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The levels of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in suspensioncultures of Catharanthus roseus were determined 24 h after stationary-phasecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or phosphate-deficient (‘–Pi’) Murashige-Skoogmedium. The levels of ATP, GTP, UTP and CTP were from approx.3 to 5-fold greater in the cells grown in ‘+Pi’medium than in the cells grown in ‘–Pi’ medium.The levels of almost all other nucleotides were slightly higherin the cells in ‘+Pi’ medium. The rates of de novoand salvage biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotideswere estimated from the rates of incorporation of radioactivityfrom [14C]formate, [2–14C]glycine, NaH14CO3, [6–14C]orotate,[8–14C]adenine, [8–14C]adenosine, [2–14C]uraciland [2–14C]uridine. The results indicated that the activityof both the de novo and the salvage pathway was higher in thecells in ‘+Pi’ medium than in the cells in ‘–Pi’medium. The rate of degradation estimated from the rate of releaseof 14CO2 from labelled purines and pyrimidines indicated thatdegradation of uridine was significantly reduced in the cellsin ‘+Pi’ medium, but no significant difference wasfound in the degradation of adenine, adenosine and uracil. Thepossible role of Pi in the control of the biosynthesis of nucleotidesand in the degradation of uridine is discussed. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, nucleotides, purines, pyrimidines, biosynthesis, degradation  相似文献   

The copepods Calanus australis and Calanoides carinatus developedfrom egg to adult in 20.3 and 18.3 days respectively at 15.5?Cand 16.0 and 12.0 days at 19.5?C. For both species the durationof the first two naupliar stages was short, <1 day. The thirdnaupliar stage was prolonged in C.australis but short in C.carinatus. Isochronal development was approximated from fourthnauplius through third copepodite; fourth and fifth copepoditestages were relatively long. Only female C.australis were produced;60% of the C.carinatus were female. Equiproportional developmentwas found for C.carinatus but not for C.australis. For bothspecies the variance in stage duration was established at thethird nauplius then remained unchanged through the older stages.In calculating developmental rates several commonly used methodswere compared. The method of ‘first appearance of an individualof a given stage’ and ‘mean time of appearance ofa stage’ both yielded estimates of development time thatwere 10–15% faster than the more commonly used methodof ‘median development time’. We suggest that allfuture work on developmental rates of copepods should use astandardized method for the calculation of stage-specific developmentalrates and that ‘median development time’ be themethod of choice. 3Present address: Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY, StonyBrook, NY 11794-5000, USA  相似文献   

When a dicotyledonous stem is wounded by longitudinally splittinga young internode into halves, cells near the cut surface proliferateto form a callus within which vascular tissues differentiateand tend to restore a vascular cylinder in each half. Threephases of regeneration after wounding were identified and quantifiedin stems of three Solanaceous species. (1) In an initial ‘lag’phase, lasting about 2 d, neither cell division nor enlargementwere detected, but mitotic figures were observed within about300 µm of the cut surface. (2) Throughout a second, ‘division’phase, from about days 2–10, cell division and enlargementoccurred. Both were initiated mainly in the two cell layersnearest the surface. A mass of callus formed, with new cellwalls mostly parallel to the surface. Cell enlargement laggedbehind cell division for the first few days, so that mean radialcell diameter decreased until day 6, thereafter remaining almostconstant at 30–40 µm. Towards the end of this phase,mitoses ceased within the callus except in the positions ofthe future vascular and cork cambia, where radial cell diameterfell towards a constant 15–20 µm. (3) During a third,‘differentiation’ phase, cell division was restrictedto the cambial zones, and derivatives differentiated into cork,phloem or xylem according to position. The rate of increasein cell number per transect was 1.5–2.0 cells d–1,of which more than half was xylem. Capsicum annuum L., sweet pepper, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., tomato, cambium, cell division, differentiation, regeneration, wounding of stems, xylem  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [U-14C]sucrose in suspension culturesof Catharanthus roseus cells was monitored for 96 h after thecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or to phosphate-deficient Murashige and Skoog (‘–Pi’)medium. Sucrose was hydrolysed extracellularly to glucose andfructose. The rate of uptake of sugars by the cells was 1.5–3times higher in ‘+Pi’ culture than in ‘–Pi’culture. Little difference in the rate of incorporation of radioactivityinto the ethanol-soluble fraction was found between the ‘+Pi’and ‘– Pi’ cultures during the initial 24h of culture, but after 48 h the rate in ‘ +Pi’cultures was higher than that in ‘–Pi’ cultures.Incorporation of radioactivity into ethanol-insoluble macromoleculeswas always significantly higher in the cells in ‘+Pi’cultures than in those in ‘–Pi’ cultures.The results suggest that Pi strongly affects the utilizationof sugars by cultured plant cells through the stimulation oftransport of sugars as well as through the activation of metabolism. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, sucrose, transport, metabolism  相似文献   

