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The presence of nerve growth factor (NGF) was investigated in the rat cochlea from birth to the adult stage, using immunohistochemical techniques NGF-like protein could be detected in the organ of Corti from birth up to day 8 and located within the hair cells, above the nuclei. No NGF-like immunoreactivity could be detected in the spiral ganglion. These results suggest that NGF may have a neurotropic action in the developing rat cochlea.  相似文献   

The distribution of urotensin I (UI) and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) immunoreactive (IR) structures was studied in the central nervous system (CNS) of the white sucker using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. The close sequence homology between both peptides resulted in a high degree of crossreactivity. This was resolved by saturating the antisera solutions with heterologous antigens and specificity tests were done by adding excess of homologous peptides. UI immunoreactivity was seen in all of the identifiable caudal spinal cord neurosecretory cells, in their processes projecting to the urophysis, in thin beaded fibres coursing along the spinal cord, in brain stem, hypothalamus, proximal pars distalis and, especially, in the telencephalon. Some IR-UI specific and IR-CRF specific parvocellular neurons were also identified in the caudo-ventral tuberal region and ventral telencephalon. The IR-CRF was mainly present in parvocellular and magnocellular perikarya of the nucleus preopticus and in the preoptic-neurohypophysial pathway. Dense networks of IR-CRF reacting beaded fibres were also located in the lateral and posterior recessus nuclei. In the pituitary, IR-CRF fibre bundles were seen mainly in the neurointermediate lobe and in the rostral pars distalis. The cells of origin of the extraurophyseal system of IR-UI fibres in the sucker CNS have not been identified. The distribution of CRF immunostaining correlates well with the documented knowledge of CNS structures involved in the control of ACTH secretion in the goldfish. The probability of the occurrence of two UI-CRF related molecules, or of two different forms resulting from a common precursor molecule, forming two separate neuronal systems in the sucker CNS seems likely.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum to growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) 1-44 was applied on brain and pituitary sections of nine teleost species. Immunoreactive (ir) perikarya were demonstrated in parvo- and magnocellular portions of the preoptic nucleus (PON) and occasionally in the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The two tracts originating in the PON ran ventro-laterally toward the optic chiasm and then caudally in the basal hypothalamus. In the pars distalis (PD) of the eel, carp, goldfish and salmonids, GRF-ir fibers did not enter the rostral PD and few fibers passed close to somatotropes. In.Myoxocephalus andMugil, a variable number of ir-fibers passed close to cells of the rostral and proximal PD. In the neurointermediate lobe, GRF-ir fibers were located exclusively in the neural tissue of the eel and trout. In goldfish, carp andMyoxocephalus, GRF-ir fibers entered the intermediate lobe. This antiserum also labeled corticotrops and, to a lesser extent, melanotrops in the pituitary of cyprinids. A variable number of perikarya contained both GRF and vasotocin in the PON of the eel. In all teleost species studied so far, the distribution patterns of GRF are different, and the function of the various adenohypophysial cell types appears to be differently modulated, according to the variable distribution of GRF in the pituitary.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) like immunoreactivity, expressed as mouse 2.5S nerve growth factor equivalents, was evaluated in three structures of the human brain post-mortem using a commercially available enzyme immunoassay. Regional differences in NGF-like immunoreactivity were observed. Highest levels were found in hippocampus (148 pg/g) compared to putamen (76 pg/g) and frontal cortex (34 pg/g). In addition, these results suggest differences in the distribution of brain NGF between human and rodent, where relatively high levels of NGF are found in the cortex.  相似文献   

Levels of hypothalamic corticotropin releasing factor-like immunoreactivity (CRF-LI) were measured by radioimmunuoassay (RIA) over a 24 hour light-dark cycle and found to exhibit two peaks. One peak was detected at 1100 hr and a secondary smaller peak was found at 2000 hr. The trough between the two peaks was detected at 1700 hr which coincided with the peak in plasma corticosterone levels. The results are consistent with a decreased level of hypothalamic CRF-LI at 1700 hr reflecting an increased release of peptide followed successively by the release of ACTH and corticosterone.  相似文献   

