampling occasions. In contrast, drift was nocturnal in streams with trout and, to a lesser extent, in the stream with bullhead. Non-dipteran prey drifted mainly nocturnally in all streams with fish, whereas Diptera larvae were less responsive to the presence of fish.
4. In laboratory experiments, bullheads were night-active, causing a much higher frequency of drift by touching Baetis at night than during the day. Thus, increased nocturnal drift may serve to avoid both visual predators (a pre-contact response) and benthic fish (a post-contact response). In streams with bottom-feeding fish, nocturnal drift should be caused by increased drift by night rather than by reduced drift by day.  相似文献   

1. In a series of laboratory experiments, we assessed the predatory nature of the native Irish amphipod, Gammarus duebeni celticus , and the introduced G. pulex , towards the mayfly nymph Baetis rhodani . We also investigated alterations in microhabitat use and drift behaviour of B . rhodani in the presence of Gammarus , and indirect predatory interactions with juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar .
2. In trials with single predators and prey, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower when Gammarus were free to interact with nymphs as than when Gammarus were isolated from them. The invader G. pulex reduced the survival of B. rhodani more rapidly than did the native G. d. celticus . Both Gammarus spp. were active predators.
3. In `patch' experiments, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower both when G. pulex and G. d. celticus were present, although the effect of the two Gammarus species did not differ. Again, active predation of nymphs by Gammarus was observed. Significantly more nymphs occurred on the top and sides of a tile, and per capita drifts were significantly higher, when Gammarus were present. Baetis rhodani per capita drift was also significantly higher in the presence of the introduced G. pulex than with the native G. d. celticus .
4.  Gammarus facilitated predation by salmon parr of B. rhodani by significantly increasing fish–nymph encounters on exposed gravel and in the drift. There were no differential effects of the two Gammarus spp. on fish – B . rhodani encounters or consumption.
5. We conclude that Gammarus as a predator can have lethal, nonlethal, direct and indirect effects in freshwaters. We stress the need for recognition of this predatory role when assigning Gammarus spp. to a `Functional Feeding Group'.  相似文献   

1. A knowledge of how individual behaviour affects populations in nature is needed to understand many ecologically important processes, such as the dispersal of larval insects in streams. The influence of chemical cues from drift‐feeding fish on the drift dispersal of mayflies has been documented in small experimental channels (i.e. < 3 m), but their influence on dispersal in natural systems (e.g. 30 m stream reaches) is unclear. 2. Using surveys in 10 Rocky Mountain streams in Western Colorado we examined whether the effects of predatory brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) on mayfly drift, that were apparent in stream‐side channels, could also be detected in natural streams. 3. In channel experiments, the drift of Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae) was more responsive to variation in the concentration of chemical cues from brook trout than that of another mayfly, Epeorus deceptivus (Heptageniidae). The rate of brook trout predation on drifting mayflies of both species in a 2‐m long observation tank was higher during the day (60–75%) but still measurable at night (5–10%). Epeorus individuals released into the water column were more vulnerable to trout predation by both day and night than were Baetis larvae treated similarly. 4. Drift of all mayfly taxa in five fishless streams was aperiodic, whereas their drift was nocturnal in five trout streams. The propensity of mayflies to drift was decreased during the day and increased during the night in trout streams compared with fishless streams. In contrast to the channel experiments, fish biomass and density did not alter the nocturnal nature nor magnitude of mayfly drift in natural streams. 5. In combination, these results indicate that mayflies respond to subtle differences in concentration of fish cues in experimental channels. However, temporal and spatial variation in fish cues available to mayflies in natural streams may have obscured our ability to detect responses at larger scales.  相似文献   