A microsomal flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase (F3'H) catalyzing themetabolism of naringenin to eriodictyol in Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck cv. ‘Hamlin’ cell suspension cultures wasshown to be a cytochrome P450 enzyme. This reaction requiredO2 and NADPH and was inhibited by CO, with partial reversalof CO-inhibition by light at 450 nm. Cytochrome P450 contentranged from 10–20 pmol (mg microsomal protein)–1.The F3'H reaction was shown to be linear in regard to proteinconcentration between 2.5 and 25 µg of microsomal protein.The optimum pH for the reaction was 7.4–7.6 and the temperatureoptimum was between 30 and 37°C. The apparent Km and Vmaxfor naringenin were 24 µM±3.2 and 81.4±7.9pmol eriodictyol min–1 (mg protein)–1, respectively.The microsomal F3'H was also capable of forming dihydroquercetinfrom dihydrokaempferol (40 pmol min–1 (mg protein)–1)and of quercetin from kaempferol (3.25 pmol min–1 (mgprotein–1). Cytochrome c and ketoconazole were the bestinhibitors of WH activity followed by piperonyl butoxide anda-naphthoflavone. Light was shown to be an inducer of the F3'Halmost doubling the specific activity and increasing the microsomalcytochrome P450 content by 30% over that of dark grown cells.F3'H activity was also confirmed in microsomal preparationsof young (new flush) leaves from ‘Hamlin’ treesand flavedo of ‘Hamlin’ oranges, ‘Marsh’grapefruit, and ‘Lisbon’ lemon. No activity wasobserved in older, hardened leaves and albedo of all the fruittested. Initiation of embryogenesis in the ‘Hamlin’cell suspension cultures by switching from a sucrose mediumto a glycerol-based medium resulted in the down-regulation ofF3'H. 1Mention of a trademark, warranty, proprietary product, or vendordoes not constitute a guarantee by the U.S. Department of Agricultureand does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other productsor vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Effects of coupled solute and water flow in plant roots withspecial reference to Brouwer's experiment. Edwin L. Fiscus. p. 71 Abstract: Line 3 delete ‘interval’ insert‘internal’. p. 73 Materials and Methods: line 6: delete ‘diversion’ insert ‘division’ line 9 equation should read Jv=Lp PRT(C0C1). 74 Last line of figure legend: 10–1 should read 10–11. 75 Line 11: delete ‘seems’ insert ‘seem’. le 1 column heading—106 should read 1011. 77 delete ‘...membrane in series of...’ insert ‘membranein series or...’ Delete final paragraph.  相似文献   

The Metabolism of Abscisic Acid   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The light-catalysed isomerization of (+)-abscisic acid (ABA)to its trans isomer during isolation from leaves was monitoredby the addition of (±)-[2-14C]ABA to the extraction medium.(+)Trans-abscisic acid (t-ABA) was found to occur naturallyin rose (Rosa arvensis) leaves at 20µg/kg fresh weight;(+)-ABA was present at 594µg/kg. (±)-[2-14D]Trans-abscisicacid was not isomerized enzymically to ABA in tomato shoots. (±)-Abscisic acid was converted by tomato shoots to awater-soluble neutral product, ‘Metabolite B’, whichwas identified as abscisyl-ß-D-glucopyranoside. When(±)-[2-14C]trans-abscisic acid in an equimolar mixturewith (±)-[2-14C}ABA was fed to tomato shoots it was convertedto its glucose ester 10 times faster than was ABA. Trans-abscisyl-ß-D-glucopyrano8ide only was formedfrom (±)-[2-14C]t-ABA in experiments lasting up to 30h. Glucosyl abscisate was formed slowly from ABA and the freeacid fraction contained an excess of the unnatural (–).ABAas did the ABA released from abscisyl-ß-D-glucopyranosideby alkaline hydrolysis. The (+).ABA appeared to be the solesource of the acidic ‘Metabolite C" previously noted. The concentrations of endogenous (+)-, (+)-[2-14C]-, and (–)-[2-14C]ABAremaining as free acid, and also in the hydrolysate of abscisyl-ß-D-glucopyranoside,were measured by the ORD, UV absorption, and scintillation spectrometryof highly purified extracts of ABA from tomato shoots whichhad been supplied with racemic [2-l4C]ABA.  相似文献   

