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Pettersson  Kurt  Grust  Karin  Weyhenmeyer  Gesa  Blenckner  Thorsten 《Hydrobiologia》2003,501(1-3):75-81
The effect of submerged macrophytes on interactions among epilimnetic phosphorus, phytoplankton, and heterotrophic bacterioplankton has been acknowledged, but remains poorly understood. Here, we test the hypotheses that the mean summer phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a): phosphorus ratios decrease with increased macrophyte cover in a series of nine lakes. Further, we test that both planktonic respiration and bacterioplankton production increase with respect to phytoplankton biomass along the same gradient of increasing macrophyte cover. Increased macrophyte cover was associated with a lower fraction of particulate phosphorus in epilimnia, with total particulate phosphorus declining from over 80% of total phosphorus in a macrophyte free lake to less than 50% in a macrophyte rich lake. Phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) too was lower in macrophyte dominated lakes, despite relatively high levels of total dissolved phosphorus. Planktonic respiration and bacterioplankton production were higher in macrophyte rich lakes than would be expected from phytoplankton biomass alone, pointing to a subsidy of bacterioplankton metabolism by macrophyte beds at the whole lake scale. The results suggest that the classical view of pelagic interactions, which proposes phosphorus determines phytoplankton abundance, which in turn determines bacterial abundance through the production of organic carbon, becomes less relevant as macrophyte cover increases.  相似文献   

Quirós  Rolando 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):343-355
Data from an extensive mid-summer survey of Argentinian lakes and reservoirs were used to study the effects of variability in internal processes on the residual variance in chlorophyll — total phosphorus (CHL-TP) regression models. These effects were compared with those related to the external characteristics of lakes, e.g. climate, morphometry and nutrient status. Zooplanktivorous fish biomass, mean macrozooplankton size, dissolved oxygen at the sediment-water interface, and submersed macrophyte development, were shown to be significant in explaining residual variance in CHL-TP for Argentinian lakes and reservoirs. The results suggest that those variables have discontinuous or threshold effects on CHL-TP residuals among lakes. Significant differences were also shown between CHL-TP regressions for lakes with and without zooplanktivorous fish and for lakes with small or large macrozooplankton. Lakes with zooplanktivorous fish, small body size macrozooplankton, and very low hypolimnetic oxygen also have higher chlorophyll levels than predicted from CHL-TP regression models.  相似文献   

This study provides the most comprehensive physico-chemical and phytoplankton data yet available for Australian dune lakes, which are among the world's most naturally acidic and oligotrophic freshwaters. Seasonal and spatial variations were examined in Blue Lagoon and Lake Freshwater, two ‘water-table window’ lakes in south-east Queensland. Like other dune lakes, they are acidic (minimum pH 4.20 and 4.55, respectively), polymictic water bodies with low concentrations of marine-derived major ions and almost undetectable levels of trace metals. While linmologically similar in winter, during spring-summer Lake Freshwater has significantly higher levels of chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus (TP) and turbidity than Blue Lagoon and other dune lakes, indicating seasonal mesotrophy. The key nutrient is TP, which has recently increased to a maximum of 17 μ· l−1, due either to inputs from recreational sources, or to the death and decomposition of littoral vegetation resulting from falling water levels over the last decade. Inorganic nitrogen, though present only in small amounts, does not appear to limit the eutrophication process because of a shift in phytoplankton dominance from the usual desmids and dinoflagellates to N2-fixing blue-green algae. A chlorophyll - TP linear regression derived for dune lakes indicates that at TP < 20 μg · l−1 chlorophyll ‘yield’ is higher than in other lake types represented by regressions from the literature. This may be due to a more efficient utilization of the limited available phosphorus by dune lake algae which have adapted to the naturally oligotrophic environment. The implications of these findings for lake management are discussed.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes may play an important role as a refuge for zooplankton against predators. However, a recent study suggests that their importance depends on the trophic state of the lake. We studied the impact of fish and macrophytes on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans in 56 oligotrophic arctic Greenland lakes. In north-east and western Greenland, zooplankton was sampled in the near-shore (littoral) and central (pelagial) part of all lakes and fish were sampled with multiple mesh-sized gill nets. Macrophytes were visually estimated in the littoral. In north-east Greenland, 5 taxa of cladocerans were found, while 14 taxa were recorded in western Greenland. Daphnia pulex occurred only in fishless lakes in both northeast and western Greenland and avoided the near-shore areas in the shallow and deep lakes. Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial in the deep and shallow fishless lakes. However, their near-shore density was lowest in the presence of fish. Macrophyte-related and benthic cladocerans concentrated either in the littoral or were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial, irrespective of depth and fish presence or absence. Macrophytes had no impact on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans. Thus, it is concluded that horizontal heterogeneity of Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum might be affected by the presence of fish.  相似文献   

