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Estrogen and androgen are both critical for the maintenance of bone, but the target cells, mechanisms, and responses could be sex-specific. To compare sex-specific actions of estrogen and androgen on osteoclasts, human peripheral blood mononuclear precursor cells from adult Caucasian males (n = 3) and females (n = 3) were differentiated into osteoclasts and then treated for 24 h with 17β-estradiol (10 nM) or testosterone (10 nM). Gene expression was studied with a custom designed qPCR-based array containing 94 target genes related to bone and hormone action. In untreated osteoclasts, 4 genes showed significant gender differences. 17β-estradiol significantly affected 12 genes in osteoclasts from females and 6 genes in osteoclasts from males. Fifteen of the 18 17β-estradiol-responsive genes were different in the cells from the two sexes; 2 genes affected by 17β-estradiol in both sexes were regulated oppositely in the two sexes. Testosterone significantly affected 6 genes in osteoclasts from females and 2 genes in osteoclasts from males; all except one were different in the two sexes. 17β-estradiol and testosterone largely affected different genes, suggesting that conversion of testosterone to 17β-estradiol had a limited role in the responses. The findings indicate that although osteoclasts from both sexes respond to 17β-estradiol and testosterone, the effects of both 17β-estradiol and testosterone differ in the two sexes, highlighting the importance of considering gender in the design of therapy.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix fibronectin fibrils serve as passive structural supports for the organization of cells into tissues, yet can also actively stimulate a variety of cell and tissue functions, including cell proliferation. Factors that control and coordinate the functional activities of fibronectin fibrils are not known. Here, we compared effects of cell adhesion to vitronectin versus type I collagen on the assembly of and response to, extracellular matrix fibronectin fibrils. The amount of insoluble fibronectin matrix fibrils assembled by fibronectin-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts adherent to collagen- or vitronectin-coated substrates was not significantly different 20 h after fibronectin addition. However, the fibronectin matrix produced by vitronectin-adherent cells was ~ 10-fold less effective at enhancing cell proliferation than that of collagen-adherent cells. Increasing insoluble fibronectin levels with the fibronectin fragment, anastellin did not increase cell proliferation. Rather, native fibronectin fibrils polymerized by collagen- and vitronectin-adherent cells exhibited conformational differences in the growth-promoting, III-1 region of fibronectin, with collagen-adherent cells producing fibronectin fibrils in a more extended conformation. Fibronectin matrix assembly on either substrate was mediated by α5β1 integrins. However, on vitronectin-adherent cells, α5β1 integrins functioned in a lower activation state, characterized by reduced 9EG7 binding and decreased talin association. The inhibitory effect of vitronectin on fibronectin-mediated cell proliferation was localized to the cell-binding domain, but was not a general property of αvβ3 integrin-binding substrates. These data suggest that adhesion to vitronectin allows for the uncoupling of fibronectin fibril formation from downstream signaling events by reducing α5β1 integrin activation and fibronectin fibril extension.  相似文献   

