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Introduced vespid wasps (Vespula germanica and V. vulgaris) are highly efficient predators of native invertebrates. They have the potential to reduce populations of threatened species and change ecosystem dynamics, yet their impact is largely unknown in Australia. The introduction of vespid wasps has coincided with a decline in numbers of threatened Ptunarra brown butterflies (Oreixenica ptunarra) in Tasmania, Australia. The Ptunarra brown butterfly is endemic to Tasmania, where its habitat has been fragmented by clearance for agriculture and forestry. Local extinctions of the species were previously thought to be principally due to its inability to fly the long distances between habitat patches in this disjointed landscape. We investigate the importance of the new threat of vespid wasp predation in the decline of O. ptunarra in the highland grasslands of northwest Tasmania. Numbers of O. ptunarra analysed over a period of 15 years dramatically declined after the arrival of vespid wasps. Wasp control was trialled to determine whether it affected butterfly numbers. Current control methods decreased wasp numbers considerably, resulting in a small increase in butterfly numbers, indicating that wasp predation is keeping O. ptunarra at low densities. Without ongoing conservation measures, it is likely that butterfly numbers will stay low, potentially leading to genetic bottlenecks and more local extinctions. An increase in the intensity of wasp control, in combination with other conservation management methods, is required for the protection and recovery of O. ptunarra.  相似文献   

Amitostigma hemipilioides is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic to China. In the Southwestern China, the species is found restricted growing in the karst limestone or rock in the edge of farmland, moist hillsides or river. In the present study, the genetic diversity and differentiation was estimated within and among habitats, populations and groups of this species by ISSR markers. Using 13 polymorphic primers, an intermediate level of genetic diversity was found at the species level and population level with the percentage of polymorphic bands (P) of 64.7 and 50.9 %, Shannon index of diversity (I) of 0.3873 and 0.2949, respectively. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the high level of population differentiation was presented with 45.63 % relative to the total genetic variation residing among eight populations. It was noteworthy that as much as 69.17 % of the total diversity was most likely attributed to the difference among the populations in fragmentation habitat conditions, while 16.32 % of the total diversity could be attributed to the difference among the populations in stable and favorable habitat conditions. The in situ conservation is a top strategy, thus the mycorrhizal fungi and pollinators are protected by protecting habitat and avoiding fragmentation which is helpful to the cycle of this endangered orchid species and recovery of its wild populations. In addition, to maintaining the germplasm bank of this species, the ex situ conservation by habitat simulation and reintroduction has been considered in the living collection at Kaili University ecological garden and Yuntai Mountain scenic spot using the plants collected in this study.  相似文献   

Fire is an important component of many natural ecosystems affecting plant communities and arthropods by mortality during combustion and/or indirectly through the modification of the habitat. The Iberá Natural Reserve (INR) is one of the most diverse ecosystems in northern Argentina; it is dominated by grasslands commonly affected by disturbances, such as grazing and fire. The objective of this work was to study the response of ground-foraging ant assemblages, particular species, and functional groups to an extended fire of high intensity in four natural INR habitats with >5 years of cattle exclusion (strict conservation area). A total of 12,798 ant workers of 67 species were captured in 39 sampling stations. The ant fauna was less abundant in burned sites only a few days after the fire; 6 months later, no effect was detected. Richness and abundance of ants differed among unburned habitats. However, fire effect on species richness and composition remained unclear. The rapid recovery of the ant fauna made these insects poor indicators of long-term fire-promoted changes on biodiversity in open habitats dominated by grassland, though some ant species showed a high level of habitat fidelity mainly in unburned habitats. These results agree with those from other areas of the world, indicating that ants are particularly unreliable biodiversity indicators, with the exception of severe disturbance with long-term habitat restoration. Management decisions at the INR should be oriented to preserve the closed savanna, one of the most diverse and threatened habitat of Argentina.  相似文献   

