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Inhibition by saccharin of rat liver glucose-6-phosphatase (EC generally decreased as the pH increased in the range pH 4-8. This pattern was exhibited by homogenates from control and alloxan-treated animals assayed each in the absence and presence of 0.2% (w/v) deoxycholate. Saccharin inhibited in competitive fashion with respect to glucose-6-phosphate (glucose-6-P). There was a small increase in Km (glucose-6-P) but not K1 (saccharin) values in alloxan-treated rats when assays were conducted in the absence of deoxycholate. In the presence of this detergent there was no significant difference in these kinetic parameters between the alloxan-treated and control groups. Deoxycholate decreased Km (glucose-6-P) and increased K1 (saccharin) values. Calculations using these kinetic parameters indicate that, under usual hepatic glucose-6-P concentrations and relatively high levels of saccharin in liver, the inhibition by saccharin of glucose-6-phosphatase is unlikely to be of major significance in vivo.  相似文献   

The anomeric specificity of D-glucose phosphorylation by hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase was examined in rat liver microsomes incubated in the presence of carbamoyl phosphate. At 10 degrees C, the Km for the equilibrated hexose and phosphate donor was close to 56 mM and 11 mM, respectively. The enzymic activity, which was increased in diabetic rats, was about 40% lower in untreated than in sonicated microsomes. No anomeric difference in affinity was found in sonicated microsomes. In untreated microsomes, however, the Km for beta-D-glucose was slightly lower than that for alpha-D-glucose. The maximal velocity was higher with beta- than alpha-D-glucose in both untreated and sonicated microsomes. These data indicate that the phosphotransferase activity of glucose-6-phosphatase cannot account for the higher rate of glycolysis and glycogen synthesis found in hepatocytes exposed to alpha- rather than beta-D-glucose.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ on the microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase activity were investigated. Evidence is provided that increases by Ca2+ in both the pyrophosphatase and the glucose-6-phosphate-hydrolysing activities are due to an increase in microsomal transport capacity of T2, the phosphate/pyrophosphate-transport protein.  相似文献   

