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beta-Tubulin is encoded in vertebrate genomes by a family of six to seven functional genes that produce six different polypeptide isotypes. We now document that although rat PC-12 cells express five of these isotypes, only two (classes II and III) accumulate significantly as a consequence of nerve growth factor-stimulated neurite outgrowth. In contrast to previous efforts that have failed to detect in vivo distinctions among different beta-tubulin isotypes, we demonstrate using immunoblotting with isotype-specific antibodies that three beta-tubulin polypeptides (classes I, II, and IV) are used preferentially for assembly of neurite microtubules (with approximately 70% of types I and II assembled but only approximately 50% of type III in polymer). Immunofluorescence localization shows that an additional isotype (V) is partially excluded from neurites. Distinctions in in vivo localization of the neuron-specific, class III isotype have also been directly observed using immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. The sum of these efforts documents that some in vivo functional differences between tubulin isotypes do exist.  相似文献   

Identification of two human beta-tubulin isotypes.   总被引:48,自引:14,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文

Tubulin, the constituent protein of microtubules, is an alpha beta heterodimer; both alpha and beta exist in several isotypic forms whose functional significance is not precisely known. The antimitotic alkaloid colchicine binds to mammalian brain tubulin in a biphasic manner under pseudo-first-order conditions in the presence of a large excess of colchicine (Garland, D. L. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 4266-4272). We have studied the kinetics of colchicine binding to purified beta-tubulin isotypes and find that each of the purified beta-tubulin isotypes binds colchicine in a monophasic manner. The apparent on-rate constants for the binding of colchicine to alpha beta II-, alpha beta III-, and alpha beta IV-tubulin dimers are respectively 132 +/- 5, 30 +/- 2, and 236 +/- 7 M-1 s-1. When the isotypes are mixed, the kinetics become biphasic. Scatchard analysis revealed that the isotypes differ significantly in their affinity constants (Ka) for binding colchicine. The affinity constants are 0.24 x 10(6), 0.12 x 10(6), and 3.31 x 10(6) M-1, respectively, for alpha beta II-, alpha beta III-, and alpha beta IV-tubulin dimers. Our results are in agreement with the hypothesis that the beta-subunit of tubulin plays a major role in the interaction of colchicine with tubulin. Our binding data raise the possibility that the tubulin isotypes might play important regulatory roles by interacting differently with other non-tubulin proteins in vivo, which in turn, may regulate microtubule-based functions in living cells.  相似文献   

The availability of isotype-specific antisera for beta-tubulin, coupled with genetic and biochemical analysis, has allowed the determination of beta-tubulin isotype expression and distribution in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Using genetic manipulations involving selection for colcemid resistance followed by reversion and reselection for drug resistance, we have succeeded in isolating cell lines that exhibit three major and one minor beta-tubulin spots by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In concert with isotype-specific antibodies, analysis of these mutants demonstrates that CHO cells express two copies of isotype I, at least one copy of isotype IV, and very small amounts of isotype V. All three isotypes assemble into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules and are similar in their responses to cold, colcemid, and calcium-induced depolymerization. They have comparable turnover rates and are equally sensitive to depression of synthesis upon colchicine treatment. These results suggest that beta-tubulin isotypes are used interchangeably to assemble microtubule structures in CHO cells. However, of 18 colcemid-resistant mutants with a demonstrable alteration in beta-tubulin, all were found to have the alteration in isotype I, thus leaving open the possibility that subtle differences in isotype properties may exist.  相似文献   

Several isotypes of the structural protein tubulin have been characterized. Their expression offers a plausible explanation for differences regarding microtubule function. Although sequence variation between tubulin isotypes occurs throughout the entire protein, it is the extreme carboxy-terminal tails (CTTs) that exhibit the greatest concentration of differences. In humans, the CTTs range in length from 9 to 25 residues and because of a considerable number of glutamic acid residues, contain over 1/3 of tubulin's total electrostatic charge. The CTTs are believed to be highly disordered and their precise function has yet to be determined. However, their absence has been shown to result in altered microtubule stability and a reduction in the interaction with several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). To characterize the role that CTTs play in microtubule function, we examined the global conformational differences within a set of nine human β-tubulin isotypes using replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. Through the analysis of the resulting configuration ensembles, we quantified differences such as the CTTs sequence influence on overall flexibility and average secondary structure. Although only minor variations between each CTT were observed, we suggest that these differences may be significant enough to affect interactions with MAPs, thereby influencing important properties such as microtubule assembly and stability.  相似文献   