1. In this study, sediment chlorophyll profiles at twenty littoral stations in three oligo‐mesotrophic lakes were compared to test whether the vertical distribution of chlorophyll is related to site characteristics (light availability, temperature, physical disturbances) and whether these profiles differ between shallow and deep portions of the littoral zone.
2. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at the sediment surface did not vary with light intensity. Chlorophyll peaks in the shallow littoral zone had a weak tendency to decrease with increasing effective fetch. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at deeper sites was more closely related to water temperature than to substrate slope.
3. High chlorophyll concentrations were measured down to 1–3 cm in the sediments, both at shallow (< 2.5 m) and deep (4–10 m) stations. The depth to which high chlorophyll was found in sediments did not vary with effective fetch or sediment water content, two indices of wave disturbance in the shallow littoral zone, or with substrate slope, an index of sediment stability in the deep littoral zone. Sediment mixing is apparently not related to common indices of physical disturbances.
4. Between 8 and 100% of sediment surface chlorophyll was 'retained' 4–5 cm into the sediments. The proportion of chlorophyll 'retained' in littoral sediments increased with increasing depth, increasing lake productivity (total phosphorus concentration) and increasing lake pH.
5. Among‐core variability (standard error/mean) in chlorophyll concentration at the sediment surface ranged from less than 1% to 33% at different stations and was highest at shallow, exposed sites. These levels of variability are similar to those found in other periphytic communities.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Søndergaard  M.  Kanstrup  E.  Petersen  B.  Eriksen  R. B.  Hammershøj  M.  Mortensen  E.  Jensen  J. P.  Have  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):15-30
The effects of nutrients on the biological structure of brackish and freshwater lakes were compared. Quantitative analysis of late summer fish, zooplankton, mysid and macrophyte populations was undertaken in 20–36 shallow brackish lakes of various trophic states and the findings compared with a similar analysis of shallow freshwater lakes based on either sampling (fish) or existing data (zooplankton, mysids and macrophytes). Special emphasis was placed on differences in pelagic top-down control. Whereas the fish biomass (CPUE, multiple mesh-size gill nets) rose with increasing P-concentration in freshwater lakes, that of brackish lakes was markedly reduced at P-concentrations above ca. 0.4 mg P l-1 and there was a concomitant shift to exclusive dominance by the small sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius); as a result, fish density remained relatively high. Mysids (Neomysis integer) were found at a salinity greater than 0.5 and increased substantially with increasing P-concentration, reaching levels as high as 13 ind. l-1. This is in contrast to the carnivorous zooplankton of freshwater lakes, which are most abundant at intermediate P levels. The efficient algal controller, Daphnia was only found at a salinity below 2 and N. integer in lakes with a salinity above 0.5. Above 2 the filter-feeding zooplankton were usually dominated by the less efficient algal controllers Eurytemora and Acartia. In contrast to freshwater lakes, no shift to a clearwater state was found in eutrophic brackish lakes when submerged macrophytes became abundant. We conclude that predation pressure on zooplankton is higher and algal grazing capacity lower in brackish eutrophic-hypertrophic lakes than in comparable freshwater lakes, and that the differences in trophic structure of brackish and freshwater lakes have major implications for the measures available to reduce the recovery period following a reduction in nutrient loading. From the point of view of top-down control, the salinity threshold dividing freshwater and brackish lakes is much lower than the conventionally defined 5.  相似文献   

