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The endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria requires substantial modification. The three identifiable ancestral sources to the proteome of mitochondria are proteins descended from the ancestral alpha-proteobacteria symbiont, proteins with no homology to bacterial orthologs, and diverse proteins with bacterial affinities not derived from alpha-proteobacteria. Random mutations in the form of deletions large and small seem to have eliminated nonessential genes from the endosymbiont-mitochondrial genome lineages. This process, together with the transfer of genes from the endosymbiont-mitochondrial genome to nuclei, has led to a marked reduction in the size of mitochondrial genomes. All proteins of bacterial descent that are encoded by nuclear genes were probably transferred by the same mechanism, involving the disintegration of mitochondria or bacteria by the intracellular membranous vacuoles of cells to release nucleic acid fragments that transform the nuclear genome. This ongoing process has intermittently introduced bacterial genes to nuclear genomes. The genomes of the last common ancestor of all organisms, in particular of mitochondria, encoded cytochrome oxidase homologues. There are no phylogenetic indications either in the mitochondrial proteome or in the nuclear genomes that the initial or subsequent function of the ancestor to the mitochondria was anaerobic. In contrast, there are indications that relatively advanced eukaryotes adapted to anaerobiosis by dismantling their mitochondria and refitting them as hydrogenosomes. Accordingly, a continuous history of aerobic respiration seems to have been the fate of most mitochondrial lineages. The initial phases of this history may have involved aerobic respiration by the symbiont functioning as a scavenger of toxic oxygen. The transition to mitochondria capable of active ATP export to the host cell seems to have required recruitment of eukaryotic ATP transport proteins from the nucleus. The identity of the ancestral host of the alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiont is unclear, but there is no indication that it was an autotroph. There are no indications of a specific alpha-proteobacterial origin to genes for glycolysis. In the absence of data to the contrary, it is assumed that the ancestral host cell was a heterotroph.  相似文献   

Analyses of 55 individual and 31 concatenated protein data sets encoded in Reclinomonas americana and Marchantia polymorpha mitochondrial genomes revealed that current methods for constructing phylogenetic trees are insufficiently sensitive (or artifact-insensitive) to ascertain the sister of mitochondria among the current sample of eight alpha-proteobacterial genomes using mitochondrially-encoded proteins. However, Rhodospirillum rubrum came as close to mitochondria as any alpha-proteobacterium investigated. This prompted a search for methods to directly compare eukaryotic genomes to their prokaryotic counterparts to investigate the origin of the mitochondrion and its host from the standpoint of nuclear genes. We examined pairwise amino acid sequence identity in comparisons of 6,214 nuclear protein-coding genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to 177,117 proteins encoded in sequenced genomes from 45 eubacteria and 15 archaebacteria. The results reveal that approximately 75% of yeast genes having homologues among the present prokaryotic sample share greater amino acid sequence identity to eubacterial than to archaebacterial homologues. At high stringency comparisons, only the eubacterial component of the yeast genome is detectable. Our findings indicate that at the levels of overall amino acid sequence identity and gene content, yeast shares a sister-group relationship with eubacteria, not with archaebacteria, in contrast to the current phylogenetic paradigm based on ribosomal RNA. Among eubacteria and archaebacteria, proteobacterial and methanogen genomes, respectively, shared more similarity with the yeast genome than other prokaryotic genomes surveyed.  相似文献   

Until recently, the origin and evolution of mitochondria was explained by the serial endosymbiosis hypothesis. This hypothesis posits that contemporary mitochondria are the direct descendants of a bacterial endosymbiont, which was settled in a nucleus-containing amitochondriate host cell. Results of the mitochondrial gene sequences support a monophyletic origin of the mitochondria from a single eubacterial ancestor shared with a subdivision of the alpha-proteobacteria. In recent years, the complete sequences of the vast variety of mitochondrial and eubacterial genomes were determined. These data indicate that the mitochondrial genome evolved from a common ancestor of all extant eukaryotes and assume a possibility that the mitochondrial and nuclear constituents of the eukaryotic cell originated simultaneously.  相似文献   

Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the subunits of respiratory chain was carried out using a variety of mitochondrial and bacterial sequences including those from all unfinished alpha-proteobacterial genomes known to date. Maximum likelihood, neighbor-joining, and maximum parsimony consensus trees, based on four proton-translocating complexes, placed mitochondria as a sister group to the order Rickettsiales of obligate endosymbiotic bacteria to the exclusion of free-living alpha-proteobacteria. Thus, phylogenetic relationship of most eukaryotic respiratory enzymes conforms to canonical pattern of mitochondrial ancestry, prior established in analyses of ribosomal RNAs, which are encoded by residual mitochondrial genomes. These data suggest that mitochondria may have derived from a reduced intracellular bacterium and that respiration may be the only evolutionary novelty brought into eukaryotes by mitochondrial endosymbiont.  相似文献   

Mitochondria occur as aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, and, in the case of hydrogenosomes, strictly anaerobic forms. This physiological diversity of mitochondrial oxygen requirement is paralleled by that of free-living alpha-proteobacteria, the group of eubacteria from which mitochondria arose, many of which are facultative anaerobes. Although ATP synthesis in mitochondria usually involves the oxidation of reduced carbon compounds, many alpha-proteobacteria and some mitochondria are known to use sulfide (H2S) as an electron donor for the respiratory chain and its associated ATP synthesis. In many eubacteria, the oxidation of sulfide involves the enzyme sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR). Nuclear-encoded homologs of SQR are found in several eukaryotic genomes. Here we show that eukaryotic SQR genes characterized to date can be traced to a single acquisition from a eubacterial donor in the common ancestor of animals and fungi. Yet, SQR is not a well-conserved protein, and our analyses suggest that the SQR gene has furthermore undergone some lateral transfer among prokaryotes during evolution, leaving the precise eubacterial lineage from which eukaryotes obtained their SQR difficult to discern with phylogenetic methods. Newer geochemical data and microfossil evidence indicate that major phases of early eukaryotic diversification occurred during a period of the Earth's history from 1 to 2 billion years before present in which the subsurface ocean waters contained almost no oxygen but contained high concentrations of sulfide, suggesting that the ability to deal with sulfide was essential for prokaryotes and eukaryotes during that time. Notwithstanding poor resolution in deep SQR phylogeny and lack of a specifically alpha-protebacterial branch for the eukaryotic enzyme on the basis of current lineage sampling, a single eubacterial origin of eukaryotic SQR and the evident need of ancient eukaryotes to deal with sulfide, a process today germane to mitochondrial quinone reduction, are compatible with the view that eukaryotic SQR was an acquisition from the mitochondrial endosymbiont.  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of the mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many theories favor a fusion of 2 prokaryotic genomes for the origin of the Eukaryotes, but there are disagreements on the origin, timing, and cellular structures of the cells involved. Equally controversial is the source of the nuclear genes for mitochondrial proteins, although the alpha-proteobacterial contribution to the mitochondrial genome is well established. Phylogenetic inferences show that the nuclearly encoded mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) occupy a position in the tree that is not close to any of the currently sequenced alpha-proteobacterial genomes, despite cohesive and remarkably well-resolved alpha-proteobacterial clades in 12 of the 20 trees. Two or more alpha-proteobacterial clusters were observed in 8 cases, indicative of differential loss of paralogous genes or horizontal gene transfer. Replacement and retargeting events within the nuclear genomes of the Eukaryotes was indicated in 10 trees, 4 of which also show split alpha-proteobacterial groups. A majority of the mitochondrial aaRSs originate from within the bacterial domain, but none specifically from the alpha-Proteobacteria. For some aaRS, the endosymbiotic origin may have been erased by ongoing gene replacements on the bacterial as well as the eukaryotic side. For others that accurately resolve the alpha-proteobacterial divergence patterns, the lack of affiliation with mitochondria is more surprising. We hypothesize that the ancestral eukaryotic gene pool hosted primordial "bacterial-like" genes, to which a limited set of alpha-proteobacterial genes, mostly coding for components of the respiratory chain complexes, were added and selectively maintained.  相似文献   