Nested species subsets, gaps, and discrepancy   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chemical cues from fish can alter the behaviour of stream invertebrates in experimental tanks but their effect in natural streams has received little attention. By adding brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) odour to a trout stream in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, we tested whether changes in the concentration of chemical cues from visually feeding predatory fish would alter the drift of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera). Stream water was piped from stream-side tanks with (odour) and without (control) three brook trout to two locations in the stream 3.5 m upstream of drift nets at six replicate sites. Five-minute drift samples were collected downstream from odour and control pipes before, during and after the release of water from the tanks into the stream during both the day and night. Almost all drift occurred at night and consisted predominantly of Baetis bicaudatus nymphs. The odour manipulation had no measurable effect on Baetis drift during the day but statistical power was low. During the night, however, the drift of large (>0.65 mm head capsule width, HCW) Baetis nymphs decreased significantly during the odour addition compared to control drift. In contrast, the drift of small nymphs (≤0.65 mm HCW) increased both during and after the odour addition in comparison to control drift. Since the stream contains brook trout (0.04–0.18 m−2), and water from the stream (presumably containing fish odour) altered the behaviour of fishless-stream Baetis nymphs in another experiment, we conclude that the changes in Baetis drift density were a response to an increase in the concentration of fish odour in the stream. Furthermore, we were able to detect the effect within 5 min. of odour addition, indicating that mayfly behavioural response to trout odour was rapid. These results suggest that mayflies can distinguish different concentrations of trout odour in natural streams and that the response is size-specific, according to the relative risk of predation of large and small Baetis. Received: 12 May 1998 / Accepted: 23 October 1998  相似文献   

1. We hypothesised that adult insects actively monitor potential habitats for the presence of fish by means of chemical cues and avoid sites that pose significant risks. This was examined by quantifying colonisation of insects in outdoor pools with no fish (controls), fish (direct predation effect) or caged fish (chemical predator cues).
2. A significant direct effect of predation was found, but no indirect effect (avoidance of chemical cue pools), on the total biomass of colonising insects. However, predatory insects avoided fish-cue pools, thus releasing non-predatory insects from predation. This resulted in significantly greater biomass of non-predatory insects in fish-cue pools than control pools.
3. Fish reduced the number of species of colonising insects in pools through predation. This negative influence of fish implies that caution is necessary when stocking wetlands and ponds with fish if the goal is to maximise biodiversity.
4. Our data suggest that although predatory aquatic insects may use chemical signals to assess the quality of potential habitats with respect to predation risk, direct predation is the main method by which fish affect insect assemblages in ponds. Because fish and invertebrate predators may both have strong effects on prey mortality, behavioural adjustment by insects to the actual predator regime within a habitat should be more important than avoiding colonisation of habitats with fish.  相似文献   

1. In streams, mayflies (Order Ephemeroptera) are at risk from fish feeding visually in the water column. The effect of fish odour on the behaviour of Baetis bicaudatus from a fishless stream and a trout stream was investigated in four large oval tanks supplied with water from the fishless stream.
2. For each mayfly population, mayfly positioning on the substratum and movement in the water column (drift) were measured during the day and night, over 3 days. Brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) odour was added to two tanks to test the effect of a threat from fish.
3. Throughout the experiment more mayflies from the trout stream were observed on the substratum surface and in the water column during the night than the day, but the magnitude of night drift was less in tanks with fish odour.
4. Baetis from the fishless stream also displayed a nocturnal periodicity in drift and positioning, but their night-time drift was not affected by the presence of fish odour. On the first day of the experiment, however, more mayflies were observed on the substratum surface and drifting in tanks without fish odour during the day.
5. Sensitivity to fish odour may enable mayflies to alter their behaviour according to the risk of predation from fish.  相似文献   

