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Biofuels such as bioethanol are becoming a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Utilizing agricultural biomass for the production of biofuel has drawn much interest in many science and engineering disciplines. As one of the major crops, maize offers promise in this regard. Compared to other crops with biofuel potential, maize can provide both starch (seed) and cellulosic (stover) material for bioethanol production. However, the combination of food, feed and fuel in one crop, although appealing, raises concerns related to the land delineation and distribution of maize grown for energy versus food and feed. To avoid this dilemma, the conversion of maize biomass into bioethanol must be improved. Conventional breeding, molecular marker assisted breeding and genetic engineering have already had, and will continue to have, important roles in maize improvement. The rapidly expanding information from genomics and genetics combined with improved genetic engineering technologies offer a wide range of possibilities for enhanced bioethanol production from maize.  相似文献   


Key message

Heterologous expression of amylopullulanase in maize seeds leads to partial starch degradation into fermentable sugars, which enhances direct bioethanol production from maize grain.


Utilization of maize in bioethanol industry in the United States reached ±13.3 billion gallons in 2012, most of which was derived from maize grain. Starch hydrolysis for bioethanol industry requires the addition of thermostable alpha amylase and amyloglucosidase (AMG) enzymes to break down the α-1,4 and α-1,6 glucosidic bonds of starch that limits the cost effectiveness of the process on an industrial scale due to its high cost. Transgenic plants expressing a thermostable starch-degrading enzyme can overcome this problem by omitting the addition of exogenous enzymes during the starch hydrolysis process. In this study, we generated transgenic maize plants expressing an amylopullulanase (APU) enzyme from the bacterium Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus. A truncated version of the dual functional APU (TrAPU) that possesses both alpha amylase and pullulanase activities was produced in maize endosperm tissue using a seed-specific promoter of 27-kD gamma zein. A number of analyses were performed at 85 °C, a temperature typically used for starch processing. Firstly, enzymatic assay and thin layer chromatography analysis showed direct starch hydrolysis into glucose. In addition, scanning electron microscopy illustrated porous and broken granules, suggesting starch autohydrolysis. Finally, bioethanol assay demonstrated that a 40.2 ± 2.63 % (14.7 ± 0.90 g ethanol per 100 g seed) maize starch to ethanol conversion was achieved from the TrAPU seeds. Conversion efficiency was improved to reach 90.5 % (33.1 ± 0.66 g ethanol per 100 g seed) when commercial amyloglucosidase was added after direct hydrolysis of TrAPU maize seeds. Our results provide evidence that enzymes for starch hydrolysis can be produced in maize seeds to enhance bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Key technologies for bioethanol production from lignocellulose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Controversies on bioethanol produced from straw mainly revolve around the unfitted economical feasibility and environmental concerns of the process, which attribute mainly to unilateral researches from own specialties of each scholar without regard to the characteristics of the straws themselves. To achieve an economical and environmentally-friendly system of bioethanol production from straw, a number of breakthroughs are needed, not only in individual process steps, but also in the balance and combination of these processes. This article gives an overview of the new technologies required and the advances achieved in recent years, especial progresses achieved in our group, based on the concept of fractional conversions. An eco-industrial multi-production pattern is established, by which the maximum efficacy and benefit of process can be achieved due to the production of many high-value co-products simultaneously with ethanol. We believed that, in the future, the bioethanol production from straw will be competitive economically and environmentally.  相似文献   

Maize has traditionally been the main staple diet in the Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and widely grown by millions of resource poor small scale farmers. Approximately, 35.4 million hectares are sown to tropical maize, constituting around 59% of the developing worlds. Tropical maize encounters tremendous challenges besides poor agro-climatic situations with average yields recorded <3 tones/hectare that is far less than the average of developed countries. On the contrary to poor yields, the demand for maize as food, feed, and fuel is continuously increasing in these regions. Heterosis breeding introduced in early 90 s improved maize yields significantly, but genetic gains is still a mirage, particularly for crop growing under marginal environments. Application of molecular markers has accelerated the pace of maize breeding to some extent. The availability of array of sequencing and genotyping technologies offers unrivalled service to improve precision in maize-breeding programs through modern approaches such as genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, bulk segregant analysis-based sequencing approaches, etc. Superior alleles underlying complex traits can easily be identified and introgressed efficiently using these sequence-based approaches. Integration of genomic tools and techniques with advanced genetic resources such as nested association mapping and backcross nested association mapping could certainly address the genetic issues in maize improvement programs in developing countries. Huge diversity in tropical maize and its inherent capacity for doubled haploid technology offers advantage to apply the next generation genomic tools for accelerating production in marginal environments of tropical and subtropical world. Precision in phenotyping is the key for success of any molecular-breeding approach. This article reviews genomic technologies and their application to improve agronomic traits in tropical maize breeding has been reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

