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Nonlinear charge movement (gating current) was studied by the whole-cell patch clamp method using cultured 17-d-old embryonic chick heart cells. Na+ and Ca++ currents were blocked by the addition of 10 microM TTX and 3 mM CoCl2; Cs+ replaced K+ both intra- and extracellularly. Linear capacitive and leakage currents were subtracted by a P/5 procedure. The small size (15 microns in diameter) and the lack of an organized internal membrane system in these myocytes permits a rapid voltage clamp of the surface membrane. Ca++ channel gating currents were activated positive to -60 mV; the rising phase was not distorted due to the system response time. The addition of BAY K 8644 (10(-6) M) caused a shortening of the time to peak of the Ca++ gating current, and a negative shift in the isochronal Qon vs. Vm curve. Qmax was unchanged by BAY K 8644. The voltage-dependent shift produced by BAY K 8644 is similar to that produced by isoproterenol (Josephson, I.R., and N. Sperelakis. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:305a. [Abstr.]). The results suggest that the binding of BAY K 8466 to one or more of the Ca++ channel subunits alters the kinetics and shifts the voltage dependence of gating. These changes in the gating currents can explain the parallel changes in the macroscopic Ca++ currents.  相似文献   

The glucose-induced B-cell electrical activity was recorded in islets of Langerhans isolated from Swiss Webster albino mice originating from different suppliers. 23 out of 25 islets obtained from mice bred at the Charles River Breeding Station (CR mice) exhibited irregular or chaotic burst patterns of electrical activity, while 36 out of 40 islets isolated from mice bred locally at the National Institutes of Health displayed the typical bursting activity. The CR mice tended to recover a regular pattern after 1 mo on the National Institutes of Health mouse diet. The irregular or chaotic bursting electrical activity is proposed to result from changes in B-cell membrane composition or cellular metabolism, possibly induced by differences in diet.  相似文献   

R M Santos  E Rojas 《FEBS letters》1989,249(2):411-417
Acetylcholine (1-10 microM) depolarized the membrane and stimulated glucose-induced bursts of electrical activity in mouse pancreatic B-cells. The acetylcholine effects were mimicked by muscarine while nicotine had no effect on membrane potential. Pirenzepine, an antagonist of the classical M1-type muscarinic receptors, but not gallamine (1-100 microM), an antagonist of the classical M2-type receptors, antagonized the acetylcholine action on glucose-induced electrical activity (IC50 = 0.25 microM). Bethanechol, an agonist of the classical M2-type muscarinic receptors, was approximately 100 times less effective than acetylcholine in stimulating the electrical activity. In addition, acetylcholine (1 microM) induced a marked increase (25%) in input resistance to the B-cell membrane. The results indicate that acetylcholine exerted its effects on the B-cell membrane by inhibiting K+ conductance via activation of a muscarinic receptor subtype distinct from the classical M2-type receptor.  相似文献   