Range expanding species can have major impacts on marine ecosystems but experimental field based studies are often lacking. The urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii has recently undergone a southerly range expansion to the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. We manipulated densities of C. rodgersii and algal regrowth in urchin barrens habitat to test effects of the urchin on biotic interactions between two native herbivores, black-lip abalone (Haliotis rubra) and another urchin (Heliocidaris erythrogramma), and their benthic habitat. After 13 months, removals of only C. rodgersii resulted in overgrowth of barrens habitat by algae and sessile invertebrates. Densities of abalone increased (+92 %) only in patches from which C. rodgersii was removed and algal regrowth allowed. In contrast, densities of H. erythrogramma increased in all treatments (+45, +28, +25 %) in which C. rodgersii was removed, irrespective of the algal regrowth manipulations. These results suggest that C. rodgersii has a negative influence on the densities of abalone through competition for food and on densities of H. erythrogramma through competition for preferred habitat. Densities of abalone (+65 %) but not H. erythrogramma (+25 %), were lower in the patches from which C. rodgersii and canopy algae regrowth were removed relative to patches from which only C. rodgersii was removed (+92 and +28 %, respectively). These results suggest that C. rodgersii overgrazing of canopy-algae results in loss of structural complexity which could increase abalone susceptibility to predation, cause abalone to seek shelter in cryptic microhabitats and/or prevent their return to patches where canopy algae are absent. The ongoing spread of C. rodgersii and expansion of barrens habitat in eastern Tasmania will continue to negatively affect populations of these two native herbivores and their associated fisheries at a range of spatial scales. This example shows that habitat modifying species which become highly invasive can have disproportionate negative impacts on the structure and dynamics of the recipient community.  相似文献   

The Sinai primrose (Primula boveana) is one of the most endangered plant species worldwide, with less than 200 wild individuals surviving in the Sinai mountains of Egypt. There has been a decline in both the number and size of its populations in recent times, possibly caused by threats that include habitat aridification and the impact of human activities. Studying the standing genetic variation and extent of inbreeding of P. boveana is necessary for the design of appropriate conservation strategies for this species. In the present work, we used a set of seven, recently developed, polymorphic microsatellite markers to characterize the genetic variation and levels of inbreeding of the extant populations of P. boveana. We found low levels of genetic variation (H T = 0.470), high differentiation between populations (F ST = 0.737, R ST = 0.935), and very elevated levels of inbreeding (F = 0.862) due to recurrent selfing. These results may be the reflection of low levels of genetic variation and high levels of inbreeding over a long evolutionary period, suggesting that the current genetic pool of the species may enable P. boveana to persist in a habitat where water availability and pollinator services are restricted. Nevertheless, in sight of its rapidly dwindling abundance, it seems prudent to adopt swift measures, including habitat restoration and ex-situ conservation, to prevent the impending extinction of this emblematic species.  相似文献   

Levels of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the rare, endangered terrestrial orchid Liparis japonica were examined for eight natural populations (n = 185) in Northeast China using six AFLP primer pairs, where this species has experienced severe habitat loss and fragmentation. Based on 406 DNA bands, a high level of genetic diversity was found at the species level with the PPB of 85.47 %, while the genetic diversity at the population level was low (PPB = 47.48 %). A significantly high degree of population differentiation was found with 42.69 % variation existed among populations as measured by AMOVA, indicating potential restricted gene flow. The genetic distances between populations were independent of the corresponding geographic distances, and the genetic relationship of individuals had no significant correlation with their spatial distribution. The restricted gene flow might be impacted by reduced population size, habitat destruction and fragmentation. The results in this study suggested that habitat protection and keeping a stable environment are critical for the conservation of L. japonica species.  相似文献   

Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) occur throughout the circumpolar north; however, their distributions at localized scales are not well understood. The seasonal habitat associations and diet preferences across life-history stages of this keystone species are also poorly known, thereby impeding effective regulatory efforts in support of conservation objectives. The distribution of Arctic Cod in the Canadian Beaufort Sea was assessed using bottom trawling in shelf and slope habitats between 20 and 1000 m depths. Highest catch biomasses occurred at 350 and 500 m depth slope stations, coinciding with >0 °C temperatures in the Pacific–Atlantic thermohalocline and Atlantic water mass. Calanus glacialis, Calanus hyperboreus, Themisto libellula, and Themisto abyssorum were identified as key prey species in the diet of Arctic Cod, comprising approximately 86 % of total biomass in guts. Hierarchical cluster analysis with a SIMPROF test identified five statistically significant (p < 0.05) diet groups among gut samples. Arctic Cod shifted from a primarily Calanus diet at shelf stations (<200 m depth) to a Themisto diet in slope habitats (>200 m depth) coinciding with an associated increase in fish standard length with depth. Smaller Arctic Cod fed primarily on Calanus copepods and larger Arctic Cod fed primarily on the larger Themisto species. The habitat and diet associations presented here will inform knowledge of structural and functional relationships in Arctic marine ecosystems, aid in mitigation and conservation efforts, and will enhance our ability to predict the effects of climate change on the local spatial and depth associations of this pivotal marine fish.  相似文献   