L-Proline's glycogenic action is unlike that of other amino acids in that it produces effects beyond those explainable by a simple increase in osmolarity (Baquet, A., Hue, L., Meijer, A. J., van Woerkom, G. M., and Plomp, P. J. A. M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 955-959). We postulate that this effect may relate to inhibition of hepatic glucose-6-P hydrolysis by a proline-derived metabolite. We tested this hypothesis with isolated livers from rats fasted 48 h which were perfused with L-proline or L-glutamine. Net glucose and net glycogen production and levels of glucose-6-P and certain other hepatic metabolites were measured. The data obtained support our hypothesis by demonstrating fundamental differences in the metabolic fates of proline and glutamine in the liver. Both pass through alpha-ketoglutarate in the initial stage of gluconeogenesis, but proline supports hepatic glycogen formation while glutamine does not. The concomitant increase in hepatic glucose-6-P and proline-associated glyconeogenesis suggests that inhibition of glucose-6-P hydrolysis by a proline-derived metabolite may divert glucose-6-P produced from proline from glucose production and to glycogen synthesis. This conclusion is supported by the effects of perfusions with and without proline (3-mercaptopicolinate present) on (a) glyconeogenesis and glucose formation from dihydroxyacetone, (b) net glucose uptake and glycogen formation with 30 mM glucose as substrate, and (c) glucose production from endogenous glycogen in perfused livers from fed rats.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to characterize the direct inhibitory action of the peroxyvanadium compounds oxodiperoxo(1, 10-phenanthroline) vanadate(V) (bpV(phen)) and oxodiperoxo(pyridine-2-carboxylate) vanadate(V) (bpV(pic)) on pig microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase) activity and on glucagon stimulated hyperglycemia in vivo. Both bpV(phen) and bpV(pic) were found to be potent competitive inhibitors of G-6-Pase with Ki values of 0.96 and 0.42 microM (intact microsomes) and 0.50 and 0.21 microM (detergent-disrupted microsomes). The corresponding values for ortho-vanadate were 20.3 and 20.0 microM. Administration of bpV(phen) to postprandial rats did not affect the basal glucose level although a modest and dose-dependent increase in plasma lactate levels was seen. Injection of glucagon raised the plasma glucose level from 5.5 mM to about 7.5 mM in control animals and this increase could be prevented dose-dependently by bpV(phen). The inhibition of the glucagon-mediated blood glucose increase was accompanied by a dose-dependent increase in plasma lactate levels from 2 mM to about 11 mM. In conclusion, the finding that vanadate and bpV compounds are potent inhibitors of G-6-Pase suggests that the blood-glucose-lowering effect of these compounds which is seen in diabetic animals may be partly explained by a direct effect on this enzyme rather than, as presently thought, being the result of inhibition of phosphoprotein tyrosine phosphatases and thereby insulin receptor dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating the energy-dependent calcium sequestering activity of liver microsomes were studied. The possibility for a physiologic mechanism capable of entrapping the transported Ca2+ was investigated. It was found that the addition of glucose 6-phosphate to the incubation system for MgATP-dependent microsomal calcium transport results in a marked stimulation of Ca2+ uptake. The uptake at 30 min is about 50% of that obtained with oxalate when the incubation is carried out at pH 6.8, which is the pH optimum for oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake. However, at physiological pH values (7.2-7.4), the glucose 6-phosphate-stimulated calcium uptake is maximal and equals that obtained with oxalate at pH 6.8. The Vmax of the glucose 6-phosphate-stimulated transport is 22.3 nmol of calcium/mg protein per min. The apparent Km for calcium calculated from total calcium concentrations is 31.9 microM. After the incubation of the system for MgATP-dependent microsomal calcium transport in the presence of glucose 6-phosphate, inorganic phosphorus and calcium are found in equal concentrations, on a molar base, in the recovered microsomal fraction. In the system for the glucose 6-phosphate-stimulated calcium uptake, glucose 6-phosphate is actively hydrolyzed by the glucose-6-phosphatase activity of liver microsomes. The latter activity is not influenced by concomitant calcium uptake. Calcium uptake is maximal when the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate in the system is 1-3 mM, which is much lower than that necessary to saturate glucose-6-phosphatase. These results are interpreted in the light of a possible cooperative activity between the energy-dependent calcium pump of liver microsomes and the glucose-6-phosphatase multicomponent system. The physiological implications of such a cooperation are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetics of both glucose-6-P uptake and hydrolysis in fasted rat liver microsomes were investigated with a recently developed fast-sampling, rapid-filtration apparatus. Experiments were confronted with both the substrate transport and conformational models currently proposed for the glucose-6-phosphatase system. Accumulation in microsomes of 14C products from [U-14C]glucose-6-P followed biexponential kinetics. From the inside to outside product concentrations, it could be inferred that mostly glucose should accumulate inside the vesicles. While biexponential kinetics are compatible with the mathematical predictions of a simplified substrate transport model, the latter fails in explaining the "burst" in total glucose production over a similar time scale to that used for the uptake measurements. Since the initial rate of the burst phase in untreated microsomes exactly matched the steady-state rate of glucose production in detergent-treated vesicles, it can be definitely concluded that the substrate transport model does not describe adequately our results. While the conformational model accounts for both the burst of glucose production and the kinetics of glucose accumulation into the vesicles, it cannot explain the burst in 32Pi production from [32P]glucose-6-P measured under the same conditions. Since the amplitude of the observed bursts is not compatible with a presteady state in enzyme activity, we propose that a hysteretic transition best explains our results in both untreated and permeabilized microsomes, thus providing a new rationale to understand the molecular mechanism of the glucose-6-phosphatase system.  相似文献   

An investigation was made on the effect of methylenecyclopropane-pyruvic acid on gluconeogenesis in vitro, using slices of rat kidney cortex. The compound is a metabolite of hypoglycin, which is the toxic amino acid occurring in the ackee plant (Blighia sapida, König). Glucose production from a variety of precursors was found to be markedly inhibited, the agent being active at low concentrations (0.1 mM). The site of the block was located specifically at the fructose 1,6-diphosphatase reaction. However, the mechanism by which this effect is achieved is not known.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The flavonoid silibinin has been reported to be beneficial in several hepatic disorders. Recent evidence also suggests that silibinin could be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, owing to its anti-hyperglycemic properties. However, the mechanism(s) underlying these metabolic effects remains unknown. METHODS: The effects of silibinin on liver gluconeogenesis were studied by titrating hepatocytes from starved rats with sub-saturating concentrations of various exogenous substrates in a perifusion system. Hepatocytes from fed rats were also used to investigate glycogenolysis from endogenous glycogen. The effect of silibinin on glucose-6-phosphatase kinetics was determined in intact and permeabilized rat liver microsomes. RESULTS: Silibinin induced a dose-dependent inhibition of gluconeogenesis associated with a potent decrease in glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis. This effect was demonstrated whatever the gluconeogenic substrates used, i.e. dihydroxyacetone, lactate/pyruvate, glycerol and fructose. In addition, silibinin decreased the glucagon-induced stimulation of both gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, this being associated with a reduction of glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis. Silibinin inhibits glucose-6-phosphatase in rat liver microsomes in a concentration-dependent manner that could explain the decrease in glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis seen in intact cells. CONCLUSION: The inhibitory effect of silibinin on both hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase and gluconeogenesis suggests that its use may be interesting in treatment of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase activity has been determined in periportal and pericentral zones of the rat liver lobule using a quantitative histochemical method. The study was performed on unfixed cryostat sections of livers from fasted and fed female and male rats. Highest activity was found in periportal zones, and starvation caused a 2-3-fold increase of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in periportal and pericentral zones of both sexes. Unexpectedly, KM values were also significantly different in periportal and pericentral zones and were found to increase linearly with Vmax values, irrespective of sex and feeding condition. Because the cryofixation procedure was shown to permeabilize the biomembranes in the tissue sections, it can be concluded that the rise in KM and Vmax values has to be attributed to the catalytic unit of the glucose-6-phosphatase system. It is suggested that the enzyme exists in a high affinity configuration at low enzyme concentrations but that at high enzyme concentrations a hysteretic mechanism, as proposed by Berteloot et al. (Berteloot, A., Vidal, H., and Van de Werve, G. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 5497-5507), transforms the enzyme from a high to a low affinity configuration. The present study indicates that the concept of functional heterogeneity of liver parenchyma may be more complex than thus far assumed.  相似文献   