苎麻和红麻是我国传统纤维作物,皮部纤维在造纸、纺织等工业具有广泛用途,但剥皮后剩余的茎秆部分并没有被有效利用。由于其中含有较多纤维素,可望被生物转化生产燃料乙醇。比较了几种不同化学预处理方法对苎麻秆和红麻秆纤维素酶解性能的改善效果,进而选择碱法预处理后原料,进行半同步糖化发酵产乙醇实验。结果表明,苎麻秆和红麻秆经4%NaOH和0.02%蒽醌-2-磺酸钠盐(AQSS),在170℃下处理1 h,继而在固形物底物浓度18%时发酵168 h,发酵液中乙醇浓度达到51 g/L。采用少量多次补料至20%的底物浓度,乙醇浓度都能达到63 g/L,纤维素转化率分别为77%和79%。红麻秆经5.2%NaHSO3和0.2%H2SO4,在170℃下处理1 h,补料至20%的底物浓度时,乙醇浓度可达到65 g/L,纤维素转化率为72%。  相似文献   

Type II callus production and plant regeneration in tropical maize genotypes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A total of 113 maize inbreds adapted to tropical conditions were evaluated for their tissue culture response. Additionally, four media combinations of 15 or 30 μm dicamba with or without 88 μm AgNO3 were used to study the effect of dicamba and AgNO3 on type II callus production and plant regeneration from 42 of the inbred lines. Inbreds 48, 389 and 1345 of the populations BR 105, BR 112, and Catete, respectively, showed a high capacity for type II callus production and plant regeneration. The production of type II calli increased significantly when the concentration of dicamba was changed from 15 to 30 μm and when AgNO3 was added to the medium. A synergistic effect between 88 μm AgNO3 and 30 μm dicamba (CM-30Ag medium) was observed, leading to additional production of type II callus. Medium CM-30Ag allowed the best tissue culture performance and plant regeneration capacity. Received: 5 October 1996 / Revision received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 9 May 1997  相似文献   

A strong photosynthetic performance and rapid leaf development, are important indicators of vigorous early growth. The aim of this study was to (1) evaluate the tropical maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines CML444 and SC-Malawi for their photosynthetic performance at different growth stages and (2) assess quantitative trait loci (QTL) of photosynthesis-related traits in their 236 recombinant inbred lines at the heterotrophic growth stage. CML444 had a higher leaf chlorophyll (SPAD) content than SC-Malawi. Ten QTLs were found for the quantum efficiency of photosystem II (ΦPSII; four), SPAD (three) and the specific leaf area (SLA; three). The relevance of seedling QTLs for ΦPSII, SPAD and SLA for yield formation is emphasized by seven collocations (bins 5.01, 7.03, 8.05) with QTLs for kernel number and grain yield under field conditions. QTLs for SPAD at the V2 and at the reproductive stage did not collocate, indicating differences in the genetic control of SPAD at different growth stages. Knowing which loci affect SLA, SPAD and ΦPSII simultaneously and which do not will help to optimize light harvest by the canopy.  相似文献   

In the short term, the production of bioethanol as a liquid transport fuel is almost entirely dependent on starch and sugars from existing food crops. The sustainability of this industry would be enhanced by increases in the yield of starch/sugar per hectare without further inputs into the crops concerned. Efforts to achieve increased yields of starch over the last three decades, in particular via manipulation of the enzyme ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase, have met with limited success. Other approaches have included manipulation of carbon partitioning within storage organs in favour of starch synthesis, and attempts to manipulate source–sink relationships. Some of the most promising results so far have come from manipulations that increase the availability of ATP for starch synthesis. Future options for achieving increased starch contents could include manipulation of starch degradation in organs in which starch turnover is occurring, and introduction of starch synthesis into the cytosol. Sucrose accumulation is much less well understood than starch synthesis, but recent results from research on sugar cane suggest that total sugar content can be greatly increased by conversion of sucrose into a non-metabolizable isomer. A better understanding of carbohydrate storage and turnover in relation to carbon assimilation and plant growth is required, both for improvement of starch and sugar crops and for attempts to increase biomass production in second-generation biofuel crops.  相似文献   



Despite its semi-commercial status, ethanol production from lignocellulosics presents many complexities not yet fully solved. Since the pretreatment stage has been recognized as a complex and yield-determining step, it has been extensively studied. However, economic success of the production process also requires optimization of the biochemical conversion stage. This work addresses the search of bioreactor configurations with improved residence times for continuous enzymatic saccharification and fermentation operations. Instead of analyzing each possible configuration through simulation, we apply graphical methods to optimize the residence time of reactor networks composed of steady-state reactors. Although this can be easily made for processes described by a single kinetic expression, reactions under analysis do not exhibit this feature. Hence, the attainable region method, able to handle multiple species and its reactions, was applied for continuous reactors. Additionally, the effects of the sugars contained in the pretreatment liquor over the enzymatic hydrolysis and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) were assessed.