The precursors for neurotrophins are proteolytically cleaved to form biologically active mature molecules which activate their receptors p75NTR and trks. A recent study showed that the precursor for nerve growth factor (NGF) can bind to p75NTR with a high affinity and induces apoptosis of neurons in vitro. Mutation in Val66Met of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) results in reduction in hippocampal function in learning and in the dysfunction of intracellular BDNF sorting and secretion. To examine the functions of pro-neurotrophins in vivo, it is essential to know where they are expressed in the nervous system. In the present study, we have raised and characterized rabbit polyclonal antibodies against a peptide coding for the precursor region of the BDNF gene. The antibody specifically recognizes the precursor for BDNF by western blot. With the affinity purified precursor antibody, we have mapped the distribution and localization of the precursor for BDNF. The results showed that, like mature BDNF, pro-BDNF is localized to nerve terminals in the superficial layers of dorsal horn, trigeminal nuclei, nuclei tractus solitarius, amygdaloid complex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and some peripheral tissues. These results suggest that pro-BDNF, like mature BDNF, is anterogradely transported to nerve terminals and may have important functions in synaptic transmission in the spinal cord and brain.  相似文献   

We have characterized an antiserum against basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) by immunoblot, investigated the location of bFGF-like immunoreactivity (bFGF-IR) in the trigeminal sensory system and perioral skin endowed with vibrissae, and demonstrated the site of bFGF mRNA expression in the vibrissae by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Light-microscopic immunohistochemistry has demonstrated that bFGF-IR is present not only in trigeminal ganglion neurons and their central and peripheral processes, but also in cells of the matrix, external root sheath and papillae of vibrissae and the stratum basale of the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin. Electron microscopy has revealed intense bFGF-IR mainly in cytoplasmic regions, other than the lumen of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, in trigeminal ganglion neurons, in fibroblast-like cells in the papillae, and in capsules of vibrissae. In contrast, actively proliferating and/or differentiating cells in the matrix of vibrissae have intensely stained euchromatin and weakly labeled cytoplasm that, unlike that of the aforementioned cells, contain immunoreaction products in discrete spots less than 100 nm in diameter, implying the generation of different molecular forms of bFGF in cells of the matrix and papillae. Moreover, the accumulation of bFGF in the euchromatin appears to take place in cells at non-mitotic stages (possibly interphases), characterized by a conspicuous nucleolus and well-developed nuclear envelope. A digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probe for the demonstration of bFGF mRNA gives conspicuous hybridization signals mainly in the matrix of vibrissae. These findings suggest that bFGF is involved in the growth and differentiation of matrix cells during certain periods of the cell cycle and that it acts as a non-mitogenic mediator in the adult trigeminal sensory system.  相似文献   

Cadherins, being responsible for selective cell recognition and normal tissue integrity in adults, regulate morphogenesis in a variety of organs during development. In this study, anti-rat pan-cadherin antibody, specific to all subgroups of the cadherin family, was used to map the distribution of the pan-cadherin immunoreactivity in adult rat organs. Pan-cadherin immunoreactivity positive tissues were: secretory cells of the adenohypophysis, autonomic nerve, corneal epithelium, oesophageal nerve plexus, stomach and pyloric glandular cells, epithelium of the ileum and its nerve plexus, alveolar cells of the lung, proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney, islet cells of Langerhans, and the acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas. For the first time, positive pan-cadherin immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the epithelial cells of the corpus ciliaris and in the nerve plexus of corpus cavernosum of the penis. In conclusion, our results suggest that cells in many tissues and organs of the adult rat synthesize cadherins.  相似文献   

To examine the potential role of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in mediating the effects of thyroid hormone on linear growth, we measured serum EGF levels by RIA in cynomolgus monkeys before and during methimazole-induced hypothyroidism, and after 9 weeks of T4 replacement at different doses. Ten castrated prepubertal monkeys were rendered hypothyroid by methimazole (0.0125% in drinking water for 12 weeks). Methimazole was continued, and T4 was then administered for 9-week intervals. Six weeks elapsed between successive T4 doses. The sequence of different T4 doses for each animal was random. Serum EGF level was measured at baseline and at the end of each treatment period with a newly developed RIA using a polyclonal antiserum against human recombinant EGF. Serum EGF level correlated significantly with the level of serum thyroxine but not with serum triiodothyronine, over the thyroxine dosage range of 1-4 micrograms/kg/day (r = 0.41, p less than 0.005). Lower-leg growth rate correlated significantly with serum EGF level over this same thyroxine dosage range (r = 0.41, p less than 0.005). These data are consistent with the hypothesis that EGF may mediate some of the effects of thyroid hormone on skeletal growth.  相似文献   