The effects of (+) and (-) enantiomers of Bay K 8644, a Ca2+ channel agonist, on the mechanical and electrical properties of frog skeletal muscle fibers were investigated. In the concentration range of 10(-6) to 10(-5) M, both (+) and (-) enantiomers of Bay K 8644 significantly increased the maximum amplitudes of twitch responses. Both (+) and (-) enantiomers of Bay K 8644, at higher concentrations such as 10(-4) M, greatly depressed the amplitudes of twitches. Potentiating and depressing effects of (-) enantiomer of Bay K 8644 on twitch responses were significantly greater than those of the (+) enantiomer. At all concentrations used, both (+) and (-) enantiomers of Bay K 8644 significantly decreased the area under the tetanic force x time curve. In intracellular recordings, it was found that the depressing effects of both (+) and (-)-Bay K 8644 on tetanic contractions and twitch responses were due to the inhibition of action potentials. The inhibitory effect of (-) enantiomer of Bay K 8644 on action potentials also was significantly greater than that of the (+) enantiomer. In conclusion, present results suggest that, in contrast with cardiac muscle fibers, (+) and (-) enantiomers of Bay K 8644 have similar inhibitory effects on the electrical and mechanical properties of frog skeletal muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Calcium and BAY K 8644 acutely stimulate calcitonin secretion by influx of extracellular calcium (Ca) through voltage-dependent calcium channels, leading to an increase in cytosolic free Ca. Repetitive exposure to BAY K 8644 (10(-6) M) resulted in an increase in calcitonin (CT) secretion in the rat C-cell line (rMTC 6-23) lasting 9 hours, in comparison to that of 3 mM Ca2+ which lasted 6 hours. Equimolar concentration of nifedipine did not inhibit the stimulatory effect of BAY K 8644 as compared to the nifedipine only group. The decrease in stimulated CT secretion during long-term exposure to BAY K 8644 is due to desensitization of cells which may be attributed to down-regulation of dihydropyridine receptors. After 12 h exposures to 3 mM Ca2+ alone, BAY K 8644 (10(-6) M) alone or in combination with nifedipine (10(-6) M), CT content decreased below the control level, indicating a decrease in synthesis. Overall cellular protein content was not affected by the test agents. Repetitive exposure of C-cells to BAY K 8644 revealed a desensitization of the stimulatory effect on CT secretion and a decrease in CT cell content.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that nonspecific drug interaction with the lipid bilayer plays an important role in subsequent recognition and binding to specific receptor sites in the membrane. The interaction of Bay K 8644, a 1,4-dihydropyridine (DHP) calcium channel agonist, with model and biological membranes was examined at the molecular level using small angle x-ray diffraction. Nonspecific drug partitioning into the membrane was examined by radiochemical assay. Nonspecific binding characteristics of [3H] Bay K 8644 were determined in both dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles above and below their thermal phase transition (Tm) and rabbit skeletal muscle light sarcoplasmic reticulum (LSR). In DPPC, the partition coefficient, Kp, was 14,000 above the Tm (55 degrees C) versus 160 in the gel phase (2 degrees C). The Kp determined in LSR membranes was 10,700. These values for both DPPC and LSR membranes can be compared with Kp = 290 in the traditional octanol/buffer system. Using small-angle x-ray diffraction, the equilibrium position of the electron-dense trifluoromethyl group of Bay K 8644 in DPPC (above Tm) and purified cardiac sarcolemmal (CSL) lipid bilayers was determined to be consistently located within the region of the first few methylene segments of the fatty acyl chains of these membranes. This position is similar to that observed for the DHP calcium channel antagonists nimodipine and Bay P 8857. We suggest this particular membrane location defines a region of local drug concentration and plane for lateral diffusion to a common receptor site. Below the DPPC membrane Tm, Bay K 8644 was shown to be excluded from this energetically favored position into the interbilayer water space. Heating the DPPC bilayer above the Tm (55 degrees C) showed that this exclusion was reversible and indicates that drug-membrane interaction is dependent on the bilayer physical state. The absence of any specific protein binding sites in these systems allows us to ascertain the potentially important role that the bulk lipid phase may play in the molecular mechanism of DHP binding to the specific receptor site associated with the calcium channel.  相似文献   

Bay K 8644, a novel dihydropyridine, stimulates calcitonin secretion in a dose-dependent manner from a rat medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line, rMTC 6-23, and causes an increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration, as measured by quin-2. These effects are competitively inhibited by nifedipine, and completely abolished in the absence of extracellular calcium. These data suggest that calcium influx via voltage-dependent calcium channels plays a crucial role in the regulation of cytosolic free calcium concentration and calcitonin secretion.  相似文献   

Calcium channel activation in vascular smooth muscle by BAY K 8644   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BAY K 8644 (methyl-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-3-nitro-4-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl) pyridine-5-carboxylate) and CGP 28 392 (ethyl-4(2-difluoromethoxyphenyl)-1,4,5,7-tetrahydro-2-methyl-5-++ +oxofuro- [3,4-b]pyridine-3-carboxylate) are closely related in structure to nifedipine and other 1,4-dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists. However, both BAY K 8644 and CGP 28 392 serve as activators of Ca2+ channels. In the rat tail artery, responses to BAY K 8644 are dependent upon Ca2+ext and prior stimulation by K+ or by the alpha-adrenoceptor agonists, phenylephrine and BHT 920 (6-allyl-2-amino-5,6,7,8,-tetrahydro-4H-thiazolo[4,5-d]azepin dihydrochloride). Responses are blocked noncompetitively by the Ca2+ channel antagonists D-600 [-)-D-600 greater than (+)-D-600) and diltiazem, but competitively by nifedipine (pA2 = 8.27). This suggests that activator and inhibitor 1,4-dihydropyridines interact at the same site. BAY K 8644 potentiates K+ responses and Ca2+ responses in K+-depolarizing media. The leftward shift of the K+ dose--response curve produced by BAY K 8644 suggests that this ligand facilitates the voltage-dependent activation of the Ca2+ channel. The pA2 value for nifedipine antagonism of BAY K 8644 responses is significantly lower than that for nifedipine antagonism of Ca2+ responses in K+ (25-80 mM) depolarizing media (9.4-9.6), suggesting that the state of the channel may differ according to the activating stimulus.  相似文献   

