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Floral structure and evolution of primitive angiosperms: Recent advances   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concepts of primitive angiosperm flowers have changed in recent years due to new studies on relic archaic groups, new paleobotanical finds and the addition of molecular biological techniques to the study of angiosperm systematics and evolution.Magnoliidae are still the hot group, but emphasis is now on small primitive flowers with few organs and also on the great lability of organ number. Of the extant groups, a potential basal position of the paleoherbs has been discussed by some authors. Although some paleoherbs have a simple gynoecium with a single orthotropous ovule, anatropous ovules may still be seen as plesiomorphic in angiosperms. Anatropy is not necessarily a consequence of the advent of closed carpels. It may also exhibit biological advantages under other circumstances as is the case in podocarps among gymnosperms. Valvate anthers have now been found in most larger subgroups of theMagnoliidae (recently also in paleoherbs) and in some Cretaceous fossils. Nevertheless, as seen from its systematic distribution, valvate dehiscence is not necessarily plesiomorphic for the angiosperms, but may be a facultative by-product of the thick connectives and comparatively undifferentiated anther shape inMagnoliidae and lowerHamamelididae. A perianth is relatively simple in extantMagnoliidae or even wanting in some families. In groups with naked flowers the perianth may have been easily lost because integration in the floral architecture was less pronounced than in more advanced angiosperm groups. Problems with the comparison of paleoherb flowers with those ofGnetales are discussed. The rapid growth of information from paleobotany and molecular systematics requires an especially open attitude towards the evaluation of various hypotheses on early flower evolution in the coming years.  相似文献   

An old adaptive radiation of forest dung beetles in Madagascar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adaptive radiations of mammals have contributed to the exceptionally high levels of biodiversity and endemism in Madagascar. Here we examine the evolutionary history of the endemic dung beetle tribe Helictopleurini (Scarabaeidae) and its relationship to the widely distributed Oniticellini and Onthophagini. Helictopleurini species are dependent on mammals for their resources. We date the single origin of the tribe at 37 to 23 MY ago, indicating overseas colonization of Madagascar. The main radiation occurred concurrently with the main radiations of lemurs. The ancestors of Helictopleurini are inferred to have been coprophagous species inhabiting open habitats. Subsequent evolution has involved a shift into forests, changes in resource use to a more generalized diet, and changes in body size. Four species of the extant 65 species have shifted to use the dung of the recently introduced cattle in open habitats, allowing these species to greatly expand their geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Summary LHP is a suitable protein for studying evolution in flies (Diptera). This blood protein, which occurs at high concentration late in larval development, was purified to homogeneity from 5 species of Drosophilidae and one species each of Tephritidae and Calliphoridae. Rabbit antisera to the purified LHPs allowed immunological comparisons to be made with the micro-complement fixation technique. Various indirect tests indicated that immunological distance is a reliable estimator of the degree of amino acid sequence difference between LHPs from different species. An evolutionary tree for the 7 LHPs was constructed from the immunological distances with the method of Fitch and Margoliash (1967) to provide the branching order and the method of Chakraborty (1977) to provide the branch lengths. A modified method of tree construction allowed LHPs from 10 additional species to be attached to this tree. The resulting LHP tree for 17 species agrees approximately in branching order with that based on Throckmorton's study of 60 anatomical traits. However, the ratio of anatomical change to LHP change along branches within the tree varies widely, confirming the independence of organismal and molecular evolution. The LHP tree thus provides a new perspective on evolution within and among the families of higher Diptera.  相似文献   