On the origin of mitochondria: a genomics perspective   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The availability of complete genome sequence data from both bacteria and eukaryotes provides information about the contribution of bacterial genes to the origin and evolution of mitochondria. Phylogenetic analyses based on genes located in the mitochondrial genome indicate that these genes originated from within the alpha-proteobacteria. A number of ancestral bacterial genes have also been transferred from the mitochondrial to the nuclear genome, as evidenced by the presence of orthologous genes in the mitochondrial genome in some species and in the nuclear genome of other species. However, a multitude of mitochondrial proteins encoded in the nucleus display no homology to bacterial proteins, indicating that these originated within the eukaryotic cell subsequent to the acquisition of the endosymbiont. An analysis of the expression patterns of yeast nuclear genes coding for mitochondrial proteins has shown that genes predicted to be of eukaryotic origin are mainly translated on polysomes that are free in the cytosol whereas those of putative bacterial origin are translated on polysomes attached to the mitochondrion. The strong relationship with alpha-proteobacterial genes observed for some mitochondrial genes, combined with the lack of such a relationship for others, indicates that the modern mitochondrial proteome is the product of both reductive and expansive processes.  相似文献   

Origin and Evolution of the Mitochondrial Proteome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria requires substantial modification. The three identifiable ancestral sources to the proteome of mitochondria are proteins descended from the ancestral α-proteobacteria symbiont, proteins with no homology to bacterial orthologs, and diverse proteins with bacterial affinities not derived from α-proteobacteria. Random mutations in the form of deletions large and small seem to have eliminated nonessential genes from the endosymbiont-mitochondrial genome lineages. This process, together with the transfer of genes from the endosymbiont-mitochondrial genome to nuclei, has led to a marked reduction in the size of mitochondrial genomes. All proteins of bacterial descent that are encoded by nuclear genes were probably transferred by the same mechanism, involving the disintegration of mitochondria or bacteria by the intracellular membranous vacuoles of cells to release nucleic acid fragments that transform the nuclear genome. This ongoing process has intermittently introduced bacterial genes to nuclear genomes. The genomes of the last common ancestor of all organisms, in particular of mitochondria, encoded cytochrome oxidase homologues. There are no phylogenetic indications either in the mitochondrial proteome or in the nuclear genomes that the initial or subsequent function of the ancestor to the mitochondria was anaerobic. In contrast, there are indications that relatively advanced eukaryotes adapted to anaerobiosis by dismantling their mitochondria and refitting them as hydrogenosomes. Accordingly, a continuous history of aerobic respiration seems to have been the fate of most mitochondrial lineages. The initial phases of this history may have involved aerobic respiration by the symbiont functioning as a scavenger of toxic oxygen. The transition to mitochondria capable of active ATP export to the host cell seems to have required recruitment of eukaryotic ATP transport proteins from the nucleus. The identity of the ancestral host of the α-proteobacterial endosymbiont is unclear, but there is no indication that it was an autotroph. There are no indications of a specific α-proteobacterial origin to genes for glycolysis. In the absence of data to the contrary, it is assumed that the ancestral host cell was a heterotroph.  相似文献   