Wildfires are becoming larger and more frequent across much of the United States due to anthropogenic climate change. No studies, however, have assessed fire prevalence in lake watersheds at broad spatial and temporal scales, and thus it is unknown whether wildfires threaten lakes and reservoirs (hereafter, lakes) of the United States. We show that fire activity has increased in lake watersheds across the continental United States from 1984 to 2015, particularly since 2005. Lakes have experienced the greatest fire activity in the western United States, Southern Great Plains, and Florida. Despite over 30 years of increasing fire exposure, fire effects on fresh waters have not been well studied; previous research has generally focused on streams, and most of the limited lake‐fire research has been conducted in boreal landscapes. We therefore propose a conceptual model of how fire may influence the physical, chemical, and biological properties of lake ecosystems by synthesizing the best available science from terrestrial, aquatic, fire, and landscape ecology. This model also highlights emerging research priorities and provides a starting point to help land and lake managers anticipate potential effects of fire on ecosystem services provided by fresh waters and their watersheds.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine whether the copepod assemblages in lakes and ponds of northern Québec, Canada, were closer in composition to those found in southern Québec, or to those reported from the subarctic and arctic. Six calanoid and five cyclopoid species were identified from 37 ponds and lakes located in the region between 55° N and 59° N. Species diversity was generally low, ranging from 0 to 4 species per lake. Dominant species were Leptodiaptomus minutus and Acanthocyclops vernalis. The species assemblages showed high affinity with those found in forested regions of southern Québec. Exceptions were Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli, previously only recorded west of Hudson Bay, and Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, hitherto recorded north of 58° N. Relationships between the lakes, species, and environmental variables were explored using multivariate analysis. Lakes situated along the coast and on two offshore islands clustered together and were characterised by higher conductivity and pH than those lakes located further inland. Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli was common in these coastal lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between copepod distributions and conductivity, dissolved organic carbon and pH. These three variables accounted for 70% of the variation in the species' distribution.  相似文献   

The formation of a diverse range of amyloid structures from normally soluble proteins and peptides is a hallmark of devastating human disorders as well as biological functions. The current molecular understanding of the amyloid lifecycle reveals four processes central to their growth and propagation: primary nucleation, elongation, secondary nucleation and division. However, these processes result in a wide range of cross-β packing and filament arrangements, including diverse assemblies formed from identical monomeric precursors with the same amino acid sequences. Here, we review current structural and mechanistic understanding of amyloid self-assembly, and discuss how mesoscopic, i.e. micrometre to nanometre, organisation of amyloid give rise to suprastructural features that may be the key link between the polymorphic amyloid structures and the biological response they elicit. A greater understanding of the mechanisms governing suprastructure formation will guide future strategies to combat amyloid associated disorders and to use and control the amyloid quaternary structure in synthetic biology and materials applications.  相似文献   

Sezary Syndrome is an aggressive T-cell Lymphoma involving blood, skin and lymphonodes Involvement of the CXCR4-SDF1 has been previously shown. We here present evidence also of the involvement of B-arrestin a downstream regulator of CXCR4, that is depleted and downregulated as well as a potential functional role for this depletion.  相似文献   

Replacement of unlabeled -butyrobetaine with -[2,3,4-2H6]butyrobetaine has a profound effect on the stoichiometry between decarboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate and hydroxylation in the reaction catalyzed by human -butyrobetaine hydroxylase. The ratios between decarboxylation and hydroxylation are 1.16 with Unlabeled and 7.48 with deuterated -butyrobetaine as substrate. From these ratios an internal isotope effect of 41 has been calculated. DV in the overall reaction measured as 2- oxoglutarate decarboxylation is 2.5 and DV/K is 1.0. For -butyrobetaine hydroxylase fromPseudomonas sp. AK 1, 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylation exceeds hydroxylation with 10% when deuterated -butyrobetaine is used. No excess was found with unlabeled substrate and no internal isotope effect could be calculated. DV for the bacterial enzyme is 6.  相似文献   