The characteristics of transmembrane transport of 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA) were compared in Chlorella vulgaris Beij., a simple unicellular green alga, and in Chara vulgaris L., a branched, multicellular green alga exhibiting axial polarity and a high degree of cell and organ specialization. In Chara thallus cells, three distinguishable trans-plasmamembrane fluxes contributed to the net uptake of [1-14C]-IAA from an external solution, viz.: a non-mediated, pH-sensitive influx of undissociated IAA (IAAH); a saturable influx of IAA; and a saturable efflux of IAA. Both saturable fluxes were competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Association of [3H]IAA with microsomal preparations from Chara thallus tissue was competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Results indicated that up-take carriers occurred in the membranes at a much higher density than efflux carriers. The efflux component of IAA net uptake by Chara was not affected by several phytotropins (N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid, NPA; 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid; and 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole), which are potent non-competitive inhibitors of specific auxin-efflux carriers in more advanced plant groups, and no evidence was found for a specific association of [3H]NPA with Chara microsomal preparations. It was concluded that Chara lacked phytotropin receptors. Net uptake of [1-14C]IAA also was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid except at concentrations ( 10–1 mol · m–3) high enough to depress cytoplasmic pH (determined by uptake of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione). Chlorella cells accumulated [1-14C]IAA from an external solution by pH-sensitive diffusion of IAA across the plasma membrane and anion (IAA) trapping, but no evidence was found in Chlorella for the occurrence of IAA carriers. These results indicate that carrier systems capable of mediating the transmembrane transport of auxins appeared at a very early stage in the evolution of green plants, possibly in association with the origin of a differentiated, multicellular plant body. Phytotropin receptors evolved independently of the carriers.Abbreviations CPP 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PBA 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid We thank the Nuffield Foundation for the award of an Undergraduate Research Bursary to J.E.D.-F., Dr. G.F. Katekar, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, Australia for generous gifts of phytotropins, and Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical support.  相似文献   

D. Steinmüller  M. Tevini 《Planta》1985,164(4):557-564
The surface structure and composition of surface lipids were examined in leaves of barley, bean, and cucumber seedlings grown in a growth chamber under white light and low levels of ultraviolet (UV-B; 280–320 nm) radiation. The cuticular wax of cucumber cotyledons and bean leaves appeared as a thin homogeneous layer, whereas on barley leaves crystal-like structures could be observed under these irradiation conditions. Principally, the amount of cuticular wax found in barley leaves was five times greater than in bean or cucumber leaves. The prediominant wax components were primary alcohols in barley, primary alcohols and monoesters in bean, and alkanes in cucumber cotyledons. Irradiation with enhanced UV-B levels caused an increase of total wax by about 25% in all plant species investigated. Aldehydes, detected as a minor constituent of cucumber and barley wax, increased twofold. Distribution patterns of the homologs within some wax classes were different at low and enhanced UV-B levels. In general, the distribution of the homologs was shifted to shorter acyl chain lengths in wax of leaves exposed to enhanced UV-B levels. This was most apparent in cucumber wax, less in bean or barley wax. The UV-B-caused effects upon cucumber wax were mainly due to a response by the adaxial surface of the leaf.Abbreviation UV-B Ultraviolet radiation (280–320 nm)  相似文献   

Karyotypic and heterochromatin studies suggest a basic division of the orchid genusPleione into two groups, one represented by the clearly epiphytic species and the other including both species with terrestrial trends as well as those that are truly terrestrial. The epiphytic group possesses only (sub) metacentric chromosomes and is characterised by a considerable amount of terminal heterochromatin while the terrestrial group has some subtelocentric chromosomes and only small amounts of centromeric heterochromatin. It is concluded that a major phyletic split in the mode of chromosome change occurred during the transition from the epiphytic to the terrestrial habitat.  相似文献   

The embryo development conforms to the Asterad type or Megarchetype II. A single cotyledon called scutellum is derived from the entire tierl. The shoot apex, lateral in position, and the coleoptile, originate from the tierl. The remaining parts of the mature embryo are derived from the tiers situated belowl. The short suspensor takes its origin from the lowermost tierp. The endospermab initio is free nuclear in development. It becomes cellular first around the proembryo. Physiologically, the ripe endosperm represents a dead tissue.  相似文献   