1. In streams, mayflies (Order Ephemeroptera) are at risk from fish feeding visually in the water column. The effect of fish odour on the behaviour of Baetis bicaudatus from a fishless stream and a trout stream was investigated in four large oval tanks supplied with water from the fishless stream.
2. For each mayfly population, mayfly positioning on the substratum and movement in the water column (drift) were measured during the day and night, over 3 days. Brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) odour was added to two tanks to test the effect of a threat from fish.
3. Throughout the experiment more mayflies from the trout stream were observed on the substratum surface and in the water column during the night than the day, but the magnitude of night drift was less in tanks with fish odour.
4. Baetis from the fishless stream also displayed a nocturnal periodicity in drift and positioning, but their night-time drift was not affected by the presence of fish odour. On the first day of the experiment, however, more mayflies were observed on the substratum surface and drifting in tanks without fish odour during the day.
5. Sensitivity to fish odour may enable mayflies to alter their behaviour according to the risk of predation from fish.  相似文献   

Some benthic invertebrates in streams make frequent, short journeys downstream in the water column (=drifting). In most streams there are larger numbers of invertebrates in the drift at night than during the day. We tested the hypothesis that nocturnal drifting is a response to avoid predation from fish that feed in the water column during the day. We surveyed diel patterns of drifting by nymphs of the mayfly Baetis coelestis in several streams containing (n=5) and lacking (n=7) populations of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Drifting was more nocturnal in the presence of trout (85% of daily drift occurred at night) than in their absence (50% of daily drift occurred at night). This shift in periodicity is due to reduced daytime drifting in streams with trout, because at a given nighttime drift density, the daytime drift density of B. coelestis was lower in streams occupied by trout than in troutless streams. Large size classes of B. coelestis were underrepresented in the daytime drift in trout streams compared to nighttime drift in trout streams, and to both day and night drift in troutless streams. Differences in daytime drift density between streams with and without trout were the result of differences in mayfly drift behaviour among streams because predation rates by trout were too low to significantly reduce densities of drifting B. coelestis. We tested for rapid (over 3 days) phenotypic responses to trout presence by adding trout in cages to three of the troutless streams. Nighttime drifting was unaffected by the addition of trout, but daytime drift densities were reduced by 28% below cages containing trout relative to control cages (lacking trout) placed upstream. Drift responses were measured 15 m downstream of the cages suggesting that mayflies detected trout using chemical cues. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that infrequent daytime drifting is an avoidance response to fish that feed in the water column during the day. Avoidance is more pronounced in large individuals and is, at least partially, a phenotypic response mediated by chemical cues.  相似文献   

1. Most animals are active by day or by night, but not both; juvenile salmonids are unusual in that they switch from being predominantly diurnal for most of the year to being nocturnal in winter. They are visual foragers, and adaptations for high visual acuity at daytime light intensities are generally incompatible with sensitive night vision. Here we test whether juvenile Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar are able to maintain their efficiency of prey capture when switching between diurnal and nocturnal foraging.
2. By testing the ability of the fish to acquire drifting food items under a range of manipulated light intensities, we show that the foraging efficiency of juvenile salmon is high at light intensities down to those equivalent to dawn or dusk, but drops markedly at lower levels of illumination: even under the best night condition (full moon and clear sky), the feeding efficiency is only 35% of their diurnal efficiency, and fish will usually be feeding at less than 10% (whenever the moon is not full, skies are overcast or when in the shade of bankside trees). Fish were unable to feed on drifting prey when in complete darkness.
3. The ability of juvenile salmon to detect prey under different light intensities is similar to that of other planktivorous or drift-feeding species of fish; they thus appear to have no special adaptations for nocturnal foraging.
4. While winter drift abundance is slightly higher by night than by day, the difference is not enough to compensate for the loss in foraging efficiency. We suggest that juvenile salmon can nonetheless switch to nocturnal foraging in winter because their food requirements are low, many individuals adopting a strategy in which intake is suppressed to the minimum that ensures survival.  相似文献   

