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A survey of the endophytic fungi in fronds of Livistona chinensis was carried out in Hong Kong. The endophyte assemblages identified using morphological characters consisted of 16 named species and 19 'morphospecies', the latter grouped based on cultural morphology and growth rates. Arrangement of taxa into morphospecies does not reflect species phylogeny, and therefore selected morphospecies were further identified based on ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence analysis. The 5.8S gene and flanking internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) regions of rDNA from 19 representative morphospecies were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis based on 5.8S gene sequences showed that these morphospecies were filamentous Ascomycota, belonging in the Loculoascomycetes and Pyrenomycetes. Further identification was conducted by means of sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis of both the ITS and 5.8S regions. Results showed that MS704 belonged to the genus Diaporthe and its anamorph Phomopsis of the Valsaceae. MS594 was inferred to be Mycosphaerella and its anamorph Cladosporium of the Mycosphaerellaceae. MS339, MS366, MS370, MS395, MS1033, MS1083 and MS1092 were placed in the genus Xylaria of the Xylariaceae. MS194, MS375 and MS1028 were close to the Clypeosphaeriaceae. MS191 and MS316 were closely related to the Pleosporaceae within the Dothideales. The other 5 morphospecies, MS786, MS1043, MS1065, MS1076 and MS1095, probably belong in the Xylariales. The value of using DNA sequence analysis in the identification of endophytes is discussed.  相似文献   

油茶是我国热带和亚热带地区广泛栽培的一类重要的经济树种,其种子可生产优质食用油(茶油)。为了比较全面地了解油茶的内生真菌多样性,采用基于rDNA ITS的免培养法从油茶叶片中提取了总DNA,再从总DNA样本中直接扩增了内生真菌核糖体RNA基因内转录间隔区序列(ITS),进而构建了ITS克隆文库。共计从50个克隆子中获得了22种不同的克隆序列,其中3个为嵌合体,7个归属为植物,其余克隆序列根据序列相似性和系统发育分析归为12个不同的分类操作单元(OTUs),全部为子囊菌,分属于4纲4目,其中Aspergillus属2种,Mycosphaerellaceae科1种,Sordariales目4种,Helotiales目5种,Aspergillus属真菌是优势菌。结果表明油茶叶片内生真菌的种类分布较广。  相似文献   

A total of 38 endophytic fungus strains were isolated from Taxus chinensis var. mairei by aseptic technique. Genomic DNA was extracted from isolated endophytic fungi and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for the presence of Taxus taxadiene synthase (TS) gene, a rate-limiting enzyme gene in the taxol biosynthetic pathway. Twelve out of 38 isolated endophytic fungus strains showed PCR positive for the ts gene. Subsequently, taxol and its related compounds were extracted from culture filtrates and mycelia of the PCR positive strains, separated by column chromatography and analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrum. The analysis result showed that 3 strains could produce taxol and its related compounds at the detectible level. This study indicates that molecular detection of the ts gene is an efficient method for primary screening of taxol or its related compounds-producing endophytic fungi which can improve prominently screening efficiency.  相似文献   

应用16S rDNA序列探讨斑腿蝗科的单系性及其亚科的分类地位   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
本文测定了斑腿蝗科10亚科20种蝗虫和其他蝗科3种蝗虫的线粒体16S rDNA部分序列,并从GenBank中下载了15种蝗亚目昆虫的16S rRNA基因相应序列片段。比对后的序列长度是397 bp,其中有196个变异位点,157个简约信息位点,A+T平均含量为71.7%,C+G平均含量为28.3%。以序列差异比值为横坐标,以碱基转换数和颠换数为纵坐标作散点图,结果表明颠换多于转换,且随着差异程度的增加,转换明显出现了饱和。以蚱总科的日本蚱Tetrix japonica和卡尖顶蚱Teredorus carmichaeli作外群,用ME、等权MP、加权MP及贝叶斯法重建系统发生树。分子系统树表明,斑腿蝗科并非是一单系群,该科的切翅蝗亚科与稻蝗亚科也均不是一单系群;卵翅蝗、伪稻蝗和稻蝗三者有很近的亲缘关系;支持将黑蝗亚科和秃蝗亚科合为一个亚科——秃蝗亚科;现行的稻蝗亚科并非一单系群,而是一多系群。分子系统学研究结果和传统的基于形态特征的斑腿蝗科的分类体系有很大的不同。  相似文献   