Techniques are described for following increases in total cellnumber, fresh weight and dry weight, and changes in mean cellsize, and in the relative number of free cells to cell aggregatesduring the growth of batch-propagated suspension cultures oftissues derived from several species of angiosperms. When totalcell number is plotted against time it is seen that there canbe distinguished in sequence a lag phase, phases of acceleration,maximum rate, and negative acceleration of cell division and,finaly, a stationary phase. Studies with Parthenocissus tricuspidatacrown-gall tissue, growing in a synthetic liquid medium, haveshown that the total cell production per culture in the firstinstance is limited by nitrate supply rather than by the supplyof other inorganic ions, sucrose supply aeration, or the releaseof endogenous inhibibors. Studies, particularly with Acer pseudoplatanustissue, have shown that during the period of high cell-divisionrate, mean cell size reached its minimum value and average numberof cells per cell aggregate its maximum value. Cell separationdoes not occur to a significant extent until cell-division activityhas almost ceased and it is dependent upon cell expansion. Thebalance between cell division and cell expansion determinesthe ‘cellular unit’ composition of the cultures.Refinement of the control of growth patterns in plant suspensioncultures calls for further study of the ‘conditioning’of media, of factors which limit the duration of the periodof high mitotic activity, and of the conditions necessary forfull and rapid cell expansion.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of adenine and guanine salvage in nucleotideand nucleic acid synthesis during the growth of Catharanthusroseus were investigated. Incorporation of [8-14C]adenine intoATP and ADP and that of [8-14C]guanine into GTP and GDP increasedmarkedly in the lag phase of cell growth and then sharply decreased.The incorporation into RNA from both precursors showed a similarpattern. The role of rapid purine salvage observed in the lagphase of cell growth is discussed. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture cells, purine salvage, adenine, guanine  相似文献   

The effects of exposure of up to 2 h with sulphur dioxide ona range of plant species was observed by measuring changes inthe rate of net photosynthesis under closely controlled environmentalconditions. Ryegrass, Lolium perenne ‘S23’ was thespecies most sensitive to SO2; significant inhibition was detectedat 200 nl l–1. Fumigations at 300 nl l–1 also inhibitedphotosynthesis in field bean (Vicia faba cv. ‘Three FoldWhite’ and ‘Blaze’) and in barley (Hordeumvulgare cv. ‘Sonja’). No effect was detected inwheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ‘Virtue’) at concentrationsup to 600 nl l–1 SO2, or in oil-seed rape (Brassica napuscv. ‘Rafal’) except at 800 nl l–1 SO2). Recoverycommenced immediately after the fumigation was terminated andwas complete within 2 h when inhibition had not exceeded 20%during the SO2 treatment. Key words: Sulphur dioxide, short-term fumigation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Valentincic  Tine 《Chemical senses》1991,16(3):251-266
Feeding behavior of the brittle star Ophiura ophiura includesorienting posture, orienting movements, arm ‘walking’,changing the direction of ‘walking’ arm coilingand ingestion. All sequential behavior patterns were releasedor enhanced by single low-molecular-weight compounds. Stimuliwhich released ‘walking’ behavior at high concentrations(10–4 M) in all the test animals are listed in decreasingorder of sensitivity: sarcosine, glycine, urea, L-valine, L-leucine,L-methionine, L-homocysteine, L-norvaline, L-norleucine, L-threonine,L-serine, S-methyl-L-cysteine, L-proline. Threshold values forsingle amino acids were as much as 100 times different in differentindividuals and ranged from 3 x 10–9 to 3 x 10–7M for the most effective stimulus, sarcosine, and from 10–6to 10–4 M for proline. Above 10–5 M, only L-prolineregularly released a second behavior pattern, the arm coilingresponse, which temporarily inhibited the ‘walking’behavior. Behavioral thresholds for the ‘walking’behavior for L(+)-lactate and L-alanine were higher than thosefor the orienting movements. Thyoglycolic acid and ß-alaninereleased tube feet walking, which is not part of the feedingbehavior. Structure—activity comparisons were studied at estimated10–5 M concentrations. Gycline, sarcosine, L-valine, L-norvaline,L-leucine, L-isoleucine, DL-norleucine and DL-homocysteine releasedarm ‘walking’ behavior in more than 75% of all thetests. With the exceptions of S-methyl-and S-ethyl-cysteine,and glycine methylester, derivatives of amino acids were noteffective behavioral stimuli in Ophiura ophiura. L-Isomers ofvaline and leucine regularly stimulated the ‘walking’behavior while their D-isomers were effective in some testsand ineffective in others. Acetylcholine iodide, acetyl-ß-methylcholine chloride and choline phosphate chloride regularly released‘walking’ behavior at concentrations above 10–5M.  相似文献   