A. Laisk  O. Kiirats  V. Oja  U. Gerst  E. Weis  U. Heber 《Planta》1992,186(3):434-441
Exchange of CO2 and O2 and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in the presence of 360 1 · 1–1 CO2 in nitrogen in Helianthus annuss L. leaves which had been preconditioned in the dark or at a photon flux density (PFD) of 24 mol · m–2 · s–1 either in 21 or 0% O2. An initial light-dependent O2 outburst of 6 mol · m–2 was measured after aerobic dark incubation. It was attributed to the reduction of electron carriers, predominantly plastoquinone. The maximum initial rate of O2 evolution at PFD 8000 mol · m–2 · s–1 was 170 mol · m–2 · s–2 or about four times the steady CO2-and light-saturated rate of photosynthesis. Fluorescence measurements showed that the rate was still acceptor-limited. Fast O2 evolution ceased after electron carriers were reduced in the dark-adapted leaf, but continued for a short time at the lower rate of 62 mol · m–2 · s–1 in the light-adapted leaf. The data are interpreted to show that enzymes involved in 3-phosphoglycerate reduction are dark-inhibited, but were fully active in low light. In a dark-adapted leaf, respiratory CO2 evolution continued under nitrogen; it was partially inhibited by illumination. Prolonged exposure of a leaf to anaerobic conditions caused reducing equivalents to accumulate. This was shown by a slowly increasing chlorophyll fluorescence yield which indicated the reduction of the PSII acceptor QA in the dark. When the leaf was illuminated, no O2 evolution was detected from short light pulses, although transient O2 production was appreciable during longer light pulses. This indicates that an electron donor (pool size about 2–3 e/PSII reaction center) became reduced in the dark and the first photons were used to oxidise this donor instead of water.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CRC carbon reduction cycle - GAPDH NADP-glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase - PFD photon flux density - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - RuBP ribulose bisphosphate - TCA tricarboxylic acid cycle To whom correspondence should be addressedThis work received support by the Estonian Academy of Sciences, the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Program of the Deutsche For-schungsgemeinschaft and the Sonderforschungsbereich 251 of the University of Würzburg.  相似文献   

The ornithine urea cycle, polyamine synthesis, nitric oxide synthesis and metabolism of arginine to putrescine have been investigated in L3 and adult Haemonchus contortus and Teladorsagia circumcincta. Neither parasite had a detectable arginine deiminase/dihydrolase pathway nor a functional ornithine urea cycle. Nitric oxide synthase was present in central and peripheral nerves, but was not detected in whole parasite homogenates. Both arginase (E.C. and agmatinase (E.C. activities were present in both species. Arginase did not require added Mn2+ and had an optimal pH of 8.5. Polyamine metabolism differed in the two species and from that in mammals. Ornithine decarboxylase (E.C. was present in both parasites, but no arginine decarboxylase (E.C. activity was detected in T. circumcincta. The flexibility of synthesis of putrescine in H. contortus may make this pathway less useful as a target for parasite control than in T. circumcincta, in which only the ornithine decarboxylase pathway was detected.  相似文献   