曲哲  丛斌  褚栋  董辉 《昆虫学报》2009,52(5):582-587
Wolbachia是广泛分布于节肢动物体内的一类共生细菌。采用16S rDNA特异片段的PCR-RFLP方法对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)不同生物型及米蛾Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)共生菌Wolbachia进行了检测与分型分析。基于wsp基因对烟粉虱共生菌B组Wolbachia以及米蛾共生菌Wolbachia进行了系统树分析,并对相应的Wolbachia16S rDNA特异片段进行了克隆、测序以及序列比对。结果表明:16S rDNA的特异片段经NheⅠ酶切后RFLP图谱可有效检测与鉴别Wolbachia。烟粉虱共生菌Wolbachia的16S rDNA特异片段经VspⅠ酶切后可得到预期RFLP图谱,而米蛾共生菌B组Wolbachia (基于wsp序列分析为B组)则产生不同的RFLP图谱。序列分析表明,Nauru型烟粉虱体内B组Wolbachia的16S rDNA片段序列与已知B组Wolbachia对应序列(DQ278884)同源性为100%;米蛾体内B组Wolbachia 16S rDNA特异片段有碱基变异,并存在于VspⅠ识别位点内,这是导致VspⅠ酶切后RFLP图谱不同的原因。结果提示,B组Wolbachia 16S rDNA特异片段经VspⅠ酶切的RFLP图谱存在多态性。本研究结果可为今后Wolbachia的检测与分型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Saito K  Suyama Y  Sato S  Sugawara K 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(6):363-373
The effects of defoliation on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) associations in the field were investigated in terms of the community structure of AM fungi colonizing roots of grassland plants; the carbohydrate balance of the host plants was also determined. We focused on two plant species dominating Japanese native grasslands: the grazing-intolerant species Miscanthus sinensis and the grazing-tolerant species Zoysia japonica. Community structures of AM fungi were determined from 18S rRNA gene sequences. The dominant fungal group in both plant species was the Glomus clade, which was classified into several phylogenetic groups based on genetic distances and topology. In Miscanthus roots, the Glomus-Ab, Glomus-Ac, and Glomus-Ad groups were detected almost equally. In Zoysia roots, the Glomus-Ab group was dominant. Defoliation effects on the community structure of AM fungi differed between the plant species. In Miscanthus roots, the percentage of root length colonized (%RLC) by the Glomus-Ac and Glomus-Ad groups was significantly reduced by defoliation treatment. On the other hand, AM fungal group composition in Zoysia roots was unaffected by defoliation except on the last sampling date. Decreased %RLC by Glomus-Ac and Glomus-Ad coincided with decreased non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) levels in host plants; also, significant positive correlations were found between the %RLC and some NSC levels. On the other hand, the %RLC by Glomus-Ab in both plant species was unaffected by the NSC level. These results suggest that AM fungal groups have different carbohydrate requirements from host plants.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00572-003-0286-x  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were examined within the southern beech family Nothofagaceae using 22 species representing the four currently recognized subgenera and related outgroups. Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences encoding the 5.8s rRNA and two flanking internal transcribed spacers (ITS) provided 95 phylogenetically informative nucleotide sites from a single alignment of ~588 bases per species. Parsimony analysis of this variation produced two equally parsimonious trees supporting four monophyletic groups, which correspond to groups designated by pollen type. These topologies were compared to trees from reanalyses of previously reported rbcL sequences and a modified morphological data set. Results from parsimony analysis of the three data sets were highly congruent, with topological differences restricted to the placement of a few terminal taxa. Combined analysis of molecular and morphological data produced six equally parsimonious trees. The consensus of these trees suggests two basal clades within Nothofagus. Within the larger of the two clades, tropical Nothofagus (subgenus Brassospora) of New Guinea and New Caledonia are strongly supported as sister to cool-temperate species of South America (subgenus Nothofagus). Most of the morphological apomorphies of the cupule, fruit, and pollen of Nothofagus are distributed within this larger clade. An area cladogram based on the consensus of combined data supports three trans-Antarctic relationships, two within pollen groups and one between pollen groups. Fossil data support continuous ancestral distributions for all four pollen groups prior to continental drift; therefore, vicariance adequately explains two of these disjunctions. Extinction of trans-Antarctic sister taxa within formerly widespread pollen groups explains the third disjunction; this results in a biogeographic pattern indicative of phylogenetic relationship not vicariance. For the biogeographically informative vicariant clades, area relationships based on total evidence support the recently advanced hypothesis that New Zealand and Australia share a unique common ancestry. Contrary to previous thought, the distribution of extant Nothofagus is informative on the area relationships of the Southern Hemisphere, once precise phylogenetic relationships are placed in the context of fossil data.  相似文献   

