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豌豆(Pisum sativum)是我国重要的豆类经济作物, 病害对豌豆生产造成重大经济损失。通过形态学观察、分子鉴定以及致病性测定, 最终确定引起豌豆茎基腐病的3种病原菌分别为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、芸苔链格孢菌(Alternaria brassicae)和格氏镰刀菌(F. grosmichelii), 优势菌株为尖孢镰刀菌, 分离率为53.6%。室内毒力测定结果表明, 5种供试杀菌剂对3种病原菌的菌丝生长均有抑制作用, 其中咯菌腈和戊唑醇的抑菌效果最好。研究结果为豌豆茎基腐病的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

造纸行业要想快速发展,必须改变传统技术,减少环境污染,引用现代生物技术,生物技术在造纸行业的应用,对造纸行业的发展是一个机遇与挑战,本论文从制浆、漂白、改善纤维性能、用生物酶解决树脂障碍、废水处理和酶法脱墨六方面进行阐述生物技术在造纸行业中的应用。  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2010,37(10):1557-1557
<正>现代工业的迅速发展对工业材料的性质和功能不断提出更高的要求,工业杀菌剂的适用领域已经从纺织、木材、纸张、石油制品、胶黏剂、涂料等一直扩大到塑料、玻璃、陶瓷金属乃至航天部件等,工业中几  相似文献   

清洁的系统表面对循环水系统的正常运行至关重要。生物粘泥的大量繁殖会产生严重的系统问题,使管道堵塞,换热器的换热效率下降,水质恶化,引起管道垢下腐蚀,而这些问题都将导致系统维护费用增加,运行成本提高,并直接降低了系统寿命。生物粘泥的控制措施除定时排污外,投加杀菌剂是去除生物粘泥最为直接有效的方法。常规的氧化型杀菌剂易受循环水中有机物料、阻垢缓蚀剂等的影响和干扰,使之杀菌效果降低;而非氧化型杀菌剂虽然不易受物料影响,但是由于大部分非氧化型杀菌剂使用成本较高,再者,长期大量使用容易产生抗药性,使之杀菌效果降低。本文着重介绍了对生物粘泥具有极强的剥离作用,同时可有效抑制生物粘泥再生的一种新型弱氧化型杀菌剂Biosperse XD3899。通过实验室模拟、现场应用,对其剥离以及抑制性能进行了评估。实验结果显示,Biosperse XD3899在高有机物料水体中对活菌数的控制效果远远高于常规的氧化型及非氧化型杀菌剂,可有效抑制生物粘膜形成;同时,对于系统中已经形成的生物粘泥具有很好的剥离效果。  相似文献   

[背景]激发子(elicitin)是卵菌(Oomycetes)疫霉和腐霉分泌的可诱发宿主产生免疫反应的小分子化合物.[目的]鉴定紫菜腐霉激发子基因家族,分析其结构特征和在感染宿主过程中可能的作用机制.[方法]运用同源比对法筛查紫菜腐霉NBRC33253基因组中激发子基因家族成员,利用生物信息学工具分析激发子家族的理化性...  相似文献   

白腐真菌处理灰法造纸黑液废水的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了不同白腐真菌菌株对灰法造黑液废水的处理,考察了黑液废水浓度和碳氮源添加量对黑液脱色及COD去除率的影响。研究表明,变色栓菌(Trametes verscolor)对黑液废水的处理效果最好,其COD去除率为64.25%,脱色率为47.31%,用自选的白腐真菌AH28-2菌株处理未经稀释的黑液废水,分别添加0.2%纤维二维糖和0.02%天冬酰胺,COD去除率达62.45%和68.60%,研究发现锰过氧化物酶(MnP)和木素过氧化物酶(LiP)对COD去除率有直接影响,MnP/LiP酶活力值越高,处理效果越好。  相似文献   

新型杀菌剂啶氧菌酯对香蕉叶斑病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】香蕉叶斑病是香蕉产业的重要病害,化学防治仍然是当前最为有效的防治手段。于2015—2016年连续2年开展香蕉叶斑病的田间化学防治试验,为生产上推广应用新型杀菌剂啶氧菌酯提供依据。【方法】试验设22.5%啶氧菌酯悬浮剂125、150和187.5 mg·kg~(-1),对照药剂250 g·L-1吡唑醚菌酯乳油125 mg·kg~(-1),以及空白对照共5个处理,3次药后第12或13天调查正常叶数、病叶数及病级,计算平均病指及平均防效。【结果】22.5%啶氧菌酯悬浮剂(有效成分用量125、150和187.5 mg·kg~(-1))2015年的防治效果分别为64.70%、68.16%和71.29%,2016年防治效果分别为68.44%、72.36%和76.29%。此外,在试验期间香蕉嫩叶未见药害现象,叶片生长均正常。【结论】22.5%啶氧菌酯悬浮剂是防治香蕉叶斑病的优良药剂,对香蕉比较安全,值得在香蕉产区推广应用。  相似文献   