The presence and localization of nerve growth factor receptors (NGFr) in the choroid plexus of the adult rat has been investigated immunohistochemically using an anti-rat NGFr monoclonal antibody (192-IgG). A moderate to strong immunoreaction was observed in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus, whereas the choroidal blood vessels and connective tissue remained unlabelled. Moreover, no sex-differences were encountered in the NGFr immunoreaction intensity and Bouin fixative was more effective than 10% formaldehyde evidenciating the NGFr immunostain. Occasionally, ependymal cells displaying NGFr immunoreactivity were observed. Present data demonstrate that the choroid plexus of the rat contain NGFr, probably low-affinity NGFr, and suggest an involvement of NGF in the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid secretion, but the importance of these findings, if any, must be investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

Neurocalcin-like immunoreactivity in the rat esophageal nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurocalcin is a newly identified neuronal calcium-binding protein. We tried here to investigate the immunohistochemical distribution of neurocalcin in the rat esophagus. Nerve cell bodies having neurocalcin immunoreactivity were found throughout the myenteric plexus. In the myenteric ganglia, two types of nerve terminals showed neurocalcin immunoreactivity. One was varicose terminals containing numerous small clear vesicles and forming a synapse with nerve cells. The other terminals were characterized by laminar or pleomorphic structure and many mitochondria. These laminar terminals were supposed to be sensory receptors of the esophageal wall. In the motor endplates of the striated muscles, nerve terminals containing many small clear vesicles and mitochondria also had neurocalcin immunoreactivity. After left vagus nerve cutting under the nodose ganglia, the number of immunopositive thick nerve fibers, laminar endings and nerve terminals on the striated muscles decreased markedly. Retrograde tracing experiments using Fast Blue showed extrinsic innervation of esophagus from ambiguus nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, superior cervical ganglia, celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia. In the celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia, retrogradely labeled nerve cells were neurocalcin-immunoreactive. Neurons in the celiac ganglia may project varicose terminals, while nodose and dorsal root neurons project laminar terminals. Although cell bodies of motoneurons in the ambiguus nucleus lacked neurocalcin immunoreactivity, these neurons may contain neurocalcin only in the nerve terminals in the motor endplates. Neurocalcin immunoreactivity is distributed in many extrinsic and intrinsic neurons in the esophagus and this protein may play important roles in regulating calcium signaling in the neurons.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay (RIA) revealed that corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-like immunoreactivity was found to be colocalized with substance P (SP)-, somatostatin (SST)- and leu-enkephalin (LENK)-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal root- and trigeminal ganglia, the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (laminae I and II), the substantia gelatinosa, and at the lateral border of the spinal nucleus and in the tractus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve. These peptides were also located in fast blue labeled cells of the trigeminal ganglion following injection of the dye into the spinal trigeminal area. This indicates that there are possible sensory projections of these peptides into the spinal trigeminal area. Capsaicin treatment of neonatal rats resulted in a marked decrease in the density of CRF-, SP-, VIP- and CCK-containing neurons in the above mentioned hindbrain areas, whereas SST- and LENK-immunoreactivity were not changed. RIA revealed that, compared to controls, CRF, SP and VIP concentrations in these areas were decreased in rats pretreated with capsaicin, while SST levels were increased; CCK and LENK levels were unchanged. It is concluded that the primary afferent neurons of the nucleus and tractus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve are richly endowed with a number of peptides some of which are sensitive to capsaicin action. The close anatomical proximity of these peptide containing neurons suggests the possibility of a coexistance of one or more of these substances.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemistry, we have investigated the localization of CD15 in the rat retina. In the present study, two types of amacrine cell in the inner nuclear layer (INL) and some cells in the ganglion cell layer were labeled with anti-CD15 antisera. Type 1 amacrine cells have large somata located in the INL, with long and branched processes ramifying mainly in stratum 3 of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Type 2 cells have a smaller soma and processes branching in stratum 1 of the IPL. A third population showing CD15 immunoreactivity was a class of displaced amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer. The densities of type 1 and type 2 amacrine cells were 166/mm(2) and 190/mm(2) in the central retina, respectively. The density of displaced amacrine cells was 195/mm(2). Colocalization experiments demonstrated that these CD15-immunoreactive cells exhibit gamma-aminobutyric acid and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) immunoreactivities. Thus, the same cells of the rat retina are labeled by anti-CD15 and anti-nNOS antisera and these cells constitute a subpopulation of GABAergic amacrine cells.  相似文献   