Expanded genome/proteome databases and effective use of sequence alignment tools make it possible to trace the phylogeny of individual eukaryotic proteins and ultimately to identify the prokaryotes that contributed to the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA). I developed an application of reciprocal BLASTp that identifies (1) the prokaryotic lineages that have contributed to the nuclear genome and (2) the specific proteins acquired from prokaryotic ancestors. Eight complete eubacterial proteomes were analyzed: two free-living spirochetes, two clostridia, two actinobacteria, and two proteobacteria (one alpha and one gamma). The data reveal a spirochete genetic contribution to the eukaryotic genome including essential proteins involved in DNA binding and repair, cyclic nucleotide metabolism, acyltransferase, and signal transduction. My results, consistent with the sulfur syntrophy hypothesis that posits LECA evolved from a merger of spirochetes (eubacteria) with sulfidogenic eocytes (archaebacteria), confirm the contribution of mitochondrial genes from alpha-proteobacteria. A contribution from clostridia to eukaryote genomes was also detected whereas none was seen from either actinobacterium or Escherichia coli. The complete spirochete and clostridial genetic contributions to eukaryotes and those of other eu-and archaebacteria can be identified by this method.  相似文献   

Among a few potential archezoan groups, only the Metamonada (diplomonads, retortamonads, and oxymonads) still retain the status of amitochondriate protists that diverged before the acquisition or retention of mitochondria. Indeed, finding that diplomonad genomes harbor a gene encoding a mitochondrial type chaperonin 60, the most compelling evidence for their secondarily amitochondriate nature, may be interpreted as an acquisition of this important general chaperone during some transient alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiosis. Recently published data on the cysteine desulfurase IscS demonstrated an alpha-proteobacterial origin of mitochondrial enzymes including a diplomonad Giardia lamblia homolog. An extended phylogenetic analysis of IscS is reported here that revealed a full canonical pattern of mitochondrial ancestry for the giardial enzyme. The above canonical pattern, a sister group relationship of mitochondria and rickettsiae exclusive of free-living alpha-proteobacteria, was robustly confirmed by a comprehensive analysis of Cob and Cox1 subunits of the respiratory chain encoded by resident mitochondrial genes. Given that Fe-S cluster assembly involving IscS represents an essential mitochondrial function, these data strongly suggest that diplomonads once harbored bona fide mitochondria.  相似文献   



The origin of eukaryotes remains a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. Although it is clear that eukaryotic genomes are a chimeric combination of genes of eubacterial and archaebacterial ancestry, the specific ancestry of most eubacterial genes is still unknown. The growing availability of microbial genomes offers the possibility of analyzing the ancestry of eukaryotic genomes and testing previous hypotheses on their origins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we have applied a phylogenomic analysis to investigate a possible contribution of the Myxococcales to the first eukaryotes. We conducted a conservative pipeline with homologous sequence searches against a genomic sampling of 40 eukaryotic and 357 prokaryotic genomes. The phylogenetic reconstruction showed that several eukaryotic proteins traced to Myxococcales. Most of these proteins were associated with mitochondrial lipid intermediate pathways, particularly enzymes generating reducing equivalents with pivotal roles in fatty acid β-oxidation metabolism. Our data suggest that myxococcal species with the ability to oxidize fatty acids transferred several genes to eubacteria that eventually gave rise to the mitochondrial ancestor. Later, the eukaryotic nucleocytoplasmic lineage acquired those metabolic genes through endosymbiotic gene transfer.