The carbon metabolism in cell walls of Chlorella ellipsoideawas studied by following 14C incorporation into cell wall constituentsin photosynthesizing, synchronously growing cells. The rateof incorporation was higher at an early growth phase of thecell cycle. The 14C was incorporated into both the major cellwall constituents, hemicellulose and ‘rigid wall’,and the radioactivity in the latter was distributed into itstwo components, glucosamine and amino acids. In pulse-chaseexperiments, the 14C fixed photosynthetically in the precedingcell cycle was rapidly transferred into the cell wall constituentsat the early growth phase of the ongoing cell cycle, and thereafterwas gradually released from the cell walls, although the totalamount of 14C in the cells remained constant. It was concludedthat the cell wall constituents are turned over during the growthphase of the algal cell cycle, and that the cell wall metabolismin the ongoing cell cycle is closely connected with the carbonmetabolism in the preceding cell cycle. (Received February 3, 1982; Accepted June 21, 1982)  相似文献   

Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine content were analysed inzygotic embryos of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Changes in polyaminecontent were observed during zygotic embryo growth. In two cultivars,‘Bomi’ and ‘Golden Promise’, the totalpolyamine content in the embryos was 2.6–2.9 nmol mg–1fresh weight 10 d after anthesis, the highest content observed.It dropped to 1.3 nmol mg–1 fresh weight 14 d after anthesis.This drop was caused by decreases in all three polyamine concentrations.From 14 to 35 d after anthesis the putrescine content continuedto decrease while the spermidine and spermine content increased,thus the total polyamine content remained constant until 35d after anthesis. The mutant ‘Ris? 1508’ showeda constant polyamine content around 1.3 nmol mg–1 freshweight from 14 to 35 d after anthesis. The polyamine patternwas conserved in all three lines throughout the period of investigationshowing a spermidine content higher than putrescine contentwhich was, in turn, higher or equal to the spermine content.The polyamine content measured as nmol µg–1 proteindecreased from 14 to 21 d post anthesis in all three lines,because the protein content (µg mg–1 fresh weight)increased during the period. In dedifferentiating zygotic embryoscultured in vitro the putrescine content (nmol mg–1 freshweight) rose by a factor of nine and the spermidine contentdoubled within the first week of cultivation, whereas sperminecontent did not change. For embryoderived calli a repeated patternof change in polyamine content was observed throughout the subculturingperiod. Key words: Polyamines, Hordeum vulgare L., embryo development  相似文献   