Changes over time in 16 physical and chemical variables were analysed and compared between Sweden’s largest lakes, Vättern and Vänern, and 48 smaller Swedish reference lakes during spring over the period 1984–2003. The rates of changes varied substantially among lakes and among variables, and they were clearly influenced by changes in both climate and atmospheric deposition. Rates of change of variables associated with atmospheric deposition such as sulphate concentrations were dependent on lake morphometry. This also applied to the rates of change of variables associated with climate change effects in the catchment such as calcium and magnesium concentrations. However, climate change effects could also be comparable between large and small lakes. Rates of change in physical and chemical variables directly influenced by the climate via the lake water surface, e.g., surface water temperature, and variables associated with the spring phytoplankton development such as phosphate–phosphorus and nitrate–nitrogen concentrations, were similar and therefore independent of lake morphometry. This study shows that climate change effects that act via the lake surface can be of the same order of magnitude among large and small lakes, but climate change effects that act via the catchment differ substantially in large lakes. It is essential to differentiate between these two types of climate effects in order to assess the impacts of climate change and the adaptation and vulnerability of lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cardiac dysfunction has an increased prevalence in diseases complicated by liver cirrhosis such as primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. This observation has led to research into the association between abnormalities in bile acid metabolism and cardiac pathology. Approximately 50% of liver cirrhosis cases develop cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. Bile acids are directly implicated in this, causing QT interval prolongation, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyocyte apoptosis and abnormal haemodynamics of the heart. Elevated maternal serum bile acids in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, a disorder which causes an impaired feto-maternal bile acid gradient, have been associated with fatal fetal arrhythmias. The hydrophobicity of individual bile acids in the serum bile acid pool is of relevance, with relatively lipophilic bile acids having a more harmful effect on the heart. Ursodeoxycholic acid can reverse or protect against these detrimental cardiac effects of elevated bile acids.  相似文献   

Although great strides have been made in the areas of ventricular pacing, it is still appreciated that dyssynchrony can be malignant, and that appropriately placed pacing leads may ameliorate mechanical dyssynchrony. However, the unknowns at present include:1. The mechanisms by which ventricular pacing itself can induce dyssynchrony;2. Whether or not various pacing locations can decrease the deleterious effects caused by ventricular pacing;3. The impact of novel methods of pacing, such as atrioventricular septal, lead-less, and far-field surface stimulation;4. The utility of ECG and echocardiography in predicting response to therapy and/or development of dyssynchrony in the setting of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) lead placement;5. The impact of ventricular pacing-induced dyssynchrony on valvular function, and how lead position correlates to potential improvement.This review examines the existing literature to put these issues into context, to provide a basis for understanding how electrical, mechanical, and functional aspects of the heart can be distorted with ventricular pacing. We highlight the central role of the mitral valve and its function as it relates to pacing strategies, especially in the setting of CRT. We also provide future directions for improved pacing modalities via alternative pacing sites and speculate over mechanisms on how lead position may affect the critical function of the mitral valve and thus overall efficacy of CRT.  相似文献   

As part of an impact assessment of large hydroelectric projects in the James Bay drainage in Northwestern Québec, the aquatic insect communities were studied in a network of rivers, lakes and streams during the summer of 1975. Thirty-eight emergence traps operated over the ice-free season yielded 10 888 insects (5559 Ephemeroptera, 2817 Plecoptera, and 2512 Trichoptera), representing 148 species (respectively 44, 18, and 86), most of temperate and boreal afinities. There was no arctic element.Similarity analyses and clustering procedures on the emergence series revealed the existence of distinct insect communities in the river (fast and slow sections), the streams (fast and slow), the lakes and the bogs, each characterized by a particular assemblage of species. Many of the species were more or less ubiquitous and differences between communities were marked more by changes in the dominance of the species and differences in the frequency distributions, than absolute shifts in the species lists. The yields in the traps set in fast water were much greater than those in slow running water, and these in turn greater than those of standing water.By comparison with more southerly sites, the seasonal succession of species was retarded in the spring and early summer, but was not shortened appreciably in the fall. The usual emergence patterns associated with these taxa was observed, namely those of spring, summer and autumn species.  相似文献   