Antipredatory behaviours are important fitness components. The probability of survival decreases if animals fail to respond to signs of danger, but in contrast, energetic costs increase if the response to the threat is exaggerated. We conducted a laboratory experiment designed to examine the behavioural and growth responses of a territorial fish (Atlantic salmon fry, Salmo salar, L.) to different predatory cues (no predatory cues, chemical cues alone, physical cues alone and combined chemical and physical cues). We evaluated the response of Atlantic salmon, focussing on behaviours linked to predator avoidance and to other fitness‐enhancing activities (territory defence and energy acquisition) both during the day and the night. The cost of such responses in terms of growth was assessed and we compared the relative contributions of behaviours in explaining individual growth rate, according to each predation treatment. We demonstrated that the magnitude and nature of behavioural modification varied according to the response variables we considered. An index of predator avoidance and the distance from the food source were affected in an additive fashion by predatory cues (interaction term, p = 0.469 and p = 0.888 for the index of predator avoidance and the distance from the food source respectively); the effect of physical cues was stronger than the effect of chemical cues and the effect of the combined cues was highest. An index of territoriality was affected in a threshold‐like fashion (interaction term, p = 0.040); chemical or physical cues alone had no effect but when both cues were combined, Atlantic salmon significantly reduced their territorial defence. An index of foraging activity was not significantly affected by predatory cues (alone or combined). We detected no effect on the growth rate of Atlantic salmon (p = 0.328). Finally, we found that the relative contribution of behaviours in explaining individual growth rate changed according to the treatments we considered. Overall, these results demonstrated that fish were able to accurately integrate multiple predatory cues and that this information was used to modulate their antipredatory response. Behaviours involved in the response were relatively independent of each other, allowing fish to adopt behavioural tactics that maximized the ratio of net energy gain to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The carcasses of semelparous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) provide nutrients that enter aquatic ecosystems by various pathways, including direct consumption of tissue by fishes. Salmonids and other species frequently eat eggs and other tissues from dead salmon but the roles of vision and olfaction are unclear, as is the relative attraction to different tissues. Accordingly, we conducted a series of in situ experiments using minnow traps in two natural streams in Alaska to test the relative roles of chemosensory and visual cues in attraction of fishes to eggs from adult Pacific salmon, and then compared catch rates of traps baited with eggs, muscle, liver, and testis. Experiments indicated that chemical traces were necessary and sufficient to attract juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and sculpins (Cottus spp.) into traps. Combining both sites, 70 salmonids and 19 sculpins were trapped using visual and chemical cues, and 53 and 21, respectively, for traps with only chemical cues. Traps with only the sight of eggs caught no salmonids and only 5 sculpins, comparable to empty control traps. In addition, eggs were markedly more attractive than the other tissues, trapping 68?% of the salmonids and 69?% of the sculpins, compared to 14?% and 15?% for muscle tissue, 12?% and 11?% for liver, and 6?% and 5?% for the testis. Visual cues undoubtedly play a role in egg consumption in streams, but these experiments indicated a very important role of chemical traces in attracting fish to the vicinity of the eggs, and selective attraction of eggs over other salmon tissues.  相似文献   

The current paradigm of fish community distribution is one of a downstream increase in species richness by addition, but this concept is based on a small number of streams from the mid-west and southern United States, which are dominated by cyprinids. Further, the measure of species richness traditionally used, without including evenness, may not be providing an accurate reflection of the fish community. We hypothesize that in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids, fish community diversity will be affected by the presence of the anadromous species, and therefore be influenced by those factors affecting the salmonid population. Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada, provides a long-term data set to evaluate fish community diversity upstream and downstream of an obstruction (North American beaver Castor canadensis dam complex), which affects distribution of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. The Shannon Weiner diversity index and community evenness were calculated for sample sites distributed throughout the brook and over 15 years. Fish community diversity was greatest upstream of the beaver dams and in the absence of Atlantic salmon. The salmon appear to depress the evenness of the community but do not affect species richness. The community upstream of the beaver dams changes due to replacement of slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus by salmon, rather than addition, when access is provided. Within Catamaran Brook, location of beaver dams and autumn streamflow interact to govern adult Atlantic salmon spawner distribution, which then dictates juvenile production and effects on fish community. These communities in an anadromous Atlantic salmon dominated stream do not follow the species richness gradient pattern shown in cyprinid-dominated streams and an alternative model for stream fish community distribution in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids is presented. This alternative model suggests that community distribution may be a function of semipermeable obstructions, streamflow and the distribution of the anadromous species affecting resident stream fish species richness, evenness, biomass and production.  相似文献   

