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VERMA  B. K. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(4):857-860
Epidermal structure and development of stomata in leaves ofAnagallis arvensis has been described. The stomatal ontogenyis of the mesoperigenous type.  相似文献   

Examination by scanning electron microscopy showed abaxial stomata on in vitro cultured apple (Malus pumila Mill.) leaves. With leaf ontogeny, most of these stomata appeared to lose their regulatory ability while developing wide vestibules of up to 20 m in diameter. It is proposed that these deformed stomata may be a possible cause for the excessive transpirational water loss and consequent dehydration associated with transferring plants regenerated in vitro from culture.  相似文献   

The stoma freguency and distribution on both epidermis of leaves of 65 species of C3 plants, 49 species of C4 plants and 16 species of CAM plants were studied by impres- sion method with colorless nail oil. The results indicated that distribution of stoma on both epidermis of leaves was in relation to the photosynthetic pathway and living type. The stoma ratio of upper/lower of C3 plants was 0.45 (sun herb) and 0.07 (shade herb), no stoma was found on upper epidermis of leaves of ferns, shrubs and trees. Plants with C4 photosynthetic pathway, except a few species, showed a higher stoma ratio of upper/lower 0.64 (Cyperaceae), 0.82 (dicot) and 0.94 (Oramineae). Much less stoma frequency was found in CAM plants than in C3 and C4 plant, but the stoma ratio of upper/lower was equal. In C3 crop plants, the species with shorter growth period and higher yield, such as sunflower, peanut and some leafy vegetables had higher stoma ratio of upper/lower. It is supposed that the stoma ratio of upper/lower might be used as an helpful index for identifing the C4 plants in monocot grass. It was also considered that the photosynthetic rate of amphistomatous leaves of C3 plants with same living type was related to the stoma ratio of upper/lower.  相似文献   

Weyers, J. D. B. and Paterson, N. W. 1987. Responses of Commelinacommunis stomata in vitro.— J. exp. Bot. 38: 631–641. Analysis of the kinetics of movements of Commelina communisL. stomata in vitro revealed a sequence of opening and closingphases dependent on the incubation medium used and the physiologicalstate of the plant material. In buffer containing 50 mol m –3KC1 the sequence of aperture changes appeared to be influencedby equilibration of cell water potentials with that of the mediumand by solute fluxes (dependent and independent on metabolicactivity). The results indicate that the stomatal aperture afterseveral hours of incubation may not always provide a reliablequantitative estimate of the ability of the stomata to operate.As a consequence, modifications are suggested to the ways inwhich experiments using epidermal strips are carried out andreported. Key words: Epidermal strips, guard cells, hydroactive, hydropassive, kinetics, potassium chloride, mannitol, osmotic effects, solute fluxes.  相似文献   

The structure and ontogeny of stomata have been studied in 33species of the Labiatae. The mature stomata are diacytic, transitionalbetween paracytic and diacytic, and anomocytic. The anomocyticstomata are haplocheilic or perigenous. The diacytic and thetransitional type of stomata are syndetocheilic or mesogenousas the two subsidiary cells and a pair of guard cells arisefrom the same meristemoid. The diacytic and the transitionalstomata are formed through three successive mitotic divisions.Abnormal stomata with single guard cells, arrested developments,and contiguous stomata have been observed. Contiguous stomataare formed either from two adjacently placed meristemoids orare the result of spatial readjustment during maturation ofthe leaf.  相似文献   

The ontogeny and structure of stomata in 22 genera and 51 speciesof the Polemoniales are described. Five main types of stomatanoticed are: anisocytic, anomocytic, diacytic, paracytic, andstomata with a single subsidiary cell. Three modes of stomataldevelopment: syndetocheilic or mesogenous, haplocheilic or perigenous,and meso-perigenous or syndeto-haplocheilic are observed. Abnormalitiesseen are: stomata with single guard cells, arrested developmentand contiguous stomata variously oriented. Contiguous stomataresult from adjacently placed meristemoids or readjustment duringmaturation. Stomata with a single guard cell are formed as aresult of degeneration of one of the guard cells before or afterpore formation. The stomatal apparatus varies in different organsof a plant in form, number, orientation and arrangement of thesubsidiary and also the surrounding cells. Three lines leadingto Polemoniales, Boraginales, and Solanales are distinet.  相似文献   