The metabolism of [2-14C]thymine, [2-14C]thymidine, [2-14C]uraciland [14C]uridine was investigated in protoplasts obtained fromsuspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus. Most of the exogenouslysupplied thymine, thymidine and uracil was degraded, and salvageof these pyrimidines accounted for 5–36 per cent of thetotal amount of 14C-labelled precursors which was metabolized.However, more than 80 per cent of the labelled uridine was utilizedfor the biosynthesis of nucleotides and nucleic acids, and therest was degraded. In contrast to the results from protoplastsof sugar cane cells in suspension culture, the data indicatethat protoplasts possess a pathway for the degradation of pyrimidines,and that the overall metabolism of these pyrimidines in protoplastsis very similar to the metabolism in the intact cells. Catharanthus roseus, madagascar periwinkle, protoplasts, pyrimidine metabolism  相似文献   

Floral buds of the ‘False Horn’ plantain clonesMusa (AAB) ‘Harton Verde’, ‘Harton Negra’,and ‘Currare’ terminate in a large single floralstructure. The apices of these floral buds are here designatedas determinate since they have lost the ability to produce additionalfloral initials or buds. Terminal peduncle segments can be culturedin a modified Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplementedwith N6-benzyl-aminopurine (5 mg I–1). Under these conditions,this apparent inability to yield buds can be overcome as vegetativeshoot clusters form in the axils of the bracts. Rooted plantletsare obtainable by treating shoots with naphthaleneacetic acid(1 mg I–1) and activated charcoal (0.025%). The adventitiousorigin of the shoots has been established. Musa cultivars, plantains, floral bud, adventitious buds, tissue culture  相似文献   

Five Gladiolus cultivars, namely ‘Aldebaran’, ‘BrightEye’, ‘Illusion’, ‘Manisha’ and‘Manmohan’, were exposed to 1 and 2 µg l–1sulphur dioxide to test their relative-sensitivity toleranceto the pollutant Plants were fumigated experimentally for 2h daily Foliar injury symptoms were observed first in ‘Manisha’followed by ‘Aldebaran’ and ‘Illusion’at the higher dose Photosynthetic pigments and leaf extractpH were significantly decreased, particularly in ‘Manisha’and ‘Illusion’ Overall disturbances in the plantmetabolism due to SO2 treatment led to retarded growth of plants,as evident from decreased shoot length and phytomass valuesThe order of sensitivity of the five Gladiolus cultivars toSO2 was as follows, with the greatest first Manisha, Illusion,Aldebaran, Bright Eye, Manmohan Cultivars, Gladiolus, sensitivity, sulphur dioxide, tolerance  相似文献   

HARVEY  D. M.; GOODWIN  J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1091-1998
The effect of the ‘leafless’ mutation (in whichtendrils replace leaflets and the stipules are reduced to avestigial form) upon foliage area, photosynthetic net CO2 uptakepotential, dry matter production and seed yield in Pisum sativumwas studied by comparing two near-isogenic lines of genotypeafafstst and ++++. The mutation is of potential agronomic valuein that it offers improved lodging resistance, crop drying andharvester throughput. In the conventional phenotype the total foliage area of themain axis attained a plateau (456 cm2) at day 56 from seedlingemergence, whereas corresponding values for the ‘leafless’mutant showed a total area of 208 cm2 at day 68 with no indicationof a plateau. The agronomic consequence of this is discussed.During the vegetative phase of the plant the maximum CO2 uptakepotential in the fully expanded conventional leaf was 8·5mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1 and in the ‘leafless’mutant this value was 7·0 mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1.For most ‘leaves’ of the latter phenotype this valuewas between 30 and 60 per cent less than for their conventionalcounterpart. There was a consistently higher photosyntheticpotential per unit area in tendrils of the ‘leafless’mutant than in leaflets of the conventional phenotype. The respectivemean specific values for the two phenotypes were 53 and 37 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1. The problem of obtaining a meaningfulsurface area value for tendrils is discussed and the cylindricalnature of tendrils is taken into account. The ‘leafless’ mutant consistently accumulated 50per cent less dry matter than did conventional plants in theperiod from seedling emergence to anthesis and yield of maturedry seed per plant showed a reduction of 50 per cent both inseed number and total seed weight. The implications for future breeding and selection programmesaimed at haulm reduction are discussed in relation to evaluatingthe ability of the background genotype to produce adequate tendrilsin the presence of afafstst. Triticum aestivum, wheat, callus culture, organogenesis  相似文献   