Insulin secretion in normal B-cells is pulsatile, a consequence of oscillations in the cell membrane potential (MP) and cytosolic calcium activity ([Ca(2+)](c)). We simultaneously monitored glucose-induced changes in [Ca(2+)](c) and in the mitochondrial membrane potential DeltaPsi, as a measure for ATP generation. Increasing the glucose concentration from 0.5 to 15 mM led to the well-known hyperpolarization of DeltaPsi and ATP-dependent lowering of [Ca(2+)](c). However, as soon as [Ca(2+)](c) rose due to the opening of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, DeltaPsi depolarized and thereafter oscillations in [Ca(2+)](c) were parallel to oscillations in DeltaPsi. A depolarization or oscillations of DeltaPsi cannot be evoked by a substimulatory glucose concentration, but Ca(2+) influx provoked by 30 mM KCl was followed by a depolarization of DeltaPsi. The following feedback loop is suggested: Glucose metabolism via mitochondrial ATP production and closure of K(+)(ATP) channels induces an increase in [Ca(2+)](c). The rise in [Ca(2+)](c) in turn decreases ATP synthesis by depolarizing DeltaPsi, thus transiently terminating Ca(2+) influx.  相似文献   

Rabbit gall-bladder epithelial cells were isolated by a combination of Ca2+ omission, enzymatic treatment, and mechanical detachment and had a viability of 96-98% and well preserved morphology. Measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in these cells with the Ca2+-fluorescent indicator fura-2 demonstrated a resting [Ca2+]i level of 115 +/- 12 nM. When used in concentrations which inhibit rabbit gall-bladder isosmotic NaCl absorption (1-100 microM), the Ca2+-channel activator BAY K 8644 caused a dose-dependent increase in the epithelial [Ca2+]i to a maximal value of 850 nM. The effect was dependent on extracellular Ca2+, and was not altered by 1 microM L-verapamil. Depolarization of the epithelial cells with KCl had no effect on [Ca2+]i. The results suggest that BAY K 8644 activates a Ca2+ influx which is not dependent on voltage-gated channels. Cytosolic Ca2+ may be involved in the regulation of isosmotic NaCl absorption in the mammalian gall-bladder.  相似文献   

Effects of a novel slow channel activator, Bay K-8644 (Bay K), were studied on slow action potential (APs) in young and old embryonic chick hearts, and on its antagonism of the effects of diacetyl monoxime (DAM). The slow APs of young hearts are mediated by slow Na+ channels, whereas those of old hearts are mediated by slow Ca2+ channels. In slow APs of old (13-18 days old) embryonic chick hearts superfused with a high (22 mM) K+ solution, Bay K (10-6 M) gradually increased the amplitude, maximum rate of rise (Vmax), and duration of the slow APs. The actions of Bay K persisted for a long time (greater than 30 min) after washout of the drug. DAM (10 mM) depressed the Vmax, duration and amplitude of the slow APs. Some of the changes in slow AP parameters produced by DAM, e.g., Vmax decrease, were antagonized by the addition of Bay K (10(-6) M). In 3-day-old embryonic chick hearts. Bay K potentiated the slow APs and DAM depressed them; Bay K antagonized these effects of DAM. Thus, the actions of Bay K and DAM are likely to be produced, respectively, via the activation and depression of slow Ca2+ channels in old embryonic chick hearts. In addition, the drugs seem to influence slow Na+ channels found in young embryonic chick hearts.  相似文献   

