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The effect of administration of cortisol, corticosterone, testosterone, progesterone and a synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol on plasma proteins of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) was investigated. SDS-PAGE clearly revealed the appearance of several new bands of protein, which were not present in the control plasma and were comparable to the known bands of the molecular markers. Of the different bands appeared in the steroids treated plasma, the most important ones were the presumed vitellogenin and corticotrophin binding globulin with a molecular weight of 180 and 17 kDa, respectively. Increase in protein bands in the steroid treated plasma of O. mossambicus confirmed the anabolic role of steroids in teleost.  相似文献   

A guinea pig kidney membrane preparation was incubated with thimerosal and then thoroughly washed. Comparison of the properties of the native and the modified membranes showed that (a) Na++K+-dependent activity is substantially inhibited by thimerosal; (b) thimerosal does not diminish Na+-dependent ATPase activity; and (c) the thimerosal treated enzyme, like the native enzyme, is phosphorylated in the presence of Na+ and ATP, and dephosphorylated upon the addition of K+. It is suggested that thimerosal does not affect the binding of ATP to the high-affinity catalytic site, but that it blocks the binding of ATP to a low affinity modifying site the occupation of which is essential for the dissociation of the stable K+-dephosphoenzyme and the recycling of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Studies on Na+-K+-stimulated ATPase of human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Na+-K+-activated ATPase in rat brain development   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  

The effects of MgCl2 on Na activation of three different enzymatic reactions catalyzed by a rat brain (Na + K)-dependent ATPase (adenosine 5′-triphosphatase) were studied. For the Na+-dependent ATPase reaction measured with 6 μm ATP, the K0.5 for Na increased from 0.4 to 1.7 mm as the MgCl2 concentration was raised from 50 to 2000 μm; the half-maximal effect occurred at a free Mg2+ concentration near 0.8 mm. By contrast, with 3 mm ATP and 3 mm MgCl2 the K0.5 for Na was again 0.4 mm, but further addition of 2 mm MgCl2 then had little effect on the K0.5 for Na. For the Na-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme, measured with 6 μm ATP, the K0.5 for Na increased similarly, from 0.2 to 0.8 mM, as the MgCl2 concentration was raised from 50 to 2000 μm, but for the (Na + K)-dependent ATPase reaction the K0.5 for Na was 13 mm and increased by only one-third as the MgCl2 concentration was raised. The K0.5 for K was also little affected by changes in MgCl2 concentration. Finally, with 3 mm ATP and 3 mm MgCl2 the K0.5 for Na in the (Na + K)-dependent ATPase reaction decreased to 5 mm. These observations are considered in terms of an enzyme having high-affinity and low-affinity substrate sites, with occupancy of the low-affinity sites modifying Na activation differently, depending both on the specific reaction catalyzed and on whether occupancy is by free Mg2+ or by Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

Incorporation of ethanolamine and monomethylethanolamine into their corresponding phospholipid by the base exchange enzymes activated an Na+, K+-ATPase associated with a rat brain microsomes enriched preparation. The serine and dimethylethanolamine base exchange catalyzed incorporation reactions inhibited this particular Na+, K+-ATPase. These effects require Ca2+ and several other structural analogues which are not incorporated into phospholipid were without affect on this ATPase.  相似文献   

Effects in vivo of cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg) on Na(+)-K+ ATPase and uptake of 3H-dopamine (DA) in rat brain synaptosomes were studied. These heavy metals significantly inhibited the Na(+)-K+ ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, inhibition of DA uptake by synaptosomes was also observed in rats treated with these metals. Intraperitoneal route of metal administration was found to be more effective than per os treatment. Mercuric compounds compared to Cd elicited a higher inhibition of Na(+)-K+ ATPase and DA uptake in rat brain synaptosomes.  相似文献   

An H(+)-translocating ATPase-defective mutant of Vibrio parahaemolyticus YS-1 grew well on lactate as a sole source of carbon at pH 8.5 under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. Both wild type cells and the mutant cells could grow on lactate at pH 8.5 even in the presence of an H+ conductor, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), but not at pH 7.5. Oxidative phosphorylation resistant to CCCP in the mutant occurred at pH 8.5. These findings suggest the existence of Na(+)-coupled oxidative phosphorylation which is functional at alkaline pHs in V. parahaemolyticus. In fact, we observed ATP synthesis driven by an artificially imposed Na+ gradient in YS-1 cells, which was resistant to CCCP.  相似文献   

1. The (Na+ + K+) ATPase activity of a rat brain synaptic membrane preparation was inhibited by 10(-5) M thimerosal. 2. The ouabain inhibitable K+-PNPPase activity of thimerosal treated membranes was compared with that of untreated membranes with respect to sensitivity to temperature, ouabain, K+ and ATP. 3. All those kinetic characteristics were substantially altered by treatment with thimerosal.  相似文献   