The tropical Indo-Pacific genus Excoecaria L. (Euphorbiaceae) has several closely related species in Australia whose taxonomic relationships are unclear. The most widely reported species in Australia is the mangrove species Excoecaria agallocha L. (type species), whose taxonomic and geographic limits are difficult to define from its closely related species or sub-species. Two additional taxa have also been described but not clearly differentiated from the type species: Excoecaria dallachyana Baillon and Excoecaria ovalis Endl. This project aimed to determine the taxonomic relationships of the Australian Excoecaria species using both leaf morphological data and DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal genes. The nucleotide differences in the examined ITS1 region show that E. agallocha from eastern Australia and E. ovalis from Western Australia respectively, are genetically uniform within species but differ from each other consistently, thus supporting species status. The leaf morphological data also support this view: single factor analysis of variance consistently separated E. ovalis from E. agallocha on the basis of leaf width, leaf length and length of petiole. In contrast, E. ovalis from the Gulf of Carpentaria differs only slightly from E. ovalis in Western Australia, but no evidence was found to suggest any leaf morphological differentiation within this species. The analysis also suggests that E. dallachyana is not closely related to either mangrove species E. agallocha or E. ovalis, despite superficial morphological similarities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide data from small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences (ca. 1685 bp.) was performed on 19 taxa of the Onygenales and three related mitosporic fungi. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the sequence data of related taxa obtained from DNA databases. The species in the Onygenales form two clusters and seven subclusters, and the tree topology reflects the traditional classification by Currah (1985) with some exceptions. The Myxotrichaceae is placed in the different lineage, separate from other plectomycetous taxa and among the Leotiales and the Erysiphales. Furthermore, two separate lineages in the Myxotrichaceae were found. Tree topology suggested the Onygenaceae is polyphyletic and composed of three subgroups; 1) most members of Onygenaceae, 2)Spiromastix warcupii, and 3) pathogenic dimorphic fungi classified inAjellomyces.  相似文献   

To clarify the taxonomic status of tomatoes (“Lycopersicon”) and their relationship to the members of sect. Petota of genus Solanum L., organization of the rDNA external transcribed spacer (5′ ETS) was studied in 33 Solanum and “Lycopersicon” species. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that three major groups can be distinguished. Non-tuber-bearing species of ser. Etuberosa as well as tuber-bearing Central American diploids appeared as a paraphyletic group. The first of two well-defined clades embraced all tuber-bearing South American species and Central American polyploids. The other clade (named “tomato clade”) contains non-tuber-bearing species of ser. Juglandifolia and tomato species of ser. Neolycopersicon, which appears to be imbedded in sect. Petota. The new 5′ ETS variant D characterized by a cluster of downstream subrepeats is characteristic for the tomato clade. The variant D originated directly from the most ancestral variant A found in ser. Etuberosa and the Central American diploids, whereas variants B and C specific for the tuber-bearing South American species and Central American polyploids represent a parallel lineage of molecular evolution. The sequence analysis demonstrates the existence of an evolutionary trend of parallel multiplication of specific motifs in 5′ ETS in different groups of sect. Petota.  相似文献   

