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More than 50% of the U.S. population is infected with herpes simplex virus type-I (HSV-1) and global infectious estimates are nearly 90%. HSV-1 is normally seen as a harmless virus but debilitating diseases can arise, including encephalitis and ocular diseases. HSV-1 is unique in that it can undermine host defenses and establish lifelong infection in neurons. Viral reactivation from latency may allow HSV-1 to lay siege to the brain (Herpes encephalitis). Recent advances maintain that HSV-1 proteins act to suppress and/or control the lysosome-dependent degradation pathway of macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) and consequently, in neurons, may be coupled with the advancement of HSV-1-associated pathogenesis. Furthermore, increasing evidence suggests that HSV-1 infection may constitute a gradual risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders. The relationship between HSV-1 infection and autophagy manipulation combined with neuropathogenesis may be intimately intertwined demanding further investigation.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for the survival as well as the proliferation and maturation of developing erythroid precursors (EP) into hemoglobin-containing red blood cells. The transferrin-transferrin receptor pathway is the main route for erythroid iron uptake. Using a two-phase culture system, we have previously shown that placental ferritin as well as macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes could partially replace transferrin and support EP growth in a transferrin-free medium. We now demonstrate that in the absence of transferrin, ferritin synthesized and secreted by macrophages can serve as an iron source for EP. Macrophages trigger an increase in both the cytosolic and the mitochondrial labile iron pools, in heme and in hemoglobin synthesis, along with a decrease in surface transferrin receptors. Inhibiting macrophage exocytosis, binding extracellular ferritin with specific antibodies, inhibiting EP receptor-mediated endocytosis or acidification of EP lysosomes, all resulted in a decreased EP growth when co-cultured with macrophages under transferrin-free conditions. The results suggest that iron taken up by macrophages is incorporated mainly into their ferritin, which is subsequently secreted by exocytosis. Nearby EP are able to take up this ferritin probably through clathrin-dependent, receptor-mediated endocytosis into endosomes, which following acidification and proteolysis release the iron from the ferritin, making it available for regulatory and synthetic purposes. Thus, macrophages support EP development under transferrin-free conditions by delivering essential iron in the form of metabolizable ferritin.  相似文献   