Effects of Bay K 8644, a voltage-sensitive calcium channel agonist, on atrial natriuretic polypeptide (ANP) secretion from isolated rat hearts perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution were investigated. After a ninety-min period for stabilization, coronary sinus effluents were collected every two min and ANP levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. The basal secretory rate of ANP was 1.65 +/- 0.15 ng/min (mean +/- standard error). Bay K 8644 stimulated ANP secretion dose-dependently. This stimulatory action was blocked by simultaneous administration of nifedipine, its competitive antagonist. Heart rate was also increased by Bay K 8644 administration. In the gel filtration study, the major secretory form of ANP corresponded to alpha-rat ANP, a 28-amino acid peptide. These results suggest that voltage-sensitive calcium channels are involved in two principal biological properties, contraction and ANP secretion, of atrial cardiocytes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of the Ca2+ agonist BAY K 8644 and the Ca2+ antagonist nifedipine on halothane- and caffeine-induced twitch potentiation of mammalian skeletal muscle. Muscle fiber bundles were taken from normal Landrace pigs and exposed to BAY K 8644 (10 microM), nifedipine (1 microM), and low Ca2+ media administered alone and in combination with halothane (3%) or with increasing concentrations of caffeine (0.5-8.0 mM). Both BAY K 8644 and halothane potentiated twitches by approximately 80%; when they were administered in combination, twitch potentiation was nearly double that caused by either drug alone. In the presence of nifedipine, halothane increased twitches by less than 30%. Low Ca2+ significantly depressed twitches by approximately 25% but also inhibited halothane's inotropic effect. BAY K 8644 augmented caffeine potentiation but only at low caffeine concentrations (0.5-2.0 mM). Nifedipine and low Ca2+ failed to inhibit caffeine's inotropic effects. These results suggest that halothane potentiates twitches via a mechanism that involves or is influenced by extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

BAY-K-8644, a calcium channel agonist, induces a rise in cytoplasmic free calcium and iodide discharge in cultured porcine thyroid cells. The cytoplasmic free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, was measured using aequorin, a calcium-sensitive photoprotein. BAY-K-8644, a dihydropyridine derivative, acts as a Ca channel agonist and induces a rise in [Ca2+]i and iodide discharge; 0.5 nM BAY-K-8644 is a minimal dose to effect a rise in [Ca2+]i and iodide discharge and 50 nM BAY-K-8644 produces the maximal effect. The data indicate that BAY-K-8644-induced iodide discharge is mediated by a rise in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

To facilitate detailed studies of the B-cytotoxic action of alloxan we developed a model using isolated pancreatic islets of normal mice. An essential feature of this model is the low temperature employed during exposure to alloxan, which minimizes the degradation of the drug. The islets were incubated with alloxan for 30min at 4 degrees C and subsequently various aspects of their metabolism were studied. The O(2) consumption was measured by the Cartesian-diver technique. Islets exposed to 2mm-alloxan and control islets had the same endogenous respiration, whereas the O(2) uptake of the alloxan-treated islets was inhibited and that of the control islets stimulated when they were incubated with 28mm-glucose as an exogenous substrate. The islet glucose oxidation was estimated by measurement of the formation of (14)CO(2) from [U-(14)C]glucose at 37 degrees C. Compared with the controls, alloxan-treated islets showed a decrease in the glucose-oxidation rate in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment of the islets with 28mm-glucose for 30min at 37 degrees C completely protected against this effect, whereas preincubations at glucose concentrations below 16.7mm failed to exert any protective effect. The glucose utilization was estimated as the formation of (3)H(2)O from [5-(3)H]glucose. Alloxan (2mm) failed to affect islet glucoseutilization rate in the presence of either 2.8 or 28mm-glucose. In contrast, islets exposed to 5 or 10mm-alloxan exhibited lowered glucose utilization. It is concluded that in vitro alloxan has an acute inhibitory effect on the islet glucose metabolism, and that this action can be prevented by previous exposure to a high glucose concentration. The results are consistent with the idea that the B-cytotoxicity of alloxan reflects an interaction with intracellular sites involved in the oxidative metabolism of the B-cell.  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-dependent calcium currents were studied in cultured adult mouse pancreatic B-cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. When calcium currents were elicited with 10-sec depolarizing command pulses, the time course of inactivation was well fit by the sum of two exponentials. The more rapidlyinactivating component had a time constant of 75±5 msec at 0 mV and displayed both calcium influx- and voltage-dependent inactivation, while the more slowly-inanctivating component had a time constant of 2750±280 msec at 0 mV and inactivated primarily via voltage. The fast component was subject to greater steady-state inactivation at holding potentials between –100 and –40 mV and activated at a lower voltage threshold. This component was also significantly reduced by nimodipine (0.5 m) when a holding potential of –100 mV was used, whereas the slow component was unaffected. In contrast, the slow component was greatly increased by replacing external calcium with barium, while the fast component was unchanged. Cadmium (1–10 m) displayed a voltage-dependent block of calcium currents consistent with a greater effect on the high-threshold, more-slowly inactivating component. Taken together, the data suggest that cultured mouse B-cells, as with other insulin-secreting cells we have studied, possess at least two distinct calcium currents. The physiological significance of two calcium currents having distinct kinetic and steady-state inactivation characteristics for B-cell burst firing and insulin secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