We have evaluated photoeffects of UV-B, UV-A and PAR radiation on dissolved organic matter (DOM). Photochemical production of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was measured in sterile lake water from Sweden and Brazil after 6 hours of sun exposure. Tubes were exposed to four solar radiation regimes: Full-radiation, Full-radiation minus UV-B, Full-radiation minus UV-B and UV-A (PAR) and darkness.In both areas, lakes with most DOC (varying between 3 and 40 mg C l-1) were highly humic, resulting in high UV-B attenuation coefficients (Kd = 5–466 m-1). Under Full-radiation, photooxidative DIC-production varied from 0.09 to 1.7 mg C l-1per 6 h, without UV-B from 0.07 to 1.4 mg C l-1 and with PAR only from 0.02 to 0.7 mg C l-1. UV-B radiation explains a minor part (17%) of the photoooxidative DIC-production, while UV-A and PAR have larger effects (39% and 44%, respectively). Photooxidation was proportional to DOC-content and DIC-production was positively related to decrease in DOC and to loss of absorbance at 250 nm. There was no significant difference in DOC and radiation normalized DIC-production between Swedish and Brazilian lakes. The UV-B dose during incubations was approximately 3 times higher in Brazil compared to Sweden, while UV-A and PAR doses were similar. We conclude that DOC from tropical and temperate freshwaters do not seem to differ with respect to sensitivity to photooxidation.  相似文献   

Ecological conditions and phytoplankton succession in two shallow hypertrophic lakes (Langer See and Melangsee) and a dimictic, eutrophic lake (Scharmützelsee) in a lake chain in Eastern Germany were analyzed from 1999 to 2001 in order to find situations of phytoplankton steady state assemblages and variables controlling the phytoplankton composition according to Reynolds et al. (2002). Long term background data from 1993 to 2001 suggest steady state conditions in shallow lakes, whereas the deep lake exhibited irregular fluctuations between various phytoplankton stages. Since the phytoplankton composition in the shallow lakes was similar in all the 3 years, it was highly predictable. Steady state conditions dominated by different species of Oscillatoriales were detected during the summer period 1999 and 2000 in Langer See and in Melangsee (see Mischke & Nixdorf, this volume). This dominant assemblage found in both lakes (group S 1 acc. to Reynolds et al., 2002): Planktothrix agardhii (Gom.) Anagn. et Kom., Limnothrix redekei (Van Goor) Meffert, Pseudanabaena (Lauterb.) is typical in turbid mixed layers with highly light deficient conditions, but it is also regularly dominant in the dimictic lake Scharmützelsee as observed in 1999 and 2001 (Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemm.) Kom. The Nostocales Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolz.) Seenayya et Subba Raju and Aphanizomenon gracile (Lemmerm.) Lemmerm. were important in the shallow lakes as well as in lake Scharmützelsee. Nevertheless, the occurrence of filamentous cyanobacteria in the dimictic lake was not regular and an unpredictable change in phytoplankton development was observed in 2000. It is discussed, whether this phenomenon of regular succession in shallow hypertrophic lakes is caused by adaptation to a resilient and an extreme environment or by the pool of species that can live or survive in that environment. This was checked through comparison of the depth of the mixed layer, the mean daily irradiance within this layer and the nutrient resources. Although the nutrient resources in both types of lake are near threshold levels, indicating growth inhibition by dissolved nutrients (DIP, DIN, TIC, DSi), the under water light supply seems to be the key factor favoring the dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria belonging to the functional group S 1.  相似文献   