We obtained candidate attainable regions for separate enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) and SSF operations, both fed with pretreated corn stover. Results show that, despite the complexity of the reaction networks and underlying kinetics, the reactor networks that minimize the residence time can be constructed by using plug flow reactors and continuous stirred tank reactors. Regarding the effect of soluble solids in the feed stream to the reactor network, for SHF higher glucose concentration and yield are achieved for enzymatic hydrolysis with washed solids. Similarly, for SSF, higher yields and bioethanol titers are obtained using this substrate.


In this work, we demonstrated the capabilities of the attainable region analysis as a tool to assess the optimal reactor network with minimum residence time applied to the SHF and SSF operations for lignocellulosic ethanol production. The methodology can be readily modified to evaluate other kinetic models of different substrates, enzymes and microorganisms when available. From the obtained results, the most suitable reactor configuration considering residence time and rheological aspects is a continuous stirred tank reactor followed by a plug flow reactor (both in SSF mode) using washed solids as substrate.

Bioethanol (fuel alcohol) has been produced by industrial alcoholic fermentation processes in Brazil since the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, 432 mills and distilleries crush about 625 million tons of sugarcane per crop, producing about 27 billion liters of ethanol and 38.7 million tons of sugar. The production of bioethanol from sugarcane represents a major large-scale technology capable of producing biofuel efficiently and economically, providing viable substitutes to gasoline. The combination of immobilization of CO2 by sugarcane crops by photosynthesis into biomass together with alcoholic fermentation of this biomass has allowed production of a clean and high-quality liquid fuel that contains 93% of the original energy found in sugar. Over the last 30 years, several innovations have been introduced to Brazilian alcohol distilleries resulting in the improvement of plant efficiency and economic competitiveness. Currently, the main scientific challenges are to develop new technologies for bioethanol production from first and second generation feedstocks that exhibit positive energy balances and appropriately meet environmental sustainability criteria. This review focuses on these aspects and provides special emphasis on the selection of new yeast strains, genetic breeding, and recombinant DNA technology, as applied to bioethanol production processes.  相似文献   

The applicability of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to bioethanol production is investigated. The NIR technique can provide assistance for rapid process monitoring, because organic compounds absorb radiation in the wavelength range 1100–2300 nm. For quantification of a sample's chemical composition, a calibration model is required that relates the measured spectral NIR absorbances to concentrations. For calibration, the concentrations in g/l are determined by the analytical reference method high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The calibration models are built and validated for moisture, protein, and starch in the feedstock material, and for glucose, ethanol, glycerol, lactic acid, acetic acid, maltose, fructose, and arabinose in the processed broths. These broths are prepared in laboratory experiments: The ground cereal samples are fermented to alcoholic broths (‘mash’), which are divided into an ethanol fraction and the residual fraction ‘stillage’ by distillation. The NIR technology together with chemometrics proved itself beneficial for fast monitoring of the current state of the bioethanol process, primarily for higher concentrated substances (>1 g/l).  相似文献   

Pretreatment using ethylene glycol was investigated to enhance the enzyme digestibility of wastepaper. The pretreatment was conducted over a wide range of conditions including sulfuric acid concentrations of 1.3 ∼ 4.7%, temperatures of 143.2 ∼ 176.7°C and reaction time of 1.6 ∼ 18.4 min. The optimum conditions were around 2% sulfuric acid, 150°C and 15 min. At these conditions, 60 and 75% of hemicellulose and lignin, respectively, were removed while cellulose remained intact. Additionally, an enzyme digestibility of 94% was achieved. From the substrate dissolution analysis, the dissolution yield was strongly related to the enzymatic digestibility and the removal of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Also, the dissolution yield was directly related to the severity parameter, which provides a quantitative prediction of the intensity of a reaction. Recycling and re-use of ethylene glycol were also studied. Ethylene glycol could be recycled and re-used at least four times without significantly lowering the pretreatment performance.  相似文献   