S A Lewis  W Gu  N J Cowan 《Cell》1987,49(4):539-548
Mammalian cells express a spectrum of tubulin isotypes whose relationship to the diversity of microtubule function is unknown. To examine whether different isotypes are segregated into functionally distinct microtubules, we generated immune sera capable of discriminating among the various naturally occurring beta-tubulin isotypes. Cloned fusion proteins encoding each isotype were used first to tolerogenize animals against shared epitopes, and then as immunogens to elicit a specific response. In experiments using these sera, we show that there is neither complete nor partial segregation of beta-tubulin isotypes: both interphase cytoskeletal and mitotic spindle microtubules are mixed copolymers of all expressed beta-tubulin isotypes. Indeed, a highly divergent isotype normally expressed only in certain hematopoietic cells is also indiscriminately assembled into all microtubules both in their normal context and when transfected into HeLa cells.  相似文献   

beta-Tubulin is encoded in the genomes of higher animals by a small multigene family comprising approximately seven functional genes. These genes produce a family of closely related, but distinct polypeptide isotypes that are distinguished principally by sequences within the approximately 15 carboxy-terminal amino acid residues. By immunizing rabbits with chemically synthesized peptides corresponding to these variable domain sequences, we have now prepared polyclonal antibodies specific for each of six distinct isotypes. Specificity of each antiserum has been demonstrated unambiguously by antibody binding to bacterially produced, cloned proteins representing each isotype and by the inhibition of such binding by preincubation of each antiserum only with the immunizing peptide and not with heterologous peptides. Protein blotting of known amounts of cloned, isotypically pure polypeptides has permitted accurate quantitative measurement of the amount of each beta-tubulin isotype present in the soluble and polymer forms in various cells, but has not revealed a bias for preferential assembly of any isotype. Localization of each isotype in three different cell types using indirect immunofluorescence has demonstrated that in vivo each class of microtubules distinguishable by light microscopy is assembled as copolymers of all isotypes expressed in a single cell.  相似文献   

Detergent permeabilized Euplotes eurystomus (a fresh water hypotrichous ciliate) was reacted with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for either detyrosinated or tyrosinated alpha-tubulin (Glu- or Tyr-tubulin). The isolated cytoskeleton-nuclear complex was examined by Western immunoblotting and by immunofluorescent and electron microscopic methods. Both Glu- and Tyr-tubulins were detected by immunoblot analysis. Immunofluorescent microscopy indicated that the alpha-tubulin isotypes are concentrated in different regions of permeabilized cells: Glu-tubulin is located primarily in cirri, membranelles, and surrounding the macro- and micronuclei. Tyr-tubulin is principally at the bases of cirri and membranelles. This differential distribution of alpha-tubulin isotypes is discussed in terms of current concepts concerning the correlation of tubulin post-translational modifications to microtubule stability. Confocal immunofluorescent imaging was of critical importance in clearly differentiating the Glu-tubulin isotype surrounding the macro- and micronuclei from a brilliantly fluorescent environment originating from cytoskeletal structures. In conjunction with conventional and stereo-electron microscopy, confocal optical microscopy provided convincing evidence for a "basket" of microtubules surrounding both nuclei.  相似文献   

The functional significance of distinct gamma-tubulins in several unrelated eukaryotes remains an enigma due to the difficulties to investigate this question experimentally. Using specific nucleotidic and immunological probes, we have demonstrated that the two divergent Drosophila gamma-tubulins, gamma-tub23C and gamma-tub37CD, are expressed in cultured cells. Gamma-tub37CD is constantly detected at the centrosome and absent in the mitotic spindle, while gamma-tub23C is extensively recruited to the centrosome during mitosis and relocalizes in the mitotic spindle. The two gamma-tubulins exhibit distinct biochemical properties. Gamma-tub23C is present in the soluble gamma-tubulin small complexes (10S) and gamma-tubulin big complexes (35S) and is loosely associated to the cytoskeleton. In contrast, gamma-tub37CD is undetectable in the soluble fraction and exhibits a tight binding to the centrosome. Syncytial embryos also contain the two gamma-tubulin isotypes, which are differentially recruited at the centrosome. Gamma-tub23C is present in the 10S soluble complexes only, while y-tub37CD is contained in the two soluble complexes and is recruited at the centrosome where it exhibits an heterogeneous binding. These results demonstrated an heterogeneity of the two Drosophila gamma-tubulin isotypes both in the cytoskeletal and the soluble fractions. They suggest the direct implication of the 35S complex in the centrosomal recruitment of gamma-tubulin and a conditional functional redundancy between the two gamma-tubulins.  相似文献   

In chicken, beta-tubulin is encoded by a family of seven genes. We have now isolated and sequenced overlapping cDNA clones corresponding to gene c beta 7 (previously designated c beta 4'), the only chicken beta-tubulin not previously characterized. The inferred amino acid sequence of c beta 7 tubulin is identical with the class I beta-tubulin isotype found in human, mouse and rat. Moreover, c beta 7 is highly expressed in almost all tissue and cell types in chicken, a pattern similar to those of the genes for class I beta-tubulin isotypes in other vertebrates. Comparison of the complete family of chicken beta-tubulin gene sequences reveals that the heterogeneity of beta-tubulin polypeptides encoded in a higher eukaryote is confined to six distinct beta-tubulin isotypes. Five of these are members of evolutionarily conserved isotypic classes (I to V), whereas the sixth represents a divergent erythroid-specific tubulin whose sequence has not been conserved.  相似文献   