The response of Antarctic, tropical and temperate microalgae of similar taxonomic grouping to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) stress was compared based on their growth and fatty acid profiles. Microalgae of similar taxa from the Antarctic (Chlamydomonas UMACC 229, Chlorella UMACC 237 and Navicula UMACC 231), tropical (Chlamydomonas augustae UMACC 246, Chlorella vulgaris UMACC 001 and Amphiprora UMACC 259) and temperate (Chlamydomonas augustae UMACC 247, Chlorella vulgaris UMACC 248 and Navicula incerta UMACC 249) regions were exposed to different UVR conditions. The cultures were exposed to the following conditions: PAR (42 μmol photons m−2 s−1), PAR + UVA (854 μW cm−2) and PAR + UVA + UVB (117 μW cm−2). The cultures were subjected to UVA doses of 46.1, 92.2 and 184.4 J cm−2 and UVB doses of 6.3, 12.6 and 25.2 J cm−2 by varying the duration of their exposure (1.5, 3 and 6 h) to UVR during the light period (12:12 h light-dark cycle). UVA did not affect the growth of the microalgae, even at the highest dose. In contrast, growth was adversely affected by UVB, especially at the highest dose. The dose that caused 50% inhibition (ID50) in growth was used to assess the sensitivity of the microalgae to UVB. Sensitivity of the microalgae to UVB was species-dependent and also dependent on their biogeographic origin. Of the nine microalgae, the Antarctic Chlorella was most tolerant to UVB stress (ID50 = 21.0 J cm−2). Except for this Chlorella, the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the microalgae decreased in response to high doses of UVB. Fatty acid profile is a useful biomarker for UVB stress for some microalgae. Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Asian Pacific Society of Applied Phycology, Manila, Philippines.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the hypothesis that mycorrhizal infection benefits wild plants to a lesser extent than cultivated plants. This hypothesis stems from two observations: (1) mycorrhizal infection improves plant growth primarily by increasing nutrient uptake, and (2) wild plants often possess special adaptations to soil infertility which are less pronounced in modern cultivated plants. In the first experiment, wild (Avena fatua L.) and cultivated (A. sativa L.) oats were grown hydroponically at four different phosphorus levels. Wild oat was less responsive (in shoot dry weight) to increasing phosphorus availability than cultivated oat. In addition, the root: shoot ratio was much more plastic in wild oat (varying from 0.90 in the low phosphorus solution to 0.25 in the high phosphorus solution) than in cultivated oat (varying from 0.44 to 0.17). In the second experiment, mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal wild and cultivated oats were grown in a phosphorus-deficient soil. Mycorrhizal infection generally improved the vegetative growth of both wild and cultivated oats. However, infection significantly increased plant lifespan, number of panicles per plant, shoot phosphorus concentration, shoot phosphorus content, duration of flowering, and the mean weight of individual seeds in cultivated oat, while it had a significantly reduced effect, no effect, or a negative effect on these characters for wild oat. Poor positive responsiveness of wild oat in these characters was thus associated with what might be considered to be inherent adaptations to nutrient deficiency: high root: shoot ratio and inherently low growth rate. Infection also increased seed phosphorus content and reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

The meiotic behaviour abnormalities, fertility and size of pollen of 6 taxa ofSesamoides have been analysed. Besides diploids (2x), polyploids (4x, 6x, 8x) have been found. The chromosome base number is x = 10, but an origin from x = 5 is suggested.  相似文献   

In order to determine the homologous regions shared by the cultivated Brassica genomes, linkage maps of the diploid cultivated B. rapa (A genome, n = 10), B. nigra (B genome, n = 8) and B. oleracea (C genome, n = 9), were compared. We found intergenomic conserved regions but with extensitve reordering among the genomes. Eighteen linkage groups from all three species could be associated on the basis of homologous segments based on at least three common markers. Intragenomic homologous conservation was also observed for some of the chromosomes of the A, B and C genomes. A possible chromosome phylogenetic pathway based on an ancestral genome of at least five, and no more than seven chromosomes, was drawn from the chromosomal inter-relationships observed. These results demonstrate that extensive duplication and rearrangement have been involved in the formation of the Brassica genomes from a smaller ancestral genome.  相似文献   