Although the generation of new neurons in the adult nervous system ('adult neurogenesis') has been studied intensively in recent years, little is known about this phenomenon in non-mammalian vertebrates. Here, we examined the generation, migration, and differentiation of new neurons and glial cells in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), a representative of one of the largest vertebrate taxonomic orders, the perciform fish. The vast majority of new cells in the brain are born in specific proliferation zones of the olfactory bulb; the dorsal and ventral telencephalon; the periventricular nucleus of the posterior tuberculum, optic tectum, and nucleus recessi lateralis of the diencephalon; and the valvula cerebelli, corpus cerebelli, and lobus caudalis of the cerebellum. As shown in the olfactory bulb and the lateral part of the valvula cerebelli, some of the young cells migrate from their site of origin to specific target areas. Labeling of mitotic cells with the thymidine analog 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, combined with immunostaining against the neuron-specific marker protein Hu or against the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein demonstrated differentiation of the adult-born cells into both neurons and glia. Taken together, the present investigation supports the hypothesis that adult neurogenesis is an evolutionarily conserved vertebrate trait.  相似文献   

(Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity is demonstrated in plasma membranes from pig mesenteric lymph nodes. After dodecyl sulfate treatment plasma membranes have an 18-fold higher (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, while their ouabain-insensitive Mg2+-ATPase is markedly lowered. A solubilized (Na+ + K+)-ATPase fraction, obtained by Lubrol WX treatment of the membranes, has very high specific activity (21μmol Pi/h per mg protein). Concanavalin A has no effect on these partially purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, while it inhibits (40%) this activity in less purified fractions which still contain Mg2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on infant rats aged five days and on adult rats (of both sexes) to investigate vanadate inhibition of (Na+-K+)ATPase activity in various parts of the brain. Vanadate was administered in 10(-5), 10(-7), 10(-8), 10(-9) and 10(-10) mol/l concentration. The enzyme activity and the effect of vanadate were studied in the tissue of the cerebral cortex, subcortical formations and the medulla oblongata. It was demonstrated that an inhibitory effect of vanadate on ouabain-sensitive ATPase could be determined in the brain of very young rats, i.e. in the immature nervous tissue. It was further demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of vanadate (in low concentrations) was significantly more potent in the nervous tissue of adult rats than in the CNS tissue of 5-day-old animals. Lastly, attention is drawn to certain differences in the sensitivity of ouabain-sensitive ATPase to the action of vanadate indifferent parts of the CNS in both the given age groups.  相似文献   

The hypocrellin B (HB)-sensitized photodamage on Na(+)-K+ ATPase and sodium permeability of human erythrocytes by means of NMR and biochemical techniques was studied in this paper. The decrease of the enzyme activity and increase of intracellular sodium concentration were usually observed simultaneously. The evidences suggested that the integrality of membrane phospholipid played an important role in maintaining the physiological sodium content of erythrocytes. The loss of the enzyme activity was a sensitive index compared with the increase of intracellular Na+ concentration during the photosensitization. From the comparison tests among HB, HA, protoporphyrin and bilirubin, we found that HB had more ability to increasing intracellular Na+ concentration than the other photosensitization even though the photodamage on the enzyme activity caused by HB, HA, and protoporphyrin were nearly the same. Besides the photoinactivation of Na(+)-K+ ATPase induced by HB and light, the enzyme was also inactivated in the medium containing HB in absence of light. The active oxygen radicals generated though HB mediated redox-cycling might be involved in the dark inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The increase in Na+/K+ transport activity in skeletal muscles exposed to insulin was analysed. Plasma-membrane fractions were prepared from frog (Rana catesbeiana) skeletal muscles, and examination of the Na,K-ATPase (Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase) activity showed that it was insensitive to ouabain. In contrast, plasma-membrane fractions prepared from ouabain-pretreated muscles, by the same procedures, showed extremely low Na,K-ATPase activity. On adding saponin to the membrane suspension, the Na,K-ATPase activity increased, according to the detergent concentration. The maximum activity was about twice the control value, at 0.33 mg of saponin/mg of protein. Thus saponin makes vesicle membranes leaky, allowing ouabain in assay solutions to reach receptors on the inner surface of vesicles. Addition of insulin to saponin-treated membrane suspensions had no effect on the Na,K-ATPase activity, whereas the maximum activity of Na,K-ATPase in whole muscles was stimulated by exposure to insulin. The results show that the stimulation of Na+/K+ transport by insulin is not directly due to insulin binding to receptors on the cell surface, but rather support the view that the increase in the Na,K-ATPase induced by insulin requires an alteration of intracellular events.  相似文献   

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