Our results support a prokaryotic origin, different from α-proteobacteria, for several mitochondrial genes. Our data reinforce a fluid prokaryotic chromosome model in which the mitochondrion appears to be an important entry point for myxococcal genes to enter eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Giardia and Trichomonas are eukaryotes without standard mitochondria but contain mitochondrial-type alpha-proteobacterium-derived iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) assembly proteins, located to mitosomes in Giardia and hydrogenosomes in Trichomonas. Although these data suggest a single common endosymbiotic ancestry for mitochondria, mitosomes, and hydrogenosomes, separate origins are still being proposed. Here, we present a bioinformatic analysis of Isd11, a recently described essential component of the mitochondrial ISC assembly pathway. Isd11 is unique to eukaryotes but functions closely with the alpha-proteobacterium-derived cysteine desulfurase IscS. We demonstrate the presence of homologues of Isd11 in all 5 eukaryotic supergroups sampled, including hydrogenosomal and mitosomal lineages. The eukaryotic invention of Isd11 as a functional partner to IscS directly implies a single shared alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiotic ancestry for all eukaryotes. This pinpoints the alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiosis to before the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes without ambiguity.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the evolution of the mitochondrial ribosomal proteome   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
For production of proteins that are encoded by the mitochondrial genome, mitochondria rely on their own mitochondrial translation system, with the mitoribosome as its central component. Using extensive homology searches, we have reconstructed the evolutionary history of the mitoribosomal proteome that is encoded by a diverse subset of eukaryotic genomes, revealing an ancestral ribosome of alpha-proteobacterial descent that more than doubled its protein content in most eukaryotic lineages. We observe large variations in the protein content of mitoribosomes between different eukaryotes, with mammalian mitoribosomes sharing only 74 and 43% of its proteins with yeast and Leishmania mitoribosomes, respectively. We detected many previously unidentified mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRPs) and found that several have increased in size compared to their bacterial ancestral counterparts by addition of functional domains. Several new MRPs have originated via duplication of existing MRPs as well as by recruitment from outside of the mitoribosomal proteome. Using sensitive profile–profile homology searches, we found hitherto undetected homology between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomal proteins, as well as between fungal and mammalian ribosomal proteins, detecting two novel human MRPs. These newly detected MRPs constitute, along with evolutionary conserved MRPs, excellent new screening targets for human patients with unresolved mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation disorders.  相似文献   

Most modern eukaryotes diverged from a common ancestor that contained the alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria. The 'amitochondriate' anaerobic protist parasites that have been studied to date, such as Giardia and Trichomonas harbor mitochondrion-related organelles, such as mitosomes or hydrogenosomes. Yet there is one remaining group of mitochondrion-lacking flagellates known as the Preaxostyla that could represent a primitive 'pre-mitochondrial' lineage of eukaryotes. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an expressed sequence tag (EST) survey on the preaxostylid flagellate Trimastix pyriformis, a poorly-studied free-living anaerobe. Among the ESTs we detected 19 proteins that, in other eukaryotes, typically function in mitochondria, hydrogenosomes or mitosomes, 12 of which are found exclusively within these organelles. Interestingly, one of the proteins, aconitase, functions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle typical of aerobic mitochondria, whereas others, such as pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and [FeFe] hydrogenase, are characteristic of anaerobic hydrogenosomes. Since Trimastix retains genetic evidence of a mitochondriate ancestry, we can now say definitively that all known living eukaryote lineages descend from a common ancestor that had mitochondria.  相似文献   

