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Summary Derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying a deletion of the recA gene survive exposure to UV (254 nm) better if they also contain the lexA41 mutation which codes for a labile LexA protein. This effect of the lexA41 mutation is not observed in comparable strains carrying a uvr A6 mutation. Using two independent methods to detect pyrimidine dimers we found that UV irradiated RecA deficient cells removed dimers from their DNA more rapidly if they contained the lexA41 mutation than if the contained the wild-type lexA gene. Our results are consistent with the idea that a relatively high level of UvrABC incision nuclease resulting from inefficient repression of the corresponding genes by the labile LexA41 protein facilitates excision of pyrimidine dimers from the DNA of UV irradiated cells.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the very short patch (VSP) repair system is a major pathway for removal of T·G mismatches in Dcm target sequences. In the VSP repair pathway, the very short patch repair (Vsr) endonuclease selectively recognizes a T·G mismatch in Dcm target sequences and hydrolyzes the 5′-phosphate group of the mismatched thymine. The hydrogen exchange NMR studies here revealed that the T5·G18 mismatch in the Dcm target sequence significantly stabilizes own base pair but destabilizes the two neighboring G4·C19 and A6·T17 base pairs compare to other T·G mismatches. These unusual patterns of base pair stability in the Dcm target sequence can explain how the Vsr endonuclease specifically recognizes the mismatched Dcm target sequence and intercalates into the DNA.  相似文献   

The pattern of ice formation during the freezing of Panagrolaimus davidi, an Antarctic nematode that can survive intracellular ice formation, was visualised using a freeze substitution technique and transmission electron microscopy. Nematodes plunged directly into liquid nitrogen had small ice crystals throughout their tissues, including nuclei and organelles, but did not survive. Those frozen at high subzero temperatures showed three patterns of ice formation: no ice, extracellular ice, and intracellular ice. Nematodes subjected to a slow-freezing regime (at -1 degrees C) had mainly extracellular ice (70.4%), with the bulk of the ice in the pseudocoel. Some (24.8%) had no ice within their bodies, due to cryoprotective dehydration. Nematodes subjected to a fast-freezing regime (at -4 degrees C) had intracellular (54%) and extracellular (42%) ice. Intracellular ice was confined to the cytoplasm of cells, with organelles in the spaces in between ice crystals. The survival of nematodes subjected to the fast-freezing regime (53%) was less than those subjected to the slow-freezing regime (92%).  相似文献   

Many cellular processes depend on ERM (ezrin, moesin, and radixin) proteins mediating regulated linkage between plasma membrane and actin cytoskeleton. Although conformational activation of the ERM protein is mediated by the membrane PIP2, the known properties of the two described PIP2-binding sites do not explain activation. To elucidate the structural basis of possible mechanisms, we generated informative moesin mutations and tested three attributes: membrane localization of the expressed moesin, moesin binding to PIP2, and PIP2-induced release of moesin autoinhibition. The results demonstrate for the first time that the POCKET containing inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate on crystal structure (the "POCKET" Lys-63, Lys-278 residues) mediates all three functions. Furthermore the second described PIP2-binding site (the "PATCH," Lys-253/Lys-254, Lys-262/Lys-263) is also essential for all three functions. In native autoinhibited ERM proteins, the POCKET is a cavity masked by an acidic linker, which we designate the "FLAP." Analysis of three mutant moesin constructs predicted to influence FLAP function demonstrated that the FLAP is a functional autoinhibitory region. Moreover, analysis of the cooperativity and stoichiometry demonstrate that the PATCH and POCKET do not bind PIP2 simultaneously. Based on our data and supporting published data, we propose a model of progressive activation of autoinhibited moesin by a single PIP2 molecule in the membrane. Initial transient binding of PIP2 to the PATCH initiates release of the FLAP, which enables transition of the same PIP2 molecule into the newly exposed POCKET where it binds stably and completes the conformational activation.  相似文献   

Atlantic coast in mice. Preliminary studies showed that seawater contains heavy metals from domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes. Marine bivalves concentrate these pollutants by filtration and serve as vectors in human exposure. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals; cadmium (Cd); chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb) in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected in two coastal sites; Jorf Lasfar (JL) (neighbouring a phosphate processing platform) and Oualidia (OL) (a vegetable growing area) located at 120 and 190 km south of Casablanca, respectively. Another objective was to test and compare the toxicity of these mussels on mice. The results indicated the presence of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, and Pb) in mussels at different concentrations, depending on the collection period. Higher concentrations were obtained at JL than at OL: for example, Cd concentrations were 80 +/- 15 to 199 +/- 28 versus 23 +/- 5 microg/g mussel dry weight, respectively. Cramming with mussel powder did not increase Cd, Cr, or Pb concentration in either liver or kidneys of treated mice. The relative kidney weights were reduced. Increased glucose urea was observed in animals' urine. Treatment with mussels from OL induced significant reduction (20%) in mice body weight, together with an increase in creatinuria. These results indicate that mussels collected from OL are more harmful than those obtained from JL are. All these mussels should not be recommended for human consumption.  相似文献   