Organisms in possession of a frondose body plan are amongst the oldest and most enigmatic members of the soft‐bodied Ediacaran macrobiota. Appraisal of specimens from the late Ediacaran Ediacara Member of South Australia reveals that the frondose taxon Arborea arborea probably possessed a fluid‐filled holdfast disc, the size and form of which could vary within populations. Mouldic preservation of internal anatomical features provides evidence for tissue differentiation, and for bundles of tubular structures within the stalk of the organism. These structures connect in a fascicled arrangement to individual lateral branches, before dividing further into individual units housed on those branches. The observed fascicled branching arrangement, which seemingly connects individual units to the main body of the organism, is consistent with a biologically modular construction for Arborea, and raises the possibility of a colonial organization. In conjunction with morphological characters previously recognized by other authors, including apical‐basal and front‐back differentiation, we propose that to the exclusion of all alternative known possibilities, Arborea can be resolved as a total group eumetazoan.  相似文献   

为了了解红豆杉Taxus chinensis内生真菌的种类及分布特点,通过采样,分离,培养与鉴定,对安徽黄山红豆杉内生真菌的群落结构及生态分布进行了研究.结果共分离出14属107株内生真菌,其中青霉属Penicillium,曲霉属Aspergillus,交链孢属Alternaria和拟青霉属Paecilomyces为优势种群.同时内生真菌的多样性具有组织专一性,以根和皮中分布较多,分别是分离菌株总数的37.38%和26.17%.  相似文献   

Taxonomic relationships within the corals and anemones (Phylum Cnidaria: Class Anthozoa) are based upon few morphological characters. The significance of any given character is debatable, and there is little fossil record available for deriving evolutionary relationships. We analyzed complete 18S ribosomal sequences to examine subclass-level and ordinal-level organization within the Anthozoa. We suggest that the Subclass Ceriantipatharia is not an evolutionarily relevant grouping. The Order Corallimorpharia appears paraphyletic and closely related to the Order Scleractinia. The 18S rRNA gene may be insufficient for establishing robust phylogenetic hypotheses concerning the specific relationships of the Corallimorpharia and the Ceriantharia and the branching sequence for the orders within the Hexacorallia. The 18S rRNA gene has sufficient phylogenetic signal, however, to distinguish among the major groupings within the Class Anthozoa, and we use this information to suggest relationships for the enigmatic taxa Dactylanthus and Dendrobrachia.  相似文献   

The ciliate Sorogena stoianovitchae, which can form a multicellular fruiting body, has been classified based upon its ultrastructure and morphology: the oral and somatic infraciliature of S. stoianovitchae most closely resemble those of members of the order Cyrtolophosidida in the class Colpodea. We characterized the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene sequence from S. stoianovitchae and compared this sequence with those from representatives of all ciliate classes. These analyses placed S. stoianovitchae as either sister to members of the class Nassophorea or Colpodea. In an in-group analysis, including all SSU rDNA sequences from members of the classes Nassophorea and Colpodea and representatives of appropriate outgroups, S. stoianovitchae was always sister to Platyophrya vorax (class Colpodea, order Cyrtolophosidida). However, our analyses failed to support the monophyly of the class Colpodea. Instead, our data suggest that there are essentially three unresolved clades: (1) the class Nassophorea; (2) Bresslaua vorax, Colpoda inflata, Pseudoplatyophrya nana, and Bursaria truncatella (class Colpodea); and (3) P. vorax and S. stoianovitchae (class Colpodea).  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences alignment and proteomic difference of Anoectochilus interspecies have been studied by means of ITS molecular identification and surface enhanced laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrography. Results showed that variety certification on Anoectochilus by ITS sequences can not determine species, and there is proteomic difference among Anoectochilus interspecies. Moreover, proteomic finger printings of five Anoectochilus species have been established for identifying species, and genetic relationships of five species within Anoectochilus have been deduced according to proteomic differences among five species.  相似文献   