The iron sulfur protein pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO) is central to energy metabolism in amitochondriate eukaryotes, including those with hydrogenosomes. Thus, revealing the evolutionary history of PFO is critical to understanding the origin(s) of eukaryote anaerobic energy metabolism. We determined a complete PFO sequence for Spironucleus barkhanus, a large fragment of a PFO sequence from Clostridium pasteurianum, and a fragment of a new PFO from Giardia lamblia. Phylogenetic analyses of eubacterial and eukaryotic PFO genes suggest a complex history for PFO, including possible gene duplications and horizontal transfers among eubacteria. Our analyses favor a common origin for eukaryotic cytosolic and hydrogenosomal PFOs from a single eubacterial source, rather than from separate horizontal transfers as previously suggested. However, with the present sampling of genes and species, we were unable to infer a specific eubacterial sister group for eukaryotic PFO. Thus, we find no direct support for the published hypothesis that the donor of eukaryote PFO was the common alpha-proteobacterial ancestor of mitochondria and hydrogenosomes. We also report that several fungi and protists encode proteins with PFO domains that are likely monophyletic with PFOs from anaerobic protists. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PFO domains combine with fragments of other redox proteins to form fusion proteins which participate in methionine biosynthesis. Our results are consistent with the view that PFO, an enzyme previously considered to be specific to energy metabolism in amitochondriate protists, was present in the common ancestor of contemporary eukaryotes and was retained, wholly or in part, during the evolution of oxygen-dependent and mitochondrion-bearing lineages.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase is the initial enzyme in the tricarboxylic acid cycle of mitochondria. In plants and fungi, it is the second isozyme in the glyoxylate cycle of peroxisomes (or glyoxysomes), and it is also present in bacteria. Some of the biochemical reactions in the glyoxylate cycle of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis depend upon mitochondrial enzymes, as T. pyriformis lacks some glyoxysome-specific enzymes. Here we demonstrate a new citrate synthase gene from Tetrahymena thermophila that is different from the mitochondrial counterpart. A potential peroxysome-targeted signal was detected in the N-terminus, suggesting the localization of the enzyme in peroxysomes. Phylogenetic analysis placed the Tetrahymena sequence in a clade consisting of a few sequences from eukaryotes such as cellular slime molds and two land plants, near a green sulfur bacterium and many proteobacteria as a sister group but not in a mitochondrial clade. Southern blot analysis revealed that this type of gene was absent from distantly related ciliates and other species of Tetrahymena except for the closest species, T. mallaccensis. The scattered presence of the bacterial-like genes among distantly related eukaryotes suggests three alternative interpretations of acquisition of the novel glyoxysomal citrate synthase gene via lateral gene transfer (LGT). (1) Some eukaryotes independently acquired the gene from a common bacterium or closely related bacteria via LGT. (2) A hypothetical eukaryote once acquired the gene, which was thereafter independently transferred from the eukaryote to other eukaryotes. (3) A single event of LGT (or duplication) occurred in a certain common ancestor of eukaryotes, followed by multiple losses in many eukaryotic lineages during the subsequent evolution. Considering the monophyly of the bacterial-like eukaryotic citrate synthase genes, the first model is somewhat unlikely, even though it is not impossible. The second and third models can rationally explain the present observation, so these models are discused in some detail.  相似文献   

Approximately 40 ribosomal proteins from each Halobacterium marismortui and Bacillus stearothermophilus have been sequenced either by direct protein sequence analysis or by DNA sequence analysis of the appropriate genes. The comparison of the amino acid sequences from the archaebacterium H marismortui with the available ribosomal proteins from the eubacterial and eukaryotic kingdoms revealed four different groups of proteins: 24 proteins are related to both eubacterial as well as eukaryotic proteins. Eleven proteins are exclusively related to eukaryotic counterparts. For three proteins only eubacterial relatives-and for another three proteins no counterpart-could be found. The similarities of the halobacterial ribosomal proteins are in general somewhat higher to their eukaryotic than to their eubacterial counterparts. The comparison of B stearothermophilus proteins with their E coli homologues showed that the proteins evolved at different rates. Some proteins are highly conserved with 64-76% identity, others are poorly conserved with only 25-34% identical amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Although mitochondria derive from alpha-proteobacteria, many proteins acting in this organelle did not originate from bacteria. In particular, phylogenetic evidence indicates that RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase and DNA primase--with homologues encoded by T3/T7-like bacteriophages--have replaced the ancestral proteins of bacterial origin. To date, there was no clear explanation for this puzzling observation. Bacterial genomics has now revealed the presence of cryptic prophages that are related to T3/T7 in several genomes of proteobacteria. We propose that such a prophage was present in the ancestral alpha-proteobacterium at the origin of mitochondria and that RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase and DNA primase encoded by this prophage replaced the original bacterial enzymes to function in mitochondria. Another T3/T7 viral-like RNA polymerase is functional in the chloroplast, indicating that a strong selection pressure has favored replacement of some cellular proteins by viral proteins in organelle evolution.  相似文献   

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