This study assesses whether the phylogenetic relationships between SODs from different organisms could assist in elucidating the functional relationships among these enzymes from evolutionarily distinct species. Phylogenetic trees and intron positions were compared to determine the relationships among these enzymes. Alignment of Cu/ZnSOD amino acid sequences indicates high homology among plant sequences, with some features that distinguish chloroplastic from cytosolic Cu/ZnSODs. Among eukaryotes, the plant SODs group together. Alignment of the Mn and FeSOD amino acid sequences indicates a higher degree of homology within the group of MnSODs (>70%) than within FeSODs (approximately 60%). Tree topologies are similar and reflect the taxonomic classification of the corresponding species. Intron number and position in the Cu/Zn Sod genes are highly conserved in plants. Genes encoding cytosolic SODs have seven introns and genes encoding chloroplastic SODs have eight introns, except the chloroplastic maize Sod1, which has seven. In Mn Sod genes the number and position of introns are highly conserved among plant species, but not among nonplant species. The link between the phylogenetic relationships and SOD functions remains unclear. Our findings suggest that the 5' region of these genes played a pivotal role in the evolution of function of these enzymes. Nevertheless, the system of SODs is highly structured and it is critical to understand the physiological differences between the SODs in response to different stresses in order to compare their functions and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Roleda MY  Wiencke C  Hanelt D 《Planta》2006,223(3):407-417
Growth of young sporophytes of the brown algae Laminaria digitata, L. saccharina and L. solidungula from Spitsbergen were measured in the laboratory after being exposed for 21 days to either photosynthetically active radiation (PAR=P) or to full light spectrum (PAR + UV-A + UV-B=PAB) using of cutoff glass filters. The plants were grown at 8±2°C and 16 h light : 8 h dark cycles with 6 h additional ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure in the middle of the light period. Growth was measured every 10 min using growth chambers with online video measuring technique. Tissue morphology and absorption spectra were measured in untreated young sporophytes while chlorophyll (Chl) a content and DNA damage were measured in treated thalli at the end of the experiment. In all species, growth rates were significantly higher in sporophytes exposed to P alone compared to sporophytes exposed to PAB. Tissue DNA damage is dependent on thallus thickness and absorption spectra characteristics of pigments and UV-absorbing compounds. In sporophytes exposed to UVR, energy demands for repair of DNA damage and synthesis of UV-absorbing compounds for protection effectively diverts photosynthate at the expense of growth. Photosynthetic pigment was not significantly different between treatments suggesting a capacity for acclimation to moderate UVR fluence. The general growth pattern in sporophytes exposed to P alone showed an increasing growth rate from the onset of light (0500–0900 hours) to a peak at the middle of the light phase (0900–1500 hours), a decline towards the end of the light phase (1500–2100 hours) and a minimum “low” growth in the dark (2100–0500 hours) relative to growth during the entire light phase. Under PAB, different growth patterns were observed such as growth compensation at night in L. digitata, delayed growth recovery in L. saccharina and minimal but continuous growth in L. solidungula. Growth as an integrative parameter of all physiological processes showed that the effect of UVR is correlated to the depth distribution of these species.  相似文献   

Two uvrA-like genes, designated uvrA1 and uvrA2, that may be involved in nucleotide excision repair in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (X. a. pv. citri) strain XW47 were characterized. The uvrA1 gene was found to be 2,964 bp in length capable of encoding a protein of 987 amino acids. The uvrA2 gene was determined to be 2,529 bp with a coding potential of 842 amino acids. These two proteins share 71 and 39% identity, respectively, in amino acid sequence with the UvrA protein of Escherichia coli. Analyses of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that UvrA1 and UvrA2 have structures characteristic of UvrA proteins, including the Walker A and Walker B motifs, zinc finger DNA binding domains, and helix-turn-helix motif with a polyglycine hinge region. The uvrA1 or uvrA2 mutant, constructed by gene replacement, was more sensitive to DNA-damaging agents methylmethane sulfonate (MMS), mitomycin C (MMC), or ultraviolet (UV) than the wild type. The uvrA1 mutant was four orders of magnitude more sensitive to UV irradiation and two orders of magnitude more sensitive to MMS than the uvrA2 mutant. The uvrA1uvrA2 double mutant was one order of magnitude more sensitive to MMS, MMC, or UV than the uvrA1 single mutant. These results suggest that UvrA1 plays a more important role than UvrA2 in DNA repair in X. a. pv. citri. Both uvrA1 and uvrA2 genes were found to be constitutively expressed in the wild type and lexA1 or lexA2 mutant of X. a. pv. citri, and treatment of these cells with sublethal dose of MMC did not alter the expression of these two genes. Results of electrophoresis mobility shift assays revealed that LexA1 or LexA2 does not bind to either the uvrA1 or the uvrA2 promoter. These results suggest that uvrA expression in X. a. pv. citri is not regulated by the SOS response system.  相似文献   