Oil palm is one of the most rapidly expanding crops throughout the tropics, yet little is known about its impacts on Neotropical invertebrate biodiversity. Responses of insect assemblages to land conversion may substantially vary among taxa. We assessed geometrid and arctiine moth assemblages in a Costa Rican human dominated landscape, where oil palm plantations are now the second most common land cover. Moths were sampled during 6 months with automatic traps in the interior and margin of old-growth forests, young secondary forests and oil palm plantations in a 30 km2 area. Our results show that richness and diversity of both taxa were severely reduced in oil palm compared to all other habitats. Geometrid abundance was highest in forest interiors and lowest in oil palm, while arctiine numbers did not differ between habitats. Dominance was highest in oil palm plantations, where one arctiine species and one geometrid species accounted for over 40% of total abundance in each of their respective taxa. Species composition was distinct in oil palm and forest interior sites, and depicted a gradient of habitat disturbance in ordination space that was strongly related to vegetation diversity and structure. This study demonstrates that oil palm plantations are not a suitable habitat for these moth taxa. Whilst some arctiine species seem adapted to disturbed habitats, geometrids were more dependent on old-growth forests, showing higher bioindicator potential. In the face of accelerated oil palm expansion, conservation strategies should focus on protecting old-growth forest remnants, as well as increasing species diversity and structural complexity of degraded habitats.  相似文献   

Species diversity of reptiles is much higher in Sundarban than in other mangrove ecosystems in India. Presently snakes are declining in Sundarban due to habitat loss caused by tremendous population pressure. Besides, irresponsible killing to avoid snakebite both from poisonous and nonpoisonous varieties is another reason for the gradual declining snake population. According to an intensive household survey in 35 villages in Sundarban, about 22 species (five poisonous and 17 non-poisonous) of snakes have been identified and there appears to have been a general decline in densities. On the contrary, a large number of people are bitten and die from snakebite every year with 0.57 and 0.34 vulnerability and mortality rate per 10,000 people, respectively. The two most commonly observed poisonous species are the common krait, Bungarus caeruleus (51 %) and common cobra, Naja naja (40 %), and that of non-poisonous varieties are the Ptyas mucosus (41 %), Typhlina bramina (34 %), Xenochrophis piscator (12 %), and Amphiesma stolata (10 %). Apart from killing of snakes out of fear; habitat loss, unscientific handling of snakes by snake catchers and charmers, and netting by fisherman contributes to snake mortality to a large extent; 72 % killed snakes are of poisonous varieties, 60 % of which are B. caeruleus, the most venomous snake in Sundarban. This paper is an attempt to highlight some of the important conservation efforts like the introduction of snake firms, alternative employment channels for the snake charmers and catchers, and mass awareness campaign through panchayet (village level governing body) and local NGOs.  相似文献   

The conservation biology of Australasian freshwater mussels is hindered by lack of a taxonomic framework that employs molecular data as a complement to shell characters, larval forms and internal anatomy. The fauna includes more than 32 known species (30+ Hyriidae, 2 Unionidae), but has not been revised for 55 years, despite minor amendments. The hyriids are relics of Gondwana, represented in Australia and New Guinea by the ancestral Velesunioninae and in Australia and New Zealand by the Hyriinae (Tribe Hyridellini). Many taxonomic and phylogeographic issues await resolution, including the relationships between Australasian and South American species, and between Australian and New Zealand species, and the status of species in New Guinea (including uncertain reports of Unionidae) and the Solomon Islands. Once these are clarified, it will be easier to identify threatened species and evaluate the conservation status of the fauna. At present, only seven taxa are named in the IUCN Red List or under national/state legislation, and these are not representative. Threatening processes include altered flow regimes, catchment disturbances, salinisation, pollution and invasive species. While the need for a taxonomic revision is paramount, progress in conservation may depend also upon involving the wider community.  相似文献   