The by-products of bioethanol production such as thin stillage (TS) and condensed distillers solubles (CDS) were used as a potential nitrogen source for economical production of lactic acid. The effect of those by-products and their concentrations on lactic acid fermentation were investigated using Lactobacillus paracasei CHB2121. Approximately, 6.7 g/L of yeast extract at a carbon source to nitrogen source ratio of 15 was required to produce 90 g/L of lactic acid in the medium containing 100 g/L of glucose. Batch fermentation of TS medium resulted in 90 g/L of lactic acid after 48 h, and the medium containing 10 % CDS resulted in 95 g/L of lactic acid after 44 h. Therefore, TS and CDS could be considered as potential alternative fermentation medium for the economical production of lactic acid. Furthermore, lactic acid fermentation was performed using only cassava and CDS for commercial production of lactic acid. The volumetric productivity of lactic acid [2.94 g/(L·h)] was 37 % higher than the productivity obtained from the medium with glucose and CDS.  相似文献   



Pretreatment is an essential step in the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass and subsequent production of bioethanol. Recent results indicate that only a mild pretreatment is necessary in an industrial, economically feasible system. The Integrated Biomass Utilisation System hydrothermal pretreatment process has previously been shown to be effective in preparing wheat straw for these processes without the application of additional chemicals. In the current work, the effect of the pretreatment on the straw cell-wall matrix and its components are characterised microscopically (atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and spectroscopically (attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) in order to understand this increase in digestibility.  相似文献   

Fermentation of lignocellulosic materials to ethanol and other solvents provides an alternative way of treating wastes and producing chemical feedstocks and fuel additives. Considerable efforts have been made in past 10 years to improve the process based on lignocellulosic biomass and hydrolysate that contains a complex mixture of sugars, decomposition products of sugars, and sometimes the inhibitory levels of soluble lignin. Despite the relative abundance of D-xylose in crop and forest residues it has not been found efficiently fermentable by most of the microorganisms. Recent research has revealed that D-xylose may be fermented to ethanol and organic acids. Recently, several strains of Fusarium oxysporum have been found to have potential for converting not only D-xylose, but also cellulose to ethanol in a one-step process. Distinguishing features of F. oxysporum for ethanol production in comparison to other organisms are identified. These include the advantage of in situ cellulase production and cellulose fermentation, pentose fermentation, and the tolerance of sugars and ethanol. The main disadvantage is the slow conversion rate when compared with yeast.  相似文献   

Eastern gamagrass (Trypsacum dactyloides) is a C4 perennial grass, native to the USA with desirable characteristics that warrants further investigation as a new lignocellulosic crop for bioethanol production. Chemical composition assays showed that eastern gamagrass had comparable cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin compositions to those of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). With the cellulose solvent-based lignocellulose fractionation (CSLF) pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic saccharification, 80.5–99.8% of cellulosic glucose was released from the gamagrass biomass, which was 10–17% greater than the glucose release efficiency from switchgrass (73.5–87.1%). Furthermore, the hydrolysate of gamagrass supported greater ethanol fermentation yield (up to 0.496 g/g glucose) than the hydrolysates of switchgrass. As such, in the whole process of biomass-to-ethanol conversion, gamagrass could yield 13–35% more ethanol per gram of biomass than switchgrass, indicating that gamagrass has high potential as an alternative energy feedstock for lignocellulosic ethanol production.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae细胞表面展示表达系统是一种固定化表达异源蛋白质的真核展示系统,具有糖基化作用及蛋白翻译后折叠等优势,更利于基因工程操作。近年来,酵母细胞表面工程作为一种新兴策略来固定化淀粉水解酶、纤维素水解酶以及木聚糖降解酶,从而应用于燃料乙醇的生产。文中着重介绍了酵母细胞表面展示系统的基本原理、研究现状以及在生物乙醇生产中的应用前景及所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

The use of lignocellulosic raw materials in bioethanol production has been intensively investigated in recent years. However, for efficient conversion to ethanol, many pretreatment steps are required prior to hydrolysis and fermentation. Coffee stands out as the most important agricultural product in Brazil and wastes such as pulp and coffee husk are generated during the wet and dry processing to obtain green grains, respectively. This work focused on the optimization of alkaline pretreatment of coffee pulp with the aim of making its use in the alcoholic fermentation. A central composite rotatable design was used with three independent variables: sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide concentrations and alkaline pretreatment time, totaling 17 experiments. After alkaline pretreatment the concentration of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin remaining in the material, the subsequent hydrolysis of the cellulose component and its fermentation of substrate were evaluated. The results indicated that pretreatment using 4% (w/v) sodium hydroxide solution, with no calcium hydroxide, and 25 min treatment time gave the best results (69.18% cellulose remaining, 44.15% hemicelluloses remaining, 25.19% lignin remaining, 38.13 g/L of reducing sugars, and 27.02 g/L of glucose) and produced 13.66 g/L of ethanol with a yield of 0.4 g ethanol/g glucose. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:451–462, 2014  相似文献   

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