Abstract Three neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that are specific against bovine herpes virus Type-1 (BHV-1) were studied as to their viral specificity by immunoperoxidase and immunoelectron microscopy. Microscopic examination of GBK BHV-1 infected cells revealed peroxidase activity represented by red-brown granular deposits in the nucleus and cytoplasm. No immunoperoxidase activity was observed in negative controls. For the ultrastructural observations, two approaches were used. Firstly we tested a pre-embedding technique using GBK infected cells, mAbs and gold conjugated-protein A. Gold particles were observed linked to the viral envelopes and to the host cell membrane. Alternatively, a second technique employed BHV-1 purified by potassium tartrate gradients, mAbs and gold conjugated-protein A. After performing the immune reaction, the samples were adsorbed to formvar-coated grids, stained with phosphotungstic acid and observed in a transmission electron microscope. Gold particles were mainly attached to the virion envelope.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the putative promoter motifs in the bovine herpes virus which causes severaldiseases in cattle worldwide including bovine mastitis with large economic impact on dairy industry. Bovine mastitis caused dueto virus is often neglected as bacterial infections are held mainly responsible for the disease. Therefore, in this in silico investigationwith all the existing experimental data a total of 147 promoter were identified along with their sequences from three genome vizbovine herpes virus 1 (BHV), bovine herpes virus 4 and bovine herpes virus 5, out of which 39 promoters were from bovine herpesvirus 4 (BHV 4), 95 from BHV1 and 13 from BHV5 and it was observed that BHV1 and BHV5 have a close evolutionary history.However, they belong to the same subfamily and size of the genome and GC% of BHV1 and BHV5 was almost equal and very highcompare to that of BHV4. This analysis may help in designing the live attenuated vaccine against BHV causing bovine mastitis thatreduces the incidence of bovine mastitis. Identification of promoters may also help in designing of expression vectors which help inbetter understanding of the regulation of gene expression. In the era of large genomics and proteomics prediction of promoters inthe whole genome is crucial for the advancement of drug discovery and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) functions as translational regulator that plays a central role in coordinating the cellular iron metabolism by binding to the mRNA of target genes such as the transferrin receptor (TfR)—the major iron uptake protein. Reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 and that are both co-released by inflammatory cells modulate IRP1 in opposing directions. While H2O2—similar to iron depletion—strongly induces IRP1 via a signalling cascade, inactivates the mRNA binding activity by a direct chemical attack. These findings have raised the question of whether compartmentalization may be an important mechanism for isolating these biological reactants when released from inflammatory cells during the oxygen burst cascade. To address this question, we studied cytosolic IRP1 and its downstream target TfR in conjunction with a tightly controlled biochemical modulation of extracellular and H2O2 levels mimicking the oxygen burst cascade of inflammatory cells. We here demonstrate that IRP1 activity and expression of TfR are solely dependent on H2O2 when co-released with from xanthine oxidase. Our findings confirm that extracellular H2O2 determines the functionality of the IRP1 cluster and its downstream targets while the reactivity of is limited to its compartment of origin.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is responsible for cold sores in the general population, but also contributes to the development of other more serious diseases in some circumstances. The viral glycoprotein D (gD) is essential for virus entry into host cells. In the present study, the Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 (S2) expression system (DES) was evaluated for the expression of recombinant gD1. The DNA sequences encoding the full-length gD1 (369aa, FLgD1) and a truncated gD1 form corresponding to the ectodomain (314aa, EgD1) were cloned into S2 expression vector pMT/BiP/V5-HisA to generate pMT-EgD1 and pMT-FLgD1, respectively. Two forms of gD1 gene were fitted with a hexahistidine tag to facilitate their purification. Cell populations expressing the highest gD1 levels were selected by using a limiting dilution assay. Western blot, flow cytometry (FACS), and confocal immunofluoresence assay demonstrated that the full-length form is restrained in the lipid membranes of the cell and the ectodomain form is secreted into the medium. Recombinant ectodomain gD1 was scaled up and purified from the culture medium using nickel nitrilotriacetic acid affinity chromatography, and a maximum production level of 56.8 mg/L of recombinant gD1 was obtained in a shake-flask culture of S2 cells after induction with 5 µM CdCl2 for 4 days. Mice were then immunized with recombinant purified gD1 and produced high titers of antibody measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; 1:5,120,000) as well as high plaque neutralization titer (1:320). Overall, the data indicated that stable expression in S2 cells is a practical way of synthesizing gD1 for use in structural and functional studies in the further study.  相似文献   

Cellular iron metabolism is essentially controlled by the binding of cytosolic iron regulatory proteins (IRP1 or IRP2) to iron-responsive elements (IREs) located on mRNAs coding for proteins involved in iron acquisition, utilization and storage. The 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is one of the most potent toxins of current interest that occurs as poisonous chemical in the environment. TCDD exposure has been reported to induce a broad spectrum of toxic and biological responses, including significant changes in gene expression for heme and iron metabolism associated with liver injury. Here, we have investigated the molecular effects of TCDD on the iron metabolism providing the first evidence that administration of the toxin TCDD to mammalian cells affects the maintenance of iron homeostasis. We found that exposure of Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney cell to TCDD caused a divergent modulation of IRP1 and IRP2 RNA-binding capacity. Interestingly, we observed a concomitant IRP1 down-regulation and IRP2 up-regulation thus determining a marked enhancement of transferrin receptor 1 (TfR-1) expression and a biphasic response in ferritin content. The changed ferritin content coupled to TfR-1 induction after TCDD exposure impairs the cellular iron homeostasis, ultimately leading to significant changes in the labile iron pool (LIP) extent. Since important iron requirement changes occur during the regulation of cell growth, it is not surprising that the dioxin-dependent iron metabolism dysregulation herein described may be linked to cell-fate decision, supporting the hypothesis of a central connection among exposure to dioxins and the regulation of critical cellular processes.  相似文献   