The Maugean skate (Zearaja maugeana) has only been recorded in two remote and isolated estuaries on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia. While the population status in one of these estuaries (Bathurst Harbour) is uncertain, it is likely that Macquarie Harbour now represents the sole remaining habitat for this species. Environmental conditions, in particular dissolved oxygen levels and benthic biodiversity, in Macquarie Harbour have deteriorated in recent years, impacted by increased nutrient inputs from an expanding salmonid aquaculture industry. These environmental changes are believed to pose a threat to the persistence of the Maugean skate. In assessing the risks for this rare and range-restricted species, it is vital to consider genetic information when developing management strategies. Both mitochondrial and microsatellite markers showed that the species has low genetic diversity; with no detectable genetic diversity in over 3000 base pairs surveyed from the mitochondrial genome, low average microsatellite heterozygosity (0.35?±?0.11), a low average number of alleles per locus (2.1?±?0.4) across eight microsatellite loci and no overall population structure within the microsatellite loci (Fst = ? 0.002, p?=?0.718?±?0.012). There was also evidence of a recent bottleneck or founder event, which may explain the low observed genetic diversity. While the species may have existed with low genetic diversity for many generations, the results of this study represent a flag for conservation concern for the Maugean skate. Given that Macquarie Harbour may be its last remaining habitat, any threats to the species resulting in local extinction could equate to global loss of this unique skate species.  相似文献   

Determining potentially suitable habitat is critical for effective species conservation and management, but can be challenging in remote or sensitive areas. An approach that combines non-intrusive spatial data collection techniques and supporting field data can lead to a better understanding of landscape-scale species distributions. Here we present two habitat suitability models, at 1 and 10 m resolutions, for the endemic wēkiu bug Nysius wekiuicola, a poorly-understood resident scavenging arthropod species present on the summit of Maunakea in Hawai‘i. Our models reveal that the wēkiu bug, restricted almost entirely to portions of cinder cones above 3500 m elevation, has a high degree of habitat specificity and represents a classically rare species. Across the 55 km2 study area, 850 ha of potentially suitable habitat were identified at the 10 percentile training threshold, with the core area located at the true summit. Our results show that elevation and surficial mineralogy were the strongest predictors of suitable habitat, with lesser contributions from aspect and slope. Climatic variables also likely influence wēkiu bug distribution patterns, but were not included in our models due to the coarseness of available climate data and high correlation between variables. Relatively minor differences between the two models, in terms of identifying the locations and amount of suitable wēkiu bug habitat, and a higher measure of performance for the 10 m resolution model, suggest that coarser resolution input variables may characterize suitable habitat more efficiently than very fine 1 m resolution data. The suitability models generated as a result of this study will be directly incorporated into conservation management and restoration goals, and can easily be adapted for other arthropod species, leading to a more holistic understanding of metacommunity dynamics at the Maunakea summit.  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), one of the most threatened mammalian species in the world, has adapted to herbivorous diet consisting mainly of bamboo (Poaceae: Bambusoidea). The most acute threats to the survival of the giant panda are habitat loss and fragmentation. However, changes in habitat may influence also the quality of giant panda diet through the bamboo species composition as well as their symbiotic leaf endophytes and plant chemical properties. Here we explore species composition and frequency of endophytic fungi and silica content in different bamboo species in the range of giant panda habitat in relation to panda food preference. Silica content of the bamboos varied from 3.7 g/kg to 45.7 g/kg and did not correlate with panda preference and altitudinal gradient. Systemic and vertically in seeds transmitted fungal endophytes or bacterial endophytes were not detected in bamboo leaves. Nearly half of the identified endophytic fungi belonged to genus Arthrinium. Pandas preferred bamboo species naturally occurring in higher altitudes. Furthermore, the total amount of endophytes tended to be lower in samples collected from bamboos in higher altitudes. This draws attention to the importance of more detailed studies on the endophytic fungi-bamboo-panda trophic interactions and the effect of land use and climate change on conservation programs of giant panda.  相似文献   

Ecotones are often species-rich and harbour specific resources and environmental conditions for invertebrates. Despite their functional significance for conservation, they are often not explicitly included in biotope typologies relevant to conservation policy and management (e.g., the European Habitats Directive). The Ilex Hairstreak (Satyrium ilicis) is a species of European conservation concern and a typical ecotone species inhabiting gradients from open (e.g., heathland, grassland) to closed vegetation (e.g., woodland). Here, we investigated its occurrence and habitat use at different spatial scales in Flanders (north Belgium). At a regional scale, species distribution modelling predicted 1,152 grid cells of 1 × 1 km2 to be suitable of which 190 were presumed to occur within colonization capacity (±2.5 km). At a local scale, adult butterflies were more abundant on sites sheltered by bushes and small trees and with nectar sources in the vicinity of tall oak trees (mate locating sites). For egg-laying, females preferred oaks of intermediate height (50–150 cm) with many low branches at some distance from the nearest woodland edge (12 m). Additionally, Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus) was abundant as well as a herb layer of 10–15 cm. 73 % of the eggs were parasitized and parasitism occurred more often within sites where small oaks were very abundant. Making use of our results, we suggest conservation measures at different scales for this endangered ecotone species: policy measures at a regional level to delineate functional conservation units and local management measures using a resource-based approach.  相似文献   