Prey incorporate multiple forms of publicly available information on predation risk into threat-sensitive antipredator behaviours. Changes in information availability have previously been demonstrated to elicit transient alterations in behavioural patterns, while the effects of long-term deprivation of particular forms of information remain largely unexplored. Damage-released chemical alarm cues from the epidermis of fishes are rendered non-functional under weakly acidic conditions (pH < 6.6), depriving fish of an important source of information on predation risk in acidified waterbodies. We addressed the effects of long-term deprivation on the antipredator responses to different combinations of chemical and visual threat cues via in situ observations of wild, free-swimming 0+ Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry in four neutral and four weakly acidic nursery streams. In addition, a cross-population transplant experiment and natural interannual variation in acidity enabled the examination of provenance and environment as causes of the observed differences in response. Fish living under weakly acidic conditions demonstrate significantly greater or hypersensitive antipredator responses to visual cues compared to fish under neutral conditions. Under neutral conditions, fish demonstrate complementary (additive or synergistic) effects of paired visual and chemical cues consistent with threat-sensitive responses. Cross-population transplants and interannual comparisons of responses strongly support the conclusion that differences in antipredator responses between neutral and weakly acidic streams result from the loss of chemical information on predation risk, as opposed to population-derived differences in behaviours.  相似文献   

1. Studies of dispersal of macroinvertebrates in streams and rivers tend to be focused on drift, whilst benthic movements are usually considered to be less important.
2. Field-enclosure experiments with the mayfly Baetis rhodani indicate that net dispersal in this species is simply a proportional loss of individuals from the benthos.
3. Neither net upstream or downstream movements exhibited evidence of density-dependence in the form of curvilinear relationships between initial and final densities.
4. The net number of animals moving upstream did not differ significantly from the net number moving downstream.
5. The probable mechanisms behind density-independent dispersal are discussed, as are the implications for our understanding of population dynamics in relation to invertebrate drift.  相似文献   

Summary Mayfly larvae of Paraleptophlebia heteronea (McDunnough) had two antipredator responses to a nocturnal fish predator (Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes)): flight into the drift and retreat into interstitial crevices. Drift rates of Paraleptophlebia abruptly increased by 30 fold when fish were actively foraging in the laboratory streams but, even before fish were removed, drift began returning to control levels because larvae settled to the substrate and moved to areas of low risk beneath stones. This drifting response was used as an immediate escape behavior which likely decreases risk of capture from predators which forage actively at night. Surprisingly, drift most often occurred before contact between predator and prey, and we suggest that in darkness this mayfly may use hydrodynamic pressure waves for predator detection, rather than chemical cues, since fish forage in an upstream direction. Although drifting may represent a cost to mayfly larvae in terms of relocation to a new foraging area with unknown food resources, the immediate mortality risk probably out-weighs the importance of staying within a profitable food patch because larvae can survive starvation for at least 2 d. In addition to drifting, mayflies retreated from upper, exposed substrate surfaces to concealed interstitial crevices immediately after a predator encounter, or subsequent to resettlement on the substrate after predator-induced drift. A latency period was associated with this response and mayflies remained in these concealed locations for at least 3 h after dace foraging ceased. Because this mayfly feeds at night and food levels are significantly lower in field refugia under stones, relative to exposed stone surfaces, predator avoidance activity may limit foraging time and, ultimately, reduce the food intake of this stream mayfly.  相似文献   