为了评价抗茎腐病基因分子标记在辅助育种中的实用性,本研究对159份玉米自交系进行了茎腐病田间抗性鉴定,并检测了与4个茎腐病抗性QTL(qRfg1、qRfg2、Rpi QI319-1和Rpi QI319-2)紧密连锁的11个分子标记在上述材料中的扩增情况。结果表明:供试玉米自交系的平均发病率为26.30%,发病率低于30.0%的材料占67.92%,抗病资源丰富。来源于国外、东北、西南和黄淮海地区的材料平均发病率分别为27.67%、17.92%、15.12%和36.80%,与东北和西南地区种质相比,黄淮海地区抗性种质相对缺乏。通过比较分子标记扩增带型与田间茎腐病表型,发现与同一QTL连锁的不同分子标记的检测结果存在较大差异,其中分子标记STS01(qRfg1)、STSZ479(qRfg2)、bnlg1866(Rpi QI319-1)和bnlg1716(Rpi QI319-2)的阳性检测结果与田间表型符合度较高,分别为76.79%、78.95%、91.67%、73.33%,具有上述特异扩增多态性的材料平均发病率分别为22.06%、19.01%、10.65%、19.63%,可作为抗茎腐病分子检测的有效标记。本研究为开展玉米抗茎腐病分子育种提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

考察了不同用量的杀菌剂TJ-A2264对白湿皮制作过程和存放期间的防腐效果。通过细菌总数测试法、抑菌圈法和高效液相色谱法等检测方法的分析,结果表明,白湿皮制作工段中加入足够量的杀菌剂能很好的避免白湿皮在储存过程中的腐败现象,杀菌剂TJ-A2264的最低使用浓度为0.2%,而且杀菌剂的添加并没有影响防霉剂的吸附。  相似文献   

UASB-化学混凝技术处理草浆造纸废水的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用UASB-化学混凝技术组合对草浆造纸废水进行处理。结果表明,接种颗粒污泥的二级启动,大大缩短了反应器的启动时间。在水力停留时间(HRT)6 h,进水COD逐渐提高的情况下对颗粒污泥进行驯化,20 d后pH、COD去除率趋于稳定。另外,通过L9(34)正交试验,研究了混凝中4因子影响大小的排序,并在最优条件下对UASB反应器出水进行混凝处理。组合技术处理的出水水质指标符合国家造纸工业污水排放标准。  相似文献   

谢鸿宇    谭韵静  胡安焱  林凯荣 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2232-2232~2236
自1960年代以来,由于废纸浆在全球造纸浆中比例不断提高,原有的纸张生态足迹计算方法--以原木浆纸的木材消耗量为计算基础--需要改进.通过分析纸浆结构的变化、纸浆与纸的关系、纸浆耗木量、废纸成浆率等,定量地表征了废纸回收对纸张木材消耗的影响,得出1t纸消耗的木材应为3.879 m3而略小于原来的4 m3的结论.在此基础上,重新计算纸张的生态足迹,得出1t纸的生态足迹为2.569 hm2森林.  相似文献   