CYP1A1 homology models based on the CYP2C5 and a composite of CYP2C5, CYP2C8, and CYP2C9 X-ray crystal structures were compared to a model generated using the recently published coordinates of CYP1A2. The model using the CYP1A2 coordinates, CYP1A1-(1A2), gave near ideal stereochemical quality and was favored energetically. Docking studies identified the active-site residues potentially involved in binding of the prototypic CYP1A1 substrate 7-ethoxyresorufin. CYP1A1 mutants S122A, F123A, F224A, A317Y, T321G, and I386G were generated to explore the roles of these residues in 7-ethoxyresorufin binding and turnover, and generally confirmed the importance of aromatic interactions over hydrogen bonding in orientating 7-ethoxyresrufin in a catalytically favorable orientation. Although 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation by CYP1A1 and several mutants exhibited substrate inhibition, it is unlikely that inhibition arises from the simultaneous binding of two substrates within the active-site given the geometry of the active site-cavity.  相似文献   

New methods of safe biological pest control are required as a result of evolution of insect resistance to current biopesticides. Yeast strains being developed for conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol are potential host systems for expression of commercially valuable peptides, such as bioinsecticides, to increase the cost-effectiveness of the process. Spider venom is one of many potential sources of novel insect-specific peptide toxins. Libraries of mutants of the small amphipathic peptide lycotoxin-1 from the wolf spider were produced in high throughput using an automated integrated plasmid-based functional proteomic platform and screened for ability to kill fall armyworms, a significant cause of damage to corn (maize) and other crops in the United States. Using amino acid scanning mutagenesis (AASM) we generated a library of mutagenized lycotoxin-1 open reading frames (ORF) in a novel small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) yeast expression system. The SUMO technology enhanced expression and improved generation of active lycotoxins. The mutants were engineered to be expressed at high level inside the yeast and ingested by the insect before being cleaved to the active form (so-called Trojan horse strategy). These yeast strains expressing mutant toxin ORFs were also carrying the xylose isomerase (XI) gene and were capable of aerobic growth on xylose. Yeast cultures expressing the peptide toxins were prepared and fed to armyworm larvae to identify the mutant toxins with greatest lethality. The most lethal mutations appeared to increase the ability of the toxin alpha-helix to interact with insect cell membranes or to increase its pore-forming ability, leading to cell lysis. The toxin peptides have potential as value-added coproducts to increase the cost-effectiveness of fuel ethanol bioproduction. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using DNA sequencing techniques, action spectra were prepared for the site-specific induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and hot-alkali sites (probably mostly 5-hydroxy-6-4-(5'-methylpyrimidine-2'-one)-dihydrothymine) in a DNA of defined sequence. The spectra for the formation of two different photoproducts were indistinguishable from each other. However, the absolute rates of induction of dimers and hot-alkali sites were different from each other, and varied from site to site. At 254, 270, and 290 nm, the spectra correlate with the action spectrum of DNA. At longer wavelengths (313 and 334 nm), the action spectra diverge from the DNA spectrum, with the efficiency of formation of both photoproducts being greater than the DNA spectrum.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (Tdp1) repairs topoisomerase I cleavage complexes (Top1cc) by hydrolyzing their 3'-phosphotyrosyl DNA bonds and repairs bleomycin-induced DNA damage by hydrolyzing 3'-phosphoglycolates. Yeast Tdp1 has also been implicated in the repair of topoisomerase II-DNA cleavage complexes (Top2cc). To determine whether vertebrate Tdp1 is involved in the repair of various DNA end-blocking lesions, we generated Tdp1 knock-out cells in chicken DT40 cells (Tdp1-/-) and Tdp1-complemented DT40 cells with human TDP1. We found that Tdp1-/- cells were not only hypersensitive to camptothecin and bleomycin but also to etoposide, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), H(2)O(2), and ionizing radiation. We also show they were deficient in mitochondrial Tdp1 activity. In biochemical assays, recombinant human TDP1 was found to process 5'-phosphotyrosyl DNA ends when they mimic the 5'-overhangs of Top2cc. Tdp1 also processes 3'-deoxyribose phosphates generated from hydrolysis of abasic sites, which is consistent with the hypersensitivity of Tdp1-/- cells to MMS and H(2)O(2). Because recent studies established that CtIP together with BRCA1 also repairs topoisomerase-mediated DNA damage, we generated dual Tdp1-CtIP-deficient DT40 cells. Our results show that Tdp1 and CtIP act in parallel pathways for the repair of Top1cc and MMS-induced lesions but are epistatic for Top2cc. Together, our findings reveal a broad involvement of Tdp1 in DNA repair and clarify the role of human TDP1 in the repair of Top2-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the efficacy of a PGPR strain, Bacillus subtilis 21-1 (BS21-1), under two different soil conditions for plant growth promotion and disease suppression. BS21-1 treatment significantly (P < 0.05) promoted plant growth as measured by plant height and leaf width and increased the seed germination rate in organic soil (OS) compared with seed bed soil (SBS). In Chinese cabbage and lettuce, soft rot disease was reduced to 45 and 23.5 %, respectively, by BS21-1, and to 33 and 52.5 %, respectively, by benzo-(1,2,3)-thidiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH) treatments in OS compared with SBS. These levels of disease suppression were greater than those found in the water-treated control upon pathogen challenge. There was a greater reduction of anthracnose lesions on the leaves of cucumber plants treated with BS21-1 and BTH in OS when compared with SBS. Botrytis rot disease in tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea was drastically reduced to 2 % in OS and 4 % in SBS by BS21-1 treatment. In the four plants studied, there was increased disease suppression in OS compared with SBS. Upon treatment with BS21-1, there was an increased expression of the PR-1a gene by β-gulcuronidase (GUS) activity in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi-nc) plants in OS compared with SBS, which indicates a possible role of the SA pathway in BS21-1 mediated plant protection. Thus, the isolate BS21-1 could effectively be used as one of the biocontrol agents for disease suppression in four vegetable crops through systemic resistance and for plant growth promotion.  相似文献   