Estrogens are widely regarded as beneficial to arterial wall health. Among the mechanisms of this benefit are antioxidant effects on LDL and the arterial wall. Because progestins oppose the effect of estrogen in several systems, we asked if progestins oppose the antioxidant effect of estrogen. To study this question, LDL and various female sex hormones were incubated alone and combined in the absence or presence of bovine aortic endothelial cells, placental trophoblast, or macrophages, and LDL oxidation and cytotoxicity were quantitated. In the absence of cells, LDL incubated with copper in phosphate-buffered saline enhanced the oxidation of LDL. When 17beta-estradiol was added to this system, an antioxidant effect was observed. Progestins inhibited this protective estrogenic effect. In endothelial cell culture, progestins also opposed the antioxidant effect of estrogen, with the strongest antiestrogenic effect seen with the synthetic progestins, levonorgestrel and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). Endothelial cell cytotoxicity was proportional to the enhanced lipid peroxide formation observed with progestins or estrogen. Similar opposing effects were seen when estrogen and progesterone were added to primary cultures of placental trophoblast or macrophages. Thus, three cell culture systems modeling circulating arterial blood contact with cell surfaces demonstrated opposing effects of estrogens and progestins on LDL oxidation and cell cytotoxicity. These studies are in keeping with published reports that female sex steroids influence LDL oxidation in vivo and consequent arterial wall injury.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Liu X  Zhang J  Cao R  Lin Y  Xie J  Chen P  Sun Y  Li D  Liang S 《Proteomics》2006,6(2):487-497
We and other investigators have previously shown that estrogen and androgen have synergistic effects on the growth of mammary epithelial ducts and alveoli in the Noble mouse. However, the molecular mechanisms behind the synergy are unknown. In the present study, we treated female FVB mice with 17-estrodial (E2) and 5-dihydrotestosterone-bezonate (DHT-B) using slow-releasing hormone pellets for 7 months. Dissection showed that hormone treatment caused atypical hyperplasia of mammary ducts and alveoli. A functional proteomic approach was used to study the holistic protein changes in mammary glands. 2-DE was used to separate proteins. Twenty-five protein spots that were differentially expressed in hormone-treated tissues compared to the control were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS, and ESI-quadrupole-TOF-MS, which include some proteins that are correlative with response to estrogen and androgen stimulation, cells differentiation and growth, signal transduction, metabolism, etc. Real-time RT-PCR was carried out to verify the different expression. These results offered some clues to understand the function of E2 and DHT-B.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) increases average and maximum lifespan and exhibits an apparent beneficial impact on age‐related diseases. Several studies have shown that CR initiated either in middle or old age could improve ischemic tolerance and rejuvenate the aging heart; however, the data are not uniform when initiated in young. The accurate time to initiate CR providing maximum benefits for cardiac remodeling and function during aging remains unclear. Thus, whether a similar degree of CR initiated in mice of different ages could exert a similar effect on myocardial protection was investigated in this study. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to a calorically restricted diet (40% less than the ad libitum diet) for 3 months initiated in 3, 12, and 19 months. It was found that CR significantly reversed the aging phenotypes of middle‐aged and old mice including cardiac remodeling (cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and cardiac fibrosis), inflammation, mitochondrial damage, telomere shortening, as well as senescence‐associated markers but accelerated in young mice. Furthermore, whole‐genome microarray demonstrated that the AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK)–Forkhead box subgroup ‘O’ (FOXO) pathway might be a major contributor to contrasting regulation by CR initiated in different ages; thus, increased autophagy was seen in middle‐aged and old mice but decreased in young mice. Together, the findings demonstrated promising myocardial protection by 40% CR should be initiated in middle or old age that may have vital implications for the practical nutritional regimen.  相似文献   

The comparison of normal and androgen receptor (AR) deficient Tfm-mice allows distinction between AR mediated and estrogen receptor (ER) mediated effects of testosterone (T)--the latter after aromatization of T to estrogens--on serum and pituitary FSH. Normal male and female as well as Tfm mice were gonadectomized after 8 days and treated for 11 days with either T, estradiol (E2) or vehicle. Serum and pituitary FSH was determined by RIA for rat FSH. In Tfm mice T caused a suppression of serum FSH, indicating an ER mediated effect. Lower serum FSH levels after T in normal mice than Tfm mice indicate an additional AR mediated suppression. Lower serum FSH values in E2 treated Tfm than in T treated Tfm mice--where T acts only through ER--suggest two classes of estrophilic cells: one which aromatizes, thus being susceptible for both T and E2, and the other which does not aromatize. Only AR but not ER mediated T effects on pituitary FSH could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Leptin is a hormone that is produced during mammalian pregnancy in the placental trophoblast and other tissues, including! fetal and maternal adipocytes. Synthesis of the polypeptide and the presence of its specific receptors throughout the human maternal fetoplacental unit suggest direct effects on conceptus growth and development. However, both the physiologic roles of leptin and the mechanisms regulating leptin synthesis in human pregnancy differ from those in laboratory and domestic species, necessitating the development of non-human primate research models. Therefore, we compared serum leptin concentrations in nonpregnant and pregnant women with those in both old world nonhuman primates (i.e., baboon, rhesus monkey, cynomolgus monkey) and new world nonhuman primates (i.e., squirrel monkey, titi monkey). As expected, maternal leptin levels were elevated in human and baboon pregnancies (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively). Levels in both species of old world monkeys were also greatly enhanced (P < 0.001). Although maternal serum concentrations were slightly elevated compared to nonpregnant levels in both species of new world monkeys, overall concentrations were dramatically lower than for either old world primates or humans. Results provide comparisons of serum leptin concentrations in pregnant and nonpregnant humans and baboons with those in both old and new world monkeys and further characterize these nonhuman primates as models for the investigation of leptin dynamics in pregnancy.  相似文献   