The Diffusive Conductivity of the Stomata of Wheat Leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A leaf chamber (described in detail) was used alternately witha resistance porometer to measure resistance to viscous flowof air through the leaf, and with a diffusion porometer to measurethe differential diffusive flow of hydrogen and air (VHVA)through the leaf and the component of hydrogen flow (V'H) movingstraight across the leaf. The resistance of the mesophyll isneeded for interpretation: estimates by three different methodsfor viscous flow did not agree very well, but two differentmethods for diffusive flow gave good agreement. For wheat leaves,only very large errors are important. Formal analysis is in three appendixes: I. Interpretation ofviscous and diffusive flow in small pores involves some problemsin molecular physics, complicated by the particular geometryof the wheat stoma. With some uncertainty, formal expressionsare derived for the viscous resistance of a single stoma, rv,and for the resistances to diffusion of hydrogen and air, andof water vapour and carbon dioxide, all expressed as rs persquare centimetre of leaf surface. The analysis for hydrogen/airis the most uncertain; that for water vapour and carbon dioxideis more reliable. II. An indication is given of the flow characteristicsof the leaf-chamber system, from which rv can be derived, andof the basis for estimating mesophyll resistance. III. The methodof converting estimates of rs into estimates of VHVAand V'H is given. The results presented are expressed as nearly as possible interms of the quantities which were measured. For five leavesthe dependence of VHVA on V'H agrees well with theoreticalpredictions; the dependence of VHVA (and V'H) on rv,on average, agrees well with prediction, but involves the assumptionthat the stomata get shorter as they close. The agreement isgood enough to suggest that the formal expressions for rs interms of stomatal dimensions and molecular gas constants arereliable enough to be carried forward into future transpirationand assimilation studies. The minimum value of ra for watervapour (c. 3 sec cm+1) is close to values found elsewhere bydifferent techniques. At very small stomatal openings there was a large deviationfrom predicted behaviour, such as would occur if the imposedexcess air pressure further closed the stomata during viscousflow experiments.  相似文献   

INAMDAR  J. A. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(1):55-66
The present paper deals with epidermal structure and developmentof stomata in 14 species of Verbenaceae. The epidermal cellsare either polygonal, isodia-metric, or elongated in variousdirections, and irregularly arranged. The anticlinal walls arethick, mostly sinuous, occasionally arched or straight. Thesurface of the cuticle shows parallel, rarely corrugated, striations.Some 12 types of eglandular and glandular trichomes, and foliarnectaries are noticed. The mature stomata are diacytic, anisocytic,paracytic, with a single subsidiary cell, anomocytic and perigenous.The development of anomocytic stomata is perigenous, while thatof others is mesogenous or syndetocheilic type. Abnormalitiesnoticed here include contiguous stomata, stomata with a singleguard cell, and aborted guard cells.  相似文献   

The structure and development of stomata are described for 17species of leptosporangiate ferns. In these species the maturestomata are anomocytic, diacytic, Pyrrosia(applied), tetracytic,suspended, or floating type. Stomata are present on both surfacesof floating as well as sub merged leaves of Azolla and Marsilea.In a few species twin stomata, arrested development, and persistentstomatal initials are present Floating stomata result from disintegrationof the anticlinal suspending wall in Pleopeltis, and by detachmentand displacement in Azolla pinnata. The development of stomatais haplocheilic, syndetocheilic, or syndetohaplocheilic. InCyathea spinulosa the guard cell nuclei divide amitoticallyand the resulting two daughter nuclei occupy the opposite polesof the guard cells  相似文献   