During infection by herpes simplex virus type‐1 (HSV‐1) the host cell undergoes widespread changes in gene expression and morphology in response to viral replication and release. However, relatively little is known about the specific proteome changes that occur during the early stages of HSV‐1 replication prior to the global damaging effects of virion maturation and egress. To investigate pathways that may be activated or utilised during the early stages of HSV‐1 replication, 2‐DE and LC‐MS/MS were used to identify cellular proteome changes at 6 h post infection. Comparative analysis of multiple gels representing whole cell extracts from mock‐ and HSV‐1‐infected HEp‐2 cells revealed a total of 103 protein spot changes. Of these, 63 were up‐regulated and 40 down‐regulated in response to infection. Changes in selected candidate proteins were verified by Western blot analysis and their respective cellular localisations analysed by confocal microscopy. We have identified differential regulation and modification of proteins with key roles in diverse cellular pathways, including DNA replication, chromatin remodelling, mRNA stability and the ER stress response. This work represents the first global comparative analysis of HSV‐1 infected cells and provides an important insight into host cell proteome changes during the early stages of HSV‐1 infection.  相似文献   

Us3 is a serine–threonine protein kinase that is encoded by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV‐1). In experimental animal models of HSV infection, peripheral and intracranial inoculations can be used to study viral pathogenicity in peripheral sites (e.g., eyes and vagina) and central nervous systems (CNSs), respectively. In addition, peripheral inoculation can be used to investigate this virus' ability to invade the CNS (neuroinvasiveness) from peripheral sites. HSV‐1 Us3 has previously been shown to be critical for viral pathogenicity in both peripheral sites and CNSs of mice. However, the role of HSV‐1 Us3 in viral neuroinvasiveness has not yet been elucidated. In the present study, the yields of a Us3 null mutant virus and its repaired virus in the eyes, trigeminal ganglia, and brains of mice following ocular inoculation were examined. It was found that, although the repaired virus appeared in the brains of mice 3 days after infection, peak replication occurring 7 days after infection, no viral replication of the Us3 null mutant virus was detectable. These findings indicate that HSV‐1 Us3 plays a crucial role in the ability of the virus to invade the brain from the eyes. Thus, HSV‐1 Us3 is a significant neuroinvasiveness factor in vivo.  相似文献   

Uveitis caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 is characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP) in the presence of anterior chamber inflammation. Despite their clinical significance, the pathogenic changes associated with HSV-1 infection in trabecular meshwork (TM) cells, the key cell type regulating IOP, have not been completely elucidated. In this study, cytokine array analyses showed a significant stepwise increase in monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 expression upon HSV-1 infection in TM cells (p < 0.05). HSV-1 infection led to downregulation of fibrogenic molecules (fibronectin, α-smooth muscle actin, connective tissue growth factor and TGF-β1). Notably, HSV-1 infection caused a significant increase in actin stress fibres, with a twofold increase in active RhoA, which was enhanced by treatment with TGF-β1 and inhibited by treatment with the Rho-kinase inhibitor, Y-27632. TM cells treated with MCP-1 exhibited a dose-dependent increase in actin stress fibres compared to untreated TM cells. Our study suggests that HSV-1 infection in TM cells increases cell contractile activity rather than fibrotic changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Taken together, these observations demonstrate the enhanced expression of MCP-1 and TM cell contractile activity upon HSV-1 infection and events with potential implications for the pathobiology of abrupt IOP elevation in HSV-1 anterior uveitis.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the interactions of the origin binding protein (OBP) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) with synthetic four-way Holliday junctions (HJs) were studied using electrophoresis mobility shift assay and the FRET method and compared with the interactions of the protein with duplex and single-stranded DNAs. It has been found that OBP exhibits a strong preference for binding to four-way and three-way DNA junctions and possesses much lower affinities to duplex and single-stranded DNAs. The protein forms three types of complexes with HJs. It forms complexes I and II which are reminiscent of the tetramer and octamer complexes with four-way junction of HJ-specific protein RuvA of Escherichia coli. The binding approaches saturation level when two OBP dimers are bound per junction. In the presence of Mg2+ ions (≥2 mM) OBP also interacts with HJ in the stacked arm form (complex III). In the presence of 5 mM ATP and 10 mM Mg2+ ions OBP catalyzes processing of the HJ in which one of the annealed oligonucleotides has a 3′-terminal tail containing 20 unpaired thymine residues. The observed preference of OBP for binding to the four-way DNA junctions provides a basis for suggestion that OBP induces large DNA structural changes upon binding to Box I and Box II sites in OriS. These changes involve the bending and partial melting of the DNA at A+T-rich spacer and also include the formation of HJ containing Box I and Box II inverted repeats and flanking DNA sequences.  相似文献   


Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2) cause a variety of infections including oral-facial infections, genital herpes, herpes keratitis, cutaneous infection and so on. To date, FDA-approved licensed HSV vaccine is not available yet. Hence, the study was conducted to identify and characterize an effective epitope based polyvalent vaccine against both types of Herpes Simplex Virus. The selected proteins were retrieved from ViralZone and assessed to design highly antigenic epitopes by binding analyses of the peptides with MHC class-I and class-II molecules, antigenicity screening, transmembrane topology screening, allergenicity and toxicity assessment, population coverage analysis and molecular docking approach. The final vaccine was constructed by the combination of top CTL, HTL and BCL epitopes from each protein along with suitable adjuvant and linkers. Physicochemical and secondary structure analysis, disulfide engineering, molecular dynamic simulation and codon adaptation were further employed to develop a unique multi-epitope peptide vaccine. Docking analysis of the refined vaccine structure with different MHC molecules and human immune TLR-2 receptor demonstrated higher interaction. Complexed structure of the modeled vaccine and TLR-2 showed minimal deformability at molecular level. Moreover, translational potency and microbial expression of the modeled vaccine was analyzed with pET28a(+) vector for E. coli strain K12 and the vaccine constructs had no similarity with entire human proteome. The study enabled design of a novel chimeric polyvalent vaccine to confer broad range immunity against both HSV serotypes. However, further wet lab based research using model animals are highly recommended to experimentally validate our findings.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

We investigated the remodeling of iron metabolism during megakaryocytic development of K562 cells. Differentiation was successfully verified by increase of the megakaryocytic marker CD61 and concomitant decrease of the erythroid marker γ-globin. The reduction of erythroid properties was accompanied by changes in the cellular iron content and in the expression of proteins regulating cellular iron homeostasis. Independent of available inorganic or transferrin-bound extracellular iron, total intracellular iron increases while the iron-to-protein ratio decreases. The iron exporter ferroportin is downregulated within 1-6 h, followed by downregulation of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) and ferritin heavy chain (H-ferritin) mainly after 24-48 h. The hemochromatosis protein-1, a ligand of TfR1, peaked after 24 h. All effects were independent of iron supply with the exception of H-ferritin, which was restored by excess iron. While alterations of CD61, TfR1 and ferritin expression were revoked by a protein kinase C inhibitor, downregulation of ferroportin remained unaffected.  相似文献   

By the method of indirect immunohistochemistry, distribution of transferrin and of transferrin receptor of the type 1 (TFR1) was studied in the formed rat eye retina at the period of early postnatal ontogenesis (from birth to opening of eyelids). It has been established that the character of distribution of these proteins and intensity of specific staining change dependent on the retina formation stage. Retina of the newborn rat is characterized by diffuse transferrin distribution in nuclear retina layer (in the neuroblast layer-NBL) and in the ganglionic cell layer (GCL) as well as in the eye pigment epithelium (PE); relative immunoreactivity to transferrin is not high. At the 5th postnatal day, immunoreactivity to transferrin is maximal and is revealed both in nuclear and in plexiform layers of retina and in the eye PE, the greatest signal being characteristic of NBL. At the 10th postnatal day the transferrin signal intensity in retina decreases, specific staining is revealed in GCL, PE, and in the area of formed outer segments of photoreceptors. At the 15th postnatal day, transferrin is revealed in GCL, in outer and inner photoreceptor segments and in the eye PE. TFR1 is present in all retina layers at all stages of the retina formation; the relative immunoreactivity to TFR1 sharply rises beginning from the 10th postnatal day; correlation between distribution of transferrin and TFR1 is detected in the entire retina of newborn rats as well as in the external retina area at subsequent stages of its development. A possible role of transferrin at various stages of formation of retina is discussed.  相似文献   

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