The effect of alcohol on maternal vascular adaptations to pregnancy is unknown. This study was designed to determine the effect of alcohol consumption on nitric oxide-mediated vascular function in mice during pregnancy. Female pregnant or nonpregnant C57BL/6J mice were fed a control diet or a liquid diet of 25% ethanol-derived calories for 13 days (from gestational days 6-18). Phenylephrine vasoconstriction was blunted in pregnancy compared with the nonpregnant state due to enhanced nitric oxide modulation, which was impaired by ethanol exposure. Although the EC50 and maximal responses to methacholine were not different in nonpregnant vs. pregnant mice, the nitric oxide component to methacholine-induced vasorelaxation was greater in the pregnant mice. Interestingly, alcohol affected only the pregnant animals in their response to methacholine. These data indicate that alcohol reduced the nitric oxide modulation of vascular response, which was more pronounced during pregnancy. These studies provide novel information regarding the effects of alcohol on the maternal vascular system during pregnancy and thereby contribute to further understanding of the adverse effects associated with prenatal alcohol exposure.  相似文献   

Brain neurotransmitters play an essential role in central regulation of hypothalamic factors which stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. Insight in this complex system might be obtained by analysing changes in pituitary and peripheral hormone secretion following the administration of neuroactive drugs which influence the action of neurotransmitters. Desipramine is well-known to inhibit presynaptic norepinephrine reuptake, clomipramine on the other hand interferes with the serotoninergic system. In 15 male volunteers, the effects of single-dose administration of each drug were studied in comparison to placebo. Basal concentrations of ACTH and cortisol, as well as the rise of both hormones following insulin-induced hypoglycemia, were studied. Basal cortisol values and the response to hypoglycemia were not affected by either pharmacon in this study. Slight differences could be seen in the ACTH responses, which were however not significant.  相似文献   

Opposing effects of gibberellin and ethylene   总被引:3,自引:15,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Scott PC  Leopold AC 《Plant physiology》1967,42(7):1021-1022

Adrenarche is a developmental event involving differentiation of the adrenal gland and production of adrenal androgens, and has been hypothesized to play a role in the extension of the preadolescent phase of human ontogeny. It remains unclear whether any nonhuman primate species shows a similar suite of endocrine, biochemical, and morphological changes as are encompassed by human adrenarche. Here, we report serum concentrations of the adrenal androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) measured in 698 cross-sectional and mixed longitudinal serum samples from catarrhine primates ranging from 0.6 to 47 years of age. DHEAS in Pan is most similar to that of humans in both age-related pattern and absolute levels, and a transient early increase appears to be present in Gorilla. DHEA levels are highest in Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, and Macaca. We also tested for evidence of adaptive evolution in six genes that code for proteins involved in DHEA/S synthesis. Our genetic analyses demonstrate the protein-coding regions of these genes are highly conserved among sampled primates. We describe a tandem gene duplication event probably mediated by a retrotransposon that resulted in two 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-Delta 4 genes (HSD3B1 and HSD3B2) with tissue specific functions in catarrhines. In humans, HSD3B2 is expressed primarily in the adrenals, ovary, and testis, while HSD3B1 is expressed in the placenta. Taken together, our findings suggest that while adrenarche has been suggested to be unique to hominoids, the evolutionary roots for this developmental stage are more ancient.  相似文献   