Epidermal Structure and Development of Stomata in some Annonaceae   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
PATEL  R. J. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(5):1205-1212
Epidermal structure and development of stomata are studied in20 species of the Annonaceae. Epidermal cells are polygonalor irregular in outline, isodiametnc or elongated with straight,arched, or sinuous anticlinal walls. Cuticular striations radiatingfrom guard cells or hair bases are noticed. Four types of trichomesand secretory cells are seen. The mature stomata are paracyticwith 2–6 subsidiary cells, non-contiguous at both poles,or contiguous at one or both the poles. The increase in numberof subsidiary cells is due to their divisions. Contiguous stomata,arrested development, single guard cell, and degeneration ofguard cells are observed. The development is either syndetocheilicor mesogenous.  相似文献   

Leaves from in vitro and greenhouse cultured plants of Malusdomestica (Borkh.) cv. Mark were subjected to 4 h of darkness;4 h of 1 M mannitol induced water stress; 1 h of 10–4M to 10–7 M cis-trans abscisic acid (ABA) treatment; 1h of 0.12% atmospheric CO2. Stomatal closure was determinedby microscopic examination of leaf imprints. In all treatments,less than 5% of the stomata from leaves of in vitro culturedplants were closed. The diameter of open stomata on leaves fromin vitro culture remained at 8 µm. In contrast, an averageof 96% of the stomata on leaves of greenhouse grown plants wereclosed after 4 h in darkness; 56% after 4 h of mannitol inducedwater stress; 90% after 1 h of 10–4 M ABA treatment; 61%after 1 h in an atmosphere of 0.12% CO2. Stomata of in vitroapple leaves did not seem to have a closure mechanism, but acquiredone during acclimatization to the greenhouse environment. Thelack of stomatal closure in in vitro plants was the main causeof rapid water loss during transfer to low relative humidity.  相似文献   

沙芥属植物叶片的气孔特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
观察了沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)3个种:沙芥(P.cornutum (L.)Gaertn.),距果沙芥(P.calcaratum Kom.)和斧翅沙芥(P.dolatum Maxim. var. dolabratum)的子叶和真叶表皮特征及气孔指标,并进行了差异显著性分析。结果表明:沙芥属植物表皮形状多为无规则形,上、下表皮均具有气孔,气孔类型均为不等细胞型。气孔保卫细胞呈肾形,内壁加厚,但加厚程度不同,斧翅沙芥>距果沙芥>沙芥。气孔缝呈纺锤形,气孔均下陷;气孔日开闭规律均呈双峰曲线。斧翅沙芥和距果沙芥的气孔性状具有较大的相似性,但这两个种与沙芥的气孔性状存在明显差异,说明沙芥属植物叶片气孔稳定性状和形态可以作为种质资源鉴定和评价的重要微观特征。  相似文献   

通过筛选‘红富士’苹果适宜的叶面施硒浓度,研究了营养元素硒在苹果叶片中的赋存形式、分布及含硒大分子的提取分离技术。结果表明,(1)‘红富士’苹果最佳叶面施硒浓度为100mg·L-1,此处理的叶片总硒含量为2.7283mg·L-1(FW),其中有机硒含量为2.3384mg·L-1(FW),有机化程度达85.71%。(2)无论在对照组还是处理组,叶片中的有机硒均主要以蛋白质结合态存在,平均占有机硒的77.09%。(3)蛋白质、多糖和核酸3种有机物在100mg·L-1最优处理组的叶片中结合硒的量分别占有机硒含量的77.42%、18.46%和0.54%。(4)在100mg·L-1处理组的蛋白质组分中,又以盐溶性蛋白质结合硒的量最多,占蛋白质结合态硒含量的46.27%。  相似文献   

KORN  R. W. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(2):325-333
Stomata of Pelargonium zonale are orderly arranged on the surfaceof the lower epidermis. Inter-stomatal and Inter-trichome distancesas well as the number of sides of stomata, epidermal cells adjacentto stomata, and regular cells of the epidermis have characteristicprobability distributions. A model of epidermal developmentis constructed based upon the quantitative features of eachtype of cell. The primary restriction of the model is that stomainitials inhibit adjacent cells from becoming stoma initials. A second type of stomatal arrangement occurs in Sedum stahliiand an appropriate model for the ontogeny of epidermal cellsin this plant can also be constructed that has similar quantitativecharacteristics to those of real fields of cells. The applicationof modelling in plant morphology is discussed with respect tounderstanding ontogeny and phylogenic relationships.  相似文献   