We analyzed the chemical composition of the diets of eight groups of free‐ranging black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Belize, Central America. The study groups were located in two different forests: the Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS) and the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (CBWS). Two of the study groups were translocated from the CBS to CBWS 3 months into the study, and we compared the diets of groups in the two forests. Young and mature leaves, fruits, flowers, and fig samples (n = 144) were analyzed for water content, crude and available protein, fiber, simple sugars, and minerals. Statistically significant differences were found among the plant parts in all measures except acid‐detergent fiber. Dietary foliage in CBS was higher in water content and protein but lower in simple sugars than dietary foliage in CBWS. We suggest that changes in the selection of plant parts by primates may be related to differences in the nutritional content of those parts. These data may be useful in developing optimal diets for captive howler monkeys. Zoo Biol 19:95–109, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human serum inter-alpha-trypsin-inhibitor (ITI) has so far been assumed to be comprised of a single polypeptide chain which can undergo fragmentation, whereby inhibitory ITI derivatives are released into the blood stream. In contrast, the analysis of the baboon liver mRNA translation products showed that ITI is made up of heavy and light chain(s). The latter may be excreted independently and very likely corresponds to the so-called ITI derivatives.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to investigate the effects of sub-resonant microwave (MW) exposure (350 MHz, E orientation, average power density 38 mW/cm2, average whole-body specific absorption rate 13.2 W/kg) on selected physiological parameters. The increase in peripheral body temperature during 350 MHz exposure was greater than that in earlier experiments performed at 700 MHz (resonance). Heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly elevated during a 1 °C increase in colonic temperature due to 350 MHz exposure; respiratory rate showed no significant change. The results are consistent with other investigators' reports comparing sub-resonance exposures with those at resonance and above. Bioelectromagnetics 18:335–338, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a) is an essential protein critical for heterochromatin assembly and regulation. Its chromo shadow domain (CSD) homodimerizes, a requirement for binding protein partners that contain a PXVXL motif. How does HP1a select among its many different PXVXL-containing partners? HP1a binds tightly to Heterochromatin Protein 2 (HP2), but weakly to PIWI. We investigated differences in homodimerization and the impact of the C-terminal extension (CTE) by contrasting HP1a to its paralogue, HP1b. HP1a and HP1b differ in the dimerization interface, with HP1a having an Arg at position 188 rather than Glu. We find that while this substitution reduces the dimerization constant, it does not impact the binding surface as demonstrated by unchanged partner binding affinities. However, the CTE (only 4 residues in HP1a as compared with 87 residues in HP1b) is critical; the charged residues in HP1a are necessary for tight peptide binding. Examining a panel of amino acid substitutions in the HP1a CSD, we find that Leu-165 in HP1a interacts with HP2 but not PIWI, supporting the conclusion that different sites in the binding surface provide discrimination for partner selection. Partner sequence is also critical for affinity, as the remaining difference in binding between HP2 and PIWI polypeptides is eliminated by swapping the PXVXL motifs between the two. Taken together, these studies indicate that the binding surface of the HP1a CSD plus its short CTE provide the needed discrimination among HP1a''s partners, and that the CTE is important for differentiating the interactions of the Drosophila HP1 paralogs.  相似文献   