The diversity of the beta-tubulin cDNAs of the cyathostominae and the occurrence of further isotypes were examined in adult worms isolated from an anthelmintic-na?ve horse. cDNAs encoding beta-tubulin from Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cylicocyclus insigne, Cylicocyclus radiatus, Cylicocyclus elongatus, Cyathostomum coronatum, and Cyathostomum pateratum were characterized using specific primers developed from the cDNA sequence of Cc. nassatus. The cDNA sequences span 1,429 bp and show identities ranging from 95.6 to 100%. The deduced protein sequences span 448 amino acids and were 98-100% identical. The amino acid sequences of the 7 species varied within and between species at 10 positions. A 3' Rapid Amplification of cDNA ends using a degenerate forward primer was carried out with cDNA from Cy. pateratum, Cy. coronatum, Cy. catinatum, and Cc. nassatus to investigate the occurrence of further beta-tubulin isotypes. The expected polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product of 400 bp, including 306 bp of coding sequence, was amplified, as was an additional fragment of 600 nucleotides in the case of Cy. pateratum, Cy. coronatum, and Cy. catinatum. Sequencing of the PCR products revealed no evidence for the existence of a second beta-tubulin isotype in cyathostomes. The variation in size was caused by a length polymorphism within the 3' untranslated region, and 2 functional mRNAs seem to be transcribed from the same gene.  相似文献   

The exposure of tubulin epitopes was studied in ejaculated boar spermatozoa using a panel of four monoclonal antibodies specific to the N-terminal or C-terminal structural domains of tubulin and three monoclonal antibodies against class III beta-tubulin. The specificity of the antibodies was confirmed by immunoblotting. Immunocytochemical staining showed that antibodies discriminated between various parts of a spermatozoon, and that epitopes of class III beta-tubulin were present in the flagellum. A tubulin epitope from the C-terminal domain of beta-tubulin was detected in the triangular segment of the postacrosomal part of the sperm head. Its distribution changed after an A23187 ionophore-induced acrosome reaction, indicating that tubulin participates in the early stages of fertilization. Three monoclonal antibodies, TU-20, SDL.3D10, and TUJ1 directed against epitopes on the C-terminal end of neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin that is widely used as a neuronal marker, stained the flagella. The reactivity of TU-20 was further confirmed by absorbing the antibody with the immunizing peptide and by immunoelectron microscopy. Immunoblotting after two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that the corresponding epitope was not present on all beta-tubulin isoforms. These results suggest that various tubulins are involved in the functional organization of the mammalian sperm flagellum and head.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that beta-tubulin mRNA expression is regulated during rat brain development. This is manifested by a dramatic decrease in both 1.8- and 2.9-kilobase (kb) mRNAs when extensive neurite elongation is occurring. Coincident with these decreases is the increased production of a 2.5-kb mRNA. (J.F. Bond and S.R. Farmer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 3:1333-1342, 1983). In the present study, we have isolated and characterized three different cDNAs corresponding to beta-tubulin mRNAs (R beta T.1, R beta T.2, and R beta T.3). Hybridization of 3' untranslated region subclones of R beta T.1 and R beta T.2 cDNAs to RNA from a variety of rat tissues and cells revealed that these two cDNAs are neural cell specific. R beta T.1 corresponds to an abundant 1.8-kb mRNA expressed only at early stages of rat brain development. R beta T.2 corresponds to the 2.5-kb mRNA expressed at later stages. These data strongly suggest that there is differential expression of the beta-tubulin multigene family during rat brain development.  相似文献   

This study was to investigate the effect of phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a constituent of many edible cruciferous vegetables, on the expression of α- and β-tubulins, which are the main components of microtubules in prostate cancer cells. Flow cytometry, light microscopy and western blot were used to study the cell cycle distribution, morphology changes and the expression of α- and β-tubulins in prostate cancer cells treated with PEITC. The results showed that PEITC-induced G2-M cell phase arrest and inhibited the expression of α- and β-tubulin proteins in a number of human prostatic carcinoma cell lines. Further, it is showed that this inhibitory effect could be reversed by antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine and proteasome inhibitor MG132. Finally, it is concluded that PEITC inhibited the expression of α- and β-tubulins in prostate cancer cells, which is at least related to the oxygen reaction species and protein degradation.  相似文献   

In rat cerebellum the major portion of guanylate cyclase was found to be particulate-bound. The properties of particulate and supernatant guanylate cyclases from the cerebellum were comparatively examined. Both enzymes required the same optimal concentration of Mn2+ and were stimulated by Ca2+ in the presence of a low concentration of Mn2+. But dispersion of the particulate enzyme with Triton X-100 altered the Mn2+ concentration producing maximum activity and the inhibitory effect of Ca2+. The subcellular distributions of guanylate and adenylate cyclases were also studied in rat cerebellum. The major portions of the two cyclases were found in the mitochondrial fraction. The submitochondrial fractions separated by sucrose gradient showed that the major activities of both cyclases were concentrated in the fraction containing mainly nerve ending particles.  相似文献   

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