This series of experiments sought to determine whether conversion of androgen to estrogen is important in the activation of male sexual behavior in quail by seeing if an antiestrogen will block androgen stimulated copulation in this species. Experiment I compared the ability of two antiestrogens, MER-25 (5 mg/day) and CI-628 (2 mg/day), to block estrogen stimulated characteristics in female quail. Both treatments greatly reduced oviduct growth in “photically castrated” females given estradiol benzoate (EB, 50 μg/day), but only CI-628 reduced receptivity in these birds. In Experiment II surgically castrated males given 50 μg/day EB together with 2 mg/day CI-628 were much less receptive than castrated males given EB alone, and in addition copulated in fewer tests. In Experiments III, IV, and V, castrated males given testosterone propionate (TP) together with CI-628 were compared with males given TP alone. The ability of CI-628 to suppress TP-stimulated copulation increased with increasing CI/TP dosage ratio, and at the highest ratio (4:1), CI-628 effectively blocked copulation in five out of seven birds. Those birds that did copulate did so in fewer tests and performed fewer cloacal contact movements. CI-628 had no antiandrogenic effects in these experiments. These results suggest that estrogens may be important active metabolites of testosterone with respect to quail copulation.  相似文献   

The effects of high salt intake on blood pressure and renal function were studied in nine subtotally nephrectomized pregnant ewes (STNxP) and seven intact pregnant ewes (IntP) in late gestation and in eight subtotally nephrectomized nonpregnant ewes (STNxNP) and seven intact nonpregnant ewes (IntNP). STNxP had higher mean arterial pressures (P < 0.02) and plasma creatinine levels (P < 0.001) than IntP. High salt (0.17 M NaCl as drinking water for 5 days) did not change blood pressure in either STNxP or IntP. STNxNP had higher mean arterial pressures (P = 0.03) and plasma creatinine levels (P < 0.001) than IntNP. In STNxNP, blood pressure increased with high salt intake and there was a positive relationship between diastolic pressure and sodium balance (r = 0.497, P = 0.05). This relationship was not present in IntNP, STNxP, or IntP. Because high salt intake did not cause an increase in blood pressure in STNxP, it is concluded that they were protected by pregnancy from further rises in blood pressure. The observed increase in glomerular filtration rate (P < 0.03) and depression of fractional proximal sodium reabsorption (P = 0.003) that occurred in STNxP, but not in STNxNP, in response to high salt may have contributed to this protection. As well, the increased production of vasorelaxants in pregnancy may selectively protect against the occurrence of salt-sensitive hypertension in pregnancy.  相似文献   

High-pain expectancy increases pain and pain-related brain activity, creating a cycle of psychologically maintained pain. Though these effects are robust, little is known about how expectancy works and what psychological processes either support or mitigate its effects. To address this, we independently manipulated pain expectancy and "top-down" attention to the body, and examined their effects on both a performance-based measure of body-focus and heat-induced pain. Multi-level mediation analyses showed that high-pain expectancy substantially increased pain, replicating previous work. However, attention to the body reduced pain, partially suppressing the effects of expectancy. Furthermore, increased body-focus had larger pain-reducing effects when pain expectancy was high, suggesting that attempts to focus on external distractors are counterproductive in this situation. Overall, the results show that attention to the body cannot explain pain-enhancing expectancy effects, and that focusing on sensory/discriminative aspects of pain might be a useful pain-regulation strategy when severe pain is expected.  相似文献   

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