Formation of slime deposits is a major problem facing paper industries. The slime may be biological or nonbiological. Biological deposits that are composed of varied microflora along with fibers, fillers and dirt are the most troublesome. Slime producing microbes secrete extracellular polysaccharides that gum up the process machinery. The specific nature of slime and its formation depend on the mill environment. Correspondingly, countermeasures vary with the type of slime deposit. Conventional slime control methods generally employ combinations of biocides. This leads to effluent toxicity, as well as high processing and treatment costs. Therefore, alternative control measures are in demand. Once such measure is the use of enzymes (levanases) that dissolve the slime to some degree and improve biocide penetration into the slime layer. As a result, the amount of biocide required is reduced, process economics improve and effluent treatment is simplified.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate aerobic mesophilic bacilli and thermophilic bacteria from different paper mill samples and to evaluate their potential harmfulness. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 109 mesophilic and 68 thermophilic isolates were purified and characterized by automated ribotyping and partial 16S rDNA sequencing. The mesophilic isolates belonged to the genera Bacillus (13 taxa), Brevibacillus (three taxa) and Paenibacillus (five taxa). The thermophilic bacteria represented seven taxa of Bacillus, Geobacillus or Paenibacillus, four of proteobacteria and one of actinobacteria. The most frequently occurring bacteria were Bacillus cereus, B. licheniformis, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and bacteria closely related to Paenibacillus stellifer, P. turicensis or Leptothrix sp. One mill was contaminated throughout with bacteria of a novel mesophilic genus most closely related to Brevibacillus centrosporus and another with bacteria of a novel thermophilic genus most closely related to Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus. One B. cereus isolate producing haemolytic diarrhoeal enterotoxin was detected and all the tested B. licheniformis isolates produced a metabolite toxic to boar sperm cells. CONCLUSIONS: The bacilli and thermophilic bacteria isolated represent species which should not present occupational hazards in paper mill environments. The most harmful bacterium detected was B. licheniformis and potentially also B. cereus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Knowledge of the microbial diversity in a paper mill provides a rational basis for development of an effective controlling programme. A database constructed from the fingerprints generated using automated ribotyping helps to identify and trace the contamination routes of bacteria occurring in paper mills.  相似文献   

Paper mills are open systems, which provide favorable conditions for microbial growth. Microbial contamination can cause substantial economic losses, including the deterioration of raw materials, interference with production processes by breakdowns and lowering product quality, and eventually, problems in wastewater treatment. Damage is caused by acidification, attack on raw materials, the formation of odorous products, discoloration of pigments, and the formation of methane and hydrogen, thereby producing potentially explosive conditions. Population analyses have revealed that a wide variety of microorganisms are involved, but there appear to be no typical strains associated with paper mills. Current trends in process engineering, such as chlorine-free bleaching, processing at neutral pH, closed cycles, and the use of recycled paper also favor microbial growth and biofilm (slime) formation. A fundamental problem associated with slimes is the extensive matrix of extracellular polymeric substances, which is composed of a large variety of highly hydrated polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. No ‘silver bullet’ against biofouling can be expected, and effective countermeasures have to be based on holistic approaches.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of printing and writing paper produced in Portugal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goal, Scope and Background The environmental sustainability is one of the current priorities of the Portuguese pulp and paper industry. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was the methodology chosen to evaluate the sustainability of the printing and writing paper production activity. This paper grade represents about 60% of the total production of paper in Portugal and its production is expected to increase in the near future. The main goal of this study was to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of the printing and writing paper produced in Portugal from Eucalyptus globulus pulp and consumed in Germany, in order to identify the processes with the largest environmental impacts. Another goal of this study was to evaluate the effect on the potential environmental impacts of changing the market where the Portuguese printing and writing paper is consumed: German market vs. Portuguese market. Methods The main stages considered in this study were: forestry, pulp production, paper production, paper distribution, and paper final disposal. Transports and production of chemicals, fuels and energy in the grid were also included in these stages. Whenever possible and feasible, average or typical data from industry were collected. The remaining data were obtained from the literature and specialised databases. A quantitative impact assessment was performed for five impact categories: global warming over 100 years, acidification, eutrophication, non-renewable resource depletion and photochemical oxidant formation. Results In the German market scenario, the paper production stage was a remarkable hot spot for air emissions (non-renewable CO2, NOx and SO2) and for non-renewable energy consumption, and, consequently, for the impact categories that consider these parameters: global warming, acidification and non-renewable resource depletion. These important environmental impacts are due to the energy requirements in the printing and writing paper production process, which are fulfilled by on-site fuel oil burning and consumption of electricity from the national grid, which is mostly based on the use of fossil fuels. The pulp production stage was identified as the largest contributor to water emissions (COD and AOX) and to eutrophication. Considering that energy consumed by the pulp production processes comes from renewable fuels, this stage was also the most contributing to renewable energy consumption. Discussion The paper distribution stage showed an important contribution to NOx emissions, which, however, did not result in a major contribution to acidification or eutrophication. The final disposal stage was the main contributor to the photochemical oxidant formation potential due to CH4 emissions from wastepaper landfilling. On the other hand, paper consumption in Portugal was environmentally more favourable than in Germany for the parameters/impact categories where the paper distribution stage has a significant contribution (non-renewable CO2, NOx, non-renewable energy consumption, acidification, eutrophication and non-renewable resource depletion) due to shorter distances needed to deliver paper to the consumers. For the remaining parameters/impact categories, the increase observed in the final disposal stage in the Portuguese market was preponderant, and resulted from the existence of significant differences in the final disposal alternatives in the analysed markets (recycling dominates in Germany, whereas landfilling dominates in Portugal). Conclusions The pulp and paper production stages were found to be of significance for almost all of the inventory parameters as well as for the impact assessment categories. The paper distribution and the final disposal stages were only of importance for some of the inventory parameters and some of the impact categories. The forestry stage played a minor role in the environmental impacts generated during the paper life cycle. The consumption of paper in Portugal led to a decrease in the environmental burdens of the paper distribution stage, but to an increase in the environmental burdens of the final disposal stage, when compared with the consumption of paper in Germany. Recommendations and Perspectives This study provides useful information that can assist the pulp and paper industry in the planning of future investments leading to an increase in its sustainability. The results of inventory analysis and impact assessment show the processes that play an important role in each impact category, which allow the industry to improve its environmental performance, making changes not only in the production process itself, but also in the treatment of flue gases and liquid effluents. Besides that concern regarding pollution prevention, other issues with relevance to the context of sustainability, such as the energy consumption, can also be dealt with.  相似文献   