Anthers of niger (Guizotia abyssinica. Cass) were inoculated onto five different media differing mainly in their inorganic and organic constituents and plant growth regulators to study their influence on callus induction (embryogenic/non-embryogenic) and plant regeneration. LS medium supplemented with 2 mg 1-1 2,4-d, and 0.3 mg 1-1 KN favoured the production of EC, whereas 2 mg 1-1 BAP and 0.5 mg 1-1 KN promoted the NEC from anthers. Different types of embryos were initiated upon transfer of EC to Chaleff's R-2 medium containing 2 mg 1-1 NAA and 0.3 mg 1-1 KN and/or 5 mg 1-1 ABA. NEC when transferred onto the medium supplemented with 1 mg 1-1 BAP and 0.1 mg 1-1 NAA produced on an average 8–12 shoots/callus mass. Embryoids developed from the EC and shoots differentiated from NEC when cultured onto the Chaleff's R-2 and MS media respectively lacking growth regulators, they transformed into whole plantlets. The plantlets thus obtained were successfully hardened and grown to maturity for analysis of various plant characters.Abbreviations EC embryogenic callus - NEC non-embryogenic callus - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - ABA abscisic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - KN kinetin - MS Murashige and Skoog's medium - LS Linsmaier and Skoog's medium  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,45(1):9-17
Euglena gracilis is capable of forming the heme and chlorophyll precursor δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) by two routes: from glutamate via the five-carbon path in the chloroplasts, and by ALA synthase-mediated condensation of succinyl-CoA and glycine, probably in the mitochondrion. 5-Amino-1,3-cyclohexadienyl carboxylic acid (gabaculine), a powerful inhibitor of ALA formation via the five-carbon path, was administered to E. gracilis Klebs strain Z Pringsheim cells growing in the light or dark, and its effects on growth, chlorophyll accumulation and extractable ALA synthase activity were measured. Gabaculine had no effect in vitro on ALA synthase or ALA dehydratase, even at 100 μM. Administration of 100 μM gabaculine to wild-type cells growing in the light slowed growth, inhibited chlorophyll accumulation, and induced an increase in extractable ALA synthase activity. Chlorophyll accumulation in the light was abolished by prior administration of the compound to growing cells for 6 h in the dark, whereas chlorophyll accumulation in cells without gabaculine began immediately after transfer to light. Extractable ALA synthase activity from gabaculine-pretreated dark-grown cells was initially lower than the activity from untreated cells, but it did not undergo a further decline after transfer of the cells to the light, whereas the activity from untreated cells dropped to less than one eighth the dark level after 2 h in the light, and by 4 h had fallen to a level five times lower than that extractable from gabaculine-treated cells. These results suggest that suppression of ALA synthase activity by light in untreated cells is related to light-induced activation of the five-carbon ALA biosynthetic pathway in the plastids, and may result from a contribution by a product of the five-carbon pathway to non-plastid tetrapyrrole pools in the light.  相似文献   

The maxilliped venom claw is an intriguing structure in centipedes. We address open questions concerning this structure. The maxillipeds of fossil centipedes from the Carboniferous (about 300 million years old) have been described, but not been depicted previously. Re-investigation demonstrates that they resemble their modern counterparts. A Jurassic geophilomorph centipede (about 150 million years old) was originally described as possessing a rather leg-like maxilliped. Our re-investigation shows that the maxilliped is, in fact, highly specialized as in modern Geophilomorpha. A scenario for the evolution of the centipede maxilliped is presented. It supports one of the two supposed hypotheses of centipede phylogeny, the Pleurostigmophora hypothesis. Although this hypothesis appears now well established, many aspects of character evolution resulting from this phylogeny remain to be told in detail. One such aspect is the special joint of the maxilliped in some species of Cryptops. Cryptops is an in-group of Scolopendromorpha, but its maxilliped joint can resemble that of Lithobiomorpha or even possess a mixture of characters between the both. Detailed investigation of fossils, larger sample sizes of extant species, and developmental data will be necessary to allow further improvements of the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of centipedes.  相似文献   

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