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Multiple-transgene co-integration offers a powerful means by which several transgenes can be co-expressed in mammary glands. Independent gene constructs, including bovine -casein-hG-CSF, mWAP-hEPO, and CMV-EGFP, were co-injected into fertilized mouse eggs whereupon 32% (17/54) of the transgenic mice showed integration of all the three constructs. The co-expression ratio of hG-CSF and hEPO proteins in the mouse milk was up to 54% (6/11), attributable to co-integration. Maximal expression of human EPO and G-CSF was about 1 mg l–1 and 540 mg l–1 milk, respectively. There was an inverse relationship between transgene fragment length and integration ratio, and evidence that co-integration events are favoured above single integration events, suggesting that integration of multiple genes may be more facilitated than a single gene. The results have important practical implications for the generation of mammary gland bioreactors, multiple transgene co-integration appearing to be a useful strategy for generating animals expressing several transgenes simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at evaluating the cloning and expression of three rumen microbial fibrolytic enzyme genes in a strain of Lactobacillus reuteri and investigating the probiotic characteristics of these genetically modified lactobacilli. The Neocallimastix patriciarum xylanase gene xynCDBFV, the Fibrobacter succinogenes beta-glucanase (1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase [EC]) gene, and the Piromyces rhizinflata cellulase gene eglA were cloned in a strain of L. reuteri isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. The enzymes were expressed and secreted under the control of the Lactococcus lactis lacA promoter and its secretion signal. The L. reuteri transformed strains not only acquired the capacity to break down soluble carboxymethyl cellulose, beta-glucan, or xylan but also showed high adhesion efficiency to mucin and mucus and resistance to bile salt and acid.  相似文献   

Threonine is a nutritionally essential amino acid (EAA) for the growth and development of humans and other nonruminant animals and must be provided in diets to sustain life. The aim of this study was to synthesize threonine in mammalian cells through transgenic techniques. To achieve this goal, we combined the genes involved in bacterial threonine biosynthesis pathways into a single open reading frame separated by self-cleaving peptides (2A) and then linked it into a transposon system (piggyBac). The plasmids pEF1a-IRES-GFP-E2F-his and pEF1a-IRES-GFP-M2F-his expressed Escherichia coli homoserine kinase and threonine synthase efficiently in mouse cells and enabled cells to synthesize threonine from homoserine. This biosynthetic pathway occurred with a low level of efficiency in transgenic mice. Three transgenic mice were identified by Southern blot from 72 newborn mice, raising the possibility that a high level of expression of these genes in mouse embryos might be lethal. The results indicated that it is feasible to synthesize threonine in animal cells using genetic engineering technology. Further work is required to improve the efficiency of this method for introducing genes into mammals. We propose that the transgenic technology provides a promising means to enhance the synthesis of nutritionally EAAs in farm animals and to eliminate or reduce supplementation of these nutrients in diets for livestock, poultry and fish.  相似文献   

A human bacteriophage clone containing adult beta-globin genes with four Alu sequences was microinjected to produce transgenic mice. Southern blot analysis on the spleen of a transgenic mouse revealed an unusual hybridization pattern that suggested extensive dispersion of human DNA throughout the mouse genome. This pattern was reproducible using several restriction enzymes, including a noncutting enzyme. The hybridization pattern was not observed in other tissues, and sequences were not detected in progeny using the bacteriophage probe. However, hybridization of spleen DNA of offspring against a human Alu probe revealed genetic transmission of human Alu sequences. The results suggest dispersion of microinjected Alu sequences throughout the genome.  相似文献   

Althoughin vivo models utilizing endogenous reporter genes have been exploited for many years, the use of reporter transgenes to dissect biological issues in transgenic animals has been a relatively recent development. These transgenes are often, but not always, of prokaryotic origin and encode products not normally associated with eukaryotic cells and tissues. Some encode enzymes whose activities are detected in cell and tissue homogenates, whereas others encode products that can be detectedin situ at the single cell level. Reporter genes have been used to identify regulatory elements that are important for tissue-specific gene expression or for development; they have been used to producein vivo models of cancer; they have been employed for the study ofin vivo mutagenesis; and they have been used as a tool in lineage analysis and for marking cells in transplanation experiments. The most commonly usedin situ reporter gene islacZ, which encodes a bacterial -galactosidase, a sensitive histochemical marker. Although it has been used with striking success in cultured cells and in transgenic mouse embryos, its postnatalin vivo expression has been unreliable and disappointing. Nevertheless, the ability to express reporter genes in transgenic mice has been an invaluable resource, providing insights intoin vivo biological mechanisms. The development of newin vivo models, such as those in which expression of transgenes can be activated or repressed, should produce transgenic animal systems that extend our capacity to address heretofore unresolved biological questions.  相似文献   