Thirty exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by bacteria isolated from biofilms or slimelayers from different paper and board mills in Finland, France and Spain were subjected to size exclusion chromatography and sugar compositional analysis. High performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analysis revealed that some samples were composed of several molecular weight populations. These samples were fractionated by size exclusion chromatography and pooled accordingly. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the sugar compositions of the different pools indicated the presence of glucans and mannans caused by insufficient removal of the carbon or nitrogen source (yeast extract) from the bacteria growth medium leading to an overestimation of the glucose and mannose level in the sample, respectively. From the point of view of slime problems the EPS populations are the most important for multivariate analysis. Four groups of EPSs have been recognized by PCA analysis: a group of EPSs produced by Enterobacter and related genera similar to the regularly reported colanic acid; a group of Methylobacterium EPSs having high galactose and pyruvate levels and two groups that showed less dense clusters produced by Bacillus and related genera, showing high mannose and/or glucose levels and Klebsiella EPSs that showed galactose with rhamnose as major characteristic sugar moieties. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) of the same samples followed by discriminant partial least squares regression (DPLS) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) showed that, when used with a well-defined training set, FT-IR could be used clustering instead of time-consuming sugar composition analysis. The Enterobacter and Methylobacetrium EPS groups could be recognized clearly. However the fact that this could hardly be done for the other two groups in the dataset indicates the importance of a larger and well-defined training or calibration set. The potential to use FT-IR, as a tool for pattern recognition and clustering with respect to EPS structures produced by micro organisms isolated from a paper mill environment is discussed.  相似文献   

A study of 25 paper mill slime deposits and one additive revealed nine pink-pigmented bacterial isolates, eight of which were different from pink-pigmented bacteria identified in the paper industry in the middle 1900s. The pink-pigmented bacteria described previously in pulp and paper included Micrococcus agilis, Bacillus subtilis, Serratia sp. and Alcaligenes viscosus. With the exception of one isolate, Micrococcus sp., these isolates possessed many cultural, biochemical and chemical properties which were different from the ones previously reported for paper mills. Eight of these bacteria were Gram-negative rods or filamentous, aerobic and positive for catalase production. Two isolates were methylotrophic, oxidizing methanol and identified as Methylobacterium zatmanii. Cellular fatty acid analysis and other characteristics showed one isolate to be Roseomonas sp. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, one isolate which was a Gram-negative rod was identified as Deionococcus grandis. Four bacteria had cells that were long or filamentous and these were isolated from mills with pink slime problems. The identity of one of the filamentous bacteria was determined by 16S rRNA gene sequencing to be close to Flectobacillus sp. strain MWH38. Most of the isolates were susceptible to 11 industrial biocides. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 74–80. Received 28 January 2000/ Accepted in revised form 09 June 2000  相似文献   

