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We report a procedure allowing the detection and counting of free 3'-OH DNA strand extremities in single cells in situ. Terminal transferase (TdT) catalysed the incorporation of 3H-dGMP into fixed nuclei of human colonic adenocarcinoma cells (HT29), using free 3'-OH ends as initiator. Radioactivity was detected by autoradiography and determined quantitatively with a rapid image-processing system for grain counting. The initiator activity for TdT increases with the dose of gamma-rays in the dose range 2.5-20 Gy.  相似文献   

Large-scale use of molecular markers in plant breeding is limited by the throughput capacity for genotyping. DNA polymorphisms can be detected in denaturing polyacrylamide gels indirectly by nucleotide labeling or directly by staining. Fluorescent-labeling or radiolabeling requires sophisticated infrastructure not always available in developing countries. We present an improved low-cost method for silver staining and compare it to 2 other methods for their ability to detect simple sequence repeat polymorphisms in denaturing polyacrylamide gels bound to glass plates. The 3 procedures differed in their requirement for an oxidation pretreatment, preexposure with formaldehyde during silver nitrate impregnation, inclusion of silver thiosulfate, and by their replacement of sodium carbonate for sodium hydroxide to establish alkaline conditions for silver ion reduction. All methods detected the same banding pattern and alleles. However, important differences in sensitivity, contrast, and background were observed. Two methods gave superior sensitivity, detecting down to 1 μL of loaded amplification products. Our improved method gave lower backgrounds and allowed reutilization of staining solutions. The use of thin (<1 mm) denaturing sequencing gels allows genotyping of 60–96 samples within 4 h. Use of smaller loading sample volumes and reutilization of staining solutions further reduced costs.  相似文献   

Detection of protein in polyacrylamide gels using an improved silver stain   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A much improved silver staining procedure for the detection of protein in polyacrylamide gels of 0.8-3.0 mm thickness is described. It achieves very high sensitivity (detecting less than 0.01 ng bovine serum albumin/mm2) by overstaining and subsequently removing nonspecific background stain using a modified, reliable destaining procedure. Maximum sensitivity follows prediamine equilibration in 0.1% (w/v) formaldehyde solution. With two-dimensional electrophoresis the improved staining procedure reveals greater than 200 polypeptides in unconcentrated human urine and greater than 150 polypeptides in a single human fingerprint.  相似文献   

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis can detect sequence differences outside restriction-enzyme recognition sites. DNA sequence polymorphisms can be detected as restriction-fragment melting polymorphisms (RFMPs) in genomic DNA by using blots made from denaturing gradient gels. In contrast to the use of Southern blots to find sequence differences, denaturing gradient gel blots can detect differences almost anywhere, not just at 4-6-bp restriction-enzyme recognition sites. Human genomic DNA was digested with one of several randomly selected 4-bp recognition-site restriction enzymes, electrophoresed in denaturing gradient gels, and transferred to nylon membranes. The blots were hybridized with radioactive probes prepared from the factor VIII, type II collagen, insulin receptor, beta 2-adrenergic receptor, and 21-hydroxylase genes; in unrelated individuals, several RFMPs were found in fragments from every locus tested. No restriction map or sequence information was used to detect RFMPs. RFMPs can be used as genetic markers, because their alleles segregate in a Mendelian manner. Unlike most other methods for detecting DNA sequence polymorphisms, a genomic DNA blot made from one gel can be hybridized consecutively with many (30 or more) different probes.  相似文献   

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in combination with PCR and 'GC-clamping' has proven highly efficient as a method for detection of DNA sequence differences. Due to strand dissociation phenomena, however, its use has been limited to the analysis of sequences with a relatively low content of GC pairs. This paper describes how treatment of template DNA with sodium bisulphite drastically lowers the melting temperature of very GC-rich sequences and renders them amenable to DGGE analysis. We demonstrate the use of bisulphite DGGE for rapid and efficient detection of mutations in the p16(INK4/CDKN2) tumour suppressor gene.  相似文献   

A specialized form of ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography is gaining widespread application in mutation detection for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). The technique relies on temperature-modulated heteroduplex analysis (TMHA) by chromatographic separation of partially denatured DNA heteroduplexes from homoduplexes. Here, we demonstrate that fluorescent labeling is compatible with mutation analysis by this form of DNA chromatography and offers advantages over the use of unlabeled DNA fragments. Uniform labeling of wild-type and mutant alleles for TMHA yields peak patterns identical to unlabeled fragments. However, fluorescent labels increase retention times but do not influence resolution of heteroduplexes from homoduplexes. They increase sensitivity and decrease the amount of DNA required for analysis; e.g., in the case presented here, one allele can be detected in the presence of a 500-fold excess of another allele. Furthermore, allele-specific wild-type probes, fluorescently labeled on one strand only, make it possible to selectively monitor specific homoduplexes and wild-type/mutant heteroduplexes. This, in combination with an internal homoduplex standard, greatly reduces the complexity of fluorescence chromatograms compared with chromatograms recorded in the UV. These simplified chromatograms, in which only the internal homoduplex standard and the labeled heteroduplex are detected in the presence of a mutation, greatly facilitate the detection and identification of mutant alleles.  相似文献   

Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is one of the primary pathways for the repair of ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mammalian cells. Proteins required for NHEJ include the catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs), Ku, XRCC4 and DNA ligase IV. Current models predict that DNA-PKcs, Ku, XRCC4 and DNA ligase IV assemble at DSBs and that the protein kinase activity of DNA-PKcs is essential for NHEJ-mediated repair of DSBs in vivo. We previously identified a cluster of autophosphorylation sites between amino acids 2609 and 2647 of DNA-PKcs. Cells expressing DNA-PKcs in which these autophosphorylation sites have been mutated to alanine are highly radiosensitive and defective in their ability to repair DSBs in the context of extrachromosomal assays. Here, we show that cells expressing DNA-PKcs with mutated autophosphorylation sites are also defective in the repair of IR-induced DSBs in the context of chromatin. Purified DNA-PKcs proteins containing serine/threonine to alanine or aspartate mutations at this cluster of autophosphorylation sites were indistinguishable from wild-type (wt) protein with respect to protein kinase activity. However, mutant DNA-PKcs proteins were defective relative to wt DNA-PKcs with respect to their ability to support T4 DNA ligase-mediated intermolecular ligation of DNA ends. We propose that autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs at this cluster of sites is important for remodeling of DNA-PK complexes at DNA ends prior to DNA end joining.  相似文献   

The cohesive ends of mycobacteriophage L5 DNA.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Methods for sequence-specific detection in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) are becoming increasingly useful and important as diagnostic and imaging tools. Recently, we designed and synthesized pyrrole (Py)-imidazole (Im) polyamides possessing two pyrene moieties, 1, which showed an increased excimer emission in the presence of (CAG)(12)-containing oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) 1 and 2. In this study, we synthesized bis-pyrenyl Py-Im polyamides with rigid linkers 2, 3, and 4 to improve their fluorescence properties. Among the conjugates, 2 showed a marked increase in excimer emission, which was dependent on the concentration of the target ODN and the number of CAG repeats in the dsDNA. Unlike conjugate 1, which has flexible linkers, the excimer emission intensity of 2 was retained at over 85%, even after 4h. Py-Im polyamides have the potential to be important diagnostic molecules for detecting genetic differences between individuals.  相似文献   

The majority of mRNA turnover is mediated either by mRNA decapping/5'-to-3' decay or exosome-mediated 3'-to-5' exonucleolytic decay. Current assays to assess mRNA decapping in vitro using cap-labeled RNA substrates rely on one-dimensional thin layer chromatography. This approach does not, however, resolve free phosphate from 7meGDP, the product of Dcp1p-mediated mRNA decapping. This can result in misinterpretation of the levels of mRNA decapping due to the generation of free phosphate following the action of the unrelated scavenger decapping activity on the products of exosome-mediated decay. In this report, we describe a simple denaturing acrylamide gel-based assay that faithfully resolves all of the possible products that can be generated from cap-labeled RNA substrates by turnover enzymes present in cell extracts. This approach allows a one-step assay to quantitatively assess the contributions of the exosome and DCP-1-type decapping on turnover of an RNA substrate in vitro. We have applied this assay to recalculate the effect of competition of cap-binding proteins on decapping in yeast. In addition, we have used the assay to confirm observations made on regulated mRNA decapping in mammalian extracts that contain much higher levels of exosome activity than yeast extracts.  相似文献   

In order to obtain functional and safe probiotic products for human consumption, fast and reliable quality control of these products is crucial. Currently, analysis of most probiotics is still based on culture-dependent methods involving the use of specific isolation media and identification of a limited number of isolates, which makes this approach relatively insensitive, laborious, and time-consuming. In this study, a collection of 10 probiotic products, including four dairy products, one fruit drink, and five freeze-dried products, were subjected to microbial analysis by using a culture-independent approach, and the results were compared with the results of a conventional culture-dependent analysis. The culture-independent approach involved extraction of total bacterial DNA directly from the product, PCR amplification of the V3 region of the 16S ribosomal DNA, and separation of the amplicons on a denaturing gradient gel. Digital capturing and processing of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) band patterns allowed direct identification of the amplicons at the species level. This whole culture-independent approach can be performed in less than 30 h. Compared with culture-dependent analysis, the DGGE approach was found to have a much higher sensitivity for detection of microbial strains in probiotic products in a fast, reliable, and reproducible manner. Unfortunately, as reported in previous studies in which the culture-dependent approach was used, a rather high percentage of probiotic products suffered from incorrect labeling and yielded low bacterial counts, which may decrease their probiotic potential.  相似文献   