The ability to introduce cloned genes into mouse germ line has been used for analyzing cis-acting DNA sequences involved in tissue-specific and developmental regulation of the introduced gene. Using this system we have attempted to produce a transgenic mouse model for human dominantly inherited disease, familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Recently the mutant transthyretin gene which is considered to be responsible for this disease has been cloned and well characterized at molecular level. We have produced transgenic mice by microinjecting human mutant gene. Amyloid deposition was observed in the mucosa of alimentary tract and renal glomeruli, suggesting that this approach is successful in establishing the mouse model for human genetic disease. In addition, these experiments suggest that the expression of the mutant gene is regulated normally during developmental process and that the cause of adult onset is not due to the dysregulation of this gene expression.  相似文献   

Neuronal expression of chimeric genes in transgenic mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Co-expression of two LTB4 receptors in human mononuclear cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Yokomizo T  Izumi T  Shimizu T 《Life sciences》2001,68(19-20):2207-2212
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is one of the most potent chemoattractants and activators of leukocytes, and is involved in inflammatory diseases. Two G-protein-coupled-receptors for LTB4, BLT1 and BLT2, have been isolated, and shown to be a high- and low-affinity receptor, respectively. The tissue distributions of these receptors are different, and distinct roles of each receptor remain elusive. We compared the expression of these two receptors using semi-quantitative PCR analyses, and show that these two receptors are expressed in various subsets of human lymphocytes in different quantities. BLT1 expression is highest in CD14+ monocytes, while BLT2 expression is high in CD8+ cytotoxic T-, CD4+ helper T-, and CD19+ B-cells. Moreover, BLT2 expression in these lymphocytes decreased upon activation of the cells. We also established CHO cells stably expressing both receptors, and found that these cells could migrate toward LTB4 with a broad range of LTB4. These findings suggest novel roles of LTB4 in immune system, and the biological significance of high- and low- affinity LTB4 receptors in chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Wen  Jinkun  Wu  Jinni  Cao  Tianqi  Zhi  Shengyao  Chen  Yuxi  Aagaard  Lars  Zhen  Peilin  Huang  Yanming  Zhong  Jianxin  Huang  Junjiu 《Transgenic research》2021,30(1):63-76
Transgenic Research - Taking advantage of their ability to integrate their genomes into the host genome, lentiviruses have been used to rapidly produce transgenic mice in biomedical research. In...  相似文献   

Insertional mutation of 'classical' and novel genes in transgenic mice.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Approximately 5% of established transgenic lines carry insertional mutations. The mutated genes may be directly isolated using the transgene DNA as a molecular probe. These mutants provide useful models of human inherited disorders and developmental abnormalities.  相似文献   

We report results showing that several gamma gene promoter elements participate in the developmental control of gamma-globin genes. Four gamma gene constructs with 5' truncated at -141, -201, -382, and -730 of the A gamma gene promoter linked to a micro locus control region (microLCR) cassette were used for production of transgenic mice and analysis of gamma gene expression during development. Mice carrying a microLCR -141 A gamma construct displayed downregulation of gamma gene expression in the adult stage of development, indicating that the proximal promoter contains elements participating in gamma gene silencing. Mice carrying a microLCR -201 A gamma or a microLCR -382 A gamma construct displayed high gamma gene expression in the fetal stage of development and complete loss of gamma gene downregulation in the adult stage, suggesting that the -141 to -201 gamma gene sequence contains elements which upregulate gamma gene expression and are dominant over the negative element 3' to -141. Extension of the promoter to -730 resulted in reappearance of gamma gene downregulation, suggesting that the -382 to -730 sequences contain an adult-stage-specific silencer. gamma gene expression in the microLCR -201 A gamma and the microLCR -382 A gamma transgenic mice was copy number dependent. All the microLCR -730 A gamma transgenic mice expressed gamma mRNA; however, gamma gene expression was copy number independent, indicating that levels of gamma gene expression were modulated by the surrounding chromatin. Our results suggest that multiple elements participate in gamma gene silencing. The findings in the microLCR-201 A gamma and microLCR -382 A gamma transgenic mice are interpreted to indicate that the LCR interacts not only with the minimal gamma gene promoter but also with sequences of the upstream promoter. We postulate that gamma gene downregulation is achieved when the interaction between LCR and the upstream promoter is disturbed by the silencer located in the -382 to -730 region. We propose that gamma gene silencing is achieved by the combined effect of negative elements located 3' to -141, the negative element located between -382 and -730, and the competition by the beta gene promoter during the adult stage of development.  相似文献   

Introduction of human plasma protein genes into the mouse genome to produce transgenic mice furnishes an in vivo model for correlating chromosomal DNA sequences with developmental and tissue-specific expression. The liver produces an array of plasma proteins that circulate throughout the body contributing to homeostasis. Non-hepatic tissue sites of synthesis have been identified where a local provision of plasma proteins in needed. Analysis of expression of human plasma protein genes in ageing transgenic mice appears especialy promising in identifying DNA sequences that respond to environmental adversities such as inflammatory factors, hormonal changes and metal toxicity. The results indicate that human genes encoding and controlling liver plasma proteins serve as useful models for studying genetic regulation in the background of development and ageing.  相似文献   

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