By using an antiserum specific for mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF), only the granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells revealed immunochemical staining in rat submandibular glands. There was no regular sexual difference in the frequency or size of immunoreactive cells. Extracts of gland contained an antigen which showed a complete cross-reactivity with mouse EGF in radioimmunoassays. The relative amounts of EGF, determined by a heterologous radioimmunoassay, were not significantly different in the glands of rats of the two sexes. Administration of testosterone caused an increase, in both sexes, in the number of GCT cells stained for EGF and in the amount of EGF in the gland. There was no significant sexual differeence in these two parameters after androgen treatment.  相似文献   

Cannabis has been used for centuries in the medicinal treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Endogenous cannabinimimetic substances such as 2-arachidonylglycerol have been isolated from gut homogenates and CB1-cannabinoid binding sites have been identified in small intestine. In this study, CB1-cannabinoid receptors (CB1-R) were immunohistochemically localized within the enteric nervous system of the pig, an omnivorous species whose digestive tract is functionally similar to humans. Two anti-CB1-R antisera, raised against N-terminal epitopes in the human CB1-R, were employed to localize receptor immunoreactivity by secondary immunofluorescence. CB1-R immunoreactivity was observed in the myenteric and submucosal ganglionated plexuses of porcine ileum and colon. In the ileum, all CB1-R-immunoreactive neurons coexpressed immunoreactivity to the cholinergic marker, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). CB1-R/ChAT-immunoreactive neurons appeared to be in close apposition to ileal Peyer's patches, submucosal blood vessels, and intestinal crypts. In the distal colon, CB1-R-immunoreactive neurons also expressed immunoreactivity to ChAT, albeit less frequently than in ileum. Immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal peptide or nitric oxide synthase was not colocalized in ileal or colonic CB1-R-immunoreactive neurons. These studies indicate that CB1-R are present in cholinergic neurons in the porcine enteric nervous system. The potential roles of these receptors in intestinal motility and epithelial transport, host defense and visceral pain transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of immunoreactive growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) in human milk has been demonstrated. By using sequential high performance liquid chromatography, it has been shown that most of the immunoreactivity co-elutes with the synthetic, hypothalamic-like, GRF (1-40). The concentrations of GRF detected (between 152 and 432 pg GRF/ml milk) exceed several fold its values in plasma.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against synthetic galanin (GAL) a sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed. The antiserum interaction with GAL was characterized by displacement curve characteristics and high performance liquid chromatography. Besides the main GAL-immunoreactive peak several small peaks with GAL-like immunoreactivity were observed. No cross-reactivity of the GAL-antiserum with several other peptides was observed. GAL-like immunoreactivity was measured in 37 microdissected areas of the rat central nervous system. High concentrations (greater than 2000 fmol/mg protein) were observed in the amygdaloid nuclei, the septum, globus pallidus, bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, all hypothalamic nuclei, the superior colliculus, locus coeruleus, the nucleus of the solitary tract and the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. Moderate concentrations (1000-2000 fmol/mg protein) were observed in the hippocampus, the nucleus accumbens and nucleus of the diagonal tract, the caudate-putamen, the central gray, the nucleus, tract and substantia gelatinosa of the spinal trigeminal nerve. The results generally correlate with those previously published by immunocytochemistry. The widespread distribution of GAL-like immunoreactivity in the rat central nervous system suggests an involvement of GAL in a variety of brain functions.  相似文献   

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