A highly active and soluble glucose-6-phosphatase has been purified to near homogeneity from rat liver. Successful purification has been initiated by covalent labeling of the enzyme in native rat liver microsomes with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and NaBH4, followed by solubilization of the microsomes with Triton X-100, chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose, hydroxyapatite, DEAE-Sephacel and a second chromatography step on hydroxyapatite. The final enzyme preparation obtained was approximately 700-fold purified over the activity of starting microsomes. As judged by SDS/PAGE the purified glucose-6-phosphatase is composed of a single protein with a molecular mass of 35 kDa. The present work demonstrates that the purified glucose-6-phosphatase must be arranged in the native microsomal membrane so that it is accessible to pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from the cytoplasmic side.  相似文献   

Arion et al; (Arion, W. J., Wallin, B. K., Lange A. J., and Ballas, L. M. (1975) Mol. Cell. Biochem. 6, 75-83) propsed a model for glucose-6-phosphatase in which the substrate was transported across the microsomal membrane by a carrier before hydrolysis on the cisternal side. Evidence to support this model has been obtained by studying the inhibition of the enzyme by pyridoxal-P. Pyridoxal-P was a linear noncompetitive inhibitor of glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in freshly isolated ("intact") microsomes from rat liver. Pyridoxol-P was a much less effective inhibitor and no inhibition was observed with pyridoxamine-P. When microsomes were subjected to nitrogen cavitation, treatment with solium deoxycholate, or glutaraldehyde fixation, the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase for glucose-6 P decreased from approximately 6 mM to approximately 2.5 mM; the corresponding change in the Vmax ranged from-10% to +40%. The same procedures decreased the inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase by pyridoxal-P several-fold. No inhibition by pyridoxal-P was observed in a preparation of glucose-6-phosphatase purified approximately 20 fold (on the basis of Vmax) from micoromes. A nondialyzable inhibitor was apparently formed when intact microsomes were reacted with pyridoxal-P and NaBH4; this inhibition was also reversed by procedures which changed the kinetic properties of glucose-6-phosphatase.  相似文献   

Radiation inactivation analysis was utilized to estimate the sizes of the units catalyzing the various activities of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase. This technique revealed that the target molecular weights for mannose-6-P phosphohydrolase, glucose-6-P phosphohydrolase, and carbamyl-P:glucose phosphotransferase activities were all about Mr 75,000. These results are consistent with the widely held view that all of these activities are catalyzed by the same protein or proteins. Certain observations indicate that the molecular organization of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase is better described by the conformational hypothesis which envisions the enzyme as a single covalent structure rather than by the substrate transport model which requires the participation of several physically separate polypeptides. These include the findings: 1) that the target sizes for glucose-6-P phosphohydrolase and carbamyl-P:glucose phosphotransferase activities were not larger than that for mannose-6-P phosphohydrolase in intact microsomes and 2) that the target size for glucose-6-P phosphohydrolase in disrupted microsomes was not less than that observed in intact microsomes. These findings are most consistent with a model for glucose-6-phosphatase of a single polypeptide or a disulfide-linked dimer which spans the endoplasmic reticulum with the various activities of this multifunctional enzyme residing in distinct protein domains.  相似文献   

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