1. The diel foraging periodicities of two grazing mayfly (Ephemeroptera) nymphs, Heptagenia dalecarlica and Baetis rhodani, under variable fish (European minnow) predation risk were examined in a series of laboratory experiments. 2. Heptagenia dalecarlica were almost exclusively nocturnal in their use of feeding areas on stone tops. There was a sharp increase in the proportion of nymphs out of refuge at nightfall, both in the control and fish-odour treatments. In a treatment with freely moving fish, H. dalecarlica decreased their activity during both the day and night. In feeding trials with three freely foraging minnows, nymphs were completely safe when they had access to refuges beneath stones, whereas almost half the nymphs were consumed when no refuges were available. 3. Baetis rhodani nymphs reduced their use of stone tops when exposed to four caged minnows or a freely moving fish, but this occurred both day and night. In feeding trials, B. rhodani were captured only while in the water column, and their mortality risk was independent of refuge availability. 4. It is suggested that because H. dalecarlica lack efficient post-encounter defences, they must rely on pre-encounter mechanisms to reduce the threat of fish predation. It appears that in order to dwell sympatrically with fish, H. dalecarlica have evolved a coexistence by hiding strategy. In contrast, Baetis are vulnerable to fish attacks only if they enter drift in daylight, and are thus able to remain on stone tops both during the day and at night.  相似文献   

The diel activity patterns of fishes in a temperate New Brunswick stream were studied during the summer over 5 years. Young‐of‐the year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus were more active during the day than at night, whereas lake chub Couesius plumbeus, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and adult white suckers Catostomus commersonii were more active at night than during the day. Because fishes were as likely to be nocturnal as diurnal, the data suggest that more night‐time sampling is needed to provide an unbiased view of fish community structure in temperate streams.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in foraging group structure of a fish assemblage was examined in a flood-prone stream in southern Hokkaido, Japan. Foraging behaviour was observed underwater for four species which inhabit the water column: ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, and Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, with each species being categorized into five size classes (species-size group; SSG). Based on foraging behaviour, each SSG of the fish assemblage was classified into one of four foraging groups: algae grazers, drift foragers, benthos-drift foragers, and omnivores, defined as SSG exhibiting similar foraging behaviour. All size classes of ayu, and of charr and salmon were categorized as algae grazers and drift foragers, respectively, throughout the study period. In contrast, size classes of dace were categorized as drift foragers, benthos-drift foragers, or omnivores with the same size classes often assigned to different foraging groups from month to month. Digestive tract contents of the fishes in the four foraging groups reflected their observed foraging behaviour, and foraging groups were therefore regarded as representing trophic groups. Abundance and membership of each foraging group varied in accordance with changes in abundance of SSG due to their growth, immigration, emigration, and/or mortality. Moreover, due to numerical dominance within the assemblage, plasticity in foraging behaviour of small- and medium-sized dace also played a key role in determining variability in the foraging group structure. Relative frequencies of two types of foraging behaviour, algae nipping and benthos foraging, of the small-sized dace were significantly correlated with the level of each resource, whereas no significant relationship was detected between foraging frequencies of the medium-sized dace and either resource. Fluctuations in foraging group structure within this assemblage occurred through niche shifts of some component members and by changes in SSG composition.  相似文献   

1. We examined whether the isopod, Lirceus fontinalis, an important facultative shredder in low-order streams in the eastern United States, responded to chemical cues of the skin mucus of five fish species varying in relatedness and feeding habits, and if fish-induced alterations in the foraging activity of isopods indirectly affected leaf processing. 2. In the laboratory, isopods generally responded to the presence of fish mucus by reducing their activity. Isopods were most responsive in water containing the skin mucus of predatory sunfish (Lepomis) and least responsive in water treated with mucus from algivorous stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum). 3. Rates of leaf disc breakdown by isopods in the laboratory were significantly reduced when isopods were exposed to chemical cues of confined green sunfish (L. cyanellus). 4. The rate of leaf processing in a fishless reach of a headwater stream was four to five times greater by isopods 7—10mmTL (total length) than those ≤ 5mm TL. Rates of leaf processing by isopods in low-order streams may be affected directly by the size structure of the isopod population and indirectly by the presence of fish.  相似文献   

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