The paper reviews stomatal types observed in 500 species of angiosperms besides those described in the literature and deals with the problems of their structure, delimitation, nomenclature and classification. In view of the varied definitions available in the literature for subsidiaries, stomatal types and,the definition and delimitations being variously interpreted by different workers, a modified definition for the subsidiaries and stomata is presented. In accordance with the international code of nomenclature for plants, the names of the stomata widely in use are retained (rule of priority). They have been presently classified as pericytic, desmocytic, paracytic, diacytic, anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic, tetracytic,staurocytic, anomocytic, cyclocytic and a good number of varieties under each type are presented. These stomatal types are recognised on the basis of their structure rather than its ontogenetic pathways.  相似文献   

Structure, Delimitation, Nomenclature and Classification of Stomata   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper reviews stomatal types observed in 500 species of angiosperms besides those described in the literature and deals with the problems of their structure, delimitation, nomenclature and classification. In view of the varied definitions available in the literature for subsidiaries, stomatal types and, the definition and delimitations being variously interpreted by different workers, a modified definition for the subsidiaries and stomata is presented. In accordance with the international code of nomenclature for plants, the names of the stomata widely in use are retained (rule of priority). They have been presently classified as pericytic, desmocytic, paracytic, diacytic, anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic, tetracytic, staurocytic, anomocytic, cyclocytic and a good number of varieties under each type are presented. These stomatal types are recognised on the basis of their structure rather than its ontogenetic pathways.  相似文献   

Stomatal structure, ontogeny in vegetative and floral organs of 9 genera and 12 species of Cucurbitaceae are described. The stomatal types conform to aperigenous, monoperigenous, diperigenous, hemipara-mesoperigenous and para-mesoperigenous types of Fryns-Claessens & Van Cotthem (1973). Stomatal abnormalities such as contiguous stomata, single guard cells with or without pore, one and a half stomata, degeneration of one or both the guard cells, cytoplasmic connections between guard cells of neighbouring stomata and a guard cell of a stoma and an adjacent epidermal cell, and division of guard cells are described. Stomata index, frequency of stomata, epidermal cells, size of guard and epidermal cells and organwise distribution of stomata are given. Stomatal studies does not support the view that the Cucurbitaceae are related to the Passifloraceae. The inclusion of 9 genera and 12 species studied in the tribe Cucumerineae is justified.  相似文献   

The epidermal structure of the five species of ferns, Arthromeriswallichiana (Spr.) Ching., Drymoglossum piloselloides (Prest.),Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Smith, Lepisorus nudus (Hook.)Ching. and Pyrrosia nuda (Gies.) Ching., has been investigated.Fifteen types of stomatal structures have been identified ofwhich copolo-desmocytic and coperi-desmocytic are new types.Four more possible stomatal structures: ccpolo-peri-, codesmo-polo-,codesmo-peri- and duplodesmocytic, are suggested. Localizationof starch, insoluble polysaccharides, protein and lipids hasbeen examined histochemically in the guard cells, subsidiarycells and epidermal cells. In Drynaria starch plastids and plastidscontaining both starch and protein are present in guard cells.Starch plastids are present in the subsidiary cells of all speciesexcept in Arthromeris, whereas, they are present in epidermalcells of only Drymoglossum and Lepisorus. Granular or amorphousinsoluble polysaccharides (other than starch) are present inguard cells of all the species, in the subsidiary cells of Arthromeris,Drynaria and Pyrrosia, and in the epidermal cells of Pyrrosia.Except in Pyrrosia lipids are present in the guard cells. Subsidiarycells of Drynaria and the epidermal cells of Arthromeris andDrynaria show lipid bodies. The presence of plasmodesmata andectodesmata is demonstrated in the epidermal cells of Drymoglossum.  相似文献   

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