PCR primers with broad applicability are useful in many molecular-based studies; however, their universality can compromise results when DNA contaminants also are amplified. Eighty-one templates ofDahlia (Asteraceae), primarily extracted from native Mexican populations, were tested for the presence of fungal contaminants; out of these, almost 1 in 7 templates (13.6%) was contaminated. In a second survey across 12 angiosperm families using material collected in Illinois, fungal DNA contaminated over 60% of the templates analyzed. Endophytic fungi often are symptomless symbionts living within the above-ground tissues of their angiosperm hosts and are not affected by surface sterilization techniques. Recent studies have revealed their widespread occurrence and broad host range. We also present field strategies for obtaining plant material to reduce the possibility of collecting infected leaves and a simple screening test for detecting fungal DNA in angiosperm templates.  相似文献   

探究了新疆盐生植物黑果枸杞不同组织中内生真菌群落的组成及多样性,为深入研究盐碱、干旱等环境下内生真菌与宿主的互作机制,筛选和开发促生、防病和抗逆等功能的有益内生真菌资源提供科学依据。利用ITS高通量测序技术比较黑果枸杞不同组织真菌群落组成及差异,并采用FUNGuild数据库预测真菌群落生态功能。测序共获得高质量内生真菌序列354 058条,涉及291个OTUs,分属于9门、19纲、34目、50科、60属。α多样性指数分析表明,根、果中真菌群落多样性和丰富度程度较高,叶居中,花的多样性最低,茎的丰富度最低。对黑果枸杞内生真菌群落组成和优势菌群的分析表明,子囊菌门为优势菌门,花、叶、果、茎和根中相对丰度分别为86.85%、72.36%、75.97%、84.44%和85.02%。链格孢属为黑果枸杞植株中的核心属,不同组织中均有分布,在花、叶、果、茎和根中占比分别为85.41%、69.79%、47.07%、79.94%和36.97%。较优势的菌尚有枝孢属、枝顶孢属、新凸轮孢菌属、茎点霉属和楔孢黑粉菌属等真菌。这些菌多具有促生、抗逆等特性,在宿主对盐碱、干旱等极端环境的适应性方面有着潜在功能。各组织独有属的相对丰度均未超过1%。共有菌和独有菌在不同组织中的组成和相对丰度差异较大。经FUNGuild软件平台解析显示,黑果枸杞中病理-腐生-共生营养型的相对丰度最高,在花、叶、果、茎和根中分别为85.41%、69.84%、47.24%、79.98%和37.09%。果和叶中含多种相对丰度≥1%的条件致病菌,而根中腐生真菌种类较多。黑果枸杞中蕴含着功能丰富的内生真菌菌群,在不同组织中的组成及其生态功能差异较大,同时还含有大量未鉴定出种属和未定义的功能菌群,这些可为黑果枸杞功能菌群发掘提供数据参考。  相似文献   

Fungi and bacteria were isolated from surface disinfected leaf tissues of several citrus rootstocks. The principal bacterial species isolated were Alcaligenes sp., Bacillus spp. (including B. cereus, B. lentus, B. megaterium, B. pumilus, and B. subtilis), Burkholderia cepacia, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Enterobacter cloacae, Methylobacterium extorquens, and Pantoea agglomerans, with P. agglomerans and B. pumilus being the most frequently isolated species. The most abundant fungal species were Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Guignardia citricarpa, and Cladosporium sp. Genetic variability between 36 endophytic bacterial isolates was analysed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, which indicated that B. pumilus isolates were more diverse than P. agglomerans isolates, although genetic diversity was not related to the host plants. In vitro interaction studies between G. citricarpa isolates and the most frequently isolated endophytic bacteria showed that metabolites secreted by G. citricarpa have an inhibitory growth effect on some Bacillus species, and a stimulatory growth effect on P. agglomerans.  相似文献   

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