Four riverine animal communities were measured to assess the impact of extensively treated wastewater from a pulp and paper mill on the lower La Trobe River in Victoria, Australia. Benthic macroinvertebrates in channel and bankside habitats were sampled using a new air-lift corer. Population density was expressed in relation to substrate volume. Other communities measured at five sites upstream and downstream of the mill's wastewater outfall were the zooplankton, and the animals associated with submerged littoral vegetation. Ten environmental variables were also measured during the two sampling periods.A total of 50 benthic macro-invertebrate taxa were dominated by Oligochaeta, Chironomidae and Bivalvia. Benthic communities upstream and downstream of the outfall were very similar. Benthic samples showed large unexplained variation between stations and seasons, despite the similarity of stations and the stratified sampling design, but within-sample variation was small. There was some evidence that benthic faunal patchiness was associated with patterns of stream-bed scouring and deposition in periods of high flow. Littoral samples collected 28 taxa, dominated by Decapoda and Hemiptera. The benthic and littoral communities were quite distinct, with only three species common to both.Only two of the biological and environmental variables responded to wastewater from the mill: total dissolved solids rose by 20–25% over upstream levels; and zooplankton density increased by 2–3 orders of magnitude. It was concluded that wastewater treatment had successfully avoided the major environmental problems often associated with pulp and paper mills.  相似文献   

Background Aims and Scope  The pulp and paper (P&P) industry is traditionally known to be a large contributor to environmental pollution due its large consumptions of energy and chemicals. Enzymatic processing, however, offers potential opportunities for changing the industry towards more environmentally friendly and efficient operations compared to the conventional methods. The aims of the present study has been to investigate whether the enzyme technology is a more environmentally sound alternative than the conventional ways of producing paper. The study addresses five enzyme applications by quantitative means and discusses the environmental potential of a range of other enzyme applications by qualitative means. Methods  LCA is used as analytical tool and modelling is facilitated in SimaPro software. Foreground LCA data are production/company specific and collected from P&P technology service providers, specific P&P companies and P&P researchers. The background data on energy systems, auxiliary chemicals, etc. are primarily taken from the ecoinvent database. Results  The study shows that fossil energy consumption and potential environmental impacts (global warming, acidification, nutrient enrichment, photochemical smog formation) induced by enzyme production are low compared with the impacts that they save when applied in bleach boosting, refining, pitch control, deinking, and stickies control. Discussion  The general explanation is that small amounts of enzyme provide the same function as large amounts of chemicals and that enzymatic processes generally require less fossil energy inputs than conventional processes. Data quality assessments and sensitivity analyses indicate that this observation is robust for all processes except deinking, although the results are subject to uncertainty and much variation. Conclusions and Recommendations  The environmental improvements that can be achieved by application of enzymatic solutions in the P&P industry are promising. To get a greater penetration of enzymatic solutions in the market and to harvest the environmental advantages of biotechnological inventions, it is recommended that enzymatic solutions should be given more attention in, for instance, ‘Best Available Technology’ notes within the framework of the European Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). ESS-Submission Editor: Roland Hischier (roland.hischier@empa.ch)  相似文献   

武汉市造纸行业资源代谢分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施晓清  李笑诺  赵吝加  杨建新 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7706-7715
资源代谢问题是造成产业系统生态环境影响的主要原因.在分析武汉市造纸行业资源代谢的基础上从资源输入-资源使用-环境胁迫-系统循环共生4个方面构建武汉市造纸行业资源代谢分析指标体系.运用模糊综合评判法和问题树模型对2007年武汉市造纸业的原材料、水、能源等资源的代谢与全国造纸行业平均水平进行了比较分析.结果表明:(1)武汉市造纸业资源代谢水平总体上评价等级为优,但某些指标与全国平均水平比还略有差距;(2)从资源输入角度分析,原材料输入生态效率及水资源输入生态效率等级为优,能源输入生态效率等级为良;(3)从资源使用角度分析,单位产品的原材料消耗及单位产品的水资源消耗等级为优,单位产品的能源消耗等级为良;(4)从环境胁迫角度分析,单位污染物工业总产值及单位产品污染物排放等级均为优,污染物达标排放率等级为良;(5)从系统循环共生分析,企业清洁生产达标率等级为良,资源持续利用及污染物治理等级为优,而中水回用率等级为差.通过代谢分析可得,武汉市造纸行业能源输入生态效率、单位产品能源消耗与全国平均水平比还有一定距离,整个行业中企业清洁生产比例还具有提升的空间;中水回用方面较弱,需要特别加强.  相似文献   

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