35SO42–; and 35S-labelled glucosinolate precursors wereadministered to intact whole-pods and seeds to investigate thecapacity of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) pod tissues tocarry out reactions of the glucosinolate biosynthetic pathway.35S-desulphobut-3-enyl and 35S-desulphoindol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolateswere converted to their sulphonated ‘intact glucosinolate’homologues by isolated immature seeds. A neutral sulphur-containingfraction was isolated from pod walls and shown to be associatedwith glucosinolate biosynthesis. Further purification of thisfraction showed the presence of desulphoglucosinolates, thepenultimate intermediates in the glucosinolate biosyntheticpathway. Chemical characterization and quantification of theseintermediates showed that their types and levels correspondedto the glucosinolate biosynthetic activity of pod-wall tissues.‘Partition quotients’ (Pq) were calculated for individualglucosinolates from 35S-labelling data and used to describethe apportionment of newly synthesized glucosinolates betweenpod walls and seeds. Results from continuous feeding studieswith pods and 35SO42–; indicated that individual rapeseedglucosinolates have characteristic Pq values. Key words: biosynthesis, desulphoglucosinolates, glucosinolates, partitioning, rapeseed  相似文献   

Diurnal laminar reorientation was followed in solar-trackingleaves of Lavatera cretica L. under simulated conditions. Asimulated ‘sun’ was moved over the lamina in a 180?arc in the vertical plane of the mid-vein, at an angular velocityof 15? h–1 in a regime of 12-h photoperiods. In one groupof plants the petioles of the experimental leaves were arrangedto face ‘sunrise’, while in the other they werearranged to face ‘sunset’. At ‘sunrise’,the laminae in both groups, which were inclined towards theanticipated direction of ‘sunrise’, changed theirelevation towards the rising ‘sun’, resulting inprogressive reduction in the angle of incidence (AI) of lighton the laminar surface (AI= differential between laminar and‘solar’ elevation). As a result, laminar and ‘solar’elevation converged, and laminar reorientation gradually ceased,until the ‘solar’ elevation had passed the normalto the laminar surface (AI=0?). laminar reorientation was thenresumed, but its direction was reversed to follow the directionof ‘solar’ reorientation. During most of the remaining‘day’, laminar elevation (LE) trailed that of the‘sun’ by an average of 11?-14?. Laminar reorientationthen anticipated ‘sunset’ by starting to slow down60 to 90min in advance. During the 12-h dark period, the laminareoriented towards the anticipated direction of the subsequent‘sunrise’. The time-course of nocturnal reorientationwas qualitatively different in the two groups of experimentalplants. The time-course of diurnal phototropism under naturaland simulated conditions is analysed and compared and differencesand similarities between them are discussed. Key words: Diurnal phototropism, solar-tracking, vectorial excitation  相似文献   

In nodulated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), there is typicallya period of N stress between 15 and 20 d after emergence (DAE),due to a lack of synchronization between the depletion of Nin the cotyledons and the beginning of N2 fixation and transport.Screening trials identified some Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.phaseoli strains with which symptoms of N deficiency were notvisible (‘precocious’ strains). Cultivar Negro Argelwas then inoculated with two ‘traditional’ strains(C-05 and CIAT 727) and two ‘precocious’ strains(CNPAF 146 and CNPAF 512), and plants were harvested from 8to 30 DAE. There were no differences between the two groupsof strains in nodule dry weight or in the acetylene reductionrates between 8 and 16 DAE. However, nodules induced by the‘precocious’ strains showed earlier onset of glutaminesynthetase (GS) (EC [EC] ) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT)(EC [EC] ) activities, and ureide synthesis. The N concentrationin the nodules formed by ‘precocious’ strains variedfrom 4.2 to 4.5%, whereas with the ‘traditional’strains, it increased from 3.2% at 8 DAE to 65% at 18 DAE, atwhich time plants exhibited N-deficiency symptoms. By 21 DAE,GS and GOGAT activities in ‘traditional’ noduleswere increased, as well as the ureide-N-concentration in thexylem sap, nodule N content declined to 4.5% and the leavesbecame green. These results suggest that the N stress with ‘traditional’strains is not a limitation in early N2 fixation activity butrather in the rates of expression of the processes of N assimilationand transport. Key words: Glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase, nitrogen fixation, Phaseolus vulgaris, Rhizobium  相似文献   

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