Current issues in marine resource management have in common a geospatial component and a need to integrate both biotic and abiotic data from various sources. We propose a practical approach to address these issues looking at the American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and the demersal fish fauna in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada). Central to our approach was the use of a common spatial grid and three different methods to match biotic and abiotic features at a broad regional scale, (1) matching plaice distribution with habitat categories determined a priori on the basis of abiotic features (cluster analysis), (2) habitat categories determined taking into consideration both plaice density and abiotic features (simple regression tree), and (3) habitat categories determined taking into consideration demersal fish species density (70 fish species) and abiotic features (multivariate regression tree, MRT). Hot spots and cold spots of plaice abundance in summer were described and matched with specific habitats. The spatial distribution of habitats was similar whether biotic variables were used in the classification or not. The MRT, however, identified 56 different fish species in the plaice habitat (median species richness by 100 km2 cell = 12), pointing to potential interactions with other fish species.  相似文献   

Indigenous belief systems and informal institutions that result in the conservation of wild species or sites exemplify biocultural conservation. The erosion of cultural beliefs and practices can have adverse, often severe, consequences for biodiversity. We explored the relationships among informal institutions, religion, and human attitudes toward sacred populations of a threatened, endemic species, Sclater’s monkey (Cercopithecus sclateri), in two communities in southeastern Nigeria. Due to habitat loss and hunting pressure across the species’ range, monkeys in these two sites live alongside people, raid farms and gardens, and are commonly viewed as pests. Using structured (n = 410) and semi-structured (n = 21) interviews, we examined factors influencing residents’ views of the monkeys, mechanisms affecting adherence to social taboos against harming monkeys, and implications for conservation. Our analyses revealed that most residents, particularly those from one community, women, and farmers, held negative opinions of the monkeys. Crop and garden raiding by monkeys had the most adverse effect on people’s attitudes. Although the adoption of Christianity weakened residents’ views regarding the no-killing taboos, continued adherence to the taboos was particularly influenced by supernatural retribution in one site and community disapproval in the other. Only one community widely conferred symbolic importance on the monkeys. Such site differences illustrate the value of local cultural understanding in conservation. Pre-intervention studies of this nature allow for the development of locally and culturally sensitive conservation programs, as well as better-informed assessments of what interventions are most likely to be effective.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is critical to the conservation of rare species. However, restoration efforts often proceed without knowledge of their effects on these species. We investigated the reproductive response of federally endangered Fender’s blue butterfly (Plebejus icarioides fenderi) to prairie restoration in Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. In 2009 and 2010, we quantified availability of larval host plant, Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus oreganus), and butterfly oviposition in three restored areas (1–10 years old) and adjacent intact habitat. Oviposition measures in restored areas reached or exceeded intact habitat (0.1 eggs/leaf of host plant and 12 % of time ovipositing) within five years post-restoration. However, none of the restorations provided an equivalent host plant density to intact areas (55 leaves/m2). The different response time of host plants and butterflies to restoration highlights the importance of monitoring both vegetation and oviposition over an ecologically relevant timescale (at least 10 years). For imperiled species, quantifying reproductive response to restoration is critical for adaptive management and successful conservation of the species which restoration efforts are intended to benefit.  相似文献   

The French monitoring network, REseau BENThique (REBENT), was launched by the Ministry of the Environment in 2003 following the 1999 Erika oil spill. REBENT aimed to acquire baseline knowledge of coastal benthic habitat distributions with a special focus on biological diversity. This study analyzed data from 38 subtidal rocky reef sites collected by a single diving team of marine biologists along the coast of Brittany from 2004 to 2010. At each site, the depth limits of the algal belts were determined between 0 and ?40 m Chart Datum (CD); the flora and fauna compositions and abundances were sampled at ?3 and ?8 m CD. A total of 364 taxa (156 flora and 208 fauna), belonging to 12 phyla, were identified. The results showed that the depth limit and density of kelp beds increased as water turbidity decreased; moreover, several changes in community structure could be related to water turbidity and temperature. Thus, northern and southern Brittany showed strong differences in diversity and structure of the dominant kelp species (Laminaria hyperborea and Saccorhiza polyschides). The results from this kelp habitat composition survey (dominant kelp species and indicator species) provided important information for local pressure assessments, like increases in turbidity. The data also provided a reference that could be useful for detecting changes in coastal water temperatures due to global warming.  相似文献   

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