Ecological and physiological factors such as breeding density, breeding synchrony, and adult body condition can all affect extra‐pair mating behavior, but the relative importance of these factors may vary among species. White‐rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) nesting in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, exhibit high rates of extra‐pair paternity, with 77% of nests having extra‐pair young. Our objective was to determine the extent to which extra‐pair paternity in this species is explained by breeding synchrony, breeding density, and adult body condition. Our study of a population of White‐rumped Swallows breeding in nest boxes was conducted during two consecutive breeding seasons (September – early January 2006–2008). We found that neither breeding synchrony nor density of neighbors predicted levels of extra‐pair paternity in our study population. Leaner females were more likely to engage in extra‐pair behavior and fledged more nestlings, but did not differ in structural size from females that did not engage in extra‐pair behavior, suggesting that female mass is an important predictor of mating decisions and fitness for these aerial insectivores. Male body condition was not related to male extra‐pair behavior. The mass of female White‐rumped Swallows may affect their flying ability such that, during their fertile period, they are exposed to more potential extra‐pair mates during longer foraging flights. Being lighter may also improve the ability of females to provision nestlings later in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Haustoria ofTriphysaria pusilla andT. versicolor subsp.faucibarbata from a natural habitat were analysed by light and electron microscopy. The keel-shaped edge of the secondary haustorium generally splits the epidermis and cortex of the host root parallel to the root axis, and penetrates to the host vascular tissue. Anticlinally elongated epidermal cells of the haustorium constitute most of the host/parasite interface. Some of these epidermal cells are divided by oblique cell walls. Some of their oblique daughter cells as well as some undivided epidermal cells differentiate into xylem elements. Single epidermal cells occasionally intrude into the vascular tissue of the host and individual host cells can be invaded. The surface area of the plasmalemma in parasitic parenchymatous interface cells is increased by the differentiation of wall labyrinths characteristic of transfer cells and by the development of membrane-lined cytoplasmic tubules or flattened sacs which become embedded in the partly lignified interface cell-wall. Mycorrhizal fungal hyphae enter the xylem bridge in some haustoria. Implications of these observations for the function of the haustorium are discussed.  相似文献   

A maize (Zea mays) senescence-associated legumain gene, See2beta, was characterized at the physiological and molecular levels to determine its role in senescence and resource allocation. A reverse-genetics screen of a maize Mutator (Mu) population identified a Mu insertion in See2beta. Maize plants homozygous for the insertion were produced. These See2 mutant and sibling wild-type plants were grown under high or low quantities of nitrogen (N). The early development of both genotypes was similar; however, tassel tip and collar emergence occurred earlier in the mutant. Senescence of the mutant leaves followed a similar pattern to that of wild-type leaves, but at later sampling points mutant plants contained more chlorophyll than wild-type plants and showed a small extension in photosynthetic activity. Total plant weight was higher in the wild-type than in the mutant, and there was a genotype x N interaction. Mutant plants under low N maintained cob weight, in contrast to wild-type plants under the same treatment. It is concluded, on the basis of transposon mutagenesis, that See2beta has an important role in N-use and resource allocation under N-limited conditions, and a minor but significant function in the later stages of senescence.  相似文献   

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor (AHRR) is a negative regulator of AH receptor (AHR), which mediates most of the toxic and biochemical effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). AHR has been shown to be the major reason for the exceptionally wide (ca. 1000-fold) sensitivity difference in acute toxicity of TCDD between two rat strains, sensitive Long-Evans (Turku/AB) (L-E) and resistant Han/Wistar (Kuopio) (H/W), but there is another, currently unknown contributing factor involved. In the present study, we examined AHRR structure and expression in these rat strains to find out whether AHRR could be this auxiliary factor. Molecular cloning of AHRR coding region showed that consistent with AHRR proteins in other species, the N-terminal end of rat AHRR is highly conserved, but PAS B and Q-rich domains are severely truncated or lacking. Identical structures were recorded in both strains. Next, the time-, dose-, and tissue-dependent expression of AHRR was determined using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. In liver, AHRR expression was very low in untreated rats, but it increased rapidly after TCDD exposure (100microg/kg). Testis exhibited the highest constitutive expression of AHRR, whereas kidney, spleen, and heart showed the highest induction of AHRR in response to TCDD treatment. Again, no marked differences were found between H/W and L-E rats, implying that AHRR is not the auxiliary contributing factor to the strain difference in TCDD sensitivity. However, simultaneous measurement of CYP1A1 mRNA reinforced the view that AHRR is an important determinant of tissue-specific responsiveness to TCDD.  相似文献   

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