Isoniazid (INH) resistance was genotypically assessed in 104 (37 INH-susceptible, 67 INH-resistant) genetically unrelated Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains cultured in North Italy. The PCR products of selected regions of the katG gene, the oxyR-ahpC intergenic region, and the inhA regulatory region were analyzed utilizing the double gradient-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DG-DGGE) technique and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Mutations were detected in 61 (91%) of the INH-resistant strains, the relative frequency of the mutations being 65.7% in katG, 23.9% in oxyR-ahpC, and 13.4% in inhA. Previously described alterations, invariably associated with drug resistance, accounted for 95.1% of the mutations. No alterations were found in the INH-susceptible strains. DG-DGGE analysis and DNA sequencing were equally sensitive, but the former is cheaper, easier and more robust. Rapid genotypic assessment of INH resistance by means of the methodology described here could reasonably be used in clinical mycobacteriology laboratories.  相似文献   

《Nature methods》2005,2(8):629-630
This method is used to extend partial cDNA clones by amplifying the 5' sequences of the corresponding mRNAs 1-3. The technique requires knowledge of only a small region of sequence within the partial cDNA clone. During PCR, the thermostable DNA polymerase is directed to the appropriate target RNA by a single primer derived from the region of known sequence; the second primer required for PCR is complementary to a general feature of the target-in the case of 5' RACE, to a homopolymeric tail added (via terminal transferase) to the 3' termini of cDNAs transcribed from a preparation of mRNA. This synthetic tail provides a primer-binding site upstream of the unknown 5' sequence of the target mRNA. The products of the amplification reaction are cloned into a plasmid vector for sequencing and subsequent manipulation.  相似文献   

Nuclear ligation of RNA 5''-OH kinase products in tRNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mouse L-cell nuclei incorporate gamma-32P from ATP in vitro predominantly in 5'-monophosphoryl termini and internal phosphodiester bonds with a nonrandom nearest-neighbor distribution. In the presence of 1 microgram of alpha-amanitin per ml the gamma-32P showed a time-dependent appearance in RNA bands which migrated with mature tRNA species but not with pre-tRNA and 5S RNA. The gamma-32P was found in internal phosphodiester bonds as shown by alkaline phosphatase resistance and was identified in 3'-monophosphates after RNase T2, T1, and A digestion. The specificity of this incorporation was indicated by a limited number of labeled oligonucleotides from a T1 digest and identification of 70 to 80% of the 32P label as Cp on complete digestion of the eluted tRNA band. We also observed transiently [gamma-32P]ATP-labeled RNA bands (in 5'-monophosphate positions) that were 32 to 45 nucleotides long. The results presented suggest splicing of several mouse L-cell tRNA species in isolated nuclei which involve the RNA 5'-OH kinase products as intermediates.  相似文献   

DNA fragments separated on polyacrylamide gels are silver stained in ethanolamine solution. The staining procedure can be completed in 3 1/2 h. Illumination of the gels on a black background increases the sensitivity of detection compared with the usual transillumination. The limit level of detection is 3-5 pg per band with a cross-sectional area of 5 mm2. Five to fifty picograms of DNA may be detected quantitatively by scanning the gels. The method will detect 0.1 to 1 ng per band of low-molecular-weight RNA components.  相似文献   

Synapsis of DNA ends by DNA-dependent protein kinase   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK(CS)) is required for a non-homologous end-joining pathway that repairs DNA double-strand breaks produced by ionizing radiation or V(D)J recombination; however, its role in this pathway has remained obscure. Using a neutravidin pull-down assay, we found that DNA-PK(CS) mediates formation of a synaptic complex containing two DNA molecules. Furthermore, kinase activity was cooperative with respect to DNA concentration, suggesting that activation of the kinase occurs only after DNA synapsis. Electron microscopy revealed complexes of two DNA ends brought together by two DNA-PK(CS) molecules. Our results suggest that DNA-PK(CS) brings DNA ends together and then undergoes activation of its kinase, presumably to regulate subsequent steps for processing and ligation of the ends.  相似文献   

Discontinuous gradient gel electrophoretic systems were developed to quantitate zinc-metallothionein (Zn-MT) in chick tissues, liver and pancreas. Gels were stained with Coomassie Blue initially, then enhanced by silver stain. At least 4 micrograms of Zn-MT could be detected after Coomassie Blue stain, and 1 microgram Zn-MT detected following silver stain enhancement. Significant linearity (correlation coefficient = 0.99) of a standard curve was established in the Coomassie Blue stained gels. The results of our experiment suggest that electrophoretic analysis is a simple and feasible method for the quantitation and identification of Zn-MT in chick tissues.  相似文献   

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