Contraction of canine ventricular trabeculae were recorded stimulation at a frequency of 0.5 Hz and after rest periods of 2 and 8 min to analyze the effect of the Ca channel agonist BAY k 8644, on sarcoplasmic reticular function. Short periods of rest interposed between steady trains of stimuli caused a potentiation of the postrest beat. This is believed to be due to the mobilization of activator Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Racemic BAY k 8644 and its Ca channel agonist enantiomer, (-) BAY k 8644, both produced an increase in contraction in response to a steady train of stimuli but converted rest potentiation into rest depression. This has been interpreted as increased loss of Ca from the SR during diastole. Addition of Ca channel antagonists, (+) BAY k 8644, nitrendipine, or nifedipine, to reverse the agonistic effect of (-) and racemic BAY k 8644 on the Ca channel did not convert the rest depression into rest potentiation. In the presence of stimuli but converted rest potentiation into rest depression. This has been interpreted as increased loss of Ca from the SR during diastole.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hemodynamic studies were performed to determine if blunting of vascular pressor responsiveness to vasoconstrictors during pregnancy may be due to impaired L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (L-VDCC). Bay K 8644 (BAY), an L-VDCC agonist, was infused in pregnant and nonpregnant anesthetized rabbits (10, 20, 40, and 60 microg/kg) and pregnant and nonpregnant conscious, chronically instrumented (conscious) rabbits (10, 25, and 50 microg/kg). BAY infusions resulted in greater elevation of mean arterial pressure in both anesthetized pregnant (n = 6) vs. nonpregnant (n = 6) (P < 0.05) and conscious pregnant (n = 10) vs. nonpregnant (n = 10) rabbits (P < 0.05). Fractional increase over baseline of total peripheral resistance index was greater in pregnant (36 +/- 5 to 78 +/- 14%) vs. nonpregnant rabbits (14 +/- 4 to 52 +/- 6%) (P < 0.02). Cardiac output index did not differ. There was a single high-affinity L-VDCC antagonist aortic binding site with similar number and affinity in pregnant (n = 7) and nonpregnant (n = 7) rabbits. In conclusion, stimulation of L-VDCC induces greater pressor responses in pregnant rabbits with heightened peripheral vasoconstriction. This does not appear to be due to a change in L-VDCC receptor parameters.  相似文献   

The dose-response effects of BAY K 8644 and nifedipine on diaphragmatic contractility were assessed in vitro. Isolated diaphragmatic fibers were obtained from rats and placed in an open-topped channel of a Plexiglas tissue chamber perfused with continuously flowing Krebs solution heated to 37 degrees C. Isometric twitch force, generated in response to 1-Hz supramaximal electrical stimulation (4 times/min), was measured with a highly sensitive photoelectric force transducer. Low doses of BAY K 8644 or nifedipine (10(-7) M) were without effect on twitch tension. For 10(-6) M, twitch tension increased by 10 +/- 1% (P less than 0.005) for both drugs. For 10(-5) M, twitch tension increased by 12 +/- 1% (P less than 0.05), and maximal contractures were observed (BAY K 8644 and nifedipine). Simultaneous drug administration did not reveal mutual antagonism as expected; instead the effects were additive, with twitch tension increasing by 30 +/- 2% (P less than 0.001) for 10(-5) M BAY K 8644 + nifedipine. Both BAY K 8644 and nifedipine altered twitch characteristics. In low-calcium media (0.5 mM) twitch potentiation produced by the two drugs was further enhanced (increasing 60% for 10(-5) M BAY K 8644 or nifedipine). Contractures, by contrast, were abolished. From these results it is difficult to reconcile a unique action of these drugs on calcium channels as is conventionally accepted.  相似文献   

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