The number of dominant Vrn genes in common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., is estimated. Data were obtained supporting Pugsley's and Gotoh's data on the presence of a dominant gene Vrn4 in near-isogenic line 'Triple Dirk F'. The presence of a dominant gene Vrn4 in line 'Gabo-2' of cultivar 'Gabo', which was used by Pugsley as a donor of the gene Vrn4 for the near-isogenic line 'Triple Dirk F', was also confirmed. The Vrn2 and Vrn4 relationship and their chromosomal location are discussed. It was demonstrated that the dominant Vrn8 gene which was introgressed from Triticum sphaerococcum to common wheat by Stelmakh and Avsenin is allelic to Vrn4. While genes Vrn6sc and Vrn7sc which were introgressed from rye, Secale cereale L., by the above-mentioned authors are not allelic to the genes Vrn1, Vrn2, Vrn3 and Vrn4.Communicated by J.W. Snape  相似文献   

Ball GE  Acorn JH  Shpeley D 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):39-83
Using for comparison with, and as outgroups for, supertribe Cicindelitae, we describe and illustrate the mandibles and labrum-epipharynx of the basal geadephagans Trachypachus gibbsii LeConte, 1861 (family Trachypachidae), and family Carabidae: Pelophila rudis (LeConte, 1863) (supertribe Nebriitae, tribe Pelophilini) and Ceroglossus chilensis (Eschscholtz, 1829) (supertribe Carabitae, tribe Ceroglossini). The range and pattern of variation in structure of mandibles and labrum-epipharynx within the supertribe Cicindelitae was assessed using scanning-electron (SEM) images of these structures in nine exemplar taxa: Amblycheila baroni (Rivers, 1890), Omus californicus (Eschscholtz, 1829) and Picnochile fallaciosa (Chevrolat, 1854) (representing the Amblycheilini); Manticora tuberculata (DeGeer, 1778) (representing the Manticorini): Tetracha carolina (Linnaeus, 1767) (representing the Megacephalini); Pogonostoma chalybeum (Klug, 1835) (representing the Collyridini); and Therates basalis Dejean, 1826, Oxycheila species, and Cicindela longilabris Say, 1824 (representing the Cicindelini). An evolutionary transformation series was postulated for the mandibles and labrum-epipharynx, based on a reconstructed phylogenetic sequence, which, in turn, was based on morphological and DNAevidence.Principal features of the transformation series for the mandibles included development of a densely setose basal face; wide quadridentate retinaculum; a lengthened incisor tooth; a multidentate terebra (one to five teeth; two-three most frequent), followed by subsequent loss of one or more such teeth; development of a diastema in the occlusal surface; development and subsequent loss of scrobal setae, and reduction and loss of the scrobe. Principal features of the transformation series for the labrum included evolution of form from transverse, sub-rectangular to elongate almost square, to triangular; position and number of setae evolved from dorsal to insertion on the apical margin, the number increased from 8-10 to as many as 36, and decreased to as few as four. The epipharynx broadened evolutionarily, the pedium evolving in form from narrow, triangular and nearly flat, to broad, palatiform, and markedly convex; anterior parapedial setae both increased and decreased in number, and in orientation, from a row parallel to the parapedial ridge to a setal row extended forward at about a right angle to the latter.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands have been a focus for phylogeographic studies on the colonization and diversification of endemic angiosperm taxa. Based on phylogeographic patterns, both inter island colonization and adaptive radiation seem to be the driving forces for speciation in most taxa. Here, we investigated the diversification of Micromeria on the Canary Islands and Madeira at the inter- and infraspecific level using inter simple sequence repeat PCR (ISSR), the trnK-Intron and the trnT-trnL-spacer of the cpDNA and a low copy nuclear gene. The genus Micromeria (Lamiaceae, Mentheae) includes 16 species and 13 subspecies in Macaronesia. Most taxa are restricted endemics, or grow in similar ecological conditions on two islands. An exception is M. varia, a widespread species inhabits the lowland scrub on each island of the archipelago and could represent an ancestral taxon from which radiation started on the different islands. Our analyses support a split between the "eastern" islands Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria and the "western" islands Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro. The colonization of Madeira started from the western Islands, probably from Tenerife as indicated by the sequence data. We identified two lineages of Micromeria on Gomera but all other islands appear to be colonized by a single lineage, supporting adaptive radiation as the major evolutionary force for the diversification of Micromeria. We also discuss the possible role of gene flow between lineages of different Micromeria species on one island after multiple colonizations.  相似文献   

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